User Guide Belkin N Wireless (Black)

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Lea Cnr) ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS: | introduction . -Adrartages of Wess store Pacament of your N Wraloss Router 2 Recommended Web Browser Settings . spintormation .... 2Knowing your ROUIOT «es. sess Package contons Systm Requromons Sup ASSStant Sortware System Requrexents 4 Connecting and Contiguring your Router . ‘5anternate Setup Method... 20 {6 Using the Web-Based Advanced User Intrta ‘Ghanging LAN sexings ‘Wein the DHCP cient Page 3 ‘Gonngung ne wratess Network Sexings au Sermng WPA secury a Seung WEP Encryption @ Using te Access Pint Mode 6 Sattng MAG Aadress Gono. 4“ Gonturng te Frewal % Using Dyeaie ONS Pa Uaitiee 2 Rostartng the Router 3 Updating te Ferwaro or “7 Manually Contiguring Network Sorting es INTRODUCTION “Thank you for purchasing the Bekin N Wireless Router (he Routes), Following ar two short sections—the fist discusses the benefits of home networking, and the other outlines best practices that maximize your wireless home network range and performance. Please be suo to read through this User Manual completely, and pay special attention to the section entitled "Placement of your N Wireless Router" on the next page. By flowing our simple setup Instructions you will be able to use your Belkin Home Network t: 4+ Share one high spood internet connection wna tbe computers n your home + Share resourses, suchas ts ang hard ares areng al he connosted compare nYout home Advantages of a Wiroloss Notwork Here are sone ofthe advantages of satin up a Bolin Wiese Network: + Mobity- yout no longer nee a atest “computer foomr-snow you can werk ona natworkaa laptop or Seakiop compute’ anyarere win your virus range + Easy instatavon — Bok’s Setup Assistant makes soup simple + Foxit 90¢ up and aocoss prints, computers, and ‘thor networking devices rom srywhore Your home ‘Shar a singe priser wit tho onto fay Share documonts music, io, and digital pte ‘So, revo, ae eopy Tas tom one compara anonar ‘Simunanecusty play games cnr, check ita onal ana chet Easy expansion - tno wlee range of Botkin networking products et you expend your natwork to heaude ‘Sevces such as pars dna gaming conslas No cabin raqured— you can spare the expense and hasslo ‘Of rarting Ethernet casing trovehut shore o ac \wiccopreas industry accoptance - cose trom a ‘wil ange of ieroporabo natworking peducts INTRODUCTION Revolutionary N Wireless Technology with MIMO (N MIMO) Your Balkin N Wola Router uss a now smart antenna technology aod Multpi input Mule Outpt (MMO). N WMO comps wih IEEE cratt 600 1tn spesieation incromese epee, range, rea) and spectral otclancy for wil notworking sytars: ‘Tho aamant mat macs Bake"sN MIMO taennoogy eran Tro a onntona’raao te use of mutipesntanas and two “smuaneous data sous to dower wre anor acuta Your home or lies, A conventional rio uses one amen ans date stroar, Betur’s WIMIMO, on the other hand, uses to ana, ‘This design helps combat cistron and intrerence.Bakr”s N NINO ‘Smuitiimoronal bulge on ono drmonsonal sart-antoon {echnology by smutsnoousty rane wo dat stroams trough the Sane channel, which eroases wiles capacity nota lamar at aanancas fan's N MIMO th use of ‘gyagaton as spate te aa 802 i spsceaton. By shortanng the space beween packets ar comsining muse sao packets Ito oe argor packat, Babu’s NIM can warner da MOU alee bondi “Think of conventional aso wansission as a two ano highway ‘Tha sped Init governs to hax slowablo low of Wa hvough that ana, Compared wit corvorional rade, ano. amonstoral smart Smt bytams olp ovo Vie tough that an fstr an ore Folubly_ analogous to a foulana road on whic wate consltnty Tovos at arto cosa foto speed tint. Bok’ W MIMO heipe trate move at the spend mt a opas more sto Decoma tha -supertiginay nis example. The rate of wae fow is rutiped by the umber of ares thal ate opened Placement of your N Wireless Router Important Factors for Placement and Setup Your wretess conection wile suonger the closer your computers {0 your Rout Typcalindoor operating range for wires devices i= botwen 100 and 200 fost In te samo way, your wroless connection and pertoranco wal “dra Somewhat a th ste otween your Rouer and connected ‘eviews mereases. Tis may of may Not be teste 0 you. AS YOU ‘move further rom your outer Soman sped ay decrees Factors ‘mat can weaken signa simply by gang nth way of your nstwor’s radio wave are meta applances or obsructons, and Wal. Iryou nave concams about your network’ performance hat mitt bo olatod orange or obstUeton factors ry movi the compat 0 ‘postion between fe and 30 ftom tho Rout nda 00 | ‘stance fe problem. Iicates port even at owe rango, lease ‘Sonat Baik Tote! Suppo. Dortrmance, cy wl nt pron your ois newer Rom oso ye conrad at nao sf! oping a fs maumum afoctveness, ths checks may ho INTRODUCTION 4. Router Placement Pace you Rou, te coral connection poof your rerwar, as oso 8 poasblo To te contro your wireless noxwork doves. ‘To aciave he bec wrelss network coverage for your "wales cents (la, computers ena’ by Bn Wratss Netbook Network Cae, ‘Woes Dasop Networx Cares, ana Wieloss USB Adapters ‘+ Ensue that your Resto’ networking antonas are paral 10 each ‘thor ad are postonod vrtealy foward the coin +m mutistrynomes, lace he Router ona Toor wat cos 10 ‘tarot hema posib, Ths maja plang the eat On| !mnupper tor + Trynot to piaco ho Router oat a cerdoss 2.4SHz phone, Ald pcg your Rowe naar coves at may ans a “ols Such as mcrowave ovens, Dense Obeets tha Can HNO Wess ‘ommuntaton luce + Rotigoraors + Wasnors andor dryers + Large aquariums + Metait-based UV ted windows Ityour weiss nal sons woak i somo spot mako suo tt obits shat rex Boca tm spe ph Geen your coments 2. cordless Phones imo portance of you wrass nawork is npatod ater tong 0 ‘mo above nave, and you havo a cords phone: “+ Try moving cortss phones away tom your Rowtr and your wroless-emabod computers. “+ Unplug ana remove me tater nom any cores prone mat ‘operates onthe 2.4z baal (cack manufac norman, ins tes ne provi, your prone may De nerern. “+ your phone supports channel selection change the channel on Ie phone to Uw lrthest chanel fom your vieless network. Fr ‘Sample, ange the pone o channel and move your Feuer © (Chaat 11 Soe your phones usor manual for dtaled insvuctons + tnscossary, considor switching oa 000M corloss phone, INTRODUCTION 4. choose me “autotest Chane! for your Wirloss Network In cations where nomas orofces ae cosa tag, such as apariment bulge ooficecomplonss thre ray be wolss networks nosy Oat fancarmet wth yours Uso to Sto Suney capabities fund no Wrolss Uy of you \weloss adaptor to leat ay otor wl ntwerks tat ao arse [Bee your wiles apors ot mana) and move your Router ane Pomputers toa channel as faraway tom other networks as pos. + pean wn mey an ona te mace cel oe reghoorng cords phones or ober wreats covers + For Balkin wrelss networking products use the Stated Ste Survoy ard nies channel ivormaton Include th your wreloasetwork cara. See your hatwork car's user guide for more nteraton “Those guidelines shoud alow you corer the maximum pessibo area ‘wth your Route Should yeu need fo over an avon wir are, wo gest ho Bakin Weiss Rango Exiondad/Asoese POPL 5. Socure Conneetons, VEN, and AOL Secure conctons 1yplealyrequo a user nama and password and are Used whore Sosa mpi. Secure conmoctons elude. 1+ Virual Pus naswork(vPR) connections, tan sta wo comet ronal oan fos rare +The ‘ring Your Own Access" program from America Onin AOL, whch ts you use ADL Uweugh Doane prouced by avother cable or DSL Saves. + Most onine banking wobstes + Many commercial watts that raqute 9 user Toms and password to accoes your account ‘Secure connections canbe muted by a computer's power management etn, when Causes C10 "0 0 seep" The Serpest Slut fe aot ts sto amply recornost by orang te VEN or AOL, Soltwara, ory regan ino the secure webs. ‘A secandatornatvo so chang your computr's power manage Sarungs st doos not goo oop: however, is may ot be sppropata tor portabie computers. To chango your power management sorung undo ‘dows, 20 0 "Power Options” hom inthe Conrot Pana Iryeu contro to hav acu wah SecuroCernoctons, VEN, and ADL, asso ovew te saps abovo ob sue yeu nate aasrssod thos sos. For more tomato garding out netwerkng products, vist ou wobste “A wwavbelkn.comiotworking o al Bak Technical Suppor a us:e77r06.8771 Now Zealand 0800235 586 Singapore: 65 64357620 Europe: wwe. bein.comsupport PRODUCT OVERVIEW Product Features In mites you wit beable share your ntet connection and Network your computa. The foowing sat of fetes hat make Your new Balun N Weiss Router an ial soliton for your home or Ea otice network, ‘Works with Both Ps and Mac* Computors ‘Tho Router support a varty of networkng crwionment ncudng Mac OS" a,b, Xl Linn, Windows 8, Mo, NT, 2000.8, ‘stat andl other. tats nade en Int Browser ana Network adaptor hat supports TCPAP tbe starcard language of ‘heim Patent-Penaing Network Status Display LUgited LEDs one ont of he Router inate which functlons area operation. You know eva-glace whether you Routt Is conectad 10 the itemat, This atu atnintes the need for ecvanced soared statussmonoring procedures. ‘Web-Based Advanced User Interface You can sat up the Routers acvenced factons ex rough yout web browser, without Paving to stall actor software orto th compat. ‘Thor ate no ks trata or kag Wack tad; ofl you cay ‘rake changes an por setup uretions ram any ompuo rotwork qx and ey, NAT IP Adarese Sharing ‘Your Router employs Network Ades Tato (NAT 9 share the Sing P across assed to you by your srt Service Pronger ‘nit saving Do cost adn adonal IP adress to your Inst ‘SP Firewall Your Routor's equppe wih a trowal hat wil pretoct your network trom sige aay of cemman hacker ntacks ncudng IP Sponting, Land ‘Atak, Ping of Death (POD), Danial ef Serica (Des), IP with zero nat, ‘Sur Atack, TCP NUE Scan, SYN flocs, UOP loosing, Tear Bren ‘Atak, ICMP detect, PIP Goo, ai ayer ood Imtoprated 10/100 4-Port Sitch ‘The Router has bali, fourport network ste to low your wes Computers to stare pr, ata MP fs, Set ton, nd ‘much more. Th sh Tostres tome detection tw sus 10 ‘he wpood otconmectod Govless The sc ul arse ats bates [Computers sd the Iternat smutty without toring or ‘Somunning avout LUnivorsa Pug ana Pay (UMP) UPnP sa tcrnology that oes