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a 4m u 283 465 A seesaw in a playground consists of a beam AB of length 4m which is supported by a smooth pivot at its centre C. Jill has mass 25 kg and sits on the end A. David has mass 40 kg and sits at a distance x metres from C, as shown in Figure 1. The beam is initially modelled as a uniform rod. Using this model, (@) find the value of x for which the seesaw can rest in equilibrium in a horizontal position. 8) (b) State what is implied by the modelling assumption that the beam is uniform, a David realises that the beam is not uniform as he finds he must sit at a distance 1.4 m from C’ for the seesaw to rest horizontally in equilibrium. The beam is now modelled as a non-uniform rod of mass 15 kg. Using this model, (©) find the distance of the centre of mass of the beam from C. @ ve ay M(c)O -2~25Q+xxtogQ- 9 xx4og!= Sog'! = Se fee Sine Go B) Wergt (mars acts at the mid peut <) 285 ISS Ger moar : Ux Gon +c xISQ 4 2x 25R ax ISa =(-Fx46g — SOR 4xtes ~ STA isa ae= Orb m free CM =o Leave blank A uniform plank AB has weight 120N and length 3m. The plank rests horizontally in equilibrium on two smooth supports C and D, where AC= 1m and CD=xm, as shown in Figure 2. The reaction of the support on the plank at D has magnitude 80N. Modelling the plank as a rod, (@) show that x= 0.75 @) A rock is now placed at B and the plank is on the point of tilting about D. ‘Modelling the rock as a particle, find (b) the weight of the rock, @) (©) the magnitude of the reaction of the support on the plank at D. @ (@) State how you have used the model of the rock as a particle. a Aa) We de net Rrew fora 2,50 take mearets abet peut < a antidecRwiee m cA) -O-Sx\20O +-xx SO 20 —60 + FOox=C Rose =F =e 3 = ae =P -0-4s4 U0 0 0 A 25) 7. a 6 — In = a > cee INN OS WG-25 i 2oON IF plonk is cn the poor of Hlhes ae Ds Geax of gomtok We da net knew Rp, se take momets oletd D pa CBC * 1S O ga Saet2e * pas = 9 @ = so see. y j-as ws 3° ws 32 « Beri = 2 1s (8) Cr Rasa Poy SUES ISS SNe a 2s RQ» — 15° = 1-25 Re = 1%s A> 18s 1-2 Row Ween reck act a) The nose of Ee prectsely ot & ae) may Se Ta Te A B —im— ——— 5 Viz Figure 2 A beam AB has mass 12 kg and length 5 m. It is held in equilibrium in a horizontal Position by two vertical ropes attached to the beam. One rope is attached to 4, the other to the point C on the beam, where BC = 1 m, as shown in Figure 2. The beam is modelled as a uniform rod, and the ropes as light strings. (a) Find (i) the tension in the rope at C, (ii) the tension in the rope at 4. ©) A small load of mass 16 kg is attached to the beam at a point which is y metres from A. The load is modelled as a particle. Given that the beam remains in equilibrium in a horizontal position, (®) find, in terms of y, an expression for the tension in the rope at C. 8) The rope at C will break if its tension exceeds 98 N. The rope at A cannot break. (©) Find the range of possible positions on the beam where the load can be attached without the rope at C breaking, @B) -2-Sx\2qg4+4.T2 2G Te = 2+ S12>9-¥ _ a Dee per fit\_@ (> se +Te -i2g=9 _ Ta =Ci2xa-D—13-< Fa betes ft ny {N00 0000 0 00 =) me) O48 yx l6Q + 2:Sx«I29 — & ver G i6gnunt BOQ = ote Cre + “Sy = Te Ba-2y - T3-S =Te 2) if Bq-2y + T8-T = VS ye At 1z2-S oe ye O62 ™m YE ferns, exceeds GEN the rope will Greele This wall ceeur sas wy Poezs—~ Se leed must be no more Hern o-625m frm A Lewe wee Qe. vnk ‘A bench consists of a plank which is resting in a horizontal position on two thin vertical legs. The plank is modelled as a uniform rod PS of length 2.4 m and mass 20 kg, The legs at Q and R are 0.4 m from each end of the plank, as shown in Figure 1. ‘Two pupils, Arthur and Beatrice, sit on the plank. Arthur has mass 60 kg and sits at the middle of the plank and Beatrice has mass 40 kg and sits at the end P. The plank remains horizontal and in equilibrium. By modelling the pupils as particles, find (a) the