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Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

I need to pass my Praxis Core Exam within my Fall 2022 semester at NSC in

order to be admitted into their teaching program. It is not required for overall admission

and there are a few classes I can take prior to passing the Praxis Core Exam. I have also

already been admitted to NSC, and have spoken with both academic and transfer advisors

about the Praxis Core Exam. I also need to pass my Praxis Core Exam in order to obtain

my substitute teaching license. I also need my substitute teaching license to be accepted

into the teaching program at NSC. The passing scores for the Praxis Core Exam in

Nevada for Math, Reading, and Writing are respectively. My current goal is to pass the

exams by the first week of August, worst case scenario I must pass them by November.

Exam Preparation

I have been practicing for my Praxis Core Exam on and off since January. I have

been mainly practicing for my math exam through using the Learning Express Hub

available to CSN students through the CSN library website. I have not been focusing as

much on the reading or writing portions of the exam, as I scored the highest in those areas

the first time I took a practice exam for my EDU 201 class. When I took the practice

exams the first time, I received a 29% on my math portion, which was incredibly

concerning. I have also maintained contact with Professor Yates, the education

mathematics professor and he has agreed to help me if I ever find problems I struggle to

solve while practicing for my exam.

Exam Results

On my Math exam, I scored a 78% on my practice test. While I am borderline

likely to pass, it is a massive improvement compared to the first time I took a practice

version of this test. On my Writing exam I scored a 70%, labeled as borderline likely to

pass. On my Reading exam I scored a 55%, labeled as needs improvement. It is safe to

say I am certainly not prepared for the Praxis Core Exam at this time.

Future Exam Preparation

I think at the moment I will take a break from studying for the Math portion of the

Praxis Core Exam, and focus on the Reading portion. Once I am able to get my score on

practice tests up to at least a 90%, I will return to studying for my Math portion until I

receive the same results. Then I will study my Writing portion until I receive at least a

90% as well. I will also look into study tips for the essay portion of the Writing test, and

once I feel I have confidence, I will have my essays reviewed. I will use the teachers test

prep website and the learning express center for studying. Within this week or next, I

will sign up for a test date during the first week of august, to give me additional

motivation for my studying. I find I study more efficiently when I have a deadline

around the corner.

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