seamlass operation of voles messaging wo ressag, ces, ad ober apotatons a wa UP compat PRODUCT OVERVIEW ‘Support for VPN Pass-Through Ityou connoct wo your ooo natwork rom homo using VPN annestion, your Router wil alow your VPN-ocupped compara 1o pase Ttvough ts Ruta ae 0 you oma network ‘ult. Dynamic Host Contguration Protoce (HCP) Buln Oynamic Host Configuration Protoco (DHCP) on-board make forth easioet possible connoeton ofa network: Tho DHCP sorar wil assign IP addresses to each computer automaticaly so there fo need fora complcatea neewaruing soup. Setup Assistant ‘Tho Soup Assistant, socond gonraton of Blk’ ronowned Easy Insta zara aks tho quessork out of ota op your Pout. This Sutomatc sofwaro dormines your network stings fo you aed sats Up te Router or connacton wo your innat Susie Providor (SP & rater of mars, your Route wl be up and runing Ont ore Nota: Satup Assistant sortase is compatible wan Windows 2000, tana vis ana Wac 05 Xvi03 I you ar using another epertng Systom, te Routr can bo st up Using ta trate Setup Method ‘fosenton nts Usr Manual 200 page 2, Imtograted N wireless Accoss Point Nao isan axcting new wraies tennology asad onthe oat IEEE fo2.1n spacer. i empioys wivo (wunple Rput Mute Ou) ‘sare-antenrs ecinoiogy that atieves data rates of upto SOOM” “NOTE: The standard transmission rate—J00Mbps—is the pysical data rats Actual data hrougput wil be ler. MAC Across Fitering For ako secur, you can sot up a fst of MAC adarossos unique ‘ont eer) fat are lowed neces Your stork. Every ‘Computer nas is Own MAG adress, simply ee hese MAC aoaresses| Ito ls use the Wa-taseo Advanoa User imariace and you can ‘ontol access 10 your network. KNOWING YOUR ROUTER, Package Contents. + RUNS Etiemot Networking Cable + Power supe + User Manual on he Setup Assistant CO System Requirements BSL sam wth es thea connection + TCPn® natwortng protocol insted on oach computer + Rs ethenot notworking cable + Inte browser Setup Assistant Software System Requirements + Acompewening vind 2000 x To Router has been dosigned tobe placed on adeskop. Alot the {abies ext rom te rear ofthe Rader for beter organization an uit. Tio Network Sats Dspay foes visible on the FRONT ofthe Rover to pomdo you wth ntrmaton soo network acy a state, KNOWING YOUR ROUTER eT 7 Atos Socurty ©. Wired-Computr State ore Wee ecu ct orn ‘red oper too present Sota ave wees ecu cn ees te emp comet 8. WF Potetod Setup (WPS) burton > ‘ng moar ‘obi ite comp “This buon Is used or the WF Pretacted Setup tear. Phase eter 0 ‘he "enangig the Witlese Securny Songs” sbeton, €. Wioless-Computer Status -Routor?Powor status ‘nen you app power to he Router or estar shor pio ot sme ‘apses wnle ms Reuter noots up. During tis tne, the router" Icon oF rcs comput snot present | ie han ha eres ha ceity Bote up Me Tk \Wrless computer sconnectag DeCames # Sold ua, Inccatng he ovaries for uss. ‘soe Bue tbthe fou or Furor ot as Probie wth wreses compe Connecting propery rome Reuter | inking Blo outer booung up old five Foutor son and road KNOWING YOUR ROUTER Tis toon Hghtsn lu to nleato tat your mod is eonnectad rope ose Router urs ater when prem seers oFF ‘mod vo bue Router connected to modem ‘Soa Bu hd tanetionng props nang Amber Probie wth mem Gimomersiaus © ‘Tis unique ican shows you whan the eur 6 connected to ho Inte. nme height oft tbe ower is NOT eect to he Internet. When the gts biking amber te Rout Is attempting to contact ote inert When the ight soba , the Router Connected tome wteret When Using Me Disconnect ae x minutes” {eature, ts con becemes exverely Uscul in monterng te stats of your Routers conection outer i NOT connected to oe the nest eee owt s atlempng to cormect ours connected tho ‘sola Blue oun KNOWING YOUR ROUTER eS H. Connections to Wired Computers. ~Gray Connect you nite inon-weess) computers to these ports: These ports are 4S, TODD sto 2ute-upinang ports or Sancard UTP category Sor 6 Ethet cabs The ports ae labled | throug [Connection to Modem = — Yellow “This ports for connection to your cable or OSL modern, Uso to cao That was prosideg wit the moda to connact he mod ths pot. Use ora Cane omer tan mi one supplied wit the cabs modem ay ot work propery. 4. Resor Button Red “Tho “cet” buon suse! in are casas when the Rute may tancton| Improper. Aesating tne Router wil restora the outa normal ‘operation while malntaning te programmed setings. You can also estore the factory default serings by using the “Reset” button. Use me ‘estore option mnstances where you may have forgttan your custom passwore |LResetting the Router Psi and leas tho “Absa” button. The igs on th Rout wa. Imomenany fash Te “Route” hgh wa bagi brik Wen the route” oacomes Sod aga, terest s comple 10 1k Restoring the Factory Detaults ross ana hls th “Rese” bution for atleast 0 Soconds then rele | Testo Bg onto Routr wi amma ash. Tho FU it vl ogi tok: Wan ho "Rouse bocomes 20Rd again, to rostor@ iseompicte. . Power Jack Blaek Connect mo nluged ¥24/18.DC power supply to is ack CONNECTING AND CONFIGURING YOUR ROUTER ‘erty the contents of your box. You should have the folowing: + Botkin woloss Rowe + FMS EnoMot Noworking Calo + Pewee Suppiy ‘Balkin Setup Assistant Sotware CD 4+ User Manual on the Setup Assistant CD Modem Requirements Your capi or OSL modom must be oqulppod wih an lds Ethomot ort. Many macems Rave bon an sa Etornat port and as Eonnacton you nave amedom wth Both etmeret and USB, and sro lsng ie USB conpecton at is tno, you wi be stucod uso tho 3 Ethornot port gutng the nstalaien pocodue your dom Nas ‘nya USB port, you can oquost afore typo of modem torn yout ISe. or you can in soino cases, prchaso 4 modo that hasan AS Enomot port on @ a Ethomet US. " Setup Assistant Dakin as provided ou Soup Asssant software 0 mako installing yout Foutor a snp and easy tak. You ean vs ro go you Route Up and runing tints. The Setup Assia requires that your comput bo ‘connooted act 10 your Route and tat to Inert connects athe iano of rsalnion. IF ot, ou Ms the ”Aierrata Setup Metiod”serton of hs User Manual to conngue You Router aaionaly yu as ing an operating system te than Vuinaows 2000, xP oF Vstayor Mac SX vid, you ust sa UP the outer using we aerate Soup Metnod” section of mvs User Manual CONNECTING AND CONFIGURING YOUR ROUTER ‘Step 1: Hardware Connections - Follow the Quick Installation Guide (@IG) 1 Unpug your esting meds power supp ‘3. Puginyou modems powar supply. Walt 60 seconds form moder startup Fina the cable connecting your modem and compute. Unpiug from ta modem ana plug ite the ray port one Ben Hower. Pug me Routers wor supply ito a wal out an he eter ena Ima te lock port en the Bom Furor. Asta outer wakes Ityou ao repseng an oustng rote, tnd te cabo connecting he Iiges ulcer on; ocneck your connection ma You an ‘ompuror st ld rater biecennoct fem tne coor snc 9 ‘tho "wted bats are not = steaey bile star 20 socanas. Irmo the gray port on to nw reuor 4 Locato the CD inthis que anc insert ito your computer. Tho 2. Connect pow cabo (provid nto Bo ho yall port on ‘Setup Assistant sould appar automatically. dousT, ops tho outer Pug te oor end nto tho mode, the GO In My Computer (dons ortho Pndor Mat OX) and ‘doubio-clck on to “Soup Assistant eon, R CONNECTING AND CONFIGURING YOUR ROUTER Step 2: Set Up the Router - Run the Setup Assistant Software a ‘Su owe any programe mat ae uning on your cmpurar ah a Tur ot ny Mewar erate Sonecton-stanng sortware on your compas, Insert the CO into your computer. The Setup Assistant twilautomatcaly appear on your computers sean twin 1 seconds, Gack on "Go" torun be Setup ‘Assistant Follow ie structions Here, Fun tho Sotup Assistant rom tho computor that is ‘octly connectad to me Rowter ftom Stop 1, 18 BELKIN. seueco) Noto for windows Users: Sotup Assistant doos not start up ‘Szomatoay saact your CD-AOM aie tom “Wy Computer and ‘outse-ctok on ho to named "SotupAssistamt to start ho Setup Assistant CONNECTING AND CONFIGURING YOUR ROUTER Contrmation Sersen Progress Screen ‘ity nat you ave compete at IG stops by checking Mbox the Setup ASslstan wil show you a prograss screen each tne ast ne "ight oth arom, Chek "Nox contr ‘Setup has been compen, | a BELKIN. sooo) seme a => 4 CONNECTING AND CONFIGURING YOUR ROUTER 11 Checking Setings 1.2 Vertying Hardware Connections ‘The Setup Asisan wi row examine your computers network settings The Satyp Assistant wl now vty your hardware connacton and ganar oration needed to comptes the Rosters comnecton 0 tho nome BELKIN. | sopco) CONNECTING AND CONFIGURING YOUR ROUTER 1.2 Naming your Wireless Network 14.Requestng internet Account info (needed) “The Setup Asian wl spay he dtaut wales network name or yout emex acount raques@ on an password, you wit bo Barve Seen SSI, Tiss he nan of your wiles ratwork _promptod wa satan sia tha Husaion Dow Slot Your Towhich your computers or dovions wi essa werk depirs wl Sounry tI am he drop-down Bx. Sonnet You can eter use te Star chango It something, ‘tod ths rama fru retorance.Ghok "Nexo conte sew co a BELKIN, Saeco S| —a 16 CONNECTING AND CONFIGURING YOUR ROUTER 1.5 contiguring the Router 1.6 checking Inemet Connection ‘Tho Soup Assistan wi row congue your Router by sanding dara 10 Wo arwalmost done. Tho Setup Assistant wi now chock your 1h Rater and restarting Ic Wat for son cero neocons: ‘onabaton othe niet, Nota: De not azconnact any eabie or poner ota Router ws ta Furor booing” Dang 20 wil onder your ovis operable samen no BELKIN. Sawer ~ CONNECTING AND CONFIGURING YOUR ROUTER ‘congratulations ‘You nav fishod stating your now Balkin Rout. You wl se tho Congratuaane screen whan your Rower ean cores othe tn. “Yurean Dog suring by opening your brows and gong 0 ary wala. ‘You can use the Setup Assistant to set up your ote wr ana wiles Computes connec oto ntret by eleking "Newt You dec 0 See Compurro your hoer aor slet"exo Aapaan nen BELKIN. | Sopco oan = ‘Troubleshooting iro Setup Assistants rot aba v0 connact othe met, You wl 0 ‘no folowing soreon Follow tho on Servo nsuevons 0 Go XMOUgh Mo ‘voublshootng stops, BELKIN. | ono 18 CONNECTING AND CONFIGURING YOUR ROUTER 1.7 optionat Assistance Connecting Other Computers “This optional stop wit hap yuo connact adional wie and wieloss| Compara 0 your natwork, Fol the ons nero. ‘congratulations ‘once you havo verted hat your otha wrod and wiloss compares ae propor const, yeur nator st Up and wes, You