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Section VII (a)

General Requirements
Table of Contents
1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................ 10
1.1 Description of the project.....................................................................................................10
1.1.1 Accessibility.............................................................................................................. 10
1.2 Scope of the Works............................................................................................................. 10
1.3 Complementary Investigation Works...................................................................................11
2 Construction Period.................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Construction Sequence.......................................................................................................11
3 THE SITE................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1 Location of the Site.............................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Access Facilities.................................................................................................................. 12
3.2.1 Transportation Of Goods and Materials to Site on Public Roads..............................12
4 SITE CONDITIONS.................................................................................................................. 12
4.1 Meteorological Data............................................................................................................ 12
4.2 Hydrological Data................................................................................................................ 12
4.3 Design Earthquake.............................................................................................................. 13
5 USE OF THE SITE................................................................................................................... 13
5.1 Cooperation with Other Contractors....................................................................................13
5.2 Designated Areas................................................................................................................ 13
5.3 Ownership Of Natural Materials and Structures..................................................................14
5.4 Property Outside the Site....................................................................................................14
5.5 Existing Rights of Way.........................................................................................................14
6 FACILITIES PROVIDED BY THE EMPLOYER........................................................................14
6.1 General................................................................................................................................ 14
6.2 Source Of Power Supply.....................................................................................................15
6.3 Access Roads..................................................................................................................... 15
6.3.1 Permanent Access Roads.........................................................................................15
6.3.2 Temporary Access Roads.........................................................................................15
EMPLOYER..................................................................................................................................... 15
7.1 General................................................................................................................................ 15
7.2 Field Cabins........................................................................................................................ 16
7.3 Furnishing And Maintaining Transportation Facilities And Vehicles....................................16
7.4 Survey Equipment............................................................................................................... 17
8 OTHER FACILITIES PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR.....................................................18
8.1 General................................................................................................................................ 18
8.1.1 Facilities to be Provided............................................................................................18

8.1.2 Layouts and Details to be Submitted.........................................................................18
8.1.3 Clearing, Maintenance and Reinstatement...............................................................19
8.2 Contractor’s Residential Area..............................................................................................19
8.2.1 General Services.......................................................................................................19
8.2.2 Accommodation........................................................................................................ 20
8.3 Site Laboratory and Testing Facilities..................................................................................22
8.4 Other Site Facilities............................................................................................................. 27
8.5 Catering/Eating Facilities.....................................................................................................27
8.6 Access On Site.................................................................................................................... 28
8.7 Power Supply...................................................................................................................... 28
8.7.1 Contractor’s Working Areas......................................................................................28
8.7.2 Electricity Supply for Employer/Engineer’s Field Cabins...........................................28
8.7.3 Electricity Supply for Other Contractors....................................................................28
8.8 Lighting................................................................................................................................ 29
8.9 Water Supply System.......................................................................................................... 29
8.9.1 Potable Water Supply...............................................................................................29
8.9.2 Industrial Water Supply.............................................................................................30
8.10Telecommunication............................................................................................................. 30
8.10.1 Internal and External Telephone System..................................................................30
8.10.2 Emergency Telephone System.................................................................................30
8.11Sewerage And Sewage Treatment......................................................................................30
8.12Name Boards...................................................................................................................... 31
9 SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR....................................................................31
9.1 Water Quality Analysis........................................................................................................32
9.2 Laboratory Test Results On Concrete Materials..................................................................32
9.3 Sanitation And Cleaning......................................................................................................33
9.3.1 Refuse Collection and Disposal................................................................................33
9.3.2 Cleaning of Site Area................................................................................................33
9.3.3 Pest and Vermin Control...........................................................................................33
9.4 Fire Control Service............................................................................................................. 33
9.5 Security............................................................................................................................... 34
9.6 Weather Station and River Level Recording........................................................................34
9.6.1 Weather Station........................................................................................................34
9.6.2 River Levels.............................................................................................................. 35
9.7 Maintenance Of Site Roads................................................................................................35
9.8 Assistance For the Engineer...............................................................................................35
9.9 Facilities Provided by the Contractor for the Engineer and the Employer............................35

10 CONSTRUCTION MATTERS...................................................................................................36
10.1General Responsibilities......................................................................................................36
10.1.1 Contractor’s Methods and Materials..........................................................................36
10.1.2 Contractor’s Alternative Designs...............................................................................37
10.2Required Rates of Progress................................................................................................37
10.3Programming Requirements...............................................................................................37
10.3.1 General..................................................................................................................... 37
10.3.2 Programme Considerations.......................................................................................38
10.3.3 Contractor’s Work Execution Programme in Bid.......................................................38
10.3.4 Contract Programme.................................................................................................38
10.3.5 Progress Meetings....................................................................................................39
10.3.6 Other Meetings......................................................................................................... 40
10.4Quality Management........................................................................................................... 40
10.4.1 System and Procedures............................................................................................40
10.4.2 Approval of System...................................................................................................41
10.4.3 Provision of Materials and Equipment.......................................................................41
10.4.4 Mobilization and Demobilization of Major Plant and Equipment................................41
10.4.5 Competence of Workmen.........................................................................................42
10.4.6 Inspection................................................................................................................. 42
10.5Approval Of Materials and Equipment.................................................................................42
10.5.1 Submission of Samples and Data.............................................................................42
10.5.2 Inspection at the Place of Manufacture.....................................................................43
10.5.3 Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance..................................................................43
10.5.4 Mill Certificates..........................................................................................................43
10.5.5 Service Record......................................................................................................... 43
10.5.6 Testing Laboratory Certificates.................................................................................43
10.5.7 Material Orders......................................................................................................... 44
10.5.8 Acceptance of Materials............................................................................................44
10.5.9 Plant and Equipment Parts.......................................................................................44
10.6Contractor’s Returns............................................................................................................ 45
10.6.1 Daily Report.............................................................................................................. 45
10.6.2 Weekly Report.......................................................................................................... 45
10.6.3 Monthly Progress Report...........................................................................................45
10.6.4 Daywork and Similar Records...................................................................................46
10.6.5 Progress Photographs..............................................................................................46
11 STANDARDS, DRAWINGS AND CORRESPONDENCE.........................................................46
11.1Standards, Codes and Regulations.....................................................................................46
11.1.1 Abbreviations............................................................................................................ 46

11.1.2 Standards to be provided to the Engineer and the Employer....................................48
11.1.3 Applicable Standards................................................................................................48
11.1.4 Standards other than Those Specified......................................................................48
11.2DRAWINGS SUPPLIED TO THE CONTRACTOR..............................................................49
11.2.1 Tender Drawings.......................................................................................................49
11.2.2 Drawings for Construction.........................................................................................49
11.2.3 Schedule for Issuance of Drawings from the Engineer..............................................50
11.2.4 Checking of Drawings...............................................................................................50
11.2.5 Diagrammatic Hydro-mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Drawings.........................50
11.3.1 General..................................................................................................................... 50
11.3.2 Drawings to be Submitted.........................................................................................50
11.4Submission And Approval...................................................................................................51
11.5Ownership Of Drawings and Data.......................................................................................52
11.6Correspondence With the Engineer....................................................................................52
11.7Information Of the Other Contractor’s Works......................................................................52
12 HEALTH AND SAFETY............................................................................................................ 52
12.1General................................................................................................................................ 52
12.2Health And Safety Management Plan.................................................................................53
12.3Code Of Practice Within the Management Plan..................................................................54
12.4Occupational Health and Safety Officer (OHSH).................................................................54
12.5Medical Facilities................................................................................................................. 55
12.5.1 General..................................................................................................................... 55
12.5.2 Screening of Prospective Employees........................................................................55
12.5.3 First Aid Material Boxes............................................................................................55
12.6Epidemics And Hazardous Substances..............................................................................56
12.7Rescue Teams.................................................................................................................... 56
12.8Lighting And Power Leakage...............................................................................................57
12.9Transport Of Workers.......................................................................................................... 57
12.10 Safety Of Public............................................................................................................ 57
12.11 Storage And Use of Explosives....................................................................................57
12.12 Warning Of Blasting.....................................................................................................58
12.13 Lightning....................................................................................................................... 58
12.14 Instream Harzards........................................................................................................58
13 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS..................................................................................59
13.1General................................................................................................................................ 59
13.2Environmental Codes Of Practice.......................................................................................59
13.3Social Safeguard Issue....................................................................................................... 60

14 SURVEY AND SETTING OUT.................................................................................................63
14.1Scope.................................................................................................................................. 63
14.2General................................................................................................................................ 63
14.3Survey Control Stations.......................................................................................................63
14.3.1 Main Stations............................................................................................................ 63
14.3.2 Internal Consistency of Stations................................................................................64
14.3.3 Subsidiary Stations and Benchmarks........................................................................64
14.4Preservation And Replacement of Stations and Benchmarks.............................................64
14.5Survey Of Ground Profiles...................................................................................................64
14.5.1 Original Ground Profiles............................................................................................64
14.5.2 Excavated and Final Ground Profiles........................................................................65
14.6Setting Out of The Works....................................................................................................65
14.7Setting Out Checks.............................................................................................................. 65
14.8Lines And Levels of Reference For Erection Of Equipment By Others................................66
14.9Survey Assistance and Helpers...........................................................................................66
15 DEALING WITH WATER.......................................................................................................... 66
15.1General................................................................................................................................ 66
15.2Surface Works..................................................................................................................... 66
15.2.1 Surface Excavations.................................................................................................66
15.2.2 Road Works.............................................................................................................. 67
15.2.3 Borrow Pits and Quarries..........................................................................................67
15.3Water Discharged from Working Areas...............................................................................67
15.4Water Control During Concreting And Grouting..................................................................68
16 PAKISTANI TRAINEE ENGINEERS........................................................................................68
17 MEASUREMENTS AND PAYMENTS......................................................................................68
17.1Principles............................................................................................................................. 68
17.1.1 Bill of Quantities and Rates.......................................................................................68
17.1.2 Payment Item Descriptions.......................................................................................68
17.1.3 Prices to be Inclusive................................................................................................69
17.2Bill Of Quantities In Bill-A....................................................................................................69
17.2.1 General..................................................................................................................... 69
17.2.2 Field Cabins for the Engineer’s and the Employer’s staff..........................................69
17.2.3 Furnishing and Maintaining Transportation Facilities and Vehicles...........................70
17.2.4 Survey Equipment for the Engineer...........................................................................70
17.2.5 Contractor’s Accommodations and Relevant Facilities..............................................70
17.2.6 Site Laboratory.......................................................................................................... 71
17.2.7 Electricity Supply for Other Contractor......................................................................71
17.2.8 Power Supply and Lighting.......................................................................................71

17.2.9 Potable and Industrial Water Supply System............................................................72
17.2.10 Telecommunication...............................................................................................72
17.2.11 Sewerage and Sewage Treatment........................................................................73
17.2.12 Name Boards........................................................................................................ 73
17.2.13 Fire Control Services.............................................................................................73
17.2.14 Security Fence and Deployment of Watchmen......................................................73
17.2.15 Weather Station and River Level Recording..........................................................74
17.2.16 Quality Management Plan.....................................................................................74
17.2.17 Contractor’s Returns including Photographs..........................................................74
17.2.18 Health and Safety..................................................................................................74
17.2.19 Services Provided by the Contractor.....................................................................75
17.2.20 Assistance for the Engineer...................................................................................76
17.2.21 Mobilization and Demobilization of Equipment......................................................76
17.3Insurance For Works & Contractor's Equipment..................................................................76
17.3.1 Scope........................................................................................................................ 76
17.3.2 Payment.................................................................................................................... 77
17.4Insurance Against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property............................................77
17.5Scope.................................................................................................................................. 77
17.5.1 Payment.................................................................................................................... 77
17.6Insurance For Contractor’s Personnel.................................................................................78
17.6.1 Scope........................................................................................................................ 78
17.6.2 Payment.................................................................................................................... 78
17.7Adjustment For Changes in Legislation and Cost................................................................78
17.7.1 Adjustment for Changes in Legislation......................................................................78
17.7.2 Adjustment for Changes in Cost................................................................................78
17.7.3 Payment.................................................................................................................... 79
17.8Pakistani Trainee Engineers................................................................................................79
17.8.1 Scope........................................................................................................................ 79
17.8.2 Payment.................................................................................................................... 79
17.9Disputes Board.................................................................................................................... 79
17.9.1 Scope........................................................................................................................ 79
17.9.2 Payment.................................................................................................................... 79
17.10 Facilities For Police and Security Forces......................................................................79
17.10.1 Scope.................................................................................................................... 79
17.10.2 Payment................................................................................................................ 80


1.1 Description of the project

Gabral Kalam Hydropower Project was visualized as run of the river scheme with storage for
peaking by Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization (PEDO). It was identified and
selected from the study conducted for Swat valley (Region-4) under the Hydropower Development
Master plan for the Northern Area of the then Khyber Pakhtunkhwa now (KP). The study was
jointly carried out during 1990-1995 in mountainous Northern Area of KP, by the Provincial
Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, represented through Pakhtunkhwa Energy Department
Organization (PEDO) in collaboration with German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ).

Gabral River is a right tributary of Swat River in northern end of Swat District, having its’
confluence with Ushu River near village Kalam, at point where both Gabral and Ushu Rivers
converge to form River Swat.

Gabral Kalam Hydropower Project is located in the north of Pakistan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Province. Malakand and Hazara divisions are the northern parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province
comprises of mostly hilly areas. Upper reaches of the Swat River falls in Swat District of Malakand
Division. Location of project in Pakistan and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province are shown in Fig:
1.1 and 1.2 below.

The proposed hydropower project is located on Gabral River in between Kanai and Kalam Town of
Swat Kohistan where Gabral and Ushu Rivers converge to form River Swat. The proposed weir
site is located on Gabral River, about 09 km upstream of Kalam town and the proposed site of the
power plant at about 1.5 km u/s of main road bridge on Gabral River, north of village Kalam.
Coordinates of Weir and Powerhouse are given below. Project Site Latitude Longitude Weir N
3931932.92 E 274962.81 Powerhouse N 3931470.19 E 280298.33 A location map from upstream
of proposed weir near Kanai village to downstream of Kalam town near confluence of Ushu and
Gabral Rivers is presented in the following Figure:

1.1.1 Accessibility

The project area is accessible from Peshawar and Islamabad via Motorway (M1), Swat
Expressway and National Highways N-95. Kalam is at a distance of 289 km from Peshawar
through Motorway M-1 and Swat Expressway and highway N-95. The distance between Islamabad
and Kalam through Motorway M-1, Swat expressway and Highway N-95 is 326.4 Km. From Kalam,
the access to the weir site is through a trackable road, which is unpaved, starting from Kalam town
and extending to Utror and Gabral villages. The Gabral village is at a distance of 15 km upstream
of the selected weir site. The powerhouse is located on the northern end of Kalam, about 1.5 Km
upstream of the road bridge on Gabral River.

1.2 Scope of the Works

Construction of 88 MW Gabral Kalam Hydropower Project, Swat, under World Bank Assisted
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Hydropower & Renewable Energy Development Program (KHRE). It
includes all related works but not limited to the followings;

- River Diversion
- Weir Structure
- Intake Structure
- Access Road

- Bridge
- Headrace and Adit Tunnel
- Surge Shaft
- Horizontal Pressure Tunnel
- Control Building
- Banks Protection Works
- Fish Ladder
- Undersluice etc.

1.3 Complementary Investigation Works

Unless otherwise specified in the Technical Specifications and BOQ, any geotechnical exploration
for the permanent structures shall be instructed either as Dayworks or as a Variation Order
pursuant to the Conditions of Contract.


All works shall be completed within four (4) years followed by one year Deflect Liability Period.

Construction Period Four (4) Years

Defect Liability Period One (1) Year

Total Implementation Time Five (5) Years

The contractor will be expected to produce detailed programmes in Primavera format to allow an
overall construction programme to be prepared. Construction scheduling and coordination
between contractors will be managed by the Engineer’s site team.

Bidders will be required to include a tentative project schedule as part of their bid and be expected
to justify any statements therein.

2.1 Construction Sequence

While furnishing the foregoing project schedule, emphasis shall be given to the following priority

i. Temporary access roads and bridges especially to powerhouse

ii. Excavation for powerhouse

iii. Permanent road and bridge to powerhouse and surge shaft

iv. Re-routing of Gabral Utror road at weir site

v. Diversion of the Gabral River at weir site including secant piles

vi. Access tunnels

vii. Tailrace and protection work

viii. Manifold and connections to powerhouse

ix. Other structures as per bidder schedule


3.1 Location of the Site

The Project will construct an 88 MW run-of-river hydropower project on the Gabral River to
generate about 339 GWh of electricity annually. The weir site of the Project is located at
longitude 35.505501°N and latitude 72.518729°E across the Gabral River (the tributary of the
Swat River, which in turn is a tributary of the River Kabul) in the Swat district of KP. The Kalam
town (population 12,300), a major tourist destination in the region, is located about 10 km from
the weir site. The Kalam is located approximately 239 km from Peshawar and 326 km from

3.2 Access Facilities

Without limiting any of Contractor’s obligations or responsibilities under the Contract, the
Contractor will be deemed to have obtained all necessary information pertaining to and to have
complied with all regulations and procedures governing the use of national and international
facilities such as access, transport, handling and storage facilities, including roads, railroads,
harbors, airports, airways, border crossings and the like for the due fulfillment of the Contract.

3.2.1 Transportation Of Goods and Materials to Site on Public Roads

The road condition up to Kalam town is quite good, however rest of the 10-12 km from Kalam town
via Utror road to Weir site it takes approximately 40 minutes to travel. The access to weir site is via
truckable track / road 9 km long from Kalam towards Utror. The proposed Powerhouse is located
on the northern end of Kalam Town, about 1.5 km upstream of the road bridge on Gabral River.

The Contractor shall also independently liaise with local traffic authorities, including Traffic Police
for specific permits or approvals for transport of particular items of goods, materials, oversized or
heavy loads which may require special escort or speed restrictions.


4.1 Meteorological Data

Meteorological data are shown on Bid Drawing Nos. 141-003 and 141-004 in Part 3 (b) Section -
VII. The Contractor shall evaluate and undertake test to determine the sources of drinking water
and implement any additional treatment measures required to provide safe drinking water to his
accommodation and other facilities. The sources of water and availability are not guaranteed by
the Employer.

