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Research Article

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

2019, Vol. 11(12) 1–13
Ó The Author(s) 2019
Investigation of flow separation in a DOI: 10.1177/1687814019897832
centrifugal pump impeller based on
improved delayed detached eddy
simulation method

Yun Ren1,2 , Zuchao Zhu1, Denghao Wu3 ,

Xiaojun Li1 and Lanfang Jiang2

The mechanism of flow separation in the impeller of a centrifugal pump with a low specific speed was explored by
experimental, numerical, and theoretical methods. A novel delayed Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes/large eddy simula-
tion hybrid algorithm combined with a rotation and curvature correction method was developed to calculate the inner
flow field of the original pump for the large friction loss in the centrifugal impeller, high adverse pressure gradient, and
large blade curvature. Boundary vorticity flux theory was introduced for internal flow diagnosis, and the relative velocity
vector near the surface of the blade and the distribution of the dimensionless pressure coefficient was analyzed. The
validity of the numerical method was verified, and the location of the backflow area and its flow features were deter-
mined. Finally, based on flow diagnosis, the geometric parameters influencing the flow state of the impeller were specifi-
cally adjusted to obtain a new design impeller. The results showed that the distribution of the boundary vorticity flux
peak values, the skin friction streamline, and near-wall relative velocities improved significantly after the design change. In
addition, the flow separation was delayed, the force applied on the blade was improved, the head under the part-load
condition was improved, and the hydraulic efficiency was improved over the global flow ranges. It was demonstrated that
the delayed Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes/large eddy simulation hybrid algorithm was capable to capture the separa-
tion flow in a centrifugal pump, and the boundary vorticity flux theory was suitable for the internal flow diagnosis of cen-
trifugal pump.

Pump, improved delayed detached eddy simulation, boundary vorticity flux, hydraulic optimization, flow separation

Date received: 31 July 2019; accepted: 28 November 2019

Handling Editor: James Baldwin

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Zhejiang Sci-Tech
Centrifugal pumps are used in aerospace, nuclear University, Hangzhou, China
power, petrochemistry, and ocean engineering areas.1,2 2
Zhijiang College, Zhejiang University of Technology, Shaoxing, China
However, these pumps suffer from operational instabil- 3
College of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology,
ity and technical limitations that affect their design and Hangzhou, China
restrict their application. With strong rotation of the
Corresponding author:
impeller flow passage, large curvature, viscosity, and a Zuchao Zhu, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Zhejiang
high adverse pressure gradient, unsteady flow struc- Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China.
tures such as flow separation, vortex, and secondary Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work
without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages
2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

