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The Hardships

and Struggle of
Drug Abuse
and Trade
Gyselle H..
Where is Drug Abuse Prominent?
As drug abuse is a universal
issue, it affects most
countries; estimating 35
million people each year
with 1-out-of-7 people
receiving treatment for
their addiction.

United States
Estimated 19.7 million
2 current drug abusers.

Estimated 6 million current
users. 3

Estimated 3.4 million
current drug abusers.
Negative Factors with Prescriptions
It comes to a surprise for many people to learn that one leading cause of drug abuse are
the prescriptions that are prescribed to many users.

Many don’t realize that the decision of a

higher dose is a factor for their addiction.
This can be resolved by limiting the amount
of medication a health care provider can
prescribe, however for many who don’t
suffer from drug addiction, this can be
harmful. These medications are prescribed,
because if used correctly, it can cure
disease, but it can also work against this,
by helping addiction develop.
Influence of Social Media
Although most of the media attempts to spread awareness about substance abuse and
trade, it is an issue because a lot of influence is affected by social media which portrays
substance abuse as something worth romanticizing.

Social media can be a helpful tool

when spreading awareness, but it
can also be a negative influence.
Shows, influences, and artists have
the ability to only show the
aesthetic and temporary effects,
ultimately creating a false
perspective of the cruel nature of
substance abuse.
Increase of Drug Abuse Due to Low Income
For many substance abusers, it has been common for them to have a background of low
income/and or ongoing financial struggle.

The issue of low income is something that is

usually associated with drug addiction.
Poverty has been shown to influence mindset
changes such as feelings of hopelessness, low
self-esteem, and increases in stress. In many
communities, this encourages individuals to
find a distraction; a “high”. Unfortunately,
drugs are common in low income communities,
making it easier for many to access drugs and
grow an addiction.
How Anthropology Can Help Drug Abuse
Sociology Anthropology By studying human behaviors, we get an idea
Sociology is a branch The branch of on why drug abuse starts and how we can fight
of anthropology that anthropology that it. Using sociology and cultural anthropology
studies the social focuses on the study has allowed us to “fight fire by fire”; if a setting
life, change, and of human societies, that can influence rebellious behavior
causes of human cultures, and human encourages drugs, then it is probable that a
behavior. development. setting where drugs are discouraged could
cause an opposite effect. This has also played a
part in changing communities as well, by fixing
the lack of education and support provided in
low income communities.

● Changes in
● Meetings
● Rehab ● Education
● Therapy ● Support
“Addiction And Low-Income Americans.” Addiction Center, Addiction Center, 2 May 2022,

“Caution: These Are the Most Addictive Pain Meds.” Harvard Health, Harvard, 1 Nov. 2013,

Chapter 10. Addressing Diverse Populations in Intensive Outpatient Treatment, National Library of Medicine, n.d.,

Garcia, Angela, and Brian Anderson. “Violence, Addiction, Recovery: An Anthropological Study of Mexico's Anexos.” Transcultural Psychiatry, U.S. National
Library of Medicine, 4 Aug. 2016,

Institute, St. Joseph. “Poverty and Addiction Relationship.” St. Joseph Institute for Addiction, St. Joseph , 12 Apr. 2021,

Ritchie, Hannah, and Max Roser. “Drug Use.” Our World in Data, Our World In Data, 5 Dec. 2019,

“World Drug Report 2019: 35 Million People Worldwide Suffer from Drug Use Disorders While Only 1 in 7 People Receive Treatment.” United Nations : Office
on Drugs and Crime, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, n.d.,

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