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Being an example of using the

Adventure Creation Handbook


Cherie “Jade” Arbuckle

Legal Stuff

Writer: Cherie “Jade” Arbuckle © 2011

Book Design and Layout: Cherie Arbuckle All rights reserved

I’d like to give a special thanks to all my players everywhere. Without you, I would never have gained the experience
I needed to write the Adventure Creation Handbook and this example booklet. Y’all gave me the encouragement and
practice that’s allowed me to become the kind of GM I always wanted to be. Without all of you, this book would never
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ii An Adventure Creation Example: Manhunt!

©2011, All rights reserved

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
About this Adventure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chapter Four: .
Write the Adventure. . . . . . . . . 16
Chapter One: .
Develop Your Idea . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Appendix A: .
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Running the Adventure. . . . . . 16
Adventure Idea: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Manhunt! Idea Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
What My Players Want. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Manhunt! Flowchart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
My player types are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Chapter Two: .
Ask and Answer Questions. . . . 7
Events for each character:. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Worksheet answers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Who . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
What. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
When . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Where. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Why . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
How . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Plot Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Chapter Three: .
Build Adventure Events. . . . . . 11
Random Encounter Tables . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Manhunt! Event Tree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

An Adventure Creation Example: Manhunt! iii

©2011, All rights reserved
Adventure Creation Handbook Example

Introduction ation process, I’ve created a fictitious party of PCs

ometimes it helps to have an example of and their players to serve as examples.
how something works. Sometimes those exam- This adventure is also intended to kick-off a new
ples can get in the way and make a book much campaign. Because of that, I didn’t have any earlier
longer than it needs to be. To balance both, I wrote adventures to draw sub-plots or continuing story
this booklet. This is an example of the adventure cre- lines from. It has to stand on its own. Of course, you
ation method contained in the Adventure Creation could use this example as a jumping–off point for an
Handbook (ACH). I separated it into its own book- adventure in your own game. If you do, you’ll need
let so that you wouldn’t have to flip through pages to substitute events that will appeal to your players
and pages of example when trying to find a specific and motivate your PCs.
instruction. Without further ado, here’s our fictional adven-
In this example, I walk turing party:
through the steps outlined in the “Of course, you could  Miss Margaret Evans: A
Adventure Creation Handbook, use this example as a writer of tales “fantastic and
starting from brainstorming an adventurous”. Miss Evans is
adventure idea, through to the
jumping-off point for an always sticking her nose in
final outline. adventure in your own where it doesn’t belong on
This isn’t a finished, pol- game. “ the grounds that she’s doing
ished adventure. Not wanting research for her next book.
to tie this example to any particular game system, Though bold to the point of foolhardy, and
I haven’t included any NPC stats or other mechan- despite a masculine pen-name (“Bertram
ics–related material. Nor have I created any maps Waterhouse”), Margaret is no tomboy; she’s
or hand–outs. My intent here wasn’t to produce a just not ready to give up her adventurous
ready–to–play adventure, but rather to illustrate the life and settle down into marriage and chil-
steps used to create an adventure plot. dren.
 Mme. Fleurette d’Havalinde: A French
About this Adventure noblewoman and salon hostess, Mme..
This adventure is set in a Victorian Steampunk/ d’Havalinde has left the comfort of her
Fantasy setting, such as the setting of R. Talisorian’s estate to find her husband, the sorcerer Le
Castle Falkenstein. That setting includes both steam- Comte d’Havalinde, who has disappeared
age technology and traditional fantasy elements. without a trace. But Fleurette is no swoon-
It also includes many historical figures from our ing, delicate flower. After all, petticoats can
world — in this case,  M.. Jules Verne. In this game hide all manner of weapons, n’est pas?
world, many of his more fanciful ideas work and he  Mr. James Espy: Yes, Mr. Espy is, in fact,
is noted scientist as well as a famous author. a spy for the British Crown. Dedicated to the
Since the nature of the PCs and players who will service of Her Royal Majesty, Queen Victo-
be playing this game is an important part of the cre- ria of England, and loyal to a fault, he has
proven himself to be a skilled intelligence

 An Adventure Creation Example: Manhunt!

