Sacred Heart College: Nichedemics in Chemistry 1O: Online Technology For Distance Learning

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A Thesis Proposal
Proposed to
The Faculty of Graduate School
Sacred Heart College
Lucena City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Master of Arts in Education
Major in Physical Science

Monica A. Jardin
May 2021
Sacred Heart College 2




Online distance learning is one of the learning delivery modalities as a nation’s

response to protect the teachers, learners, and stakeholders from coronavirus disease outbreak

(Virtic, Dolenc & Sorgo, 2021). Schools worldwide came up with this alternation solution to

ensure interaction and supervision despite the distance.

Since the pandemic continuously disrupt the quality of education, Association of

Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) came up with a strategy that aims on taking the crisis an

opportunity to reimagine and transform the education through the use various technology in

learning. This was according to the 11th ASEAN Education (ASED) Ministers Meeting

encouraged ICT-enabled modality in the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework

(11th ASED Ministers Meeting Comprehensive Recovery Framework, 2020).

The statutory guidelines released by the Department of Education in the Philippines

opted online distance learning as an alternative delivery mode of learning (Department of

Education, 2020). And locally, Luis Palad Integrated High School, the largest high school

under the Tayabas City Division, with an overall total of 6,708 students from Grade 7 to 12

SY 2020-2021, implements online distance learning (LPIHS- BELCP, 2020).

Technology changes the way how people socialize, communicate, and (Reyna,

Hanham, Meier, 2018). It greately aided how learning is carried that resulted to continuous

growing numbers of online resources.

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Despite this positive effect to information provision, internet explosion placed

learners to situation wherein they cannot properly select the most useful online technology

because of its abundance. Thus, learners became perplexed and spend too much time in

choosing the appropriate resources to use in learning a certain concept (Kizil and Savran,


This resulted to gap between students’ existing practices and a desirable yet useful

online technology. Hence, this study aims to address the demand to provide an accessible

online technology resources that will aid students by directing them to various competency-

based learning tools. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a commonly used

psychological theory that explains people's acceptance of information technology and

information systems (Dislonde & Becerra, 2018).

Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in this study will determine how the

the users will accept and use the technology. Thus, this study proposes to determine the

students' existing practices in Chemistry 10 online distance learning in order to have a

complete picture of what motivates students to use Nichedemics.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the acceptability of Nichedemics in Chemistry 10

online distance learning in Luis Palad Integrated High School.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following:

1. What are the existing practices of the respondents in Chemistry 10 online distance

Sacred Heart College 4

2. What are the features of the proposed Nichedemics in Chemistry 10 in online

distance learning in terms of:

2.1. perceived usefulness;

2.2. perceived ease-of-use;

2.3. self-efficacy;

2.4. technical support?

3. Based on the findings of the study, what Nichedemics can be implemented to ease

up online distance learning?

Conceptual Framework

Information and communication technology (ICT) is widely acknowledged tool that

enforces the use of technology for enhancing the quality of education (Blackwell, Lauricella,

Wartella, Robb and Schomburg, 2013) in (Teeroovengadum, Heeraman, and Jugurnath,

2017). However, due to technological abundance, the teachers and/or the learners became

incapable to select the reliable, appropriate, and relevant one (Reyna, Hanham, Meier 2018).

This has become the underlying ground for the pursuant of this study.
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Figure 1. Technology Acceptance Model Theoretical Framework (Davis,1989 as cited in by

Aranilla, Villanueva, and Aguilan (2017) in Park (2009).

Figure 1 serves as a foundation of the study. It shows how the external factors affect

one's belief, attitude, and intention to use a certain technology. In here, one's attitude toward

the use Nichedemics in Chemistry 10 can be influenced by two beliefs: perceived usefulness

and perceived ease of use (Davis, 1993 in Dislonde and Becerra, 2018). Perceived usefulness

refers to individuals’ perception on how the online technology will improve and assist the

Grade 10 students in online distance learning while perceived ease of use is the degree to

which how they assume that using it will require minimal effort (Dislonde & Becerra, 2018).

This study is patterned on the research of Aranilla, Villanueva, and Aguilan (2017), in

which the respondents’ existing practices in online distance learning will be the basis in

creating a tool that will ease the respondents’ work. Aside form the above mentioned

variables, Aranilla et al,. 2017 added self-efficacy and technical support. Self-efficacy refers

to the feature of the proposed online technology that helps the learner achieve their goal

while technical support the ability to generate the desired result.

