CSS Questionnaire - CAP

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Store Code

Respondent Serial No.

PROJECT EXPERIENCE Store Location/Name: _______________________________________ City: ________________________________ Name of the person interviewed: ___________________________________________________________________ Address: House No. ________________ Road _______________________________________________________ Locality __________________________________________________ Contact No.: _________________________ Center: Vizag Vijaywada Kakinada Guntur Rajahmundry 01 02 03 04 05 1 - 15 16 - 31 Type of Store: Large Store Small Store 1 2 Day of Interview: Weekday Weekend Sat, Sun 1 2 Time of Interview: 9 AM to <12 Noon 12 Noon to < 5 PM 5 PM to 8 PM 1 2 3

Date of Month: 1 2

Name of the interviewer: ______________________________ Interview Date: ________________________ =================================================================================== Q1a. Have you purchased anything from this Spencers store today? Yes 1 CONTINUE No 2 TERMINATE Q1b. Can you please look at the card and let me know, which products have you purchased today?

Staples Rice, Dal etc. Fruits & Vegetables Fish & Meat Bakery Items Dairy Products Q2a. Q2b.

01 02 03 04

Packaged Food Personal Care & Toiletries Electronics & Electricals Garments / Apparels Others (PLEASE SPECIFY 05 ____________________

06 07 08 09 10

Here we have mentioned below some aspects of store which make you feel satisfied or dissatisfied with the store. Looking at this card could you please evaluate this Spencers store on each of these aspects? Some of these below aspects may be more important to you for selecting a particular modern retail store for shopping. Could you please tell me the top 3 reasons out of the following aspects for which you select a particular modern retail store? Please rank those reasons. Give rank 1 for the most important reason, rank 2 for the next most important and so on.

Excelle Good Averag Poor DK/CS Refuse Rank nt o e d

(R1) (R2)

Manner of greeting while you entered the store Level of assistance provided during your shopping inside the store How would you rate our product range and assortment and its quality? How was the level of stock availability at our store? How clear were the signages and labels indicating price, promotions and location of the products? How was the level of hygiene and cleanliness inside the store? How was your experience on the amount of time spent at the cash counter? How was the behavior and the level of assistance provided by the cash counter assistant?

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

5 5

6 6


(R4) (R5)

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

5 5

6 6





How would you rate the accuracy, clarity and readability of the details on the bill? How would you rate the complaint / query resolution capability of our store staff related to offer/discount availability, exchange/replacement of defective items? Attractiveness of prices of various available in the store Overall rating of this Spencers store products


(R11) (R12)

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

5 5

6 6

Q2c. Could you please tell me name of one modern food and grocery retailer that you think is superior to other modern retailers? It can be Spencers or any other retailer of your choice. _________________________________________________________________ RECORD VERBATIM Q2d. If I ask you to compare Spencers vis--vis any other modern retailer of your choice, on a scale of 1 to 4 with 4 being excellent, and 1 being poor then how would you rate each of them? In case you have never visited any other modern retail store apart from Spencers, then please answer on the basis of your understanding & knowledge about them. Excellent Spencers Other Retailer Q3a. Gender of Respondent Male Female 1 2 4 4 Good 3 3 Average 2 2 Poor 1 1 DK/CS 5 5 Refused 6 6

Q3b. Could you please tell me your age in completed years? ___________________ (Record Verbatim) Age of respondent Less than 18 years 18 - 24 years 25 - 34 years 35 44 years 45 - 59 years More than 59 years Code 1 2 3 4 5 6

Q4a. Please take a look at this card and tell me your approx. total monthly household income (consider all heads)? Q4b. Please take a look at this card and tell me your approx. total monthly household expenditure (consider all heads)? MHI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MHE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Less than 10000/10001/- - 15000/15001/- - 20000/20001/- - 30000/30001/- - 40000/40001/- - 50000/Above 50000/-

Q5a. In which locality is your home situated? ______________________________________ RECORD VERBATIM Q5b. How far is your home from this Spencers store? _______________________ KM Q5c. Since when have you been visiting this store? SINGLE CODE Since inception For more than a year For more than 6 months For more than 3 months Q5d. How often do you visit this store? Daily Once in 2-3 Days Weekly Once in 2 Weeks 1 2 3 4 For more than a month For more than 2 weeks For more than a week First time today 5 6 7 8 RECORD VERBATIM

SINGLE CODE 1 Once in a Month 2 Once in 2 Months 3 Rarely 4 First Time today

5 6 7 8

Q6a. Do you know about Spencers Smart Rewards program? Yes No 1 2 CONTINUE TERMINATE

Q6b. How did you come to know about the program? SINGLE CODE From Spencers employee I enquired after seeing in-store advertisement From my neighbours/relatives/friends/colleagues Others (PLEASE SPECIFY) __________________ Q6c. Have you enrolled for the program? Yes No 1 2 GO TO Q6e CONTINUE 1 2 3 4

Q6d. Could you please tell me why you have not enrolled for the Smart Rewards program? MULTICODING POSSIBLE I have applied but yet to receive the card I did not find time to enroll for the program The benefits are not attractive I dont want to carry a card every time I come for shopping I dont shop here regularly I dont want to share my personal details including contact no. Others (PLEASE SPECIFY) _________________________________________________ _____ Q6e. Are you carrying your Smart Rewards card now? GO TO Q6g Yes 1 CONTINUE No 2 Q6f. Could you please tell me why you are not carrying your Smart Rewards card? MULTICODING POSSIBLE I have applied but yet to receive the card The benefits are not attractive I dont want to carry a card every time I come for shopping I dont shop here regularly I have forgotten to bring it This is an unplanned shopping trip Others (PLEASE SPECIFY) _________________________________________________ _____ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Q6g. Could you please tell me what things you like about the program? PROBE

___________________________________________________________________________ RECORD VERBATIM Q6h. Could you please tell me what things you dont like about the program? PROBE

___________________________________________________________________________ RECORD VERBATIM Q6i. If you have to rate this Smart Rewards program on a scale of 1 to 7 with 7 being excellent then how much would you rate? Even if you have not enrolled for the program you can rate based on your perception. Rating 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Rate ): Poor

Excellent (:

Q6j. Could you please tell me what benefits you expect from Smart Rewards program? MULTICODING POSSIBLE I will get reward points on every purchase I would be able to encash the reward points as and when I wish I will get special discounts I will receive alerts for special promotional offers I will earn additional reward points if I shop for large amounts in a month My card would be upgraded for extra benefits if I continue buying for large amounts every month I will receive additional services such as home delivery etc. Others (PLEASE SPECIFY) ______________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3

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