©2011, All rights reserved

officer with the reputation of being unbrib- Your original idea shouldn’t be set in stone. As
able. Despite his unusual name, he has the we go along, you’ll see my idea changes and shifts a
fortune of being so ordinary in appearance, bit from the one given below. That’s normal. Ideas
most people would be unable to describe will come to you as work on this adventure and if you
him once he’s out of their sight. refuse to deviate from your original plan, your final
 M. Michel-Philippe Renard: A French adventure will be the poorer for it.
sorcerer and part-time secret agent for
the French government. M. Renard has Limitations
a reputation for being a bit pompous and It’s time to put any necessary limitations on my
prone to pontificate at great length about idea. Since I want this to be a steampunk adventure,
many subjects, whether he actually knows that by itself gives me a few limitations:
anything about them or not. Nevertheless, 1. The time period. Steampunk is set in
he has kind heart and is the embodiment of Victorian times, so the late 1800’s. That will
chivalry. His love for La belle France and limit both the kinds of technology and the
her common people knows no bounds. types of work both NPC and PCs do.
 Ratchet: Mr. Ratchet is a dwarf with a mis- 2. Culture. To keep the flavor of steampunk,
sion. Although just as dedicated to making all characters will need to adhere to a strict
a name for himself as most of his people, set of behavior rules and conventions.
he left his dwarf–hold for lands of men for 3. The Existence of magic. The particu-
a much more unusual reason — he’s deter- lar steampunk setting I’m using has some
mined to find a means of building a space- magic and many magical beings, but it still
ship to discover the vast sources of valuable limits the type of magic available.
metals he believes must exist “out there” in . Transportation. Transportation is going to
the solar system. take time. Even Steampunk air ships are

Chapter One: Develop Your Idea

Adventure Idea:
already had a glimmer of an idea for an
adventure — but only a glimmer. I knew I wanted The PCs are hired by a group of indi-
this to be the first adventure of a campaign that viduals loyal to the British Crown to rescue
would eventually take our heroes and heroines out to Mr. Jules Verne to try and convince Verne
explore the other planets in our solar system. Beyond to help them build a vehicle capable of
that, I had no idea what to do for this introduction to reaching the other planets in the solar
my new campaign. system. The main problem with this is
But I did have a very potent tool for developing that Mr. Verne has been kidnapped while
an idea: the idea map. You can see idea map I created on his way to a speaking engagement in
for this adventure on the next page. In the box to the London. The PCs must discover where he’s
right is the adventure idea I came up with from that been take and rescue him.
idea map.

An Adventure Creation Example: Manhunt! 

©2011, All rights reserved
Adventure Creation Handbook Example

Idea Map

Want Verne
to help build
space ship

Verne to give
talk about space
wants to
PCs work hire Verne
for agency
Taken by cab driver
PC’s agents
organization Rescue

How? Villians spirited

Kidnapped him away
Private Who
individuals are?


Joint by who?
Faery Chinese

working on behalf Nothing Dragon Why? Lock
of the crown beyond lunar Emperor knowledge

Faeries can’t
travel outside Doesn’t want
Earth orbit? anyone sur-
passing China

 The Adventure Creation Handbook

©2011, All rights reserved

slower than our modern jets. And travel I’ve finished the first part of my adventure cre-
within cities will be either on foot, horse- ation. Now I have an idea to build on, as well as some
back, or in horse-drawn coaches. My players idea of the kinds of encounters or events my players
are going to have to take travel time into would enjoy. From here, I move onto Step Two: Ask
account when they make their plans, but so Questions.
will the NPCs.
Chapter Two
What My Players Want
Now it’s time to start fleshing out the idea. The
Ask and Answer Questions
first thing I’m going to do is figure out how to begin Now I have an adventure idea, but it’s still no
fitting this idea to my PCs and the way to do that is where near ready for my PCs. Only the most creative
to think about what my players would like from this groups and most free-wheeling GMs would feel com-
game. If I know my players well enough, I can prob- fortable running the adventure at this stage. I’m rea-
ably things to this idea without any trouble. But let’s sonably good at improvising while I’m GMing, but
say that I’ve only playing with these players for a little I’m not that good. At this point I don’t even know
while. I know them well enough to be able to fit them who kidnapped M. Verne or why or where he’s being
into general player types, but not enough to know held. So my first step at this stage of adventure cre-
what specific types of encounters are their favorites. ation is to get answers to those basic questions.
I’ll start by writing down every question that
My player types are: occurs to me while I’m rereading my basic adventure
 Margaret Evans (Storyteller): She will idea and then, once I’ve gotten the questions written
want our encounters to fit into a coherent down, I’ll go back and answer them:
whole.  Who kidnapped Jules Verne? Otto
 Fleurette d’Havalinde (Character Actor): von Bismarck, using pirate members of
She will want a chance to role-play her char- the World Crime League and help from the
acter to bring her character’s background Unseelie Court.
into play.  Why? To help von Bismarck build a space
 James Espy (Solver): His player will want ship for Prussia
a puzzle to figure out and would be thrilled  Who hired the PCs? A organization called
at the chance to plan a attack of some kind. the Planetary Exploration Society (PES), a
 Michel-Philippe Renard (Combat Mon- group of wealthy and educated people who
ger): He’ll want combat and lots of it. want to explore the Solar System
 Ratchet (Mechanic): This player will look  Why do they want Verne? To help them
forward to the chance to take something build a vessel capable of traveling to other
apart, not to mention a chance to make skill planets and back.
checks against his Tinkering and Repair  Who are the Planetary Exploration
skills. Society? A group of wealthy and educated
intellectuals who think the answers to

