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Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: The Case of

Research Productivity

Chris William Callaghan & David Coldwell

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Performance: The Case of Research Productivity, Journal of Economics, 5:1, 97-113

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Published online: 02 Oct 2017.

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© Kamla-Raj 2014 J Economics, 5(1): 97-113 (2014)

Job Satisfaction and Job Performance:

The Case of Research Productivity
Chris William Callaghan1 and David Coldwell2

School of Economic and Business Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand,

1 Jan Smuts Avenue, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa
Telephone: +27 (0) 11 7178066, 2E-mail:
KEYWORDS Higher Education. Research Productivity. Job Satisfaction. Job Performance
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ABSTRACT In order to meet social needs, and address societal challenges, the University is dependent upon the
research productivity of its staff. Satisfaction contributes to the retention of, as well as the job performance of,
academic staff. However, knowledge of the relationships between job satisfaction and research productivity is
absent from the literature in the South African context. An exploratory cross sectional quantitative research design
is applied to a sample of 225 respondents of academics from a large regional South African university. Correlation,
partial correlation, and multiple linear regression analysis are used to test seminal theory that predicts relationships
between job satisfaction and research productivity as a dimension of job performance. Findings indicate that
academics that produce more internationally accredited journals are relatively more job-dissatisfied. Junior academics,
particularly those without doctoral degrees, are found to be more job-satisfied. It is argued that remuneration and
retention systems need to address this discrepancy. Self-efficacy and an internal locus of control were found to be
predictors of job satisfaction in this context. Recommendations are made on the basis of the findings.

I. INTRODUCTION human resources from organisations (Mobley

1977; Aydogdu and Asikgil 2011; Delobelle et al.
The South African educational institution, 2011; Liu et al. 2012). A substantial volume of
nested as it is within an increasingly globalised literature, including work by certain seminal the-
and increasingly competitive milieu, has educa- orists, predicts a significant and positive asso-
tional and developmental obligations to soci- ciation between job satisfaction and individual
etal stakeholders (Beckmann and Prinsloo 2009). job performance (see, for example, Herzberg
However, at the heart of the ability of such or- 1966; Scott 1966; Hackman and Oldham 1976;
ganisations to deliver on these societal obliga- Organ 1988; Chen et al. 2011; Maharani et al.
tions is the performance of such institutions; 2013). This relationship has also been found to
their performance is underpinned by the indi- be supported by meta-analysis findings (Judge
vidual performance of its human resources. With- et al. 2001). Dissatisfaction can therefore result
in such a globally competitive environment, in forms of withdrawal such as absenteeism
these universities are not isolated from increas- (Anderson and Geldenhuys 2011) or the exodus
ingly globalised competition for highly skilled of skilled personnel (Aydogdu and Asikgil 2011).
human resources (HSRC 2012). South Africa, as Despite much research that relates to the re-
a country, is experiencing a ‘brain drain’ of a lationships between job satisfaction and work
significant magnitude (HSRC 2012). Such a loss performance globally and in the South African
of staff, particularly highly skilled research staff, context, absent from the literature is evidence of
is associated not only with costs to organisa- the relationships between individual job satis-
tions but also with costs to society itself (HSRC faction and research productivity, a dimension
2012). of work performance in the Southern African
Job satisfaction has been found to be posi- University context. It is argued that without such
tively associated with organisational perfor- knowledge universities run the risk of losing
mance (Edmans 2012; Maharani et al. 2013). Job staff, most particularly the staff that is most able
satisfaction or, alternatively, job dissatisfaction, to leave and work for other institutions, either in
has also been found to be an important predic- South Africa or abroad.
tor of employee turnover, or the exit of skilled Using an exploratory research design, this
research attempts to address this deficiency in
Address for Correspondence: knowledge, by investigating the relationships
E-mail: between job satisfaction and job performance,

measured as research productivity, in the South productive are perhaps part of, and more exposed
African higher education context of a large re- to, a more globalised network, or cohort, of re-
gional research university, the University of the search practitioners. It is argued that this ten-
Witwatersrand. Research productivity is mea- sion, between exposure to the global, and the
sured as (i) Thomson Institute for Scientific In- influence of the global, and the influence of the
formation (ISI) and Proquest IBSS (Internation- local, is reflected in this context in relatively lower
al Bibliography of the Social Sciences) listed (ac- levels of job satisfaction of academics that pub-
credited) journal article publications; (ii) South lish more extensively in international journals. It
African Department of Higher Education accred- is further argued that knowledge of the dissatis-
ited journal publications (a specific list of publi- factions of this specific cohort of professionals
cations excluding ISI and IBSS accredited jour- is increasingly important in a context where such
nals); (iii) conference presentations, (iv) the pub- skilled workers are scarce. A lack of knowledge
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 06:35 06 October 2017

lication of conference proceedings, (v) the pub- of such dissatisfactions may lead to attrition,
lication of books, and (vi) the publication of book and the loss of skilled personnel. More skilled
chapters. A further measure of research output personnel may have higher levels of internation-
is also tested; gross research productivity. This al exposure and opportunities for employment
measure included both forms of journal article elsewhere. Such a loss of human resources in
publication together with conference papers pre- the form of institutional capital may entail fur-
sented and book chapter publications. It was a ther societal costs; the retention of such people
measure of quantity of output rather than qual- is needed to facilitate skills transfer to new gen-
ity of output. Relationships between job satis- erations as well as to provide research outputs
faction and different types of work experience that can solve societal problems. It is therefore
and other biographical and contextual factors argued that any factor that constrains the reten-
are also interrogated. This research attempted tion of such important sources of institutional
to delve deeper into the literature; to identify capital will be associated with a cost; to the indi-
seminal theory to test in the contemporary con- vidual, to the institution, to the stakeholders that
text of higher education employment. It is ar- are serviced by such institutions; and to the
gued that by testing seminal theory a deeper broader society itself. The problem addressed
understanding of the phenomena under study in this research, therefore, is the lack of litera-
is enabled. The research problem is now intro- ture that relates to generalised job satisfaction,
duced. or job dissatisfaction in this specific population
of knowledge workers and its relationships with
Problem Investigated research productivity. More specifically, this re-
search attempts to address the lack of knowl-
The specific tasks associated with research edge around (i) job satisfaction and research
productivity, as a dimension of job performance, productivity, a dimension of job performance in
it is argued, belong to a set of work activities this context; that is specific to this cohort of
which differentiate academic work as a specific professional workers; (ii) job satisfaction and
‘type’ of work. As such, the extent to which hu- the influence of different past work experience,
man resources or management theory generalis- including work experience in other, non-re-
es from other contexts into this specific profes- search, contexts; and (iii) job satisfaction and
sional cohort is not clear; empirical evidence to the influence of biographical and contextual fac-
support management practices based upon such tors, derived from the literature, such as finan-
theory and practice in this specific context seems cial incentives for research; levels of self-effica-
absent from the literature. It is argued that theo- cy, affectivity, locus of control; and seniority.
ry that is developed and tested in other con- This research seeks to contribute to the litera-
texts, cannot be assumed to be able to inform ture that relates to job satisfaction and research
human resources and management practices for productivity.
people in such institutions without research that
validates these practices in this context. Fur- Research Objective
ther, it is also argued that different ‘levels’ of
skills and knowledge of academic knowledge The objective of this research is to test the-
workers differentiate the experience of work in ory, and more specifically, seminal human re-
such an ‘academic industry’. For example, indi- sources theory, that relates job satisfaction to
viduals that are more internationally research job performance, and also to experience and oth-

er intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of academic organisational psychology research (Judge and
work. The subordinate objective of this work, as Bono 2001). Satisfaction is expected to contrib-
already indicated above, is to empirically inves- ute to performance because dissatisfaction can
tigate the ‘associative structure’ of job satisfac- cause a withdrawal of intrinsic investment in
tion, or job dissatisfaction, in this context, and tasks (Organ 1988). For Organ (1988:4), Organi-
derive recommendations and implications for sational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) is “indi-
theory and for practice that can help such insti- vidual behavior that is discretionary, not direct-
tutions to improve the job satisfaction of their ly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward
staff, which might result in reduced losses of system”. This definition locates OCB at the in-
institutional capital and a lessening in the broader dividual level. However, Organ (1997:91) also
costs to stakeholders and society that are relat- offers a further definition of OCB as a group-
ed to such losses. Derived from this research level construct, as “contributions to the mainte-
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 06:35 06 October 2017

objective are the following research questions, nance and enhancement of the social and psy-
around which this research is structured: chological context that supports task perfor-
 What is the relationship between job satis- mance (or the technical/technological/produc-
faction and job performance, measured as tion system)”. Satisfaction is, therefore, premised
research productivity? to underpin OCB, which is, in turn, expected to
 What is the relationship between job satis- contribute to work performance, both at the in-
faction and different forms of work experi- dividual level (Organ 1988), and at the group
ence? level (Organ 1997). The extent to which this mech-
 What is the optimum typology between job anism of transmission (from job satisfaction to
satisfaction and individual biographical job performance) posited by Organ (1988, 1997)
and contextual factors? does operate in organisational contexts is not,
An exploratory descriptive research design however, independent of other influences. High-
appropriate for the answering of these research er levels of job satisfaction has been found to
questions is applied in this research. The paper be associated with higher levels of organisa-
proceeds as follows. First, literature is reviewed, tional citizenship behaviour (Lu et al. 2013; Sa-
and theory and previous research findings that manvitha and Jawahar 2013). OCB theory offers
are relevant to the investigation are discussed. perhaps one dimension of a multi-dimensional
Then, hypotheses are derived and the method- relationship between job satisfaction and job
ology of the research is introduced and dis- performance. Other theory has supported the
cussed. After this, the results of the testing of notion that different types of work are, of them-
the hypotheses are reported and discussed. The selves, more likely to be related to higher levels
paper concludes with a discussion of the rec- of satisfaction and motivation. For example,
ommendations for further research and for prac- Herzberg’s (1966) two factor theory stresses the
tice. The literature is now reviewed. relative importance of intrinsic aspects of a job
versus the more extrinsic aspects. Hackman and
Literature Review Oldham (1976) also stress the psychological, or
intrinsic, aspects of work that are posited to re-
Although there is much literature that sup- sult in higher levels of satisfaction and motiva-
ports the positive relationship between job sat- tion. Meta-analysis findings offer a perspective
isfaction and job performance (Chen et al. 2011; of the ‘net’ relationship between job satisfac-
Maharani et al. 2013), the global literature that tion and job performance. Meta-analysis find-
relates to the link between job satisfaction and ings based upon 312 samples and 54417 respon-
job performance has typically developed from dents have found a mean true correlation be-
the basis of work by certain seminal theorists. tween job satisfaction and job performance of
This study provides a test of seminal theory. .30 (Judge et al. 2001). As indicated, in this con-
Job satisfaction has been defined as the “plea- text, however, it is expected that generalised job
surable emotional state resulting from the ap- satisfaction is the net manifestation of a host of
praisal of one’s job as achieving or facilitating satisfaction loci. To the extent that OCB theory
one’s job values” (Locke 1969:317). Job satis- is prioritised in the performance literature, and
faction and job performance have historically also explains the relatively high levels of perfor-
been the two most significant foci of industrial/ mance of certain individuals in the absence of

commensurate remunerative systems (Organ obtain a return, on the basis of the increases in
1988, 1997), Hypothesis 1 is offered, that gener- productivity associated with such investments
alised job satisfaction is significantly associat- (Becker 1975). According to Becker (1975), such
ed with research productivity. The satisfaction investments also have an intrinsic reward, relat-
of an individual with a particular job is also in- ed to satisfaction. In some contexts, the influ-
fluenced by person-job fit, and also person-or- ence of job satisfaction on performance has been
ganisation fit (Erdogan and Bauer 2005). The fit found to be stronger for more experienced indi-
of an individual with certain tasks, and, conse- viduals (Ramendra and Gopal 2013). Age, as a
quently, affectivity, is dependent upon a match proxy for cumulative experience, typically can
between the stimulation level of such a task and represent a form of human capital, or the knowl-
the unique level of tolerance an individual has edge-related investments in individuals over time
for such a stimulation level, according to Acti- (Becker 1975). Age has been found to be associ-
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 06:35 06 October 2017

vation theory (Scott 1966). This theory suggests ated with commitment and effort (De Clerq and
that the performance of different tasks might be Ruis 2007), and with higher levels of satisfac-
relatively more or less satisfying for different tion (Ardelt 1997) in different contexts. Certain
individuals. According to Activation theory, a aspects of life have been found to be associated
mismatch between the stimulus level of certain with higher levels of satisfaction as individuals
tasks and the specific level of activation of an grow older (McAdams et al. 2012). The relation-
individual will result in dissatisfaction with such ship between age and satisfaction has typically
an activity (Scott 1966). Individuals will also be been found to reflect a ‘u-shaped’ curve over
expected to leave such work if such a mismatch age (Kallenberg and Loscocco 1983; Blanchflow-
were to exist, due to dissatisfaction (Scott 1966). er and Oswald 2008). On the basis of the above
The effect of experience, then, would be expect- literature, Hypothesis 2 is derived, that there is
ed to shape the work activities of different indi- no significant association between job satisfac-
viduals. For example, activity level mismatches tion and work experience. With regard to the
might result in individuals focusing on parts of relationship between individual biographical fac-
a job that they are more satisfied with, such as tors, an intrinsic factor at the individual level
the focus of some academics on teaching, and that has been found to be associated with job
others on research. The role of experience, how- satisfaction is locus of control. Locus of control
ever, is also critically important in understand- is a measure of an individual’s perceptions of
ing satisfaction in individuals within organisa- whether outcomes in such a person’s life are
tions because satisfaction is not static; it might either the results of his or her own efforts (an
be declining or increasing at a point in time (Chen internal locus of control), or are the results of
et al. 2011). Referent cognitions theory predicts factors outside his or her control (an external
that individuals make comparative evaluations locus of control) (Rotter 1966). Differences be-
of their work, or job, as experiences are contrast- tween different individuals along the dimension
ed with different scenarios and such evaluations of external versus internal locus of control are
have been found to predict different loci of sat- predicted to be associated with differences in
isfaction (McFarlin and Sweeney 1992). Time behaviour (Rotter 1966). Meta-analysis findings
spent at tasks, and experience in jobs has been indicate that locus of control has been found to
found to contribute significantly to job perfor- have an estimated true score correlation of .32
mance across contexts (Schmidt and Hunter with job satisfaction and .22 with job perfor-
1992). Such experience can take the form of spe- mance (Judge and Bono 2001). Differences in
cific human capital, whereby this knowledge, or levels of locus of control have been found to be
learning, cannot be transferred to (and obtain a associated with a range of different outcomes,
return in) other work contexts, or can, alterna- both at the individual level (see Wallston and
tively, take the form of general human capital Wallston 1978; Miller et al. 1982; Littunen and
which can be transferred to (and obtain a return Stormhammar 2000), and at the organisational
in) other contexts (Becker 1975). The critical no- level (see Miller et al. 1982). For example, on the
tion in this regard is that time-related accumulat- basis of a review of the literature, individuals
ed knowledge will be expected to represent an with an internal locus of control have been found
investment in human capital (Becker 1964). Such to typically be more satisfied in work; to be more
an investment in human capital is expected to effective leaders; to be more task oriented; and