flow can occur. In addition, there are axial, radial, and impeller rotation, used spectral analysis to characterize
peripheral vortices of different sizes. The flow separa- the energy at the blade-passing frequency, and elabo-
tion is particularly intensive under the part-load condi- rated the dynamic transmission process of the vortex
tions. This flow may exhibit intensive hydrodynamic within the impeller channel. Atif et al.12 studied the
characteristics, decreasing the operational efficiency of flow structure of a mixed flow pump under off-design
the centrifugal pump, shortening its service life, and conditions using the PIV technique. The results showed
potentially causing severe accidents. Thus, there is a that the instability of the performance curve was due to
significant need to study flow separation in the centri- the rotating stall, and the pressure pulsation frequency
fugal pump and determine its mechanism. spectrum exhibits two peaks, one correlating to the
In the past few decades, theoretical analyses, experi- rotor–stator interaction frequency and its resonance
ments, and numerical simulation methods have been frequency and the second correlating to the frequency
used to study the problem of flow separation in a of vortex shedding arising from separation of the
pump. Traditional methods evaluate flow stability boundary layer of the blade caused by the rotating stall.
based on such macroscopic information as velocity and The flow separation in the pump was demonstrated to
pressure. However, these methods are incomplete and be an important source for the pressure pulsations and
cannot be used to identify area of blade that required the radial loads fluctuations.13
for improvement. To address this problem, many scho- Experimental investigation is difficult due to the
lars have proposed new methods to study flow instabil- inability to visualize the internal flow of a pump. As an
ity. Dou3 proposed a method to characterize flow alternative, with the improvements of computer hard-
instability based on an energy gradient and used this ware and the optimization of computational fluid
method to describe flow instability in various types of dynamics (CFD) algorithms, numerical simulation has
parallel flow geometric models and coaxial rotation become an important tool to investigate flow.14–16 In
cylinders. This method was successfully used by Zheng recent years, researchers have developed more effective
et al.4 to analyze the impact of the impeller passages on methods to study pump flow. By reference to a
flow stability in the centrifugal pump. Li et al.5 investi- dynamic hybrid model and a non-linear model, Yang
gated the variation of flow losses in a centrifugal pump and Wang17 proposed a hybrid non-linear subgrid-scale
based on the velocity distribution and entropy genera- (SGS) model for large eddy simulation (LES) and con-
tion fields. Wang et al.6 proposed an energy loss model ducted preliminary numerical research on the pump
to optimize the design of a typical multistage centrifu- impeller of Pedersen.18 Compared with the PIV test,
gal pump. Recent studies by Zhou et al.,7 and Zhang the hybrid non-linear SGS approach enables more
et al.8 introduced the theory of local vorticity dynamics accurate prediction of the low velocity zone in the flow
diagnosis, taking advantage of its ability to significantly passage and allows easier capture of the turbulent
amplify unstable flow and examining the boundary vor- energy and the vortex structure in the turbulent flow
ticity flux (BVF) distribution on the impeller blade to field compared with the dynamic subgrid approach.
investigate hydraulic performance. This approach was Subsequently, Zhou et al.19 studied the detailed charac-
successfully used to provide a reference for vortex teristics of the rotating stall in the impeller under a
dynamics diagnosis to improve the hydraulic design of small flow using the above hybrid non-linear SGS
the centrifugal pump impeller. model and proposed three evaluation parameters of a
Other studies have used particle image velocity (PIV) stall: blockage coefficient, stall cell size, and strength.
and pressure pulsation tests to study flow separation in Detached eddy simulation (DES) and delayed detached
a centrifugal pump. Yang et al.9 performed a hydraulic eddy simulation (DDES) methods developed by
performance test on a centrifugal pump with a guide Spalart et al.20 effectively combine the advantages of
vane and detected two regions of H–Q curve instability LES and unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes
under a low flow rate between 0.4Qd and 0.7Qd. And (URANS), and it can be used to process large separa-
the flow separation structure in the flow passage tion flow with a large Reynolds number with limited
between blades in the diffuser in the hump instability computational resources. The DES-type or DDES-type
region was analyzed using a pressure pulsation test and methods have been widely applied to multiple types of
high-speed flow visualization. Miorini et al.10 measured flow simulation.21–23
the complex flow field in the tip region of an axial In this article, the improved delayed detached eddy
water-jet pump using high-resolution PIV, revealed the simulation (IDDES) numerical method is used to study
evolution process of the tip leakage vortex, and found the internal separation flow. Internal flow in the impel-
that the meandering of vortex filaments dominate pas- ler is diagnosed using boundary vorticity dynamics the-
sage flow. Keller et al.11 measured the flow separation ory. And the position of flow separation generated
structure in a centrifugal pump with vaneless volute within the centrifugal pump impeller is identified using
using two-dimensional PIV, analyzed the dynamic evo- BVF, the skin friction streamline, and the surface pres-
lution of transient physical quantity in the pump with sure distribution on a blade section at half span. The
Ren et al. 3

results are used to guide a new design for the impeller; The two working modes of the IDDES method are
as a result, the improvement on global hydraulic per- achieved by the conversion between the two types of
formance was achieved and pressure distribution on length scales. The DDES length scale lDDES and the
blade surface was stabilized. length scale of the LES wall surface lWMLES are defined
as follows
Development of a novel IDDES hybrid lDDES = e
f d  lRANS + 1  e
f d  lLES ð5Þ
IDDES hybrid methods lWMLES = fB  ð1 + fe Þ  lRANS + ð1  fB Þ  lLES ð6Þ