An Adventure Creation Example: Manhunt! 

©2011, All rights reserved
Adventure Creation Handbook Example

society’s problems are going to be found on  Fleurette: The chance to mingle in society,
other worlds. They are independent of gov- especially dealing the PES where her breed-
ernment and contain members from all over ing and manners will be crucial.
New Europa and even the Americas.  Espy: Working out the plan to assail the
 How was Verne kidnapped? Agents submarine. Can decipher the orders to take
of von Bismarck paid off the driver of the Mr. Verne to Prussia (thereby giving Eng-
handsome designated to take Verne from land a new Prussian code)
his hotel to the speaking engagement. A  Renard: Several opportunities to fight—
man waited in the coach with chloroform against the unseelie “blockers,” on-board
to render Verne unconscious and the coach the submarine, perhaps even on the top
went to the docks where von Bismarck had a while its in motion
submarine waiting.  Ratchet: The chance to use his mechanical
 Where is Verne now (at the beginning of skills to gain access to the submarine, pos-
the adventure)? Still unconscious on board sibly the chance to learn to operate it.
the submarine and the crew prepare to take
off. That helps expand the idea more, but to really
 What kind of defenses are guarding move it from simple idea to full adventure, I turn to
him? Groups of Unseelie watch the roads the Adventure Creation Worksheet, starting on page
leading to the docks to head off any pursuit. ws-1 in the back of the ACH. Figuring out the answers
There are a small group of Prussian guards to those questions takes my idea from generic rescue
watching Verne inside the vessel and a idea to a more unique and robust rescue plot.
group of Selkies loyal to the Adversary will
follow (at a safe distance) and act as escort. Worksheet answers
 How will the PCs find out where he’s
been taken? Clues left at the scene of the The Basics
kidnapping will point toward the docks, Adventure name: Manhunt!
while the PCs will be attacked by Unseelie Campaign Name: Space 1869
on their way there. If the can, a careful in- Geographical Location: London
terrogation of the Unseelie will reveal where Start Date (real time): Will fill this in when I run
Verne is. the game
Now that I’ve fleshed out my idea a little more, Start Date (game time): Spring 1868
I can add to it by writing down specific events that
would likely appeal to my players: Concepts
Adventure Archetype: Rescue
Events for each character: Theme: Trust. How do you know when you should
 Margaret: The discovery of Mr. Verne’s trust someone?
notes about a space ship in his rooms as well Mood: Whirlwind excitement. The PCs should have
as the chance to mingle with the PES. little time to catch their breath.

 An Adventure Creation Example: Manhunt!