to be more likely to resort to persuasive forms of cific tasks associated with research productivi-
power use in work contexts (Miller et al. 1982). ty will be expected to offer a certain degree of
Other reviews of the locus of control literature stimulation (that is task-specific) to an individu-
indicate that differences between individuals on al engaged in such tasks, it is also the degree of
the basis of internal versus external locus of subjective engagement with the task, and the
control has been found to be associated with meaningfulness of the task, which enables a
differences in bodyweight and other health re- match between the individual and the task. It is
lated behaviours (Wallston and Wallston 1978). argued, however, that, according to Scott’s
Spektor and O’Connel (1994) also found indi- (1966) conception, meaningfulness of such tasks
viduals with an internal locus of control to be can influence the individual’s threshold to stim-
associated with significantly levels of job satis- ulation over time, so that a match between the
faction and lower levels of work anxiety than activation, or stimulus levels, of such work and
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 06:35 06 October 2017

individuals with an external locus of control. the specific stimulation threshold of an individ-
Activity theory offers further insight into the ual is enabled over time. It is argued, therefore,
relationship between biographical and contex- that the potential monotony of tasks such as
tual factors and job satisfaction. According to data capture and analysis or other aspects of
activation theory, if an individual is faced with research work are associated with a certain acti-
over-activation, such a state might be charac- vation level, but that a match between an indi-
terised by stress and negative affectivity due to vidual and this work can be learned, and that job
the difference between an uncharacteristically satisfaction is a function of the extent to which
high activation level and the individual’s own person-job fit exists in such a context. An over-
characteristic level (Scott 1966). Similarly, if an arching implication of activation theory is that
individual experiences under-activation, then variety or complexity associated with the task
negative affect is expected to motivate a “great- itself might have an intrinsic influence upon pro-
er effort on the part of the organism to increase ductivity and satisfaction that may also be great-
stimulation” (Scott 1966:14). This theory offers er than the influence of external or extrinsic fac-
a neurologically-oriented perspective of the re- tors (Scott 1966). Further, the effect of job en-
lationship between job satisfaction and job per- largement upon work processes will be expect-
formance. For Scott (1966:14), the characteristic ed to be associated with higher levels of job
activation level of an individual is a generalised performance and positive affect (Scott 1966).
threshold of sensitivity to stimulation from all However, it is argued that certain aspects of re-
sources, which is primarily related to biochemi- search work are not easily subject to job en-
cal structure, which, in turn, is “in part, geneti- largement by an individual researcher. Other
cally determined”, yet also determined upon a more extrinsic measures have been found to be
subjective component, that is related to mean- associated with higher levels of research pro-
ingfulness. The repetition of tasks, related to ductivity, such as the use of professional awards
monotony, is expected to be associated with a which might also work through intrinsic mecha-
decline in the individual’s activation level (Scott nisms of recognition to facilitate higher levels of
1966). If this activation level drops below the research productivity (Young 2005). Extrinsic in-
individual’s characteristic level then the individ- centivisation in the form of financial rewards has
ual will be expected to experience negative af- also been found to be effective at motivating
fect, and will be motivated to increase impact, higher levels of research productivity (Hales et
and increase stimulus exposure (Scott 1966). If, al. 2005). An individual-level factor that has been
however, the individual is not able to increase found to be associated with higher levels of work
impact, then performance will typically decline performance is self-efficacy (Bandura 1982). Ac-
(Scott 1966). If the individual is, however, able cording to evidence from meta-analysis findings,
to increase the impact of stimulus then positive self-efficacy has been found to be significantly
affectivity will result as the activation level ap- associated with work related performance (Sta-
proaches the characteristic level (Scott 1966). jkovic and Luthans 1998). Self-efficacy has been
However, if stimulus impact is not increased the defined as a personal judgement of “how well
individual will be expected to leave the situation one can execute courses of action required to
if this is possible, either temporarily or perma- deal with prospective situations” (Bandura
nently (Scott 1966). To the extent that the spe- 1982:122). However, the strength of the associa-