ean Row ‘Sire amet. Caok “Nox To ake YOU back oo man mand. BELKIN, Seco ae mwoe — 0 ALTERNATE SETUP METHOD ES Step 1: Hardware Connections — Follow the Quick Installation Guide ‘oo tna 6 or Stop: Hardmuro Connactons tm the prove soto, Step 2: Set your Computer's Network Settings to Work with a DHCP Server ‘0th section this Usor Manual aed “Manual Configuring Network Sting for dations. Step 2: Configuring the Router Using the ‘Logging into the Reuter Web-Based Advanced User Interface ‘You wi 3 te Routers nome pagan your bxonser window. Me home Do's bite any use who ware to aoott Tomko any changes {o tho Rotors stings, you havo fag i. Cleking tha “Lagi bation ‘calekng on ay eno of ho Inks on te home page mil aka you to Jogi sereon Tho Rota shipe wth no paseword axared. nt og ‘0, naw the paaswova bank an ox Da “Seba” Ete 0 Using your ntemetbrowsar, you can access the Rout's Web-Based ‘Aatanted User eroce. In our browse, ype "921652" 26 ot ype anjang cls Such as "nap" oF ra) Than poss th “EM” ka Address [ 192. net 20 ALTERNATE SETUP METHOD eT Looping out ofthe Router ‘ono computor a a tina can og Iwo ths Router or te purposes ot raking changos oto stings of the Router. Once a user ogged in ‘omake changoe, ee ar two ways that Tho comput ean bogged but king tho “Logout oun wl 1g to compar out Tho socond motos automat. Ths ogin wl tin out ar 9 spose pviod “ina The dati og time-outs Oras, Tvs can be changes Hom ‘ne 089 minutes. Por more formation, see he section iis Manual ted “*Cnanging the Logi Tima-Our Sang’ Understanding the Web-Based Advanced User Interface “To nome pago is Wo Fst page yu wil 30 won you acoso ‘avarico Userinerface (UD. Tho homo pago shows you a Quick vow 1 tha Rows status an sarngs. Al advanced sup pages can bo ached trom ns page a ow eo Voy i ALTERNATE SETUP METHOD 1. QulckeNarigation Links ‘You can go rect wo any of tho Rout aavancod UI pages by coking ‘Sacto asa nas. Te tos aro divide it og eafogers, ‘and groupod by tabs o ako ng & paul eating ea ofa ‘Gexing on me nos of eae tab wal show you a short Gascon ot ‘ho ab function. 2. Home Button ‘Tho homo buon i avalaboin ory pago ofthe UL Prssing his bouton wa tke you Back to to noo a. 3. Help Button “The “Heip" button gives you access tothe Router’ help pages. Help also arable on many pages by elking "oro rio” ext cor {octione ofeach page, 4. Logintogout Baton ‘This button enables yout fog in and out ofthe Router wih the press ‘one butlon Wien you ae legged te Rout, tis button wi change {eread "Logout: Logg ito te Router wil ake You toa separate login page mere you il need to ent m password, When you ae legge ito the Fleur you can mae changes tothe eotnge, Whan you [xe inched making changes, you can fog Gut otto outer oy elkng ‘he “Logout button. For mor information about logging tote Router, ‘see the section cll "Logging into he Router. 5. Intomet-States indicators This neato is visi nl pages of tho ca, nang who omston status of to our When tho nena says “Cannoctoa” ‘ov, tho Router eonnosted (ote Inmet, Whe tho Roser sno ono 1 mo ort th naar wl rad "Not Conocto In FRED. Te indieator fs automsaealy updated wen you mao changos to ‘me satigs ofthe Roster. 6. Language ‘Shows th active language fer tho Advanced Usar Intrace. Soloct 2 osrabiianguago by cng ono ote avalabi languages. ‘Shows te franare version, boot code version hardware version, and ‘oral numberof he outer 8 LaNSettngs ‘sons you te setings of the Local Area Network (LAN) ideo he outer "can be mage he setings by etching oan 7 Of thelinks ( Adctess, Subnet Maske DHCP Sere) or by clehng the SLAN quictenaigaton ink on te esd of te seteen ALTERNATE SETUP METHOD ©, mere Settings Shows the setngs of tho ftaes/ WAN sido of he Rout hat {onnects too tem. hangos to ary of thes satin can bo mado Byeing onto x by texing or te Ieee WANT quok aviation kon th lt i othe sree 10, Features Shows the status ofthe Rout’ hewal and wiles features, {Changes ean bo adoro tha stings by tex onary One he ks br Byetleking the quek navigation Inks ona et sda othe serec. 1, Page Name “Tne page you are on can be Hartied by ts namo. This sor Manual ‘a sorts foo pages by name, For Insta "LAN > LAN Sottnge” fore to ww “LAN Satings" page. ‘Step 4: Configuring your Router for Connection to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) “Tho Inernov WAN” tabs wero you wl ot up your outs to connect to'youInornet Sorvce Prove (SP) Tho Route capable ot {comectng virtua any ISPs system provided you have correctly {contigared the Routes setings for your ISP's comacton type. You SP {amactn stings ao provided To you by your ISP. To carga tho. Foutor mite stings tat your I gave you, cx "Connie Typo" {Aon let sid ofthe sor. Salact the connection typ yu use {ourl8P gave you DNS cetnge,cbcng “DNS” [alow you amr DNS aserecs ante ors that roqure spect aattng. cheng “WAG Aatreas" (0) wil x you clon your computers MAG adress or ‘ype in spectie WAN MAC across toques by your IS Wen you ‘ve ished mating sang, to rtomet Status" eltor wil road “connection OK your Rotors St Up propery. 23 ALTERNATE SETUP METHOD Say Setting your Connection Type From tho “Gonnocton Typo" pago, you can slat to ypo of connection you use. Select to typeof eomacton you uso by cen te burton (i) oxo your connection type anon cleking "Nox” ‘Setng your Internet Service Provider (ISP) ‘Connection Type te Dynamic ‘nan connocton typo is ho most common connection typo found ‘ni eae modems, Sattng tho eonnacon typo to "dyra™ many asos fs onough to completo te connocton to your SP. Some dyna ‘Sonocton typos may que a host nar, You ca omer your Nos ‘ame nthe space provided you wee assigned one. Your host names ‘assigned by you ISP. Sone aynamie connections may requ at you ‘Sona tha MAC adores he Petar was xml connate 10 the ‘mogem 1. Host ammo) ‘Ts space is prowdod to entranost name tat naeds oe vse to {Jour SP nor your hoe name eran exck ‘Apply Ganges (2 your 'SP ad not assign yous host name, or yu ae not sre, eave tis bank. 2 change WAN MAG Address 2) It your SP roqurasa specie MAC adaress 1o comet ho serves, you can antera specie WAC adress or eine wo eurant comptes MAC adarss dough tis nk ALTERNATE SETUP METHOD eS Setting your Intemet Service Provider (SP) Connection Type to Static I Asta |P aéross connaction yp ss common tan thor onecon types, your ISP wads stare I acarosing, you wal hood your IP adorass ubnot mask, and ISP gatoway adress. Tis Information is avaiable rom you ISP or on wi paperwork tat your ISP et win you. Type in your formation, man exek "Apply changes™ (tar you appt he changes, te meet Stas mle wi 84d Goma your Roe 58 Up prope, 1. adress () Proidod by your SP Ear your IP aderas nero 2, Subnet Mask (2) Providod by your SP nor your subnet mask hore 3. SP Gatoway accross 6) Provided by your ISP Enter the ISP gateway ares he ‘Sting your ISP Connection Type to PPPOE. Most DSL providers uso PPPOE asthe connection typo. you uso a DSL ‘modo 16 Gonnoct to tho Inert, your ISP may usa PPPOE wo log you “roth servic. you hav an btn connacton yout home sat ‘ofce that doesnt Yogi moda, you may also Usa PPPOE” "Your connection typos PPPOE tt 1) Yeur 1sP gave you a usor namo ana password, ‘wn sequved to connoct ot ners. 2 Your ISP gavo you sotwaro such a8 WINBOFT or mtomot300 mat you uso to connor to to rr 23) Yu navo ro doubie.clek ona desktop ion oor ‘an your Browser to got onthe it ALTERNATE SETUP METHOD 1. Username ‘This spacos proved to type a your username hat was asslgre by yours, 2. Bassword “ypoin your password anc re-type nto he “Retype Passwora” box to cont 1. Service Name ‘Asenice namo fraflyroquled by an ISP. you are rot SoH YOU ISP rogues a sorvcs namo, eave is bik 4 wry ‘Tho MTU sotng should nover ba changed unless your ISP gles you specie MTU toting. Making changos vo to MTU sting can cause frabiome wth your Itametcenocteninlideg Gseeonnaetin Won he Imo, stow iemot access, and probloms wih xomat applications ‘working Propo. 15. Disconnect after X minutes. ‘The "Disconnect" faatura|s usd 10 utomtealy scone he Ree ‘rom your ISP wren ee No acy fora spaced peroa of me. For ‘rete, pacing check mark ext 1s option a ating 3". ‘ha ment eid wl eause the Router fo astra ro ta name {efeitos of nome actly. Ths opti should be used ‘you pay for your ernet series by te nut ALTERNATE SETUP METHOD eS Setting your Internet Service Provider (SP) Connection ‘Type to Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol PPTP) [Furopean Counties On] Sono ISPe raquo & connection usng PPTP prowacot ype of connection most cammmon i European counties, ‘This eos up tact connoeton fo wie P's str Typo in iho Intormation proviso by you IS n the space pron. Whon you ave inghac, tek "Apply Changes) Alter you apply te change, the Inner Sas indicator wi ead contin OR” your RO Yk Up prope, 2 1. PPTP Account Prorldod by your ISP Entor your FPTP account name Nor, “ypoin you password anc retypoit ito tho “Retype Pasewerd” box to hier 3 Hostname: Prove by your ISP. Entor your host nam nor, 4. ou oy DHCP I your SP provided you win a spocte across uncnock tis box ‘and oor your adoss, uot ast, ad Gta Gatloway 0 tho ‘ots hat appear, 5 Service IP Adcross Prods by your ISP Eno your sor IP across her ALTERNATE SETUP METHOD 1. isconnect aftr X. ‘Sting your Connection Type if You Are a Testra® [BigPond Optustot Cable User ‘Tho “Disconnect” feauo 8 usd 1 aiomaticly dsconnoet he Rout {tom you ISP when thao sno act fora speteaporod of tne. For Insaneo, png a chock mark nxt 0 hi open and omer "3" into {hainut ad wl eauee the Rose to aecoanac om the hens fr The minutos of nor act. This opton should bo used ys pay or your ira saris bythe mes ALTERNATE SETUP METHOD Setting Custom Domain Name Server (ONS) Settings -A“Domain Name Sova” a sarer tated onthe arnt Tranolatos Universal Rosourco Locators (UALS ka "wroteon to IP adresses. Many toma Soro Proviore SP} do nt rogure you to omar ni ivormaton It ha Rou. Th “Automate om 18>" be) Should be chyckod If you SP didnot gvo you a specte DNS ade. ITyou are using a stn connection ype, men you may ned 10 ener 3 Specie DNS adress an secondary DNS adress Tor your connection "6 work propa. you connection types dyna or PPPOE, K's skal that you do'noc rave to ert a DNS aodress. Leave me "Aue trom IS" box checked, To enter the ONS adress stings, eack the Autorate fom ISP" box and enter your DNS ete nthe spaces rovded:Gick "Aooiy Changes (2) 0 save te settings. 