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Learning Guide Module

Subject Code Stat1 Introduction to Statistics

Module Code 29.0 The z-test for one proportion
Lesson Code 29.3 Procedure in doing the z-test for one proportion (Part 2)
Time Limit 30 mins.

It is now your turn to apply the things we have discussed in the previous module. Follow the
indicated instructions on each part. Some items are based on your textbook exercises (see references
for the textbook titles). Follow the instructions given by your teacher on the method of submissions of
your answers. Treat ODD numbers as practice (NOT GRADED) and EVEN numbered exercises as the
assessment (GRADED).

1. The largest group of moviegoers by age is the 40- to 59-year-old age group. This group constitutes
32% of the movie-going population. A theater complex randomly surveyed the customers over a
three-week period and found that out of 423 surveyed, 170 were 40 to 59 years of age. At the 0.01
level of significance, does this differ from the stated proportion? (Bluman, 2014)

2. A feeding program for children of an underprivileged community is initiated for temporary relief.
In a random sample of 80 children in that community, 44 were found to be malnourished. At 𝛼 =
0.10, is there reason to believe that 50% of the children in the community are malnourished?

3. A national survey asserts that 27% of adults are jobless. 14 out of 35 adults in a local survey say
they are jobless. Is the local result worse than the national? Use 𝛼 = 0.05.

4. A car model comes in only two colors: yellow and black. The branch manager of a car dealership
hires a statistician to provide information about the preference of the customers regarding the car.
A random sample of 20 potential buyers of the car resulted in 15 of them saying that they would
choose yellow over black. At 𝛼 = 0.10, can the statistician claim that more than 70% of potential
buyers of the car prefer the yellow paint?

5. A pain-reliever drug has been tested and found to give relief to 75% of the patients in a large clinical
trial. Now, the scientists want to see if the new, improved version works even better. The improved
version’s clinical trial reveal that 77% of the patients experienced relief. If 1500 participated in the
trial, is there evidence to support the claim that the new version works better? Use 𝛼 = 0.01.

6. Suppose 50% of patients develop complications from an illness within 5 years from being
diagnosed. Recent research developed a new treatment and claims to reduce the risk of
complications. A longitudinal study involving 40 patients with the illness resulted to only 13 of
them developing complications. At 𝛼 = 0.05, is there reason to believe the claim of the research?

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In summary, you learned that the following is the procedure for conducting a z-test for one
1. State the hypotheses.
2. Find the critical value(s).
3. Compute the test value, 𝑧 = .
4. Make the decision.
5. Summarize the results.

1. Bluman, A.G. (2014). Elementary Statistics: A step by step approach (9th Edition). Mc-Graw Hill
2. De Veaux, R.D., Velleman, P.F., & Bock, D.E. (2014). Intro stats (New International Edition).
Great Britain: Pearson Education Limited
3. De Veaux, R.D., Velleman, P.F., & Bock, D.E. (2012). Stats data and models (3rd Edition). United
States of America: Pearson Education, Inc.
1. Hypotheses: 𝐻0 : 𝑝 = 0.32 and 𝑝 ≠ 0.32; Critical value = ±2.576; Test value = 3.61;
Decision: Reject the null hypothesis. Conclusion: There is enough evidence to support the
claim that the proportion is different from 0.32.
2. Ank number
3. Hypotheses: 𝐻0 : 𝑝 = 0.27 and 𝑝 > 0.27; Critical value = 1.645; Test value = 1.73;
Decision: Reject the null hypothesis. Conclusion: There is enough evidence to support the
claim that the local result is worse than the national result.
4. Blank number paint.
5. Hypotheses: 𝐻0 : 𝑝 = 0.75 and 𝑝 > 0.75; Critical value = 2.326; Test value = 2.68;
Decision: Reject the null hypothesis. Conclusion: There is enough evidence to support the
claim that the new version of the drug works better.

Prepared by: Clifford Jed A. de Leon Reviewed by: Joseph Tabadero, Jr.
Position: SST - III Position: SST – IV
Campus: PSHS – CARC Campus: PSHS – CARC
6. Blank number.

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