©2011, All rights reserved

Adventure Idea: the PCs must rescue Mr. Jules from him and his plans for awhile. The World
Verne from the agents of von Bismarck before Crime League also wants them to fail so that it can
they reach Prussia. The have five days to accom- have Verne and hopefully, then, a space ship.
plish this, or France will declare war on England,
who France blames for Mr. Verne’s disappear- What
ance. The Goal: Rescue Jules Verne from the forces of
Important Subplots: Potential war between Eng- von Bismarck and take him to the nearest French
land and France, the alliance of von Bismarck and consulate.
the Unseelie court. Race to space. Von Bismarck Key Events:
wanting to conquer the world.  PCs attempt to see Mr. Verne and watch his
coach riding away at top speed towards the
Who docks.
PCs Involved: See Introduction starting on pg. 3.  PCs are contacted by PES and offered em-
Important NPCs: ployment
 Mr. Jules Verne: Writer and scientific  PCs encounter a fight on the way to the
adviser to France submarine
 The submarine captain  PCs pursue Verne to the submarine
 Submarine crew  PCs get on board the submarine
 Guards for Mr. Verne  PCs find Mr. Verne
 Group of Unseelie to try to prevent PCs  PCs escape with Mr. Verne from the subma-
from reaching London docks and another to rine and return him to the French consulate
try and recapture M. Verne  What special items (if any) do the PCs need
 Unseelie selkies who guard submarine to complete their goal? None
 The submarine captain’s English mis- What maps do you need?
tress, who’s really a spy for England  London with the route from the hotel to the
Who wants the PCs to succeed? Why?: The PES submarine worked out
wants them to succeed so they can try to employ  Deck plans of the submarine
Mr. Verne. The English crown wants them to suc-  The North Sea route that the submarine will
ceed because they want to prove they had no part take to return to Prussia
in kidnapping Mr. Verne, The French govern- What props do you need?
ment wants them to succeed because they want  Orders from von Bismarck to capture Mr.
their minister. And neither country really wants Verne
to go to war.  Navigation charts showing the submarine
Who wants the PCs to fail? Why?: Otto von route from London to Prussia
Bismarck wants them to fail. He wants Verne to
build rocket missiles that will allow him to bomb When
France and England from a distance. He also Time Frame (Does this adventure have a dead-
wants France and England to go to war as a dis- line?): Yes, the PCs have overnight to find and res-
traction so that the world’s eyes will turn away
An Adventure Creation Example: Manhunt! 
©2011, All rights reserved
Adventure Creation Handbook Example

cue Mr. Verne while the submarine captain passes they’re unknown to von Bismarck. They’re also
the night with his English mistress (secretly an expendable and each has a personal reason for
English secret agent and how England knows seeking out Mr. Verne
about the submarine). Why would the PCs undertake this adven-
What happens if the PCs miss the deadline? ture?
Mr. Verne is taken to Prussia (unless the PCs can  The group: because they’re paid to do so
capture the sub mid-route) and disappears.  Margaret: Wants to join PES and this is
What season does the adventure take place a way to prove her merit. She also wished
in? It’s not important. I’ll say “spring”, since I to interview Verne for her newest book-in-
don’t want to deal with weather issues. progress “Of Miracles and Moon-Men”
 Espy: Ordered to do so by the Crown and
Where he’s extremely loyal to the Crown
Starting Location: Mr. Verne’s hotel in London  Fleurette: Wanted to speak to Verne, since
Ending Location: The French Consulate she discovered while on visiting friends in
Other Important Locations: England, that he was one of the last people
 Where the submarine is docked on the to see her husband
Thames  Renard: Ordered by the French govern-
 The submarine itself, ment. Also, he’s a member of the same Or-
 The PES building, der as Fleurette’s husband, who apparently
 The North Sea and Inland Sea. had a valuable magickal tome in his pos-
 Mr Verne’s rooms in the English hotel session when he disappeared. So wherever
What information do the PCs need to know Fleurette goes, Renard goes.
about these locations?  Ratchet: Seeking employment with Mr.
 That Verne did not check out of his hotel, Verne and also wanted to talk with him
but that he hasn’t been back and has left his about building a space ship.
things. What are the rewards for success? Monetary,
 Where the submarine is docked and its membership in the PES, the gratitude of both
layout, especially where Mr. Verne is being England and France, as well as Mr. Verne him-
kept on-board. self. The possibility of being members of the crew
 The underwater route the submarine is tak- of the first space ship.
ing to get to Prussia. What are the consequences of failure? Disfa-
vor with the French and English governments,
Why loss of reward money, von Bismarck eventually
Why does this adventure need to happen? It’s gets his steered rockets
the beginning adventure of the campaign. Sets
the tone and goals of the campaign (to travel to How
Outer Space). How might the PCs achieve their goal? One way
Why are the PCs the ones to do it? Because would be for the PCs to use detective-style work

