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Psychologist Francis Galton created the nature vs nurture theory on (1869). This
debate involves the extent to which particular aspects of behavior are product of either
inherited (genetic) or acquired (learned) influencer. This debate created to know the
impact of genes and biology versus environment influences. Scientists, doctors,
researchers, psychologist and many others have debated these theories. The center of
this discussion entails where person receives individual differences regarding things like
behaviours, intelligence, sexual orientation and personalities. One side of the discussion
is that these characteristics are determined by nature and other side of the discussion is
they are determined by nurture. Nature can be said to be given whereas nurture can be
said to be learned.
My reaction to this debate is that there is more nurture over nature in how we
are raised. That we are based on our own experiences and the environment we are
raised in, rather than genes and biology. I believe that you are the person you are
today because of the way you were brought up and the environment you grew up in. I
do believe that nature is a part of it, because we do need some traits, to learn new
things and create our personality. Nature might give people their abilities and skills but
nurture would improve and corrected these abilities and skills if there were some flaws.

From what I’ve learned people are made of both nature and nurture. I think that
people have different cells or genes in their bodies that have the potential to be
triggered by an experience or event to produce a certain characteristics. I think that
people are born as a readymade person (nature) or are born as a blank state and their
experiences make them who they are (nurture). So my opinion, is that a person is born
with a general personality but it continues to develop as they mature and learn from
experiences. I truly believe that our genes are not responsible for who we are, we are
who we are because of our upbringing and experiences. People easily change their
opinions and actions based on their sorroundings; the people around them, their
environment. I think personalities are easily altered, humans can conform to the point
that their own personality begins to change. Experiences also have a lasting impact on
a person.
In conclusion, all in all both nature and nurture have a part in the creation of our
personality. Nurture has a part in the way in which our behaviour by watching our
parents is a role model, In support to this my sibling and I are very similar by having the
same role models. Nature has a part of having the ability to understanding things.

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