tion between self-efficacy and task performance reviewed physiological neurological research,
is weaker for more complex tasks, although the Scott (1966:10) argues for an affective compo-
relationship is typically still significant across nent of behaviour “which is perceived as a bi-
levels of task complexity (Stajkovic and Luthans polar continuum ranging from extreme negative
1998). On the basis of their findings, Stajkovic effect (feelings characterised as unpleasant)
and Luthans (1998) suggest that, over time, the through indifference to extreme positive affect
influence of self-efficacy might reduce as indi- (feelings characterised as pleasant)”. For Scott
viduals develop effective task strategies to deal (1966:10), “this affective construct does not
with complex tasks, and higher levels of self- specify behaviour direction” but “is one of the
efficacy might also enable better task strategies. determinants of overt response”. Implicit in this
The lagged effects between self-efficacy and seminal conception is the notion that over time
work performance for different levels of work affect can influence behaviour, even if it cannot
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complexity also suggest that learning effects direct behaviour. To the extent that an individu-
might be reflected in such a finding (Stajkovic al’s neuropsychological structure might influ-
and Luthans 1998). Situations can influence self- ence behaviour, and, in turn, job performance
perceptions and individual behaviours and research productivity, a justification is de-
(Rosenthal and Jacobson 1968). For instance, rived for the inclusion of affectivity as a factor
Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) found that in the analysis. In contrast to Scott’s (1966) con-
teachers with false expectations of learners which ception of a bipolar continuum, affect has been
were in fact chosen at random behaved differ- found to manifest differently for positive versus
ently to such children on the basis of their ex- negative affect (Watson et al. 1988). Positive and
pectations. The behaviour of these teachers was negative affect have been found to consistently
found to influence the performance of these chil- dominate results of studies into the structure of
dren in the direction of the expectations of the affect, as independent factors (Watson et al.
teachers (Rosenthal and Jacobson 1968). The 1988). The mood states that comprise positive
behaviour of the children, as measured as Intel- and negative affect are related to trait positive
ligence Quotient (IQ) tests therefore was found affectivity (PA) and negative affectivity (NA),
to align toward the expectations of the teacher which correspond broadly to the “dominant [Big
(Rosenthal and Jacobson 1968). This effect, or Five] personality factors of extraversion and
the “self-fulfilling prophecy” refers to the case anxiety/neuroticism, respectively” (Watson et
where “one person’s prediction of another per- al. 1988:1063). Another factor suggested by the
son’s behaviour somehow comes to be realised”, literature that has been associated with signifi-
and the “prediction may, of course, be realised cantly different effects in academic contexts is
only in the perception of the predictor” or may gender.
be “communicated to the other person, perhaps Gender, as a variable, is taken to be a mea-
in quite subtle and unintended ways, and so sure of more than biological differences between
has an influence on his actual behaviour” the sexes. Such a measure, therefore, might also
(Rosenthal and Jacobson 1968: 20). On the ba- act as a proxy for the complex interplay between
sis of this literature, it is argued that intrinsic cultural norms and different societal expecta-
factors such as self-efficacy dominate in their tions, which might constrain the advancement,
relationships with job performance, and, to the and productivity, of individuals, depending on
extent that person-job fit is enhanced through context. The academic context is expected to be
higher self-efficacy, self-efficacy is expected to no different. Rachal et al. (2008) found in a re-
be significantly and positively associated with view of two leading higher education journals
job satisfaction. Another internal mechanism, over an 11 year period, from 1995 to 2005, that
related directly to satisfaction, might direct be- 56.7% of the authors were male. Barbezat (2006)
haviour in a manner that is aligned with affect found male academic respondents to report less
(Scott 1966). time spent on teaching and more time spent on
A review of the neuropsychological litera- research than female academic respondents.
ture reveals a neurological aspect to motivation Barbezat (2006) also found that total publica-
as ‘reward’ and ‘punishment’ centres of the brain tions, as a measure of research productivity, were
have been found to respond to electrical stimu- significantly associated with gender, in that male
lation differently (Scott 1966:10). On the basis of researchers were significantly associated with

more total publications. However, Barbezat (2006) ual differences in learning will, therefore, be ex-
found most male and female academics to in- pected to be found, and these are expected to be
clude the following factors as constraints to re- associated with the movement of individuals up
search: high teaching loads, large courses, doc- this ‘ladder’ of progression over time. An inte-
toral courses, and an ‘excessive emphasis’ on grative perspective, it is argued, is required in
teaching. Other factors identified as constraints order to reconcile the notion of mental ability
by a smaller subset of respondents were found (Schmidt and Hunter 1992) with the conceptions
to include: the lack of co-authors amongst col- of accumulated specific and general human cap-
leagues, colleagues that did no research at all, ital (Becker 1964). It is argued that, in the context
family responsibilities, marital problems, and of this research, the conception of mental ability
administrative and service commitments (Bar- (Schmidt and Hunter 1992) effectively reduces
bezat 2006). According to Barbezat (2006), how- to a factor that reflects the differing rates at which
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 06:35 06 October 2017

ever, female perceptions of constraints to re- different individuals are able to accumulate spe-
search productivity were similar to that of male cific and general human capital, all else being
respondents. Barbezat (2006) concludes, on the equal. Mental ability, it is acknowledged, in its
basis of her research, that the differences be- measured form, is also dependent upon the edu-
tween female and male researchers seem to span cation history of individuals, and also through
many variables, but that such differences might their subjective engagement with the education
be decreasing over time. Other factors that might process (Rosenthal and Jacobson 1968). Pro-
influence an individual academic’s Job Satisfac- gression upwards on this ‘ladder’ of research
tion over time are expected to be related to the productivity is taken to be related to the invest-
progression of such an individual ‘up the or- ment of time and learning in this process. Over
ganisation’ over time. It is argued in this research time, a substantively different type of individual
that a sort of a ‘ladder’ of progression exists might be evident at the higher levels of such
within such institutions, where one dimension organisations; individuals that have, over time,
of this ladder is comprised of rungs of research learned how ‘to learn’, and have perhaps
productivity which need to be mastered. These ‘learned’ a better person-organisation fit (Er-
‘rungs’ range from conference presentations dogan and Bauer 2005) in a specific context of
(the most accessible form), to conference pro- knowledge creation. Over time, however, indi-
ceeding publication, to DOE accredited journal viduals might tend to accrue family commitments.
publication, and then to the highest form of re- Barbezat (2006) found that the presence of
search production: ISI and IBSS accredited jour- children in a household, as a tested factor, was
nal publication. These rungs, however, it is ar- positively and significantly associated with in-
gued, conform to a parallel ladder, of ‘rungs’ creased research productivity, for both men and
made up of ranks, the lowest being the Mr./Ms. women. This is in contrast with the notion that
designation, followed by the doctoral, or Dr. family-to-work spill-over effects are expected to,
Designation, which is then followed by the As- if found, be negative rather than positive (Dil-
sociate Professor and Professor designations. worth 2004; Dilworth and Kingsbury 2005). On
It is a fundamental argument of this work that the basis of the above review of the literature
the experience of Job Satisfaction is differentiat- Hypothesis 3 is proposed, that there is a signif-
ed at different levels, or rungs, of this ‘ladder’ in icant association between job satisfaction and
such organisations. Central to this argument is individual biographical and contextual factors.
the notion of learning, and knowledge acquisi- It is argued that a specific typology of individu-
tion. al biographical and contextual factors will be
In terms of research productivity as a mea- associated with job satisfaction, and, alterna-
sure of job performance, the indirect effect of tively, job dissatisfaction. The research meth-
mental ability, though enabling knowledge ac- odology applied in this research is considered
quisition, is expected to be stronger than its di- as follows.
rect effect upon job performance (Schmidt and
Hunter 1992). According to this conception, dif- II. METHODOLOGY
ferences in mental ability will be expected to re-
flect in differences in the influence of job specif- An exploratory empirical cross-sectional re-
ic experience on research productivity. Individ- search design was applied in this research. The

sampling frame of this research was made up of histogram of the standard residuals was inspect-
about 1300 academic staff of the University of ed for the extent to which it resembled a normal
the Witwatersrand. Surveys were distributed to distribution. The Durbin-Watson statistic for the
respondents who were then asked to return model was also inspected to ascertain the po-
these, anonymously, via the internal mail sys- tential presence of serial correlation. In order to
tem. Respondents were provided with addressed increase the confidence of the predications made
envelopes that could be sealed. Two hundred on the basis of these results, the final model was
and twenty-five responses were obtained, re- run again using a bootstrapping procedure
sulting in a response rate of seventeen percent. based upon 1000 iterations. The confidence lev-
Generalised job satisfaction was measured us- els associated with each of the coefficients was
ing seven-point Likert-type scales, derived from reported. The results of the findings are report-
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 06:35 06 October 2017

the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire scales ed and discussed as follows.

