Art II Syllabus and Contract

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Patrick County High School

Art II Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Grace Helms

Art II: Foundations- 1 credit (Prerequisite: Art I: Art Foundations)

This course extends and refines abilities to investigate and respond to visual arts. The standards emphasize the
importance of content, concepts, and skills involved in the creation of original works of art. The standards
introduce a chronological approach to visual communication and production, cultural context and art history,
judgment and criticism and aesthetics that enhance student understanding of the ways in which art functions
within multicultural society. Students will explore and develop craft of drawing, painting, sculpture, pottery,
printing and more. Students will be encouraged to develop self-expression
Required Materials:
 $5. 00- the fee will cover a required sketchbook and needed art supplies
 One notebook
 One poster board
Suggested personal supplies:
Serious art students work not only at school but at home to develop skills. Students may bring art pouch to class
with favorite materials.
 Drawing pencils & Eraser
 Sharpies
 Watercolors
 Brushes

Semester Outline may include but not limited to:

 Basic Value
 Still Life
 Landscape
 Coil pot
 Monochromatic Painting
 Charcoal artwork seasonal
 Watercolor work
 Printmaking
 Perspective room
 Portrait (Collage/ Mixed media)
 Sketchbook
 25 object artwork

Grading Scale:
A= 100-90%
B= 89-80 %
C= 79-70%
F=below 60%

Projects- 60 %
Exams/Exit slip quizzes-10%
Sketch book- 20 %
Critiques/Reflections- 10%
As part of the Patrick County Cougar Community, Artists will participate in a Community Service Project each year
if selected by the teacher.
Artists will participate in the Showcase of the Arts held each semester. There will be more information to follow.
For your safety, and that of others, do not use or touch any supplies and/or equipment without direct teacher
approval and supervision. Any misuse of supplies and/or equipment may result in disciplinary action.
I) Respect for tools and materials
• Use and handle tools and materials appropriately. Safety is most important in the art room. Failure to be safe will
lead to privileges being revoked.
• Tools and materials must be shared. Positive communication is expected at all times.
2) Respect for others
• Be concerned with your own artwork’s care, safety, placement, and storage.
• Do not touch or handle the work of others (teachers or peers).
• Offer feedback to peers in a positive caring manner. (Helping others means you understand skills.)
3) Respect for the environment
• Safety is always a factor in the art room. Failure to follow safe procedures will result in disciplinary action and
loss of privileges.
• Clean your own area daily. Place art in the tray as well as put materials in appropriate areas.
• Complete assignments on time and turn in a reflection /self-assessment sheet with each work of art.
• Keep voices at a quiet level, not above music level. (loud classes will not have music)
4) Respect Yourself by Respecting others.
• Negative comments or foul language are not accepted as our learning environment is a safe space.
• Listen during the class discussions and demonstrations. All students are expected to be present in discussions
and class critiques.
• I am responsible for my grade, I will receive grades for both complete and incomplete work on the due date.
• No one is allowed in the art room without a teacher present.
• I am responsible for respecting my peers, equipment, and the teacher.
Class Rules:
1.Respect yourself by respecting others
2.When the teacher is talking you are listening (when you talk we will listen to you.)
3.Work on your own art.

Late Work Policy-Late work will automatically receive 20-point deduction.

Sketchbook-No ripping pages out. Make mistakes masterpieces. Students should spend at least 1 hour each week
(12 minutes a day) on the prompt of the week in sketchbook or doodle of the day. Sketchbooks will be graded

Phone Policy- Phones will be placed in designated area as students enter.

Bathroom Procedure/ Policy- Try to go before the bell rings, if necessary I have a pass you can use. Politely, get my
permission to leave the room. You must sign out/in and have teacher approval.

Music Policy- Teacher will play music in class.

Cleanup- Students will clean up area daily. Teacher will remind student to begin cleanup the last 5 minutes of class.
If area is unclean, loss of privileges will occur as well as referral.

Agreement I, ____________ Have read and agree to follow all of the rules set forth in this contract. I realize that I
must obey these rules to insure my own safety and that of my fellow students and teachers. I will cooperate to the
fullest extent with my teacher and fellow students to maintain a safe environment. I will follow verbal and written
instructions given by the teacher. I am aware that any violation of the contract that results in unsafe behavior will
result in disciplinary action.
______________________ _____________________________ ___________________
Student Signature Guardian Date

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