29 ‘Contiguring your WAN Media Access Controle (MAC) Address ‘NF notwork components clung cards, adapers, and routers, Nave ‘9 uniguo “sorta anor cao & MAC adarss. Your nora Srv Pronlde (SP) may record he MAC addres of you computa’ adapt ‘and ony fot ha parieutr computar connect 1 Oo amet sarc. ‘on you stl th Rout, own MAG across wi be “scar” bythe "Spano may ease the eonnaeton not work Balkin has prow ‘me aby 1 cone py te MAC adress of compare Exo the Foute. This MAC adoass, nun, wi be seen by the SPs syste as ‘ie orga! MAC address and willow dw connecton 0 wa, You [Xe not sure wheter yout ISP moods io see the onighel MAC arass, Simply clone the MAC address of te compte that was orginal omeced to ie modem. Clone the adress wal not eause ay probes wih your network. ‘toning your MAC Address ‘Tocione your MAC across, make suo that you arousing the compe ‘mat was ORIGINALLY CONNECTED to your modam beter tho Rew tes maa Ck mo “Cre” tuton (Clee APDy Charges) ALTERNATE SETUP METHOD eT rm Emoringa Specific MAC Address In crain otoumstancos you may nood a specie WAN MAC across. "You can manda ener one in tne “MAG Addr” page Type a MAC ‘dares tho spaces pravdod B) and lek “Apay Changes” (10 save ‘hs changes. The Rouwr's WAN MAG agro wa how Bo hangod to ‘ne MAC ads you spoctiod, —— ey — ® 30 USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, oes rarer: youn eccen tafums We Sued Changing LAN Settings Seeger retry cee St etm ae " ‘tsetse LAN soup ur an ev a Segedbon Address ‘You wi see he Routers nome page in your browsar wow. ‘iowing the LAN Sottngs (sing on me hoader of he LAN ab} wi tke yout te LAN abs hesder page. A quick desertion of th uncon canbe found nero. To ‘aw ta setings or make changes oan fo LAW saftngs, eek on AN Seg heen est conan compar koh tn eho at USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eS 1. iPaddross “Tho “ agoress" sho toma IP adress of ha Router To dota ‘race 692 168.2" To aooone the sdvanco typ irc, pe this acdross into advo bar of you browser. This sdarss can bo changed noodod. To change th adarees, ypoin the now agarose and cick "Apply Changes”. Tho P agarose you chaos shout be. non-toutat 1 Bxampies ofa nn toute Par 182.88..x where xis anything between 1 ard 254) 103.x (where xis aryting between 1 ad 254) srayx.xqwnara xs anything betwoon 1 ana 254 ana y between 16 na 31), 2. Subnerask “Tres no nood 0 chango tho subnet mask. THs aunque, acvancod featur ot you Bahn Four. Is posse 0 change to sua ask ITncossary Nowovor, do NOT make ciangos to subnet mask Uns you havo a spec oason to do so, Te doaut sme 32 3. DHCP Server “Tho DHCP sorver uncon makos song Up &NoTwON vry sy by assigning I adarossos a cach computer on tho notwork auomatcay. ‘Tho deft sing is “Or. Th DHCP server can be tured OFF ngossary nowover, in ordr to doo you must many aot sate IP agoss for bach computor on your aster. Tot oo DHCP Sane Soe “OT and lek “Apply Changes 4. 1PPoot “Te range of adaresses set side ox aya asigment 1018 Compara on your network. Te dat 82-100 fa Compute) yOu ‘wat wo change tis name, you Can do so by entering anew sar. {id ering IP adress ana clcking on "Apply Changes The DHCP ‘Sener can assign 100 adaresses automata. Ts eres tat you cannot spec an P adess pol erger than 100 computers, For ‘Bample staring a 20 means you have to shd a 120 or lowe 3 a5 Mot {o oxcoed the 100-clent it Tho staring P adross must be ower | ‘amber than the ending IP adress USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eS 5, Lease Time ‘Th longi o in Ho DHCP sorvr wl sae ho adres or each {ompute. We recommend iat you law the oaso tno st “Foro. “Th Geta sang 6 "Forvar moaning that any tne a computer ‘ssgnod an adaress bythe DHCP sory, tho adross wil not {ange for ax particular compu. Sang asa nos for shorter Iara such a en dy oF one our ras P adds afer a, Specie period of ne Ts also ean hat partcuar computer's Paar may change ove me, yOu uss ny ofthe oar ‘vanced Tears ofthe outer suc as DMZ oF Cent er, tose ‘re pendent onthe IP adress, Forth reason, you knot wart to iPsasdres to change. “The default setting is “Bok. You can st alocal doman name (network rare or your network. Tero sno need te change ts seting Unloss you have a cpoceadvancod need te do so, You ean namo the otwoek any you want such a "MY NETWORK”. 33 Viewing the DHCP Client List Page ‘You can vow a ist ofthe computers (known as cons, which ta onmoctd to your hatwork YoU ae blo to a the Paes) of tho ‘Comput, to host rae} thw computor has boon assignad oh fad tho WAC adress (oT to computes natworknoraca card (NC) Prossng tho Retroa” (button wil updato tot ar have boon ‘ay changes, thot wl bo updato. —— USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eS Configuring the Wireless Network Settings ‘Tho “eos” tab as you make changos fo tho welassnawork Sarings. rom this tab you car ako changes to tho wuss nator natn o Service Set deter (SSI), persia chanel, encryption Sccunty setings, and congue tho Row to bo used es an accuse por ‘changing tho Wireless Network Namo (SSI0) ‘To onty your wraiss network @ name called th SSID I us, ‘The SSID yur petwerc name. Tha dofaut network name ole Fouroris “Bain N wiles fouowed by sik gts hat ao urge to ‘our Heute. Your natwork nam wok something i "eae A ‘iroioss 123885" You can change isto arin you choose, or You can oavo unchanged. Kaop in mia, you doc to change You witless natwork namo, and toto af oor wrlossratwOrRs ‘parang in yout aaa, your network nate hoods obo dren rom ‘ther wiles nator that maybe Open It yout aaa. To ‘he SSID, typo n tho SSD that you war to uso tho SSID tld) na ek “Apa Chagos” (21 The chango 9 mead. you Mako a ‘chango to te SSO, your wrlass-oquppod computers nay seo need ‘bo rocofiguraa io conoct fo you now network nna. or oto ‘documenta of your wrelass nswork Adar Yr noe On ring ns cng Noto: Pease prioicaty check for new Auer rare updos ‘rom tho“ ums » Femware update” page. Newer ware ca robin, add wreioss Testis, andr prove wieoss porrormance {eee page 7) 34 USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, Changing the Wireless Channel “Thor aoa umber of operating channols am which you can choose — in United States, hove aro tan n Ws Und Khngdom and most 151 Europe) here as 2. Ina smal pam of othr auntie, eo ro ‘air ehannol raquo. Your Router is contgure to operate on tho propor channots forthe county which you edo. The channel can be Changed aed. ere are omer wires networks operating a Youre, your network ‘shoul ba at to operat ona chan tat Litera tnan other wines networks “Tne IEEE 02.1n craft specication abows te use ofa sacondary Channel © double the bandwith fe "Usa the Banu Swe” baton An approprate extension channel be csplayd wen. ‘operating In 4OMz mode oe Using the Wrote Mods Swe” bot The channel can be changed # needed sing tne wiroess Mode Swen “This swich allows you to st the Routers wieloss modes. There ao {overs modes Noto: Some moces may require twa updates oe ens, wort This modo wi un OFF tho Rout's acco pot, s0.n0 woes ovis ean oi te rexwork. Turing af ho wrote ection oF your Fouor sa goat way to care your network who you are aay om ome fora ong prod of un, or dot want us to whos feature ‘tthe Rear at corn tna 2) s02.19 ony “Sting he Router to ths mod wil alow only 802 1g-compant vice 6 J the network eeping Cut ay slower 80210 deuce. 3 902.14G0n ‘Sctng ho Routt otis modo wi alow 902.10. 802319 an ‘B02 in-complan doves ton tho natworK 4) 802-1 ony ‘Sting the Route to this mode wl alow ony Neat €024%n-comptant| device oo the network, eeping cut 902 tig and 8021b dence. USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, Say 36 Using the Bandwidth Switch This smth allows you to sxe Rout’ wroloss bancwcth modes ‘Thora sovra oda va 1) 20m ony ‘Souing tho Rout to this mode allows only 20MHz poration. This mode ‘= eompatblo wi N, at 021 tr €02 11g and 02 Ib-comphant ‘dove, but wil it Nat 802i compliant doveos bance by bt. Reccng bandied fo 20MHz-ony operate might sve some cies proDians 2) ponmzs4omnz Auto Sing tho Rout 10 tis mado ows ito sich automaticaly Derwaan 2owitz and M2 operation Tis mode enabes 40MM operation, 10 ‘mimizospood oN rat 80211 compat doieos whe conan ‘omit. when legacy 8009 access pore prosemed and aosape8| ‘alacant socondarychannol to Router automaticaly reores (0 ‘oe operation to mastrize compat. Wo recommend using is ‘sho dest mode. USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, Using the Broadcast SSID Feature Noto: Tis advanced feature should bo employed by advanced Sore ony For ecu you can chons nto broadcast your newor’s Sb. Dain s wi hep your newark nae hidgen om computers tat Sroaseser of no SS, oma chock mark rom to ax otto *odest SSI0", and mer cick Apply Changes. The chango ‘meat. Each compe now nooo tobe so net ou Specie SSD; an SSI of ANY wil No font bo scented. Refer 0 ‘te dovamantaton of your wiles notwork adap Io on Irakng is hse. Protected mode ensures proper operation of N dat 802 ttn-compant ‘Gevces on your ress network wen 802g or O24 tb doves Se preter or when thor fe heayy 802.19 80211 vate nthe ‘peratng ronment. Uso protected modo if your network coneits of Simic of Btu N Wines Cards and 802 1g or 80210 ead on your otwoek. tf yu ao nan erorment at inchs ite to ne 802.119 ‘or802ib wreoss network va, You wil aco tho Dest N wre Bertormanes wi protected mode OFF. Convers, nan envronent fan HEAVY ate igor 80217 wate or mxtrenco, you wil aches ‘he bast N wales performance wih protacted mode ON. Tas wa ‘sure N wreoss perfomance is not ators 202. 