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WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Campus
Professional Aviation Ethics
Mon-Tue (2:30-4:00 PM)

Name: (Visleño, Victor Angelo, P.)

Date: (30/01/2022)

Activity No. 2: Please encode your answers on the spaces provided.

1. “In case of disaster or emergency, a pilot will do whatever necessary to keep

passengers and crew away from harm and protect their lives.”

The captain failed to react appropriately when the aircraft started to stall. He pulled the
control yoke back that increased the angle of attack of the aircraft. This resulted in more
airspeed loss and continued stall. The way he controlled the aircraft opposes the
appropriate procedure that could have gotten away from the stall.

2. “A pilot is careful and will not neglect details that contribute to the safety of a
flight. “

According to the article by Garrison (2010), “He had also apparently lost awareness of
the airspeed indicator and of the rising red bar along its right-hand edge that provided
early warning of the impending, but still remote, stall.” The captain failed to notice the
little details that occur during the flight. If the captain was able to see the rising red bar,
they could have done something that prevented the stall.

3. “A pilot will not intentionally falsify any record, and will not condone similar
actions by other crew members.”

It is evident that the captain only reported one of his failed test flights on his
employment. Furthermore, he also did not disclose his disapprovals on single-engine
and multi-engine commercial check rides. These actions relate to the intentional
falsification of his flight records because it seemed that he was trying to preserve his
reputation for his employer by not mentioning all his failures during his training.

4. “A pilot should strive to improve his or her skills and knowledge, to study, and to
be updated on new developments in the industry.”

It is possible that the flight crew wasn’t trained for real stall scenarios. Pilots must be
trained for stalls in real-life scenarios. This is because some flight simulators lack
realism that takes away the feeling of a real stall. This opposes the Pilot’s Code of
Ethics in such a way that they lack enough knowledge in recovering from a real-life stall.
WCC Aeronautical and Technological College
Binalonan Campus
Professional Aviation Ethics
Mon-Tue (2:30-4:00 PM)

5. A pilot should be careful to not fly too much and to become too fatigued in a way
that can impair his or her judgment and ability.

The co-pilot’s lifestyle may also be a factor that affected the way the flight crew handled
the situation. Pilots should always have enough rest before their flight. This means that
if the co-pilot travels far to get to the airport, it may have an effect on her mental and
physical performance during the flight.

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