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Pilas, Chisca C.

Rel II - Z September 12, 2014

Primicias, Carla Marie F.

Jeroboam II and his Achievement

I. Who is Jeroboam II
Son of Jehoash
3rd generation of the Jehu dynasty
Ruled in Samaria for 41 years (786-746)
God’s promised deliverer for he fulfilled the said promise as
stated in 2 Kings 13:5.
One of the strong military figures of Israel’s history

II. Achievements
He was victorious over the Syrian invaders
Restored Damascus and Hamath to Israel
Ammon and Moab were reconqured, and the transjordanic tribes
were restored to their territory.
Recovered the whole dominion from Hamath Pass to the Dead
Brought back Israel’s prosperity akin to Solomon’s time

III. Israel under King Jeroboam II

Israel was poured with wealth. They found themselves better off
than they had ever been before.
On the other hand, there was an advanced state of decay,
socially, morally, and religiously.
 Social Disintegration: The society was marked by egregious
injustices and a shocking contrast between extremes of
wealth and poverty. The social structure had completely
lost its character. Covenant law had in practice come to
mean little.
 Religious Decay: Yahwism in pure form was no longer
maintained. The obligation imposed by Yahweh’s favor and
by the covenant stipulations having been largely forgotten.

Pilas, Chisca C. Rel II - Z September 12, 2014
Primicias, Carla Marie F.

The people were blind to the fact that paganism still

remained and rejoicing in Israel’s resurgence.

IV. Death of King Jeroboam

Buried in the royal tombs
Ten years following his death, Israel had five kings, three of
them seizing the throne by violence, none with the slightest
pretext of legitimacy.
Within twenty-five short years Israel had been erased from the
map due to the Assyrians.

V. More Information
During the 15th year of the reign of King Amaziah of Judah, son
of Joash, he became the king of Israel
His reign was contemporary with those of King Amaziah and
King Uzziah of Judah.
God promised to his servant prophet Jonah, son of Ammittai
Hosea, a prophet during his reign saw how doomed the nation.
But for Yahweh had infinite love he would one day forgive Israel
and restore the covenant bond.
He sinned against the Lord and followed the wicked example of
Jeroboam, son of Nebat
 Led the people of Israel into sin by keeping up the worship
of Baal at Dan and Bethel and at other old Israelites’
shrines, but through the golden calves.
His son Zechariah succeeded him as king.


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