11e/MMM Gos Switch ‘Nlows you totum ON oF OFF walss 20S. Cchangng the Wireless Securty Settings Your N welass Router 's equpped wh the latest security standard ald WF Pocected Aacoss™ 2 (WPA2") and the ogacy' ‘Standard caleg Wied Equvalont Privacy (WEP), Your Rotter also Suppers the WHF rotectod Sotyp™ (WPS) spactcaion, which Spits the setup of a weeles network: WPS usos arilar mmathecologes, such as yng ina Personal iernaton Numba (PN) 5 pusrng.a burton, to erasers wo axtomavalyconigue network ames ana stong WPATWPR2 daa enerypon and auton 8) Sorat, wraese scart fs Asabled To enable secu, yeu wil Mood {o getemine wich stnaara you want to Us. To aczoas the Securty Sings, clek "Secu" onthe "oaess" ta, USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eS Using W-F Protected Setup WPS uses WPAWPA2 (doscbod on ago 30) or aneypxon It doos ot provide aaonal secur, out rahe, standards to ato or Securing yout witless nowwor. YoU may uso oir the Push Button {Sonigaation (PBC) method or PIN mood to allow a ovis acess your witless network. Concoptualy, he (wo metods Work a foTews: PRC: Push ana hal ho WPS bute cca en the back ot your Route ‘ertivessoconds. Than, mate tho WPS prosodure onthe cll {fovea wenn wo minnie. ear o Your ches documentation on is brocedur, Pushing ts POC barton wit automaticaly enable WPAMWPAZ, ‘Tho tlonchas now boon securely aad 0 your wiles nano Pin: The cont device nasa PAN pumbor eer our or ght ag) hat Ieassocatad wn WPS. Enable WPS tough te screen fsated Det Emer he slants PN into the Hauer’ nema eegetat (ccoassed mough mis seraen The clent wil be atematcaty enol Into yourweaies network within Fo MPSS 38 USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, 1. WEFT Protected Setup (WPS: Enabled or Disabled. Personal Identtication Number PIN) Mothod: In this method, ‘wroles cnt wishing fo access your network must supp 3m Bg PIN tho Route Aor ccking “rr” ou mut start tho WoS nanasaking procedure rom th lant wd two minutos. ourar PA an extemal registrant, you may eer he Fouter's PIN wo me risa. Gok “Geneata New PIN 0 ange the PN rom ta Oto a. lk "Reser Dafa PINE es the PIN va Push Button Gontguration (PBC) Method: PBC isan aerate method to connect toa WPS network Push the POC baton Tocated on he back tie Router for tree seconds, and thon ita the PBC on tha cron device, Arnal. sh te “Start PEC” sot button to earth procoes, Manual Configuration Method: This acto ts tho dtaut ecunty sen to best up not sing WPS. 39 \WPA2 Requirements IMPORTANT: In odor uso WPA2 soc, your computor and ‘roles cont adaptors must bo upgracod vith patos, dvr, nd oon {ity sonar tat supported WPAS. AC tho to of ts Usor Manus. Dublin, a couple scorty pathos arab, er toe downoad, ‘rem Mirosot Mose pace werk only wi tho Windows XP opaing ‘Sjsem. Omer operating sss reat Supported ats IM For windows XP computers that 0 not nave Serica Pack 2 {P2) 2 le rom wero cabed“windons XP Suppor Patch {or Wieeleas Protected Access (KB 820042 saya for tee download at hitu/support microsotL com HDIE2EB42 For Windows XP with Service Pack 2, Mirosot has {eleasod eo download te update the wrelecs cient ‘Components to support WPA2 (KBO7 1021). Tho pao fs {aleble ron ipe/cupporemierosttcomabs0 7021 IMPORTANT: You also nas to ensure a al your weaess chant Carasradapters support WPA2, and tat you ave Gowoaded ana insted tha nest rer Most ofthe Balin wees cara ha “var opcates stabi or downiaad from the Bik suppor she ‘torn bekincomnetworkng, USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eS Setting WPA/WPA2-Personal (PSK) ‘oth WPA ana WPA? ae avaiabl in Personal (PSK) mode an "trpriso (RADIUS) mode. Typeaty, Poreona (PSK) fs tho mace ‘nat Wi bo sed na home emvoomant, who Eerie RADIUS) Inplomonrad ina businoss envionment wna an extra ras ever Aibuos tho nctwork ky othe eens autora. Your Route Supports WPAWPA2-Partonal (I). 1 ater youve se up your Routt go 0 me "ssoty™ page Under “weiss” ana select "WPA/WeRZ-Porsoral (Pr tom te “Securty Mego" erop-down ment. 2. For “Authentication, sect “WPA-PSK", -WPA2-PSK”, or WPAPSK + WPAZPSK: Ths Sting wil hae 0 be ‘dental on tha wrese cho that you ot Up. WPA PSK s WPR2 PSK" mode wil alow the Router to support Sons ung otrer WPA or MPA secu. 4 Ertar yur r-share toy). is canbe rom ght (See an rp oo sare ney ust be selon a of was Ha a ou IMPORTANT: Make sure your wsess comput ar ate fo Setup For sare you PSK git be serctwng it “Sram yan WDA WPAS, have th Oa satgs fo ge pet {emaiy erway Cre App ange fh You Semeur twat nw ae a ras cr omen toes stings eho 40 USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eS Setting WPA Security [Not To uso WPA socuty, you witless network cars must bo ‘quippad with software tat supports WPA. Aho te is User Mara tas published, secuy patch ior Microsatsavalala torr ‘Sonmload This patch works ony wh Wincows XP. Your Reuror supports WPA. Personal (PSK), which uses what fs known {354 pre-shared oy (PSK) as tho sacurey Koy. A ro sharo Kaye Sasicl password tha ls tonne and 6 eharacters eng Can bea combat of ters, numba, or charactors cent Sentosa oy acon a nrwo Tyla mage at Sorting WrA-PSK. 1. From ina “Securty Mode” rop-soun menu, select "APA/WR Personal (PSK) 2. har your pro-sarea ey. This can bo om eg 0 68 Characters and cab str numbers o symbols. This Samo Koy must be usod ona OF caoms tat you set Up 13. Glick “Apply Changes" to nish. You must now stl cents tomatch tse setings eho a USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, Setting WEP Encryption Note to Mac users: Tho “Passpirsso" option wl nt operat with ‘Rovio ArPort To configure encryption for your Mac eomput set ho ‘crypto using te manual rated dosorbod ho next sot. 1 Select WEP” oF “64 WEP" rom the drop down menu. 2. ltr solactng your WEP encryption modo, you can err you WEP ay manually by typing ne x WEP koy manual. you ca "ype ps asoin the "PassPnras” tld an ck "conor co tata WEP tay om a passpnvase. CICK Apply Cranes” to finsh You mst row sat alo! your seats 10 mate ese STINGS 3. Encryponn he Router snow st. Each of your computers on Your vos new wa now nad to be coigued wh the ‘Zmepasspivase Rear ote documentation at Your wees ‘amc ape tornormaten oo making ths change eee 42 USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eS Using a Hexadecimal Koy ‘Atoradocinal kay sa mixura of numbors ara tors am A-F an 0-0, 64-bekays so 70 dts ong and can bo vod Ino Mv two cg humors: 128-01 koys are 25 digs tng and can bo ddr 13 two-aig aumbers AFOF 48.62 D4 ~ 64-bit kay (6303 0F AF OF 4B 8 C9 04 4B.C9 D4 ET = 126.01 Kay Inthe bokosbolow, mako up your ay by wing in two charactors Botween AF and'6-2. uw Us Is Hoyt preram he emery Sorings on your Reus ana your wiaoss campers sou BF RO ESP “= DPore ODP ronnie Noto to Mac users: Orgal Apple APor products suppor 648i ‘erypton only Apple Aor 2 products can support 64 lor 126i ‘serypton, Please check your produet © $09 which Vrson You ao tang you canot congue your otwork wai 12 eneryptlon ry Sol enerypuon Using the Access Point Mode Notw: Tis advancad feare shoud be empoyed by acvanced users ‘ni. Tho Rout car bo contgued to work as witless natnark ‘ccoss pom. Using nT sar fare and ho Router il fou bo congue wih suit a th ost of th Nowa a yd ‘a bridge 1. The dtaut IP adotoas 102 68.2.254 anal subnat mack ''255:85.2580,Thoop can Bo custome tor your noo 1. enable ne AP mece my selecang “atte” n the “Use as cess Fin en” page wn yeu sooo is opt, you Wl be 261 cangerme i sings. 22 SetyouriP sengs tomaten your network. Cle "Apply Changes” 3. Connect cable tom the WAN port ont Router to your ‘isting notwore ‘Te Rute snow acting ae an access paint. To access the Router advanced user nterace again, iype the IP address you specified into Your browsarsravgation ba. Yau can sat to oncryptonsotings, MING audress tern. SIO. anc channel realy. 43 USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eS Setting MAC Address Control ‘Tho MAC adaress tors a powerful socuty fest that allows youto Spec wit computa arb allonad on ine wirlss network, Note: ‘This steppe only o weolss computor, T's st can be coigued Soy computer etomtng wo acco tho weiss nwo that ot Spoctiogntho ter Ba wi be nied cog. Won you erable is ‘atu, you must onar ha MAC adaross a oh cho eomnpuey to ich ju wart to alow netweak acco. Tho “Block outros you ‘em on ano acess tothe network ea To any comput aout Feng oad an rove te computer's NAC agdress rom te st. 44 ‘Stung up an Allow Access List 1 Select th “Aw” rao button (to bogin setting up ast ‘of computor alowed to contact tothe wirlessRatwork. 2 Noxt no “MAC Adcose okt that ie bank (2 typo tho NMAC addres of tho wiles computer you wat tobe abla, {eo acones the wieass network, tan cock “ fress. Opoing porsin your frowal Gan poso a Sout sk. You can Sable and abi sorting vory quick ts econmandd that you “tebe he Sorings whan you so not Using a specie appication Wainer ar ‘Setting Clent PFiters ‘Tho Router can bo coud to rast ac2988 to ho ene, eal of ter notwork sorvess a specie days and mos. Rasteon can bok ‘ora single computer, arango of computes, o mute computers. USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eS “Toresict Internet access oa snge compute for exapl, ete the IP aaaass of to computer you mi fe reste access fe Paks (0, Nox, err "8" m beth to port Holds Saoct Bob”). Soloct ‘Bock’ i You can also sleet “Alaye" tw Bleck aecoss al i Uno Salet uo ay to tat on tp tho me o etat ontop 6) Ho ay To tendo the bottom (7) andthe nat stop an to woo Select “abo”, Cack Aoply Cangas Tha computer at the P accross yar specie wl now Beck ttm erst acne at he mes ou pectin Note: 8o cure you have slotad the covfct tine zane under “thtes> Stn Sextnge> Tima Zone 48 Enabling the Demilitarized Zone (OMZ) ‘Tne DMZ fost lows you o spect one computer on your network {0'bo placed outside of he wal. This ay bo necessary i to Towa |S causing probloms wat napoleon such a 3 game ow onforncing application. Usothis fos of a tonporry basi: Tha ‘Computer nthe DMZ NOT prorcted Tom hacker stacks, ‘To puta computer im the DML, enter the as ag of IP aross ‘molP alg ana satet"Enado™ Ck "Appl Changes" for ta charge {oak ooce you af Using mpi state WAN i accrosses, Is possisis to select which WNP accross me DMZ host wil be docted {o.Typoln tbe WAN IP ares you wah ti DMZ nos ecto ertor ‘ho ast two Gas of oI adaross of no DMZ Host computa, slack hablo" and ck "ADDY Changos” USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eS Using Dynamic DNS ‘Tho Dyanc ONS servic lows you wo ls # dyna IP des {a static host harem anyoftha many domains DynONS og fas, stow your natwork computers o be mov easly wocessod To ‘arto oes on te rt provides tis soo, or Upto fve host namos, too o We loa: commun. ‘Te Dynamic ONS servioa soa ora home wabst, fs cerer, oF {emake easy to aocase yeur oma PC and stored tes Wl youre at ‘work Using th sven cat ensue at your Rost namo always Pits 1 {our iP adores, ro meter how ofan your ISP changos wo Your Saaracs changes, your ands end associates can always leat Yu BY ‘sng youre. stead! ‘To ragster ro tor your Dynamic DNS nostrame, please sit gerwwwayansers ‘Setting up te Routers Dynamic DNS Update Glent ‘Yu must ragitor with DynDNS.or' oo update service before using ‘mis feature, Oneo you nave you rogaaton,fotow the cectons below. 