4.2 Hydrological Data

4.3 Design Earthquake


5.1 Cooperation with Other Contractors

Pursuant to Sub-Clause 4.6 of the Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall coordinate his work
with that of the other Contractors at the Site to whatever extent may be necessary to complete
the Project in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and the requirements of the

The Contractor shall during the progress of the Works allow the Employer, the Engineer and the
other Contractors employed by the Employer in connection with the Works the use of his roads
and other temporary works or services. The Contractor shall at every place of working, provide
proper drainage, dewatering, lighting and ventilation, and maintain his roads for other contractor's
erection work and for the Engineer's inspection of the Works.

The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the requirement that the other contractors will require
occupation of various areas for the purpose of carrying out their works. The Contractor shall carry
out his Works in such a manner that he does not interfere with the operations of other contractors
and he shall make due allowance in his working method for restrictions required by the operation
of other contractors.

The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed in his rates for any additional expenses incurred
in cooperating, adjusting to and working with other Contractors on the Site.

5.2 Designated Areas

Specific areas forming the Site, as shown in the Drawings No. --------- “Allotted Area”, have been
designated to be used for working areas, quarrying operations, borrow pits, spoil dumps, offices,
labour camps, residence for Contractor's management and other staff, workshops, storage, batch
plants, etc. Such designated areas including areas for construction of access thereto shall be
acquired by the Employer and handed over for use by the Contractor.

Use of additional Site areas for such other facilities as may be required by the Contractor in areas
not already designated by the Employer shall be subject to the prior consent of the Employer
through the Engineer regarding extent, access, programme and layout.

Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor’s offices, workshops, stores, explosive magazines, fuel
depots and such other sensitive facilities deemed by the Engineer and/or required under the
governing laws and/or regulations shall be surrounded by security fencing to the entire satisfaction
of the Engineer.
Flood-lighting of the area shall be provided to allow safe movement of persons in each area at
night. The lights shall be directed downward.

On completion of the works, unless otherwise required by the Engineer, all fencing shall be
removed and the Contractor shall reinstate the Site under the directions of the

All roads other than the fenced off areas of the Site shall be deemed as public roads whether or
not built or maintained by the Contractor. The Contractor shall therefore have due regard to the
laws and regulations governing public roads as well as the provisions of the Contract. The
Employer shall have the right to allow any local authorities to enter the fenced areas with prior
notice to the Contractor where necessary for executing their duties.

The Contractor shall not use the Site for any purpose other than that of executing the Works or for
that purpose for which it has been designated and shall confine his operations to within these
areas unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer.

5.3 Ownership Of Natural Materials and Structures

Earth, stone, gravel and sand, and all other materials excavated or existing on the Site or the
access roads, shall not become the property of the Contractor, but will be at his disposal only so
far as they are approved for use in the Works. Existing structures on the Site or the access roads
shall remain the property of the Employer/Owner and, except as and to the extent required
elsewhere in the Contract, shall not be interfered with by the Contractor in any way.

5.4 Property Outside the Site

The Contractor shall not enter upon land outside the Site or beyond 5m outside the road prism and
drainage structures of public roads for the purpose of this Contract without written
approval/consent from the Engineer.

5.5 Existing Rights of Way

Any existing rights of way, tracks or roads running through the Site shall be diverted around the
Site or fenced off in such a way to prevent unauthorized persons from inadvertently entering the
Site. Such rights of way, tracks or roads shall be kept open at all times except for short periods
when construction activities such as surface blasting could require closure for safety reasons.


6.1 General

Certain facilities as detailed below will be provided by the Employer or others on behalf of the
Employer, including inter-alia, site access roads, limited power supply facilities. Such facilities will
be completed either prior to commencement of work or during the early part of the Contract. The
facilities will be maintained and operated by the Contractor as specified in Clauses 8, 9 and 10

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for extending, expanding or upgrading any facility
provided by the Employer as the Contractor considers to be necessary, and subject to the
Engineer’s consent, including any additional maintenance which this may require. This
responsibility shall include liaison with the relevant authorities and bearing all respective charges
without additional payment.

In all cases the Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that the facilities are
used in a proper, controlled and orderly manner and that resources supplied are not wasted.

6.2 Source Of Power Supply

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the provision of electricity, water, gas and other
services he may require for the performance of the Contract.

6.3 Access Roads

6.3.1 Permanent Access Roads

6.3.2 Temporary Access Roads

The Contractor shall construct, maintain and subsequently demolish temporary access roads
within the Site for access to work sites, concrete plant, spoil banks, temporary buildings, and other
temporary facilities so as to meet his requirements for the execution of the Works.

Any activities, such as obtaining permission for entering for surveying and investigation, land
acquisition and compensation, and construction of the roads which access to the quarries,
borrows, spoils, stockpiles, etc. located outside the Project boundary shall be made at full
responsibility and cost of the Contractor.

The Contractor shall submit his plans and detailed drawings showing alignments and roadway
structures of the temporary roads to the Engineer for prior approval. Sources of embankment
materials and methods of disposal of excavated materials shall also be described in his plans.
Type of pavement including medaling shall be optional but the roads shall be constructed to an all-
weather standard. Associated drainage and stream crossing facilities shall also be constructed
where deemed necessary. Road signs, guard blocks and other safety measures shall also be
provided by the Contractor.

The temporary access roads shall be designed, constructed and demolished so as not to interfere
with the other contractors' works and public facilities or not to damage the completed Permanent

The roads shall be regularly maintained in good condition by watering and grading.

During the period of the Contract, the Employer and other contractors employed by the Employer
will be engaged on other works in the vicinity of the Works, and the Contractor shall allow the
Employer and such other contractors free and unrestricted use of all temporary access roads as
soon as they have been completed.

All costs associated with the construction and maintenance of these temporary access roads shall
be deemed to have been included in various rates and prices in the Bill of Quantities and no
separate payment shall be made.


7.1 General

The Contractor shall provide and maintain the facilities specified in this clause for the sole use of
the Engineer and the Employer.

7.2 Field Cabins

The Contractor shall supply fully furnished and equipped 20m² field cabins for the Engineer's and
Employer’s staff use along with the required electricity supply, air-conditioning, water and
telecommunication facilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for operation, adequate regular
maintenance and repairs of the structures, furniture, equipment and appliance therein until the
cabin is released by the Engineer in writing. Number and location of the cabins shall be as directed
by the Engineer. Each field cabin shall be supplied within fifty-six (56) days after the Engineer’s
written instruction. The Contractor shall shift these field cabins as and when required and directed
by the Engineer without delay.

The cabins shall be of substantial timber construction or equivalent, well insulated and weather
tight. The floor shall be raised at least 30 cm above ground level. The door shall be provided with a
lock and the window shall be slide-type, glazed, and screened and provided with substantial
shutter fastening on the inside.

Each cabin shall be fitted with electric lighting (300 Lux) and wall mounted socket outlets, water
heater, hot plate, air conditioner (split unit type), room heater, telephone sets, internet connection
for free use of e-mail, bottled drinking water, four (4) sets of 0.8m x 1.2m desk with lockable
drawer and chair, one (1) 0.9m x 1.8m steel cabinet lockable, one (1) stool, wash basin, one (1)
cupboard fitted with shelves, and coat hooks.

Each field cabin shall be provided with simple toilet facilities, chemical type or similar, located in a
covered and enclosed privy separated from the field office, provided with lock and key. The
method of waste disposal and location for disposal of waste, therefore shall be submitted to the
Engineer for approval.

The Contractor shall collect waste and garbage from the cabins on a daily basis. The cabin and
cabin area shall be kept clean by the Contactor and free of refuse at all times.

The cabin area including three (3)-car parking spaces and shall be surrounded by security fence
where directed by the Engineer.

7.3 Furnishing And Maintaining Transportation Facilities and Vehicles

The Contractor shall provide, operate and maintain the following service vehicles for the exclusive
use of the Employer and Security Forces within 56 days after the Commencement Date. The
Contractor shall submit the catalogues of the models to be purchased to the Engineer and shall
obtain his approval before placing the orders.

The Contractor shall provide the following vehicles

Type of vehicle Number

Pick-up 4x4 Double Cabin

Engine Type: Turbo 2KD-FTV, 16-Valve Diesel Engine, Transmission: 5-

Speed Floor Shift Manual Transmission, Brake Type: Ventilated Disk,
Power Steering, Power Windows, Air Conditioner/Heater Fitted, Power
Door Lock, Fabric Seats, Central Console Box, RR Window Defogger, 4
Roof Carrier, SRS Air Bag, 5" Touch Screen DVD with USB Support, One
spare wheel with Lock & Tool Kit, Engine Displacement between 2490-
2500 CC.

Saloon Car

Engine Type: 1229 CC, 16-Valve DOHC Dual VVTI, Transmission: 5–

Speed Manual Transmission, Electric Power Steering with tilt & telescopic,
ABC Brakes, Tyre Size 195/65 R-15, Power Door Mirrors Side Turn 2
Signals, Power Windows, Central Door Locking LED Rear Combination
Lamp, Chrome License Garnish, AM/FM/CD Player with speakers, one
spare wheel with Lock Tool Kit, Sun Visors

Station Wagon/SUV 4x4, 5 Door

5-Door 3.0L VX 5-Speed, Super intelligent ECT, Diesel Turbo Engine

(1KD-FTV-16 VALVE DOHC/4-CYLINDER IN LINE). Cruise Control, wheel
base 2790mm.Curb weight 2250-2410 KG. Gross Weight 2850- 2990 KG.
Dual AC Auto W/FR Indicator. Immobilizer+ Alarms. Air Bags D (Dual+
Knee +Side) & P (Single+ Side). Cool Box, Fuel Tank Capacity = 87 Liters.
Retractable Side View Mirrors with chrome plated. Green Acoustic wind
shield glass, crawl control, traction control. VSC (Vehicle Stability Control), 1
Bumper Built in Fog lamps. Ground clearance (mm) = 220, Max turning

5.8m. Dimensions (mm) = 4930 x 1885 x 1890, tread 1585.Max

Engine Torque 400/1600-2800(EEC net). Max Engine
Output=120/3400(EEC net). Piston displacement= 2982, Tyres=265/65
R17, alloy rims. With Roof Rails. One spare wheel and tool kit

The vehicles shall be of the latest models. Minor deviations from the specified requirements will be
permissible provided that, in the opinion of the Engineer, the basic type and quality of the vehicles
are met.

The Contractor shall be paid for provision and operation & maintenance of such vehicles under Bill
No.0 [Preliminary and General].

The above vehicles shall be assigned full time to the Employer until the Completion of Works. In
case of breakdown or if a vehicle is undergoing repair and maintenance, the Contractor shall
provide a similar replacement vehicle immediately.

The Contractor shall provide regular drivers for any of the vehicles to operate the vehicles under
the complete supervision and control of the Employer. The drivers shall be available both day and
night and all working and nonworking days.

In the event that the drivers or the vehicles are not performing in a satisfactory manner, the
Engineer/Employer will request their replacement and the Contractor shall comply immediately
with the satisfaction of the Engineer. In case the Contractor fails to provide or promptly replace
any of the specified vehicles, the Engineer shall arrange rental of an equivalent alternative to the
Contractor's debit.
All service vehicles shall be fully overhauled and returned to the Employer upon the Completion of
Works in good condition at no cost to the Employer.

7.4 Survey Equipment

The surveying instruments as listed below shall be provided by the Contractor for exclusive use of
the Engineer's site staff within fifty-six (56) days after the Engineer’s order. The instruments
provided shall be brand new, of the latest design and manufactured by reputable manufacturers
acceptable to the Engineer. The instruments shall include all items necessary for the Engineer to
be able to establish horizontal and vertical control both on the surface and underground together
with an operation manual in English and to check the Contractor's surveying work.

The Contractor shall present to the Engineer for approval the proposed make, type, and models
with parts and performance catalogues and manufacturer's warranty, prior to purchase. Following
equipment shall be provided:

a. Two (2) nos. Total-stations or similar, complete with tripods and accessories and computer
connection interface with software package.
b. Four (4) sets, Sighting targets, illuminated for underground use, complete with tripods,
batteries, etc.
c. Two (2) nos. Optical plumbs.
d. Six (6) nos. Walkie-talkie portable transceivers

The quantity of such necessary equipment may be changed by the Engineer as per requirement
after signing of the Contract.

The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with any additional surveying equipment and materials
such as pegs, mallets, stakes, nails, paint, etc., as required, and shall make available to the
Engineer any survey equipment not included in the above list of equipment, but which may be
necessary for checking the Works. Any instrument which has been damaged or is non-operational
shall be immediately replaced or repaired by the Contractor.

No payment will be made to the Contractor for the provision of the above said equipment under

Upon the Completion of Works all surveying equipment will be returned to the Contractor.
However, the Employer reserves the right to purchase some or all of the equipment, if needed.


8.1 General

8.1.1 Facilities to be Provided

The Contractor shall in a timely fashion provide, erect and maintain other facilities at the Site as
detailed in this Clause 10.

The Contractor shall, at the end of the Contract, dismantle and remove from the Site all buildings
and related facilities except the camp facilities of which residences will be used permanently after
rehabilitation by the Contractor upon project completion.

If a facility is maintained and operated by the Contractor, all of the Contractor’s charges for such
maintenance and operation shall be deemed to be included in the rates and prices in the Bill of
Quantities, unless otherwise provided for in the Contract.
8.1.2 Layouts and Details to be Submitted

Within twenty-eight (28) days of the Commencement Date (or earlier as required in the Tendered
Work Execution Programme), the Contractor shall submit general drawings, proposals and a
programme for the establishment of the facilities as specified herein to the Engineer for consent.
Where layouts are shown in the Bid drawings, these are indicative only and may be altered by
agreement with the Engineer. The Contractor shall indicate on the programme the dates of
submission to the Engineer of the details for each facility (as specified below) and the date by
when the Engineer’s consent is required for that facility, which shall be at least twenty-one (21)
days later than the date of submission to the Engineer.

The Contractor shall then submit to the Engineer for consent detailed drawings, programmes and
proposals for each of the facilities to be established by the Contractor under this Clause, at least
twenty-eight (28) days before each such facility is to be established.

8.1.3 Clearing, Maintenance and Reinstatement

After clearing of required areas in accordance with Chapter 0210 of the Specification, the
buildings, facilities and equipment provided by the Contractor shall be erected in the positions as
consented to by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall be responsible for keeping all areas of the Site for which he is responsible,
including temporary facilities, buildings, services, etc., in a neat, clean, sanitary and orderly
condition and to the satisfaction of the Engineer at all times.

The Contractor shall for the duration of the Contract maintain and repair all structures, buildings,
and facilities provided by the Contractor whether for the use of the Contractor or otherwise. He
shall provide all professional, administrative, supervisory, and technical staff and all labor,
communications, transport, plant, equipment, materials, tools, instruments, fuel, spare parts and
the like required for the proper execution of such maintenance and repairs. The work of
maintenance shall include such repainting and redecoration as may be required for protection
against corrosion and to present a reasonable appearance both externally and internally.

After dismantling and removing from the Site, unless otherwise specified, all buildings and related
facilities provided under this clause, which are no longer required as agreed by the Engineer, the
Contractor shall reinstate the ground in accordance with Chapter 0820 “Site Reinstatement”.

8.2 Contractor’s Residential Area

8.2.1 General Services

A. Power Supply

Mains supply shall be through a 3-phase 4 wire 380/220 50Hz LV cable distribution system with
miniature substations, all in accordance with the general standards and specific requirements and
to the approval of the Engineer.

Street lighting shall be installed in conformance with code of practice.

B. Roads

The Contractor shall undertake the design, construction and maintenance of roads and collector
streets in the designated area to serve all the Contractor’s accommodation and related facilities
from the Permanent Access Roads provided by the Employer. Such roads to the Contractor’s
accommodation area shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations governing public roads.

Where storm-water will be concentrated in roadways, the Contractor shall install catch-pits and
drains and undertake the measures specified in Clause 17.3 below to lead the water to the natural
drainage paths of the area. Construction details shall be to the approval of the Engineer, with
materials and workmanship in conformance with the appropriate specifications of code of practice
and will not cause affect to natural self-drainage and environment in the area.

The general provisions of Clause 10.6 of this chapter shall apply to the roads provided by the
Contractor under this Clause.

C. Water Supply

The Contractor shall provide and maintain the water supply reticulation in his residential area,
including all pipe work, valves, specials and fittings and any other equipment as necessary.

Construction details shall be to the approval of the Engineer with materials and workmanship in
conformance with the appropriate specifications and code of practice.

Pipe mains shall be fiber-cement, PVC or galvanized steel piping with suitable couplings as
approved, minimum diameter being 75mm internal. Fire hydrants shall be 75mm diameter spaced
at 250m intervals (maximum).

D. Sewerage and Sewage Treatment

The Contractor shall provide and maintain sewerage reticulation and treatment facilities in the
designated areas and outfall facilities as necessary, including all pipework, manholes, specials and
fittings and any other equipment as necessary.

Construction details shall be to the approval of the Engineer with materials and workmanship in
conformance with the appropriate specifications or code of practice.

Piping shall be special fiber-cement, PVC or vitrified clay with suitable coupling as approved,
minimum diameter being 100mm internal. Minimum gradients shall be 1 in 60 for 100mm diameter,
1 in 150 for 150mm diameter, and 1 in 250 for 200mm diameter.

Sewer manholes and inspection chambers shall be located at a maximum distance of 75m apart
and shall be of precast elements in special fiber-cement, concrete, brickwork or patent materials
as approved, minimum diameter being 900mm internal. Manhole cover slabs shall be of concrete,
each incorporating a cast-iron frame and lid for access, details as appropriate to the conditions
(i.e., vehicular access) and opening dimension 450mm. Benching to the invert of manholes shall
be steeper than 1 in 25 and flatter than 1 in 5.

Sewer mains shall be laid in straight lines and at constant gradients between manholes. House
connection shall be made via at least one inspection chamber with a rodding eye at each bend
within the plots.

E. Telecommunications

The Contractor shall provide all telecommunication facilities in and around the accommodation
area and other Contractor's Facilities for his own use and for the Employer/Engineer. Effective and
efficient telecommunication shall be maintained between each section and shift engineer (as
identifiable from the Contractor’s site organization chart) and the relevant working areas in the Site
of the Contractor and the Employer/Engineer.

8.2.2 Accommodation
The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the design, provision, construction, maintenance
and removal of all accommodation and related facilities within the accommodation area designated

for the Contractor. Such facilities shall conform in layout, town planning and construction with the
standards and workmanship requirements of modern community developments as appropriate.

Except for those areas so designated, no other areas will be provided for the erection of residential
accommodation facilities by the Contractor.