magnitude of the normal reaction between the plank and the leg at Q and the magnitude of the normal reaction between the plank and the leg at & M Beatrice stays sitting at P but Arthur now moves and sits on the plank at the point Given that the plank remains horizontal and in equilibrium, and that the magnitude of the normal reaction between the plank and the leg at Q is now twice the magnitude of the normal reaction between the plank and the leg at R, (b) find the distance OX. ALA) Car ke _ se Re sing (Res be GR : Rae 19069-R= BAe __ _ zm) 2Ze+R = 4X gr60qr 299 gpa- leq @= jeer i203 Gp a Pace Casas HOF x4G gq PIcxEGe + @-¥) 209) or —[6x~R =O — ISGP, SBSx + Set am [Sn ASIE 21S - Gor BAS See ae [+o 66e66 Distr @x = KE I OTM cash) <—— 3 Figo) cae A pole AB has length 3m and weight IV newtons. The pole is held in a horizontal position in equilibrium by two vertical ropes attached to the pole at the points 4 and C where AC=1.8m, as shown in Figure 2. A load of weight 20N is attached to the rod at B. The pole is modelled as a uniform rod, the ropes as light inextensible strings and the load as a particle (a) Show that the tension in the rope attached to the pole at Cis @ (b) Find, in terms of JV, the tension in the rope attached to the pole at 4. GB) Given that the tension in the rope attached to the pole at C is eight times the tension in the rope attached to the pole at A, (c) find the value of WV. Leave blank tb) conbnuect x=(pn - #8-) N Geen Y =- x “yews Ss aC Pe-49) Ew spe Ew as (x these sy 6) RW é4e Sw + 20co = F4UO =< Bw W= 230 NW Mt aan aol\ wee ake 6m A— B Ta Uae 265 Figure 1 A uniform beam AB has mass 20 kg and length 6 m. The beam rests in equilibrium in a horizontal position on two smooth supports. One support is at C, where AC = I m, and the other is at the end B, as shown in Figure 1. The beam is modelled as a rod. (a) Find the magnitudes of the reactions on the beam at B and at C. © A boy of mass 30 kg stands on the beam at the point D, The beam remains in equilibrium. The magnitudes of the reactions on the beam at B and at C are now equal. The boy is modelled as a particle, (b) Find the distance AD. (6) “a)_e@ Ct) ee OC. +Pe = 200 @ aad ee J nre _ ———— + =. = 1D ey — ides 20. 4.5 a _ ee i in @) Pe = (sas: aes a Leave blank 7S Figure 1 A non-uniform rod 4B, of mass m and length S¢, rests horizontally in equilibrium on two supports at C and D, where AC = DB = d, as shown in Figure 1. The centre of mass of the rod is at the point G. A particle of mass 3m is placed on the rod at B and the rod is on the point of tipping about D. = (a) Show that GD= 3d oO) ‘The particle is moved from B to the mid-point of the rod and the rod remains in equilibrium, (b) Find the magnitude of the normal reaction between the support at D and the rod. 6) a) NCP) O™ te lintacte Ro Ste py ch a Ei pag a = aeeme), = a = =A as Required Leave bilan 8 June Zood Fa Re “AN Figure3_ iS aay) + $n eye S A uniform beam AB has mass 12 kg and length 3 m. The beam rests in equilibrium in a horizontal position, resting on two smooth supports. One support is at end 4, the other at a point C on the beam, where BC = 1 m, as shown in Figure 3. The beam is modelled as a ‘uniform rod. (@ Find the reaction on the beam at C. 8 A woman of mass 48 kg stands on the beam at the point D. The beam remains in equilibrium. The reactions on the beam at A and C are now equal (0) Find the distance AD. ” =O &) me) Se —1-£x'2ay + 2rxRe ZR =< SHIRA S Gee = Soexdd+S ay QC. = FS-2N Zor) R+R-48s-l2579 22= 694 ys R= Bo meay dex Fa + 1+Sx iq ~2= S057 D Si Eg = Boidoy— NSPS — 1 Txt2g ne = 2> Sern, api. 4 Deotee AD = oct O-STT mM Rea June 2006 5. > Figure3 <2 nN ™ ae 4 é B 2séns A steel girder 4B has @eigh)210 N. itis held in equilibrium in a horizontal position by two vertical cables, One cable is attached to the end , The other cable is attached to the point C on the girder, where AC=90 em, as shown in Figure 3. The girder