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Psychological Report


Name: AKA Age: 24 years and 12 months old

Nickname: Al Date of birth: n/a

Status: Male/Single Birth order: Youngest (3rd)

Attainment: College graduate Occupation: Recruitment Specialist (BPO)

Purpose of Evaluation (Referral Question)

Background Information:
Client AA was, according to him as told by his mother, was supposed to have a
different name-Charlemagne- but unfortunately was forgotten upon the registration of
his name and instead was taken from name plates of two nurses in the hospital.
Growing up, client admitted that he was never really close to his father who
worked before as a seafarer but because of an illness had to retire from work early. The
latter according to him gave him an impression that disliked kids but they never
experienced being harshly scolded nor physically reprimanded. He was however,
especially grateful for his father for being able to provide for their family’s needs. The
same goes for his elder brothers because of age gaps and physical distance. In
contrast, he is most especially close to his mother. During the interview, he confessed
that he was still being breast-fed at the age of eight (8) and always felt separation
anxiety towards his mom. He also shared that he wanted to take up college in the big
city but would want his mother to come along with him. Yet, because the latter cannot
come along with him, he then decided to enroll in the nearest university from their house
where he can be assured of his mom’s presence. The same goes for the fact that he
feel the same way whenever he goes to work that he extremely misses his mother and
she is also the same reason that client wants to stay at home. A tragedy that he
described that shattered him to pieces was when his mom was diagnosed with cancer
last year. Thankfully she is well at present. He really looks up to his mother as his rock,
safe place and best friend.
With regards to school, client described himself as a regular student but never
had a failing mark. A licensed psychometrician and taking up a master’s degree in
Psychology although he has no clear idea career-wise. However, he mentioned once
that he would like to work in a setting as such like a social worker does only that of
course in a higher level where probably he could employ his knowledge in the said
Client prefers outdoor activities like island hopping, swimming and snorkeling but
hates trekking. When he was a kid, he played the usual street games but unlike other
boys he did not develop the love for basketball and other sports. When asked for other
preferred activities, client said that he desired more of lax happenings like sleeping,
eating, playing online or mobile games and rarely watching. He added that he has no
whatsoever enjoyed any movie or song genre.
On a more personal level, when asked about romantic relationships, client gave
a brief elaboration. He had been romantically involved since high school. His longest
relationship lasted for 4 years and the shortest was 4 months which involved the
opposite sex. Currently, he is romantically connected to somebody of the same gender
for almost 3 years nevertheless he confessed that he often thought of ending the
relationship for the reason “Ayoko na po sa kanya.” He also reasoned out that he
wanted to take a break from such connections because it seemed that that he has
never been emotionally single since high school and wanted to make certain changes.
Client often verbalizes that he yearns to resign from work. He narrated that for
the past four (4) years he already had been to four (4) different companies. The shortest
was two (2) months and the longest is his current job which he has been connected for
two (2) years now. He admitted that he can get easily frustrated or lose interest from
work especially when he is having a hard time or overwhelmed by the tasks.

Evaluation Procedure:
AKA underwent initial intake interview with integration of a mental status exam.
He was also required to take a battery of tests consisting of intelligence,
neuropsychological and personality tests. Intelligence test administered was the Culture
Fair Intelligence Test. Neuropsychological exam given was the Bender-Gestalt and Neo
Pi-r for the objective Personality test. A series of projective techniques were also
directed such a the HTP, KFD, TAT and the Hand Test. The said battery of tests were
ordered and completed in an individual setting to be able to gather even non-verbal
Name of Tests Purpose Date Administered