The following minimum standards for Contractor’s accommodation and related facilities shall

A. Supervisory Accommodation

Free-standing weather proof and rodent and termite proof houses of permanent nature utilizing
modern durable materials and best building practice as approved by the Engineer:

1. Area of plot: 250m² minimum, dwelling at least 3m from plot front boundary. Driveway strips to
be surfaced.

2. Windows: Fully glazed, each at least 30% opening and 20% of floor area.

3. Walls: Brick, concrete block, fiber-cement, patent sandwich layered, or other acceptable
material, with appropriate finish, as approved by the Engineer. Fire rating of 30 minutes

4. Floors: Treated wood or concrete, suitably damp-proofed and raised at least 225mm above the
highest adjacent external ground level. Minimum floor to ceiling dimension shall be 2.7m. Floors of
kitchens, bathrooms, showers, toilets to be impervious to water.

5. Roofing: Tiles or sheeting of fiber-cement, slate, burnt-clay, concrete or other acceptable

material, to be approved by the Engineer, affixed to purlins on reinforced concrete roofing. Roofs
to be insulated and waterproofed with polystyrene or fiber glass blanket or similar.

6. Room Accommodation for Single Family Status Units: 2 to 3 bed rooms with attached
bathrooms, drawing/dining hall, lounge/living area, kitchen with storage, verandah, power room, 1
car porch, etc.

7. Services

a) Water: Hot (50°C) and cold running water to bathrooms and kitchens, reticulation to be

19mm or 12mm ID copper, galvanized iron or PVC pressure piping and fittings as
appropriate. Hot water pipes to be lagged.

b) Sewage: Water-born with flush toilets (WC’s) and waste water system piped to
underground sewer mains.

c) Electrical: 220/250V/60A integrated system for lights, socket outlets (1 socket per 10m 2 floor
area or part thereof), water heating and kitchen appliances, central circuit breaker boards to be
located in kitchen. Two additional wall sockets shall be provided to kitchen working areas.

d) Internal distribution to be through 40A cables in LDPE conduits 15mm ID.

e) Lighting: Strip fluorescent or incandescent (bayonet) fittings to provide average 200 lux,
minimum 120 lux to living areas, bedrooms and kitchen. At least one fitting per room.
f) Air conditioning: Air conditioning to be provided in living rooms capable of maintaining a
temperature lower than 28°C.
These houses will be used by the Employer permanently upon confirmation of rehabilitation by the
Engineer at the time of Taking-over to the Employer.
B. Labor Accommodation

Standards of accommodation for labor shall comply with the following parameters:

1. Single Quarters Housing - Skilled Labor

Two room apartment type of units each with a lobby/living, kitchen and toilet/bath facility may be
required. The typical apartment module/unit may be used by bachelors as well as by families. A
single apartment may be assigned to one family or 2 to 4 numbers of bachelor staff as required.
The apartment building should not be more than three floors with 4 to 6 units on each floor.
Sleeping quarters shall comprise 9 m² per person, maximum two persons per room. All other areas
shall be proportionately not less than general labor facilities.
2. General Labor Accommodation

These quarters shall comprise a number of accommodation modules to suit the Contractor’s total
labor requirements, constructed generally as for housing specified above. Each module shall
accommodate a maxim of sixty (60) persons in dormitories for a maximum of four (4) persons in
each dormitory.

Each module shall comply at least with:

Sleeping quarters: Minimum 6.5m 2 per person, including bed, locker, bedside table and chair.

Communal Sanitation Facilities: 45m² including six (6) nos. showers (each with external seat and
clothes hooks), eight (8) nos. hand basins, eight (8) nos. water closets (each enclosed, door with
latch) and urinal (3m wide) with hot and cold running water to showers and hand basins. These
communal sanitation facilities will be separated from accommodation areas lounges by at least
Two (2) Communal lounges: Each 75m² with suitable number of easy chairs and occasional
Communal laundry: 20m² under cover with six (6) nos. laundry basins each served with hot and
cold running water plus enclosed exterior wash line area of 30m² with 60m length of wash line.

3. General Labor Amenities

Note that the requirements of Clause 10.5 below shall also apply to all residential catering/eating
Communal dining hall: Minimum 1.5m² per person at a sitting.

Communal kitchen: Fully equipped as a separate facility to the dining hall, attached to it via
a servery

Floor area of the kitchen: Minimum 120m²

Kitchen facilities: Minimum ceiling height for all amenities: 2.7m

The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision and maintenance of any other facilities such
as recreation, sport, etc., related to the needs of the labor community as the Contractor may
require in the designated area. The additional facilities shall include at minimum, mini-
market/convenience store, outdoor recreational facilities (including but not limited to Futsal Yard,
Volley Ball facilities, running area), mosque, canteen/coffee shop, laundry and barber saloon.

This accommodation and facilities will be used by the Employer permanently upon confirmation of
rehabilitation by the Engineer at the time of Taking-over to the Employer.
C. Facilities for Police & Security Forces

The Contractor shall provide within the contractor s camp, workshops, fabrication yards, batching
facilities, aggregate yard and other facilities accommodation and living facilities for local police and
security forces. Whilst these facilities shall be within the Contractors areas, separate access shall
be provided.

The accommodation and facilities shall comply with the specified requirements for General Labor
and General Labor Amenities detailed in Clause 10.2.2 (B) in this Chapter.

8.3 Site Laboratory and Testing Facilities

A. General

The Contractor shall, within eighty-four (84) days after the Commencement Date, construct,
furnish, equip and maintain for the duration of the Contract, a laboratory sited as close as
practicable to the main concrete batching and mixing plant. The laboratory shall be for the joint
use of the Engineer and the Contractor. The laboratory will be managed, staffed and
operated by the Contractor under the supervision of the Engineer. It will allow smooth
performance of the tests to be carried out within the framework of the Contractor’s Quality
Management Plan including the trial, acceptance and routine tests by the Contractor, and tests
required by the Engineer within the framework of the complementary investigations and from
time to time during the course of the works.
B. Functions

The laboratory will be used for the following functions (at least):

1. Soils: Particle size analysis, Atterberg indicator tests, measurement of permeability, in situ and
Proctor density and CBR tests, organic matter content, shear box and oedometer (consolidation)

2. Rock: Compressive strength/modulus, tensile strength, portable shear box, point load tests,

3. Concrete aggregates: Particle size analysis, strength, soundness, sand equivalent and Los
Angeles test

4. Cement: Measurement of Blaine fineness, setting time, compressive and tensile strength.

5. Concrete: Mix design, measurement of workability, curing and crushing 250mm and 150mm
concrete cylinders, measurement of tensile strength.

6. Grout: Design and performance testing of grout materials and grout mixtures.

7. Admixtures: Performance tests.

8. Bituminous materials: Performance tests, Marshall tests (density, air void, flow and stability).

9. Water: Water sample collection, analysis

for physical tests: Dissolved oxygen (DO) mg/l, Total dissolved solids (TDS) mg/l, Total
suspended solids (TSS) mg/l, Temperature (T) oC, Conductivity Scm-1,

for chemical tests: iron (Fe), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn),
Fluoride (Fe), Sulphate (SO4), BOD5, etc; and preparation of a report for submission to the

10.Other tests as required.

C. Contractor’s Provisions

The Contractor shall:

1. supply supervision, labor, materials and equipment necessary to sample and transport
materials to the site laboratory from all excavations or planned excavations, borrow pits,
quarries, stockpiles, disposal areas or any other part of the project area. The Contractor shall also
furnish and install facilities satisfactory to the Engineer for procuring representative test samples
from these locations,

2. construct the laboratory building to accommodate contract requirements and all of his needs
however they may arise, as well as those of the Engineer. The laboratory building shall include at

One (1) reception area, accessible to light trucks,

One (1) area for materials preparation,
One (1) room devoted to concrete tests,
One (1) room devoted for water, air quality, noise and vibration testing,
One (1) room devoted to earthfill, rock and road tests,
One (1) room with controlled temperature for tests requiring controlled atmosphere (cement
& Other tests),
2 x 12m2 office with furniture respectively for the Contractor’s and Engineer’s assistants.
3. fully service and maintain the laboratory with electricity, water, potable water, air conditioning

(Cooling and heating), sewerage and telephones.

4. provide, service and maintain any testing facilities wheresoever required by the Contractor on
the Site as agreed with the Engineer.
5. provide and maintain equipment and apparatus of the respective types and extent necessary
to enable all site testing to be properly and efficiently undertaken. The equipment and apparatus
shall be new and of sufficient number and capacity to handle all throughput arising from both his
requirements and those of the Engineer and shall comprise at least those items listed in the
Technical Specifications and paragraph “D” below. Such equipment and apparatus shall be
subject to the prior approval of the Engineer before ordering, and shall remain the Contractor's
property at the end of the Contract.

6. provide and maintain any additional equipment and apparatus over and above those listed in
paragraph “D” below as the Contractor considers necessary.
7. provide all the complementary item and consumable required for the day-to-day running of the
laboratory and auxiliary facilities.
8. provide and maintain such further equipment, apparatus and facilities as may be ordered by
the Engineer. A Provisional Sum provided in the Bill of Quantities is partly usable for the purchase
of such equipment.

9. be responsible for the efficient planning and programming of testing required by the Contract
and the Engineer to the satisfaction of the Engineer and without prejudice to the Engineer’s
requirements with respect to availability of and access to equipment, assistance, etc.

10.provide all labor, qualified testing staff and assistance and personnel required by the Contract
for operation and maintenance of the laboratory.

11.provide assistance and labor required by the Engineer for his testing, which personnel shall fall
under the control and direction of the Engineer.

12.have undertaken by independent, recognized standards laboratories, initial and regular
calibrations of all equipment and apparatus to the satisfaction of and to a programme agreed with
the Engineer.

13.arrange for such tests as are not provided for in the Site testing facilities to be undertaken by
recognized laboratories, subject to the prior agreement of the Engineer.

14.arrange for calibration of equipment by an authority approved by the Engineer.

D. Equipment:

The equipment shall include but not limited to the following:

1. Soil Laboratory

1 set of 250mm dia sieves from 0.080mm to 80mm;

1 giratory sieve shaker allowing sieving by wet process;

2 extra sieves 0.080mm and 0.40mm;

1 Casagrande liquid limit apparatus:

1 plastic limit set;

1 set for hydrometer test;

1 conductimeter;

1 rotary shaker for 6 bottles;

2 compaction Proctor moulds;

1 CBR mould;

1 standard compaction hammers;

2 modified compaction hammer;

1 200 g balance, 0.010g precision;

1 5 kg balance, 1 g precision;

1 15 kg balance, 5 g precision;

1 set for permeability test on Proctor mould;

1 set for permeability test on CBR mould;

1 complete set for relative density determination of soils (ASTM D2049) with 2 spare moulds;

1 compression device for unconfined compressive strength determination allowing

measurements of unconfined compressive strength up to 2.5MPa.

1 Oedometer

1 direct shear box

2. In Situ Soil Test

1 density apparatus rubber balloon type with piston;

1 cutting edge for Proctor mould;

3. Rock Materials

1 point load test equipment

1 portable shear box

4. Cement / Natural Pozzolan / Aggregate / Concrete

The test equipment for Cement / Natural Pozzolan / Aggregate / Concrete are described in

0430 “Conventional Concrete” and Chapter 0433” Roller-compacted Concrete”.

5. Grout

2 standard Marsh cones for viscosity measurements;

1 compression device for strength and modulus determination;

1 baroid equipment for filtering measurements;

1 equipment for direct mud and grout density measurement;

2 sieves 80 microns;

1 vane test equipment

6. Bituminous Material

1 penetration test equipment.

7. Miscellaneous

2 25mm dia vibrators (immersion type);

1 600 l electric oven with thermostat;

1 200 l electric oven with thermostat;

1 15 l microwave oven;

1 120 g balance, 0.1 g precision;

1 15 kg automatic balance, 5 g precision;

1 100 kg automatic balance, 10 g precision;

1 caliper square;

1 hygrothermographs;

2 spare gauge for concrete tester;

1 press calibrating dynamometer;

1 core drilling machine (up to 160mm core diameter);

1 Los Angeles machine or dynamical crushing test apparatus;

1 pH test set.

The equipment for use of environmental monitoring equipment is listed in Chapter 0120 on

Environmental Specifications.
8. Laboratory Computer Equipment

The Site Laboratory shall be equipped with three (2) PC computers with licensed software for use
by the Engineer. The laboratory shall be also equipped with each one (1) unit of color laser printer
A4/A3 and photo copy/scanner machine A4/A3 with their accessories connected with the
computers by LAN or wireless, camera and video making facilities. This equipment shall be
maintained well and repaired by the Contractor whenever necessary.

E. Engineer’s Provisions

The Engineer will provide:

1. qualified staff, to be assisted by labor or assistants as provided by the Contractor, to carry out
his own tests.

2. designated person to oversee the running of the laboratory and to whom all matters related to
the laboratory shall be reported.

Notwithstanding any testing carried out by the Engineer, the Contractor shall remain responsible
for ensuring that the Works are in conformity with the Contract. He shall therefore undertake the
proper testing, monitoring, quality control and reporting of test results, etc., within the framework
of the Contractor’s Quality Management Plan as specified in Clause 12.4 below.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the insurance of all laboratory equipment and apparatus.
Final authority within the laboratory shall rest with the Engineer and, in the event of any dispute
over the use of facilities, equipment or apparatus or the qualification of personnel assigned to use
equipment or apparatus, the Engineer’s decision shall be final.

8.4 Other Site Facilities

Except as otherwise specified, the Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the design provision,
construction, operation and performance to satisfy contract requirements, and maintenance of all
the site facilities which are required by the Contractor for the due fulfillment of the Contract. Such
facilities may include canteens, warehouses, storage sheds, workshops, motor pool, storage
yards, explosives magazines, fuel depots, fuel stations, storage tanks, loading platforms, weigh-
bridge, laboratories, guard houses, etc.

Storage accommodation for equipment, plant and materials shall be well ventilated, weather and
damp proof, with floors raised above natural ground level.

The facilities shall be subject to the consent of the Engineer, who shall have full access to them at
all reasonable times. Fuel shall be stored in properly constructed underground tanks and fuel
installations shall be secure against unauthorized persons. The fuel depot shall be bunkered to a
minimum depth of 0.50m, or as necessary in each case to provide emergency containment of the
full fuel storage capacity of each fuel depot.
The Contractor shall also provide and maintain access control buildings, guard shelters, etc. for
the 24h/day operation of the security system as specified in Clause 11.3 below.
The standard of construction of office buildings shall be at least equal to that of the supervisory
accommodation described in Clause 10.2.2 above.

8.5 Catering/Eating Facilities

Wherever catering facilities and eating areas are provided by the Contractor, the following
provisions will apply:

1. Where workers’ own food is consumed, facilities shall be provided for washing hands and
storage of waste or refuse.

2. Where a catering service is provided catering staff must be:

competent and experienced,

medically examined and certified as fit for catering work,
Trained in food hygiene.
3. Food transport, storage, cooking and waste disposal shall be subject to the approval of the
health authorities and the Engineer and in accordance with the Contractor’s Health and Safety
Management Plan as specified in Clause 14.2 below.

For employees who do not take their meals in a formal canteen on the Site, the Contractor shall
establish adequate and suitably located covered eating facilities. Such facilities shall have
hardened floors and shall be provided with tables and seating for the relevant number of people
as well as potable water supply, toilets and sufficient refuse bins in order to maintain the Site in a
neat and sanitary condition. Each such facility shall be properly cleaned after every meal.

8.6 Access On Site

The Contractor shall be responsible for the construction and maintenance of access roads to all
areas of the Site, to all Site offices, and for all haulage and other construction roads required for
carrying out the Works. These roads shall be treated to avoid any dust nuisance, graded monthly
and maintained whenever necessary or as directed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall establish reasonable traffic regulations governing traffic on the roads
maintained by him, and shall provide signs, pavement marking, traffic signals or other control
devices and flagmen as may be required to maintain a safe and unimpeded flow of traffic.

When temporary construction roads constructed by the Contractor are no longer required the
Contractor shall, unless otherwise approved or directed by the Engineer, plough to break up
hardened surfaces, remove all imported material and reinstate the surface in accordance with
Chapter 0820 “Site Reinstatement”. Unless otherwise specified, no separate payment will be made
for Access on Site.

8.7 Power Supply

8.7.1 Contractor’s Working Areas

Though the Employer’s facility is stated in Clause 8.2 above, however, the Employer does not
guarantee stable power supply to the Contractor.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision, operation and maintenance of all necessary
power supplies to and within the Site for the due fulfillment of the Contract. For stable power
supply, the Contractor shall provide, operate and maintain necessary generators, transformers,
switchgear, distribution lines, etc., if needed. All workmanship and equipment shall comply with the
Pakistani regulations and be carried out by suitably qualified electricians.

Any generator plant shall be adequately silenced and located so as to keep the noise level at the
nearest housing or office area below 65 dB.

The Contractor shall submit his plans and detailed drawings of the temporary electric power supply
system, including the distribution system, to the Engineer for approval.

The costs for construction, installation, operation, maintenance and subsequent removal of the
temporary power supply system(s) and illumination for general purpose shall be paid to the
Contractor under the relevant item provided in Bill of Quantities.

8.7.2 Electricity Supply for Employer/Engineer’s Field Cabins

The Contractor shall supply electricity to the Employer/Engineer’s field cabins as stated in Clause
9.2 above.

8.7.3 Electricity Supply for Other Contractors

Not Used.

8.8 Lighting

Whenever the Contractor is engaged in night, he shall provide and maintain in good condition,
adequate high powered flood lighting for all portions of the work on which he is occupied. This
shall include borrow, quarry or disposal areas if machinery is operating in any of these areas. The
requirements for lighting for underground works are stated in Chapter ----- of Technical

Provided lighting shall be sufficient to ensure that at all times:

1. safe working conditions are provided for all personnel on the work sites,

2. the Works can be constructed in complete compliance with the contract,

3. complete inspections of all works in progress can be made by the Engineer,

4. security of the Works areas and public safety measures are adequate and effective.
Unless otherwise directed, the minimum intensity of illumination on ground on working surface to
be provided for the various operators or work areas shall be as tabulated below:

Design Value Minimum Measured

Illuminance Operation or Area (Lux)
Earthworks and excavation 50 20
Access and haul roads where cross
traffic 20 10
or other hazardous conditions exist
Concrete placing 100 50
Maintenance shop and mechanical
and 300 200
electric works

The Contractor shall supply a suitable instrument for measuring the intensity of illumination by
himself. The instrument shall comply with BS 667 or equivalent standard as approved by the

All moving plant used during night operations shall be equipped with sufficient light and reflectors
and fluorescent markings to ensure safe working conditions.
If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the resulting illumination is not adequate for the safe and efficient
execution of the work, additional lighting shall be provided by the Contractor without additional
payment. Failing this further such work will be prohibited until the lighting is satisfactory.

