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J. Vet. Pub. Hlth., 2013, 11 (2): 83-90 VETERINARY PUBLIC


Development of Slide Agglutination Test for the Differentiation of Salmonella

Typhimurium Infection from Poultry Specific Salmonella Serovars
T.G. Sumithra, V.K. Chaturvedi1*, A.K. Rai, S.C. Sunita, C. Susan2 and S.J. Siju
Division of Bacteriology and Mycology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, U.P.

(Received 01.12.2012; accepted 30.07.2013)

Contaminated poultry meat and eggs are the important source of Salmonella Typhimurium infection
to humans. S. Gallinarum and S. Pullorum are other frequent poultry serovars, specific to avian species,
causing infection in poultry. Thus, differentiation of these two types of infections of poultry is having a
high public health importance. In an attempt for developing a rapid and convenient differential agglutina-
tion test for this purpose, it was found that 1: 10 dilution of the prepared S. Typhimurium antigen could
differentiate this infection from poultry specific Salmonella serovars which can also be attained by undi-
luted antigen after pre-adsorption of S. Pullorum agglutinin from test sera. Since the specificity of earlier
method was limited to the first 2 min, the later was found to be better. Agglutination using the second
scheme showed a sensitivity of 85.41% with experimental infection and 100% correlation with tube
agglutination test. It was also found that 3+ or more degree of agglutination and any degree of agglutina-
tion within 5 min is equal to a STAT antibody titre of 1:30 or more. We suggest that the developed method
may be used to screen S. Typhimurium infections in poultry farms.

Keywords: Gallinarum, poultry, Pullorum, Salmonella, slide agglutination test, Typhimurium

Introduction 2009). Of these, S. Typhimurium is one of the most

common serovar (Barrow and Neto, 2011). Apart
Human infections caused by non-typhoidal from the self limiting enteric infections of humans,
Salmonella have been an increasing problem in both this can cause life threatening conditions in
industrialized and developing countries for the last immunocompromized patients (Dionisi et al., 2009).
several decades (Carnell et al., 2007). As S. Gallinarum and S. Pullorum are other frequent
contaminated poultry meat and eggs are the most poultry serovars but are largely specific to avian
concerned reservoirs of this infection (Cheong et al., species (Paiva et al., 2009). Thus, the differentiation
2007), control measures should focus on reducing of S. Typhimurium from these serovars is essential
the exposure from poultry sources. However, among from public health point perspectives. But,
2,668 Salmonella enterica serovars (Akbarmehr et differentiation based on bacterial isolation is lengthy,
al., 2010), only limited ones are associated with both laborious and costly (Nagappa et al., 2007).
poultry and human salmonellosis (Paiva et al., Concurrently, serology remains an interesting
alternative, because of its possible automation, low
cost and ability to detect chronic infections without
*Corresponding author:
Salmonella excretion (Skov et al., 2002).
Division of Biological Products, Indian Veterinary Research
Institute, Izatnagar, U.P. 243122 Slide agglutination test is a suitable serological
Division of Pathology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, diagnostic technique as it is rapid, simple to perform
Izatnagar, U.P. 243122 and inexpensive (Lilenbaum et al., 2002). However,
84 Sumithra et al.