Culture Fair Intelligence

Test Intelligence Test March 22, 2019

Bender Gestalt Neuropsychological test April 5, 2019

NEO PI-R Personality Test April 5, 2019

HTP Projective Technique April 5, 2019

Kinetic Family Test Projective Technique April 5, 2019

Hand Test Projective Technique April 5, 2019

TAT Projective Technique April 5, 2019

Behavior Observation (Mental Status Exam)
Client arrived ten minutes earlier than the said appointment wearing casual
clothes- red polo shirt tattered pants and slip-on as footwear. Body-built wise, he is quite
slim for his age and short in stature but displays good posture and pleasant face
although his hair is a little bit out of place due to the blowing of the wind on his hair
during his travel. Mr. A exhibited good eye contact and communication skills as he
always used polite words like “po” and “opo.” He spoke in soft and clear statements
which is in good modulation but seems to share a bit of his life as he only answered
questions with no additional information. He seemed to be quite guarded during the
initial phase of the interview as it is maybe a typical reaction but presented friendly
disposition at all times. However, his hands were constantly sweaty and quite cold
which could confirm that Client was a bit nervous but did not show any difficulty or
confusion in answering the inquiries.
During the administration of the tests, client exhibited very good compliance and
politely asked questions for clarification purposes. He displayed good handwriting as
well as with the results of his works. Client seemed to be very organized in working with
his tasks and never showed any signs of difficulty or frustrations.

Tests Result and Analysis

Cognitive Function
AKA exhibited a standard score of 97 wherein he displayed average reasoning
and thinking skills. Specifically, he demonstrated impressive matching skills wherein he
was asked to identify the image or figure that has almost the same illustration or pattern
even when given limited time to answer. To put it simply, AKA showed notable
analogical reasoning wherein he is able to see differences and similarities among
different objects and concepts. He also displayed remarkable thinking and observation
skills for this matter as client was able to analyze the figures carefully. Take note that
this is but one category of the said test given to him but in general resulted to average
score. Hence, AKA, although scores showed fair results but upon careful observation,
most likely exhibited wit and speed in analyzing situations, comparing and contrasting
them. In similar ways, he may actually be the type to able act or think quickly when
faced with almost same but confusing situations.
Similarly, AKA displayed good recognition and visual recall when instructed to
copy a set of different figures. Upon scrutiny, no erasure marks were noted signaling
that the client also shows good organizational and planning skills. This specifically
denotes that he exhibits very good visual formation and attention to details.