After consolidating all the existing practices of the respondents toward online

distance learning, their attitude and behavior to the use of technology, the researcher will


Moreover, this study will consider the existing practices of students under Chemistry

10 in online distance learning upon the creation of an online technology for better learning.

Pengeni 2016 referred web 2.0 technology as a collection of interconnected web platforms

that allow various types of online interaction and information or electronic content sharing
Sacred Heart College 6

(e-materials). It will be a compilation of research-made activities, video lessons and

assessments embedded in one single website in which activities were made interactive using

BookWidgets, a content creator tool for teachers, video lessons can be watched through

YouTube, a video sharing website, and lastly, assessments were automated using ZipGrade,

an assessment generator.

This technology is inspired by Khan Academy, a non-profitable learning website that

requires signing in. It covers different learning fields such as Physics, Biology, Earth

Science, Chemistry, Mathematics, Sociology, Arts etc. It is a mastery-based learning package

with readings and videos, interactive activities, and quizzes (Khan Academy, 2020). Despite

the ease of use in this website, the usefulness, self-efficacy, and technical support of this

material may be at risk.

Furthermore, the context of Khan Academy will be the basis for Nichedemics’

interface. Generated interactive activities, videos, and assessment from various above

platforms will be incorporated to create one learning package in Chemistry 10 wherein all of

these was based on learning competencies in behavior of gases, biomolecules, balancing

chemical equations, and the factors affecting the rate of reaction (Curriculum Guide).

New technologies are pervasive in the learning processs. According to Dislonde et al.,

(2018), providing an online environment requires various considerations not just the physical

appeal but the usefulness towards achieving the learning goal.

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Conceptual Paradigm

Figure 2: Conceptual Paradigm in Nichedemics in Chemistry 10 Online Distance Learning

Figure 1 explains the framework of the study. As shown in the model, the first part or

input presents necessary data necessary for the study. These are the existing practices of the

respondents in Chemistry 10 online distance learning and the features of Nichedemics in

Chemistry 10 in terms of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, self-efficacy, and

technical support. The second frame presents the process consisting of the actual gathering of

the study. Lastly, the third frame shows the output of the study which is the Nichedemics in

Chemistry 10.

Significance of the Study

This study would be beneficial to the following:

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The online technology will provide interactive learning experiences to Grade 10

students. This study will help them ease the process of looking online resources in

Chemistry. The proposed online technology will aid them in understanding concepts under

Chemistry 10 during online distance learning.

The output of the study can be used by the teachers as a free instructional supplement

in delivering instruction parallel to the needs, competence of learners, and MELCs under the

online distance learning in Chemistry 10. This may also serve as an enhancement or

intervention material to students who need mediation in learning.

The results of the study can provide data to the administrators as a factual basis in

the acceptability of an online technology in Chemistry 10 to ease up online distance learning.

Furthermore, after gathering of data on its acceptability, this can be used for online distance

learning in the next school year given the same situations.

This study can be beneficial to future researchers as a basis in conceptualizing

digitalized or online technology in different learning areas to increase learner’s mastery of


Scope and Limitation

This study will employ descriptive-survey type of research to determine the

acceptability of Nichedemics in Chemistry 10. This will be conducted during the fourth

quarter for school year 2020-2021 with 39 (thirthy nine) students under online distance
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learning. This study will be limited on determining the existing procedures in Chemistry 10

existing procedures of the respondents in online distance learning, the features of the

proposed Nichedemics in Chemistry 10 in terms of perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-

use, self-efficacy, and technical support.

The steps in web development life cycle such as 1. planning, 2. analysis, 3. design

and development, 4. testing and 5. implementation and maintenance, this study will be

limited only up to 4th phase which is the testing.

The statistical tool that will be utilized in this study will be weighted arithmetic mean.

Definition of Terms

For better clarification and understanding of the terms related to this study, the

following terms are defined operationally.

Chemistry 10. Pertains to the branch of science that deals with matter and its

interactions being taught on fourth quarter under Grade 10.