agglutination simply based on the whole cell antigen containing 125 to 150 ml of nutrient agar. Following
of S. Typhimurium can cross react with S. Pullorum/ incubation at 37oC for 72 h, the growth was harvested
Gallinarum due to the common 012 somatic antigen with 0.5% formal saline and examined for purity.
(Poppe et al., 1992), leading to unjustified Subsequent to passing through muslin cloth sieve,
condemnation of many poultry samples from human the filtrate was kept at 37oC for 24 h for complete
consumption. So, in the present study an attempt inactivation and then tested for sterility. The harvest
was made to standardize a rapid and convenient slide was then centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 30 min in a
agglutination test for the differential diagnosis of S. cooling centrifuge. One ml of the packed cell was
Typhimurium infections from other poultry specific then re-suspended in 10 ml of resuspending solution
Salmonella serovar infections. Further, the results (1% formalin, 1% KH 2 PO4 and 0.85% sodium
of the standardized test were compared with standard chloride) and mixed thoroughly. To 100 ml of this
tube agglutination test (STAT). Additionally we used antigenic suspension 3 ml of 1% aqueous solution
this test for the screening of 50 poultry received from of crystal violet was added. After mixing, the colored
an organized farm in Uttar Pradesh. antigen was allowed to stand 48 h and then stored
in amber colored bottle at 4oC.
Materials and Methods
Production of S. Typhimurium positive serum
An aluminium hydroxide gel vaccine of S.
Clinically healthy chicks (4 weeks old) and adult Typhimurium was prepared and used for raising S.
chicken of either sex (10-19 weeks old) were Typhimurium positive serum in chicken. For this,
procured from CARI, Izatnagar and maintained under O.D. of the above bacterial harvest was adjusted to
standard conditions of nutrition and management. Brown opacity tube no. 9 with sterile normal saline
The absence of subclinical Salmonella infections followed by the adjustment of pH to 6.2-6.4 by
were confirmed serologically by using poly ‘O’ sera sterilized sodium hydroxide solution. Forty parts of
(Division of biological products, IVRI) (Kauffmann, autoclaved 3% aluminium hydroxide gel was then
1964). added to 60 parts of the bacterial suspension and
agitated slowly at room temperature for 4 h. After
Bacterial culture
testing safety in 3 chicks, 0.5 ml was injected i/m as
Agar slant culture of S. Typhimurium (Culture the first dose of antigen in adult chicken. Thereafter
code E2393) obtained from National Salmonella a booster dose was given at 14th day. Seven days
Centre, IVRI, Bareilly was used. This strain was after second injection serum was collected and stored
initially isolated from a 4 week old chick in Pune and at -70oC.
since then it is being maintained by National
Salmonella Centre. After sub culturing on Mac Standardization of agglutination test
Conkey agar, colonies were characterized The cross reaction between S. Typhimurium and
morphologically using Gram’s stain and serologically S. Pullorum was confirmed by observing the
with poly ‘O” sera. Molecular confirmation was done agglutination between Typhimurium antigen and
using Salmonella specific fimA (Cohen et al. 1996) Pullorum specific serum (Division of biological
and S. Typhimurium specific STM4497 primers (Kim products, IVRI). The colored antigens of S.
et al. 2006). After characterization glycerol stock was Typhimurium (prepared as above) and S. Pullorum
made and stored at -20oC. (Division of biological products, IVRI) were
resuspended as 5% bacterial cell concentration and
Production of S. Typhimurium colored antigen
used for standardization by two schemes. In the first
Hundred millimeter of nutrient broth was scheme, undiluted and each tenfold dilutions of S.
inoculated from the master seed and incubated at Typhimurium antigen were used for agglutination
37oC for 24 h. After testing for purity, 3 ml of the against control, known positive S. Typhimurium and
culture was used for sowing Roux flasks each S. Pullorum serum. The highest dilution showing
Development of slide agglutination test for the differentiation of Salmonella 85