is modelled as a uniform rod, and the cables as light inextensible strings. Given that the tension in the cable at C is twice the tension in the cable at A, find (@) the tension in the cable at A, @) (b) show that AB=120em. a A small load of weight W newtons is attached to the girder at B. The load is modelled as a particle. The girder remains in equilibrium in a horizontal position. The tension in the cable at C is now three times the tension in the cable at A. (©) Find the value of ” ay Ch ee as Boke se Sys Ae a T=oe et FY te Sen b of x be dertewe to Gite of man se Soe VG eI 9 eS eS 2. 1 Leave blank A EN Se) re. S-ém__ | 1 ~ Ww QIGN To eliminate W tate memests ab S mC) Sve O-ERET = GE BIO +hZxT=O ep ar = pes dete AT Pe ay ca ee T= 126 aN T= 60N PA Te 6on WwW ante — ais = By g= 240>21e WwW = Bas Ru Cracker at spot Cc) : oer vin Ban ms ‘A uniform rod AB has length 1.5 m and mass 8kg. A particle of mass mkg is attached to the rod at B. The rod is supported at the point C, where AC= 0.9 m, and the system is in equilibrium with AB horizontal, as shown in Figure 2. (a) Show that m=2. Cy A particle of mass 5 kg is now attached to the rod at A and the support is moved from C toa point D of the rod. The system, including both particles, is again in equilibrium with AB horizontal. (b) Find the distance AD. 6 \F we take “Memes ober CY we tale 2 cut of coleulaton | fA€ es) —teking memeds abet a CoN clechucie deren was te hese mess ‘at the mao (o-6) — Tadcous) =O Cha equiliuh a4 D2 Gragg = ls 2K! = @ Orb = [22 m= 2 RA CIAO TA A OE A ] 6 Sa ass — Take monerts if whet Gy te (9e+3S0x) NI 2) Stxe G Bae i 1-1 Te = S88 — BGs Tp mee txs45 88 Tenn > s 88 — Bex 1-4) PAS Ss ap ate < S88 Cae om maith bg, Sa oe] Tx =~ FE # 2eoee "ae pet aaa et ae + (esoxret) eas se AR ae, = CZs a) As TVa-~ 3Te (ayeceon} = % Gove-2e<) av. 2c = mMé4 —10S9 ee JOG x + SSO = meye-a¥ [q-oerc = 1666 ae = 16646 Ieoo =x (Sos Leave blank Figure 2 A plank AB has mass 12 kg and length 2.4 m. A load of mass 8 kg is attached to the plank at the point C, where AC = 0.8 m. The loaded plank is held in equilibrium, with AB horizontal, by two vertical ropes, one attached at A and the other attached at B, as shown in Figure 2. The plank is modelled as a uniform rod, the load as a particle and the ropes as light inextensible strings. == Tensias Tr arch (a) Find the tension in the rope attached at B. TE wall be aiffeer O The plank is now modelled as a non-uniform rod. With the new mit the tension in the rope attached at 4 is 10 N greater than the tension in the rope attached at B. (b) Find the distance of the centre of mass of the plank from A. PLAN unicorn = wn ne nN (6) ) Toke mondo chad A os en cudbcleckwue aAteceher C wort Tee be poxbye M CAT - 7 Te (2-4) ~i251-2) - Ba lo-¥) = 4 Cred in eoiliirinn) UC 2. Det Te = ox +B Z ee = eeean Cash ]U 0 00 A Flash ne lager Gates] es] Question 6 continued re 184T CII EO A 0 A : 2 Ad Mas ‘Abeam AB has length 6m and weight 200N. The beam rests in a horizontal position on ‘two supports at the points Cand D, where AC=1 m and DB =I m. Two children, Sophie and Tom, each of weight $00 N, stand on the beam with Sophie standing twice as far from the end B as Tom. The beam remains horizontal and in equilibrium and the magnitude of the reaction at D is three times the magnitude of the reaction at C. By modelling the beam as a uniform rod and the two children as particles, find how far Tom is standing from the end B. GOO + 2SO4S5 OG izco mA (B). ve Kl x8 OG nS ce )xxn xSCo ¢ ae So “ene! a CSxsco 4 YOOX 4 \000x 4+66O-( AGo + |\SO0Ox + GOO~—| S00 = Oo \Sogx = |Seo™éou+ags|]| _ iscoxn = £B3-Om —_ =e. 2m IA See gd Leave ‘blank ag Mary mO'\\ ( = aes Leave | blank 5. Aplank POR, of length 8 m and mass 20 kg, is in equilibrium in a horizontal position on ‘two supports at P and Q, where PQ = 6 m. A child of mass 40 kg stands on the plank at a distance of 2 m from P and a block of mass ‘Mxgis placed on the