Nichedemics. It is a collection of researcher-made activities, videos, and assessments

crafted from respective online creator tool for the links needed on the website to direct

learners to every task. This term was derived from three words put together to create a simple

yet easy to remember one word. The Nic originated from the nickname of the researcher

“Nica”, -che comes from the word chemistry and –demics is grounded from the word

academics which means a scholar or an educator.

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Online Distance Learning. Refers to distance learning modality that is dependent to

internet connection to implement instruction and introduce technology for learning. It a

teaching-learning process limited to the use of online resources as a learning tool.

Online technology. Refers to a collection of online materials incorporated in a

website crafted from various platforms combined to provide relevant and useful online

distance learning materials.

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This chapter presents series of literature and studies that are related and relevant with

the study’s main objectives and framework. A number of literature and studies were from

reliable authored books, journals, articles, published and unpublished theses and electronic

resources. In the course of the study, this chapter will guide the readers on how the rsearcher

views the essence of this research undertaking.

Related Literature

The outbreak of the new corona virus infection caused major effect to the education

system, especially the way how teaching and learning interaction carried. From the

traditional way to virtual interaction (DepEd, 2020). Through collaborations with different

units and field offices of the department, Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-

LCP) was introduced. BELCP provides set of responses to challenges posed by the pandemic

to education system. It includes the most essential learning competencies, school leaders and

learners required health standards in schools and workplaces, special activities, and the

multiple learning delivery modalities (Department of Education, 2020).

Online distance learning modality is one of the learning delivery modalities that

requires the learners and the teachers to look for online resources or technology as a medium

of instruction. According to Carillo & Flores (2020), despite the fight agains the virus,

learning environment can still be provided through online teaching and learning.
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These changes the way how teaching and learning occurred that resulted to the

emergence of new practices. Focusing on how the current context has compelled many

teachers’ education programs to adjust to an online format can provide a broad understanding

of adopted practices. It is important to gain a better understanding of the possibilities and

applications of online teaching and learning in order to be more knowledgeable and effective.

As a result, it is critical to create quality online teaching and learning that is the result of

careful instructional design and preparation, rather than relying on emergency online

practices (Hodges et al. 2020) in (Carillo and Flores, 2020).

Definitely, the internet provides various approaches and disciplines to be practices

into the curriculum (Melash et al., 2020). Thus, governments all over the world have

recognized the important role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in

improving and enhancing the mode of instructional delivery (Teeroovengadum, Heeraman,

and Jugurnath, 2017).

Technology, especially ICT pertains to an essential instrument for enacting

educational reforms by transforming students into active information workers. Republic Act.

No. 10844 stimulated the implementation of ICT to education aiming to produce reliable

resources as instruments to global competitiveness (Republic Act, 2015). And over the

decade, from ICT pioneers, later-on strike educators in the creation of an online technology

to be used in the teaching-learning process. This resulted to diversed solutions on how

learning will take place in cases of unprecedented turn of events happens.

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Online technology refers the most up-to-date tools for successful educational

management, administration, and instructional delivery. This may pertain to countless

internet resources, services, facilities, platforms, and open- educational resources that are

found in the computer (Soetan and Coker, 2018).

Whereas the infeasibility of the traditional method of content delivery resulted the

emergence of using online technology. However, since there are numerous available

resources online, teachers and learners might overlook the most appropriate and relevant

tasks required that will match the learning competencies in a single lesson.

Without a doubt, the implementation and successful use of ICT in the teaching and

learning process is one of the most hotly debated topics in today's education policy debate

(Teeroovengadum, Heeraman and Jugurnath, 2017). In result, various online teaching and

learning practices appealed many researchers.

Several studies have documented a shortfall in learning opportunities in online classes

(Miller, MacLaren, Xu 2020). According to several literature, to improve the teaching-

learning process, considerations, in teaching patterns during an online learning environment

must be identified (Seifert, Feliks, & Kritz 2020). This resulted to various studies that aims to

determine the existing practices in an online learning environment, since this modality has

been of greater use.

Additionally, many educators consider onlince courses’ success to include completing

the course, meeting particular requirements, or earning certificates (Henderikx et al., 2017).
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Many scholars, however, argue that measuring online technologies effectiveness requires

taking into consideration student goals (Reich, 2014) in (Kang 2020)

With that, Technology Acceptability Model are used to determine the user’s

perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness in adopting the technology in the learning

process. Because of the nation’s prevention on the spread of coronavirus, the effectiveness of

learning materials being used to during online distance learning must not be jeopardized.