definite positive and negative pattern with S. dilution, 0.5 ml of the antigen was added and racks
Typhimurium and S. Pullorum serum, respectively, containing the tubes were shaken and incubated in
was found out. In the second scheme, an equal water bath at 37oC for 18 h. The tubes were then
amount of S. Typhimurium positive sera and S. examined for agglutination in front of a light source.
Pullorum colored antigen was mixed together and STAT titre was expressed as the reciprocal of highest
incubated at 37oC for 1 h to allow the agglutination dilution showing 100% clearing.
reaction between the shared antigens and antibodies.
The agglutinated mass was removed by Statistical analysis of the results was done using
centrifugation at 10000 rpm for 5 min in a cooling SPSS 17 software to find out the mean values of
centrifuge. Thirty µl of the resultant sera were used STAT titre and correlation between STAT and the
for agglutination against of S. Typhimurium and proposed agglutination test.
Pullorum antigens. In both methods, the degree of
Validation with field samples
agglutination were recorded as 4+ (one solid
aggregate or clump of cells), 3+ (several large As a field trial, 50 poultry serum samples
aggregates with clear background), 2+ (small to collected from birds maintained in an organized farm,
medium sized aggregates and clear background) 1+ Izatnagar were screened by the standardized slide
(small aggregates, turbid bluish background). agglutination test.

Experimental infection Results and Discussion

For determining the sensitivity of this test in S. Typhimurium, a zoonotic enteric pathogen of
comparison with STAT, birds were experimentally worldwide importance, has the ability to infect a wide
made positive to S. Typhimurium infection. For this, range of hosts (Carnell et al., 2007). In humans, the
a total of 18 birds were equally divided into three infection is often acquired through consumption of
groups. Group A were inoculated with 0.5 ml of an infected poultry meat or eggs (Beal et al., 2004) and
inactivated aluminium hydroxide vaccine, prepared infection can range in severity from subclinical
as described earlier. Group B were orally inoculated infection, through mild diarrhoea, to severe systemic
with a single dose 1 ml of 18 h old broth culture disease (Carnell et al., 2007). Conversely, the
(1.47x 109 CFU/ml) of S. Typhimurium. Group C were infection in poultry more than 3 days of age, results
kept as control. Each group was housed in a separate in a persistent enteric infection without clinical
room. Serum was collected before inoculation and disease (Beal et al., 2004). Consequently, the
at weekly intervals for 4 week post-inoculation. The infected flocks are difficult to identify and represents
standardized agglutination test was performed on a major source for entry into the human food chain
all sera samples. Sensitivity of the test was calculated (Beal et al., 2004). Hence, detection of S.
as the number of test positive hens divided by the Typhimurium infected poultry flocks is necessary to
total number of hens infected with S. Typhimurium control the infection among human population
(Jouy et al., 2006). (Nagappa et al., 2007). Although sensitivity of
bacteriological methods is generally sufficient, it
Comparison with STAT cannot recognize intermittent excreters (Bager and
The whole cell antigen prepared by re- Petersen, 1991). At the same time, due to the high
suspending the formalized S. Typhimurium cell pellet concentrations of circulating IgG persisting for
in normal saline solution to give turbidity equivalent several months following Salmonella infection,
to Brown’s opacity tube No.2 was used as antigen serological tests can detect such intermittent
for STAT. The protocol of Barsoum and Awad (1972) excreters (Barrow, 1992). The commonly used
was followed with minor modifications. Briefly, after serological tests for Salmonella include rapid serum
removal of the S. Pullorum agglutinin from test sera agglutination test (RSAT), tube agglutination,
after adsorption, serial two fold dilutions of serum microagglutination, and enzyme-linked
samples were made in normal saline. To each serum immunosorbent assay (ELISA) etc (Barrow, 1992;
86 Sumithra et al.

Table 1. Standardization of agglutination with various dilutions of S. Typhimurium antigen

S. Typhimurium serum S. Pullorum serum* Control serum

S. Typhimurium Undiluted ++++ ++ -

antigen 1 : 5 dilution ++++ + -
(5 % suspension) 1: 10 dilution ++++ - -
1: 20 dilution +++ - -
* The results within 2 min are given

Table 2. Results of rapid plate agglutination test in experimental S. Typhimurium infection