The IDDES24 method is a DES-type method and is the The definitions of lRANS and lLES differ from those
latest version of a series of RANS/LES hybrid meth- in the DDES method.20 The grid scale is modified as
ods. In this work, the IDDES method proposed by follows
Shur was used. This method combines characteristics
of both DDES and WMLES (wall-modeled large eddy D = min½maxðCw Dmax , Cw dw , Dmin Þ, Dmax  ð7Þ
simulation) models and can solve the problem of ‘‘Log- where the coefficients are as follows: Cw = 0.15; dw =
Layer Mismatch’’ in the vicinity of the boundary layer lRANS = k1/2/b*v; Dmax = max (Dx, Dy, Dz); Dmin =
and accelerate the conversion from RANS to LES in min (Dx, Dy, Dz); and Dx, Dy, and Dz are the grid
the separation zone. Compared with other DES mod- length scale in the x, y, and z directions, respectively.
els, IDDES further reduces the eddy viscosity coeffi- See Shur et al.23 for the expressions of f~d, fe, and fB
cient of small subgrids in the logarithmic zone by in the above functions.
redefining the LES scale near the wall surface. The con-
version from the RANS zone to the LES zone is more
accurate based on the definition of lIDDES, the length Rotation and curvature correction
scale of the wall surface model, thus avoiding insuffi- It is well known that k-v SST turbulence model is one
ciency of the Reynolds stress modeling in the RANS of linear eddy viscosity models (LEVMs), and the key
zone and allowing the turbulent small-scale structure in weakness of existing LEVMs is that they cannot cap-
the LES zone to be distinguished. ture the effects of streamline curvature and system rota-
The IDDES model used in this article was created tion, which significantly contribute to the turbulent
based on the k-v shear-stress transport (SST) model flows of pumps. An efficient approach to resolve this
with its transport equation as follows issue was proposed by Spalart and Shur24 and is
  described in the following.
∂k ∂k ∂ ∂k k 3=2 The production term Pk of the k-v SST model is
+ uj = ðn + s k n t Þ + Pk  ð1Þ
∂t ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj lIDDES multiplied by a coefficient, and it is defined by
∂v ∂v ∂ ∂v
+ uj = ðn + s v n t Þ fr = maxfmin ðfrotation , 1:25Þ, 0g ð8Þ
∂t ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj
v 1 ∂k ∂v frotation = ð1 + cr1 Þ 1  cr3 tan1 ðcr2er Þ  cr1
+ g Pk  fr  bv2 + 2ð1  F1 Þsv2 ð2Þ 1 + r
k v ∂xj ∂xj ð9Þ
where the production term Pk reads as The empirical constants cr1, cr2, and cr3 are set equal
to 1.0, 2.0, and 1.0, respectively. The expressions of vari-
Pk = y t S2 = 2yt Sij Oij ð3Þ ables r* and er in equation (9) were described previously.25
In this work, fr is applied as a multiplier of the produc-
where F1 is the blending function, and the coefficients
tion term Pk in the original k-v SST model as follows
in the SST model are the following: sk1 = 0.85, sv1 =
0.65, b.1p= 0.075, b* = 0.09, k = 0.41,g 1 = b1 =b 
ffiffiffiffiffi Pk ! Pk  fr ð10Þ
sv1 k2 b ’ 0:46912, sk2 = 1.0, sv2 = 0.856, b2 =
The expressions of the mean stretching tensor Sij and
0.0828, b* = 0.09, k = 0.41, and g 2 = b2 =b 
.p the intrinsic mean spin tensor Oij are defined by
sv2 k2 b ’ 0:44035.

For the dissipation term in the k equation in the 1 ∂ui ∂uj

Sij = + ð11Þ
IDDES governing equation, lIDDES is defined by 2 ∂xj ∂xi

  1 ∂ui ∂uj
lIDDES = e
f d  ð1 + fe Þ  lRANS + 1  e
f d  lLES ð4Þ Oij = =  + 2ejim vm ð12Þ
2 ∂xj ∂xi
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 1. The impeller and volute.

Table 1. Main pump parameters.

Parameter Sign Value Unit Figure 2. Grid independency study data.

