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Management Information System for Barangay Gimangpang, Initao Misamis Oriental


SALMAIN S. Mindanao State University at Naawan College of Science and Environment
Department of Information Technology, Naawan, Misamis Oriental, January 2022.
INITAO MISAMIS ORIENTAL”. Undergraduate Capstone Project.


The study will cover only one barangay of Initao Misamis Oriental, Barangay

Gimangpang which consists of seven (7) purok. Furthermore, it will develop to automate the

management of the barangay zone or purok, household, blotter, issuing of certificates, and

storing all resident’s record. The management information system utilizes automated printing

out of certificates that the resident requested and along with the barangay captain’s signature

and approval. The study utilizes php will be used as a front end of the system, visual code as

the code editor, XAMPP server to create local server and Google chrome as a web browser.

The project’s objectives will be meet, particularly it can manage the households in every zone

or purok, resident’s record and issuing of certificates in a short period of time; the barangay

personnel will efficiently monitor the status of the community to provide an immediate solution.

Keywords: barangay, management information system, and automated system.


1.0 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………..1

1.1 Background of the Project ………………………………………………………....1

1.1.1 Narrative Listing of the Existing System ………………………………2

1.1.2 Issues and Problems …………………………………………………...3

1.2 Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………………….3

1.3 Objectives of the Project …………………………………………………………..4

1.3.1 General Objective ……………………………………………………..4

1.3.2 Specific Objectives ……………………………………………………4

1.4 Scope Limitations of the Project …………………………………………………..5

1.5 Significance of the Project …………………………………………………………5

2.0 Review of Related Literature………………………………………………………………7

3.0 Methodology……………………………………………………………………………...14

4.0 Calendar of Activities and Deliverables………………………………………………….20



Appendix A. Resource Person

Appendix B. Personal Vitae

Appendix C. Definition of Terms

Chapter 1


1.1 Background of the Project

The rapid growth of technology has contributed a lot to the continued progress of all

classification of industry. However, some sectors today seem to be left behind in adapting

the use of different methods to have progress on their part.

Nowadays, business people define the applications and problems to be solved by the

computer. But unfortunately, this potential has not been fully recognized or even adequately

realized in some business. It is because users may not fully understand the capabilities and

limitations of modern computer technology.

Barangay represent the government at the grass root level. They are considered the

epitome of what the government can offer and are the court of first help of the general

populace. Henczel (n.d.) calls this as information audit, focusing on the information sources,

resources, show and how information contributes to the objectives of an organization like

barangay (Lim, 2016).

The Barangay Management Information System is appropriate for the use of barangay

employees, who have access to profile information of barangay residents for the direct

reports and also departmental organizational staffs that have business need for this

information for their business unit. The Barangay Management Information System is

responsible for an effective and efficient approach for barangay employees and residents.

It will help them accomplish task faster and also it eliminates the need of a large staff. It

will provide profile-based information on residents, households in every zone or purok,

blotter and automated for printing out or generating the issuing of certificates.
The interest of investigating the research topic is a good example of a computer-

generated process, this can lessen the workload and provides information needed by a

resident. As a result, it will benefit not only the barangay employees or barangay officials

but the administration as a whole.

1.1.1 Narrative Listing of the Existing System

The barangay Pinagpanaan information system that was designed to improve the

manual keeping of records and this information system generates report about residents

based on the requirements. They have designed and developed a Barangay Information

System where they provided a method or technique in managing and storing all resident’s

record, issuing certificates, monitor and track the information of residents, population and

easily print certificates (Martinez, Agra, and Abogado, 2019). The existing system will be

one of the bases in developing the proposed system where there will be improvements and


This capstone project will develop and design a system that will manage and

store all the resident’s records and issuing of certificates. The system will reduce the

hard and long-time procedure and access of files and records they keep and store. It will

also prepare and print out certificates like barangay clearance, indigency, and more. The

system will provide an update record of the residents to maintain the accuracy of the

data. And the reports and details based on the households located in every purok or zone.

Blotter will be managed by the barangay officials especially the barangay captain of

every reports and complains in which a resident can make a report or complain against

the person whom the resident complained.

