User Guide Belkin Gris

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BELKIN. ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Getting Started ..cscceessesseesteeteseeeeeeetee Wat inne Box rita Sep ‘Rovanced fools & Settings ‘The Belkin Rostor Manager Manual Seto Using Your Sows ‘Adding Computers to YourNetwark Getting to Know Your Router... eevee Front Pane. System Requromenis hooting, Support and Warranty «+++. Troubleshooting Tecnica Support Bein tomations ne, Linked 5s Predet Warany Regulatory information FCC Statement, GETTING STARTED What's in the Box Connect N160 Wireless Rotter Ethernet cable attached to router) Powersupply (attached 10 router) Network information cars (attaches router) Bokin Setup CO with User Manual Initial Setup wn to Place Your Router tho Bost oss, place the Router next fo your modom in nopen ecation away tom large metal objects ana magnets Sen a6 those found In speavars. Rasing tne Routo” above for fovel ean morove te svenath of your wireless signal GETTING STARTED |. Connect your Rove's Etharnet cable to your modems Ethernet pat (on:he bask of your modern). Tn pat might bs labeled Sieronty on your paricularmadom.ityou ae asding a Router fot te st ime this port may be connected te your ‘omputr by an ethernet cable. tia Ok te gaeonnect your ‘Comput and pug the Router ino the mocem netead ELKIN Yim Rove om setup < poise qT Sntameenemics 2. Pug he Router’ power supply into a wall out. '3.Putthe OD into your computer. the CD doesn't ‘open automaticly, please orowse to your Co ave ‘apd aoubie click onthe Belkin Setup CD leon 9 ‘Agearosd Too Oe rise 4. Click the Setup con onthe CD menu GETTING STARTED BELKIN Vins Powis nna hecarsnentte stout ee Nebo Name SSO) "ou pee may tn emo Natwark Rar ($3104 Panne 5. Aftara bre instalation, the setup sotwaro wll ask you forthe natwork name and passwora trom ne network Infermation cad that attaches to your autor St {ardundar tho base of your Route for future refer. GETTING STARTED BELKIN Vinims Powis Success! ewe ns co ase vous diy creas Pai ye Yee spree ue ry oe at 6.Aprogress soraen wl appear whio additional sofware Is Instaled. This may taxo.a ow minutos to complete. Once fnlehod, 2"Suovose" mascago wll appear nateting that you ed for additional Information. ‘You may ogee enter a username ang password provides by your iS This username and password kel 0 be ‘und-on materal that came tom your SP when you Signed up or service. necessary You may need contact, YourlSP'e reteve your username and paseword lt you have a state IP adress, you may need to enter {ditional ntormaton also provided by you ISP. \t your computer dosent have a wireless adapter, or the tetupsottwar e unable to contrelf, younay De sake to {onnost your eomputerte he Reutorth a network cabo, GETTING STARTED Advanced Tools & Settings BELKIN ek Name Secarty storm Senice Pade a Lagi Sting Ravanced Tools leon aine CD Setup menu and ‘tthe folowing settings that you woul ke to change Network Name & Security - Personalize your network name (SSID), pascword, and svangin of wie Internet Service youmeved or chang you'd lke to change thee setngs without unning "tough the setup process again is Ise place GETTING STARTED The Belkin Router Manager ® Belkin.2234 Router Settings User Manual Check for Updates Options exit ‘The Belkin Router Manager appears in your ystem tay Windows) of menu bar (a) s icon Indeates tho etront Slatus of your Router ane also allows yout accece yout Foutors settings to make changes. also provides aulck ‘sonees to software tnt came oundied wth your Route. To accoss the Router satings, click onthe ison And select rom tne mena that appears ‘The status of your Route is shown by tho Belkin Router Manager whic clesaly mimics the ight onthe ont of te Rout 0 your Belkin Router, GETTING STARTED ‘Manual Setup Using Your Browser Gee Entosiats ee Frome Ie oe deren | He Bosnian” Bctntde ae er Setup» Wings It type "itpsitouter (you do not need to type uch as "www". Than press tho Ener kay youre sl having trouble running he earual setup option, typo "82.1682" In yout browser (you donot need to type in anything else such as "tpl or www’). Taen poss the Ener ka. ‘Adding Computers to Your Network Wirsloss devices such as computor, network printrs, and gaming systome can connect io your Router win a fw simple stops. Using the co |. Putthe Setp CO into your computer. Ifthe CO ‘doesnt open automata browse'o your CD “tive and open tha Bakn Setup CO lean, 2-Click he Setup con onthe CD menu 3. Alter bret instalation the setup eottware wll ack yo forthe netwotkhame and password from ie network inermation card {hat ame wih your Router Tha eard fe ost likaiy now ocateg Undarath he foot of your Router nthe provid card sot. 4A progress soroon will appear who additional sofware Is instaled. Ths may "ako afew minstes to complete. Once {nished, a"Suocess" mascage wil appear Inaleating that you {fe connectod tothe Interat wa your ew Belkin Rutan. Note:The setup eottwar rns ony on Windows ane Wee O8 X systems GETTING STARTED Manvally you choose not use the Includes Setup OD for facing addional computrs or wireless devices, You fan manually add thse tame a your network. Locate the wieless-network-connectons option fon your computer or wisless dove. Select your Boikin Router rom thelist of avalabe networks. You ‘an leery your Bekn Router by locating tha network name (810) om tne car located underneatn ho foot ot your Reutor. Enter your network password iocatod on your networsinfermation ars Your witless device wil take afew momento connect to your network Irtne connection le not made the fret tie, ty ti Drovess again. you stl ave iheuty connecting to your network [or tying ths process aew tee, eee te “Troubleshooting Seaton inthis manual fr help wih connecting to your network Note: in some casos you may be prompted to select he Securty typo le printed onthe care or your earwenlanc. Using the WPS Button |. Start WPS Push @utton Connection (WPS PBC) on your ‘omputer or ofher Wi" device that You would ike connect ‘avelesely to your Router Oftan here wil bo a button for his Purpose n schtware that amet the device, ora pelea WPS, °PBO."or“Securty” button ane device se 2. vinintwo minutes, prass tne WPS button on your Router. The WPS ight (mal ight above WPS button) wil blink gre whe stan for Your W-F device. Once a connections esiablahed, the ight wil ur green and then go ut ita connection snot astabshed ‘te light wil slink ber. You may repeat ne prosess oy again. You can epoat tis process for each WPS-onabled ‘Sevice you's ike to ada to your network. 10 GETTING To KNOW YOUR ROUTER Front Panel « o 1A) Router Status Light Your Router’ status shown by the ght onthe rant Solid Green: The Rouie is connected he Interne. ‘modems of isnt plugged int he Roulerot is unresponsive, 8) WI-FI Protected Setup (WPS) Light and Button "The WPS button on the ton of your Router can be used to help estabich a secure connection between yout Router and ‘thar WPS-enabled WF! daviees such as computers To use ‘he WPs teatro on your Reuter, seo Gating Started > Addng ‘Computare to Your Network > Using the WES Button ‘The small nt near the WPS button shows what ie happening White you are using WPS to establish a connection ott: ise ‘Sola Green: The Router nse made a secure onnecton with ne computer or other device " GETTING To KNOW YOUR ROUTER Back Panel 1A) Modem (WAN) Connector ° ) Wired (LAN) Connectors Connect computers and other ” ore wing Etvernetcabiag © @, ©) Reset Button Inne ncoracty Resting ottnge. This button may also be vrod to restore the factory 1) Power Connector CConneet th included powor 2 TECHNICAL DETAILS Technical Features Integrated 802.119 Wireless Access Point The Ni50 technology enhances your Routers Wireless capablites slawng of data transfer speeds (tp to 150Mbps actos Your network NATIP Address Sharing To save you the costo adding P adérosses por computor im your house, your Belkin Router uses Network SRaaress Translation NAT} technology lowing you Share a sing IP address acrose your network SPI Firewall Your Route is equipped wi a eewall tat wi protect your network tama wide aay of comman attacks and vitae xy (UPRP) Compatiilty ‘The UPnP (Universal Pig and Pay) oatre in your Router Yu can easly make changes to your Route'sacvanced Settings trough your webbrowser. Thase changos can Be made tom any cormpuor on your network Belkin Router Monitor Integrated 4-Port 10/100 Switeh ‘Mow your wid computers to snare. prinera. da MPS les, slgital phates, and much more 3 ‘System Requirements ronda Inlet connection such asa cable or BSL meaem wih Russ ethernet) connection Atleast one computer wth aninstalld network intertace adapter ‘ToPIP networking protec installed on each computer NAS Ethernet networking oable internet browser Setup Sottware ‘A computer running Windows® XP SP2 or high, ‘Windowe Vistas or Windows 7 or Mac OS" X vax inimum 1GHz processor ana 256MB RAM “ ‘TROUBLESHOOTING, SUPPORT, AND WARRANTY Troubleshooting ‘The Setup CD does not automatically start. 