Flow rate at best efficiency point QBEP 27 m3/h

Head at best efficiency point HBEP 11.6 m
Rotation speed of impeller n 1450 r/min
Inlet diameter of impeller D1 0.075 m
Outlet diameter of impeller D2 0.198 m
Number of blades z 6 –
Outlet blade angle b2 42 °
Inlet blade angle b1 33.6 °
Total blade wrap angle g 110 °
Outlet width of impeller b2 0.009 m
Base circle diameter of volute D3 0.22 m
Outlet diameter of volute D4 0.05 m
Inlet width of volute b3 0.033 m

BEP: best efficiency point.

where vm is the vector form of angular velocity (m = 1,

2, and 3, representing the x, y, and z directions, respec- Figure 3. Grids of pump model.
tively); ejim is the permutation symbol.

The grids of impeller and volute are shown in Figure 3.

Numerical setup and description
Pump model. In this study, the above-described govern-
ing equations were solved by ANSYS-FLUENT 16.2. Solution parameters. The time-dependent governing
The low specific speed pump structure is shown in equations were discretized in both space and time
Figure 1, and the main geometric parameters of the domains. A high-resolution scheme was adopted for
pump are presented in Table 1. the advection term, and a second-order backward
Euler algorithm was used for the transient term. The
equations used the finite volume method for dispersion
Mesh generation. To increase the accuracy of numerical in space and used the second-order implicit scheme for
computation, a structured grid partition was used for dispersion in the time domain. A time step of 0.001149
the whole fluid domain. Different grid schematics were s was used, equal to 1/360 of the rotation period. For
tested, as shown in Figure 2. A local refined mesh was spatial differences in physical quantity, the diffusion
applied near the wall, and the y + value near the term included the second-order central difference. The
boundary wall was lower than 50. A grid independence decoupling of the velocity pressure used the semi-
analysis was conducted before computation. As can be implicit method for pressure-linked equations-consis-
seen in Figure 2, in Schemes 3–5 (more than ;1.57 mil- tent (SIMPLEC) algorithm. To balance computational
lion grids), the pump head fluctuates little with resources and accuracy, the residuals were 10–5 for 20
increased grids. Therefore, Scheme 4 was adopted. iterations in each time step in this study.
Ren et al. 5

To rapidly achieve computational stability, the

improved SST steady-state model was used to solve a
steady flow field result and the steady-state case result
as the initial flow field for the unsteady simulation. The
IDDES model was used with the above initial values.
Sufficient computational time was used to guarantee
accurate statistics (average velocity and average pres-
sure) in the flow field after stabilization of the flow.
The computation proceeded for 20 revolutions of the
impeller. Given that the goal was to understand the
mechanism of flow separation, the following flow con-
ditions were selected: 1.2QBEP, 1.0QBEP, 0.8QBEP,
0.6QBEP, 0.4QBEP, and 0.2QBEP.

Results and discussion

Flow field visualization experiments
The hydraulic performance and PIV inner flow experi- Figure 4. Test system.
ments were performed in the laboratory of the Research
Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology
of Jiangsu University, as shown in Figure 4. The
PIV test errors, pressure sensor calibration, motor
speed, shaft power, and flow measurement uncertainty
analyses for this pump are discussed in detail in
The test region of the impeller is illustrated in
Figure 5, and the six different flow passages are named
as no. 1 to 6. In the test, three sections of the impeller
flow passage were selected in the midsection and sec-
tions near the shroud and hub. To determine the photo-
graphed section of the shroud and hub, the laser sheet
was adjusted to fit to the surface of the shroud and hub. Figure 5. Schematic diagram of testing region.
The laser sheet is 1–2 mm. To avoid the interference
from shroud and hub, the distance between the imaged
section and the shroud and hub was 0.5–1 mm. The
imaged section is shown in Figure 6. Sections 1, 2, and
3 in Figure 6 represent the cross section near the
shroud, middle section, and the cross section near the
hub, respectively. To explore the working conditions
that lead to flow separation, the flow rate was decreased
from 1.2QBEP to 0.1QBEP. The changes in the flow
structure in the impeller were observed as flow was
decreased. For simplicity, only the flow field in section
2 was analyzed.
Figure 7 presents the distribution of relative veloci-
ties from high flow to low flow within the section near
Figure 6. Schematic diagram of the test section.
the middle. The following conclusions can be drawn
from the results:

1. Under the large flow rate, the low velocity zones momentum fluids near the PS increased gradu-
are formed near the pressure surface (PS) and ally, causing the high momentum fluids near the
areas of high velocity were near the suction SS to move toward the exit.
surface (SS). Thus, the SS is relatively more sta- 2. The high-speed revolution of the impeller would
ble than the PS. With decreased flow rate and cause flow separation to occur near the PS. A
under the action of impeller rotation, the low separation vortex starts to develop on the PS of
6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Passage 1 at 0.6QBEP. With decreased flow, the in Passage 5 and the streamlines in this passage
area of the separation vortex increases gradu- are smoother than those in other flow passages,
ally, and the core area of the vortex separates which may reflect effects of the relative position
from the PS. A large separation vortex forms of the flow passage.
move toward the middle and concentrate at the
impeller outlet. Behind the hub, Passages 2 and 3 are in the dark
3. In Passage 1, the number of separation vortices region because the impeller hub blocks the laser, so the
and the vortex intensity decrease with the laser intensity in this area is weak. The uneven distribu-
decrease in flow rate. At 0.4QBEP, the separa- tion of laser in this area leads to more red spots and
tion vortex starts to evolve from a single vortex blue spots in Passages 2 and 3 than in other passages.
to double vortices. The action range of the vor- Thus, there are significant errors in the velocity field in
tex cluster increases with the flow decrease, and this area. Also, as can be seen in Figure 7, the stream-
separation vortex occurs in multiple flow pas- lines in Passages 2 and 3 are less smooth than those in
sages. At 0.2QBEP, the multiple-vortex struc- other passages under various working conditions, so
tures converge into a large vortex cluster, which these are not included in the analysis of velocity fields.
blocks the flow passage at the impeller outlet.
4. The separation vortices first appear in several
flow passages close to the tongue, particularly in Evaluations of the numerical framework
Passage 1. With the decrease in flow, the separa-
tion vortices expand into other flow passages. Figure 8 compares the pump head versus flow rate
The streamline in Passage 6 starts to show disor- (H–Q) curves. The rotating speed of the pump is
der at 0.6QBEP. Separation vortices occur on the 1450r/min. As shown in Figure 8, the parameters of the
PS at 0.4QBEP. The single vortex evolves into pump at the best efficiency point (BEP) are as follows:
multiple vortex systems and expands toward the flow rate QBEP = 27.72 m3/h and head HBEP = 11.58
outlet with decreased flow. Under the whole m. The specific speed was ns = 74 at the BEP (ns =
flow range, no obvious flow separation occurs 3.65nQ1/2/H3/4).

Figure 7. Relative velocity distribution in section 2 under different flow conditions (unit: m/s): (1) 1.2QBEP, (2) 1.0QBEP, (3) 0.8QBEP,
(4) 0.6QBEP, (5) 0.4QBEP, and (6) 0.2QBEP.
Ren et al. 7

gradient but also acceleration of the wall, curvature,

and skin friction. For a constant rotational speed, the
acceleration term is zero. For high Reynolds number,
the contribution of skin friction is negligible and the
effect of curvature is small (except at sharp edges
and corners). This is why, for a high Reynolds number
and away from sharp corners, the BVF reduces to
equation (13)

