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Warasinee Apirakdacharchai ID 5080048 DataCom HW7 1. What is the position of transmission media in ISO or Internet model?

It is located under the physical layer & control by physical layer. It can be called layer 0. 2. Name 2 major categories of transmission media. 2 major categories are guided and unguided media. 3. How do guided media differ from unguided media? Guided media have physical boundaries, while unguided media are unbounded. 4. What are the 3 major classes of guided media? Twisted-pair cables coaxial cables fiber-optic cables 5. What is the significance of twisting in twisted-pair cable? Twisted-pair cable consists of two insulated copper wired twisted together. It use for voice and data communication. Twisting ensured that both wires are equally make a less affect by noise. 6. What is the refraction? What is reflection? Refection is when beam of light travel into less dense medium and the angle of incident is less than critical angle Reflection is when beam of light travel into less dense medium and the angle of incident is greater than critical angle 7. What is the purpose of cladding in an optical fiber? Cladding prevents the loss of light It reflects the signal back to the core. 8. Name the advantage of optical fiber over twisted-paired and coaxial cable.

Higher Bandwidth Less signal attenuation Immunity to electromagnetic interference Resistance to corrosive materials Light weight Greater immunity to tapping 9. Hoe dose sky propagation differ from line of sight propagation? In sky propagation radio waves radiate upward into the ionosphere and are then reflected back to the earth In sight propagation signal are transmitted in a straight line from antenna to antenna 10. What is the different between omnidirectional waves and unidirectional wave? Omnidirectional waves are propagated in all directions unidirectional wave are propagated in one direction

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