1. Selec DynONS as tho “DONS Serco" 2 Ener your user name me "User Nae Hla 2. ‘3. Ener your password n te "PasSHONG Hed 4 Emer te domainname yu set up wih DyrDNS.g inte ‘Domain Name” eld 15. Gick Update Dynamic DNS" (5) to update your IP adress \Wnonovor your IP accross asignod by your ISP changes, to Routor wil automat upcato DyaONs orgs sarvrs wih your now WP adress ‘upcat. ‘You can ais dots manaaiy by etching ta “Update Dyramic DNS" but 5 49 USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, ere rm Blocking an EMP Ping Utilities ‘Computer nackrs use whats known as pinging? 10 fn poten veins onto Inamot. By pinging’ speci iP addoss and racalng a Thais” screen ats you manage fren paramotrs of tho Routr Tospones om the adaross, «hacker can dxomino mat something ot and pertrm carn ecmvstratve functions. Ingrost might t2 meee. The Routt can be bt up 8 wil No rospons Tova GMP ping fom ine oxtsida, Tis heightens your Routers Secu eve Totum off te ping response, sect “Block ICMP Ping” () and ck “Rooly Ganges the Router wi nt respond oan tM pig. eho 50 USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eT A rm Restarting the Router Somatimos it may be necessary to restr or reboot te Route i begins working impropay Fostering or abootrg the Router wil HOT dole any of your confgzatonsutings. Restarang the Rovier to Restore Normal Operation 1. Cckimo Restart Reuner button 2. Te atowng mossa90 wl appear. Cick "OX" Wainer st USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eS 3. Ths folowing messoge wil uppear Astarting the Router can take upto 60 seconds. lis important not ot ote power 1 he Futor during to restart. Ay mercer an ante erat oF 4 .6o.scand councown wit spt ono sron en a hemo page Steud appear automaticaly. ret point Feutor'sagaress aut = 792.168: i tho avigeon Dar of you browser ‘Restoring Factory Default Settings ‘Using tis option wa esto alo to srtngs in he Routt tha ‘actoryfdtauy sous ts ecormendd tat you back Up your sotngs befor you rasore ado he cote. USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eT A rm ‘4 A60-second countdown wil appear on he screen. When the Ceunidown reaches zo, the Routers defaults wil be restored. ‘The Router hemo pape shoud appear aorataly I dos ‘ol type tho Ravers aadrose tel = 1021682) mo tho ‘vig bat of you bower. 22, The fotowang message wl pear Click "OK". 9. Thefotowng message wl appear Restoring me defaus cludes Testrung te Reuter ean take Up 60 seconds. Eis imporant otto tum the power tothe Router of uring te estar Brett nate amettem amr cs USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eT Saving # Current Coniguraion ‘Yu can savo your cont configuration by using tis fast. Saving your coniguaion wit alow you to restore ater It yur sotings aro lee or eng. tis ooammencod tat you bck up yout crt ‘onguraon before performing a Temware upast. 1. lek Saver A window called Fe Dowieae wi open, Gok “Save, Se= Soe ‘A window wal open tat alows yu to select te ation where you ‘want save te configuration le Selecta eat. You can are {hele anything you wart. or us tho default nae “user con Be suro to nao bo io oo you can feat your ate. Won yuh selected to foto ad mame of to ho, cook “Sa 54 USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eT 3. When the sav is complet, you wil 36 the window below. Cice Close" ‘Te coniguration 6 now saved. ‘Restoring & Previous Configuration ‘Tai option wl atow you to restore a preMously saved coniguaion. 1 Clk "Browse" A window vl opan slows you 0 sola ho locaton ofthe connguraton mo ll configuration Mos ona with ‘on Locale thé ooniguatn Mo you wat 0 rstoranc ‘outio-cickon USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eS 2. Youwil be asked i you want to continue. Cick “OK” ‘Aemindee window wi appoat. it wl tke up 1 6 seconds forte contguration restoration ta compete, ick “OK ‘A60-second countdown wil appear on the screen When the courtdown reaches zoo, tne Routers configuration ‘wile restored The outers home page aud appear {etomtcaly- Ino, ype the Router adds taut o2'68.21) me the avgator bar of your bower. USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, Say Updating the Firmware From tino 0 tne, Balkin may aagso now vrsions of ho Rows ‘war, Frwaf updats conal fatto proves ais to problomstat may hav enisog Whar Bain floss naw twa You can downioad he mwaro iam the Bok updete wobste and {poate your Rout tummaro to tho lato von Cchocking fora New Version of Fmware “The “Chek Femware (7) button allows you to nant hack or anew Version o mare. wen you ck the button, ana browser window ‘at appear ntrming you ha either no new imares aval o” tat thera nau version aval Wa new vrson fava, yOu we have me option downoad 57 Downloading a New Version of Firmware {tou cee "Chock Fare" baton an a pew vrsion of rar |e valabo, you ws secen ear 10 tho one blow. ‘Te downioas ha new vorsion of trmaro, click “Dowrleac USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, Sa ‘A window wi open that alows you to select the locaton where you want save the irate fe, Select a lation. You can Fare thet anytng you wart r uso the dota nao. 8 Seto fcate to ton aplaco wre you can loca t youreat Teor. When youhave steeted the locaton clk “Save™ ‘Tne dowrioad of tar is complete. To updat ha femware, {oow tho next stops n"Upaatng tho Rovers Fimwara. USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eT A rm Updating the Routor’s Firmware 1 Inthe “Feranare Update” page, click “Browse”. A window wil cpan 2. Browse to the fmuars le you downloaded. Sac tho lo by thatalone you to let the ection eft imware update double ctcung on te torre. == = USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eS rm 2, The“Upate Fire” box wil ow splay tha|cation and 4 You wi be asked i you are sure you want to contrus. Ck “OK”: ‘ame of the ena ie you Wt selected. ick "Update eens Sea ‘5 You mi see one more message. This message tls you tat the Furor may not speed frat long as ono maint ae the Ware {eoaded ino the foutr and he Nout aboted: Ck eee eee {6 A.60-second coumtdown wil appoar an he screen. When the ‘ourtdown reachos aro, he Router ware updata wil bo ‘omplete. The Router homepage shoud appear automaticly. ‘ot type nto Routers across felt = 1021682) no 0 ‘aviator bar of you browser. USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, eS changing System Settings “Tha “Systm Songs” pago Is whore you canon anew aanisate paseword, acto tne sone, ena emote management, ae Wn on Sof the NAT Rann of he Router Setting or Changing the Administrator Password “The Route sips wih NO password erred yeu wisn to a2 password tor grater sacumy, you canst a password hare Who down ‘Your passwota ang keep In saa placa, as you wt aod Wf you hod tog no he Roster In tho furs also recommended that You sta pasword you plan to use the remo managomont feo oryour Router 6 ‘Changing the Login Time-Out Setting “Tae login to opton alms you oS the pio of tne that you {Sn begged into the Routes aovancnd setup nertaea Th mer ‘Stare whan mera has ban ro act. Por example, agin you have ‘nade soma changes inthe vanes sotvpntsrtace then et your Somputr sone witeut kg “Logout Assuming tha time-out sot {o 1Ommutes, 1 minutes ater you fave, the logh session wi exe "You wit have clog nto tne Router again wo mak any more changes. Te logn teat opdn so scary purposes ana he ats a Mota: Oniy ne computer can bo logged into the Routers acancod ‘setup intracaar one tne USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, Setting the Time and Time Zone “Tho Router Koop tne by connecting toa Spe Newer Tine Prowoco (SNP sora. Thie allows the Reet synetronze te eystom ‘ock to he globa inc, The synctronzod cock mn tho Rotor sad to record ne sseunty og and convo cont mrng, Sekt “ie Zone at ye edo n-You Have tho option fo sole a prmary and ‘aachup NTP Server 1 Kap yout Rous Cock syneronized. Sect Your desred NPT serv the oop-cown box, Spl ex as. Ityou reso n an aoa that oosarves aay sawn, than aco a chock mark in tho box next “Enable Dayit Saving”. TW stom clock fay not updato treaty, ow tas 5 minutos fr the Rout 10 ‘omact tot sorvers on tho noret and goa response. You canmot Sore cock ours sae scmmceess a aa rer] Enabling Remote Management Before you anabl his acrancod fatwa of your Bakin Four, MAKE ‘SURE YOU HAVE SET THE ADMINISTRATOR PASSWORD. Remote ‘managamont alos you mako changos to your Routers stings rom “nyhero en ho inte That re two methods a remot managing ‘hd Rout Tho eto alow acoess to th Raster Hom anywhere ‘on me mmmet by stectng “Any P adress can remotely mage the ‘Router 8 typing it your WAN IP addess tom ary computer on he Iara you wale presenta wi log setean whe you need 10 ‘ype nie password or your Rout ‘Tho socond mato sw sow # spac IF aacross ony to remota ‘manage tho Ruta Th sexe sour Dut hss corwamnt To ws ‘his method, entre adress you kiow you wt bo accossing tho Fouto tom n tho spaco provided and slot “Only ths across ‘an romotly manage tie Rout Bare you ont une [STRONGLY RECOMNENDED that you at you acinar paso, ‘Coavng te pasword omy wit poten open your ROUGE to USE. _Acrancod Feature: The "Remote Aecoss Port” option alows you ta ‘Sanngur the dasa “Homate Actoss Port or emote Manegemon” ‘agure. The Geta aczoss ports st por 8 Daye streets USING THE WEB-BASED ADVANCED USER INTERFACE, Say Enabing/Disebing UPnP UPnP (Univrsal Pug an lay) sy another advancod oat offre by your Bolin Router 1s a eetnolegy that ors seamass operation ‘of voice messaging vidoo messaging, garos, and othr appleaions ‘at are UPnP. compliant, Somo appkations raquo tho Rous trowak ‘obo contgured n'a specie way to operat propery. Ts usualy Fequies opening TCP ana UOP ports, enn Some sta, setng ‘gger ports. appcalon mats UPnP-compant nas te i 0 ‘commuricate win the Rute, basicaly “tg” the Router wien Way Ingos ine trowel configured. The Rou ships wnt the UPnP feature ‘sable i'you are wing ary applications at are UPYP-compiant. a ‘ws to tak advantage othe UP features, you can enable te UP ‘atu. Simpl sect “Erabie” i We “UPnP Enabling” sect ofthe "ues® page. Cick “Apply Changes" to save te change. mae coe _Enabling/Disabling Auto Firmware Update ‘Tis imovaton proves the Router wih the bun capabity 0 uxomnicaly chook fora row vaio