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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga Del Sur

District Achievement Test


Name: _______________________________ Strand: ___________ Grade level: _______ Date: ______________

Directions: Read each item carefully. On the Answer Sheet, blacken the circle that corresponds to the letter of the correct
1.How do media and information affect communication?
a. They describe the effectiveness of the d. They have created a new avenue for
communication process. facilitating information and
b. They allow dissemination of communication. ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
information to the intended receiver. e. No clear information is manifested in the
c. They explain what and how messages use of media.
are relayed from one person to another.

2.  Which of the following models shows one-way transmission of information and simple
a. Harold Laswell’s model d. David Berlo’s model
b. Aristotle model e. Shanon and Weaver
c. Plato’s model

3. What useful thing of communication being used in the said process?

a. language d. technology
b. media e. mass communication ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. literacy

4. Which of the following is an evidence of a favorable content as evaluated by netizens?

a. Number of likes d. Number of twitter followers
b. Number of friends on Facebook e. Number of comments ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Number of shared posts

5. A set of abilities linked with producing media resources and the processes of critically examining
and exploring meanings behind media.
a. Information literacy d. Media and Information literacy
b. Media literacy e. New/ Information Age
c. Technology literacy

6. It refers to a person’s ability to search, access, consolidate, utilize and create relevant information
for varying purposes.
a. media d. information literacy
b. information access e. literacy
c. information utilization

7. Noel accesses, evaluates and creates messages in his mobile phone to promote his advocacy to
fight sexual harassment. What literacy could be developed by Noel?
a. Mobile literacy d. Information literacy
b. Media and Information literacy e. computer literacy
c. Technology literacy

8 According to UNESCO, Media literacy refers to:

a. the ability to read and write through d. one’s ability to search, access and
media consolidate informations
b. Dominated by a news format e. an area of technology devoted to the ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Understands the value of true development

9. How would you explain and best support that facebook has changed our lives in a good way?
a. We care less about our privacy d. Facebook changed the definition of a
b. Facebook created negative effects on friend.
the study habits of the students.
c. Facebook is a way of wasting our e. Facebook has created online jobs and
money. opportunities

10. Media acts as a major role in a powerful system. What does it mean?
a. It creates a person’s sense of reality. d. Rootcause of vasts ideas.
b. It is already part of our culture. e. All of these ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. It shows us a constructive information.

11. In sending an electronic message, the following are examples of Information Literacy EXCEPT:
a. Appropriateness d. computers
b. Tone e. Recepient ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Clarity

12. Which of the following BEST describes “ Media’s Responsibilities Towards Society”.
a. The content of media should reflect d. It should work like the watchdog.
truth, accuracy, objectivity, and balance. e. It shows constructive information.
b. Media gets its audience from the ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. It should bring the demand of down

13. It refers to the information exchange via local channels. It is a way of culture preservation and
a. Kapihan d. Balitaktakan
b. Indigenous Media e. Indigenous knowledge
c. Kuwentong Barbero

14.Which information source is best to use when gathering information about the wedding practices
of Subanen tribe in our community?
a. Internet d. School Media
b. Indigenous Knowledge e. Balitaktakan
c. School Library

15.Illegal online activity mostly done through spoofing with the aim of stealing personal information
like passwords and credit cards.
a. Identity theft d. Spamming
b. Phishing e. Flaming
c. Cyberbullying

16.Using online classes to enhance learning in the classroom is an example of:

a. Media literacy d. New/information age
b. Digital Literacy e. Convention ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Technology Literacy

17.The following are the attributes of traditional media EXCEPT one:

a. One-directional d. limited
b. interactive e. Sense receptors and specific ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. sender-receiver

18. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?

a. brochures d. Netflix
b. twitter e. Instagram ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. facebook

19. Which of the following types of media enhances the media experience of its consumer because it
has the components which heightens both the sense of hearing and sight?
a. Broadcast media d. New media
b. Film or cinema e. Video game and digital media
c. Podcasts

20. Which of the following experiences is covered by Information Literacy?

a. The use of information sources d. Searching keywords
b. Gaining wisdom e. All of these ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Controlling information for retrieval

21. Which of the following is an EXCEPTION in evaluating information found online? ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
a. Looking for a trusted brand or reliable d. Make an online collaboration of the ideas
source. received.
b. Comparing the information on the e. Checking the websites internal
website with the same information from information and procedure for
an established media company or with fact-checking and mission
original source materials.
c. Making sure that the source is a
governmental agency.