10 An Adventure Creation Example: Manhunt!

©2011, All rights reserved

to find out that Verne was taken to the ship (they outs, the whys and wherefores of my adventure, I can
could make contact with the Captain’s mistress), begin converting those ideas into actual events and
fight their way onto the ship, locate Verne, then encounters the PCs will play through.
fight their way out and make a run to the French
Consulate. Chapter Three
Plot Details
Build Adventure Events

Opening t this stage, I need to go back over all the
PCs individually try to visit Mr. Verne at his hotel answers I gave to all the questions above. What
rooms, only to find the place crawling with govern- events would lead the PCs to the information
ment agents who, in turn, question the PCs about they need to complete the mission. Sure, some NPC
their reasons for seeking Mr. Verne. could simply tell them what they need to know, that
Opening Location: The hotel Verne is staying at. would take all the fun out the adventure.
NPCs: Government officials, the head of the investi- Here’s the list of events I came up with:
gation, police agents, hotel staff, the concierge  Encounter English police
Ending  Meet representatives of PES
PCs bring Mr. Verne to the French consulate.  Get hired by PES
Ending Location: the French consulate  Investigate Verne’s hotel rooms
NPCs: consulate head, employees, and staff, Mr.  Investigate Captain’s mistress
Verne  Unseelie attack
Midpoints  Investigate waterfront
PCs questioned by lead investigator, hired to  Find submarine
work as a team, investigate Verne’s rooms, learn  Capture member of sub’s crew or the cap-
about the submarine, get information from the sub tain himself
captain’s mistress, find the submarine, enter it and  Get onboard Submarine
rescue Mr. Verne.  Find Verne
Midpoint locations: investigation headquarters at  Take out Verne’s guards
PES building across the street from Mr. Verne’s  Get out of submarine
hotel, submarine location in the Thames, cap-  Go to French consulate
tain’s mistress’ rooms, the submarine  Interrogated by consulate personnel. Verne
NPCs: the mistress, the captain, crew of submarine, vouches for PCs.
faerie bullies who try to dissuade PCs from fol- I also want to include the chances for random
lowing trail, guards for Mr. Verne. encounters while the PCs are exploring the city. For
that, I’ll use a random encounter table I designed for
Look at the amount of information I have about generic city adventures, updating it for the time peri-
my adventure now! At this point, my adventure idea od and the location. See the sidebar on the next two
is so much more than a variant of the classic “Save pages for the random encounters table. I’ll figure out
the princess” story. Now that I know the ins and

An Adventure Creation Example: Manhunt! 11

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Adventure Creation Handbook Example Manhunt!

Random Encounter Tables

1 . A young flower girl (around eight years old)approaches the PCs to buy some of her flowers.
She tells the PCs that her dad is watching from a nearby corner and if the PCs don’t buy
a flower from her, he’ll beat her for coming back empty-handed. If the PCs try to send her
away without any money, they will encounter her again with a black eye and several nasty
2 . A man walking his dog loses control of the animal, which immediately runs off into the
nearest crowd of people, barking and snarling.
3 . A small girl asks the party to help her find her lost kitten.
4 . The PCs turn down a side street whose only outlets are at either end. Two horse–drawn
cabs enter, one from each side. Neither party will back up to let the other pass and the
situation degenerates into a fist fight between the two cabbies, with the characters in the
5 . A man obviously in a hurry comes up to the PCs and asks directions to the train station. If
the PCs know where it is and tell him, he’ll give them some money as a tip. A few moments
later, they hear the sound of police whistles and four or five police officers ask the PCs if
they’ve seen the man in question, who had just robbed a bank.
6 . A small child (age five or six) jumps out of an upper-story window. The PCs should have a
chance to save her from harm. If questioned, she will tell them that she was trying to prove
to her friends that she could fly.
7 . One of the PCs trips make–shift fruit stand that sends him sprawling into the street. Fruit
rolls everywhere into the street or park area, where they’re quickly gathered up by nearby
beggar children. The stall owner demands the PCs pay for the broken stand and the lost
8 . The PCs pass a house where a man throws a suitcase of women’s clothes into the street,
then pushes a very young woman out the door, calling her a whore, among other nasty
names. If the PCs question her, she’ll tell them that her father has just disowned her for
being “with child”.
9 . In a very public place, a woman announces that one of the PCs is the father of her child.
It’s up to you to decide if it’s true or not, or if any of the party members have even seen the
woman before.
10 . One of the PCs is a dead ringer for a local prominient business man who is also a gambler.
Less than savory men stop the PC and demand that he settle his debts. Have the PC make
a charisma, fast-talk, or diplomacy check (or other such skill) to see if the creditor believes
that he’s got the wrong man.

