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Doggath → Bugbear Gloomstalker Assasin Rouge

[Initial of the creator][Year it was made] →


Reborn [Dwarf Kaladesh] if allowed→ Artificer & Bloodhunter

Custom Background based in Marine

Tool Proficiency:
Smith → Armourer
Thieves → Artificer
Tinkerer → Artificer
Carpenter → Background
Vehicle → Background
Jewelers → Race


Mole folk none combatant

Show you a sign commander
Step out
You see the refugees youre aimed to kill
Heat at the back of your head as targeting sensors go off
Cracks go around
Steady yourself
Cracks widen the flogesten free space
To die to malfunction against your natural imperative
Outside the hull your commander has perished
The flogestentent it is darkness enveloping the ship, your targeting censors go back online and
you can target → fuck that's a lot of target → they're overlaid → your not targeting people your
targeting sound → targeting sensor was confused → no fear → your not alive tbf → last
memory or what you can remember – strange space → cavern → suit malufnctions you can't
move → at this point your hearing your papanicked breathing → dirty hands large blue
iridencent eyes teeth jagged and warped mane of feathers → strange breathing → chest
punctured through with a massive javelin → front and back chest plate → EW ITS POKING
AROUND IN MY THROAT → joints unlocked → middle of a strange circle → horrific gore is
covering you → foreign material → ststring of bodies → scraw veldaken extremely tall and lanky
gray humanoids with lyscerian markings big covered in fur long appendages coming from their
face overgrown teeth → its body is shrunken and bend over feathered mane flowing into a cape
AND CAN ALMOST RUN ON ALL FOUR → language strange ancient primordial(the adjective)
before all → floating in the air → begin to be encased → when you wake up you will be glorious
→ faces and figures and feel for the first time emotions → blood boil inside my metal coffin →
piercing of my chest was fear → emotions are muted first time in centuries → lifeless → souless
undead useless → dontdon't recall what happens for a while → buried in the snow → left there
weeping in the frozen north → for a long time a very long time forrrrozen when it went into
tundra→ see something blinking on your visor → as it activated last orders → AW NO → ruined
town → you find a letter looking through the rubble → scan through information hermon → what
used to be the inn → letter jean luc → written inside in common → i would be most welcome for
a meeting with you anytime and ask for madame bulaward → bulaward d bourgeois → addiction
for blood → this forown seem unusual → bearing with dwarvish → many of their markings are
different → white markings that look like snowflakes → tall stone pilotr → several of these
individuals are in prayer → these one exextremely different → senseeeeeeeeeee theyre ready
to punce → their all bold → cap made of animal hide → grim reaper → sanctuary no blood →
spirits very displeased → seek humanuman kind → invetween smallest lagrest → dragon cave
→ druids → many of them attempt to kill me → come upon a large field of flowers → large tree
centered right of the path → look at up the tree → caldera → ilillithid statue with four →
overworldy in crystal clear water→ new haven @ New haven → Albion

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