This concerns Samat, Awang, Hussin, and Nawi (2020) to investigate the significant

relationship between the effective use and intention of using a technology in learning.

According to Aranilla, Villanueva, and Aguilan (2017), TAM serves as a foundation

for tracing how external factors affect beliefs, attitudes, and intentions of use. It then

proposes two cognitive beliefs: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Additionally,

the model indicates variables that influence the user’s decision on how and when to use it.

The significance of other determinants such as self-efficacy and technical support will be

discussed further below.

Particulary, this study aims to determine the features of Nichedemics in in terms of

perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, self-efficacy, and technical support.

Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are the individuals' cognitive

responses or attitudes about a particular object and system after their thought process (Tang

and Tong, 2019). Additionally, these two features influence behavioural intention together.

According to research, people are more likely to adopt and use an emerging technology if

they believe it is simple to use (Davis, 1993; Nair & Das, 2011; Saade & Bahli, 2005) in

(Deslonde & Becerra, 2018).

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Meanwhile, Alshammari (2020) defined self-efficay be described as a user's

assessment of his or her ability to execute and organize multiples of necessary actions in

order to achieve the desired outcomes while technical support is characterized as

knowledgeable individuals who assist users of software and computer hardware through a

variety of methods, including hotlines, online support, help desks, faxes, machine-readable

support for knowledge bases, voice-response telephone systems, and other services (Ralph,


Additionally, he revelaed that self-efficacy and technical support is associated with

the acceptance of an online technology and that these two variables, as the external factors,

positively affects ones’ beliefs in using this online technology.

On the other hand, students’ participation has become the principle underlying the

increasing number of online activities as a learning tool (Ullah & Anwar, 2020). As a result,

being a teacher handling an online distance learning requires the use of varied technologies

as a supplemental tool besides the virtual discussion, itself. Huntington (2010) added that

involving students in an immersive teaching and learning atmosphere is one of the ways to

ensure that they will learn successfully in an online setting. Thus, interactive activities when

used during online learning can facilitate active involvement, increase focus, motivation, and

satisfaction, and provide immediate feedback both to teacher and to students.

Thankfully, there has been numerous yet free activity creator websites. In here,

teachers can create their own interactive and engaging activities wherein they will just

convert their prepared activities into interactive one, generate the link, and share it online for
Sacred Heart College 16

viewing and answering. These includes BookWidgets, Zipgrade, JamBoard, Kahoot, Quizizz


According to Carillo and Flores (2020), due to pandemic, teachers must create

learning environments in the light of the required learning outcomes. This resulted to

diversed solutions on how learning will take place in cases of unprecedented turn of events


Indeed, being teacher handling an online distance learning requires them to make use

of varied technologies as a supplemental tool besides the virtual discussion, itself. Students’

participation has become the principle underlying the increasing number of online activities

as a learning tool (Ullah & Anwar, 2020). Huntington (2010) added that involving students in

an immersive teaching and learning atmosphere is one of the ways to ensure that they will

learn successfully in an online setting. Thus, interactive activities when used during online

learning can facilitate active involvement, increase focus, motivation, and satisfaction, and

provide immediate feedback both to teacher and to students.

Among the platforms used in creating Nichedemics is the BookWidgets.

BookWidgets is a content creator tool for teachers that allows them to create interactive

exercises that can provide grades automatically. It is a Belgium-based platform wherein

teachers can sign up and create interactive activies for free, in one month (Aravindakshan

Menon, 2019). Teachers can choose templates for activities, worksheets, and even quizzes.

To provide detailed discussion of concepts that matches the learning competency, the

researcher created a contextualized video lesson. In order to make it accessible to students

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anytime they wanted and needed it, there is no need for downloading. The researcher

uploaded the video lessons individually to youtube as an unlisted video, which means not

anyone can view unless provided with a link.

YouTube provide a platform wherein anyone can upload and watch videos online. It

is a website containing various diversity of videos ranging from fun, creative and informative

videos (Cmpbridge Dictionary, 2021). With the aforementioned concern and benefit of using

Youtube as a mean for instruction, this website can be an effective and efficient tool of

disseminating informations especially as part of the learning process.