8.9 Water Supply System

8.9.1 Potable Water Supply

The Contractor shall provide, operate and maintain a potable water supply for the duration of the
Contract and shall provide connections and reticulation for potable water to his own facilities. The
quality of the potable water shall comply with the Pakistan National Environmental Quality
Standards referred in Chapter 02 on Environmental Specifications.

The Contractor shall also make all arrangements necessary for the distribution of potable water for
the due fulfillment of the Contract to his various offices, buildings and other Site facilities. For each
such facility, this supply shall be maintained for the duration of the work or use of the area and
shall be located within 100m of the area. Each such supply shall be prominently identified with
«Drinking Water» signs in English, Urdu and in other languages as may be relevant to the
Water samples shall be tested every three (3) months period and certificates from an agency
approved by the Engineer submitted to the Engineer shall indicate that the water is fit for human

Water mains outside the boundaries of the Site shall not cross ploughed fields, and the locations
of such mains shall be agreed with the Engineer prior to installation.

8.9.2 Industrial Water Supply

The Employer is not responsible for supplying any water. The Contractor shall therefore provide,
operate, maintain for the duration of the Contract an industrial water supply and reticulation to suit
his requirements. The Contractor shall arrange his water supply system so as not to interfere with
any other water supply facilities.
The quality of the Contractor’s industrial water shall comply with the requirements of Chapter ----
of the Technical Specification.

8.10 Telecommunication

8.10.1 Internal and External Telephone System

The Contractor shall arrange for the provision and maintenance of communication facilities,
whether in conjunction with the PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) and
Telecommunication Companies or other authorities, e.g., in respect of radio facilities. Such
communications shall be connected or provided such that effective and efficient communication
within the Site and externally may be maintained at all times during the Contract especially under
emergency circumstances.

8.10.2 Emergency Telephone System

The Contractor shall provide and maintain a complete wired telephone communication system
capable of providing clear and concise communication between all tunnel work and the tunnel
portals. The communication systems shall also provide for communication between the tunnel
works, Contractor’s field offices, and Engineer’s work site offices.
The Contractor shall maintain at all times the wired communication system in full working order.
The communication system and requirement shall be suitable for use in all area(s), providing clear
and dependable communication. This shall be subject to approval by any/all relevant authority(s)
prior to use.

8.11 Sewerage And Sewage Treatment

The Contractor shall provide the sewerage and sewage treatment system for the collection and
treatment of all sewage on the Site. Adequate mobile or other toilets which can be connected to or
otherwise discharged into the sewerage system shall be provided near each supply of potable
water. The Contractor shall ensure that they are always kept in a hygienic, sweet and disinfected
condition by regular attendance and supplied with toilet paper, soap, and towels.

The quality of the Contractor’s sewerage and sewage treatment facilities shall comply with the
requirements of the Health authorities and with the requirements of Clause 17.3 below for effluent
discharged from sewage treatment systems or plants into natural watercourse or streams. The
Contractor shall further be responsible for all arrangements necessary for the disposal of sewage
screenings and sludge from the sewage treatment facilities, all in accordance with the provisions
of the Health authorities and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Where the Contractor provides and uses septic tanks or conservancy tanks each tank shall be of
approved design and have a capacity not less than 100 liters per person served by the tank
subject to a minimum of 3,000 liters.

The layout, construction and operation of the Contractor’s Site sewerage system shall be subject
to the prior agreement of the Engineer.

8.12 Name Boards

The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain name boards and direction signs where agreed
with the Engineer. The design and quality of materials used on these name boards and signs shall
be agreed with the Engineer prior to erection. The main boards shall be a maximum of 7.0m x
3.5m in size and be mounted at a height of 2m. The logos/pictograms and wording shall be painted
in accordance with the details agreed with the Engineer.

The boards and signs shall be made up from durable materials that will not warp due to weathering
and shall each be mounted on adequately braced poles and be kept neat and legible at all times.
The Contractor shall keep all the name boards and signs in good condition and shall remove them
on completion of the Contract.

The Contractor’s company name boards shall only be displayed at the entrance to his working
areas. Sub-contractor’s boards shall only be displayed at their respective specific offices or areas.
The Engineer will order the removal of any Contractor’s board which falls into a state of disrepair
or illegibility.

The main name boards shall be erected at the entrances to the Site as directed by the Engineer.
The total number or size of other name boards or signs shall be as per direction of the Engineer
and at an average size of 1m² mounted at 2m above ground level.


The Contractor shall commence operating the services as soon as practicable after the instruction
to commence the Works and shall cease operating the services on issue of the Taking-over
Certificate for the Works or at such other date as may be agreed between the Engineer and the

The extent of the services shall be such that as to meet adequately the requirements of the Works
and the Site and such other work as may be carried out by or for the Employer on the Site. The
services are to be provided for the benefit of all organizations working at the Site including the
Employer, the Engineer, the Contractor, Subcontractors, concessionaires and other contractors
employed by the Employer and for all persons authorized to work on, reside at, or visit the Site.

The Contractor shall provide at his own expense all professional, administrative, supervisory and
technical staff and all labor, communications, chemicals, test equipment, transport, plant,
equipment, materials, furniture, tools, instruments, fuel spare parts and the like required for the
proper and efficient operation of the services.

9.1 Water Quality Analysis

The physical and chemical water components of the Gabral River obtained from water quality
analysis were as shown on Bid Drawing Nos. 141-005, 141-006 and 141-007 in Part 3 (b) Section

9.2 Laboratory Test Results On Concrete Materials

(1) Coarse and Fine Materials

The laboratory test results on coarse and fine materials are shown in table over.

While the samples for coarse materials were taken at -------, those for fine materials were taken at
------- and ----------. The sampling locations are shown in the Drawings. However, the choice of
material source is at the discretion of the Contractor. The Contractor should propose the suitable
material to be used for the Works with test results.


Size TMP-01 TMP-01 TMP-01 TMP-01

(mm) Coarse Aggregate Size

2.95 2.97 2.99 0.35 0.17 0.23 6 9 6 6 12 13 - - - - - - -

2.95 2.98 2.99 0.33 0.21 0.27 5 1 11 3 9 9 - - - - - - -

2.95 2.97 2.98 0.33 0.53 0.53 7 1 12 3 5 6 - - - - - - -

(Inches) Sieve Size

- - - - - - - - - - - - 0.35 0.01 - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - 0.08 0.05 15 - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - 0.10 0.10 - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - 0.40 0.06 - - - -

Maira Sand (Natural)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Manufactured Sand (Kaigah)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Natural Pozzolans

The physical and chemical test results on natural pozzolans conducted in the laboratory are
summarized in table over. The sampling locations are shown in the Drawings. However, the
choice of material source is at the discretion of the Contractor. The Contractor should propose the
suitable material to be used for the Works with test results.

9.3 Sanitation And Cleaning

The Contractor shall ensure that the Site and all facilities for which he is responsible in terms of
the Contract are maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. The sanitation services
shall comply with the regulations of the health authorities concerned. They shall also be located
conveniently to all points where work is in progress. The services shall include but not be limited

9.3.1 Refuse Collection and Disposal

Metal dust bins or equivalent plastic refuse bins with lids shall be provided by the Contractor for all
buildings and refuse shall be collected and removed from all facilities on the Site at least twice per
week. Refuse from food preparation and eating areas shall be collected and removed daily.
Refuse shall be transported to the refuse dumps in covered contained or covered trucks.
Refuse dumps shall be established by the Contractor at locations designated by the Engineer
based on solid waste management plan to be submitted by the Contractor. In case of the burning
is approved, the ashes and all unburned material shall be deposited in layers not more than 1m
thick in trenches and each layer shall be covered with a layer of soil not less than 250mm thick. It
is noted that always medical waste must be incinerated. The refuse shall not be left uncovered for
more than twenty-four (24) hours and shall eventually be covered with a further 500mm thickness
of soil to the final ground level. The refuse sites shall be fenced by the Contractor as agreed with
the Engineer in order that windblown refuse is contained within the refuse site.

9.3.2 Cleaning of Site Area

Cleaning of facilities/working area and of drains shall be carried out sufficiently frequently to
maintain the Site in a neat and tidy condition especially before rainy seasons, in addition to any
other requirements of the Contract.

9.3.3 Pest and Vermin Control

The Contractor shall propose and execute a programme agreed to with the Engineer to control the
incidence of noxious pests and vermin on the Site. Use of residual pesticides will not be accepted.

9.4 Fire Control Service

The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions against outbreaks of fire and ensure that a
nucleus of persons trained in the use of firefighting equipment is available in each section of work
on each shift.

The Contractor shall provide and maintain at the Site fire extinguishers and a fire fighting service
including a motor driven vehicle equipped with a water tank, portable pumps, suction and delivery
hoses with suitable couplings together with other equipment, appliances, tools etc. and shall staff
and administer this service to the approval of the Engineer. Such firefighting service shall be
available on a 24h/day basis and the Contractor shall install and maintain a proper warning system
to ensure that the firefighting teams and equipment can be concentrated on any fire in the shortest
possible time.

The firefighting service shall be supervised by a competent person and shall have at least five (5)
trained members on a voluntary or part-time basis.
The Contractor shall publish rules and regulations governing the call out and use of the firefighting
service and notices shall be prominently displayed giving instructions as to how the firefighting
service can be summoned. The warning and call-out system shall be incorporated in the
Contractor’s emergency evacuation procedures required in Clause 14.2 below.

All plant, equipment, appliances etc. and personnel shall be in a state of readiness and available
at short notice for the firefighting service which shall be tested at least three (3) times per year
under the supervision of the Engineer.

No open fires will be permitted in working areas or elsewhere within the Contractor’s control. Grass
and other vegetation in the vicinity of all buildings shall be cut at regular intervals to reduce fire
hazards. Adequate fire breaks shall be cut and maintained within the Site.

In the event of a fire, the Contractor shall mobilize all nearby personnel, and shall do everything
possible to extinguish the outbreak.

9.5 Security

The Contractor shall institute and operate an effective security system on a 24h/day basis at all
the areas comprising the Site. He shall co-operate with the local Police and comply with the
Engineer’s requirements on all matters relating to Security of the Works and persons entering the
Site. Such a system shall include appropriate identification procedures for all persons, vehicles,
etc., entering and leaving.

The Contractor shall be responsible for providing and maintaining in proper operation the security
system for the duration of the Contract, including personnel, equipment, access control buildings,
guard shelters, turnstiles, barriers, identification systems, administration, CCTV Camera,
management, etc.

With the utmost regard to notifying the people of construction activities and also eliminating
damage to and disturbance of the environment, the Contractor shall construct boundary fences or
walls and deploy watchmen at entrance of each working area and additional deployment, if
necessary, before the work is commenced. The Contractor shall submit the security plan
indicating positions of the boundary fence or wall and watchmen and towers for the Engineer’s

9.6 Weather Station and River Level Recording

9.6.1 Weather Station

The Contractor shall establish a weather station in the Contractor’s main site office yard or as
agreed by the Engineer. The weather station shall be shifted to the Switchyard Compound after
completion of the Main Control Building.

The Contractor shall continually record the following until the final Taking-Over and submit the
records weekly to the Engineer and other contractors:

1. Maximum and minimum daily temperatures

2. Daily Precipitation

3. Relative humidity

4. Average hourly wind speed

For this purpose, the Contractor shall provide and maintain (including initial and subsequent
calibration at least once every six (6) months) standard weather recording instruments as
approved by the Engineer and house them in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction.

9.6.2 River Levels

The Contractor shall establish a staff gauge for river level measurement on the river bank at the
inlet of the river diversion tunnel as soon as practicable after the commencement of the Works.
The exact location shall be agreed with the Engineer. The measuring range of river level shall be
55m (EL.758m to EL.813m). The gauge shall of stainless steel plate (250mm wide and 1.0mm
thick) fixed to the inlet structure or the side wall of approach channel. Scales shall be carved on
the plate and enamel painted. The principal divisions of scale shall be 1.0m interval and further
divided into centimeters. The lettering shall be every 20cm with large clearly legible letters. For
visual measurement, concrete step way shall be constructed along the line of the staff gauge
posts. The gauge zero point shall be set by accurate leveling from a designated benchmark.

The river water level reading shall be conducted by the Contractor daily when river levels are
reasonably constant, but when flood occur levels shall be read at more frequent intervals to obtain
an accurate record of water levels over the flood period. Records of the levels shall be submitted
to the Engineer weekly and indicated in the monthly progress reports. The measurement work
shall be continued until the final Taking Over or earlier date agreed by the Engineer.

9.7 Maintenance Of Site Roads

9.8 Assistance For the Engineer

The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with such assistance as he may require during working
hours at all times including weekends. The survey assistance to check the Contractor’s survey is
set out in Clause 16.7.

When so requested by the Engineer the Contractor shall supply for the use of the Engineer such
equipment and facilities as the Contractor may have available, at Daywork rates or other rates to
be negotiated as necessary. The Contractor shall also supply skilled labor, semi-skilled labor and
unskilled labor, at Daywork rates, when requested by the Engineer.

9.9 Facilities Provided by the Contractor for the Engineer and the Employer

1. Providing field cabins for the Engineer / Employer as specified in Clause 9.2 below,

2. Assistance for the Engineer as specified in Clause 11.6 below.


Details of facilities to be provided and maintained by the Contractor are stated in Clause 10.


10.1 General Responsibilities

10.1.1 Contractor’s Methods and Materials

Unless otherwise confirmed in writing, acceptance of the Bid will not signify acceptance of the
Contractor’s Equipment, proposed methods of construction, Temporary Works or materials, nor
will it in any way relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibilities under the Contract. Further it
will not be accepted as a basis for claiming additional compensation where the proposed methods
of construction or the proposed materials do not comply with the Specifications and/or for reasons
of inadequacy or of non-viability are not capable of fulfilling the Contract in accordance with the
specifications or the Contract Programme.

The Specifications deal with the quality of materials, workmanship, etc. but the actual methods of
construction are not, with some exceptions, generally specified. The construction of the Works will
involve dealing with a number of special engineering problems. The accuracy of the Works, the
high standard of workmanship demanded under the Specifications, the safety of the workmen
employed and the speed of construction will depend on the correct handling of these problems by
the Contractor. Although responsibility for these matters’ rests with the Contractor, it is essential
that there shall be full liaison between him and the Engineer with regard to construction methods
and materials to be employed.

Unless otherwise directed, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for consent full details
concerning the methods, equipment and materials proposed for each section of the work or
installation. These shall be referred to as Method Statements and the details as included in the
Bidder’s Technical Proposal shall be supplemented as necessary and confirmed to the Engineer
not later than fifty-six (56) day before the programmed commencement of work in the area
concerned. Initial activities shall be based on the Bidder’s Technical proposal unless otherwise
agreed in writing by the Engineer.

The Engineer will consent to or comment on the proposals within twenty-one (21) day of receipt.

The Engineer’s consent will not be unreasonably withheld provided the methods, equipment and
materials proposed may be expected to produce an acceptable end result, but any approval,
consent, acceptance, agreement, etc. by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibilities for safety, adherence to the programme, compliance with the Specifications and
Drawing or any other requirements in fulfillment of the Contract.

After operations have been commenced, it is possible that modifications to the construction
methods originally agreed upon will be found desirable and such modifications will be made from
time to time by agreement in writing between the Engineer and the Contractor, and subject to the
Engineer’s approval. The Engineer’s approval on the Contractor’s method statement and/or the
revised method statement during construction stage shall not release the Contractor from his
obligation and responsibilities under the terms and conditions of the Contract.

If, however any equipment, appliances, types or quality of Temporary Works such as scaffolding,
forms, safety provisions, etc., are in the opinion of the Engineer, either unsafe or unsuitable for
accurate and efficient construction, the Engineer will instruct the Contractor to replace or modify
the item or items concerned, whether or not the Contractor is in agreement with such opinion, and
the Contractor shall forthwith make the required alterations without any additional payment and

The Contractor shall remedy at his own costs any damages to or defects in any parts of the Works
which are attributed to the Contractor’s construction method, equipment, materials and
workmanship, in accordance with the Contract and the Engineer’s instructions.

It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that all Civil Works including dam, tunnels and
galleries are water tight. The Contractor shall identify the source of any leakage and submit
remediation proposals to the Engineers.

The Contractor shall, so far as may be consistent with the Contract, make the maximum use of
materials, supplies, plant and equipment indigenous to or produced or fabricated in Pakistan and
services available in Pakistan provided such materials, supplies, plants, equipment and services
shall be of required standard.

10.1.2 Contractor’s Alternative Designs

Where an alternative design is initiated by the Contractor, he shall be responsible for obtaining any
required design criteria from the Engineer as necessary. The procedures for the submission and
approval of such alternative designs shall be pursuant to Clause 13.2 of the General Conditions of

10.2 Required Rates of Progress

Due consideration shall be given to the rates of progress for the major construction activities. The
Contractor shall ensure that the following average monthly rates of progress are attained during

- Open excavation ------- m³

- RCC placement at dam ------

- Tunnel excavation: -------

The calculation of the monthly average shall be made on a four-month rolling cycle to be measured
from the 2nd month after the start of each operation. The Contractor’s detailed programme, to be
submitted pursuant to Clause 8.3 of the General Conditions of Contract, shall take due
consideration of these specified rates of progress.

10.3 Programming Requirements

10.3.1 General

The preparation of up-to-date programmes which are realistic and adequately detailed and upon
which the requirements for the issue of drawings for the Engineer’s approval will be based and
progress monitored is a primary requirement of this Contract. To achieve this, the Contractor shall
employ on his site staff an experienced planner with adequate support staff and systems who will
be responsible for the preparation and updating of programmes and progress reports.
During the erection of Plant and equipment while other operations are still in progress, the
Contractor must programme the work in such a manner that the erection operations can be
executed in safety and without undue obstruction or hindrance.

10.3.2 Programme Considerations

Due consideration shall be taken of interfacing with construction activities relating to Contract No.

10.3.3 Contractor’s Work Execution Programme in Bid

The Contractor shall submit in his bid a programme to define the duration of construction of the
various sections of the Works and shall take into account any non-working days. Such programme
shall be designated the «Contractor’s Work Execution Programme».