sP =  n 3 rp ð13Þ
where n is the unit normal vector pointing out of the
fluid and r is the density of fluid.
In an incompressible fluid field with conservative
body force, BVF is the root cause of the occurrence and
diffusion of vorticity and can induce a series of flow
Figure 8. Comparison of hydraulic performance between separation phenomena such as boundary layer separa-
experimental and numerical results. tion, secondary flow, or large-scale separation. Wu and
colleagues29,30 established the theory of boundary vorti-
city dynamics. The torque applied on the blade can be
The new IDDES model computation results were obtained by integration
more consistent with the experimental data than the ð þ
original one, especially when the flow rate was lower 1 2 1
My =  rr spy dS + pr2 dy ð14Þ
than 0.6QBEP (17 m3/h). According to the H–Q curves, 2 2
Sb ∂Sb
the head relative discrepancies by new IDDES model
were about 5% both at 0.2QBEP (6 m3/h) and 1.2QBEP where r is the radius of impeller, Sb is the blade surface,
(33 m3/h), but the head relative discrepancies under ∂Sb is the boundary of the blade surface, spy is the axial
other flow conditions were all less than 2.5%. There component of the boundary vorticity flow sp caused by
were some differences between the actual experimental the pressure gradient of the blade surface, and p is the
model and the ideal model of numerical calculations pressure. As can be seen in formula (14), controlling
that were attributable to the manufacturing process the distribution of BVF on the blade surface can inhibit
(e.g. stamping and welding). The observed deviations flow separation and improve the force applied on the
also may be attributable to uncertainties in the instru- blade, thus optimizing impeller design.
ments, apparatus, and pipeline system during the test. The skin friction vector is an important basis to eval-
Leakage from the wear ring was neglected in the simu- uate flow separation. Its expression is
lation. Overall, the results show that the new numerical
method is credible. t =  mv 3 n ð15Þ
It can be seen from Figure 7 that the separation vor-
tex started at 0.6QBEP. Therefore, in order to further where m is dynamic viscosity, v is the vorticity, and n
compare with the PIV test, the development of separa- represents the unit normal vector outward from fluid.
tion flow in the section 2 under 0.6QBEP was investi- According to the judgment criterion for flow separa-
gated in Figure 9. As the impeller rotating at different tion, the skin friction streamline converged in the flow
angles, it indicated that the new model was more accu- separation zone.
rate than the original model in terms of the range of Based on the above analysis of PIV results, the flow
low speed zone near the PS, the range of high separation in the impeller flow passage starts at the PS
speed zone near the SS at the impeller inlet, the jet- of blade 1 close to the tongue and increases in Passage
wake flow at the impeller exit and the structure vortex 1. BVF contour distribution on the PS and SS of blade
in passage 1. 1 was computed with the improved IDDES method,
Surface 1 is illustrated in Figure 10, and is offset by 0.5
mm from the blade surface. The simulated data by the
BVF internal flow diagnosis improved IDDES method for the skin friction stream-
BVF is the core concept of boundary vorticity line and the velocity distribution on Surface 1 are pre-
dynamics, originating from the boundary vorticity sented in Figure 11.
model proposed by Lighthill28 in 1963. A source of vor- According to formula (14), the spy peak value, either
ticity at a solid wall is not only the tangential pressure positive or negative, indicates excessively large pressure
8 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 9. Comparison of the numerical predicted and experimental separation flow evolutions under 0.6QBEP. (1) Exp. result at
0.6QBEP: (a) 0T, (b) 1/3T, and (c) 2/3T. (2) Cal. result by original model at 0.6QBEP: (a) 0T, (b) 1/3T, and (c) 2/3T. (3) Cal. result by new
IDDES model at 0.6QBEP: (a) 0T, (b) 1/3T, and (c) 2/3T.

gradient in this area. A dramatic stress change should

be avoided. As can be seen in Figure 11, a large pres-
sure gradient and a positive peak value of spy occur at
the leading edge due to the severe impact from the
flow. A negative peak area occurs at the tail edge, indi-
cating the large pressure gradient in this area is due to
rotor–stator interaction. However, in the middle area
of the impeller flow passage, when the flow rate
decreased to 0.6QBEP, there was a strip of spy positive
peak area on the PS. When the flow further decreased,
the spy positive peak area expanded toward the tail
edge, indicating a dramatically increased vorticity gen-
Figure 10. Schematic of Surface 1 and positions of monitoring eration rate. This spatial accumulative effect finally
points (TE: tail edge; LE: leading edge). would lead to large-scale separation. Thus, a high and
Ren et al. 9

between the middle section of the flow passage and the

blade surface was quantitatively analyzed. As can be
seen in Figure 12, the value of Cp of the PS is larger
than that of the SS under large flow. When the flow
decreases to 0.6QBEP, the pressure of the SS is larger
than that of the PS when the blade surface pressure
along the flow direction length is 0.7. This corresponds
to the positive peak area of spy and is consistent with
the start of flow separation at the initial flow condition
of 0.6QBEP. As flow decreases, the area with a SS larger
than the PS expands to the outlet and almost occupies
the whole flow passage under 0.2QBEP, suggesting that
negative work applied on the fluid here.
The BVF diagnosis and distribution of dimensionless
pressure coefficients can reflect the conditions of pres-
surization and help identify design defects. There was a
large area from the middle part of the PS to the trailing
edge with a high-pressure gradient, suggesting unrea-
sonable pressurization. Thus, the optimization design
should focus on the PS.