Group Identification code Days post infection
of poultry 7 14 21 28
A 1401 +++ (4-5 min) +++ (3-4 min) ++ (6-7 min) -
1402 - +++ (3-4 min) ++++ (1 min) +++ (3-4 min)
1405 +++ (5 min) ++++ (4 min) +++ (3-4 min) ++ (5-6 min)
1412 +++ (3-4 min) +++ (3-4 min) +++ (3-4 min) -
1414 +++ (3-4 min) +++ (3-4 min) ++ (6-7 min) -
1423 ++ (7 min) +++ (3-4 min) +++ (1 min) ++ (6-7 min)
B 1392 ++++ (1 min) ++++ (1 min) +++ (3-4 min) +++ (3-4 min)
1394 - +++ (3-4 min) +++ (1 min) ++++ (1 min)
1372 +++ (4-5 min) ++++ (3 min) +++ (3-4 min) +++ (4-5 min)
1375 ++ (3-4 min) +++ (3-4 min) +++ (3-4 min) ++++ (2 min)
1393 +++ (3-4 min) ++++ (1 min) ++++ (1 min) +++ (2-3 min)
1382 +++ (3 min) ++++ (1 min) +++ (1 min) +++ (3-4 min)

Table 3. Results of STAT in experimental S. Typhimurium infection

Group Identification code Days post infection
of poultry 7 14 21 28

A 1401 1.477 1.6020 1.301 0.000

1402 1.000 1.477 1.7781 1.6020
1405 1.6020 1.6989 1.477 1.000
1412 1.477 1.6020 1.6020 0.000
1414 1.6020 1.6020 1.301 1.000
1423 1.000 1.6020 1.6989 1.301
Mean±SE 1.36±0.12b 1.60±0.03b 1.53±0.08b 0.82±0.27a
B 1392 1.7781 1.7781 1.6989 1.6989
1394 0.000 1.477 1.6989 1.7781
1372 1.477 1.6989 1. 6020 1.427
1375 1.00 1.477 1.6020 1.7781
1393 1.6020 1.7781 1.7781 1.6020
1382 1.477 1.6989 1.477 1.301
Mean± SE 1.22±0.26a 1.65±0.06a 1.64±0.04a 1.60±0.08a
Development of slide agglutination test for the differentiation of Salmonella 87

Table 4. Percentage of birds positive for Salmonella Typhimurium antibodies*

Group Plate agglutination test STAT

A 83.33% 91.67%
B 87.5% 95.83%
C 0 0
* Six hens per group each tested for 4 weeks post-inoculation, thus a total 24 samples per group.

Fig. 3. Rapid slide agglutination test after pre-

adsorption of S. Pullroum agglutinin. A:
Agglutination with S. Typhimurium serum B:
Agglutination with S. Pullorum serum

Poppe et al., 1992). Of these, RSAT carry advantages

over the other tests such as ease of performance
and requirement of less time, space, antigen, serum
etc (Barsoum and Awad, 1972; Nagoba and Nagoba,
Fig. 1. PCR amplification of Salmonella
S. Gallinarum and S. Pullorum are two other
frequent poultry serovars, neither of which can infect
humans thus have no public health significance
(Pomeroy et al., 1991). At the same time due to the
similar antigenic structure of these two serovars
serological tests based on S. Pullorum antigen are
used to detect birds infected with both serotypes
(Oliveira et al., 2004). The most of routine serological
tests for S. Typhimurium (1, 4, 5, 12; i; 1, 2) infection
are based on whole cell antigen of this bacteria which
can make cross reactions with S. Pullorum/
Gallinarum (9, 12; - ; -) due to the common 012
somatic antigen (Poppe et al., 1992; Barrow, 1992;
Barrow et al., 1992). Cross reaction between these
Fig. 2. PCR amplification of S. Typhimurium specific two infections can lead to false positive information
fimA primer specific STM4497 primer about S. Typhimurium infection (Spickler et al.,
88 Sumithra et al.

