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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part C:

J Mechanical Engineering Science
Study on inducer and impeller of a 227(2) 311–319
! IMechE 2012

centrifugal pump for a rocket engine Reprints and permissions:

turbopump DOI: 10.1177/0954406212449939

Soon-Sam Hong, Dae-Jin Kim, Jin-Sun Kim, Chang-Ho Choi

and Jinhan Kim

A hydraulic performance test is conducted for a fuel pump of a liquid rocket engine turbopump. The pump driven by an
electric motor is tested in a water environment. Experimental results indicate that the inducer has a negligible effect on
the head and efficiency of the pump but a significant effect on the cavitation performance. Additionally, an autonomous
inducer test is carried out to investigate the effect of the inducer on the pump performance in more detail, and it is found
out that the pump reaches a critical cavitation point when the inducer head is dropped by 55%. A reduction of required
net positive suction head of the centrifugal pump by attachment of an inducer is also calculated considering the flow
interference between the inducer and the centrifugal impeller, and it is found that the calculation shows a reasonable
agreement with the test.

Inducer, impeller, centrifugal pump, cavitation, turbopump

Date received: 21 March 2012; accepted: 3 May 2012

both steady performance and instability in cavitating

Introduction flow. Inducers often suffer from cavitation instabil-
In typical pumps used in space rocket engines, an indu- ities9–11 such as rotating cavitation, cavitation surge,
cer is employed upstream of a main centrifugal impeller and alternating blade cavitation which sometimes
in order to avoid unacceptable cavitation, improve the cause serious shaft vibration and strong flow
suction performance, and reduce the propellant tank fluctuation.
pressure and weight. Inducer design is focused on With regard to the steady performance of inducers,
obtaining sufficient cavitation margin rather than high inducer head rise and inducer head breakdown are
efficiency. Therefore, compared with a centrifugal important issues. The required net positive suction
impeller, a typical inducer has a lower flow coefficient, head (NPSH) of a centrifugal pump is reduced by
a smaller inlet angle, a sharper leading edge, fewer employing an inducer upstream of a centrifugal impel-
blades, and higher blade solidities. Many inducers will ler, but the amount of reduction of the required NPSH
operate under slightly cavitating conditions. The head is less than the head rise produced by the inducer.
rise of an inducer has to be just large enough to sup- Takamatsu et al.12 derived a formula semi-empirically
press cavitation in the main pump impeller. Many pub- to estimate the required NPSH of a centrifugal pump
lications have been devoted to the design of turbopump with inducer from individual cavitation performances
inducers.1–8 A design manual by Jakobsen1 provides of the inducer and the centrifugal impeller. They12 also
general background information and some publica- proposed a graphical procedure for the estimation of
tions2–4 apply the rules of the design manual1 to the
inducer design at the turbopump system level. A book
by Brennen5 contains many examples of inducer per- Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
formance data. Japikse6 reviews some of the design
Corresponding author:
methods, flow observations, and design practices for SS Hong, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Daejeon 305-333,
commercial pump inducers. Some papers7,8 address Republic of Korea
the inducer design criteria from the perspective of Email:
312 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 227(2)