(Muchinsky 1983; Arvey et al. 1989). Three items
were used to measure generalised job satisfac- III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
tion. The items were reversed each time. The
Cronbach Alpha obtained for these items was The descriptive statistics for the measures
.859. Bivariate tests of association were applied of research productivity are reported in Table 1,
to the data. Partial correlation analysis was used. and the descriptive statistics for the entire sam-
Bootstrapping was applied to the partial corre- ple are reported in Table 2. Table 3 and Table 4
lation analysis in order to achieve higher levels report certain of the results of the testing of hy-
of confidence in the results. Multivariate test- pothesis 2 that relate to the use of partial corre-
ing, in the form of multiple linear regression was lation analysis. Table 5 reports the significant
also used. First, a phase of exploratory multiple correlations between job satisfaction and bio-
linear regression testing was applied. Following graphical and contextual variables. Table 6 re-
Field (2007) each of the variables included in the ports the multiple linear regression results with
model were derived from theory or from evidence job satisfaction as the dependent variable.
derived from past research findings. The explor- Hypothesis 1: There is a significant associa-
atory multiple linear regression analysis was tion between job satisfaction and research pro-
ductivity. According to the bivariate analysis of
applied using backward elimination in order to
the associations between job performance and
avoid suppressor variables. Variance inflation the seven dimensions of research productivity,
factor values and tolerance values were checked no significant bivariate associations were found.
for evidence of multicollinearity. The final mod- When parametric partial correlation analysis was
el, which included only variables significantly applied to the data, with negative affectivity and
associated with the dependent variable at with- positive affectivity controlled for, job satisfac-
in the ten percent level of significance, was it- tion was also not found to be significantly asso-
self checked for significance. F-values and sig- ciated with either of the dimensions of research
nificance were reported. The Probability-Proba- productivity.
bility plot was checked for the dependent vari- With regard to the net relationships, this find-
able for deviation from the plotted line, and the ing does not support findings from other con-

Table 1: Descriptive statistics for the research productivity items

Minimu m Maximum Mean Standard

Accredited DOE journals 0 10 0 4.27 1 0.13 9
Accredited DOE ISI/IBSS 0 10 0 7.19 1 4.69 0
Conference proceedings 0 40 3.42 6.051
Conference presentations 0 15 0 8.82 1 6.69 5
Books 0 10 0 1.05 6.802
Book chapters 0 30 1.70 3.271
Key to initials and abbreviations: DOE: Department of Education; ISI: Institute for Scientific Information; IBSS:
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences.

Table 2: Desc riptive statistics: Minimum, maximum, mean and standar d deviation

Minimu m Ma ximu m Mean Standard


Job satisfaction 3 21 15.07 4.025

Satisfaction teaching 1 7 4.24 1.583
Satisfaction administration 1 7 2.23 1.529
Satisfaction research 1 7 4.87 1.552
Total self-efficacy research 80 60 0 4 25 .2 5 10 6.35 8
Self-efficacy DOE journals 0 10 0 74.29 2 5.17 7
Self-efficacy DOE ISI IBSS 0 10 0 71.87 2 5.15 7
Self-efficacy proceedings 0 10 0 76.39 2 3.81 3
Self-efficacy presentations 0 10 0 81.50 2 1.38 3
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 06:35 06 October 2017

Self-efficacy quantitative 0 10 0 49.88 3 3.40 4

Self-efficacy qualitative 0 10 0 71.33 2 7.47 1
Negative affectivity 9 41 17.75 6.629
Positive affectivity 6 86 38.13 6.870
Locus of control 30 95 69.56 1 0.62 2
Age 22 72 40.67 1 0.55 5
Gender male;# 0 1 .4 7 -
Gender Female# 0 0 .5 3 -
Years as a researcher 00 48.00 10 .1 98 9 -8.84 21 6
Professional associations# 0 1 .8 1 -
Masters supervised 0 60 6.19 9.554
Preference for quantitative methods=1 .0 9.0 .4 56 .7213
Married# 0 1 .5 7
Dependent children 0 7 1.09 1.279
RSA origin# 0 1 .5 6
English# 0 1 .5 2 .5 01

Notes: #a binary variable, consisting of two values: 0 and 1. For example 1=Male and 0= Female.
Under the table heading ‘Mean’, for binary variables there is no mean. The proportion is reported instead.
Key to initials and abbreviations: DOE: Department of Education; ISI: Institute for Scientific Infor mation;
IBSS: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences; RSA: Republic of South Africa.

texts (Chen et al. 2011; Maharani et al. 2013) and retical predictions, many different contributing
does not support seminal theory offered by Hack- effects that underpin the net association be-
man and Oldham (1976), Herzberg (1966), Organ tween job satisfaction and job performance.
(1988, 1997) or Scott (1966); arguably the semi- Another explanation, however, of these results
nal theorists in the field. This finding also runs might arise from the nature of academic work
contrary to meta-analysis findings of a true mean itself.
correlation of .30 between overall job satisfac- A tentative explanation for this effect may
tion and job performance found over 312 sam- be the presence of range restriction (Sackett and
ples and 54417 respondents by Judge et al. Yang 2000). If academic staff are typically a rela-
(2001). These results therefore contest theory tively homogenous group of individuals that
that ranges from seminal perspectives of the in- have been ‘selected’ into such work on the ba-
fluence of neurological or physiological factors sis of the completion of higher degrees and oth-
(Scott 1966) to seminal theory that relates to the er criteria which reduce the variability in job sat-
nature of work itself (Hackman and Oldham 1976; isfaction relationships, or associations, then
Herzberg 1966); it is therefore concluded that such a finding might be expected. Notwithstand-
none of these bodies of theory is supported as ing such potential range restriction, this sort of
an overarching explanation for this finding. Ac- research, it is argued, is important in such con-
cording to self-determination theory (Gagne and texts, in order to ascertain the extent to which
Deci 2005), relatively more autonomous work, such theory does extend to such cohorts of pro-
such as research work, is expected to be associ- fessional workers.
ated with higher levels of job satisfaction, yet However, when specific work-role loci of sat-
this prediction is also not found to supported in isfaction were also statistically removed using
this context. There are, according to these theo- partial correlation analysis, the relationship be-

tween job satisfaction and international journal text. If research work is associated with mean-
article publications (p<.069) and also total jour- ingful recognition and this work is high in moti-
nal article publications (p<.078) were found to vation related work factors as opposed to hy-
be negative, yet at just outside the five percent giene factors, then Herzberg’s (1966) predictions
level of significance. According to the mecha- are also not supported. Referent cognitions the-
nism of OCB offered by Organ (1988, 1997), dis- ory (Folger 1987) offers an explanation for why
satisfaction can disable the extra, or not directly individuals with higher levels of international
compensated commitment and effort that an in- journal article publications might be less satis-
dividual applies to work. If dissatisfaction is as- fied with their jobs in general. According to ref-
sociated with higher levels of research produc- erent cognitions theory (Folger 1987), individu-
tivity once specific subordinate work-role relat- als who successfully publish in international
ed satisfaction is removed, then Organ’s (1988, journals might have a different structure of eval-
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 06:35 06 October 2017

