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Annual Term Examination (2021-22)

Sample Practice Paper
Subject: Social Science
Class: VII Sec: ____

Name: __________________ Roll No. __________

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:

1. Practice Sheet contains two parts. Part 1 and Part 2.

2. Part-1: It contains of MCQ questions, one mark each.
Part-2: It contains of 4 Sections. Section A consists of 4 questions of 2
marks each. Section B consists of 3 questions of 3 marks each. Section C
consists of 3 questions of 5 marks each. Section D consists of 2 source
based questions of 4 marks each.
3. All questions are compulsory.

Choose the correct option of the following questions:
1) Piranha is the name of a type of ____.
a) Bird
b) Fish
c) Animal
d) Reptile

2) The link between the wholesaler and the customer is the _______________.
a) Producer
b) Peddler
c) Retailer
d) None of these

3) Women’s hard work inside the house often remains _______.

a) Unnoticed
b) Paid
c) Unpaid
d) Glorified

4) Roads that facilitates fast moving traffic are called ____________.

a) Shatabdi
b) Highways
c) Trailers
d) Service roads

5) The ocean water is ______ near the Equator.

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a) cold
b) warm
c) warmest
d) coldest

6) Nadir Shah sacked Delhi during the reign of _________.

a) Muhammad Shah
b) Bahadur Shah I
c) Saadat Khan
d) Bahadur Shah Zafar

7) The dance form that tells a story is _______.

a) Kathak
b) Rock-n-roll
c) Disco
d) None of these

Identify the places marked on the map with the help of the given clues and answer the
questions that follows:

8) On the map given above ‘A’ is an important pilgrimage town of Sikhs. Identify it.
a) Sarnath
b) Sanchi
c) Sopara
d) Amritsar

9) On the map given above ‘B’ is the famous administrative town of ancient India and
pilgrimage town of medieval India. Identify it.
a) Kanauj
b) Ujjain
c) Ajanta
d) Mathura

10) Mir Jumla defeated the Ahoms in ______.

a) 1762
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b) 1652
c) 1662
d) 1707

11) ________ is a structure formed of a single block of stone.

a) Monolithic
b) Duolithic
c) Oligolithic
d) None of these

12) The novel ‘Colour Purple’ by Alice Walker focuses on life of ____ women in 1930s in
Southern United States.
a) White
b) Black
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

13) The place where goods are bought and sold is called a ________.
a) Hawker
b) Barter
c) Market
d) Peddler

14) _____ transport is the most fastest and expensive means of transport.
a) Water
b) Air
c) Rail
d) Road

15) The deepest ocean is _______.

a) Pacific
b) Artic
c) Atlantic
d) Indian

16) Till the 13th century, Assam was known as __________.

a) Kamarupa
b) Prayagjyotisha
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

17) Number of females per thousand males is referred to as _________.

a) Birth rate
b) Death rate
c) Infant mortality rate
d) Sex ratio

18) The protection of the rights and interests of consumers is called ________.
a) Consumerism
b) Civil justice
c) Social welfare
d) Commercials

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19) Name the mining town from the list of towns given below.
a) Malabar
b) Kolar
c) Pilani
d) Pune

Observe the following picture and answer Q21 and Q22:

20) Identify the ocean current marked as ‘A’.

a) Gulf Stream
b) Brazilian current
c) West Australian current
d) California current

21) Identify the ocean current marked as ‘B’.

a) Gulf Stream
b) Brazilian current
c) Labrador current
d) Kuroshio current

22) The _______ government enacted the RTI act in 2005.

a) NDA
b) UPA
c) Janata
d) Independent

23) Assertion (A): Cost of advertising is relatively high in newspapers.

Reason (R): It has less colourful pictures and more news reports.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.

24) The UN proposed a target for every country to involve ______ percent of women in
decision making.
a) 50
b) 25
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c) 30
d) 48

25) Surat was used by Hajj pilgrims to mecca and was called _____________.
a) Gai Pagli
b) Suryapur
c) Bandar-e-Khubsurat
d) Pampa

26) Right to Information ensures that the _________ is more responsible and accountable
to the people.
a) Government
b) Judiciary
c) Police
d) Press

27) __________ is an example of industrial centre in India.

a) Tirupati
b) Dehradun
c) Mathura
d) Jamshedpur

28) California current is located on the _____ coast of North America and is a _______
a) Eastern, warm
b) Western, cold
c) Western, warm
d) Eastern, cold

29) Hampi was the capital of the ____________ Empire.

a) Mughal
b) Maratha
c) Chola
d) Vijayanagara

30) Observe the picture and identify the type of tide:

a) Neap Tide
b) Ebb tide
c) Spring tide
d) Both (a) and (b)

31) ‘The Book of Marvels’ is a travelogue written by Marco Polo about his travel across

a) Indonesia
b) China
c) Africa

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d) Europe

32) Assertion (A): Burangis are the historical work of the Gonds.
Reason (R): It sheds light on the culture and lifestyle of the Ahoms.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.