12 The Adventure Creation Handbook

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11 . The PCs are approached by two young women who demand the PCs decide which one of
them is the prettier of the two. This is a no-win situation for the PCs. The “loser” will walk off
in a huff. The PCs will later discover she’s a shop-girl or waitress at someplace they need to
buy something or order a meal. She will do what she can to make the experience as difficult
as possible for the PCs.
12 . One of the PC is accused of rigging a “friendly” game of cards. The blaming NPC demands
a duel to settle the “matter of honor”.
13 . One or more of the PCs mounts or vehicles are impounded by the “local constabulary”..
They claim the PCs did not obtain the proper permits and must pay a fine to recover their
lost transportation. The permit is fictitious — as are the “constables”. They’re actually con
artists who prey on people new to town.
14 . The PCs come across a beggar child who’s only parent has just died. The city will not help
the child (“If we aided one, we’d have to aid all of them and we just don’t have the resourc-
es do that.”)
15 . A horse or working aid animal takes an instant dislike to one of the PCs and will attempt to
bite or kick the PC every time they cross paths.
16 . The PCs hear sounds of brawl inside a nearby pub. Next, a child runs out of the pub and
begs the PCs to come help because “they’re going to kill each other.”
17 . A child thief cuts a hole in one of the PC’s purses or other bag. Make a hidden roll to see if
the PC notices. If not, she’ll be leaking small items from her bag until she either notices or
there’s nothing left that will fit through the hole.
18 . A street artist sets his or her sights on one of the PCs and begins to follow him around, try-
ing to woo him. You can make this as humorous (a harmless youth) or as serious (a stalker)
as you like.
19 . A pet or small child becomes attached to one of the PCs and follows him around every-
where. If taken home, the pet/child escapes and seems to be able to find the PC, no matter
where he is in town. This can be either very funny or very creepy, depending on how you
handled it.
20 . The PCs are roped into witnessing the marriage of a young couple who have eloped.

The Adventure Creation Handbook 13

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Adventure Creation Handbook Example

mechanics of it (such as how often to check for ran-  Ratchet: There’s a good chance he’ll be
dom events) after I’ve completed the adventure plot. able to make a mechanical skill check to
That gives me a list of possible events, but I want get the submarine’s hatch open. If the PCs
to make sure I’m not leaving out something really choose to, they could try to take over the
important, so I’ll do an event tree (see pg. 14). This is submarine and Ratchet’s player will then be
also the point where I go back over my list of events able to use his skills to try and operate the
for each PC and make sure they fit in with the adven- sub. To help ensure he’ll get a chance to use
ture as it’s taking shape: those skills, I’ll give any reasonable proposal
 Margaret: The discovery of Mr. Verne’s the PCs have to take over the sub a chance
notes about a space ship in his rooms. If she of working.
returns those notes to him, he will invite Now that I’ve worked out what events I’ll be using,
her to attend a very private meeting he it’s time to put them in order. I can either order them
has scheduled with the PES and allow her by location or by time. Since this is a rather linear
the chance to ask questions to her heart’s plot where events are triggered by what happens
delight. when, rather than by where the PCs go, I’ll put them
 Fleurette: She will be able to use her social in a temporal sequence:
skills to get more information out of the
Captain’s mistress. We can also have her I. PC’s go to Verne and his hotel
turn the captain’s head and she could be  They get picked up by the police individually
very useful in distracting the captain so that and questioned about their presence and
the PCs can get into the submarine. Because motives
Fleurette’s player is a Character Actor, I’ll  As the PCs leave the hotel room law enforce-
play on role-playing this scene, rather than ment are using, they’re invited to a meeting
making it a skill-check. by the PES
 Espy: will have a chance to form a plan-of-  The PES hire the PCs to work as a team
attack for getting into the submarine and to find Verne. They tell the PCs about the
getting themselves with M. Verne out of it. presence of a submarine, its captain and his
Also, I’ll create the captain’s orders using mistress.
a substitution cipher, which will give this II. PCs pursue leads
player a chance to actually puzzle out some-  Investigate Verne’s hotel room. Find notes
thing. about space ship ideas, signs of struggle, but-
 Renard: Several opportunities to fight— ton from Prussian seaman’s coat.
against the unseelie “blockers,” on-board  Go see mistress. Find out sub is shipping out
the submarine, perhaps even on the top at daybreak, the captain is coming to see her.
while its in motion. We can add yet an- If really persuasive, she will give them a copy
other combat by having the PCs pursued by of the captain’s orders she stole from his coat.
another group of Unseelie who are trying to  PCs can try to break code or find someone
recover M. Verne. else able and willing to do it.