1.1.2 Issues and Problems

The problem of the barangay officials in Barangay Gimangpang, Initao Misamis

Oriental is the use of manual system. A manual system is a step by step process

according to resident data information to be processed by hand and is therefore a

considerably slower procedure. The manual process in the barangay hall such as,

handwritten document keeping the records inside a drawer and unorganized files that is

hard to determine the resident’s necessary files when the resident ask for its records in

the Barangay. And when it comes to clearances, they used folders to store the file which

can cause of losing record. The Barangay treasurer/secretary is the one who performs

permits, certificates transactions community tax, business taxes, and other fees. They

are also in charge of keeping tracks of the records, capture and maintain up-to-date

records of all issuance transactions and daily, monthly, yearly reports. They manually

handled transactions daily; specially get Barangay clearance, certification, cedula and

permits. Before the accomplishment of the task the constituents who request must

undergo a long process. Same through with storing of files, updating, accessing of data

and recording the expenses, they used folders and log of papers for its storage. The staff

encountered difficulties and long procedure in retrieving and recording file. Because of

their manual system, they had a slow service instead of using computerized system on

recording the files and generating certificates such as clearances and permits.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to come up with a design and develop a Barangay Management

Information System of Barangay Gimangpang, Initao Misamis Oriental.

Specifically, it aimed to answer the following:

1. How is the flow of the manual system?

2. How is the flow of the proposed system?

3. How secured are the data in the present manual system compared with the proposed


4. How efficient the manual system with that of the proposed system?

1.3 Objectives of the Project

1.3.1 General Objective

To feed the interest and specialization the researcher would like to provide a

Barangay Management Information System of barangay Gimangpang, Initao

Misamis Oriental, to lessen the work load, reduce human errors and processing


1.3.2 Specific Objectives

1. To develop a database management information system of Barangay

Gimangpang, Initao Misamis Oriental that will help their recording and keeping

records of the residents and generating files such as certificates.

2. To design an automated system for the Barangay Gimangpang in recording of

the resident personal information, the households in every zone, blotter reports

and generating of documents such as certificates.

3. To create a central database of all residents in Barangay Gimangpang, Initao

Misamis Oriental.

4. To create an auto-certificates which the residents will ask anytime and all the

service provided by the Barangay.

1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Project

This project will focus on the design, development and evaluation of Barangay

Management Information System in Barangay Gimangpang, Initao Misamis Oriental. This

system contains information about the services of the barangay and profile of the residents.

1.5 Significance of the Project

The project will contribute to develop Barangay Management Information System at

Barangay Gimangpang, Initao Misamis Oriental particularly in managing the transaction

of files of residents and issuing of certificates.

Barangay Management Information System is an example of a new technology which

facilitates the searching of files of each resident in a barangay. The study will benefit the


o To the Barangay Officials

The result of the project would provide more efficient and effective processing

of data, it would help them to lighten their work. And it will also be a great help

for them to lessen their work especially with barangay transactions such

providing certificates that the residents of the Barangay Gimangpang might

need. Furthermore, they can monitor and track the information of residents,

population, easily print certificates. And it will also help in tracking the

resident’s vaccination status and COVID-19 patients or newly arrived residents

in the barangay that will have to undergo COVID-19 monitoring and quarantine.

o To the Residents

o Easily avail a copy of their profiles any time they want

o Lessen the time and effort in filling forms
o It will be easy for them to access their records if there are some changes

to be done on their part. And requesting of certificates that they might


o To the Researcher

o Enhance their potential in interacting with the officials

o They will be able to discover how competent in the fields of Information,

Technology and system analysis and design

Chapter 2


Related Literature

Tinn (2001) stated that the computerization responded to the call the office or any

workplace to help their daily operation.

Janes (2001) stated that computers are extremely reliable device and very powerful

calculators with some great accessory’s applications like word processing problem for all of

business activities, regardless of size, computers have three advantages over other type of

office equipment that process information because computer are faster, more accurate more


Dioso (2001), stated that computer assist careful intelligent planning, organizing,

actuating and controlling. This maybe observed from the past that they monitor production

activities, solve scientific problem and help arrive in tentative answer to a multitude of involve

conditions. (2002) stated that the study of automation is important in the sense time

that minimizes the time and effort normally exerted in manual process.