22. Your Science teacher requires you to create a multimedia product that describes the “ Life Cycle
of a Mosquito”. What will you consider in creating this multimedia product?
a. Medium and purpose d. Purpose and target audience
b. Target audience only e. Medium, purpose and target audience
c. Internet messaging

23. It is a compulsive use of the internet for pornography, adult chat rooms, or adult fantasy role-play
a. Cybersex addiction d. Internet addiction
b. Cyber-relationship addiction e. Information Overloading
c. Computer addiction

24. Why do you need to file for ownership of your creative Obra Maestra?
a. So that it will never be lost. d. B only
b. It will make you earn money. e. None of these
c. A & B

25. What is a recognizable sign or expression of a business?

a. Color d. Design
b. Trade secret e. Trademark ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Obra Maestra

26.The following are types of Intellectual Property EXCEPT:

a. Patents d. Trade secrets
b. Copyrights e. Fair Use ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Trademarks

27. If you want to be an effective and efficient information seeker, what will you do?
a. Understand how to utilize a variety of d. Be open minded to whatever possibilities.
information source e. All of These
b. Identifies informations which are ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
important as a need
c. Understands the value of consulting
with resource specialists.

28. The quote ‘THINK BEFORE YOU CLICK” means:

a. Look for a faster mobile network to d. Send always a private message.
connect e. Know what and when will you post on
b. Make a call every time you’re online. your wall ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Click the public button every time you

29. Which set of words BEST, describe media and information literate?
a. Critical, responsible, life-long learner d. One-sided, bias in beliefs
b. Intelligent, reserved, skeptic e. Active, creative, spontaneous ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Apathetic, neutral, independent

30. Why do most teachers warn you against using the Wikipedia as a primary source of information
for your concept papers and researches?
a. Because of its limited content d. Because information is open for editing,
b. Because of its definitions are not clear hence, they may not be reliable ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Because information is not properly e. None of these

31. If people do not verify the sources of messages provided by any form of media, what will likely
a. Health problems such obesity will be d. More reliable sources of information
addressed e. People will acquire more useful
b. Fake news will spread information
c. Cyberbullying will be prevented.

32. Which of the following principles based on the ‘ Code of Ethics for Media Providers and
Procedures” should school paper journalists adhere to?
a. Journalists must get as much opinion as d. Journalists must be open minded and bias
they can from others. free to whatever informations they
b. Journalists are not obliged to accord gathered.
sources, subjects and colleagues with e. Journalists are not accountable for the ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
respect. accuracy of the information they provide
c. Journalists should be honest, fair, and to their audience.
accurate in collecting, reporting, and
interpreting information.

33. Which among the following DESCRIBES internet addiction?

a. Spend much time playing video games d. Sleepless nights due to mobile games
b. Frequent browsing on social media sites e. All of these ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Allot budget for cellphone data

34. What law protects children from Bullying?

a. Republic Act 10175 d. Republic Act 16027
b. Republic Act 10172 e. Republic Act 10982 ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Republic Act 10627

35. A student heard that one of his classmates is a victim of cyberbullying. What does he need to do?
a. Join community work d. Rely on the information given by his
b. Listen to news from the radio. classmates. ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Verify the information from a reliable e. Check any available information from a
source. social networking site.

36. You are active in sharing memes in your social media account. However, there are reports that
cyber bullying, through sharing of memes is the main cause of suicide in the country. What
should you do?
a. Stop sharing memes d. Ignore memes being shared
b. Analyze the information implied in the e. Continue to share memes
memes before sharing them.
c. Convince your friends to read the

37. Why does digital divide happens?

a. Lack of access due to affordability d. Lack of correct knowledge about media
b. Lack of knowledge on how to use the literacy
technology e. All of these ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Lack of knowledge of the benefits of

38.The following are steps to avoid cyber bullying EXCEPT one:

a. Think before you post d. Be a responsible media producer.
b. Set privacy controls in your account/s e. Talked to a trusted person ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Think negative

39.The following are cybercrime cases in the Philippines EXCEPT one:

a. Child Pornography d. Human Trafficking
b. Wiretapping e. murder ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
c. Dissemination of wrong Information
thru net

40. Which of the following BEST describes a massive open online course (MOOC)?
a. It is a free video-based online unlimited d. It is an open online course.
course offering to students. e. It is a free computer-based course offering ⒶⒷⒸⒹⒺ
b. It is a free internet-based course offered to any type of learner across borders.
to students across educational levels.
c. It is a free web-based course offered to
students with specific goals regardless
of their geographical locations.



1. C 21. B
2. A 22. E
3. B 23. A
4. A 24. C
5. D 25. E
6. D 26. E
7. C 27. E
8. D 28. E
9. E 29. A
10. E 30. D
11. D 31. B
12. A 32. C
13. B 33. E
14. B 34. C
15. A 35. C
16. B 36. B
17. B 37. E
18. A 38. C
19. A 39. E
20. E 40. E

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