Any Engineer’s Programme included in the Drawings is provided for information only and is not
warranted in any way. This programme illustrates one alternative for the programming of the

The Contractor’s Work Execution Programme shall be based on the Contractor’s own
comprehensive plan, programme and resource usage with appropriate development of method
statements for construction of the Works. The Contractor shall ensure that the Contractor’s Work
Execution Programme meets the requirements of the Contract notwithstanding anything that may
be indicated in or inferred from the Engineer’s Programme. The Contractor’s Work Execution
Programme shall be based on network logic relationships between activities. The programme shall
be computerized, using Microsoft Project, Primavera or equivalent conventional construction
planning computer software suitable for use on a PC.

The Bidder’s Work Execution Programme submission shall include as a minimum of:

1. the network drawings,

2. tabular listings of early starts and finishes, late starts and finishes, free and total floats,

3. computer generated bar charts,

4. periods required for work carried out by sub-contractors,

5. information on shutdown periods, vacation day and other non-working time periods, and

6. schedule of equipment and plant and manpower mobilization schedule.

7. procurement schedule on monthly basis with respect to major construction materials such as
cement, reinforcing bars, fuels, etc.

In preparing the Contractor’s Work Execution Program, the Contractor shall allow for at least one
month in each structure for the third party’s work inspection and quality check during which the
construction of such structure may be obliged to halt.

10.3.4 Contract Programme

The detailed programme to be submitted in terms of Clause 8.3 of the Conditions of Contract
within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt of notice to commence the Works under Clause 8.1 of the
Conditions of Contract shall be based on updating and expanding the Contractor’s Work Execution
Programme and shall be designated with the title of «Contract Programme» and revision number
with date.
The submission shall include as a minimum of:

1. the network drawing,

2. tabular listings of early starts and finishes, late starts and finishes, free and total floats,
3. computer generated bar charts,

4. periods required for work carried out bay sub-contractors,

5. information on shutdown periods, vacation day and other non-working time periods, and

6. schedule of equipment and plant and manpower mobilization schedule.

7. procurement schedule on monthly basis with respect to major construction materials such as
cement, reinforcing bars, fuels, etc.

Until such time as the Contract Programme has been deemed by the Engineer, to be in
compliance with the contract, all work shall be executed and monitored against the Contractor’s
Work Execution Programme.

The Contract Programme shall clearly show the interrelationship of all activities in the programme.
In addition, resource statements including labor and equipment types and numbers and planned
outputs shall be submitted to substantiate each activity duration. The Contractor shall also submit
excavation and concrete summation graphs for each section of the Works against which progress
will be monitored.
The Contractor shall provide, to the Engineer, an original version of the software, fully documented
in English and licensed for use by the Engineer.
The format of all outputs and reports from the Contract Programme shall be as agreed with the

During execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall monitor the construction activities relative to
the Contract Programme (or the Contractor’s Work Execution Programme, as applicable) and shall
submit a report detailing the results of the monitor on a monthly basis as a part of the Monthly
Progress Report. All variances from said programmes (as applicable) shall be promptly reported
and the future impact of such variances shall be determined and analyzed by the Contractor, using
network logic, and necessary corrective measures established, subject to the consent of the
Engineer, but it shall not release the Contractor from his obligation and responsibility of the
Contract under the terms and conditions of the Contract.

The Contract Programme shall be revised every 90 days or earlier whenever the previous
programme is inconsistent with the actual progress or with the Contractor’s obligations and should
include updated principal activities of the Works forecast.

10.3.5 Progress Meetings

The Contractor will be required to attend regular site meetings with the Engineer where the
progress of construction will be reviewed. Such meetings will normally be held monthly and may
be attended by representatives of the Employer. The Contractor shall prepare and circulate to all
parties to attend the meeting progress records and explanatory sheets one day before the

The Contractor shall also attend weekly meetings with the Engineer and provide prior to each
meeting as required by the Engineer detailed programmes showing separately the various
activities of the Contractor anticipated over the forthcoming two (2) week period as well as the
progress achieved over the preceding week relative to the programme applicable to that period.
The agenda of each progress meeting shall include the approval of the minutes of the previous
meetings, progress of the works with respect to the schedule and analysis of the difficulties
encountered in the work.

The minutes of the meetings shall be prepared by the Engineer and shall be deemed, after
approval by the other participants, to be written confirmation of the declarations, instructions and
decisions taken during the meeting.

The Contractor will be required to attend regular coordination meetings basically on a monthly
basis, with the Engineer and the other Contractors for coordination of interface activities.

10.3.6 Other Meetings

The Contractor will be required to attend several site meetings or committees with the Engineer
with respect to the following captions:

Traffic Management Committee

Grievance Redress Committee
Occupational Health and Safety Committee
Jirga meetings, etc.
These meetings above will normally be held monthly, or intermittently for some cases, and may be
attended by representatives of the Employer. The Contractor shall prepare and circulate to all
parties to attend the meeting information and data on the topics to be raised one day before the

10.4 Quality Management

10.4.1 System and Procedures

The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the quality and testing of materials, workmanship
and production processes in the Contract.

To this end the Contractor shall institute and operate a Quality Management Plan, which details:

1. quality control procedures

2. personnel responsibilities

3. procurement procedures

4. testing procedures

5. equipment and calibration

6. frequency of testing, calibration, etc.
7. hold points in production for inspection

8. rejection and rectification procedures

9. documentation and communication

in order to satisfy the specifications relevant to each operation pursuant to the Works in terms of
the Contract.
10.4.2 Approval of System

Within twenty-eight (28) days after the Commencement Date and based on the general outline and
any amendments thereto requested prior to acceptance of the Bid, the Contractor shall submit
comprehensive details of the systems as proposed, making use wherever possible of diagrams,
charts, organization charts, etc. in preference to lengthy description, all for the approval of the
Engineer. Such details shall be updated from time to time as appropriate or as directed by the

The Contractor shall commence the operation of the Quality Management Plan without delay and
in accordance with the Engineer’s approval of the general outline and documentation examples as
accepted with the Bid and shall thereafter modify the system, from time to time in accordance with
the further details as approved by the Engineer.

10.4.3 Provision of Materials and Equipment

1. All materials and equipment intended to be incorporated in the Works shall be subject to
approval by the Engineer prior to order by the Contractor.

2. No Plant or part thereof shall be shipped from its point of original manufacture or final shop
assembly to the work site before it has been approved by the Engineer.

3. Proprietary Brands

Where the Specification refers to materials of a particular brand name the Contractor may offer an
equivalent for the Engineer’s approval but the Engineer is under no obligation to accept the
alternative and no claims will be entertained if the alternative is not accepted.

4. Testing of Materials

Unless otherwise stated in the Specifications or accepted by the Engineer, all testing shall be
carried out and interpreted in strict accordance with the methods specified in the relevant ASTM
Standards or other international or national standards specified in the Specifications or
approved by the Engineer.

10.4.4 Mobilization and Demobilization of Major Plant and Equipment

Following Sub-Clause 4.17 in General Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall be responsible
for all his plant and equipment that are to have brought on to the Site for exclusively use for the
Project. When the Contractor submits the detailed construction program which is required to be
submitted within 28 days after the Commencement of Works is issued, the Contractor shall
provide the detailed information of major equipment to demonstrate clearly the capability together
with a list of spare parts to be necessary for the first six months. The detailed information to be
required are, but not limited, as follows:

- Name of manufacturer,

- Model and power rating

- Capacity and year of manufacture

Each and auxiliary items of equipment shall have a nameplate permanently affixed thereto, or as
directed, showing in a legible and durable manner the serial number, name and address of the
manufacturer, rating data, electrical and mechanical characteristics, and other significant
information, as applicable. Nameplate of distributing agents only will not be acceptable.
10.4.5 Competence of Workmen

The competence of personnel required to undertake operations involving particular skills, affecting
the quality of the Works, such as shotcreting, rock bolting, concrete compaction, repairs, grouting,
formwork erection etc. shall be demonstrated to the Engineer by means of tests arranged by the
Contractor. Should the competence of any member of the Contractor’s workforce be in doubt, the
Engineer may order any re-testing he reconsiders necessary at any stage throughout the Contract.
Suitable means of identification of different skills and training levels of workmen by way of badges
or such like shall be instituted.

Workman shall only receive their practical training on those parts of the Works as agreed by the

10.4.6 Inspection

Whenever the regular period for carrying on work is to be changed, the Engineer’s consent shall
be requested and the Engineer shall be given notice in sufficient time, at least twenty-eight (28)
days, to rearrange staffing for proper inspection. The Engineer shall be given notice of any other
proposed changes to normal working times at the weekly progress meetings or as necessary to
cope with emergencies.

The Employer may, if necessary, employ the other independent organization to inspect and check
the Works performed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall cooperate with and enable them to
fulfill their inspection, but any claim of the Contractor in this regard will not be accepted.

10.5 Approval Of Materials and Equipment

10.5.1 Submission of Samples and Data

The Contractor shall furnish all information as to quality, weight, constituent substances,
dimensions, levels, strength and description of the materials, equipment and work, as may be
designated by the Engineer and which the Contractor proposes to incorporate in the Works, and
shall give the Engineer such other particulars as may be required.

Before placing any order for materials for incorporation in the Works, the Contractor shall submit
to the Engineer for information and consent the names of the firms supplying materials giving the
origin, manufacturer’s specification, quality, weight, strength and description. When requested, the
Contractor shall provide such samples of the materials together with the manufacturer’s test
certificates as the Engineer requires. The samples ordered or specified shall be delivered to the
Engineer on the Site, allowing sufficient time for the Engineer to inspect and/or test the samples
before the material is required in the Works. The Engineer may request the Contractor to execute
such tests on the submitted samples without separate cost.

Unless otherwise specified, all proprietary materials shall be used and placed in strict accordance
with the relevant manufacturer’s instructions.

Items submitted shall be properly labeled to indicate the Project Contract number, Contractor's
source of supply, manufacturer Contract Item number, and other data required by the

The results of the tests shall generally indicate:

1. Sample identification numbers.

2. Sample origin.

3. Part of the Works represented by the sample.

4. Sampling date.

5. Description of tests with reference to the relevant standards.

6. Test results.
7. Date of tests.

8. Reference of laboratory undertaking the tests.

9. Conclusion (Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory).

10.5.2 Inspection at the Place of Manufacture

To allow possible inspection of materials and equipment in the course of or on completion of

preparation or manufacture, the Contractor shall give the Engineer written notice of the workshops
and places where the materials and equipment are manufactured or stored and advise him of the
state of progress, so that the inspection may take place at appropriate times and without delaying
the dispatch of materials and equipment to the Site.

The Engineer will make or request the Contractor to make such tests on concrete, concrete
aggregates, embankment materials, filter materials and other materials as he may from time to
time elect, and the Contractor shall provide such samples and assistance in sampling materials at
the site as the Engineer may reasonably require. Testing by the Engineer shall in no way relieve
the Contractor of his responsibility to test materials to ensure that they meet all the specified
requirements and to control their quality.

10.5.3 Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance

In the case of standard labeled stock products of standard manufacture material which have a
record of satisfactory performance in similar work over a period of not less than two (2) years, the
Engineer may accept a statement from such manufacturer attested by the certified laboratory
certifying that the product conforms to the applicable Specifications.

Unless otherwise specified, all proprietary materials shall be used and placed in strict accordance
with the relevant manufacturer’s instructions.

10.5.4 Mill Certificates

In the case of materials for which such practice is usual, the Engineer may accept the
manufacturer's certified mill and laboratory certificate.

10.5.5 Service Record

If a demonstrable satisfactory service record is available for a material, certain specified tests may
be waived by the Engineer.

10.5.6 Testing Laboratory Certificates

The Engineer may accept a certificate from a commercial testing laboratory, satisfactory to him,
certifying that the product has been tested within a period acceptable to the Engineer and that it
conforms to the requirements of the Specifications.
10.5.7 Material Orders

The Contractor shall provide to the Engineer a list of Sub-Contractors and vendors with whom
orders are to be placed for materials or equipment which will be incorporated directly into the work
of the Contract.

Copies of material or equipment orders and list of stock material or equipment shall be provided to
the Engineer. All orders and stock lists shall state the Standard Specification under which the
material is to be furnished, pertinent drawing and part numbers if any, and the required delivery
date, and shall state that the material is subject to inspection and testing by the Engineer.

10.5.8 Acceptance of Materials

The approval by the Engineer of any material or equipment shall in no way relieve the Contractor
of any of his responsibilities for meeting all of the requirements of the Specifications and shall not
prevent subsequent rejection if such material or equipment is later found to be defective or not
conforming to the Specifications.

10.5.9 Plant and Equipment Parts

A. Assembly marking

All parts, or units of shop assemblies, shall be marked, or tagged with piece marks. Marks shall be
in accordance with approved erection drawings, shall be clearly legible and so placed as to be
readily visible when the part is being erected in the field. Before dismantling for shipment,
connecting parts assembled in the shop shall be matchmarked to facilitate erection in the field and
marked so as to identify each part with the assembly to which it belongs. The location of the
matchmarks shall be clearly indicated on erection drawings. All parts or assembly of parts shall
also be so marked as to identify them with this Contract.

B. Shop cleaning and painting

After shop assembly and inspection all parts of the Plant shall be cleaned and painted in
accordance with the Specifications.

C. Nameplates

1. Each major and auxiliary items of equipment shall have a nameplate permanently affixed
thereto, or as directed, showing in a legible and durable manner the serial number, name and
address of the manufacturer, rating data, electrical and mechanical characteristics, and other
significant information, as applicable. Nameplate of distributing agents only will not be acceptable.

2. All nameplates shall be in the English language.

3. Nameplates for Plant Identification and record purposes shall be manufactured from stainless
steel with satin finish and engraved with black lettering of a size, which is legible from the working

4. Warning plate shall be manufactured from stainless steel with satin finish and engraved with
red lettering and sited in a position, which affords maximum personnel safety.
10.6 Contractor’s Returns

Records and returns shall be reported to the Engineer in a format acceptable to the Engineer.

10.6.1 Daily Report

The Contractor shall keep accurate records of construction resources such as manpower,
equipment and materials and shall submit them as Daily Report to the Engineer every morning
before 9:00. The records shall include the working status of equipment, number of workers
involved, consumed quantities of materials etc. related to the activities in a previous day within 1 or
2 pages for each site.

10.6.2 Weekly Report

The Contractor shall keep accurate records detailing work carried out for the Works and shall
submit them as Weekly Report to the Engineer prior to the weekly progress meeting as required
by the Engineer, or at such other times as the Engineer may require. The records shall include the
following for each section of the Works separately in sufficiently detail to establish the man-hours
and equipment-hours expended:

1. extent of work done,

2. the number of each category of workmen and supervising staff,

3. the numbers and types of Contractor’s Equipment used,

4. the duration and cause of any significant delays due to breakdown of any Contractor’s


5. any other events relevant to progress of the Works.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Engineer may employ members of his own staff to record some
or all of the above data in addition to the Contractor’s records. The Contractor shall also provide
such further information as may be requested by the Engineer.

10.6.3 Monthly Progress Report

The Contractor shall submit Monthly Progress Report at the beginning of each following month
presenting the records and issues with respect to each month in question. The contents of the
Report shall include, but not limited to the following items and details:

1. Record of major events in the execution of the Works including Temporary Works, together
with progress quantities of major work items, quality control records, work programme monitor
records and monthly construction progress photographs.

2. The Contractor’s latest organization and change from previous month, if any.

3. Schedule of current number of all staff on Site for each category showing increase and
decrease from the previous month.

4. List of equipment currently owned on Site showing increase and decrease from the previous

5. Principal materials consumed, ordered and being stocked on Site.

6. Plant operation records.

7. Delivery or removal plan of equipment during the following month.

8. Record of accident(s) with number and descriptions.

9. Daily records of weather and river water level

The reporting forms of each item shall be subject to the prior approval of the Engineer.

10.6.4 Daywork and Similar Records

In accordance with Clause 13.6 of the Conditions of Contract records shall be kept daily of labor,
materials and equipment where there is an agreement to pay by dayworks. Such records shall be
valid only when signed by the Contractor and the Engineer.

In cases where there is any dispute or uncertainly on payment procedure, sheets of work records
shall be prepared by the Contractor and signed daily by both the Contractor and the Engineer as
an agreed record of work done provided that such records shall not imply any commitment
concerning payment. These sheets shall be annotated «For record purposes only.

10.6.5 Progress Photographs

Color photographs showing the progress of the Works shall be taken by the Contractor at monthly
intervals including ones taken from some constant views determined by the Engineer or selected
by the Contractor and agreed by the Engineer.

Photographs shot by a digital camera shall not be less than 120mm x 80mm and shall be inscribed
with the location, taking date, identification number and title with a brief description. Four (4) prints
of each photograph will be required to be submitted to the Engineer each month as a part of the
Monthly Progress Report. All negatives or electronic storage in the case of digital photograph shall
be numbered and kept on Site by the Contractor. On completion of the Works, the negatives or
electronic storage devices shall be handed over to the Employer.

Construction scenes and major construction events selected by the Engineer shall be taken and
recorded in digital video system by the Contractor. Videos shall be edited and inscribed with a
brief description or title with the location and date by the Contractor, then submitted to the
Engineer at every month in the one set of the digital video recorded in DVD(s) acceptable
to the Employer/Engineer.

All such photographs, negatives, video in DVDs shall be the property of the Employer.


