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 Business Complaint Letter


__________ (your name)



__________ (your address)


__________ (name of recipient)

__________ (designation)

__________ (name and address of organization)


Date _________ (date If writing letter)

Dear Mr./Mrs. __________ (name of recipient)

I had availed …………………. (Specify if you purchased a product or service from the
organization and mention clearly about payments made if any).

……………………… (briefly explain the cause for your inconvenience/dissatisfaction) I have

suffered immense mental and physical strain.

I need your office to intervene immediately and sort out this issue. Not only do I want
demurrages for …………………. (Mention the cause), but a suitable compensation for
inconveniencing me ………………… failing which I will have to move the consumer court for

Please expedite and resolve my problem at the earliest.

Thanking You
__________ (your name)
 Standard Business Letter
Name of Company

Address of Company

City, State Zip Code


Name of Representative
Title of Rep
Name of Company
Address of Company
City, State Zip Code
Dear Representative Name:

I am writing you concerning a recent purchase of promotional items. Approximately two weeks
ago, on May 1, I ordered a total of 500 promotional items for Company, Inc. via the
Promotional items webpage. I received an email notification within three hours confirming the
receipt of payment via credit card and the prompt shipment of promotional items. Your website
indicated, shipments should reach their destination within 3-5 business days of being sent, but
I am eagerly awaiting to receive the promotional items. Do you have any information on what
may have happened with shipment or where the shipment is located?

I have worked with name of company before and have confidence in your product lines and
excellent customer service. The shipment of promotional items must arrive soon, and I hoped
you might be able to provide me with an idea of when I can receive them in our office. Thank
you in advance for assistance you may provide regarding the purchase.


Your name

Phone Number

Email address
 Simple Business Letter

Date ___________________

State Department

U.S. Passport Agency

11000 Wilshire Blvd.

Los Ángeles, CA 90024

To Whom It May Concern:

This is to notify that Mr. /Mrs. ___________________________ is traveling to

____________________________ (Name of Country) for business purposes on

___________________ (Date of Departure no more than 14 days after the date of the letter).
Please expedite the processing of his/her passport in time for his/her departure.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

Sincerely yours,

____________ (Name and Title of Signer)

 Personal Business Letter

[Your Address]
[Your City, State Zip]
[Current Date]

CommunityPark™ Organization
17 Maple Street
Beau Reve, LA 71722

To Whom It May Concern:

While looking at your Web site, I read about your program dedicated to renewing local parks. I
was very impressed by how many communities your program has helped! It is amazing how
having a good local park can bring a community together.
We need to plant trees, repaint benches, and organize volunteers to help clean up the area.
Many of the trees in our local park have been destroyed by recent storms. I am very interested
in forming a local division of your program.
Please send information about how to become a division leader in your program. If possible, I
would also like to know how I can contact other division leaders in my state. Send all
correspondence to the above address.

[Your Name]
 Business Thank You Letter
3814 n. Nashua

San Ángelo, TX 76909

March 9, 20__

John A. Engel
Manager, Corporate Relations
Innovative Technologist
13259 E. Harry
San Angelo, TX 76902-1234
Dear Mr. Engel:

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me yesterday about the Publicity Specialist position
at Innovative Technologies. I was very impressed with the communications development
group. It was clear that they are a professional, enthusiastic group of people who enjoy
working together as a team.

I was especially excited about the upcoming TechComm project that you described. My
marketing internship, along with my writing, public relations and computer skills, match well
with the tasks you described as necessary to get the project up and running. I would enjoy
being a part of that kind of team.

I understand that you will be getting back with me sometime within the next two weeks. If I can
provide any additional information in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me at
(325) 123-4567. I look forward to the possibility of working with you.


(Your handwritten signature in blue or black ink)

Typed Name

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