the required NPSH of a pump when the required

NPSH of pump without inducer and the cavitation per-
Test facilities
formance curves of inducers are known (Figure 1). The pump under investigation in this study has a spe-
They12 used the following equation cific speed of 0.278 (760 US units of gal/min, ft, r/min)
and its rotating part is composed of a three-bladed axial
NPSHre ¼ ½Hi mþi h ð1Þ flow inducer (inlet tip blade angle 10.4 , outlet mean
blade angle 17 , and tip solidity 2.6) and a seven-bladed
where NPSHre is the amount of reduction of the centrifugal flow shrouded impeller with inlet mean
required NPSH of a centrifugal pump by attachment blade angle 19 . The inducer and the impeller are
of inducer, ½Hi mþi the inducer head rise at critical con- shown in Figure 2. The pump is designed to operate
dition, and h the head reduction due to the occurrence under the nominal condition of mass flow rate 29.1 kg/
of flow interference between the inducer and the centri- s, inlet pressure 0.28 MPa, outlet pressure 13.2 MPa,
fugal impeller. and rotational speed 20,000 r/min.13 A full-scale impel-
The first objective of this article is to show experi- ler and inducer are used in the tests. Both a pump test
mentally the effect of an inducer on a centrifugal pump, with the inducer and a pump test without the inducer
and therefore, a series of tests are carried out. are carried out to investigate the effect of the inducer on
Conventional hydraulic and cavitation performance the pump performance. The nominal rotational speed
tests are performed with a fuel pump for a liquid of the pump is 20,000 r/min, but the pump and inducer
rocket engine,13 and then, pump tests without the indu- are tested at reduced speed due to the power limit of the
cer are performed. Additionally, autonomous inducer electric motors. In the pump test without the inducer, a
tests are carried out to evaluate the performance of the dummy spacer with the same hub shape of the inducer
inducer itself and to discover the correlation between is installed in the place of the inducer. Tests are con-
the inducer and the impeller in terms of cavitation. The ducted in two test facilities, that is, a pump perform-
second objective of this article is to estimate the reduc- ance test facility and an inducer performance test
tion of the required NPSH of the centrifugal pump. The facility. The measurement accuracy is estimated to be
reduction of the required NPSH is estimated consider- 0.3% for the head, 0.4% for the flow rate, 0.6% for the
ing the flow interference between the inducer and the efficiency, and 0.3% for the NPSH.
centrifugal impeller and it is compared to the test result.
The estimating method is presented here to give a tool
for the calculation of the required NPSH of centrifugal
pumps with inducer.

With inducer Without inducer

Pump head


Inducer head

[H i ]m +i Δh


Figure 1. Estimation of the required NPSH of the pump.12

NPSH: net positive suction head. Figure 2. Inducer and impeller.
Hong et al. 313

In terms of non-cavitating performance, the test fluid is water at room temperature and measurement
speed lower than the one used for the design seems to parameters are pump head, flow rate, power, efficiency,
have a negligible effect on the applicability of the results etc. The facility is composed of a water tank, an electric
because Reynolds number has a negligible effect if it is motor, a gearbox, a torque meter (Magtrol, TMHS 212
higher than a million.14 Reynolds number, which is model), and a turbine type flow meter (Hoffer, Ho 4  4
based on the wheel tip speed and the rotor diameter, model). The water tank has a volume of 3 m3 and its
for the pump and inducer tested here is much higher pressure is adjusted using a vacuum pump and com-
than a million. However, the cavitating performance pressed air. The pump is driven by a variable-speed elec-
from the lower speed might be a little different from tric motor with a capacity of 300 kW. The rotational
that of the design speed. Nevertheless, in terms of cavi- speed of the pump is set to 8300 r/min in this study.
tation, the matching of the inducer and the impeller in
this study seems to be useful because the speed differ-
Inducer performance test facility
ence between the inducer and impeller tests is small.
Hydraulic and cavitation tests of the inducer are carried
out at an inducer test facility,17,18 which has a structure
Pump performance test facility similar to that of the pump performance test facility.
Hydraulic and cavitation tests for the pump are con- The working fluid is water at room temperature. The
ducted in a pump test facility,15,16 where the pump is facility (Figure 4), which is similar to the pump test
driven by an electric motor (Figure 3). The working facility, contains a water tank with a volume of 0.9 m3,
an electric motor, a torque meter (Magtrol, TM 208
model), and a turbine type flow meter (TRIMEC,
5 6 7 TP100 model). The inducer is driven by a variable-
0m 1m
speed electric motor with a capacity of 10,000 r/min
1 and 37 kW. The inducer is followed by a collector with
a rectangular cross section whose area is constant along
the circumference (Figure 5). In this study, the rota-
3 2 1. Test pump tional speed of the inducer is set to 6000 r/min.
4 2. Regulating valve
3. Turbine flow meter
4. Water tank
5. Torque meter Results and discussion
6. Gear box
7. Motor Pump performance
Head characteristics of the pump are presented in
Figure 3. Plane view of pump performance test facility. Figure 6. The head decreases with increasing flow rate

1. Water tank 6. Torque meter

0m 1m 2. Turbine flow meter 7. Motor
3. Settling chamber 8. Booster pump
4. Test inducer 9. Regulating valve
5. Collector 10. Heat exchanger

10 9

3 4 5
2 6 7

Figure 4. Plane view of inducer performance test facility.