11.1 Standards, Codes and Regulations

11.1.1 Abbreviations

Standard specifications and codes of the following listed authorities wherever cited herein are
referred to by use of the abbreviations shown below. All materials and workmanship shall comply
with requirements of applicable codes:

No. Standards Abbreviation

International Standard Organisation:
1. ISO
1, rue de Varembe, Case Postale 56 CH1211, GENEVE 20 – Suisse

American Society for Testing and Materials:

1916 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103 – USA

American Association of Stage Highway and Transportation Officials:

3. 444 North Capitol Street, mw, WASHINGTON, DC20001 – USA AASHTO

American Concrete Institute:

Box 19150 - Belfrod Station, DETROIT, MI 48219 – USA

5 British Standards Institution: Linford Wood, Milton Keynes, MK 14 6LE – UK BS

6 Bundesanstalt fuer Wasserbau: D-7500 KARLSRUHE, ussmaulstr. 17, Germany BAW

7 Deutsches Institute fuer Normung e.v, D-1000 BERLIN 30, urggrafen Str. 6, Germany DIN

Association Française de Normalisation, Tour Europe - Cedex 7, 2080 PARIS LA


American National Standards Institute, Inc., 10 East 40th Street, NEW YORK, NY
10016 – USA

10 American Petroleum Institute, 1220 East 40th Street, NEW YORK, NY 10016 - USA API

11 American Welding Society, 205 MW 7th Street, MIAMI FLO 33125 - USA AWS

United States Bureau of Reclamation, Engineering and Research Center Code 922,
12 Post Office Box 25007 Denver Federal Center, DENVER, Colorado 80225 - USA USBR

United States Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army, 20 Massachusetts AVE,

13 NW suite 2103, Washington D.C. 20314 – 1000 USCE

The Institution of Civil Engineers, Publication Thomas Telford Ltd., 1 Heron Quay,

15 Eurocode, 2, rue Bréderole, B-1000 BRUXELLES - Belgique EC

16 Japanese Industrial Standards, 4-1-24 Akasaka Minato-Ku Tokyo, Japan 107 JIS

Euro Norm: European Committee for Standardization Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000
17 EN

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017 - USA

National Electrical Manufacturers Association

1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1752, Rosslyn, Virginia 22209 - USA

Japanese Electrotechnical Committee (The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan)

20 Homat Horizon Building 8th floor, 6-2, Goban-gai, Chiyoda-ku ,Tokyo, Japan JEC

Steel Structures Painting Council

40 24th street, 15222-4643, Pittsburgh - USA

International Telecommunication Union

22 ITU-T
Place des Nations, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland

Copies of Specifications, codes or standards of the above organizations may be obtained at the
addresses shown.
In particular for Part B Hydraulic Steel Structures, design and fabrication of structural parts shall
conform to the applicable provisions of the following latest Standards and Specifications:

1. "Technical Standards for Gates and Penstocks" issued by Japan Electric Power Civil
Engineering Association (JEPOC),

2. DIN 19704 -1, -2 and -3, Hydraulic Steel Structures, Criteria for design and calculation, Design
and manufacturing and Electrical equipment

3. DIN 18800 -1 and -7, Structural steelwork, Design and construction and Construction and
certification for welding

4. The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) “Specification for Design, Fabrication and
Erection of Structural Steel for Building”, the AISC “Code of Standard Practice for Steel Building
and Bridges”

The design, fabrication, stress relieving, inspection, and certification of pressure vessels and the
design and fabrication of parts subject to hydrostatic pressure shall, where applicable, comply with
the requirements of the latest issue of:

1. Section VIII of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code.

2. American Society of Civil Engineering “Steel Penstock”

3. Recommendation for the Design, Manufacture and Erection of Steel Penstocks of Welded
Construction for Hydro Electric Installations” issued by European Committee for boiler making and
kindred Steel Structures (Comite European De La Chaudrinnerie Et De La Tolerie C.E.C.T)
The design, fabrication and inspection of the gantry cranes and overhead travelling cranes shall
conform to the applicable provisions of the following latest Standards and Specifications:
1. DIN 15018 Cranes; steel structures; principles of design and construction, DIN 15020;
Lifting Appliances; Principles Relating to Rope Drives; Calculation and Construction

2. European Federation of Materials of Handling (FEM)

11.1.2 Standards to be provided to the Engineer and the Employer

The Contractor shall obtain copies in English of all applicable Standards and Codes of Practice
concerning site works and tests of equipment and provide one (1) copy of each to the Engineer
and one (1) copy of each to the Employer.

11.1.3 Applicable Standards

Except if otherwise specified, where such standards are mentioned, the edition available 28 days
before the submission of the Bid Documents shall apply.
When the Contract Documents contain particular specification or more restrictive specification than
required in Standards and Codes listed above, the Contract Documents will always prevail.
In case of lack of precise requirements in the Specifications and even if no reference to any
standard listed in Clause 13.1.1 above, these standards shall be used as a reference.

11.1.4 Standards other than Those Specified

Where requirements are specified by reference to a standard, it is not the intention to restrict the
requirements solely to that standard. The Contractor may propose to the Engineer an equivalent
standard other than that specified, in which case he shall submit the proposed standard and all
other information required by Clause 12.4 above, and shall submit written proof that his proposed
standard is equivalent in all significant respects to the standard specified. All submissions shall be
made in English language.

If required, the Contractor shall supply a copy of these standards and regulations in English

Where a manufacturer is named in the Specifications, other manufacturers’ products will also be
acceptable, provided that the designated material or workmanship is of equivalent or better.


11.2.1 Tender Drawings

The Tender Drawings referred to in the Specifications are those listed in Part-2 [Works
Requirements] Section VII (c) of a general nature only, but are considered to be sufficient for the
purpose of bidding. Bid Drawings are not to be used for construction or ordering materials.

In general, the structural drawings for the Works are general drawings that will be modified and/or
supplemented by additional details.

In general, the hydro-mechanical and electro-mechanical drawings are layout drawings that will be
developed later and to which considerable detail will be added.

Drawings/documents to be supplied by the Contractor for the Part B: Hydraulic Structures shall be
as specified in Hydraulic Structures Technical Specifications, Chapter ---- General Requirements
for Hydraulic Structures.

11.2.2 Drawings for Construction

“Drawings” referred to in the Specifications shall mean all drawings, calculations and technical
information of a like nature provided by the Engineer on behalf of the Employer to the Contractor
for construction of the Works and all drawings, calculations, samples, patterns, models, operation
and maintenance manuals and other technical information of a like nature submitted by the
Contractor and approved by the Engineer.

After award of the Contract, the Bid Design will be replaced by the drawings issued by the
Engineer for construction, with supplementary specifications as may be necessary. The Engineer’s
drawings for construction will be prepared by applying AutoCAD. One (1) set of A3 size prints of
drawings with signature of the Engineer’s authorized person(s) will be issued to the Contractor
together with an electronic soft copy from time to time in accordance with the drawing issuance
schedule mutually agreed.

The drawings to be issued by the Engineer for construction will include Bid Documents reissued,
Bid Drawings modified and/or supplemented, additional drawings and technical information as
required to develop in greater detail for construction of the Works and shall be referred to
hereinafter as the Drawings.

The Permanent works shall be executed in accordance with such Drawings.

The Drawings to be furnished by the Engineer to the Contractor will be established for cases of
maximum load likely to occur during operation of the Permanent Works, and exceptional situation
which may occur during construction as far as the Engineer has received in due time the
information from the Contractor and has approved the method of works. Nevertheless, the
Contractor shall be responsible for assuring the adequacy of all part of the Works with respect to
loading which might occur during construction and shall supply calculation notes and drawings for
any necessary false-work, support, strengthening as may be required by the Engineer.

Where the Contractor’s Equipment and Temporary Works may have an effect or impose forces on
any part of the Permanent Works, the Contractor shall submit in advance details for the Engineer’s
approval of such items, including the magnitude and direction of such forces, together with any
other special construction requirements.

11.2.3 Schedule for Issuance of Drawings from the Engineer

The Engineer will provide the Contractor with his schedule for issuance to the Contractor of the
Drawings to be issued by the Engineer for construction of the various parts of the Works.

Whenever it becomes necessary for the Contractor to propose revisions to the programme which
may affect the Engineer’s programme of production of Drawings, the Contractor shall give
adequate advance notice in writing of the revisions to allow the Engineer to similarly modify the
drawing programme.

The Engineer may change time to time his drawing programme to suit with the actual progress of
the Work. In such case, the Drawing issuance schedule shall be newly established with the mutual
agreement between the Engineer and the Contractor.

11.2.4 Checking of Drawings

The Contractor shall check all the Drawings furnished by the Employer/Engineer carefully as soon
as practicable after the receipt thereof, and shall promptly advise the Engineer of any errors or
omissions discovered.

11.2.5 Diagrammatic Hydro-mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Drawings

Certain hydro-mechanical and electromechanical drawings are diagrammatic and indicate the
general arrangement of the work. The Contractor shall refer to the structural and other appropriate
detail drawings, for information as the location of all fixtures and equipment.

Where additional information is required, the Contractor shall request this information from the
Engineer in writing.


11.3.1 General

All Drawings to be submitted by the Contractor for the Engineer’s approval shall be in English
language, and all dimensions shall be in Metric system. Unless otherwise accepted by the
Engineer, the Contractor’s drawings shall be prepared using the computer software agreed by the
Engineer. Symbols shall be in accordance with approved Standards. All Drawings submitted for
approval shall conform to ISO paper sizes A1 to A4. Title block and numbering shall be of
approved by the Engineer.

11.3.2 Drawings to be Submitted

Where applicable, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer the following Drawings
for approval:
1. Drawings including design calculation notes, specifications and other information as necessary
of such part of Permanent Works to be designed by the Contractor pursuant to the Technical
Specifications under the heading of “Submittal”,

2. Drawings of construction facilities as required for the fulfillment of the Contract in accordance
with the Specifications,

3. Drawings of Temporary Works for the construction of Permanent Works,

4. Drawings of the performances in the construction of Permanent Works as necessary for

showing the construction methods,

5. Detailed construction working drawings and calculation notes,

6. Fabrication drawings of concrete reinforcement as well as bar bending and cutting list,

7. Shop drawings of all structural steel and associated metal works,

8. Shop drawings of all electrical works and mechanical works with relevant operation and
maintenance manuals,
9. Fabrication and installation drawings of the structural steel works such as roof frames based
on the Engineer’s basic layout drawings, accompanied with structural calculation details,

10.Shop drawings of miscellaneous metal works,

11.Drawings of detailed arrangement and devices details of all instrumentation works.

12.As-built drawings of all Permanent Works constructed, with the final quantity calculations for all
items in the Bill of Quantities,
13.Other drawings necessary for the performance of each part of the Works in accordance with
the Contract.

11.4 Submission And Approval

Submission of the drawings and documents prepared by the Contractor for the Engineer’s
approval and review and approval by the Engineer for those drawings and documents shall be in
accordance with the following procedure:

(i) The Contractor shall initially submit three (3) paper copies of each drawing, calculation note,
material schedule etc. to the Engineer for approval. The drawings and documents shall be
submitted in such sequence as to facilitate the Engineer’s review and shall be complete in regard
to all computation and data. All drawings shall be on ISO paper sizes (A1 to A4).as appropriate
and shall be clearly legible and neat. The drawings shall be provided with a title block in bottom
right corner with sequential number and signature of the Contractor’s representative or his
authorized person. A blank space of 90mm by 60mm shall be provided above the title block for the
Engineer’s approval stamp or comments.

(ii) Within twenty-one (21) days from the receipt of submission, the Engineer will return such
drawings with mark either as “Approved” or as “Request for Modifications”. Resubmission of the
modified drawings (with revision number like “R1”) shall follow the same procedure.

(iii) Four (4) paper copies of the approved drawings (with clear mark “For Works”) shall be
submitted to the Engineer for use by the Employer/Engineer.

(iv) Should the Engineer deem a longer period of time necessary for checking certain drawings,
he shall inform the Contractor to that effect in writing within fourteen (14) days of receiving them.
All materials ordered or work performed prior to approval of the relevant designs or drawings by
the Engineer shall be at the Contractor’s risk. Claims or extension of time for completion will not
be granted on account of late submission of drawings to the Engineer or for delay caused by
drawings not approved by the Engineer and requiring re-submission.

The Contractor shall bring to the attention of the Engineer any variation in the Contract in the
document submitted for approval.

11.5 Ownership Of Drawings and Data

All the drawings, details, bill of materials and any other information or documents furnished by the
Contractor shall become the property of the Employer and shall be non-returnable. The Employer
will have the right to use this property.

11.6 Correspondence With the Engineer

All correspondence shall be dated, numbered and distributed in accordance with a procedure
agreed with the Engineer.

11.7 Information Of the Other Contractor’s Works

The Engineer will supply to the Contractor the updated data and information of the other
contractor’s works which may effect to the Drawings to be prepared by the Contractor as soon as
practicable after such data and information become available. The Contractor shall prepare or
modify the Drawings for construction taking into account such data and information supplied by
the Engineer.


12.1 General

Pursuant to Clauses 4.8 and 6.7 of the Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall take full
responsibility for the prevention of unhealthy or unsafe conditions and practices and for the
promotion of healthy and safe working practices at the Site, as such conditions and practices may
affect his employees and any other persons while present at the Site, and nothing specified herein
will relieve the Contractor of any obligation or responsibility whatsoever in this regard.

The Contractor shall, within fifty-six (56) calendar days after the date of the Letter of Acceptance,
submit to the Engineer for his approval the Health and Safety Management Plan (HSMP). The
HSMP shall be developed with utmost care and vigilance in compliance with the requirements of
relevant laws, rules, regulations and authorities in the Country and Code of Practice stated in Sub-
Clause 14.3 below. The construction work shall not begin until the SSHP has been approved by
the Engineer.

The HSMP shall cover the following aspects:

a) Statement of Contractor's Safety Policy

b) Senior management responsibility for safety

c) Appointment, duties and responsibilities of Site safety staff
d) Policy for identifying Hazards
e) Safety risk assessment and management plan
f) Safety promotion, awareness and training
g) Safety equipment
h) Safety of the Contractor's construction and office equipment
i) Safety of the staff and workers at site
j) Safety of the public and third parties at site
k) Safety procedures for sub-contractors
l) Measures to avoid traffic accident on public roads
m) Disciplinary procedures
n) Accident reporting
o) First aid and emergencies
p) Others
Approved safety helmets shall be worn by all persons at all times whilst on the Works. Suitable
protective clothing, footwear, waterproofs, gloves, safety glasses, ear protectors, etc. appropriate
to the work being undertaken, shall be issued to and worn by all workmen. The Contractor shall
conduct such safety awareness programmes and campaigns as may be necessary, including the
use of prominent and strategically placed posters, audio-visual methods, etc. Training and
dissemination on safe work performance shall be undertaken for the Contractor's employees and
subcontractors periodically, at least once a week.

The Contractor shall maintain and submit to the Engineer such records and make such reports
concerning safety, health and welfare of persons and damage to property as the Engineer may
from time to time prescribe.

The Contractor shall manage the overall safety of working on site. The Contractor shall cooperate
with the Engineer to plan, manage and co-ordinate his work with the work of the Employer’s other
contractors such that hazards and risks are properly controlled minimized and avoided.

In the event of a conflict between two or more Contractors they shall endeavor to reach an
agreement, issues which cannot be agreed shall be determined by the Engineer. The Contractor
shall not be entitled to additional payment as a result of such determination.

12.2 Health And Safety Management Plan

Pursuant to Clause 6.7 of the Conditions of Contract the Contractor shall implement a Health and
Safety Management Plan (HSMP) upon getting an approval from the Engineer, which shall remain
in force throughout the duration of the Contract.

For the purpose of implementing the HSMP, the Contractor shall constitute a duly empowered
committee which shall convene monthly under the chairmanship of the Occupational Health and
Safety Officer.

The composition of the committee shall be to the approval of the Engineer, who may, if in his
opinion the committee is not carrying out its duties with due diligence, order that a new committee
be reconstituted.
1. The duties of the Occupational Health and Safety Officer and his deputy including the
proportion of their working time to be spent on health and safety duties.

2. Notification, investigation and recording of accidents.

3. Code of practice to be used to ensure healthy and safe working conditions and the
management of hazardous conditions.
4. The arrangements for the frequency and occasions of routine and special meetings of the
Health and Safety Committee, the keeping of records, rights and access to information and the
right to amend the committee constitution by the committee in agreement with the Engineer.

5. The arrangements for disseminating information, training and supervision to ensure the
codes of practices.

6. Participation in the monthly safety inspection of the Engineer and the Employer.

The Engineer may at any time order that the HSMP be altered completely or in part or may be
added to. The Engineer may also serve on the Contractor a Notice of Contravention of the HSMP.
Such a notice will specify the nature of the contravention, and the time limit for rectification. In the
event of failure to comply with a Notice of Contravention the Engineer may arrange for work to be
done to rectify the cause or order removal or suspension of the offending persons from Site, as
appropriate, at Contractor’s expense. All or part of the work may be suspended until satisfactory
corrective action has been taken and no time extension therefore shall be granted to the
Contractor for any such suspensions.

The Contractor may appeal to the Engineer for modification of the terms of any Notice of
Contravention before expiry of the notice. Upon such appeal the Engineer in his sole discretion
may modify, withdraw or confirm the notice.

This HSMP shall also refer to the emergency evacuation plan at each working area, particularly
on underground works. This evacuation plan must provide for emergency procedures, testing of
emergency procedures, and training and instruction on these procedures. Emergency procedures
shall include the following points:

o An effective response to an emergency

o Evacuation procedures
o Notifying emergency service organizations at the earliest opportunity
o Medical treatment and help
These procedures shall be tested at least three (3) times per year on a random basis in
consultation with the Engineer. The Contractor shall also prevent firearms being brought on to

12.3 Code Of Practice Within the Management Plan

The Code of Practice shall be in accordance with the Contract and shall be based on a recognized
standard and shall be of no less a standard than that of Safety and Health in Building and Civil
Engineering Work of the International Labor Office (Geneva) and the safety practices prescribed
by the International Tunneling Association (ITA).

12.4 Occupational Health and Safety Officer (OHSH)

The Contractor shall appoint one HSO who shall be responsible for ensuring that the Safety
Management is adhered to. The OHSO shall be a graduate with at least a bachelor course of
environmental scientist/engineering and have experiences of more than 15 years in health and
safety works in construction. He or she shall have obtained a vocational qualification issued by
NEBOSH (National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health), IOSH (Institution of
Occupational Safety and Health) or an equivalent institution.

The OHSO shall be available at Site on a 24h/day basis and he or his deputies shall carry out
regular and random checks of all parts of the Site where work is taking place.

Particular attention shall be given by the OHSH to aspects such as, but not limited to, lighting,
handrails and safety nets (especially around all dangerous openings), access stairs and ladders,
toe plates, underground ventilation, blasting procedures, removal of construction rubble, orderly
storing and stacking of construction equipment and materials, proper installation of services and
general cleanliness. In addition, the OHSO shall accompany the Engineer on monthly safety
inspections of the Works and shall take due account of his requirements concerning matters of

12.5 Medical Facilities

12.5.1 General

The Contractor shall provide, maintain and operate the following:

1. A First Aid station at or close to the areas of the Site where most of the work is being carried
out. The First Aid station shall be suitably equipped with medical supplies and staffed during all
Site working periods by competent medical orderlies who shall have direct voice communication
with a medical clinic, and shall be assisted as required by some of the Contractor’s employees
with first aid qualification. The First Aid station shall serve for the other contractors and their sub-
contractors, provided that all expenses for the first aid services will be borne by the relevant other

2. One ambulance or vehicle approved as such by the Government Medical Officer of Health. This
ambulance shall normally be stationed close to the First Aid station.