Reyes (2005) said that task would be time consuming to accomplish manually and more

practical with the aid of computers field in cabinet.

According to Flores (2002), the automation is described simply as the substitution of

machine control of human.

RalphM. Stair (1999) emphasized that the development of technology through the years

have enabled us to do more with less effort. From the orientation of the light bulb to the

industrial revolution and beyond, we have continuously tried to in a more efficient means of

doing tasks.
Lewis (2002) stated that the reason for using computers vary from person to person.

Some of the computers in business are to perform accuracy, to be as productivity, to decrease

bottle necks or hassles to alter cash flows or to simples elevate your status.

Sybex Inc (1999) stated that visual basic provide a graphical environment in which the

users usually designed the forms and control that become the building block of tour application.

Visual Basic support many useful tools that will help the user more productivity.

GoldChageretal (2003) said that computer as a device for processing information knew

computer plays a significant role in their lives, but few are aware of just how pervasive role is.

Mane (2000) mentioned that the creation of the computer made the easier to accomplish

that by doing it manually, to have the direct access on straightforward answer just monitoring

record where in the needs of computer make possible for everyone to get data in a particular

need. We can consider that the computer is necessary and its productive tool for individual.

Gurewich (1999) stated that the database system makes the work faster for every

institution. For the mere fact that instead of doing things manually, with the use of computer

technology everything is done fasters.

Halili, M.C.N. (2004) that man’s actions are t just involuntary movements especially

when time allow to plan his next action. These responses pass through the process of reasoning

and analysis. (2001) stated that file is a collection of related records. Examples are

the entire student’s courses card for Anthropology 101 or the transcript of all courses in the

register’s office.

Bryan (2006) emphasized the information system is a set of people, procedures and

resources that collects, transforms and disseminates information in an organization to do’s ends

rely on many types of information system (IS). They might include simple manual information
system and informal system and also computer-based information system that uses hardware,

software telecommunication and other forms of information technology (IT).

Sander (2002) believed that computers are an intelligence amplifier that can free human

to use their time effectively. Because a computer is a fast and accurate electronic symbol or

data manipulating system that design automatically accept and store input data process and

procedure output results under the direction of the stored program or instruction. Towsand

(2005) stated that database is structed collection of data. The data may be about people, product

events in short, any type of information is to manage the collection of data for reporting and

making decision.

Perkins (1999) stated that computer has an impressive impact upon business,

governmental organization; bank and all sorts of organization and on how they are operating

and manage.

Related Studies

Municipal Information Systems: Current Practices and Issues

Interesting and creative uses of IT in municipalities has been under-reported as

there has been a major emphasis on for-profit entities. System integration, GIS, and

other applications of IT create challenges and opportunities that seem unique to local

governments. With the new GASB 34 that mandates state and local government

information reporting, smart and creative IT application in critical. We discuss these

points and our observations from interviewing the IT managers from some local

governments (Olsen et al., 2010). As in business, leaders and management in

government recognize that investment in IT for the sake of technology is not wise.

Rather, they are concerned about acquiring systems that work well with one another.
Particularly in areas like law enforcement and emergency services, integration of

current stand-alone systems is a top priority (Black 2008).

Management Information in Rural Area

Communication activities are mainly described as delivering, deploying and

improving relevant information presented to public. Information submitted by

information provider needs to be understood by the public so that what information

provider means can be accepted and implemented. Recommended media is providing

digital media communication that is public information boards combined with web-

based applications as a means of announcing information managed by the administrator,

as well as the SMS gateway as a means of receiving feedback and information requests

from the public. The information can be delivered in the form of information about

education, health, agriculture, religious activities (Salim 2013).

The indigenous languages should be used for radio and television news to

enable rural dwellers understand the message better since study has shown that many

rural people cannot read or write; that modern and traditional information acquisition

and dissemination channels should be used by information agent working in the rural

areas; that further study should be carried out to discover the best acceptable channels

to each categories of rural people (Ifukor 2013).

Barangay Profiling System

Conde (2007) in his study entitled “Barangay profiling System” cited that the

manual process of inputting records and manual handling of information and reports of

the residents is very laborious one. The proponents developed a computer-based,

barangay profiling system to solve the huge amount of task.