1 Bolkin Sotup doos not run when you insert the CD-ROM, your ‘computor may net be conigured ia open COs automaticaly 1 Belkin Sotup doos not appoar within 18 seconds, browse tp your CO-ROM drive and open the “Belkin Setup loon [Storatvey, you may vist epirautar and peter ine Sotup manual Pease see” Manval Setup Using Your romeo earier inthis manual or more ormation, Belkin Setup cannot tind my Router. it Belk Setup e not abe to communicate itn your Rovtar dung the instalation process, please neck the folowing tems Mako sure hat the wireless har computes tumed on, favalable. on your 2-Tey connecting your computer'e one o he fur" Bort onthe Aouter wih an Ethernet cae. ‘3. Ensure that the Routaris on. The front:pane igh ehould be an 4. Unglug the Router’ powor supply fr 10 ‘seconds, han plug back in ‘5. There may be frewall sotware on your computer preventing “ancutgeing connection. You may choose toremporarly sable te software Deore sempting setup it elk Setup et eannot nd the Routr you might choose to do.amanual setup. Refer ‘o “Manually Configuring Network Sottngs" i iis manual for det. 6 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING, SUPPORT, AND WARRANTY Belkin Setup cannot connect my Router to the Internet. 1 Belkin Sotup not abe to connect he Rout the Intrnet. lease check he flowing tem 1.Use the troubleshocting suggestions within Belkin Setup, 2. ityour ISP requires a username and password, mae eure tat ‘you nave type in your veer name and paceword corecty. Some Usernames requ tat the 2 aomain may be atthe eng or the fame, Exanpie:"mjnamegrnysp.con. The “@myisp.2am” pat ot the Username may need tbe typed as wall as yout username ‘.tyou continue to nave no Internet connoction ‘o"Manually antgurng Network Setinge" inthis ‘manual foran akoroatve setup method Belkin Setup completed Installation, but l cannot browse the Web. The light onthe front of my Router Is Binking amber. 1. Make sure the Router ie connected te your modem wih an Ethene! eable wa tne Routers on WAN modem) port 2. Unglug the mosem tom ts power source and make sure ‘tat goes atk. Thon feapply power tothe macom ‘3. Unplug your Route’ power supply, alt 10 seconds, ‘and plug it back'n. Pe mil eauae the Roster toy ‘e'oestabishconmmumeation with ne modem 16 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING, SUPPORT, AND WARRANTY Belkin Setup completed installation, but | eannot brows Web. The ght onthe front of my Router ls sola amber. \eant conneet tothe Internet wirelessly Ifthe ght onthe front ofthe Rovte is ela green, ten your 1.Use the troubleshocting suggestions within Belkin Setup. Routers conmoetadto the intemet. You may not be connected {othe Roster wteees networe Please reer to "Adsing 2 your ISP roqurs a username and password, make sure tat Computer to Your Network in fle manual or Inston. ‘yu nave typed in your ueer name and paceword corecty, Some Ucornamea equre that the I's domain may be atthe ena othe fame. Exanpie:"mynamegnysp com. The “Omyisp. cor” pat ot tha username may need to be typed as well as yout username. 4. tyounave s state conection, yourlSP wilhave {ssigned you an Padcrase, cube ae and gateway ‘Scena, Please re-run dekin Setup and entar this, Information amen a state connection mentioned ‘You may naedte configure your utero mast ha specific raulramants of your ISP. To soarch {ur kromledge base or oP spect issue, go fara ype nS you continue to nave no Internet connection, ‘o"Manually antgurng Network Senge" inthis ‘manual foran akornatve setup metrod w ‘TROUBLESHOOTING, SUPPORT, AND WARRANTY {can't connect tothe Internet wirelessly and my 1. Yorty that your Router is on ana the ront-panel ight shows sala green 2.ityou are fac trom the Router, you might ty moving ‘loser to see f you might have bean eut of range '3.Usinga computer atached to the Router va a network cable, ist ulated and ensure that "Broadcast SSID" Is ON. ‘hie eettng i founa on tha “channel and SSID" page My wireless network pertormance Is slow. Inconsista fufters trom weak signal orm having aiiculty maintaining & ‘PN connection. Wireless technology is radio-based, which means