33) Ananda Bazar Patrika is a newspaper in _________.

a) Bengali
b) Urdu
c) Malayalam
d) Hindi

34) The full form of e-mail is __________.

a) Electronic mail
b) Express mail
c) Efficient mail
d) Effective mail

35) Agro-based industries have developed in the __________ basin region.

a) Ganga-Brahmaputra
b) Amazon
c) Jubba-Shebelle
d) Sistan Basin

36) Better communication lead to the concept of ______village.

a) Developing
b) Trading
c) Global
d) None of these

37) __________ were the jewels of Kannada literature.

a) Pampa
b) Ponna
c) Ranna
d) All of these

38) ________ was a poet known for his dohas in Hindi.

a) Abul Fazl
b) Abdur Rahim Khan-i-Khana
c) Dara Shikoh
d) Ishwardas Nagar

39) Mir Sayid Ali and Abdus Samad were the famous painters during ______ reign.
a) Jahangir
b) Shah Jahan
c) Babur
d) Akbar

40) Assertion (A): Street shops are commonly found at crossings or on main roads.
Reason (R): These shops deal in low priced goods.
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a) Both A and R are true.
b) Both A and R are false.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.

Answer the following questions in short (2 x 4 = 8)
1) Mention the reasons for prosperity of Hampi.
2) Write any two advantages of advertising.
3) Write atleast two importance of RTI act of 2005.
4) Explain any two significances of tides.
Answer the following questions in brief (3 x 3 = 9)
5) Describe the life of Ahoms during the medieval period on the basis of the
a) Selection of Ahom King
b) Society
c) Religion
6) Describe the life of people in the Sahara desert.
7) What are the functions of wholesalers?
Answer the following questions in detail (5 x 3 = 15)

8) What are the steps to be taken by the society to achieve gender equality?

9) ‘The Sultans introduced new cultural influences into Indian society in the
medieval period”. In the context of this statement discuss the following:
a) Music
b) Paintings

10) ‘Study of History brings to light the fact that on one hand, a settlement may
expand, while on the other hand, it may even die’. Discuss the following with
reference to this statement:

a) Importance of transport
b) Differences between air transport and water transport

Case Based Questions (4 x 2 = 8)
11) Read the given text and answer the following questions:

During the Maratha reign, land revenue was based on the assessment of land. The state

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share was fixed at 2/5th of the total produce. The system of jagirs was abolished. A direct
settlement was made with cultivators. Loans were given in times of need. Marathas
collected two kinds of taxes from areas not directly ruled by them:
Chauth: 1/4th of the assessed revenue paid as tribute to avoid plunder by Maratha
Sardeshmukhi: 1/10th of the assed revenue demanded by Chhatrapati Shivaji as self-
proclaimed chief/headman of Maharashtra.

11.1) What is Sardeshmukhi?

11.2) Define Chauth.
11.3) How was land revenue fixed and what was abolished?
11.4) Did imposing Chauth and Sardeshmukhi lead to decline of Maratha power?
Justify your answer.

12) Read the given text and answer the following questions:

The region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, roughly between
the latitudes of 20°N and 20°S, receives maximum heat from the Sun throughout the
year. The entire belt is known as the tropical region. It is close to Equator, hot and wet
all year round. The world’s largest tropical rainforest lies within this belt, as the Amazon
River Basin of South America.
Beyond the tropics, between 20° to 40° in both hemispheres, the sun’s rays do not fall
vertically overhead all year. As a result, the climatic conditions in the belt differ from
being tropical for a part of the year to ‘nearly tropical’ all year. They fall under the
influence of the trade winds that blow from Sea to Land in summers and reverse their
direction in winter. We refer to it as a sub-tropical region. The Ganga-Brahmaputra
Basin lies in the sub-tropical region.

12.1) Which belt is called as the tropical region?

12.2) Explain the climate in the 20° to 40° region in both hemispheres?
12.3) Name the largest rainforest and the continent it is located.
12.4) What is peculiar about trade winds in sub-tropical region?

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