314 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 227(2)

within the tested flow rate range. It is shown in Figure 6 of the impeller. Moreover, this result shows that the
that the head from the pump test without the inducer is effect of the inducer on the efficiency characteristic of
almost identical to the value of the pump with the indu- the pump is still small for the pump.
cer, which means that the effect of the inducer on the A cavitation performance test is conducted near a
head characteristic of the pump is negligible for the design flow coefficient condition, and the results are
pump. shown in Figure 8. The dimensionless required NPSH
Efficiency characteristics of the pump are presented (based on the critical condition of 3% head drop),
in Figure 7. The efficiency increases with flow rate or NPSHre =Hpump,nom is about 0.0058 for the pump
within the tested flow rate range. Throughout the with inducer. Without the inducer, however,
tested flow range, the efficiency of the pump without NPSHre =Hpump,nom increases up to 0.0215. This means
the inducer is relatively about 1% higher than that of that the cavitation performance without the inducer
the pump with the inducer, which implies that the deteriorates remarkably compared to the pump with
hydraulic efficiency of the inducer is lower than that the inducer. Additionally, the shapes of the cavitation
performance curves are different from each other: with
a further decrease in the NPSH after the critical

with inducer
1.10 without inducer

pump, nom






0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2

Figure 5. Schematic of test section of inducer performance

test facility. Figure 7. Effect of inducer on pump efficiency.

with inducer
without inducer 1.0

1.00 0.8
pump, nom
pump, nom


with inducer
0.6 without inducer



0.80 0.2
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03
nom pump, nom

Figure 6. Effect of inducer on pump head. Figure 8. Effect of inducer on pump cavitation performance.
Hong et al. 315

condition, the head decreases slowly for the case with- just before the critical cavitation condition, the vibra-
out the inducer, while the head drop is very sharp for tion level experiences a dip for the case without the
the pump with the inducer. The difference between the inducer, while there is no such dip for the case with
cavitation performance curves may result from the fact the inducer. However, it is not clear yet why they
that an inducer can function even on cavitating condi- show a different vibration behavior near the critical
tion. Once the cavitation at the inducer reaches the cavitation condition.
threshold, then even a slight decrease in the suction
pressure might result in a serious cavitation at the
main impeller.
Inducer performance
During the cavitation test, the pump vibration is To investigate the effect of the inducer on the pump
measured by attaching an accelerometer on the pump performance in more detail, an autonomous test of
volute casing in the radial direction. The acceleration the inducer, which is taken from the previously tested
signal is acquired at a sampling rate of 50 kHz through- pump, is conducted. The inducer head is evaluated
out the cavitation test. The characteristics of the pump from the pressure difference between the inlet settling
vibration are shown in Figure 9 together with the pump chamber and the collector. In Figure 10, the inducer
head, which are identical to the results in Figure 8. No head is presented together with the pump head. Both
filter is applied to the acceleration signal, and the root the inducer head and the pump head decrease with the
mean square (RMS) value is presented. The vibration flow rate, but the relative decrement of the inducer head
level increases when the head decreases due to the is much greater than that of the pump head. In
pump cavitation, and it increases sharply at the Figure 10, inducer head ratio ranges from 0.03 to
region of head breakdown. It is interesting that 0.05 in the flow range Q=Qnom 0.87–1.11. Typically,
the vibration level in the case without the inducer is the inducer head forms 2–10% of the pump head.19
higher than that with the inducer even at the NPSH A cavitation test of the inducer is carried out and the
above the critical cavitating condition. The cavitation results are presented together with the results for the
bubble at the impeller should have a larger effect on the pump in Figure 11. The curves are obtained near a
vibration level than that of the inducer because the design flow coefficient condition. The shape of the cavi-
power consumed at the impeller is much higher than tation performance curve of the inducer is very different
that of the inducer. There seems to be almost no bubble from those of the pump. With a decrease in the NPSH,
at the impeller in the case with the inducer at the inducer head decreases slowly, while the pump head
NPSH=Hpump,nom above 0.006; however, it seems that drops abruptly. The slowly decreasing characteristic of
there is a small quantity of bubbles in the case without the inducer head curve implies that the inducer could
the inducer even at NPSH=Hpump,nom near 0.030. work even when the inducer cavitation develops to a
Therefore, there seems to be a difference in the vibra- certain extent. In turbopumps, cavitation occurs at an
tion level between the two cases. At the NPSH region inducer first and then propagates downstream to the
main impeller. In Figure 11, the pump with the inducer
still maintains a normal head while the inducer head