Blade redesign and analysis

Redesign for blade. The problems of the original impeller
blade 1 present from the middle of the PS to the tailing
edge suggest that the area has a large curvature, thus
making the flow angle inconsistent with the blade angle
Figure 11. Distribution of spy and skin friction streamline on and increasing the risk of flow separation close to the
blade 1 and velocity vector on Surface 1: (1) BVF distribution on blade surface. Thus, the blade angles over the entire
the PS surface of blade 1 under different flow conditions: (a) length of the blade are reduced, by the way, the wrap
1.0QBEP, (b) 0.8QBEP, (c) 0.6QBEP, (d) 0.4QBEP, and (e) 0.2QBEP. (2) angle of blade and outlet width of the impeller are
BVF distribution on the SS surface of blade 1 under different increased. This normally leads to a steeper H–Q curve
flow conditions: (a) 1.0QBEP, (b) 0.8QBEP, (c) 0.6QBEP, (d)
and helps to make the blade load more even. Thus, the
0.4QBEP, and (e) 0.2QBEP.
difference between the flow angle and the blade angle is
decreased to eliminate flow separation in the flow pas-
steep spy positive peak is a precursor of large-scale
sage. And further, this prevents the hump at part-load
separation. Based on the skin friction streamline and
conditions (since stall will inevitably happen at low
the distribution of relative velocity vectors on Surface
flow rate). The major geometric parameters of the
1, under the flow condition of 0.6QBEP, flow separation
impeller following optimization are shown in Table 2.
occurred in the spy positive peak area. This is the area
Figure 13 presents the comparison between the original
where the skin friction streamline converged to a point.
blade and the optimized blade.
Back flow areas completely opposite to the main flow
areas started to occur in this area. With a further
decrease in flow, the flow separation area moved Analysis of results. The optimized impeller was subject to
toward the tailing edge. The area of the back flow area three-dimensional reconstruction, mesh partitioning,
also expanded, as indicated by the distribution of velo- and numerical computation. The boundary conditions
city vectors. Compared with the PS, the SS had a more and computational methods were the same as those
even distribution of spy. Based on the distribution of used for the original impeller. After computation, a
the skin friction streamline on the SS and the relative contour of spy distribution on the surface of the opti-
velocity vectors on Surface 1, when the flow decreased mized impeller was obtained according to formulas
to 0.2QBEP, back flow occurred and this area almost (15)–(17), as shown in Figure 14. As can be seen in the
covered the whole flow passage from the inlet to the diagram, the distribution of spy on the PS of the
outlet. Overall, the simulated data are consistent with optimized blade is significantly more uniform; the spy
the PIV results. positive peak at the leading edge also decreases sub-
The dimensionless pressure coefficient distribution stantially. A strip-shaped spy positive peak area in the
(cp = (p 2 pinlet)/(0.5ru22)) on the intersection line middle of the flow passage still exists, but the peak
10 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 12. Distribution of pressure coefficients on the middle lines of the blade: (a) 1.0QBEP, (b) 0.8QBEP, (c) 0.6QBEP, (d) 0.4QBEP,
and (e) 0.2QBEP.