of fware an sar you tha ‘Mo now Timwaroeavalaba, wen you og Io wo Routers aavanced ‘ntrtaco, to Foutor wil prforma check to eo naw tare. ‘vatabio,'s, you wi bo noted, You can cooso to downoad tho ‘ow vrsion oF gor. © tate © one MANUALLY CONFIGURING NETWORK SETTINGS. eS ‘Setup te computer hat is connected othe cable or DSL mode FIRST using these steps. You can also use these steps to add computers your outer after Ui Router nas been set up connec ote nee Manually Contiguring Network Settings in Mac O$ up t 9x Pulldown te Apple menu. Select “Control Panes” ana sect Srcene 2. Youle he TCPIP contol panel Select “Ether Buln ‘thm! the "Connect wa” erop-down man (0) ” a —_——— 2S 3. Newt 10 “Cong” 2) Manual selected, your Furor wil nae to be Setup fra Sane Pconn0n |ype. we ne adores ormavion nthe tbe Deon. ‘Yu wi nec eer norman othe Rote, 4 tot aeagy so, at “conngura” choose “Using DMOP Server. “This wil the computor to tana Paces om the Route. aay errr contin: (Ung tHCP Server 15. Close me wnaow. you mad any changes, mo folowing weeiow ‘wil appear Cok "Sate A eet ‘Restart the computor. When the computor rstars, your network Sotangs are now configured for uso with to Route MANUALLY CONFIGURING NETWORK SETTINGS. eS rm Manually Configuring Network Settings in Mac 08 X (ek onthe “Systm Protrences” cor. ‘3. _Seloct “Buln Ememet” nox 0 “Shown the Network mens. 44 select the “TPnP= tab (3), Next © “Contr”, you shoul ‘soo “Manually” or Using DHOP" you down, cack tho FtPo€ tb (0 to mala sure that “Connect uarig PPPOE" i NOT ‘elcid: t's, you will ood To con igure your Reta er @ PPPOE connection typousing your username and pessword, MANUALLY CONFIGURING NETWORK SETTINGS. eT 5. Manually” is ste your Router will need to i Eototup fora state IP soe Connection type. Wit the accrecs formation ere Int abo Belew You genet | tiled to entre 16. Itnotatroay solociee, sleet “Using DHCP* next to “Contiguo” (ahimen etek “App Now” ‘Your network setings are now configured for use with he RoUta. MANUALLY CONFIGURING NETWORK SETTINGS. eT rm “Manually Configuring Network Settings in Windows 2000, NT, or XP {5 11°Usethe folowing IP addroes* is sloctod, your Router wil 1. Gick “Star, “Stings” then "Control Pans ‘need fo be sot up ora sale P connection type, Wt the addoes 2. Double-click onthe ‘Network and il up connections" eon Intoraten to tbe below You wil ood to omit Uns iermaton| (Windows 2000 or mo Network” ton (Windows XP) Inthe outer. 13. igh ctek on “Local Area Connector” associated wi your ratwork aapter and selec Properties" rom tv rop-down men, ot 6 tot areagy sotcte, soc “Oban an IP across automatcaty” (Gyan “obttin ONS server asdoss aomatony”f) Clek “OK ‘Your network settings are now configured for use withthe Route. eho 7 MANUALLY CONFIGURING NETWORK SETTINGS. leo a Sa A -Manuay Configuring Network Settings in Windows 98 or Me 4 light-tick on “My Network Neighborhood" and solect "Propertios” from te drop-down mon. 2. Select “TOMAP > setings for your neat network adapter You wil see the flcwng windon. o 2. Specs and IP adcrass”s selected, your Router wit nas to_be set ip fora sae connacton type, Wr ta adores Irsormation nt tabi blow, Yeu Wt Mead To enter ths Irtomation ino the Rooter. 44. Wit the I adress and subnet mask rm the IP Aces" uber 15. Click ho “Gateway” ab (2), Wit tho gatoway across down in theenar, Cok te “DNS Coniguration" tab (1), Wrte the DNS aderessta) Intme char 7.1 notatoady slectod, select “Obtain IP adress automata" on the Paddeas tab lok "OK ‘Restart the computer When the computor restarts, your network ‘sottnge sre now configured fr uso with Uo Router. RECOMMENDED WEB BROWSER SETTINGS. eT rm In most cases, you wi nt need 0 make any changes 1o your web browser's setngs Ifyou ae having rouble accessing the Internet othe ‘Web-Based Advanced User neface tie change Your browser's ettngs to Ui fecormenaed slings hs section. Microsort Inanet Explorar 40 oF Mighor 2 Inme-tnwanst options” screen, tae are slactons “Nover cas comacto bil whenovar a narwork connection ‘snopes and Always a ny dat Connactin’ ‘you can mal a slecten, select “Never ca a connection: you cannot make a selection go othe next ip ‘Start your wab brows, Sate “Tots then “niet Opes RECOMMENDED WEB BROWSER SETTINGS. Sas 13. Under the inset Options” screen, clek on “Connectons* and Netscape Navigator” 40 or Higher beet LAN Sattngs. 1. Stat Notscapo. Cek on “Edt” thon *rofrencoe™ Maks sure thre are no chock marks next to any ofthe cepayed ‘pone: Autematcaly detect sattnge, "Uso avomtic 2. InthoPrteroncas"wadow, cick on “Advancod” thon sock "and “Use a pry carver ick "OK" “Prenos™Intho “Proxies window, solect “Direct Connection 10 ‘Then eck"OK" again tho “Tntemet Optons” page. ir 10 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING Setup Assistant CD does not automaticaly start trina CD-ROM doos not star te Setup Assistant autoatcaly,couK bo mat the computa anting over appteations Mat ao itoring vw the CD ae. Ite setup assistant Welcome screen doesnot appear win "3:20 seconds, open Up yOu CD-ROM ae by dune ckkng ‘on ne "My Comparer fen tat located on your Gestop. Nest, doubo-cick on the CO-ROM civ thatthe Setup ‘Assistant CO his been placed nf stat the nstalation. 9, The Setup Assistant should start within afew seconds if, nstead, aineow sppoare showing the les on tho CD, double cick on tho icon labled "Saupastan 4. tho Sotup Assistant stl doos not start reforonco tho section I Maa Congr etm Sing age) ts User Mandl fra atreve sot moto) ‘Setup Assstant cannot tnd my Router Ifthe Setup Assistant not abet ind the Router during the nstalaion| process, pase check the olowng tam 1.1 Soup Assists potable find he Rote reg the Instaaaton proce, tov may bo rapa inewal stare Instated on bw comer stemping to accezs the Fiore ScniCe re Potacton, Mcafee Persona Fema ana Norn Persona Frewat you do have Frewal software stalled on {yx computor, poate make eure tht you propery congue ‘Yeu can determine to owl eoware preventing itenet {coc by tmporart trang oH woth onal le sable, insane access works property, you wl need to change the frewal ‘atngs to uneton property win ie tned on, ase roar the mstrucuons prowdaa by the pubis of your Mewal oftware for instuctons on conigutng the row to alow iment cose 2. npg power tote Rowe for 1 seconds and en plage Ez shula be st BLUE rot chase to me cura ata. A ‘Sip nconmectato ts Ren ana paged a et ‘3. Ensuro tat you nave a cable connected botucen the network {Exrernay pare an to back ofthe computor ana one cho “to Wired Gomputars" pers onthe Back fo Hour Nota: he computer should NOT be connected othe pt abled “to 4 Ty suing down and restaring your computer, the rerunnng the ‘Soup Assan ifthe Setup Assist is sil unable to tnd te Router, reference ‘he section thled "Manually Configuring Network Setting” Tor instalation steps. TROUBLESHOOTING Setup Assistant cannot connect my Router tothe Internet Iran Sup Assistant ot abo to connect the Rout too bore, peo cack mo llowing ee 1 Uso te woublosnoning suggostons witin the Setup Assia 2. tour ISP requre.@usar name and pasword, maka ie at You ova typed in your ser rane ans pasar coat. Some Usernames require hate ISP's domain ray be a te 80d ofthe fame. Example “mynams@nyispcen, The “ part of the user name mzy need tobe ted as well as your user ane. Ityou cominge ohare no norne connecton, etaronco to socton ‘od “Manual Coniguing Norwork Sarin? (pago 64 o is Use anual or an atmatve soup mathod + Te sep Rass completa nstatato, bu my webbrowser + Lamunable to connect to the intornet. The “modem” LED on my Router off and to “intornet” LED # blinking. Ityou cannot connect te eet, nd the moder” LEDs of, and 1 "amet LED'S biking, th problem may be that yeux mods an outer are ot connactaa propery Maka sure th network cab between the mods and te Router ‘econnectod, The cable shoul be connected atone nd te Reuters te Moen” pert, and athe oer end te the network por ‘on your moder n npg the cable or DSL mods rom ks power sours for tres ‘mutes. iter three minutes, pug the modem back no over sac, Ths may face thermosen propa ecagice Unplug te powor 1 you Rout, walt 10 seconds, and then ‘oconct th power Tis wil us tho Rout reattmpt Futoris nor it after completing tase stops, please contact Bik Technical Support ‘ry tung down ana restoring your computer. TROUBLESHOOTING +The Setup Assistant completed installation, but my web browser doesnt work + Lam unable to connect to to ntarnet. The *modon” LED on my Foutor ison, and to “hornet” LED le binking. Ityou cannot connoet othe eres th "modern LED 0, fn “meet” LED sankng, tho probe may be wat your Conngeton type may not mate the SPs Conerton, 2, Ityou nave a stan P agoress" connection, your ISP mt asugn yeu the IP adress, suonet mask, and gateway ‘dream Please roler to be section ened "Atorate ‘Setup Met for tats on changing ths sting. 