1997) predicted mechanism does not seem plau- uations of their jobs because they might per-
sible as an explanation of this net finding. Simi- ceive themselves to have more opportunity for
larly, neurologically oriented psychology theo- alternative employment globally because of their
ry such as Activation theory (Scott 1966) is also higher levels of ISI/IBSS publication. A tenta-
not supported as a dominant effect if it predicts tive explanation for this effect, based on refer-
that as individuals, in meaningful work, over time ent cognitions theory (Folger 1987), might be
become better aligned with the activation levels that individuals that successfully publish more
associated with monotonous work and thereby in internationally accredited journals may ‘frame’
become more job satisfied and more productive. their evaluation of their job satisfaction with ref-
The control, through partial correlation anal- erence to their opportunities, which may differ
ysis, of the specific work-role related loci of sat- from other researchers. On the basis of these
isfaction was expected to reveal relationships results, it is argued that individuals at different
that were not confounded by such differences. stages of research productivity development are
To the extent that individuals with higher levels associated with substantially different structures
of research productivity are expected to have of relationships around their experience of the
been able to adjust their work to a better job- academic context. Because international journal
person fit based upon the match between psy- publication is the only measure of research pro-
chological states and their work activities, giv- ductivity to be negatively associated with job
en the relatively autonomous nature of academ- satisfaction further research is suggested into
ic work, Hackman and Oldham’s (1976) predic- this relationship. An implication of this finding
tions are, similarly, not supported in this con- is the support it lends to the notion that differ-

Table 3: Hypotheses 1 and 2: Partial correlatio n significant associations of job satisfaction

Variable Controlled Boostrap 95% Coefficient/

confidence intervals Significance

Totalwork Negative Affectivity (NA); Positive -.2 5/-.01 -.130/p<.058

experience Affectivity (PA)
Institu tion- NA; PA -.2 69/-.007 -.130/p<.058
Satisfaction NA;PA .124/.381 .260/p<.0001
with financial
incentives for
Internationally NA;PA; Satisfaction with research; -.2 4/-.005 -.126/p<.069
accredited journal Satisfaction with teaching;
articles Satisfaction with administration
Total journal NA;PA; Satisfaction with research; Satisfaction -.276 /.005 -.122/p<.078
articles with teaching; Satisfaction with administration

Notes: ^p<.10; *p<.05; **p<.01; **p<.001. Key to initials and abbreviations: NA: Negative Affectivity;
PA: Positive Affectivity

ent structures of associations are associated with not taken to be supported because it was out-
different ‘levels’ of development or progression side of the five percent level of significance. The
in academic research. This particular finding testing of the variable that captured years as a
supports the differentiation between internation- researcher was expected to provide further in-
al and local journal publication. sight into the relationship between Job Satis-
Null-Hypothesis 2: There is no significant faction and different forms of experience more
association between Job Satisfaction and expe- precisely.
rience. Hypothesis 2.b: There is a significant asso-
According to activation theory (Scott 1966), ciation between job satisfaction and years as a
an individual’s activation threshold can, over researcher. No significant association was found
time, converge with the activation levels specif- between job satisfaction and years as a research-
ic to certain types of work, if such work is mean- er, both in terms of zero-order correlations and
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 06:35 06 October 2017

ingful. This theory predicts that, over time, work when the control variables (negative affectivity
experience will be associated with Job Satisfac- and positive affectivity) were included. Where-
tion. The results of the testing of the sub-hy- as the association between total work experi-
potheses derived from this hypothesis are re- ence and job Satisfaction was negative and sig-
ported and discussed as follows. nificant at just outside the five percent level of
Hypothesis 2.a: There is a significant asso- significance, the association between years as a
ciation between job satisfaction and total work researcher and job satisfaction is even less sig-
experience. The partial correlation analysis of nificant. This finding might tentatively contest
the association between job satisfaction and full- the notion that with experience a better person-
time work experience, with both positive and job fit might result in higher levels of job satis-
negative affectivity controlled for, revealed a faction in this context. To the extent that per-
negative association between job satisfaction son-job fit can be learned, or context specific
and total work experience, albeit at just outside learning in the form of specific human capital
of the five percent level of significance. This (Becker 1964) can enable more effective job per-
does not support the notion that an individual’s formance, dissatisfaction associated with poor
person-job fit will improve over time as predict- job-person fit is expected to reduce with experi-
ed by Activation theory (Scott 1966). However, ence. However, this finding, of no relationship
this variable (total work experience) is not limit- between job satisfaction and years as a research-
ed to research-specific work, but includes all er might indicate that the relationship between
working experience. This finding, in the contexts job satisfaction and experience is more difficult
of academics, might capture an evaluation of to predict with such a work cohort in this con-
the current job with past job experience, accord- text.
ing to the tenets of referent cognitions theory Hypothesis 2.c: There is a significant asso-
(Folger 1989). However, this result was not at ciation between job satisfaction and years of
the five percent level of significance, and is experience within the institution. Years of expe-
therefore not taken to be supported. When us- rience within the institution were found to be
ing the same control variables but adding years negatively yet weakly associated with job satis-
as a researcher as a control variable in the partial faction (p<.058). One possible explanation of
correlation analysis the association between total such a negative association is the notion that as
work experience and job satisfaction is also neg- an individual gains specific human capital (Beck-
ative (p<.07), again at just outside the five per- er 1964) this might enable research productivity,
cent level of significance. Again, this result was which might, in turn, enable an individual to com-
Table 4: H ypothe sis 2. Partial cor relation sig nificant associations

Variable Controlled Boostrap 95% Coefficient/

confidence intervals Significance
Lower/upper zero order]

Age with DOE Years as a researcher .079/.092 -.014/p<.843

Journal articles [.330/p<.0001]