Socio-Emotional Function
With regards to client’s background information, family, especially the parents,
seems to have direct influence over the totality of his personality which is evident in the
results of the tests taken.
AKA displayed honesty that matches his level of being straightforward as
evidenced with the score of 25 rated as very high. He exhibits such personality
especially with his mother to whom she opens up about everything his life and narrated
that he always have constant communication with the latter even if he is away from
home. This type of disposition may also be the reason why he has very good
relationships even outside the family. He exhibits good communication skill, pleasant
and warm personality but probably to a number of people to whom he is close which
may indicate introversion. However, he can easily convey thoughts and personal
reflections as he can be introspective towards personal life.
AKA also shows high level of dutifulness as evidenced by taking responsibility for
certain tasks even if it seems impossible to fulfill which is a good combination with him
having slightly high level of assertiveness. Such trait could also be the reason why even
at the time that he took a month off from work was even re-hired after. Most of the
drawn figures in each test seem to be leaning or placed on the left side of the paper.
This may indicate pre-occupation to past life events-childhood perhaps- which may
probably point out to wanting to experience simplicity of life that those without too much
complex demands. However, even if client experiences difficulties it can be observed
that the said figures are positioned much closer to the top part which may show
optimism or positivity. Even in the test that instructs for spontaneous and on the spot
narrations, client may present trials, feelings of difficulty but in the end displays triumph.
AKA presents high positive emotions towards his environment and even
situations. But although he rarely entertain negative emotions, he may show extreme
response to both situations-positive or negative as one event in his life when his mother
was diagnosed with cancer and described it as a moment in his life that almost crashed
him which confirms sensitivity although he may not easily show. Client also admitted in
his interview that before when he wanted very much to resign because of too much
pressure from work, he eventually got sick and did not want to go back to work. He
decided to rest for a month. His present mentality remains the same especially when
overwhelmed by too much or tough demands as evidenced by wanting to go home and
be rather placed close to his mother. This also confirms client displaying slight anxiety
as he shows confusion regarding career path and feelings of being inadequate. This
responses may show clients response of wanting to escape present situation as he
feels “too burdened” by demands which are either uncontrollable or due to life
Although client presented introversion, he narrated that he still has contacts with
long time friends, able to bond with them confirming test result of having healthy social
relationships and willingness to interact as shown as well to high levels of
gregariousness which indicate strong preference for companion. Although, he
confessed that it is most often at present forced willingness as client prefers to just stay
at home, sleep and eat wherein results confirm desire for minimal contact with
AKA also confessed being in a continuous romantic relationship since high
school and that the latter is with of same gender. However, there is a desire to let go of
the said connection but test result shows slightly high desire for companion. When
asked if he is really decided to break off the said relationship with his present “partner”
he displayed hesitation and admitted as well that he is afraid or probably anxious to be
AKA projective test also displayed of him having feelings of being inhibited.
During the interview, he verbalized that he has certain plans for himself but due to
certain situations and personal confusions is unable to decide if he will pursue them. He
is most often enveloped by anxieties as shown in most of the projective techniques.
Client probably feels the same way due to fear or insecurity towards his father. He
mentioned that he and his father do not have close emotional connection due to having
worked overseas but is very much grateful for being a good provider. Having certain
feelings towards his father who suppose to be a son’s major influence, could develop
ambivalent feelings and “unconscious need” for paternal approval. Allen may probably
have desires to make his father proud but inhibited because of other personal anxieties.
The need for personal guidance, approval, assurance and comfort are the
somehow evident psychological and emotional needs of Allen. At twenty-four and even
displaying physical independence from family, a person may still present immaturity.
AKA presents contrasting personal conflicts regarding the desire to achieve
greater things but when faced with great tasks he would most often want to escape the
situation. Adding to personality unfortunates, he can easily feel get tired, turned off with
work and even with people outside the family whom he had romantic connections.

Summary and Recommendation

Client is 24 years old young professional who presents certain anxieties and
personal conflicts. However, AKA displays great potential as when he learns to harness
a skill and earns confidence can prove to be most excellent. He may still be at the stage
where he wants to explore other possibilities where he can discover his inner potentials
where he can be at his excellent and at the same time enjoy. He seems to be seeking
for assurance and guidance specifically for the “what should I do?” However, it may be
recommended that client undergo individual counseling rather than career path
guidance. As what has been mentioned, young professionals at the age of twenties are
still in the stage of immaturity. Perhaps most of them experienced extreme culture
shock upon being transported to the real world of employment wherein they become
more vulnerable to uncertainties. AKA is a very emotional person and most of the time it
grows more on him than being objective on how to handle not-so-happy situations. With
this, he may need counseling on how to process things especially when faced with over-
powering conditions. His strength on analyzing things based on his cognitive test can
proved to be an effective tool for him. Providing him with situations wherein he would be
initially given open time to analyze and give verbal answers can provide the helping
professional a clear vantage point regarding client’s thought process.
AKA showed good analyzing skills of figures with same patterns however, when
applied to life situations where there is a greater difference on how to plan things out, he
tend to easily loose the essence of being objective. Therefore, the suggested tests
above may be administered, journaling to take note of his daily life, assignments of
exposing him to real-life situations where he would be forced to do something out of his
comfort zone and out of the usual pattern he knows which is escaping. During sessions,
he may narrate to the counselor the scenario and what he did afterwards. Eventually,
after a few sessions it is a great hope for both parties that client’s personal anxieties will
be minimized as he learns to face all levels of life conditions in a more relaxed and
objective manner where he would also learn to develop better perspective.

‘ Prepared by: XXX XXXXXX

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