The Contractor shall designate one or more qualified medical doctors experienced in construction
projects to supervise the first aid facilities, to assist the Health and Safety Officer in implementation
of the Health and Safety Management Plan defined by the Contractor and consented to by the
Engineer, and to operate a medical screening and examination system for prospective employees.
These medical doctors shall attend the Health and Safety Committee defined Clause 14.2.
The qualified medical doctor(s) shall be ready to supply medical and surgical services at short
notice on request.
The Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Engineer and, upon such approval, install a
means of rapidly summoning the doctors to the site of an accident or fire.

12.5.2 Screening of Prospective Employees

The Contractor shall institute and operate a medical screening and examination system for
prospective employees. The screening system shall be established and monitored in consultation
with the Employer, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labor.
12.5.3 First Aid Material Boxes

The Contractor shall provide and maintain in ready condition adequate boxes of first aid materials
together with stretchers at prominently marked locations within 100m of each working site or as
required by the Engineer. The minimum contents of each first aid box shall be:

Wound cleaner (500 ml)

Swabs for cleaning wounds

Cotton wool for padding (250g)
Sterile gauze (1 packet)
1 pair forceps (for splinters)
1 pair scissors (100m)
1 card of 6 safety pins
12 triangular bandages
6 roller bandages (80mm x 5m)
6 roller bandages (100mm x 5m)
1 roll elastic adhesive strip (25mm x 3m)
1 anti-allergenic adhesive strip (25mm)
1 packet adhesive dressing strips
6 large dressings (75mm x 100mm)
6 shell dressings (150mm x 200mm)
2 straight splints

The Contractor shall, through the auspices of the Health and Safety Committee, institute and
operate a basic first aid training programme to ensure that each foreman or work crew leader is
trained in first aid and processes a certificate to that effect issued by the Red Cross, or equivalent
qualification within three (3) months of his appointment.

12.6 Epidemics And Hazardous Substances

In the event of any outbreak if illness of a highly contagious or epidemic nature the Contractor shall
comply with and carry out such regulations, orders and requirements as may be made by the
Government of Pakistan, or the local medical or sanitation authorities for the purpose of dealing
with and overcoming the same.

The Contractor shall identify and keep records of all hazardous equipment, materials, or other
substances and any other health hazards in his undertaking of the Contract. Newly created
hazards or new hazardous equipment, materials or other substances brought on to Site shall be
added to the record. The Contractor shall draft new, or adapt and modify existing codes of practice
appropriate to the said hazards.

The Engineer shall be granted access to such records at all times.

The Contractor shall conduct and document at least weekly inspections of the storage areas for
equipment, transport vehicles and hazardous materials and substances, especially for spillages
and leaks. The Contractor shall take adequate precautions and make adequate provisions, to the
satisfaction of the Engineer, to prevent such spillages of toxic materials and substances from
entering natural stream or areas outside the Site.

12.7 Rescue Teams

The Contractor shall make available, train and equip sufficient suitable experienced workmen to
staff on rescue team for each shift of the underground works. At an early stage of the work, the
Contractor shall undertake the organization, equipping and training of rescue teams. These teams
shall be trained in underground rescue work and general first aid work and shall be kept to full
strength and in an efficient state of training.

The Contractor shall make suitable arrangements to the approval of the Engineer, to ensure
prompt intervention by the designated team in case of emergency. The Contractor shall provide
and keep in good working order sufficient air testing, breathing, and other necessary apparatus
and basic medical equipment for use during emergency operations, which facilities shall be
available to all personnel on the Site, no matter by whom employed.

12.8 Lighting And Power Leakage

All power and lighting circuits are to be fitted with earth leakage system. Such systems shall be
tested monthly and any circuit where the earth leakage system is malfunctioning shall be repaired
immediately or removed and replaced with a satisfactory unit.

12.9 Transport Of Workers

The Contractor shall be responsible for, and make provision for the safe vehicular transport of all
staff and workers between their residences and their work areas, and vice versa. Transportation
of workers shall be by passenger vehicles such as buses, vans or others approved by the
Engineer. Overloading of passengers on the vehicles shall be prevented. Transportation of
workers by trucks with no fixed seats and hard roof is prohibited.

Pedestrian access on road surfaces shall not be permitted and suitable sidewalks shall be
constructed and clearly demarcated.

12.10 Safety Of Public

Where the Public could be exposed to danger by any of the Site activities, the Contractor shall as
appropriately provide suitable flagmen, barriers and/or warning signs in English and Urdu all to the
approval of the Engineer.

Cost of such provisions shall be included in the rates provided in the Bill of Quantities.

12.11 Storage And Use of Explosives

The Contractor shall comply with all laws and security regulations in force from time to time
relating to the importation, movement, storage and use of explosives including the provision of
magazines at locations approved by the appropriate authorities. The magazines shall conform in
all respects to all laws in force regarding the erection, maintenance and guarding of magazines.
The Contractor shall obtain all necessary licenses as may be required for the importation,
movement, storage and use of explosives and do all things necessary to ensure compliance with
the laws in force relating to dangerous goods.

Blasting will be permitted only when proper precautions are taken for the protection of persons,
the work, and property.

Explosives shall be stored, transported, handled and used in accordance with the best practice as
approved by the Engineer and in accordance with the provision of the law. The Contractor shall
comply with all special rules and regulation that may be made by the authorities having jurisdiction,
and the requirements of the Engineer regarding construction and storage in magazines,
precautions on blasting and the like. The Contractor will indemnify the Employer against all claims
for damage caused by blasting.

Explosives and detonators shall not be transported in the same vehicle.

Explosives shall be stored in suitable magazines in approved location. Detonators shall be kept in
a separate magazine. The magazine shall be plainly marked with large letters EXPLOSIVES-
DANGEROUS in English, Urdu and any other relevant languages, and shall be locked and
guarded at all times. Keys to unlock the magazines shall be kept only by magazine keepers. Each
magazine shall have around it a cleared area suitably barricaded with a security fence.

Each magazine keeper shall be competent, trustworthy, and familiar with the handling,
transportation, care, and storage of explosive and detonators, and shall be responsible for
maintaining the cleared area around the magazine. No magazine keeper shall be allowed to work
more than ten hours in any twenty-four-hour period and shall not be required or allowed to perform
any other duty that will interfere with his duties as a magazine keeper.

12.12 Warning Of Blasting

The Contractor shall install and operate a siren of sufficient volume to be easily heard above the
general site noise from all points within a radius of 1 km of surface blasts.

The Contractor shall present to the Employer, the Engineer, the surrounding villages, police station
nearest to the Site a weekly schedule of his blasting operations in a written form. When the
schedule will be changed, he shall inform the modified schedule to the same not later than twenty-
four (24) hours before the first ignition of the day.

The Contractor shall submit details of his blasting procedures to the Engineer for consent and shall
ensure that such procedures are adhered to at all the time in accordance with Chapter 0220.

12.13 Lightning

The Contractor shall take precautions against lightning with regard to earthing of metalwork and
conductors on the Site. Use shall be made of lightning warning equipment if electrically sensitive
detonators are used for blasting.

12.14 Instream Harzards

During the instream works such as diversion, coffering and dam construction, the Contractor shall
provide personnel floatation devices to employees when working on or around water where a
drowning hazard exists.
The Contractor devise an evacuation plan including installation of warning signals and emergency
exists to safely evacuation employees and equipment from the working area against a risk by
inclement weather and/or elevated river levels.


13.1 General

Needless disfigurement of the natural beauty and amenities of the area as well as needless
adverse effect on the environment during construction must be avoided and special care shall be
taken by the Contractor to prevent permanent damage. The Contractor shall take adequate steps,
which may comprise lectures and audio-visual presentations, to educate all members of his
workforce on the environmental laws and protection requirements of Pakistan and aimed at
encouraging environmental conservation. The Contractor shall supplement these steps by
prominently displayed notices and signs in strategic locations to remind personnel of
environmental concerns.

The Contractor shall conduct all operation in accordance with his measures and procedures and
Contract Conditions and with the utmost regard to eliminating damage to and disturbance of the
environment. To this end, the Contractor shall construct all necessary control measures including
boundary fences in each area before commencement of the Work. The positions of the boundary
fencing are subject to the Engineer’s approval.

Temporary pipelines, power lines, telephone lines and other temporary services shall be located
in a manner which will cause the least disturbance and disfigurement to the environment. Power
lines shall be suspended below insulators and be of such design as to prevent the electrocution of
birds to the greatest extent possible. The route of such temporary pipelines, power lines and
telephone lines are subject to the Engineer’s approval.

All rivers and stream shall be protected from direct or indirect spills of pollutants such as garbage,
sewage, cement, oils, fuel, chemicals, aggregate tailings, wash and waste water or organic
material resulting from the Contractor’s activities. In the event of a spill prompt action shall be
taken to clear polluted or affected areas.

The Contractor shall construct and operate the necessary collection facilities such as diversion
mounds, ditches, drains, dams, oil separation sumps, sedimentation ponds etc. to prevent such
contamination and to settle out suspended matter and shall dispose of collected materials as
approved by the Engineer.

Failure by any employee of the Contractor to comply with the instructions regarding environmental
protection shall be sufficient cause for the Engineer to order the removal of the offending person
from the Site, in terms of the Contract.

The quality of waste water and effluent discharged back to any water course shall comply with the
requirements of Sub-Clause 17.3 below.

The Contractor shall be responsible for any compensation due or reinstatement in respect of any
damage caused by the Contractor to areas outside the Site and no separate payment will be made
in this regard.
13.2 Environmental Codes Of Practice

The objective of the Environmental Codes of Practice (ECPs) is to address all potential and
general construction related impacts (including the above) during implementation of the Gabral-
Kalam Hydropower Project (the Project or GKHPP). The ECPs provide guidelines for best
operating practices and environmental management guidelines to be followed by the Contractor
including his subcontractors for sustainable management of all environmental issues.

The list of ECPs prepared for the DHP is given below:

ECP 1: Waste Management

ECP 2: Fuels and Hazardous Goods Management
ECP 3: Water Resources Management
ECP 4: Drainage Management
ECP 5: Soil Quality Management
ECP 6: Erosion and Sediment Control
ECP 7: Top Soil Management
ECP 8: Topography and Landscaping
ECP 9: Borrow Areas Development & Operation
ECP 10: Air Quality Management
ECP 11: Noise and Vibration Management
ECP 12: Protection of Flora
ECP 13: Protection of Fauna
ECP 14: Protection of Fisheries
ECP 15: Road Transport and Road Traffic Management
ECP 16: Construction Camp Management
ECP 17: Cultural and Religious Issues
ECP 18: Workers Health and Safety
ECP 19: Tunneling and Underground Construction Works
ECP 20: Instream Construction Works

These ECPs are included in Chapter 0120 “Environmental Codes of Practice” of the Specifications.

The ECPs shall be used as monitoring tool for compliance. It is mandatory for the Contractor to
include these ECPs in their subcontracts. Violation of the compliance requirements shall be treated
as non-compliance leading to the corrections or otherwise imposing penalty on the Contractor. The
Contractor and his subcontractors are requested to refer the Environmental Management Plan
given in the EIA report of the Project for further information on corrective actions, performance
indicators, monitoring and auditing protocols. The reports are available on the World Bank website
13.3 Social Safeguard Issue

A. Employment

(i) The Contractor is encouraged, to the extent practicable and reasonable, to employ staff and
labor with the required qualification and experience from sources within Pakistan particularly in the
vicinity of the Site and the areas affected by the Works. The Contractor (or agent) will give
preference for employment to local workers, particularly those affected by the project, and willing
to work in the project construction work.

(ii) Contractor cannot discriminate with regard to wages between local and non-locals, and
between men and women for the same work performed.

(iii) The Contractor shall keep accurate record of employed labor including the category, names,
ages, gender, hours worked and wages paid. The records shall be summarized monthly basis on
an approved sheet issued by the competent authority and, shall be available for review and
inspection by the EA, external reviewers, and panel of experts.

(iv) The Contractor shall not employ any child labor to work in the project site

(v) Local college/university graduates would be hired to work in office setting – for example, in
secretarial and support staff positions, and where required will be trained on the job by the

(vi) In fulfilling his obligations to make the maximum use of local technicians and skilled and
unskilled labor and Pakistani sub-contractors pursuant to this Sub-Clause 6.1 of the Conditions of
Contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer within 56 days from the issue of
Commencement Date his proposal for local labor and Pakistani Subcontractors together with
details of the work upon which they will be employed having special regard to such technicians
and skilled and unskilled labor as available in the vicinity of the Site. Similar proposals and details
shall be submitted from time to time in relation to any change in the Contractor’s programme.

(vii) Unskilled labor shall preferably be employed from the towns/villages affected by the Works.

Basically no import of common or unskilled labor will be allowed except with the written
authorization by the Employer, and concerned departments of Government of Pakistan.

(viii) The Contractor shall assign an officer who attends the project-level grievance redress
meeting chaired by PEDO to remove some misunderstandings and to find a possible resolution
on social issues triggered by the Contractor’s performance.

B. Codes of Conduct

Keeping in view the local customs, traditions and considerations, a set of “rules” have been
identified through stakeholders’ meetings that provide guidelines for “code of conduct” for the
workers - both local and outsiders. These codes of conduct must be respected by the workers,
conductors, PEDO staff and consultants engaged for Project construction (see the table below).
The 18-point codes of conduct will be enforced to help facilitate a “positive” environment in the
project area and thus build a “community” of mutual trust and respect for project construction.

The Contractor shall in all dealings with his staff and labor have due regard to all recognized
festivals, days of rest and religious and other customs

Table: Codes of Conduct for Construction Workers and Immigrants

Sr. No Codes of Conduct
1. Local religious beliefs, moral and ethical codes must be respected.

2. Full respect to local norms, customs, and values of the Local populations are legally
recognized as landowners and therefore, must be respected all times.

3. DCO, District Officer (Revenue and Estate), village committee members and affected
community. maleks are the civil authorities recognized by the local District Government and
must be acknowledged and honored as such

4. All workers are strictly forbidden to establish any kind of relationship with local women bring
any un- related women to the project site.

All workers are forbidden to possess or consume alcohol. The use of drugs or medicines
must be prescribed by the physician on site
6. All workers are forbidden to carry guns or any other types of weapons.
7. All workers are forbidden to casually stay or visit any local community or village located
along the route to or from the project while the construction is in development.
8. All workers must not leave the camps or work sites unless a written authorization is issued
by the respective supervisor
9. If a local inhabitant approaches any worker on a construction site or camp, the worker shall
refer him respectfully to the Supervisor at site
10. All workers are forbidden to collect, purchase forestry products from the surrounding area
of the corridor, other camps or work sites
11. The contractors will advise and prohibit the local population and its authorities or
representatives not to enter the project operation areas (camp sites, colonies, etc.) in order
to minimize the potential risk of incidents related to the operations.
12. All workers are forbidden to purchase goods from any indigenous community. If any local
purchase is required, it will only be done through a representative appointed by the
Company or its contractors
13. In the event of any payment being made to a local community for the purchase of any
goods or services by its contractor, such payments shall be fully documented
14. All workers are forbidden to hunt, purchase or possess wild animals; or interfere in one or
the other way in their normal life
15. All workers will be prohibited to fishing or disturb the aquatic flora and fauna.
16. All workers must dispose of or remove adequately all residuals/waste produces at site,
whether temporary or permanent.
17. On their days off, the workers of the project may visit or stay around Kalam
Village/Bazaars by wearing local dresses like salwar and kamiz and a cap on their head.

C. Enforcement

The Contractor shall be responsible to enforce the codes of conduct and build awareness among
their workforce of the local cultural practices and sensitivities. The Contractors will be required to
meet the local leaders through Jirga meetings following mobilization to the sites in order to build
rapport with local community leaders. The Contractor shall: (i) never to be involved in discussion
on issues that are not relevant to the project; (ii) make no promises that cannot be kept; (iii) always
dress covering full bodies; and (iv) never indulge in any sexual contacts with locals.


14.1 Scope

This Clause deals with the requirements for the setting out of the Works and survey control
required for the construction of the Works.

14.2 General

The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the requirements of Clause 4.7 of the Conditions of

The Contractor shall record all calculations and survey results for setting out, check surveying and
surveying for measurement for payment in a suitable permanent form, which shall be available to
the Engineer on request at all times. The Contractor shall supply an electronic file and two hard
copies of any such calculations and survey results to the Engineer on request. All necessary sight
rails, pegs, and other things required for the proper alignment of the Works shall be erected by the
Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall, at his own expense, make all templates where necessary for the proper
setting out of the Works and support of items to be built in.

The Contractor shall have available on Site at all times a sufficient number of properly maintained
levels, theodolites, laser equipment, accurate steel tapes, electronic distance and angle measuring
instruments e.g. total stations, ranging rods, leveling stakes, and other instruments and appliances
as may be necessary for the correct setting out of the Works and control of the construction.

14.3 Survey Control Stations

14.3.1 Main Stations

Permanent survey control stations will be provided by the Employer adjacent to the Works
together with a permanent level bench mark as shown in the Drawings.

Once the Site had been handed over to the Contractor, he shall take responsibility for the
safeguarding of all stations and bench marks which will be used to set out and construct the
Works. If at any time during the Works the Engineer suspects that one of the principals setting out
stations or bench marks previously established by the Employer has been disturbed, the
Contractor shall have the station surveyed or bench mark re-leveled. Any setting out which was
done after the station and/or bench mark was disturbed shall then be rechecked and corrected, if
necessary, at the Contractor’s expense including any remedial work required for the Works.

Where a station or bench mark is likely to be disturbed during construction operations, the
Contractor shall establish suitable reference stations or bench marks at locations where they will
not be disturbed during construction.
No station or benchmark shall be covered, disturbed or destroyed before accurate reference
stations or benchmarks have been established and details of the position and levels of such
stations or benchmarks have been submitted to the Engineer and approved by him.

The Contractor’s reference stations or benchmarks shall be of at least the same quality and
durability as that of the existing stations and benchmarks.

All permanent stations provided by the Employer shall be handed over to the Employer at the time
of completion of the Works.

