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1 associated sign and symptoms of hyperventilation syndrome are :

a) Headache
b) Bloating
c) Twitching
d) Sweating
2 Lymphoedema may cause the following symptoms in the affected area.
a) Swelling
b) Sensation of fullness/heaviness
c) Tightness/stretching of the skin
d) Reduced movement of the joints
e) Thickening and dryness of the skin
f) All of above
3 When hyperventilating?
a) Carbon Dioxide level drops and PH level Drops
b) Carbon Dioxide level drops and PH level Rises
c) Carbon Dioxide level rises and PH level Drops
d) Carbon Dioxide level Rises and PH level Rises
4 Serious injury to the spinal cord above what vertebra may block nerve impulses that
stimulate breathing?
a) Above the 4th cervical vertebra
b) Above the 4th thoracic vertebra
c) Above the 5th cervical vertebra
d) Above the 5th thoracic vertebra
5 Hyperventilating may cause _________, in which the hands and feet are clenched into
a clawlike position
a) Carpopedal Spasm
b) Guillain-Barre Syndrome
c) Pickwickian Syndrome
d) Retractions
6 the thymus secretes ________.
a) Antibodies
b) Hormones that mature the rbc
c) Macrophages
d) Lymph and lymph factory
e) thymosin, a hormone thought to aid in maturation of T lymphocytes
7 home care for hyperventilation syndrome are
a) Immediate techniques to help treat acute hyperventilation:
b) Breathe through pursed lips
c) Breathe slowly into a paper bag or cupped hands
d) Attempt to breathe into your belly (diaphragm) rather than your chest.
8 Cyctic fibrosis is a complex, multisystem disease caused by mutations of the CF transmembrane
conductance regulator gene (CFTR) .the mutation affect
a) Transport of ion and water across epithelial lining
b) Thickenend secretion in respiratory tract
c) Less secretions in GIT.
d) A and b

9 About the role of pulmonary rehabilitation in the COPD patient, what effects are identified and
treated? A. Social effects of the disease.
a) Emotional effects of the disease.
b) Respiratory effects of the disease.
c) Systemic effects of the disease.
d) Behavioral effects of the disease.
10 What is the most common cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?
a) Bronchiectasis
b) Chronic bronchitis
c) Cigarette smoking
d) Emphysema
e) Asthma
11 Which of the following is not true about breathing exercises?
a) Diaphragmatic breathing is used to increase ventilation
b) Improve gas exchange
c) Increase work of breathing
d) Improve mobility of chest
12 The main pathological changes occurring during an asthmatic attack are:

a) spasm of the smooth muscle in the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles (bronchoconstriction);
b) oedema of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and bronchioles;
c) excessive mucus production and mucus plugging
d) all of above
13 A flutter or PEP valve may be used to facilitate the movement of peripheral mucus plugs and pus
into the trachea from where they are cleared by coughing in pulmonary rehabilitation .here PEP
a) Positive expiratory pressure
b) Positive end pressure
c) Positive expiratory pressure in 1 sec
d) None of above
14 male adult client with cystic fibrosis is admitted to an acute care facility with an acute
respiratory infection. Prescribed respiratory treatment includes chest physiotherapy.
When should the PHYSIOTHERAPIST perform this procedure?
a) Immediately before a meal
b) At least 2 hours after a meal
c) When bronchospasms occur
d) When secretions have mobilized

15 Essentials of Pulmonary Rehabilitation:

a) Exercise training
b) Education
c) Nutritional therapy
d) All of above

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