Notes: ^p<.10; *p<.05; **

p<.01; **
p<.001 Key to initials and abbreviations: DOE: Department of Education

pare and contrast job-specific factors with other the influence of total work experience is con-
contexts as a function of an individual’s status trolled for using partial correlation analysis
as a more productive researcher. In order to test (p<.473). It is tentatively suggested that this
this notion further, the total journal articles vari- academic cohort might be atypical of other con-
able was included as a control variable in the texts in the nature of its job satisfaction associ-
bootstrapped partial correlation analysis. As ations.
expected, once this variable was included, the Hypothesis 3: There is a significant associa-
relationship between institution-specific experi- tion between job satisfaction and individual bio-
ence and job satisfaction was found to no long- graphical and contextual factors. According to
er be significant at within the ten percent level the bivariate analysis, a range of individual bio-
of significance (p<.14). The implication of this graphical and contextual factors were found to
finding is that individuals at higher levels of re- be associated with job satisfaction. The bivari-
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 06:35 06 October 2017

search productivity might be less job satisfied ate analysis was taken to represent a test of the
than others at lower levels of research produc- net associations between these variables. Satis-
tivity. However, relationships found to be sig- faction with the financial incentives for research
nificant at levels outside of the five percent lev- productivity was found to be positively associ-
el of significance are not taken to be supported. ated with job satisfaction (r=.241; p<.0001). This
Hypothesis 2.d. There is a significant asso- finding might support the notion that extrinsic
ciation between job satisfaction and age. No sig- rewards are associated with commitment to re-
nificant association was found between age and search (Hales et al. 2005; Young 2005) to the
job satisfaction. This finding does not support extent that job satisfaction might reflect such a
other findings that predict that satisfaction, commitment in a manner that is reflected in the
along different loci, typically manifests as a u- job itself. Dissatisfaction with the extrinsic re-
curve over age in different contexts, or is pre- wards of research is, therefore, found to be as-
dicted to correlate positively with age (Kallen- sociated with job dissatisfaction. The implica-
berg and Loscocco 1983; Ardelt 1997; Blanch- tion of this is that further research may need to
flower and Oswald 2008; McAdams et al. 2012). be conducted into how and why such research
This association is also not significant when incentives may be associated with such dissat-
Table 5 : Hypothesis 3. Significant biographical or co ntextual associations o f job satisfaction

Variable Boostrap 95% Coefficient/

confidence intervals Significance

Satisfaction with financial incentives for research .124/.381 .260/p<.0001

Teaching locus of satisfaction -.247 /.052 -.099/p<.147
Administration locus of satisfaction -.212 /.069 -.074/p<.281
Research locus of satisfaction .020/.315 .174/p<.011
DOE publication self-efficacy -.014 /.258 .122/p<.075
International journal publication Self-efficacy -.020 /.264 .124/p<.069
Conference proceedings publication self-efficacy -.001 /.260 .131/p<.055
Conference presentation self-efficacy .017/.314 .162/p<.018
Statistical analysis self-efficacy -.020 /.253 .116/p<.089
Qualitative analysis self-efficacy -.061 /.200 .069/p<.316
Negative affectivity -.4 88/-.252 -.376/p<.0001
Positive affectivity .292/.506 .401/p<.0001
Teaching postgraduate self-efficacy -.005 /.219 .110/p<.107
Locus of control .267/.531 .267/p<.0001
Years of experience working for the institution -.265 /.009 -.124/p<.124
Age -.199 /.037 -.089/p<.196
Years as a researcher -.182 /.056 -.065/p<.342
Total work experience -.193 /.049 -.073/p<.287
Mr./Ms. Designation .045/.293 .177/p<.009
Dr. Designation -.250 /.016 -.115/p<.092

Notes: ^p<.10; *p<.05; **p<.01; **

p<.001. Key to initials and abbreviations: DOE: Department of Education;
Mr. : Mister

isfaction. Human Resources Management pro- and Luthans (1998) and Bandura (1982). Job sat-
cesses might benchmark other, similar, institu- isfaction was found to be significantly associat-
tions and ensure that such dissatisfaction be ed with positive affectivity and to be negatively
managed. associated with negative affectivity. The salience
Job satisfaction was found to be associated of the effects of affectivity posited by theorists
with a range of measures of self-efficacy. DOE such as Watson and Pennebaker (1989) was
publication self-efficacy, international journal therefore found to be supported, and these vari-
publication self-efficacy, conference proceedings ables were included as control variables follow-
publication self-efficacy and statistical analysis ing the prescriptions of Podsakoff et al. (2003).
self-efficacy were all found to be related to job Job satisfaction was also found to be positively
satisfaction, yet at just outside of the five per- associated with locus of control. This finding is
cent level of significance. If these associations consistent with the meta-analysis findings of
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 06:35 06 October 2017

would have been within the five percent level of Judge and Bono (2001) that have found a posi-
significance, then these findings would have tive and significant association between job sat-
supported the predictions of theorists such as isfaction and locus of control (estimated true
Stajkovic and Luthans (1998) and Bandura (1982) score correlation of .32) and other findings that
that beliefs about competencies will be associ- predict the same relationship (Miller et al. 1982).
ated with higher levels of satisfaction, or lower The item used to capture staff without doctoral
levels of individual dissatisfaction. The associ- qualifications or professor titles was found be
ation between statistical analysis self-efficacy positively associated with job satisfaction in a
and job satisfaction would have been interest- point bi-serial correlation analysis. This might
ing and unexpected. Whereas qualitative analy- support the notion that as individuals progress
sis self-efficacy is not significantly associated in status in the institution, the more dissatisfied
with job satisfaction, the weakly significant as- they become. In order to gain a deeper under-
sociation for quantitative analysis might sug- standing of this effect, negative affectivity, pos-
gest that a lack of confidence, or self-belief as- itive affectivity and total journal publications
sociated with quantitative skills might spill over were controlled for in a further partial correla-
into job satisfaction. However, these associa- tions process with bootstrapping applied. How-
tions were not significant at within the five per- ever, the association between job satisfaction
cent level of significance, and are not taken to and not having a doctoral or professorial desig-
be supported in this context. Of all the tested nation was found to remain significant (p<.008).
self-efficacy factors, conference presentation The Dr. designation is found to be weakly and
self-efficacy was found to be significantly asso- negatively associated (p<.092) with Job Satis-
ciated with job satisfaction at within the five faction. When journal articles are controlled for,
percent level of significance. Self-efficacy with however, this relationship reduces in significance
conference presentations is the ‘first level’ of (p<.126), and is no longer significant at within
academic output, or the first opportunity many the ten percent level of significance. These
academics have to begin their research process. findings suggest that the associative structure
As such, this might represent the first, and most of job satisfaction changes at different levels of
salient, barrier to progression in research pro- research productivity. Further research is sug-
ductivity. Dissatisfaction is therefore found to gested into the relationships between senior
be most strongly associated with individuals academics and job satisfaction in this context.
with a low self-confidence or self-belief related According to the exploratory multiple linear
to conference presentations. The relationship regression analysis process, an exploratory mod-
between dissatisfaction and low levels of self- el was derived. The model was then tested again,
belief or self-efficacy may be less intense for using a bootstrapping process in order to
individuals that are ‘past’ this initial form of re- achieve a higher level of confidence in its pre-
search productivity. A possible implication that diction value. The exploratory multiple linear re-
derives from this is that individuals should re- gression analysis was applied using backward
ceive support in the form of mentoring or en- elimination in order to avoid suppressor vari-
couragement that can assist in this process. High- ables. The highest of the Variance Inflation Fac-
er levels of job satisfaction might result from tor values was 1.936, for years as a researcher,
such interventions, as predicted by Stajkovic with a corresponding Tolerance value of .516. In