Saayo (2008) developed the system “Barangay profiling System”. Due to

increasing population of the barangay, and the barnagay currently implementing the

manual system, every resident spends a lot of time during filling of personal files.

Admissions profiles can also include transcripts of interviews, records of

interactions with the applicant, and other relevant data. If the student was accepted, the

admissions profile will be used to generate a student profile for recordkeeping purposes,

with the profile including records of personal data of the students like name, address,

age, birthday, and some important details, and being maintained by the registrar.

Education had been industrialized for the past centuries. From teaching and learning

under a tree to developing the minds and skills of students through effective, efficient

and modern way One of the best methods of student administration is the Student

Profiling System. Student profiling system is professional and academic discipline

concerned with the strategic, managerial and operational activities involved in the

gathering, processing, storing, distributing and use of information, and its associated

technologies, in society and organizations. Specifically, this computer-based profiling

system is complementary networks of hardware/software that people or organization

use to collect, filters, and process, create and distribute data. Profiling systems are

implemented within an organization for the purpose of improving the effectiveness and

efficiency of that organization. Admissions profiles can also include transcripts of

interviews, records of interactions with the applicant, and other relevant data. If the

student was accepted, the admissions profile will be used to generate a student profile

for recordkeeping purposes, with the profile including records of personal data of the

students like name, address, age, birthday, and some important details, and being

maintained by the registrar. Education had been industrialized for the past centuries.

From teaching and learning under a tree to developing the minds and skills of students
through effective, efficient and modern way One of the best methods of student

administration is the Student Profiling System. Student profiling system is professional

and academic discipline concerned with the strategic, managerial and operational

activities involved in the gathering, processing, storing, distributing and use of

information, and its associated technologies, in society and organizations. Specifically,

this computer-based profiling system is complementary networks of hardware/software

that people or organization use to collect, filters, and process, create and distribute data.

Profiling systems are implemented within an organization for the purpose of improving

the effectiveness and efficiency of that organization. Admissions profiles can also

include transcripts of interviews, records of interactions with the applicant, and other

relevant data. If the student was accepted, the admissions profile will be used to

generate a student profile for recordkeeping purposes, with the profile including records

of personal data of the students like name, address, age, birthday, and some important

details, and being maintained by the registrar. Education had been industrialized for the

past centuries. From teaching and learning under a tree to developing the minds and

skills of students through effective, efficient and modern way One of the best methods

of student administration is the Student Profiling System. Student profiling system is

professional and academic discipline concerned with the strategic, managerial and

operational activities involved in the gathering, processing, storing, distributing and use

of information, and its associated technologies, in society and organizations.

Specifically, this computer-based profiling system is complementary networks of

hardware/software that people or organization use to collect, filters, and process, create

and distribute data. Profiling systems are implemented within an organization for the

purpose of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of that organization.

Rona (2011) in her study entitled “A Proposed Student Profiling System for the

College of Information Technology, University of La Salette, Santiago City” will aid

the time of the students in filling the profile information for the student can manage

their time in their studies. The activities that the researchers want to develop are the

computerized profiling system.

Dr. Peter G. Knight in his study, The Online Information System, can stored

data’s, that is, its file or its database, are usually organized in such a way that individual

pieces of data can be retrieve and for modified quickly and without necessarily

accessing any other piece of data in the system.

According to Rice (2006), computers enhancement proved to be more

remarkable and even for a global communication to access immediate information

system to information technology that is used by people to accomplish specified

organizational individual object. The technology that may be used in gathering,

processing, storing and dissemination of information and the users are trained in the

use of that technology

Chapter 3


This section lists and discusses the specific methods, procedures, and activities that the

developers used to accomplish the project. In this project, the developers used the Modified

Waterfall Model. “Modified waterfall uses the same phases as the pure waterfall but is not

based on a discontinuous basis. This enables the phases to overlap when needed. The pure

waterfall can also split into subprojects at an appropriate phase such as after the architectural

design or detailed design” (Mohammad, Munassar, & Govardhan, 2010). In this model, it is

normal to freeze in parts of the development after a certain point in the iteration, in order to

finish the task and completely achieve the goals. Also, verification and validation are added.

