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Practice Sheet for the month of

April-May (2022-23)
Chapter Nos. included: 1,2

Name: _________________ Class VIII Sec ____ Roll No.: ____

Practice Sheet Date: 13th May 2022 Submission date: 8th July 2022

Chapter 1 : Rational Numbers

Q1 Which of the following is not a rational number.

A) 11/17. B) 160/0. C) 17. D) 15/2

Q2 What is the additive inverse of -7/11.

Q3 What is the multiplicative inverse of 3/11.
Q4 Represent 9/11 on number line

Q5 Find the product of 3/8 and the reciprocal of -5/17.

Q6 The number which is substracted from 29/13 to get -5/7________.

Q7 5/6 of all the money in Salman's Bank account is Rs 55,000 . How much money he have
in his account.

Q8 Arrange the number 1/4 , 3/16 & 5/8 in the ascending order.

Q9 Write 10 Rational numbers between -4/5 and 4/7.

Q 10 Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false for each of the following:

(i) Reciprocal of 0 doesn't exist.

(ii) Reciprocal of 1 is -1 and reciprocal of -1 is 1

(iii)The sum of two Rational numbers is also a rational number. This is called closure
property of rational number with respect to addition.

(iv) 120/0 is a rational number.

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Q 11 Fill in the blanks
(a)Zero has________ reciprocal.

(b)The numbers___________ and __________ are their own reciprocals.

(c)The reciprocal of -5 is___________

(d)Reciprocal of 1/x, where x 0 is_________

(e)The product of two rational number is always a__________

(f)The reciprocal of a positive rational number is__________

Q 12 Write:
(a)The rational number that does not have a reciprocal.

(b)The rational numbers those which are equal to their reciprocals.

(c)The rational number that is equal to its negative.

Q 13 Write five rational numbers which are smaller than 2.

Q 14 Find any ten rational number between -5/6 and 5/8.

Q 15 Which of the rational number lies between 1/5 and 1/4

A) 1/8. B) 9/40. C) 1/9. D) 1/20

Chapter 2 :- Linear Equations in one variable

Q 16 Tell which of the following is a linear equation in one variable:

a) 6𝑥 − 2𝑦 = 7

b) 3𝑥 − 1 = −2𝑥

c) 𝑝𝑞 − 3 = 𝑝

d) 3𝑥2 + 2 = 4(𝑥 + 7) + 9
Q 17 Twice the sum of two numbers is 36. If one of the numbers is 10, find the other number

Q 18 Solve the following equations and check the solutions:

a) 5 − 3(5𝑥 + 2) = 4(7 − 3𝑥)

b) 0.3(6 − 𝑥) = 0.4(𝑥 + 8)

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Q 19 The two perpendicular sides of a right angled triangle are in the ratio 3:4 and it’s
perimeter is 96 cm. Find the three sides.

Q 20 Maira has a total of ` 1040 as currency notes in the denomination of ` 10, ` 20 and ` 50.
The ratio of the number of ` 10 and` 20 is 2:5 . If she has a total of 30 notes, how
many notes of each denomination she has.

Q 21 Verify that x = 2 is the solution of the equation 4.4x – 3.8 = 5.

6𝑥−8 2
Q 22 Solve the given equation =
5𝑥 3

Q 23 Convert the following statements into equations.

(a) 3 added to a number is 11

(b) 2 subtracted from a number is equal to 15.

(c) 3 times a number decreased by 2 is 4.

(d) 2 times the sum of the number x and 7 is 13.

Q 24 Amina thinks of a number and subtracts 5/2 from it. She multiplies the result by 8. The
final result is 3 times her original number. Find the number.

Q 25 In an isosceles triangle, the base angles are equal, and the vertex angle is 80 degrees.
Find the measure of the base angles.

Q 26 There is a narrow rectangular plot. The length and breadth of the plot are in the ratio of
11:4. At the rate of Rs. 100 per meter it will cost the village panchayat Rs. 75000 to fence
the plot. What are the dimensions of the plot?

Q 27 The perimeter of a rectangular swimming pool is 154 meters. Its length is 2m more than
twice its breadth. What are the length and the breadth of the pool?

Q 28 A positive number is 5 time another number. If 21 is added to both the numbers, then
one of the new numbers become twice of other new numbers. Find the original

Q 29 Solve chapter test of chapter 1- page no.21, chapter 2- page no. 34 and assignment of
page no.33 of textbook.

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