13. you avo.a PPPOE” connocton, your ISP wil asign you a user hae and password and sometimes a sorice nar, Mako sure tho Routers comecton typo configured to PPPOE 2d the Sotungs ao ona propery, leas efor othe secton ett “aatarate Setup Method for tats on change ts sung. 4. Youmay need to conngure your Rowe to moot he Spocte aqaremant of your IP To serch ou Knowledge base for ISP-spec iss, go te: ps? web atin. comysuppor and type nS you ave sti unable to acces he Interns alter csabing ay firewall ‘softaro, pleas contact aan Technical Supper 1+ The Setup Assistant completed, but my web browser Sossnt work: “+ Lamunabio to connect tote torn. The odon” LED ‘on iy RoUtor te blnking, and th “intrnot” LED fs slid. 4. tho smoder® LEDs biking and he “vero” LED Is ‘sold, but you are unabist acces the ner, tere ay be mirc-pary trewal sortare mstased on the computer ‘emping 9 aceasta nema Exampes of Wta-pary ‘rowal sotware are ZoneAlarm, Blackice Pc Protection, Aloe Personal Frowal and Norton Personal Fea 2. you do have ewal software stad on your computer, lease make sure hat you popery congue. You can ‘Setormne to rowal sttwaree preventing internet access by tompornly uring ott, whl be Hrewal ables, Inte access works properly, yu wil need to change tho ‘rowal stings to functon propery when is tuned! on, ‘3 Prease eter to ho nstuctons provide by the pubtsher a your {rowalsaetornsrocons on coreg the Wea 6 acm you are sti unable 0 access the inte afer salen any firewall ‘softmare, please contact Ben Technical Support, TROUBLESHOOTING lean't connect to the Internet wirelessly. ‘cart connect to the intemet wirelessly, but my network name Isisted. Ityou aro ungblo ro connact ote ere rom a wialss comput, pla chook te Ylloning ee ira nam of your network ste the Avatnble Networks” Et Dlese olew the stops bow to connect wes 1 Lookat in ins on your Router. yar using a Bokn Router, the gts sou bea o1ows 41. Glekontne conoct network name tho "Avaabe Networks" Ist + Tho router" LED shoul bo on \ 2 tie nawonk nas sacuylanerypson) enable, you wi ood ‘The -modiom”aght soul be on, ana na nen, ‘rte the network Koy, For more Inormation roqarang soca. ‘ne mtemat* LED sould be on, and not eg, ‘S601 secon onttod "changing the Wrdioss Socuty SaaS" "The Sweetest sous beer pt binking, ‘3. hin fow soconds, tho ay oon the ow ft hand comer ‘Open your wales uilty software by eickng onthe con inthe ‘ot you croon should umn gree, dean of succasstut ‘Speer vay ate bottom, igichand comer of ho econ ‘annecton othe nacwork, '3. Tho.oact window tht opens wil vary depending onthe model of $Tstor smile heron shoes wees etworns ean ‘Does me name of your eles network appear in the resus? ‘os, my notwork nao I ised gor to roubishoting sotuon ved" can connoct ot nthe wos Dut notworK ano ‘Siswa™ No, my nonwork name snot stad go tthe weublesnoctng souten {ed an crete rea, ny naw ae eee ™ TROUBLESHOOTING Lean't connect to the Internet wirelessly, 2 notated my network name Is ito corer nework name ie sted undor“AvazabIe NetWocks” in ‘he wires uo, leas atenp the rowing toubleshootng saps Tamporaiy move compute, possi, W010 fst rom ma outer close me wees ui, ane reopen ifthe correct. atwork name now appears une "Avalaine NerworR", you ay fave a range or rtreence probe Pease soo te suggestions Control Panel > Netiork Connections" Fight king on “Wireless Networks” ana xtectng propio ‘play to fowing sreor Erere he “Uso Windows to coigus _ny wiles nator stings” check boxe ehockod. ‘TROUBLESHOOTING eT rm 3. Select the network to which you ae yng to connect and 4 Fora home or small busines usr, select “WPA-PSK" under lek on "Propartes”. You wil se tie folowng sree “Network Authentication 15 Select “TKIP" AES" undor “Dato Encryption. This eating ‘wil have fo bo intel to the Rout that you se a. 6 Typoinyour encryption kay nth “Network kay" box. Important: Enter yout pre-strea Key, Ts can be rom ext 0 63 ‘racars ann betas nemo, symbos TS Sa) ‘must used en a of te ts hat yOU Se Up. 1. Glick “OK” to apy setings mats te ateronce between 8021p and drat 02.140 ‘Guranysro ar te commonty usod wis neworking standards, vain wana data a wor dort maximum speeds, Each s bsso0 ‘ona designation or crtryng network standatas. Te most common ets networking sandaro, 802119, can vans voto ua {o stkapps; 02.11 aso supports up fo S4Mbps, butn We 3GHz jan 802m craft spacticaton can connect at up 19 200hMbps. See the cart on te ext page for more dad information ir 1 TROUBLESHOOTING San Belkin Wireless Comparison Chart mor eere[ecoee [eum | mm Fea re commer rer | ata [amare |saaen eae aamee [ipo fe mo las [som ‘Tectinical Support ‘You can fd tctnical suppor information a pwn com” networking or wira.ooken comvauppor INFORMATION Foc statement DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY WITH FCC RULES FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY Wi, Bet ntemationa, nc. of 501 West Walnut Stes, Compton, CA 90820, daclre under ur soe respersby tat the device, se23e-4v1 ‘compiles wih Par 18 othe FOC Puls, Operations aude 0 ‘he olen to conan (1) is device ray hot cali hare brertaranenana (he cevile must accep ery wrerence TaccNe, resuaing ntrteanca tat may cause unasiea operon. ‘caution: Exposure to Ras Frequency Radiation “The devoe shal bo used in sucha manner thatthe porn or human ‘eomact normal operation's mimi, “This equment compiles win FOC raion expesu st st tr for an Uncenwetod envfonmant. Tis aqufpmen’ should bo nstalod and ‘porated wit minimum stance of 20cm borwcon tho radar and your boa ‘This equpment hasbeen tasted and found to campy wt the lk for a Gia 8 digi! dovce, pursuant to Part 1 ofthe FOC Aes, These ls are desnod to proves reasonable potecton against haul ‘erorns ina resident instalation, This equipment gonrates, uses, and can radiate radio requenoy ‘Song ad not stalled ang sad acootdanes lth is nstvowons, tay eau nal nerternce o rade conmmunicatons. However, ‘hate eno guarantee that vefaanc wi pt ocurred Fratton th aqupment does cts han ierarenos 0 aso tslsysion rcepton, which canbe determin by tuning the eculpment (tf and on, the user encouraged to UY an corect neraenee by ‘one or more of te folowing measures + Reorlntor locate te rocoing antenna, + Increase the stance betweon the oqupment and tho recoher + Genet me ecupmert anal on ere teen ‘Consul me dealer or an experenced rao TV torn or hap For EEE 202th products inte USA market ont chants ‘trough 1tcan be operated. Secon of ae cannes snot possi ‘This doves and its artanas must note co-located or oporaing in conjunction wit ary omer anton or vansmiter. Modiestions “Tha FC request usr tbe noted tat any changes of ‘moaineation to iis doles tat aa not expressly appvoved PY Satan ntmatona in, ma vod he Usars author to operate ‘mo oaupment. INFORMATION ‘Canada-industry Canada (6) “Tho woos radio of his dovce compos wih RSS 199 & FSS 210, Inawsry Canada, Ms Cass 8 cial apparatus comptes wit Caracan Ices. 003. ‘Operations subject to folowing two concnons() mis davce may ot cause martoronc, ana 2) bis aoviea must accept any ortorence, Ireuang iareronc iat may cause undone operation cf to davies, (Cot apparel numérique dota clase 8 conforme a nore NMB-008 canada ufope-Furopean Unlon Notice Rano products wit he CE 0682 or CE fet making comply wit the RATE Dractve('985/3/EC} 360 by Te ‘Connmsson ote European Commun ‘Comptanco wit sis droxtvo ples contri ro to fotowing stopoan Not backers ao the agua nomatonal standaros. EN 609501 EC50050)-ProauctSatty £300 228 Tectnicalrequrament or ado equipment EN 201 489 General EMC requrements or rado equipment ‘To detormino tho ypo of ansmitor, cock to aseton labo On| your Bok product. Products wih ma CE mariang comply wth the EM Directive (84336! EEO) ana th Low Votoge Drectve (7227E20) Issued by te Commission f tha Europaan Communty-Compllanco wt meso ‘ecves mplos conormay tothe towing European NOS Brackets ara tmo oquvelon irtrnational tancaros co £8 50022 (CISPR 22) EectromagnetcIntrerance FN 58004 (ECE1000-4-28,46,61 - Eocromagnotc Immunity £N61000-3-2 ¢€510000-3.2}-Powor Line Harmonics £§161000-3-3 (EC510000)- Power Lina Flicker EN 60050-1(EOBODEO)- Product Saety Products nat conan e radio wansmitar are labeled wit CE 0682 0 (CF alr marking and mayo carry 8 CE ogo. INFORMATION Bolkin International, Inc., Limited 1-Year Product Warranty ‘what ths warranty covers. Balan inematona in. (Sch) warants tom onginal purchaser of ‘his Balm proguct mat the product shal bere of detects m sign, Sssemay, mater, Womans ‘What the poriod of coverages. Botan warars the Ben product er one year What wt wa do ro corract problems? Bain wil rea oreplace, a ts opvon, any defective product of ‘charge xcept fo shipping charges forte product), Bain resents fight to Gsconanue ay os products wieut note, and seas a Iited warranty torepar or eptace any such scented prcucts ie event that Belen s unable to ropa er roplace We prog ‘Sample, because thas been econtnued Bln wi tr oer a ‘elund of a rad toward tho purchase of arotor product om Ben. ‘Com fan amour equal tothe purchase price ofthe procut os {danced en te egal pursasorecapt ae coud bys ual se mats not covered by tis warranty? [At abows warantes san and vela ye Balk produc nt povided to atin fernspacton upon Bakh'srqust a the sok [Sipanse of ms purenase or Oakin determines fate Bet procict ‘nas Beon mprepany instal ster many ws, or amporse wh, {Tha otin Product Wnrany nes not pone aGanet acs of Gs! such |S'tcod. eannquate, grin, war vandal, tet normal use wear {and toa, ooson, depletion, obsolescone, abso, damage ao To ow Yottago disturoaioas fe. rowrouts or sas, non-auorzos roma, ‘orsjtem eduipmont modeaon rakeraon. How to get service. {ogertervos fr your Bak proc you mt ake the following step 4. Contact alin Intraoral, nc. a 1 W. Walnut St, Compton CA 90220, ae Customer Servic, cr call (80)-228-5546 wan 13 days Ofte Cccurence, Be prepared provid te folowing meration Tho part number o the Bain product be wmere you purchased ne product «6 Won you purchased ho product. 6. Copy orga roc 2. Your Ben Customer Servic Hopresonttva wl hen instruct you co owt trwara your facelp ana Ban product and now to proesed va your eta INFORMATION Balan reserves the right to review te damaged Ben product. Al ‘costs of sping the Balkin product to Bak for ispacton shal Bo ome sow by the pucnasor Ir Botan dotrmines hte sole dest, ‘atts mpracical to ship the damaged equpment to Baker, Bein may dosignato, mits sole cectcton, an equipment ropa facto Inspect and estate the costo rapa such equpmen, The cos i any. ‘feng the equpmant to rd om such par fac and of such ‘sata shal be barre sot) bythe purchaser Damaged casper trust remain avatabl for mepecton uit te la stale, ‘Whenever came are sted Bain reserva the git oe subrogats Under any existing surance pcos me purchaser may have. How state law restos tothe warranty. ‘TMS WARRANTY CONTAINS THE SOLE WARRANTY OF BELKIN, ‘THERE ARE NO OTHER WABRANTIES, EXPRESSED Of. EXCEPT AS REQUIRED BY LAM, IMPUED, INCLUDING. THE MPLIED WARRANTY (Of CONDITION OF QUALITY. WEACHANTABILITY ON FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND SUCH IMPLIED WARRANTIES, IF ANY. [ARE UMITEDIN DURATION TO THE TERM OF TS WARRANTY. ‘som sites do no atow itations on Now long an mp wana lasts, so the above nations ay 9 apy You. INNO EVENT SHALL BELKIN BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OF MULTIPLE DAMAGES SUCH [S, CUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST BUSINESS OF PROFTTS ARISING ‘GUT OF THe SALE OR USE OF ANY BELKIN PROGUCT, EVEN IF [ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, “Tis waranty aves you speci ga gts, and youmay also nave ‘ter gs, whic may vary em stato fo sata. Soma sas do ret ‘Sow tne exclusion arimation ot nicana sonsoquonta or cxnor ‘Samagos, 2 tho above Imatons may not spp) You

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