Table 6: Hypothesis 3. Multiple linear re gre ssion results de pendent v ariable job satisfaction with
bo otstrapped coe fficients

Multiple linear B Bootstrap a

regression model Bias Std. error Sig. 95% Confidence interval
2-tailed) Lower Upper
(Constant) 4.984 -.1 08 2.391 .0 47 .1 39 9.851
Satisfaction with financial .5 09 -.0 10 .1 36 .0 01 .2 40 .7 55
rewards for research
Teaching locus of -.2 74 .0 02 .1 88 .1 45 -.6 83 .0 88
Negative affectivity -.1 31 .0 01 .0 36 .0 02 -.2 09 -.0 63
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 06:35 06 October 2017

Positive affectivity .1 21 .0 03 .0 31 .0 01 .0 69 .1 99
Locus of control .0 99 .0 00 .0 24 .0 01 .0 53 .1 46
Mr/Ms designation 1.280 -.0 12 .3 97 .0 02 .5 24 2.166

a. Bootstrap results are based on 1000 bootstrap samples Key to initials and abbreviations: Mr. : Mister;
Dr. : Doctor

order to reduce the potential for multicollineari- the factors included in the model. The model
ty to influence the model this variable was re- was run again, and bootstrapping was applied.
moved from the analysis and the model was run After the bootstrapping process the R squared
again. Of the subordinate satisfaction loci vari- value remained the same yet the adjusted R
ables self-efficacy for research was also found squared value was found to be .365. The boot-
to have a relatively high Variance Inflation Fac- strap results for the coefficients are reported
tor of 1.578. This factor was also removed when below in Table 6. When bootstrapping was ap-
the model was re-run. In the final model, which plied, the satisfaction with teaching variable was
included only variables significantly associated no longer found to be significant (p<.062 be-
with job satisfaction at within the ten percent fore; p<.145 after) at within the ten percent level
level of significance, the highest Variance Infla- of significance.
tion factor was 1.196, and the lowest tolerance The discussion of these results provides
value was .813. The resultant model was signif- certain overarching insights. These are now
icant (p<.0001; F=21.47) with six degrees of free- summarised. In contrast to the predictions of
dom. Satisfaction with financial incentives for this large body of theory, no net significant as-
publication, positive affectivity, locus of con- sociation was found between job satisfaction
trol and the Mr/Ms designation were found to and any of the dimensions of research produc-
be significantly and positively associated with tivity. This contests the positive and significant
job satisfaction. Negative affectivity and satis- association between these factors mooted by
faction with teaching were both found to be neg- this body of seminal theory. It is argued that
atively associated with job satisfaction, the lat- there are two fundamental aspects to this analy-
ter, however, at just outside the five percent lev- sis that might account for these findings. First-
el of significance. The Probability-Probability ly, it is argued that, following Self-determination
plot for the dependent variable, job satisfaction, theory (Gagne and Deci 2005), a different struc-
reflected very little deviation from the plotted ture of satisfaction relationships might be at work
line, and the histogram of the standard residuals in research productive work due to its highly
reflected what appeared to reflect a reasonably autonomous nature. Secondly, it is argued that
normal distribution. The Durbin-Watson statis- range restriction (Sackett and Yang 2000) might
tic for the model was 2.03, which was deemed to be present in a population of academics that
be close enough to the value of two to indicate have been selected into a relatively homoge-
a reasonably low level of serial correlation. The nous group through requirements such as high-
R squared value for this model was found to be er degree attainment and other requirements.
.383 and the adjusted R squared value was found However, an exception to the other categories
to be .373. This indicated that almost 40% of the of research productivity was that of internation-
variance in job satisfaction was explained by al journal publications, which was weakly and

negatively associated with job satisfaction. The of the results of the research, conclusions and
results suggested that individuals with higher recommendations are now provided.
levels of international journal publications were
relatively more job dissatisfied. The predictions IV. CONCLUSION
of referent cognitions theory (Folger 1978) were
taken to provide a possible explanation for this In contrast to the predictions of this large
relationship; more internationally research pro- body of theory, no net significant association
ductive individuals might be less job satisfied if was found between Job Satisfaction and any of
they experienced more opportunities as a result the dimensions of research productivity. It was
of such higher levels of international journal argued that two effects might account for these
publications. This tentative conclusion was con- findings. Firstly, a different structure of satis-
sidered to be further supported by the finding faction relationships might be at work in research
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 06:35 06 October 2017

that individuals that progressed beyond the productive work due to its highly autonomous
doctoral level, when measured against those nature. Secondly, range restriction might be
with the Mr. or Ms. designation, were found to present in a relatively homogenous profession-
be significantly more job dissatisfied than those al cohort of academics. However, individuals
more ‘junior’ staff. with higher levels of international journal publi-
Work experience over and above years of cations seem more job-dissatisfied. Age-related
research experience were found to be weakly predictions of seminal theory were not found to
and negatively associated with job satisfaction. be supported; age-satisfaction relationships
Years of institution-specific experience were were not found. Job satisfaction was also found
found to be weakly and negatively associated to be related to an internal locus of control. This
with job satisfaction until the influence of total was found to support historical evidence from
journal articles was included as a control vari- other contexts; individuals that hold themselves
able, and the relationship was then found to not accountable for the work relationships around
be significant. Interestingly, age was not found themselves may therefore be more job satisfied
to be significantly associated with job satisfac- in this context.
tion, in contrast with the predictions of a range
of theorists that predict a positive association V. RECOMMENDATIONS
between age and Job Satisfaction (Kallenberg
and Loscocco 1983; Ardelt 1997; Blanchflower On the basis of the analysis, the following
and Oswald 2008; McAdams et al. 2012). implications are derived. Recommendations for
Job satisfaction was found to be significant- theory, or further research, and also for practice,
ly yet weakly associated with self-efficacy relat- are offered. In the absence of a clear and unam-
ing to conference presentations. This was found biguous tested relationship between job satis-
to support the notion that self-efficacy of com- faction and five of the measures of research pro-
petence in work related tasks will typically make ductivity, further research is suggested. The
for more satisfied individuals (Bandura 1982; academic researcher is taken to perhaps be a
Stajkovic and Luthans 1998). It was concluded certain type of professional employee, and fur-
that such a finding is possibly important be- ther research into the specific nature of this kind
cause this is the ‘first level’ of research produc- of work may be important in order to be better
tivity development. In other words, beginning able to understand the intrinsic relationships
researchers will typically begin with conference around job performance in this context. With
proceedings in order to learn the process of re- regard to the negative relationships between
search. international journal article publication and se-
Job satisfaction was also found to be related niority, it is recommended that further research
to an internal Locus of Control. This was found into comparative contexts is undertaken. Human
to support historical evidence from other con- resources practices and remuneration systems
texts (Miller et al. 1982). Individuals that hold might possibly require adjustment in order to
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