Verification checks that the system is correct and also it meets the users’ desires.

Figure 1-2. Modified Waterfall Model for the Deployment of the Management

Information System for Barangay Gimangpang, Initao Misamis Oriental.

Requirements Gathering and Analysis

In this phase, the developers conducted an interview together with the client. The

purpose of this phase is to gather certain information that would help the developers determine

what the problem is and what would be the best IT solution for the said problem. The

developers conducted an interview to the Mr. Elmer Garcia, the Barangay Captain of

Gimangpang, Initao Misamis Oriental. During the interview, the developers wrote all the

important details that Mr. Elmer Garcia have said. The developers asked the Barangay Captain

and Barangay Secretary of Gimangpang the process of their work and how it is being done and

what are the things they do with all the information they have. The developers studied their

current system and determined the main problem of the client and the developers found out

that it can be solved by an IT solution. And the Barangay Officials of Gimangpang gave the

developers sample forms of the resident’s information, reports, and certificates.


In this phase, the developers show the software model use that is suitable for the project.

It also shows the software framework of the system to meet the specific requirements. It

includes the software product limitations, identifying and addressing the impact of the project

on the organization such as in the Barangay of Gimangpang, Initao Misamis Oriental, also on

the personnel who will use the system which is the Barangay Captain and Barangay Officials.

The whole knowledge of the requirements and analysis is bringing down to design a software

product. The inputs from users and information gathered in requirement gathering phase are

the inputs from users and information gathered in requirement gathering phase are the inputs

of this step. The output of this step comes in the form of two designs: logical design, and

physical design. This phase produces meta-data, data dictionaries, logical diagrams, and data-

flow diagrams. In this phase, the developers used different designing software such as

DRAW.IO, MySQL, XAMPP and Visual Studio Code.


Coding or also known as the programming phase. In this phase, it involves writing

program codes which is different programming languages and also developing executable

program which is error-free. In this phase, the developers began to code and implemented the

detailed design specification to have functional software.


This phase means that the developers will have to install the software on user machines.

Software is tested for portability and adaptability and integration related issues are solved

during this phase.

After coding the design software product, the developers tested the whole process of

the software in order to know if the developed software is functionally executable and to

determine whether the software meets the specific requirements that the users’ want.

Functionality Testing

An effective functional testing practice involves the definition of guidelines for using

functional testing technologies effectively, and then the implementation and integration pf

those guidelines (along with supporting technologies and configurations) into your software

development lifecycle to ensure that your teams apply the policy consistently and regularly.

The functionality test of this system is categorized into two (2): functionality within the

developers through fault-error based test; and functionality test within the end users through

task-based scenario in which each function of the system was converted into different scenarios

in which end users must solve in the system.

Usability Testing

Usability testing is the process of learning about users by observing them using

the developed system. The developers used this kind of testing in order to distinguish

if the system design is efficient and user-friendly. With this activity, the developers

observed the user in order to recognize the thing that does work for them and what


For the Barangay Management Information System, the developers recruited

one Barangay Official in Barangay Gimangpang, Initao Misamis Oriental. During this

test, the Barangay Official were given different task scenarios to be completed using

the Barangay Management Information System.

Before testing started, the developers had some few orientations to the

participants. The developers discussed the overview and purpose of the study first.

During the testing, the developers assisted the participants and responded to

participant’s request and queries.

Users Acceptance Testing

User Acceptance Testing or end user is the phase of software development

wherein the system is subjected to real world testing by the target users. The developers

used the user acceptance technique in order to determine if the system satisfies the

needs of the user and accept it or not.

Afterwards, the user determined if the system functions, usability, and its

feature satisfied their needs or expectation towards it. The developers used SUS

Adjective Scale. The System Usability Scale (SUS) provides a “quick and dirty”,

reliable tool for measuring the usability. It consists of a 10 items questionnaire with

five response options for the respondent; from strongly agree to strongly disagree.
Originally created by John Brooke in 1986, it allows you to evaluate a wide variety of

products and services, including hardware, software, mobile devices and applications

(System Usability Scale, 2018). The System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire was

given to the test participants right after the respondents have finished engaging with

Barangay Management Information System.

