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O38 NOTES Vectors Ay And Projectile ¢ aya Grater mo lun D ub P= v= Ot af ak Piridl He tnict Vector pespencli clay b both P and F ? A BE eee ear > Px /x/ wy ns 43-Ke Valua of FCF) P- (#2) > 13||e2z[ os 10 A) & uxtek T¥ku igh x Lye 3 a Xk tes Deisck Kx7 Uxko-y cary g 4) Prove Hat, Py a given vebeily ch Pro pection , He Roni zontal enge us the Seume for "8" and ‘90-0! D fr angh a R= Fete U'sinaa 0 a fey angle “Fo. 3" a’: u's.ima C4o-8) a = ux QSin C10 -5) Cs l4o-4) — = Ux a Bsa&sina ci R= U'SinQe -@ fom © and @ BR! 5) Fund the, angle bet eon, He Vectors A anal B euhere, Os Leap. g and Bz Lf af D ils Ise 2 IE lel Sen mey = Se R= Ate =(éraz-h)+ Cit) | = OLtstT- Sk } 37 -3k Rn} = [seeps = fis 2 R= Sette tangas Re: A B+ anBcse Gsa = R~ Ae ane THEE ee QKSEXTE 13 a Gso-2t = a= 60° 8 what 1g Me Value off OL-Ci-t) @) ix Cixd) m0 i Cé-5) ZL. (0) = @) ix Ciak) = ix (-3) eles Guia) A xk Dub Rs Gitafsk) and 2 (at-4F +eh), Glewlate ®.F and BxB? 3° Oveet gestion > check noite. 8) ib A,B and C ane non Zere Vets and B.8 = 0 ; him Find the Vala of Ae 2 > A f-8 =0 ABbSa=0 OSes seen agp > O P= Fo “ALB —a #6 BC = o BC@Sa =O @sa =o 9 = fo Ble © trom @ and @) Ais panethlb ¢ a-@ = [al[close = fale] 2 AC Dr ballet fred fen a difle attavis @ maaineam eight of Sin and Cro 5508 namje ay 200m~ find tha. angle of pro section 7 A) h =u Sarto 74 Sa ina 5 G=u smasin -O 74 R= USunae 2 : Ado = UXASIMABSA _ @ 4 0 -@ 5 Sina 200 7 +6380 ocae kan & oo tama = 0-1 a tes Co 9) nn) = 5° 43 10) what He pro pexky of, e tb P+ P= R89 O Pa LF yg a0) = & 20 >, B x3 a mull Vectsy | a TD cukat is the property ole tuo vectrs A? and Bb [Rae] = [re] 2 lh-#]= Ja ce)| As per yucostion O-@ Ja’ C+anéloso = Pegaso 9+ B+8nbOSS = A tB- 2ABESA FPB SA @sa I) Determine, the Vector tukich ehen acleled tb He resultant of fs 20-4F bk ~ dnd B= 4:04.39 1 sk gives cont vectay along 2- direction, A) k- CRB) * A “ 2-7 6L+ yp ttk Lah qou didn'd cndlerstrad. 12h ~~ — a) 104 8): Jat 8 +anBass -() = Jh*+6-anbesa -@ R- a -45-€8) t(titsdesi) gestion, pleare Cldme 3539 81%) | 13) Given Hat PrP = and B46 = R” Pind te ange between Wand B? A AP A) R= P48 + QaBose 2 O38 2 R=AB AB = R> Cre) 2ng Ose (3) Remember fr a proectil ab Reiheab Manimenm Reight Veloity is nok Zero. 4475 Ue $6 Coy Vase) 15) A porlicle is proqected at an angle © fom the. horizontal euilh, Kindle energy T Cthatt (3 tea kinelic energy 2b he pariticdea at “Ra “Rey hest Point. A) At hakest porn, v= Vase KE at highest poml sim Cosa” > tm Cos’s) 2 = Toss 8) eho £4 He angular Veloaly oh te four hand off @ Clock. ie i) 5 Ee Foy Rour hand T= 18 hows $ IA X60 XO = 43200 See "Mowe tu = 27 +3200 ane 1D) Me clérection, Proyectile becomes howigon tel at the maximum height cha, 4d the Cause tb? A) AL He mas Baight of progectil, Re vertical Comporont of Velbc. become Zero and. aly Horizontal Crprront of Vveloily of prozectily Crusty 18) TF a body is xebearoal fawr He aaroplane in Plight o Born A moving Quy, ist an Projectile 7 of Fhe cbbig ng Cramp A) 403, He body xelearool Ras motion, in uo clemonséon- honce uly a prozectile . ! 