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Types of letters:

1. Formal letter
e.g. Bussines letter
2. Informal letter
e.g. Personal letter

Personal letters are the letters that are written to people we know, such as friends,
parents, siblings, cousins. Letters are not only written to inform but to strengthen
the bond between two people writing to each other.

Format of Personal Letter

______2___ Heading

__________________ Solutation

______________________ The body of letter

___________ Closing
___________ Signature

1. Heading
It consists of three lines. The first line contains your address
e.g. 10 Elm street ( number and name of the street)
The second line is the name of the town or city and postal code (if any)’
e.g. Washington DC
The third line is the date ( month day, year)
e.g. November 11, 2014
November 11 th, 2014
November 11 th,2014
So the heading is:
10 Elm street
Washington DC
November 11, 2014 <----, American Style
11 November, 2015 -----, British Style
2. Solutation
It greets the reader. The usual form is the word “Dear” followed by the person
name or Sir or madam who is addressed to,there is a coma after solutation.
e.g. Dear Sir,
Dear Madam,
Dear Anisa,
Dear Jhon,

3. The body of letter

The body is the real letter itself.
4. Closing
If the closing consists more than one word, only the first word of closing is
E.g. Sincerely,
Best regard,
Your faithfully,
Lots love,

5. The signature
The signature is below the closing whether the letter is typed or hand-written. It
should not trail off the space of the right margin.
Best regard,

Aura Kasih

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