1.10 0.08
[m/s ]

0.8 1.05
pump, nom

Casing acceleration

with inducer without inducer Pump

pump, nom

1.00 0.06
pump, nom





0.4 100 0.04



0.2 0 0.85
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 Inducer
pump, nom 0.80 0.02
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Figure 9. Effect of inducer on pump casing vibration at cavita-
tion test.
RMS: root mean square. Figure 10. Head of pump and inducer.
316 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 227(2)

0.06 1.0
1.0 Inducer


pump, nom
pump, nom




0.4 0.02

0.2 0.01

0.0 0.00 0.1

0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 -4 0 4 8 12
pump, nom
i [deg]

Figure 11. Cavitation performance of pump and inducer. Figure 12. Dynamic depression coefficient vs incidence angle
on centrifugal impeller blade.7

drops significantly, for example, by 40%. By extrapo-

lating the cavitation curve of the inducer, it is found Therefore, the reduction of the required NPSH of a
that the pump reaches a critical cavitation point when centrifugal pump by the attachment of an inducer is
the inducer head drops by 55%. Hinducer =Hpump,nom is derived from equations (2) and (3)
about 0.022 at the critical cavitation condition while
0.048 at the non-cavitating one. For inducers applied NPSHre ¼ ½NPSHre m  ½NPSHre mþi ¼ ½Hi mþi
to rocket turbopumps, one usually looks for at least a  2   2  
V W2 V W2
10% head drop as a critical cavitation point and it is  þ  þ
2g 2g mþi 2g 2g m
not uncommon to consider a 50% head drop.6,8
Estimation of reduction of required NPSH of a
Now, we just have to calculate the right-hand side of
centrifugal pump with inducer equation (4) to obtain the reduction of the required
Takamatsu et al.12 derived a formula to estimate the NPSH, NPSHre : Note that the curly bracket on the
required NPSH of a centrifugal pump with inducer, and right-hand side of equation (4) is h in equation (1).
the formula is used in this study. The critical NPSH of a Calculation of h or the curly bracket on the right-
centrifugal pump without inducer is expressed by the hand side of equation (4) is carried out step by step.
following equation First, the velocities at the impeller inlet without inducer
are calculated from a simple velocity triangle on the
V W2 condition of zero inlet prewhirl. Second, the velocities
½NPSHre m ¼ þ ð2Þ at the impeller inlet with inducer are calculated by a
2g 2g m
commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) com-
where V and W are absolute and relative velocities, putation. The velocities at the inlet of the centrifugal
respectively, at the inlet of centrifugal impeller and  impeller are calculated here on non-cavitating condi-
an empirical coefficient, which is called dynamic depres- tions because the measured velocities at cavitating con-
sion coefficient, representing the local pressure drop on dition are very similar to those of non-cavitating one.12
the blade inlet of a centrifugal impeller. The values Third, the coefficient  in equation (4) is obtained using
under the critical cavitation condition of the centrifugal a chart for centrifugal impeller (Figure 12) which
pump with and without inducer are denoted by ½ mþi Furukawa and Ishizaka7 presented. The coefficient 
and ½ m , respectively. The critical NPSH of a centrifu- values for centrifugal, diagonal, and axial impellers
gal pump with an inducer is expressed by the following are presented in Furukawa and Ishizaka.7
equation The CFD used here is the three-dimensional
Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes method.20 The
V2 W2 authors used the method in previous studies to calcu-
½NPSHre mþi þ ½Hi mþi ¼ þ ð3Þ late the flow in inducers, and the method shows a good
2g 2g mþi
agreement with the experiments.16,18 The method uses
Hong et al. 317

