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Type of Assessment Presence of Drug- Comments/Notes

Problem Related Problem

Completeness Is the drug order 1. A problem ● A problem exist

and Clarity of written illegibly? exists. - No indications provided for each
Drug Order 2. More drug.
information is
needed for a
Is the drug order determination. ● A problem exist
incomplete? 3. No problem - Parecoxib dose not written
exists or an
intervention is
Are there any not needed ● No problem exists or an intervention is ot
forbidden needed.
abbreviations used in
the order?

Is the drug order ● No problem exists or an intervention is not

ambiguous? needed.

Are the indications for ● A problem exist

ordering the drug not - No indications provided for each
provided (in cases, drug.
where there are two or
more physicians taking
care of the patient)?

Correlation Are there drugs 1. A problem ● A problem exist

between Drug without a medical exists. - No indications provided for each
Therapy and indication? 2. More drug.
Medical information is
Problems needed for a
Are any medications determination. ● More information is needed for a
unidentified (are any 3. No problem determination.
unlabeled or are any – exists or an
prior to intervention is
admission/clinic visit – not needed

Are there untreated ● More information is needed for a

medical conditions? determination.

Do they require drug ● More information is needed for a

therapy? determination.

Appropriate What is the 1. A problem ● A problem exists.

Drug Selection comparative efficacy of exists. - No indication provided on the drugs.
the chosen 2. More
medication(s)? information is
needed for a
What is the relative determination. ● More information is needed for a
safety of the chosen 3. No problem determination.
medication(s)? exists or an
intervention is
Has the therapy been not needed ● More information is needed for a
tailored to this determination.
individual patient?

Are there any ● More information is needed for a

contraindications on determination.
the use of the drug/s
ordered to the patient
(e.g. renal/ liver failure,
disease state, etc.)?
Appropriateness Are the prescribed dose 1. A problem ● No problem exists or an intervention is ot
of Dosage and dosing frequency exists. needed.
Regimen appropriate—within 2. More
the usual therapeutic information is
range and/or modified needed for a
for patient factors? determination.
3. No problem
Is prn (as needed) use exists or an ● No problem exists or an intervention is ot
appropriate for those intervention is needed.
medications either not needed
prescribed or taken that
Is the route/dosage ● More information is needed for a
form/mode of determination.
considering efficacy,
safety, convenience,
patient limitations, and
Are doses scheduled to ● More information is needed for a
maximize therapeutic determination.
effect and compliance
and to minimize
adverse effects, drug
interactions, and
regimen complexity?

Is the length or course ● More information is needed for a

of therapy appropriate? determination.

Does the medication ● No problem exists or an intervention is ot

order call for unusual needed.
doses (e.g., more than
two tablets or more than
ampule or vial per dose)?
Is the dose inappropriate ● More information is needed for a
based on drug- or determination.
information (Serum
Creatinine Clearance,
age, etc.)?

Is the time of ● More information is needed for a

administration determination.
inappropriate to
maximize efficacy and
minimize adverse effects
drug-food interactions,
Therapeutic Are there any 1. A problem ● No problem exists or an intervention is ot
Duplication therapeutic exists. needed.
duplications? 2. More
information is
needed for a
3. No problem
exists or an
intervention is
not needed
Drug Allergy or Is the patient allergic to 1. A problem ● More information is needed for a
Intolerance or intolerant of any exists. determination.
medicines (or 2. More
chemically related information is
medications) currently needed for a
being taken? determination.
3. No problem
Is the patient using any exists or an ● More information is needed for a
method to alert health intervention is determination.
care providers of the not needed
allergy/intolerance (or
serious medical

Adverse Drug Are there symptoms or 1. A problem ● A problem exists.

Events medical problems that exists. - Patient experiences weakness and
may be drug induced? 2. More difficulty of breathing.
What is the likelihood information is
that the problem is needed for a
drug related? determination.
Is there a high alert 3. No problem ● More information is needed for a
drug prescribed to the exists or an determination.
patient (based on drug intervention is
watch list)? not needed
Interactions: Are there drug-drug 1. A problem ● More information is needed for a
Drug-Drug, interactions? exists. determination.
Drug-Disease, 2. More
Drug- Nutrient, information is
and Drug- Are they clinically needed for a ● Yes
Laboratory Test significant? determination.
3. No problem
exists or an
Are any medications intervention is ● More information is needed for a
contraindicated not needed determination.
(relatively or
absolutely) given
patient characteristics
and current/past
disease states?
Are there drug-nutrient ● More information is needed for a
interactions? determination.

Are they clinically ● Yes


Are there drug- ● More information is needed for a

laboratory test determination.

Are they clinically ● Yes


Physicochemica Are there drugs 1. A problem ● Yes

l administered as an IV exists.
Incompatibilitie admixture? 2. More
s information is
Are there any needed for a ● More information is needed for a
significant determination. determination.
physicochemical 3. No problem
incompatibilities? exists or an
intervention is
not needed
Compliance and Is the patient 1. A problem ● No problem exists or an intervention is not
Adherence noncompliant based on exists. needed.
the Medication 2. More
Treatment Record information is
(MTR)? needed for a
Is there any ● No problem exists or an intervention is not
3. No problem
written reason in the needed.
exists or an
patient’s medical
intervention is
not needed

Transcription Is there any drug order 1. A problem ● More information is needed for a
that is not written in exists. determination.
the Medication 2. More
Treatment Record information is
(MTR)? needed for a
Is there any error in determination ● More information is needed for a
transcribing drug 3. No problem determination.
orders in the MTR? exists or an
intervention is
not needed
Financial Is the chosen 1. A problem ● More information is needed for a
Impact medication(s) cost exists. determination
effective? 2. More
information is
needed for a
Does the cost of drug ● More information is needed for a
3. No problem
therapy represent a determination.
exists or an
financial hardship for
intervention is
the patient?
not needed

Failure to Has the patient failed 1. A problem ● More information is needed for a
Receive to receive medication exists. determination.
Therapy due to system error or 2. More
noncompliance? information is
needed for a
Are there factors ● More information is needed for a
3. No problem
hindering the determination.
exists or an
achievement of
intervention is
therapeutic efficacy?
not needed

Social or Is the patient’s current 1. A problem ● More information is needed for a

Recreational use of social drugs exists. determination.
Drug Use problematic? 2. More
information is
Could the sudden needed for a
decrease or determination. ● Yes
discontinuation of 3. No problem
social drugs be related exists or an
to patient symptoms intervention is
(e.g., withdrawal)? not needed
Patient Does the patient 1. A problem ● More information is needed for a
Knowledge of understand the purpose exists. determination.
Drug Therapy of his or her 2. More
medication(s), how to information is
take it, and the needed for a
potential side effects of determination.
therapy? 3. No problem
exists or an
Would the patient intervention is ● More information is needed for a
benefit from education not needed determination.
tools (e.g., written
patient education
sheets, wallet cards,
and reminder

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