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Garita, Gracezel Ann

BSE-MATH A2020 May 11, 2022


1. The purpose of schooling according to the functionalist theory are:

a. Intellectual purposes – acquisition of cognitive skills and inquiry skills.

b. Political purposes – educate future citizens, promote patriotism promote
assimilation of immigrants; ensure order, public civility and conformity to laws
c. Economic purposes - prepare students for later work roles; select and train the
labor force needed by society
d. Social purposes - promote a sense of social and moral responsibility, serve as
a site for the solution or resolution of social problems; supplement the efforts of
other institutions of socialization such as the family and the church.

Cite how schools at present are working on the realization of these 4 purposes as cited
by the functionalists.

 The first basic purpose of school is intellectual purposes, it helps in the acquisition of
cognitive skills and inquiry skills of students. Having a disability helps students to learn
how to think for themselves, which is important in schools since it encourages students
to become logical thinkers. Individual enlightenment is the growth of reason through
intellectual effort. One of the major purposes of education, which is the cognitive and
intellectual purpose, is to open a can of worms in the students' minds by encouraging
the questions and ideas to squirm, change, and challenge. The cognitive and
intellectual goal is significant because it focuses on increasing students' higher-order
thinking skills and knowledge so that they can become literate and knowledgeable
thinkers. Educational departments such as DEPED and CHED offer a variety of
scholarships for all students. By providing sufficient scholarship assistance, we can
help students achieve greater success in college by providing intellectual opportunities
and deserving students who want to graduate with a true scent degree and contribute
to the society.

 Second the political purpose plays an important role in educating future citizens in
promoting patriotism, assimilation of immigrants, ensure order, public civility and
conformity to laws. With the help of teachers, school systems identified and determined
that schools might help people learn how to manage themselves wisely and justly in
order to help students become more autonomous and have opportunities to participate
and interact with others. The educational system is considered as a societal politicize.
The transmitted norms and ideals are contrasted to those considered required for a
stable democratic political system. Individuals benefit from education because it allows
them to participate meaningfully in civil society and political life, and society benefits
from informed and engaged citizens. Schools urge students to participate in student
councils and governance. By organizing and carrying out school events and service
initiatives, students will be able to build leadership and political abilities. They assist
students in sharing their ideas, interests, and concerns with the entire school

 Third, the economic purpose believes that education can help students advance
economically in life. It helps students prepare for later work responsibilities by selecting
and training the labor force that society requires, implying that they must remain in
school to get the knowledge and skills necessary for their future career. Education is
one of the mental components of development in every way. Without significant
investment and human capital, no country can achieve long-term economic progress.
Education improves the quality of people's lives and leads to broad societal benefits for
individuals in society. Education improves people's productivity and creativity while also
encouraging entrepreneurship and technical advancements. It also plays a critical part
in ensuring economic and social progress while also improving wealth distribution.
Education leads to the growth of productive skills, which are important for individuals to
advance in the employment market as well as for society to improve and preserve
wealth and compete in the global economy. K-12 curriculum guides senior high school
students in becoming economically self-sufficient through the subject of work
immersion, which provides students with real-world workplace experience and teaches
them a set of technical vocational and livelihood skills that can help them make better
career decisions and improve their employment prospects.

 Fourth the Social purposes the social goal of education takes into account society's
social requirements. Education is provided with the goal of familiarizing new members
of society with social customs and etiquette. To look at it another way, when a society
desires to have a very strong social structure and does not allow individual members to
diverge from its social traditions, it prioritizes the social goal of education to a large
level. The social goal of education places a high value on society, and as a result, the
individual is relegated to the background. There is a strong emphasis on the social goal
of education in nations with socialist administrations. Individuals who act in ways that
are antithetical to the standards of proper conduct are subjected to social control.
Teachers must apply their authority in the best interests of their students, with a focus
on the development of self-discipline, independence, and maturity. Socializes the young
to fulfill necessary adult duties. Keeps the young engaged. Delays entry into the labor
market. Aids in the perpetuation of society by socializing the young to specific societal
values and beliefs.
2. Adherents to the conflict theory claim that schools teach loyalty so that those on power
remain and those below will forever be at the bottom. Do you agree? Why or why not?

 In my own I agree, When we think about it, the objective of a school is not to produce
intellectuals, but to keep young people out of the labor force to limit competition for those
in the reproductive period of their lives, and then to integrate them into the system when
they reach that same phase. Since conflict theorists argue that the educational system
promotes and maintains social inequities that result from variations in class, gender, race,
and ethnicity. According to conflict theorists, schools prepare working-class students to
accept and retrain their status as second-class citizens. They claim that testing, as well
as the difference of resources accessible to students in wealthier and poorer
neighborhoods, fulfill this function.

3. Individuals act based on meaning. This meaning is based on the individuals'

experiences. Meanings change. Give two implications of these symbolic
interactionist thoughts to education.

 People act a certain way toward things based on the meaning those things already have,
which also is derived from social interaction and modified through interpretation, according
to Herbert Blumer, a student and interpreter of Mead, who coined the term and put forward
an influential summary: people act a certain way towards things based on the meaning
those things already have, which is derived from social. According to research based on
the symbolic interactionist perspective, teachers' expectations may have an impact on
how much their students learn. When teachers have low expectations for their students,
they are less likely to learn. The brilliant students, predictably, had learnt more during the
year than the less smart youth.

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