Another part of the lesson crucial in facilitating online class in the teachers’

perspective is on how to make assessment and evaultion be automatically checked. During

online distance learning, this has been one of the challenges of teachers, especially

considering the possibilities of leakage and cheating. Greatefully, BookWidgets and

ZipGrade can automatically do this job. For as long as the teacher created the assessment

with correct answer, the system can check for it and provide a learning management system


According to (Perveen, 2016) LMS establish a structure for communication between

students and teachers in the same way as a classroom course content. It provides status on

learning outcome from where the teachers can monitor their students.

Zipgrade is an application often used by teachers in Luis Palad Integrated High

School during assessment. In here, teachers can create an online assessment that will require

students to just tick on the corresponding answer. Afterwards, through the answer key, the
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application can automatically generate the scores in a test with item analysis. From there, it

can provide insights to teachers regarding the student’s mastery of the contents.

BookWidgets and ZipGrade both provide learning management system that can track

students’ outcomes. With this, checking of students output will be at ease for both sides.

On the other hand, learning Chemistry is indeed a challenging one considering its

major contributions on society in developing future chemical engineers, nurses, pharmacists,

and food and environmental technologists (Mahdi, 2014). Especially in this period,

educators must impact and provide knowledge that can soon be used as the step to a higher

level. And over the years, several studies investigated the academic achievement of learners

under Chemisty.

There were plenty of studies showing the meaningful increase in the academic

performance of students utilizing an online learning package. According to (Falode &

Gambari, 2017), despite the cost and hard work renedered in developing a learning package,

it is worth it because of its positive educational benefits.

As defined by Joan (2013), online learning package or technology are described as

any set of learning material or an evaluation. It contains lessons with accompanying exercises

and tools for for teachers and students.

Furthermore, Akinbadewa (2020) examined the effects of these on student’s

achievement in Biology. The result of the study shows students' learning of Biology concepts

was substantially increased over the conventional approach, regardless of gender or preferred

learning style.
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With this, the researcher will design, craft, and create an online technology to be

based on the findings on the existing practices of students in Chemistry 10. This online

technology will aim on providing contents, aligned with the MELC, that will ease the

students in learning online in Chemistry. This technology will then be termed as


Related Study

In schools, assessment provides data for two primary purposes. First, is to promote

successful teaching and learning. Second, is to inform decisions on where states, districts,

and schools can concentrate their resources.

A study entitled “Student Assessment During COVID-19” evaluated the status of

students in achieving lessons’ objectives. Results showed that students' well-being,

motivation, and learning environments should be addressed first. And to do so, schools must

collect data to inform how they can respond to COVID-19 pandemic (Jimenez, 2020). As a

result, Department of Education adapts the new normal form of education altered to distance

learning modalities that despite the possible technical hassle, there were learners that

preferred online distance learning. And this can be attributed to various reasons that attracted


In connection, Ilgaz and Gulbahar (2017) saught explanation why learners preferred

online distance learning. In their study entitled “Why do learners choose online learning: the

learners’ voices”, one of the results are due to accessibility and flexibility. They concluded

that learners choose wanted to have a desirable learning experience.

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Learning practices during an online distance learning is obsviously different from the

conventional face-to-face instruction that we’re used to be. This resulted to new practices that

should be considered in developing new technologies. The study made by Kang (2020)

“Heterogeneity of Learners’ Behavioral Patterns of Watching Videos and Completing

Assessments in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): A Latent Class Analysis” was

made to ensure that despite the existing lacking free resources, it aimed to provide new

oppurtunities especially to low-income groups. Consequently, study determines existing

experience of students prior to using this particular technology.

Moreover, a study entitled “Online Learning: Practices, Perceptions, and

Technology” made by Seifert, Feliks, and Kritz (2020) surveyed 93 enrolled students under

online distance learning regarding their online learning experiences, perceptions, and

technological delivery of their class. Results revealed that most learners asynchronously

learned through moodle, an online technology website with required subscription before

accessing the course.