occurs at 0.4QBEP instead of 0.6QBEP. According to the

distribution of the skin friction streamline and the sur-
face relative velocity vectors, the skin friction stream-
line starts to converge at 0.4QBEP. An obvious back
flow area occurs also at 0.4QBEP. This indicates that
the optimized impeller inhibits the back flow area in
the flow passage, and the hydraulic loss is reduced and
the efficiency is improved for the optimized impeller.
Comparison of Figures 11 and 14 reveals that the
significant difference in flow field distribution between
the original blade surface and the optimized blade sur-
face starts to occur at 0.6QBEP. Figure 15 presents the
Figure 13. Comparison between the original blade and distribution of skin friction coefficients on the middle
optimized blade. lines on blade 1 before and after optimization. As can
be seen in the diagram, the original blade PS has a large
area (x/c = 0.08–0.7) with a small skin friction coeffi-
cient. The skin friction coefficient approximates 0 at
Table 2. Main pump parameters. x/c = 0.57, indicating the presence of a separation flow
here, which basically corresponds to the position where
Parameter Sign Value Unit the back flow occurs in Figure 11. The skin friction
coefficient of the SS of the original impeller fluctuates
Inlet diameter of impeller D1 0.075 m
Outlet diameter of impeller D2 0.198 m considerably. The skin friction coefficient decreases dra-
Number of blades z 6 – matically near the leading edge, in the middle part of the
Outlet blade angle b2 26.5 ° blade, and at the tailing edge, likely due to the vortex
Inlet blade angle b1 30 ° structure on the PS. The optimized skin friction coeffi-
Total blade wrap angle g 120 °
Outlet width of impeller b2 0.01 m cient was decreased substantially at the leading edge. In
the middle part, there is an area (x/c = 0.2–0.65) with a
Ren et al. 11

Figure 15. Comparison of the skin friction coefficient on the

middle profile between the original blade and optimized blade.

1. Based on external testing and PIV internal flow

testing techniques, the internal and hydraulic
characteristics of a centrifugal pump were
examined under different flow conditions,
allowing observation of the evolution of flow
separation in the impeller passages. The PIV
internal flow measurements showed that flow
Figure 14. Distribution of spy and skin friction streamline on separation started to occur at 0.6QBEP, devel-
the optimized blade 1 and velocity vector on the Surface 1.
oped at 0.4QBEP, and finally extended to
(1) BVF distribution on the PS surface of blade 1 under
different flow conditions: (a) 1.0QBEP, (b) 0.8QBEP, (c) 0.6QBEP,
almost the whole passage at 0.2QBEP. The flow
(d) 0.4QBEP, and (e) 0.2QBEP. (2) BVF distribution on the SS state in Passage 1 was the least steady and the
surface of blade 1 under different flow conditions: (a) 1.0QBEP, flow state in Passage 5 was the steadiest one.
(b) 0.8QBEP, (c) 0.6QBEP, (d) 0.4QBEP, and (e) 0.2QBEP. The data allowed description of propagation
of flow separation in the flow passages. A
separation vortex always started from the PS.
small skin friction coefficient that is larger than the skin
A single vortex evolved into multiple vortices.
friction coefficient in the same position for the original Finally, multiple vortices aggregated into a
impeller. In addition, the optimized SS skin friction large vortex that moved toward the center of
coefficient fluctuates gently, indicating small energy dissi- the flow passage and finally blocked the whole
pation, conducive to the improvement of the pump flow passage.
efficiency. 2. The SST k-v turbulent model and the new
Table 3 compares the major performance indexes of IDDES method were applied to a numerical
the original pump and optimized pump. As can be seen model involving rotation and curvature correc-
in the table, the head of the optimized pump is basically tion. The improved numerical method was vali-
consistent with that of the original centrifugal pump for dated by hydraulic performance test and PIV
flow ranging from 0.6QBEP to 1.0QBEP. The head is data.
increased significantly at 0.2QBEP and 0.4QBEP, and the 3. By diagnosing the internal flow of the model
hump of the H–Q curve of the original centrifugal pump impeller using boundary vorticity
pump is eliminated. The hydraulic efficiency of the opti- dynamics, the blade surface BVF, skin friction
mized pump improved significantly, indicating that the streamlines, and the distribution of the near-
optimized impeller has less loss and higher efficiency. surface relative velocity vectors were obtained.
The impeller started to experience back flow at
about 0.6QBEP. Located on the PS and near the
Conclusion middle part of the blade, the backflow area
Internal flow states of a centrifugal pump were studied expanded toward the tailing edge with the
experimentally and numerically. Results are as follows: decrease of flow rate.
12 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Table 3. Major performance indexes of the pump before and after optimization.

Performance indexes Flow condition

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

H (m) Before optimization 11.68 12.50 13.49 13.67 11.96

After optimization 11.43 12.89 13.40 14.34 14.00
hh (%) Before optimization 71.50 69.06 65.57 53.82 28.03
After optimization 81.41 82.40 76.18 69.29 50.20

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