1.0 Inducer
w/ inducer w/o inducer


pump, nom

pump, nom
ΔNPSH / H by test
re pump, nom




0.4 0.02

ΔNPSH / H by estimation
re pump, nom

0.2 0.01
Δh / H
pump, nom

0.0 0.00
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
pump, nom

Figure 14. Comparison of reduction of the required NPSH by

estimation and test.
NPSH: net positive suction head.
Figure 13. Grids for computation of inducer and impeller.
A few assumptions are used for the estimation, for
example: (a) the velocities at the impeller inlet at the
an explicit Runge–Kutta scheme and second-order- cavitating condition are similar to those of the non-
accurate central-difference scheme with artificial dissi- cavitating condition; (b) the cavitation curve is still
pation for integration in time and space. The k-" tur- valid at the extrapolated region; and (c) the effect of
bulence model with an extended wall function is used to the rotational speed on the cavitation performance is
simulate the turbulence effects. A uniform flow condi- negligible. In spite of the assumptions, the estimation
tion is imposed at the inlet of the inducer and static shows a reasonable agreement with the test case in
pressure is assigned at the impeller outlet. Periodic Figure 14.
boundary conditions are set at corresponding positions,
because only one flow passage is solved for the inducer
and impeller. Grids for the computation of inducer and
impeller are presented in Figure 13. The cell number for Hydraulic performance tests for a fuel pump of a rocket
the computation is 314,249. The value of yþ, the dimen- engine turbopump are conducted in water environment
sionless quantity of the distance of the first grid point in order to see the effect of an inducer on pump per-
from the wall, is kept between 10 and 50 because the formance. The main results are summarized as follows:
wall function is used. Mean value of velocity compo-
nents is obtained by mass average of the computational 1. By performing pump tests with and without an
flow results at the impeller inlet. inducer, it is experimentally shown that the inducer
Now, only ½Hi mþi is unknown on the right-hand side has a negligible effect on the head and efficiency of
of equation (4). To solve equation (4), a graphical the pump, but a significant effect on the cavitation
method proposed by Takamatsu et al.,12 which is illu- performance. The critical NPSH of the pump
strated Figure 1, is applied to the present case, as shown increases more than three times when the pump is
in Figure 14. It is noted that the abscissa and the right- tested without the inducer. The above result might
hand ordinate in Figure 14 are drawn with the same be unsurprising since this is the reason that inducers
scale. Equation (4) can be written as follows by rear- are used. However, the function of the inducer is
ranging it and using h illustrated by an experiment in this study.
2. By performing an autonomous inducer test, it is
½Hi mþi þ ½NPSHre mþi ¼ ½NPSHre m þ h ð5Þ found that the pump reaches a critical cavitation
point of 3% head drop when the inducer head
where h is calculated by the previous procedure. drops by 55%. A 3% head drop is the acceptable
Then, the 45 line intersects with the extrapolated cavi- operating regime for industrial pumps. However,
tation curve of the inducer at NPSH=Hpump,nom 0.0045. for inducers applied to rocket turbopumps, one usu-
Therefore, NPSHre =Hpump,nom is 0.0170 from the esti- ally looks for at least a 10% head drop as a critical
mation, while it is 0.0157 from the test. cavitation point.
318 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 227(2)

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Hong et al. 319

 dynamic depression coefficient m critical cavitation condition of the cen-

 efficiency trifugal pump without an inducer
mþi critical cavitation condition of the cen-
trifugal pump with an inducer
nom nominal flow coefficient condition at
tested rotational speed

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