With the existing practices, another difficulty encountered in an online environment is

the content of the learning tools. It is determined in the study entitled “Issues and Challenges

for Teaching Successful Online Courses in Higher Education: A Literature Review” by

Kebritchi et al., (2017). Such literature review was conducted using Cooper's framework. As

stated, pedagogical content refers on how teachers relate their own pedagogical knowledge to

their subject matter knowledge (Huntington, 2010). Though there are various avenues to

create and upload the activities, constructing the content or the activity itself is very

challenging. Activities and assessments included in the online technology therefore

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underwent thorough analysis made by the experts following accurately the procedure of


In short, although the nation is currently preventing the spread of virus, the suitability

on the use of learning materials being used to during online distance learning must not be

jeopardized. This concerns Samat et al., (2020) to investigate the significant relationship

between the effective use and intention of using a technology in learning. In their study

entitled “Online Distance Learning Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic Among University Students:

A Practicality of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling Approach”, their

results showed that four out of five external factors; namely performance expectancy, effort

expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition and intrinsic value, were found to be

significantly related with the behavioral intention of the students to use online distance


Technology Acceptability Model is widely used framework in assessing the

satisfactoriness of technological tool when it comes to usage. A study entitled “A TAM-

Based Study of the Attitude towards Use Intention of Multimedia among School Teachers”,

used the technology acceptability model (TAM) as the foundation for investigating the

impact of the information technology (IT) on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use,

and attitude toward multimedia use, as well as the importance and influence of these attitudes

on behavioral intention. The findings revealed that the ease of use of the multimedia

technology increased the likelihood of using it while the attitude towards use influences the

intentions to use (Weng, Yang, Ho, & Su, 2018).

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On the other hand, Aranilla et al., (2017) in their action research entitled “Tally Tool

in Research Data Tallying” used technology acceptability model in determining the

acceptability of this innovation to ease up the work underwent by a researcher in data

tallying. It identified the existing procedures of the respondents in terms of data tallying and

identified the features of the proposed tally tool in terms of perceived usefulness, perceived

ease-of-use, self-efficacy, and technical support. Findings of the study showed overall

positive features of the proposed tool.

With that, the researcher will anchor this study on TAM in determining the

acceptability of Nichedemics in Chemistry 10 online distance learning. It will adopt the

above-mentioned variables such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, self-efficacy,

and technical support.

Perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, self-efficacy, and technical support are

also the variable in the study regarding an online technology specifically the proposed

learning management system (LMS). Although this online technology is widely accepted and

tested to provide positive result, Alshammari (2020) still determine the acceptability of it to

those developing countries. He used these 4 variables in determing the acceptance of LMS to


The aforesaid study was also anchored on TAM in aiming on examining the influence

of these 4 variables on students’ use of the online technology. In his study entitled “The

Influence of Technical Support, Perceived Self-Efficacy, and Instructional Design on

Students’ Use of Learning Management Systems”, the study's findings largely back up the

established model, confirming the impact of technical support (TS), perceived usefulness,
Sacred Heart College 23

and instructional design Perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, self-efficacy, and

technical support on students' use of LMS in Saudi universities.

Thus, this will target primarily in determining the acceptability of an online

technology in Chemistry 10 after considering the existing practices of students in online

distance learning. In the study made by Eidelman & Shwartz (2016) “E-Learning in

Chemistry education: self-regulated learning in a virtual classroom” investigated the

effectiveness and characteristic of online learning materials in teaching Chemistry in the

student’s profile and self-regulated learning process. By comparing these two, it concluded

that the virtual classroom enables the students to understand Chemistry because it increases

the student’s motivation.

Additionally, (Laureanti, 2020) concluded that online technology as a platform in

learning Chemistry that provides powerful educational tools through a more realistic view of

concepts and ideas. Though simulations, images, and videos will not actually replace

utilization or execution of experiments, it may at least provide extra representation than

merely text with steps and definitions.

Encapsulating all this studies, Lubiano (2017) came up with his study entitled

“Interactive E-Learning Portal for Enrichment of Conceptual Understanding of Grade 8

Learners in Physics” a learning portal incorporating these. The study investigated the

effectiveness of the e-learning portal for the conceptual understanding of Grade 8 students in

learning Physics. Favorable outcomes were presented afterwards in terms of students’

engagement using interactive activities using hyperlinks video lessons, e-quizes, and

interactive activity sheets.

Sacred Heart College 24

With these gathered literature and studies supporting the use of e-learning materials

integrated in Science especially in Chemistry topics, the study aims to determine the

acceptability of the proposed online technology in Chemistry 10 after considering the

existing practices of the students.