2010). Thus ultimately result in unjustified As the definitive conclusion regarding S.

condemnation of many poultry samples from human Typhimurium infection can be well attained by using
consumption. Keeping these facts in view an attempt undiluted antigen after pre-adsorption of S. Pullorum
was made to develop a rapid and convenient slide agglutinin from test sera, this test was used for
agglutination test for the differential diagnosis of S. further studies. In the attempt for determining the
Typhimurium infections from poultry specific sensitivity of this test, the results obtained are given
Salmonella infections. in the Table 2-4. The overall sensitivity was found to
be 85.415%.
During the characterization of the procured
bacterial culture typical cultural, morphological, Thus, in experimental infection/ immunization
molecular (Fig. 1 and 2) and serological studies, almost similar results were obtained in both
characteristics of S. Typhimurium were observed. STAT and new RSAT although the frequency of
The harvest produced from the culture of these positive results was consistently greater with tube
bacteria was pure and did not yield any growth on tests than with plate tests. Some prior investigations
nutrient agar denoting their sterility. Then cross likewise showed that serum tube tests can detect S.
reaction between S. Typhimurium and S. Pullorum Pullorum infected chickens more frequently than
was confirmed by observing the agglutination plate tests (Gast, 1997). However, comparative
between Typhimurium antigen and Pullorum specific conclusions about STAT and RSAT should also take
serum. There was 2+ degree of agglutination within into account that RSAT test is easy and cheap to
1-2 min indicating the need for a differential test. perform with limited use of space, antigen and
During optimization of agglutination, it was found serum. Moreover, RSAT results showed 100%
that both 1: 10 and 1: 20 dilution of 5% S. correlation with STAT results (correlation was
Typhimurium antigen could produce definite positive significant at 0.01 level). This is in accordance with
pattern with S. Typhimurium serum and negative the previous studies by Faydi and Al Khalil, (1992)
pattern with S. Pullorum serum within 2 min (Table on brucellosis and Barsom and Awad, (1971) on
1). However, the specificity with S. Typhimurium typhoid infection of human who found that plate
serum was limited to the first 2 min only. This lack agglutination correlated well with tube agglutination
of specificity was not unexpected since, it is already results. In the statistical analysis there was 100%
established that during agglutination tests for correlation between the agglutination test and STAT
diagnosis of any infection the stained antigen may and the correlation was found to be significant at
react with the non-specific antibody present in the 0.01 levels. In the attempt for correlating the degree
serum with the lapse of time (Arefin et al., 2011). of agglutination with STAT titre, it was found that an
Moreover, 012, the dominant somatic antigen of S. agglutination of +++ or more require a STAT titre of
Typhimurium is also carried by many of the most 1:30 or more. Since there is much of the potential
prevalent Salmonella serovars in layer flocks (Poppe for human error with subjective interpretation of
et al., 1992). There comes the advantage of our degree of standard agglutination test, an attempt was
second optimized method of agglutination in which made for correlating the time of appearance of
it was found that the sera after the removal of the agglutination and STAT titre. It was found that a STAT
shared antigens could give definite positive pattern titre of 1:30 or more is required for the appearance
with S. Typhimurium antigen and negative pattern of clumps within 5 min in the standardized plate
with S. Pullorum antigen with maintenance of agglutination method. During the validation of the
specificity after 2 min also (Fig. 3). Thus, we RSAT with field samples 2 samples out of 50 samples
recommend the use of 1: 10 dilution of the prepared (4%) were found positive. The sero-prevalence
S. Typhimurium antigen or undiluted antigen after although having only 4%, it is a matter of concern
pre-adsorption of S. Pullorum agglutinin from test due to the public health significance of this organism.
sera for serological screening of S. Typhimurium However, various other tests for detecting S.
infection in poultry with more priority for the second Typhimurium antibodies (Barrow, 1992; Poppe et
method. al., 1992; Kles et al., 1993) have been reported to be
Development of slide agglutination test for the differentiation of Salmonella 89

more sensitive than RSAT and STAT. So we also secreted components identified by signature-tagged
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