connectivity {nd tne throughout performance between dovicoe ‘decreases when tne sistance etween davioesnoteases ‘Other factors that wil cause signal degradation (moll e {generally the worst culprit) are obstructions such a6 walls [End meta applances, Note alee tat connection speed may ‘Seeroase as you move arher away from ine Reuter ee leouas are eatesto iy moving the computer of tom he Router possi ‘changing the witelaes channel-—Depencing on loca ‘nelets atte ane mterterance tong tne melas ‘Sanne of your network an improve performance and relay See ne eostontled-cnanging im Wireless ‘Shannelforinstrctone on how to choose afer channels 8 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING, SUPPORT, AND WARRANTY Limiting the wie iting the wiceoss wansm? rata can holp Improve rango and connection staal. Most wisless Cares have th ably to it the rancmssion rate To change tis repery In Windows, got ine Wingows Conta, Network Bonneetons ana du lek on Your witless eata's sanneston In ‘properties sllog, elect ho “Carfigura"buton on the “General tap, ten choose tn “Advanced” tab and cect te rato property, ‘Yeu wil ne to nd tne network settngs on your com: select tho network ame ported ah the ear rom tn tof avaliable networks Wirsloss cent card ar usually soto automaticaly adjust 4nd enter ne passwora whon prompted jomntne witless network tho witless tansmitrate for you, bu dalng so can cause Detiod cleconnecte when ine wireless signal foo weak; a6 [ule slower ranemisson tes are more stable. Experment tnt dierent connecten ates unt you ha the bat {oryourervtonmont. Note the! all avaiasle ransmission rates snoula be seoeptabe for browsing te ntrnet. For IMore assistance, soo your lfless car's user manual 19 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING, SUPPORT, AND WARRANTY Does the Router support Wireless '5.clickApply Changes" fish. Your wialess Protected Access (WPA) security? ‘annocton s now enctypiod. Each computer usin your snvlese network wl need to vee the 2m Ke ‘The Router ships wih WPAIWPA2 security turned on Windows X° and some olger network nargware ay Note: you are configuring tne Router over a wireless requ a software update to support WPAIWPA2 {annoston, fou wil ave fo e-connect tothe Routar after changing any securty stings. {am having iticulty setting up WPA securty on my Router. Note: Some older networking hardware supports 1.Log into your Router by vishing aiaiasad wih your webbrowser. only WEP encryption I your elder computers cannot Cee on he “Login Butan in tne op rahthand earner of he Sonnac to your netwark ty 128-b oF 64-BK WEP, er Screen. You wl bs ackod to one Jour password Fyou ha Seok software updatos rom the manufactures, Sota password, leave the “Password” tela blank ana cick 2, Clok“Whelees” in te lettnand menu. Then ik Security jst below that. 8, Solct he "WPAMWPAR"opton 4. Entra password, This canbe trom 8-89 characters of your anoles, Including spaces and punctuation, OA a Gt dgh nexadectns) umber using only ne numbers 0-0 and lators A} 20 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING, SUPPORT, AND WARRANTY {am having dticulty setting up Wired Equivalent ‘5. click Apply Changes" to firish. Your witless Privacy (WEP) security on my Router. ‘ctvty fo now enarystea, Each comprar using your sivlege network wi need to ee ne ow Koy 1.Log into your Router. Vist paula! with your web browser. Cee on he “Login button ne top righthand earner ot Screen, You wl bs ackod to oni our password M you have neve Sota password, leave the “Password” eld blank ana ck "Submit Note: you are contigurng tne Router over a wireless {onnoston fou wil ave fo re-connect tothe Router after changing any securty stings. ‘lee Wireloes" nthe ettnand men Then Note: Some cider networking hardware supports lik Scat” js! below tna only 64-bR WEP enerypion Il your caer comauters {annot connect your network, ty 64-b, WE, 8, Selecth 128-0 WEP* option ‘You may type na WEP key manually, oF generate one tot ‘& paccprrate.T7p0 a phrase ine "Passphvase" lad and Slekte “Genero: buon. A WEP key ie somposed of 26 hexadecimal uit (0-8, A-F. For exampie, C808 OF AF 13.9 C2 D4 4B.Ca ba Ze Vee avald 2O-bt WEP hay a Tech al Support us hitpuwwn.beliin comsuppert hip-Pwwvw.velkin comiukisuppert Australia Singapore Europe hipuPwww.velkn comiukisupport 22 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING, SUPPORT, AND