plank at the end R. The plank remains horizontal and in equilibrium. The force exerted on the plank by the support at P is equal to the force exerted on the plank by the support at Q. By modelling the plank as a uniform rod, and the child and the block as particles, (@) (i) find the magnitude of the force exerted on the plank by the support at P, (i) find the value of M. (10) (b) State how, in your calculations, you have used the fact that the child and the block can be modelled as particles. @ a a Ory ee — AO = 2a —Mhe, = O 1) | am (2) we ZR = x205 = 6x 40s + 3xk =O 1OR =~ Beqgt+ 24s oe =o | G) Q= 3208-2 = S13-6n (i) = = su 63 25636 eto, — fos = fy Ms Bi\7-64+313- 6 = (eo mF Bown) 2.2. eR MI May 212. wn NN A | G B H08m> VASey +06m+ —_ 3m —___+ <3 Figure 1 ‘A non-uniform rod AB has length 3 m and mass 4.5 kg. The rod rests in equilibrium, in a horizontal positign, on two smooth supports at P and at Q, where AP= 0.8m and OB = 0.6 m, as shown in Figure 1, The centre of mass of the rod is at G. Given that the ‘magnitude of the reaction of the support at P on the rod is twice the magnitude of the reaction of the support at Q on the rod, find (a) the magnitude of the reaction of the support at Q on the rod, @) (b) the distance 4G. ony Ran} 2e+t-4-Sog=0 SA=4-S%9-8 f= te CRS See (a) Magnitude ef mites at Qos [He] b) ann (ee) (ave . Ho-Sx 2R +x 4¥SS —2-4>R = S —-o-Sx~29-¢ -Uerlan —FS-2EP=G beable = BS 2P 4 O-EXQ2A-G a = 395-2 4273-S2 Otel oe {NTA wn Lewe blank Mit AN 2013 Leave blank 2. A steel girder AB, of mass 200 kg and length 12 m, rests horizontally in equilibrium on two smooth supports at C and at D, where AC =2 m and DB = 2 m. Aman of mass 80 kg stands on the girder at the point P, where AP = 4 m, as shown in Figure 1 aa Aen Figure 1 ‘The man is modelled as a particle and the girder is modelled as a uniform rod. (@) Find the magnitude of the reaction on the girder at the support at C. GB) The support at D is now moved to the point X on the girder, where XB = x metres. The man remains on the girder at P, as shown in Figure 2. R pe ee tm Fox Zoos 12m Figure 2 Given that the magnitudes of the reactions at the two supports are now equal and that the girder again rests horizontally in equilibrium, find (b) the magnitude of the reaction at the support at X, @) (©) the value of x. ae @ aYNB) aciguuee ai ers — 6x €G5 4+ FxRo =O a : Se = SOG0g + +¥OR Bum ISS 2 ee Cley ieee a Be Magks AG NRG, Ny 4 Mi TAN 21S tT) 22 = 299 =) ec @- 28on8 = @= 1302s (sac ob 7S 52 \eaI2n ave <) ms) & xx IST! 6x Zoos — Px Fos #e “oe WSS = = (31200 = 120°S5 +64Ga, —13729 rare se = 4 esd eeree ee = NEN yaad s ENS m= Dae Ss ele \s4a2 Ca3st) a6 = Salt ee Mi DAE y= Jeans Caan GQ) ofves 3< MA = loci, = = joo ey rig (ie = ‘ee ) = Ison Ora = Ss, IGm = 256 Ge) m=2S5 Ry Gir) Be ea ios cs ae a = mam Distaa of contre oF mars Pron A ts 2+4 = Gm b) e e AN ee C7 fe” ees Gm = Sosg Gy) ee = ase Qe se am (Ay 2 2 9 87-Sgr 6x2 Grex SOS —I2x31-%9= 0 asa \ Sog+ SOs —4-SGg= © SOx 5 = SOI SEG TSG a $5 SS, seg Axe T+ Om Mi may 20138 6. A beam AB has length 15 m. The beam rests horizontally in equilibrium on two smooth supports at the points P and Q, where AP =2 m and B= 3 m. When a child of mass 50 kg. stands on the beam at 4, the beam remains in equilibrium and is on the point of tilting about P. When the same child of mass 50 kg stands on the beam at B, the beam remains in equilibrium and is on the point of tilting about Q. The child is modelled as a particle and the beam is modelled as a non-uniform rod. (@) @_ Find the mass of the beam, (ii) Find the distance of the centre of mass of the beam from A. 8) ‘When the child stands at the point X’on the beam, it remains horizontal and in equilibrium, Given that the reactions at the two supports are equal in magnitude, (b) find AX. @q= On © mee ee aie LAD soe wey id Ca=3c) pee Sx 58g =O Ss Tawve blank 18 Pate 28A018 2 8

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