14 An Adventure Creation Example: Manhunt!

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Verne Event Tree
arrives at
French con- Unseelie
sulate attack to

PCs get
Verne out
of the sub PCs over-
come or
guards PCs must
find Verne
in sub

PCs enter
? Capture
PCs find
Attack to
Follow deter PCs
member of Interrogate
crew captain

Find sub captain
PCs PCs visit
investigate mistress
docks Investigate
PES hires PCs visit
characters Verne’s

The Adventure Creation Handbook 15

©2011, All rights reserved
Adventure Creation Handbook Example

 Look for submarine. Can find Prussian sea- experienced GM or if I were writing this adventure
men in pub near the docks. for someone else to run, I’d write out full descriptions
 While pursuing leads, will be attacked by of each location and encounter. At this point, it’s time
Unseelie who were watching the mistress. If for me to I decide which rules system I’ll use to run
they find proof of mistresses treachery, they it (you can actually decide this at any step along the
will kidnap her, as well. way).
III. Get to Submarine Then I’ll flesh out the NPCs in terms of stats and
 Fight or circumvent the five guards other mechanics-related information. I’ll also look
 Find a way to open the hatch or get someone over my events so I can figure out if I’m going to
inside to open the hatch familiarize myself with game mechanics I don’t nec-
IV. Get inside the submarine essarily use on a regular basis.
 Find Verne inside the submarine
 Fight off Verne’s military guards (two out- Appendix A
side the door where they’re keeping him,
one inside)
Running the Adventure

 Fighting will attract attention of other sea- hen I finally run this adventure, I’ll make
men on board. Will bring 2-6 seamen to notes of what the PCs actually do when they
investigate play through it. That’s because my players
 If the NPCs also kidnapped the captain’s are likely to come up with great solutions and ideas I
mistress, then she will be in with Verne until never thought of and I can add these to the “official”
the captain returns. version of this adventure.
V. Get out of ship If I were going to publish this adventure or even
 Head for the nearest French consulate. run it as a convention game, I’d play-test it. Since
 Group will be pursued by some unseelie this is just for my regular group (who would be the
forces play-testers anyway), I don’t feel I need to go into
VI. At the French consulate any more detail than I have. But I still take extensive
 Pursuers will break off notes, in case I do decide to run it again later.
 PCs will gain monetary reward and will be
invited to join the PES. Conclusion

Now I’ll take the above outline and put it into a here you have it: one adventure from idea to
flow chart format (see pg. 16). outline. I would love to hear your experiences
using this method of adventure creation, good or
Chapter Four bad. It’s always nice to receive positive feedback and

Write the Adventure negative feedback can help me improve this product.
You can leave a comment on this product’s web page, or

ince I’m comfortable running from a flow- you can drop me a private e-mail at
chart, I don’t feel a need to write the adventure
out in any more detail than that. If I were a less-

16 An Adventure Creation Example: Manhunt!

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PCs try to visit Verne

Manhunt! at hotel
PCs questioned by

PES tells them about accept decline

PCs contacted by
Prussian sub and Find sailor button
PES and offered job

Investigate Verne’s Search docks for

Talk to Mistress
hotel room Prussian sailors

Get copy orders from Capture Sailor and

Unseelie attack PCs
von Bismarck interrogate

Capture and inter-

Capture and
Follow captain rogate unseelie

Unseelie Kidnap
Find submarine

Get onboard sub

Find mistress Find Verne

Fight way out of

? sub

2nd unseelie attack

to recover Verne

Take Verne to
French consulate

The Adventure Creation Handbook 17

©2011, All rights reserved

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