Sacred Heart College 25



This chapter covers the methodology of the study including the research design,

research locale, population and sample, research instrument, data gathering procedure and

statistical treatment of data.

It facilitates better understanding of the concepts tackled and variables used in the

study, as well as the interpretation of findings discussed in the next chapter.

Research Design

The researcher will utilize descriptive method of research in conducting the study.

Specifically, a descriptive-survey will be employed in determining the existing procedures of

the respondents in online distance learning and the features of Nichedemics in Chemistry 10

in terms of perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, self-efficacy and technical support.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted in Luis Palad Integrated High School located at Brgy.

Ipilan, Tayabas City. The biggest high school under the Division of Tayabas City with an

overall total of 6,708 enrolled students in the S.Y. 2020-2021. According to the schools’

BELCP, it is school is presently implementing online distance learning modality in all grade

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The researcher is currelty employed as Teacher 1 and handling online distance

learning in Grade 10. Besides that, the researcher is presently working in this school, another

reason is the MPS of Chemistry 10 in the SY 2018-2019 which is 55.5 percent. This data

showed the need to produce an online technology that will enhance students, upon the use of

technology during their online distance learning. Hence, this school will be more relevant to

achieve the goals of the study.

Research Population and Sample

All the handled thirty-nine (39) Grade 10 students under online distance learning for

S.Y. 2020-2021 will be the participants of the study.

The respondents were chosen utilizing purposive sampling technique. With the

following criteria in the selection; (1) enrolled under online distance learning (2) handled by

the researcher during online distance learning.

Research Instrument

The instrument to be used will be composed of two parts; first part will determine the

existing procedures of the respondents in online distance learning; and the second part will

determine the features of the proposed Nichedemics in Chemistry 10.

Moreover, to ensure the content validity in determining the features of Nichedemics,

the questionnaires to be used will be adopted and modified from Miller, MacLaren, & Xu

(2020) for the existing practices and Alshammari (2020) and Aranilla et al., (2017) for the
Sacred Heart College 27

feutures of Nichedemics in terms of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, self-

efficacy, and technical support.

Some required word changes and modifications to the adopted questionnaires will be

incorporated to make them suitable within the context of online technology. For example, the

question in perceived self-efficacy “I can use LMS without getting detailed instruction on its

use” will be changed to “I can use the online technology without getting detailed instruction

on its use”. Further, all the aforementioned questionnaires underwent reliability statistics

using Cronbach’s Alpha good reliability level.

In addition, these questionnaires have items that contain the four-point Likert scale

with ranges starting from “4 strongly agree” to “1 strongly disagree”.

Hence, to test the validity of the research instrument, three experts will be consulted

including the research expert and the Head Teacher III of Science Department, the Education

Program Supervisor in Science, and the ICT coordinator of Luis Palad Integrated High

School, Division of Tayabas. The researcher will revise the research instrument based on the

feedbacks of the validators.

Data Gathering Procedure

In accomplishing this study, the following procedure or steps will be considered and


Upon the approval of the proposal, the researcher will gather the necessary materials

needed including the validation of the questionnaires. The reseaecher will promptly
Sacred Heart College 28

coordinate and request for vital permission to the Dean of Graduate School, Sacred Heart

College followed by a request letter to be noted by her adviser and be given personally to the

concerned office. Then, a request to conduct the study in Luis Palad Integrated High School

in Tayabas City will be given to the Superintended of the said Division, Department of

Education. Upon the approval of the request, the researcher will then seek permission from

the Principal of LPIHS with a letter of endorsement to administer/distribute the questionnaire

for the Grade 10 students. And lastly, a parent’s and respondents consent form will be given

the participating students in the study.

After accomplishing all the necessary letters, the first part of the questionnaire on

existing practices will be given to the respondents after the fourth quarter of this sy. The day

before the end of the 4th quarter, the respondents will be asked to use the Nichedemics

followed by the answering of the second part of the questionnaire.

Ethical Considerations

The researcher will secure a letter seeking the consent of the guardians or parents of

the participating students before the conduct of the study. A consent will also be asked to the

respective respondents to participate in the data gathering procedure. It will be disseminated

through google forms since the above involved persons belong to online distance learning.
Sacred Heart College 29

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data collected will be tallied, tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted. To achieve the

objectives of the study, the following statistical tools will be applied on the data collected.