Adjective Rating Scale is a scaling tool that is divided into 6 parts: and a rating

from worst imaginable to best imaginable. Final SUS score of the user that is below 25

is Worst Imaginable, 26 to 39 is Poor, 40 to 51 is OK, 57 to 73 is Good, 74 to 85 is

excellent, 89 to 100 is Best Imaginable.

Acceptability Scores is also used for further description of the SUS result, to

decide whether the System that is tested is acceptable or not. Final SUS score that is 50

and below is Not Acceptable, 51 to 70 is Marginal (Low or High) and 71 to 100 is


Figure 1-3: Adjective Rating Scale

Deployment of System and Acceptance

In this phase, BMIS will be introduced to the Barangay Gimangpang, Initao Misamis

Oriental. This includes proper orientation about the system. In addition, the corresponding

program codes and user’s manual would be turned over to the clients. Moreover, an approved
acceptance letter would be provided as proof of the completion of this phase which also means

that the entire project has been completed.

Chapter 4


This section contains the Gantt chart showing schedule of the activities as outlined in

Chapter 3. Table 1 below is the Gantt chart of the project:

Table 1. Gantt Chart of the Research Project

ACTIVITY Duration Start Finish

Requirements Gathering and 10 days


o Interview

o Survey

Data Analysis and Design 5 days

Coding/Developing 60 days

Testing 10 days

o Functionality Testing

o Usability Testing

Deployment of System and 15 days


Table 2. Deliverables and Milestones of the Research Project

Date Deliverables

01/21/2022 Document of research project proposal submitted

Design studies complete

Prototype design complete

Lado et al

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Nestor, Lim. (2006). Barangay Management System. Retrieved May 25, 2016 from barangay-management

system/34 barangaymanagement-system Ibrahim O. M., Ibrahim R. M., Abdel-Qader

D. H., Al Meslamani A. Z., & Al Mazrouei N. (2020). Evaluation of telepharmacy

services in light of COVID-19. Telemedicine and e-Health.

Susan, Henczel. (2001). The Information Audit as a First Step Towards Effective Knowledge

Management. Retrieved May 25, 2016, from

Talent Magnifier (2017) “The Importance of Management Information System”

The Information Site on Philippine Politics and Government (2003). Barangays. Available: (September 20, 2011)


Appendix A. Resource Person

Full name and Title: Dr. Flordeline Cadelina

Profession: Faculty

Department: College of Science and Environment

Name of Institution: Mindanao State University at Naawan

E-mail Address:

Appendix B. Personal Vitae

Full name and Title: Ms. Julie Marie Bacangoy Balabat

Residence Address: Purok 5 Maputi, Naawan Misamis Oriental 9023

Contact Number: 09918780212

E-mail Address:

Full name and Title: Mr. Joshua Carlos R. Daang

Residence Address: Buru-un, Iligan City

Contact Number: 09556705710

E-mail Address:

Full name and Title: Mr. Jievel Salmain Sudaria Loguiber

Residence Address: Zone Army Village Suarez, Iligan City

Contact Number: 09362487363

E-mail Address:

Appendix C. Definition of Terms

These terminologies were gathered by the researchers for better and clearer

understanding about the project.

Client. Does not share any of its resources that request a server’s content or service


Computer. Machine capable of the following the instruction to alter data,

programmable electronic device that can perform calculations and processing


Database. Is a container to store your tables in.

Information. Knowledge given or received of some fact or circumstances.

Program. An algorithm that a computer can both follow directly and follow the

translated version.

Record. It is the collection of related fields with information that usually pertains to

only one subject.

Server. A computer on a local area that is running software for controlling access to all

or part of the network and its resources and shares its resources with client.

System. It is a group of interrelated components working together toward common goal

by accepting input and producing output in an organized transformation process.

Software. It is a system utility or application program expressed in complete readable


User. The person who uses a computer for word processing, communications, and other


User-Friendly. A program easy to use even though an individual is not knowledgeable

about the system.

Computerized System. To equip the user from electronic computer to facilitate or

automated procedures it is an easy tool to produce printed output or data.

Data. Is a collection of an unauthorized facts of figures


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