9 A projectile Us fxtad eucth, Kinelic energy IkT- ih range “a Mao mem , ushect, 43 Re, KE at He Aephest poont.? A) Range 48 mace’ mem moan3, o= 45° PE marc Reig ht, Velodaly V =UGS9A 2UGs F5 - 4 z ois =™Cesoes) mu xfaAd “(@) morx t ey z= Sooy 30) Tivo bombs of 2ky endl thy are Hheoun from q Gnon fuith He Same Veboaty in, He Same dice dio. cuhich, bamb ull Leach Hhe Ground fisst ? A) Goth +e bombs ewill reach he qrocnd Sumultancous ley, because He time of flight 18 unclepencont of mass of te objecls. Coby depenals on Ariitial velriily anol ang lo og pro section) 1) Given fax] =|8-&1- Cohat 23 Ake angle bf A ad B lax] = (8.31 ABSIN® = Newso | Same ; Gso btwn = 1 eo 5 45y oe Ba A bhoeck sdrdes clown a Smooth sinclced plane eshon IKeleare how fhe be euhile emotier Falls Prealy Fran the. Stome povil. @ihich ona ot thom siuka the round canker ? A) fov siicling booly a = qSume ty Free. fall, a = g > 97sina Pree. iAldsn hovly teach inst, a3) A base ball is prosected at an angle of 60° euith The ow zontal Cuith momonting Pe that sy fe riliole of. momentum ot ihe Ag host Pomt 7 At keghert point V'2 Vos a J nmaitin at Aighost Point, P's amy! 2%) uf the greakst Roig kt, to which you Gn HRroas a ball us'h Hon ehat 13 ~ Re maximum possikte toni zontal ldtamca BB ehich fo Gn Brow a ball 2 D hs deine a) mak 8 eshon 2=40" | Sin’ 9o= 1 y 6 become hs uw “9 R= de a Mare eshen dd = $0, Sinda-| R become R= OKI gt 5S a oe 22xu> a 27 R=2h = a3) 4 body is progected so Rat ib has macimum rane k that 3 He omacimum hecght noscheal my thes Plight ao zu A) R= Bore R=U'sinaa el ® becomemani mum eukhen Qa= 10 ,sunQez=t 92 90. $5? Vike” z a 24 ~ 24 =U SENE = x *G) eee aw ary um Rag TE cn He & 4+ aga bomb is clropped from an eexoplane Flying havizatally tuth a Veloaly of Rokm), at an alitucla A 980m Atty cthat time He bomb ent Kit tha growed ? A) Velocity 13 only abang x-axis SO Y= © oe S = 4980 . a a8 eu. . [reac sto Gorsicler howl gorhl Comp orent of Velocity ar bomb &3 moving in, vert col, down soard elitach oi) Ssut+tat* - au T¥O= XDSL 2) Remom ker R = U' RAO a R become Rigged hin SinQa =} de 20290 ee oe . 2 “Romane = Lo Jy 23) The maximum qange of propectile is 2 tunics ity actual namge ‘Slat ts He dg of pro section fy ihe. w : Rage = eee ZF = Z4sung0 tas Sinda = SF a RI = 60° 9 = Co _ o Gf ae 29) show Hat P= L-5y and Be al—ie7T are parllal t ach other? ) Led AXB , qou euill get Zero Colo by yourself) Then AXB =0 ABsimnd- 0 Sind =0 Oo = 6° -Aand B axe parcel, 30) Tivo veclrs S24 173k and AL +ap-dk ane. Mut eatly perp enali cular. hat <3 -Mhe Valua of 07 — . A) Ws sir tz ae oP... B= 24 + ay Hak 23 A and B ano £7 ABs 6 (ax) + Cox) + C3x-d)20 fot (# +3a = 0 sa = rQe a= at 3 =F 3) ts ub possible teva beoly to have Custant Speadl bet Vesa blo. vebocctiy 2 aby possi bla Jive ome example @ Yes, when a particle moves dn @ Cle euith Corgtant Speodk , is Volo é.ty is variable « Ths 13 because He ddacen tf notion 13 Corllinously Cheng - 34) Ts cb possible. Poy oe bocly to Rave tuo Leon - sum molum euith accolasation. in. one clumomsin ? A) yes. The motion of pro > foctile 43 a tuo cums motion. Bat te accobsxalicn 43 Ure only oe, dumonsion, 33) From @ Goutain, heigl abot He ground, a stone P Ls cleappal gently Sumbtanoely another Slr. @ 48 Mrown horizontally euhich of the tuo stony Cull antive af Fhe ground cartes. . A) Both the Stones Cull reach Me, ground at He Same tome, + 4) stone clropped Pom the. Curndou ofp a stake railevesy Grunge takes + Seconad cb neach He ground» In Chol tering Phe Ste €ill seach He Groce Glen he Grnsage bs moving @ emalont velbely of dorm), © constant accelaratin of 2koy, A3) dn both @) and) te stme Cuil eke, 45 to