To interpret data, various statistical treatments applied as follows:

1. To determine sub-problems 1 and 2, weighted arithmetic mean will be used :

WAM = Σfw

where : WAM - is the weighted arithmetic mean

Σfw - summation of products of frequency and weight
n - total number of responses for every item

A four-point scale continuum will be used to facilitate the analysis of the data :

Continuum Qualitative Index

3.26 - 4.00 Strongly Agree
2.51 - 3.25 Agree
1.76 - 2.50 Disagree
1.00 - 1.75 Strongly Disagree

Source: SHC Statistical Guide Revised Edition 2018

Sacred Heart College 30


PART I: Existing Practices in Chemistry 10 Online Distance Learning

Direction: The following statements aim to determine the existing practices that you are doing in
Chemistry 10 online distance learning. Kindly put a check mark (/) on the item of your choice in the
space provided using the following scale:
4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree
During Chemistry 10 online distance learning, I 4 3 2 1
1. interact with classmates outside of class to work on assignments.
2. am required to work with a partner(s) in my online course.
3. am required to facilitate a discussion as a class exercise.
4. The large number of students in this class makes it difficult to get to know
each other.
5. did not engage in active learning (e.g., worked together) with my classmates.
6. Certain students tend to dominate discussions.
7. participate equally in discussions.
8. have given feedback to one of my peers.
9. Getting to know other course participants gives me a sense of belonging.
10. am able to form distinct impressions of some course participants.
11. have developed friendships with other course participants.
12. preferred online communication as a medium for social interaction.
13. Technological elements to follow up on learning, submission of
assignments, and follow up of grades.

PART II: Features of Nichedemics: Online Technology

Direction: The following statements aim to determine the features of Nichedemics. Kindly put a
check mark (/) on the item of your choice in the space provided using the following scale:
4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree

After using the Nichedemics, I found out that …. 4 3 2 1

A. Perceived Usefulness

1. It would improve the performance of my learning

Sacred Heart College 31

2. It would increase my productivity in learning

3. It would enhance my effectiveness in learning
4. It would make the learning process easier
5. It would improve the quality of my learning
6. It would enable me to control my
7. It would support the critical aspect of my learning
8. Over all, I would find it useful in my learning

B. Perceived Ease-of-Use

1. I find using it easy for me

2. I feel that my interaction with it would be understandable and clear
3. I feel that it would be easy to become skillful with using it
4. I would find it to be flexible to interact
5. Learning how to operate it would be easy for me
6. It would be easy for me to let it do what I want it to do
7. It would be easy for me to remember how to perform tasks
8. I do not find it cumbersome to use
9. It would not make the learning often
10. It would not require a lot of mental effort

C. Self-Efficacy
1. I can freely navigate the course contents.
2. I can use online technology without getting detailed instruction on its use.
3. I can freely navigate the course contents.
4. I can overcome the obstacles that appear.
5. I can use it if system manuals are not available.
6. I have the necessary skills for using online technology.
4 3 2 1
D. Technical Support
1. I can figure out lacking or excess.
2. the system provides an alert indicator in mis correct answers
3. I have no difficulty in accessing online technology.
4. I have no difficulty in using online technology.
5. over-all, I consider the output of the system to be excellent.
Sacred Heart College 32

Monica A. Jardin
5 Quezon Avenue, Brgy. Angles Zone 4
Tayabas City, Quezon
Mobile No.: 09156339090
Email Add:

Permanent Address : 5 Quezon Avenue Brgy. Angeles Z4 Tayabas City
Birthdate : August 25, 1996
Birth Place : Tayabas City
Height : 5’3”
Weight : 115 lbs
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino

● Basic Computer Skills
● Communication Skills
● Proficient in Microsoft Office Application


Graduate Studies
Course: Master of Education Major in Physical Science On-going
School: Sacred Heart College 2019
Address: 1 Merchan St., Lucena City

Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Graduated
Major in Physical Science 2017
School: Southern Luzon State University
Address: Lucban Quezon

National Lecturer at Carl Balita Review Center (2017-Present)
Teacher 1 at Luis Palad Integrated High School
Sacred Heart College 33

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