WARRANTY Belkin International, Inc., Li 2-Year Product Warranty Bakin Internationa, ne. Balkin") warrants othe orginal Dutehaser ofthe Bok product thatthe prec! shall be bt detects n dsign, assembly, mara, workmanshi. wns riod of cove ekkin wastans the Baki product fr two years will wo do to correct probleme? Product Warranty Selkin wil ral or replace, as option, any detective product tee of charge (except or shipping charge forte produ). Bekkin reserves he ight to dicot any of Hs product witout ‘ce, diana ay ied wat fra oie ary ep or teplace te produto example, beeeuse thas been Sion, tia and oa rd owas ‘ual to the purse price ofthe product ae evidenced on he ‘iginal purchase receipt as discounted by Ke nut! use What isnot covered by this warranty? All above warrants ae ll an vod he Balkin product ie nal provided fo Bolin or nspecten vpon Belkive request ‘hal the Belkin product has beon improperly installed, altered inary way, ortampored with The Belkin Product Waranty ‘arthavako, war vandalism tel, nomal-use wear and tat ‘rosion, depletn, sosslescence, abuse, samage dle {ogo santa roa ote) ease a ‘TROUBLESHOOTING, SUPPORT, AND WARRANTY {2 The part numeer ofthe Boikn product «Wan you purchases the produc Belkin raserves tho right to review tho damaged Belkin product Allcosa of chipping the Belkin produc to Sek for nepecton Shall be borne soll bythe purchaser" Belin determines, int sole ccreton, tate impractical to sip tne damaged ‘quipment to Belin, Belkin may des\gnata, nfs sole caer, “an ecupmant opal facity1oInapect ana astimate the cost. ‘apa auch equpmert. Teco any shpping me eaulpment ity ad of auch ostinato shal be Borne solely by the purchase” Damaged aqupment must remain {valabe fo inspection un the slam thalzed. Whenever lame are eetlag, Boon eserves tne righ to be eubrogeted Sndar any aestng incurance pales the purchaser may nave a ‘TROUBLESHOOTING, SUPPORT, AND WARRANTY How state law relates tothe warranty (OR, EXCEPT AS REQUIRED BY LAW, IMPLIED, INCLUDING ‘SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR 5 REGULATORY INFORMATION FCC Statement Wo, Belkin international, ine, of 12048 E. Waterfront Drive, Playa Vista CA W064, Seclare under ou ole responsi ial te Gevon, 708301 vi, complies with Pan 18a the FCC vies, Operation subject ne fiewing two condtions: (1) this vies may net cause harm! nerorence, ana} this aevice must accent any nterorence Fecelved,ncluingInfrference that may cause undesved operation, Caution: Exposure to Radlo Frequency Radiation “The device shall be used in uch a manner tha he potential forhurnan contact normal opration i mininzea Tis equipment comples wi FOC radiation expose ‘aulpment shoud be insalad and operatad ith a minimum “distance of 20cm between tne radiator and your body. Federal Communications Commission Notice ‘This squipment has boon Tested ana foun o comply wih the ina particular nstalsion i his equipment does ese harm ‘correct the interference by one or more of the follawing measures: *Inereate the distance between tn equipment ans the receiver. + Connect he equipment to an outlet ona ctu itarent + Consult the dealer or an experienced rasloTV technician for help. FOC Caution: Any changes or modtiatons not expressly {ppioved bythe pay responsible for compliance could ‘old the user's author to operate hs equipment ns device and ts antennas) must not be co-located 0° {eperating in eanjunction with any eter antenna or ansmitor. 6 REGULATORY INFORMATION ‘Canada-Industry Canada (Ic) ths device aay hol cause Inererches, and (2 tne seve Europe Imaraing compy with he RATTE Drrectwe(1000/5/£0) [Rousd by tne Commission ot the European Communty Compliance with this directive implies conform i ola an Norms (inbrachats a8 tha equWvalont iveratonal standards). {60950-12006 (£06090) -Prosuct Saoty 10028 Technical requirement or asio oauipment 15 301 489 General ENC roquitaments tr raco equpment Information Prodcte wih the CE marking comply wis the EMC Directive (041386 anion Voge Drocive 220898) Compliance nth teve directives implies conformity fo EN 55022 (CISPR 22) - Electromagnetic Inerteronce EN 5024-1 -Electiomagnete immunity EN 61000-3-2(I£C610000:3-2)- Power Line Harmanict EN 61000-3-3(ECe10000)~ Power Line Picket EN 60860-1(IEC80950-1)- Product Saety Inbetd wth he Natfew Body number (CEOSGa) or CE 7

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