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The electric flux density is defined ‘D’ as “The net flux emanating
the charge q per unit area of the surface.
D=φe ∕ Area

Integral form Differential forms

=Charge enclosed
Maxwell’s first equation is based on Gauss’ law of electrostatics
published in 1832, wherein Gauss established the relationship between
static electric charges and their accompanying static fields.

The above integral equation states that the electric flux of electric
flux density through a closed surface area is equal to the total charge

The differential form of the equation states that the divergence or

outward flow of electric flux from a point is equal to the volume charge
density at that point.

 Gauss’ electrostatics law is also written as a volume integral:

The total charge enclosed in the volume is the volume in cubic meters
times the charge density in coulombs per cubic meter. The average
volume charge density summed for the entire volume is the charge
enclosed. Gauss’ electrostatics law is also written as a volume integral:
This equation states that the charge enclosed in a volume is equal
to the volume charge density, r, (rho) summed for the entire volume.

q is the charge enclosed in the volume.

 is the volume charge density in coulombs per cubic meter.

is an infinitesimal element of volume.

The entire volume is in cubic meters.

The total charge enclosed in the volume is the volume in cubic

meters times the charge density in coulombs per cubic meter. The
average volume charge density summed for the entire volume is the
charge enclosed.

This is similar to stating that the surface area of a ball or box

encloses the volume of the ball or box. The area and volume indicated
by the equations need not be observable physical surfaces, often they
will be mathematical limits.

The electric flux density, D, due to a charge q, located within the

sphere is:
D= where
4 π r2

D=ϵ 0 E∧B=μ0 H

And E=
4 πϵ r 2

MAXWELL 2nd EQUATION ( Gauss’s Law in Magnetism)

Unlike the electrostatic field, magnetic fields have no sources or
sinks, and the magnetic lines of force are closed curves. Consequently
the surface integral of the magnetic field over a closed surface is zero,
and therefore.

Div B = 0

Or in nabla notation ,
∇ . B=0

This is the second Maxwell equation in differential form.

Gauss' Law for Magnetism

The net magnetic flux out of any closed surface is zero. This amounts to a
statement about the sources of magnetic field. For a magnetic dipole, any closed
surface the magnetic flux directed inward toward the south pole will equal the flux
outward from the north pole. The net flux will always be zero for dipole sources. If
there were a magnetic monopole source, this would give a non-zero area integral.
The divergence of a vector field is proportional to the point source density, so the
form of Gauss' law for magnetic fields is then a statement that there are no magnetic

∮ B.d A
Differential form, ∇ . B=0

Maxwell 3rd Equation (Faraday's Law of

The line integral of the electric field around a closed loop is equal to the
negative of the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the area enclosed by the
This line integral is equal to the generated voltage or emf in the loop, so
Faraday's law is the basis for electric generators. It also forms the basis
for inductors and transformers.

Integral form
−d Φ B
∮ E . d s= dt

Differential form ∇ × E=−∂ B /∂t

Maxwell 4th Equation (Ampere's Law)

In the case of static electric field, the line integral of the magnetic

field around a closed loop is proportional to the electric current flowing through
the loop. This is useful for the calculation of magnetic field for simple geometries.

k =1/4 π ϵ 0 c=1 ∕ √ μ 0 ϵ 0

Integral form, ∫ B . ds=μ0 ı+1/ c 2 ∂ ∕ ∂ t∫ E . d A

Differential form,
2 2
∇ × B=J / ε 0 c +1/ c ∂ E ∕ ∂ t

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