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This paper will consider the short case study.

It will
discuss what process should Mr. Stevens utilized when
choosing his two supplemental texts, it will include
research that supports my chosen method. It will also,
choose two supplemental texts for Mr. Stevens to use
in his British Romantic Literature class, thoroughly
describing the texts I choose and defending why I
chose them.
For Mr. Stevenson, in order for him to use for
learners to conduct his literature class should be all in
all, engaging to all students he can achieve this by
using materials that match students’ independent or
instructional reading levels (AdLit n.d). When students
are challenged with material above their reading levels,
teachers can help them access the required
information by filling their classrooms with multiple
texts that vary in readability level. Multiple texts can
improve students’ application of reading, thinking
strategies, build confidence, and develop the
motivation to learn. Through the use of multiple texts,
all students have the opportunity to learn new and
relevant information and make meaningful
contributions to discussions. Moreover, varied texts
provide multiple perspectives that help students
rethink events and issues that impact everyone and
deepen their knowledge of literary genres.
For instance a perfect example of literature text,
bellow is two supplemental text of what I would use in
lieu of Mr. Stevenson. Thisw ay described below
sensitizes the way in which learners can use vertical
text and summarize them for their own literature
understanding. Firstly, In this article, a perspective on
domestic violence in the Muslim Community, by Salma
Elkedi Abugideiri published by Faith Trust Institute
2005 in the United States of America, I have decided to
evaluate this particular article because of its
importance and relevance to us as woman and
prospective teachers in society. We believe that the
challenges that Muslim women are faced with today in
society and their household goes unanswered. Having
a background personally in a Muslim community
through attending a girl’s college, we have had the
experience of shared intimate conversation with
friends who have related to living in a Muslim
community and household ,and the treatment they
receive from society and their families. Thus, being
able to relate to the argument presented in the article
on the Muslim community and the perspective of
violence within them.

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