joach the. Sround+ this £3 because He. tine of fad is olétinnined bey Pull by Vert cal mofidrn, IDA ball as Aon Kowisordally amd at Re Same lume amottey ball 13 elnoppeel from the. top of Re bower %. D euld both the balls Pt te Foun tuith Be Same Velocity 9 CB) build both the balls dcoach vw? 3D A ball ds protected hronizondatly eutbh sini'he Speed ara Sm, trom ue top of a table of -hecghtelmo - At ehat stance x' He ball As goony to Lanal from the ground at: the Same time? He edly @. of the table . | i) é) euke the balls kb tha Troan Rein vertical veloiitiis “edt be clifferent + Consegice He Keslhint Veloilis axa. a “Thus Ra balls Voulel hit Ra gr oene, eucths clifferont Veloatcas 6) Both He balls evoutel neagh Me ground at- Re Same. tim 2 becaunn Haiy mihi Vertical voloiities accedericten, Grol distance Cvored axe abl equal» 58) Gn a body Rave vebily and still bo ecolarutted > A) yes ouhen a booly is at the Agheat point cluoug Bs te vertical aushin Cok propels) ib velocity 4“ Zero bat ty accolrraten At eguall fo aceelarctean duc. b gravily ue225 ( \ Hi.) F= oy Geoet +t 9 emalow stare 42 ques hen = Uy = 0 | x 2 a 5 a mus & : trom Asuwyzo Jf Using | "= 4xroxt Op: Ueose z Es o-#ss 26 = Usosot VQ5 xX GSOKOFS HF 2ASX OO 45 Im “doubt on quoston no.37 please Coll me) 3D) A stone is thrown at Ayla 9 abowe He -horizontal - 4h adr qesistamea iy 4g navel, Pt the graph ef Rorisoutal anal Verbeal Compononts ofp C Velocity Cy, cond Vy) against time. « oe Ge) 39) A plane. is travelling “hori onde lly at a Spool v= Bony 2G Reght hz Bom abue. Ground: cshen it, olveps Pack 43 Shown in the ous What 13 Ha Ronizertud bivhon Gvered by Hhe pack 7 a i 2 As paral L Boz Lytoxd 2 ut + UKE = Sine xt UVosaxt Foxsin SOXGsOx + = FOXIX4 = 320m #0) A paxticle omoving ain a Cor cular path euicth raduis Yelm tuith Constant Speodl rakong I revolution por Second + fe by accolaxatiin. . a = (ayy _ 4+ Pfr Py 2 % = @NV)Y fy, re, entry fee re 1m ttn xx mie 4) A particle, ynonres Gn a plano euith uniforr Gecedarats un a déodium ls initial velocty -eshot Path the parbiole shall follow? A) pwabobic path: tale = Fsec 42) Two bycos of JON act: upon a body. The oldwclen of tHe tives ee Unknown - The qesettunt frca m the body may Mie between ewhich Lemits 2 A) OF et exill he mit eho S20 FzR = 70 Bs yp Fra S107 10°F a xioxfoxbeso . ———____ = Jo tiey® = 10 +/0 = 20 F evil be omuntimuun ashen Come aGs F.= Jiotie*, one nn nin UIOFIO 4 2X10 X10X C15 0 = 10-0 =A, fo 2 48) tow dowd we kouelicg. Cuewpy Coa mowing opel, change | ay thy momgrdann ip Aelvceal 2 #3) Prove Bat a quar will Shoot Hace tories a3 high token As ample elevalom. “bo? as tuhem ib 3 30°. but tll Carry the Same horizontal clirtance + ) Grol Cheiyht of proqectile) R, = U'Sun@xbod Some 4 a 2 = Usinigo a FA) TF He displacement of- a Particle 43 Proportional Jo the Cabo of hime taken . tow cloes ali accedenction, clepenel mo tome a) x ot” X= Kee Ve dx = d xe? dt dt = Het kxat” = Bkt™ asdvi 4 : an = & Ge") = BK xAak = KE #5) A bald is Hrown verbally Up edith @ Vebouly of 2°m/s* Cnstuct time -accelrration anol ute - vebcly tune -diplacemont graph @, 8) a a force vin elésplating a bocly és equal 16 change \in kineh'e energg of the body. 4) Vanghin ef Potential energy ce energy exit. ldpleconont oe of min LemPpah tb he 4 ent vectoy A) Os ib is & amit vectsy / ttm 4)*

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