14.3.2 Internal Consistency of Stations

Before commencing construction of any part of the Permanent Works, the Contractor shall check
jointly with the Engineer that all stations provided by the Employer in accordance with Clause
16.3.1 above are internally consistent throughout the Site and are sufficiently accurately placed for
the construction of the structures to the required tolerances. The Contractor shall either notify the
Engineer in writing of any discrepancies found or confirm in writing his acceptance of the said

14.3.3 Subsidiary Stations and Benchmarks

The Contractor shall establish and protect all subsidiary stations and benchmarks required for
accurate setting out and level control during construction of the Works. Pegs placed by the
Engineer which may be disturbed during construction shall be referenced by the Contractor by
surveying and placing other pegs nearly in safe positions and all such pegs shall be carefully
protected to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

14.4 Preservation And Replacement of Stations and Benchmarks

The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of any survey stations, survey bench marks and
boundary stations encountered. If such stations or bench marks are disturbed or destroyed by the
Contractor, they shall be replaced at the Contractor’s cost within three months by a Qualified &
Experienced Land Surveyor.

In case where displacement of or damage to such stations or bench marks is unavoidable, the
Contractor shall notify the Engineer in good time so that he may arrange to have such stations or
bench marks suitably referenced and later on reinstated. The Contractor shall, when applicable,
reinstate such displaced stations or benchmarks by a Qualified and Experienced Land Surveyor in
due course after situations allow such reinstatement at his own cost.

14.5 Survey Of Ground Profiles

14.5.1 Original Ground Profiles

The Contractor shall inform the Engineer in writing, at least fourteen (14) day before commencing
such work, of his intention to perform any work which will result in a change to the topography of
the existing Site whether such work be for the Permanent Works to be constructed on the Site or
for Temporary Works which the Contractor intends to execute for his own convenience.
Thereupon, before commencing any work, the Contractor shall survey jointly with the Engineer
the original topography to the approval of the Engineer over the entire area to be occupied or
The information so obtained shall be recorded by the Contractor in a Drawing or Drawings which
shall each be signed by both the Contractor and the Engineer. The Contractor shall then provide
the Engineer with a reproducible copy of each Drawing to serve as a permanent record for the
purpose of determining both the quantities of excavation and earthworks carried out in the
construction of the Permanent Works, and the extent to which the Temporary Works shall be
removed or temporary excavation shall be refilled upon completion of the Works.

The Contractor shall give to the Employer and the Engineer CD(s) containing the result of mutual
survey result of original ground lines soon after the completion of the joint survey of the same.

14.5.2 Excavated and Final Ground Profiles

The Contractor shall survey jointly with the Engineer all excavated and final surfaces as required
by the Engineer for the purpose of recording as-constructed details and for the measurement of

1. on completion of the common excavation above the top of the rock surface and prior to
commencement of weathered rock or rock excavation works.

2. on completion of the rock excavation or the excavation stage and prior to commencement of
placing backfill, concrete or other work, and

3. on completion of placing backfill, concrete or other work.

The information shall be agreed and recorded in the same procedure as set out in Clause 16.5.1
Whenever the excavation work reached the final excavation lines or levels of the Permanent
Works shown in the Drawings, the Contractor shall inform to the Engineer the details of the
geological conditions of the excavated surface within twenty (24) hours of the event in a written

The Contractor shall give to the Employer and the Engineer CD(s) containing the result of mutual
survey result of the excavated lines and final ground profiles soon after completion of the joint

14.6 Setting Out of The Works

The Contractor shall perform all setting out and check surveying of the Works in accordance with
methods approved by the Engineer before work commences. The methods and programme of
checking shall be such as to ensure the construction of every part of the Works to the correct line
and level, subject to the tolerances specified. The Engineer may at any time request the
Contractor to submit proof that the setting out has been satisfactorily checked.

The number of points required for setting out as well as the spacing between these points shall be
determined by the Contractor together with the Engineer in accordance with the type of the work.

In addition to any coordinated points and datum levels that the Contractor establishes for his own
use, the Engineer may require the Contractor that certain or all of the given points and datum
levels be clearly marked during construction. Where this is not possible for any reason, the
Contractor shall inform the Engineer in writing and an alternative position will be agreed with the
Engineer and confirmed in writing.

The Contractor shall not amend the approved method of survey control without the approval of the
14.7 Setting Out Checks

The Engineer and/or the Employer will do regular check surveys independently or jointly with the
Contractor during the course of the construction and the Contractor shall cooperate with and
provide assistance as required by the Engineer.

The Contractor is expected to liaise with the Engineer to programme the check survey to be
carried out during non-production periods or in parallel such that the minimum delay or
inconvenience is caused to production works, wherever and whenever possible. The Contractor
shall afford the Engineer every cooperation and assistance in this regard including but not limited
to the provision of survey assistants, drainage, lighting and ventilation and the removal or placing
of Contractor’s equipment and other obstructions such that they do not interfere with the setting
out checks.

14.8 Lines And Levels of Reference For Erection Of Equipment By Others

At the beginning of erection of equipment supplied and erected by others, complementary

reference points shall be placed by the Contractor. Positions of lines and levels shall be defined
by mutual agreement of all parties. In case of disagreement the Engineer shall decide.

The Engineer will draw up a report to confirm completion of these operations in the field.

14.9 Survey Assistance and Helpers

Whenever requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide, at his cost, survey assistance
and helpers for the Engineer and/or the Employer to check the Contractors surveys.


15.1 General

Except as otherwise specified in Chapter ---- “Dewatering and Care of Water” and -----“River
Diversion”, the Contractor shall bear all risks from water, whether from the main river, a local water
course, an underground spring or any other source or cause.

The Contractor shall properly deal with and dispose of all water to ensure the Works are kept
sufficiently dry at all times for their proper execution. For this purpose, he shall construct such
Temporary Works as may be necessary to divert streams, rivers, sub-surface water and flood
waters to minimize damage, inconvenience or interference. He shall also provide, operate and
maintain in sufficient quantity such pumping equipment, well points, pipes and other equipment as
may be necessary. He shall also provide any sumps, furrows, cofferdams, and other temporary
works as may be necessary to minimize damage, erosion, inconvenience or interference.

Such operations shall continue for the duration of the Contract and shall at all times be subject to
the agreement of the Engineer with regard to sufficiency of measures taken and environmental

15.2 Surface Works

15.2.1 Surface Excavations

The Contractor shall take all necessary steps to ensure that water entering any surface excavation
does not endanger the stability of the surface excavation at any time. Fill and cut slopes shall be
promptly repaired whenever damaged by surface water.

The Contractor shall ensure at his expense that no concentrations or accumulations of water occur
either within or around or above the area of any open excavation which may affect the safety of
the excavation.

If permanent slopes on which permanent or temporary protections are designated in the Drawings
or instructed by the Engineer and the Contractor fails to provide such protection before the first
rainy season after excavation of the slopes, any damage to the slopes by surface water shall be
rectified and repaired by the Contractor at his own expense.

The Contractor shall maintain excavations such that pounding of rain water is prevented by
suitably sloping surfaces where possible and the construction of channel and sumps. Where
excavations are not self-draining, sufficient pumps shall be installed to keep the water level in such
sump 0.5m below the lowest excavated surfaces for as long as required for construction of the
Works. Standby pumps and generators shall be readily available in case of breakdowns.

15.2.2 Road Works

Care shall be exercise to keep all completed layers promptly drained, not to dump material on
completed layer work that inhibit surface drainage or form wet spots under and around dumps, and
to protect all parts of the works against erosion by flood and rain.

15.2.3 Borrow Pits and Quarries

Borrow pits and quarries shall be continuously protected against the ingress of surface water and
the Contractor shall construct such temporary banks as may be required to divert surface water,
and as far as possible, shall plan operations in such a way that the borrow pits and quarries are
self-draining. Where this is not possible, borrow pits and quarries shall be dewatered by pumping.
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for keeping borrow and quarry areas dry and for
ensuring that borrow and quarry material is sufficiently dry when required for use.

15.3 Water Discharged from Working Areas

All water discharged from the working areas including underground work areas shall be discharged
into settlement ponds as specified in Clause 17.5 below before release the water into natural
waterways unless clean water is piped separately to waste.

All water discharged from the working areas and living areas into natural waterways from
settlement ponds or treatment facilities shall be chemically tested from source to a distance not
exceeding a radius of 500m from source, at monthly intervals or as otherwise determined by the
Engineer. The results shall be reported to the Engineer promptly. These water quality results shall
comply with Pakistan National Environmental Quality Standards given in the Chapter 0120 with the
following attentions:

the effect of water discharged into waterways shall not raise the stream/river water at a point

500m downstream of the point of discharge by more than 2°C above the temperature of the water
100m upstream of the Works;
The waste water or effluent shall not contain other constituents in concentrations which
are poisonous or injurious to humans, animals, fish or other forms or aquatic life, or which are
deleterious to agricultural use;

Water draining from access roads and Site areas shall be disposed of safely into
natural waterways;

Stabilized drainage structures shall be constructed at the end of drains in order to

dissipate energy and prevent erosion. Drainage flows shall not be allowed to discharge onto
agricultural land, wetlands or community water supplies. Such work shall be undertaken even if
outside the Site area if so directed by the Engineer.

15.4 Water Control During Concreting and Grouting

All water which would flow into an area to be concreted shall be diverted clear of the area. Water
arising within the area to be concreted shall be dealt with and piped clear of the area.

The Contractor shall prevent harmful environmental impact by contaminated water to be

generated during concreting and grouting works at the mixing site as well as the site to be placed.
Release of such contaminated water into the water courses is prohibited due to alkaline toxicity.


The Contractor shall for period as may be agreed by the Employer employ and train in all aspects
of work on the Site including contract management, planning studies in the Contractor’s Site
Office surveys setting out measurement phasing and handling of construction machinery design
of temporary structures and supervision of work such Pakistani engineers not exceeding twelve
(12) at any one time as the Employer may nominate.

The Contractor shall furnish a proposed programme for the training of the Pakistani Trainee
Engineers to the Employer for approval. The Employer will furnish and maintain housing
accommodation for these engineers. The Contractor shall permit these engineers to use the same
facilities including site transportation and amenities the Contractor is providing for his own staff.

The Employer shall direct what sums by way of wages and allowances are to be paid to such
engineers by the Contractor and shall reimburse the Contractor for such sums as are so directed
to be paid and are paid, through the provisional sum contained in the Bill of Quantities. The
Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment in respect of such engineers other than the
reimbursement as aforesaid.


17.1 Principles

17.1.1 Bill of Quantities and Rates

The quantities set out in the Bill of Quantities are estimated quantities. The payment items
comprise the total of all items intended for use in effecting payment for the Works, and no
payment will be made for any item not listed as a payment item or not shown in the Bill of
Quantities (other than authorized varied work in accordance with Clause 13 of the Conditions of
Contract). The Contractor shall allow in his bid rates and prices for such items of work, which in his
opinion, have been omitted. Only the actual quantities of work done or materials supplied will be
measured for payment and for computation of the final Contract Price in accordance with the
Specifications and the Drawings. Quantities may be increased or decreased as provided for in the
Conditions of Contract.

17.1.2 Payment Item Descriptions

The descriptions given for the payment items in the Measurement and Payment clauses in the
various sections of the Specifications, indicate the work to be allowed for in the tendered rates and
prices for such payment items, and are for the guidance of the Contractor and not necessarily
repeat all the details of work and materials required by and described in the Specifications.

The payment item descriptions shall be read in conjunction with the relevant Specifications and
Drawings and the Contractor shall, when bidding, allow for his rates and prices to be inclusive as
specified in Clause 20.1.3 below.

17.1.3 Prices to be Inclusive

The Contractor shall accept the payment provided in the Contract and represented by the rates
and prices bid by him in the Bill of Quantities, as payment in full for executing and completing the
work as specified and detailed in the Preamble to the Bill of Quantities.

Where the Contractor has priced an item as "nil" or "0.00" it will be deemed that no charges are or
will be incurred against such item. In the event of no price having been entered against any item,
the bid rate, price or sum will be taken as "nil" or "0.00".

17.2 Bill Of Quantities In Bill-A

17.2.1 General

The Bill of Quantities, Bill-A, contains items to enable the Contractor to bid for contractual
obligations not covered by measurement of work in other sections of the Bill of Quantities.

For any work under this Chapter for which a payment item is not listed in the Bill of Quantities in
Bill-A, the cost therefore shall be deemed to have been included in various rates and prices in the
Bill of Quantities.

Monthly rates bid in Bill-A for time-related items will be measured for payment once the particular
service has been initiated as instructed by the Engineer, and until the due date (or extended date)
for completion of the Works.

If the Contractor fails to provide all or part of the service required under each item, the Engineer
may withhold certification for payment of all or part of the monthly installment or monthly rate due.

17.2.2 Field Cabins for the Engineer’s and the Employer’s staff

The rate per unit bid for the field cabins (Clause 9.2) shall include the cost of providing the cabins
fully furnished and equipped roads and utility services including power supply constituting the field
cabins and all the costs of setting up the cabins ready to receive the Engineer for use, including
furniture and fittings. The rates bid shall also include the cost of maintaining and servicing for the
whole Contract duration and demobilizing the field cabins.
The cost for operation and maintenance will be treated as time-related items and will be measured
for payment accordingly.

Payment to the Contractor will be made in the following manner:

i. Eighty (80) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the Engineer certifies that the
major parts of each cabin have been acceptably constructed and have become serviceable.

ii. The remaining twenty (20) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the facilities of
each cabin have been removed at the satisfaction of the Engineer.

iii. Payment for maintenance of the cabins shall be made at the unit price per month bid for
each cabin in the Bill of Quantities. Provided that if, in the opinion of the Engineer, proper
maintenance is not being provided then the Engineer may withhold payment until a satisfactory
level of maintenance is provided by the Contractor.

17.2.3 Furnishing and Maintaining Transportation Facilities and Vehicles

The rate bid per Vehicle for Furnishing and Maintaining Transportation Facilities and Vehicles
(Clause 9.3 above) shall include the cost of providing the vehicles in an "on the road" condition,
inclusive of all insurances, licenses, permits and driver. The rates bid shall also include the cost
of maintaining and servicing for the whole Contract duration and handover to the Employer after

The cost for operation and maintenance will be treated as time-related items and will be measured
for payment accordingly.

Payment to the Contractor will be made in the following manner:

i. One hundred (100) per cent of the rate bid per vehicle will be paid when the Engineer
certifies that the vehicle has been handed over to the Employer with an approved driver.

ii. Payment for operation and maintenance of the vehicles shall be made at the unit price per
month bid for each vehicle in the Bill of Quantities. Provided that if, in the opinion of the Engineer,
proper maintenance is not being provided then the Engineer may withhold payment until a
satisfactory level of maintenance is provided by the Contractor.

17.2.4 Survey Equipment for the Engineer

The rate per unit bid for each type of survey equipment (Clause 9.5 above) shall include the cost
of providing the equipment with carrying box, setting-up and guidance for use. The rates bid shall
also include the cost of maintaining and servicing for the whole Contract duration.

The rate bid will become due when the equipment is provided to the Engineer at the Site and is
fully set up by the Contractor.

17.2.5 Contractor’s Accommodations and Relevant Facilities

The lump sums bid for providing the supervisory and labor accommodations including relevant
infrastructures and facilities (Clause 10.2 above) shall include the cost of providing the buildings,
infrastructures and services constituting the accommodations and all the costs of operating and
maintaining the buildings, infrastructures and facilities, and the cost of removing them upon the
completion of Works. The cost for operation and maintenance will be treated as time-related items
and will be measured for payment accordingly.

Payment to the Contractor will be made in the following manner:

i. Eighty (80) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the Engineer certifies that the
major parts of the Contractors facilities have been acceptably constructed and have become

ii. The remaining twenty (20) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the facilities
have been removed at the satisfaction of the Engineer, or after handover to the Employer.

iii. Payment for maintenance of the Contractor's facilities shall be made at the unit price per
month bid in the Bill of Quantities. Provided that if, in the opinion of the Engineer, proper
maintenance is not being provided then the Engineer may withhold payment until a satisfactory
level of maintenance is provided by the Contractor.

17.2.6 Site Laboratory

The lump sum bid for providing the Site laboratory infrastructure (Clause 10.3 above) shall include
the cost of providing the buildings, roads and services constituting the Site laboratory and all the
costs of setting up the laboratory ready to receive the equipment, including special foundations
and concrete cylinder curing facilities, furniture and fittings, ready for occupation. The bid amount
will become due when the laboratory has been substantially completed and become ready for
operation as approved by the Engineer.

The lump sum bid for equipment shall include the costs of the supply of the items, transport to site,
installation, commissioning as required which cover the cost of any additional equipment with
consumable that may be required by the Engineer from time to time during the Contract. The bid
amount will become due when the equipment listed in the Clause 10.3 have been supplied and
installed and become ready for operation as approved by the Engineer.

The monthly bid rate for operation and maintenance shall include supply of potable water,
industrial water, cleaning materials and consumable, disposal of waste, treatment of sewage,
interior and exterior maintenance and cleaning, maintenance and calibration testing of equipment
and staffing, including the assistance and labor required by the Engineer for his testing. Payment
will be made per the month as specified in this Clause after the laboratory becomes ready for
operation and until the laboratory operation is finished as approved by the Engineer.

The lump sum bid for removing the laboratory shall include the cost of removing equipment,
demobilizing the buildings, disposing of rubble, and reinstating the site to original conditions. The
payment for this item will be made when the laboratory has been completely removed and the site
has been reinstated.

17.2.7 Electricity Supply for Other Contractor

Not Used.

17.2.8 Power Supply and Lighting

The costs for construction, installation, operation, maintenance and subsequent removal of the
temporary power supply system(s) and lighting for general purpose shall be included in the lump
sum price stated in the Bill of Quantities. The cost for operation and maintenance will be treated
as time-related items and will be measured for payment accordingly. Payment to the Contractor
will be made in the following manner:

i. Eighty (80) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the Engineer certifies that the
major parts of the electric power supply system(s) have been acceptably constructed and have
become serviceable.
ii. The remaining twenty (20) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the facilities
have been removed at the satisfaction of the Engineer.

iii. Payment for maintenance of the power supply and illumination shall be made at the unit
price per month bid in the Bill of Quantities. Provided that if, in the opinion of the Engineer, proper
maintenance is not being provided then the Engineer may withhold payment until a satisfactory
level of maintenance is provided by the Contractor.

Payment and any expenses for temporary power supply and illumination for construction of the
Works at each work site shall not be made separately. .

17.2.9 Potable and Industrial Water Supply System

The Contractor shall carry out design, installation, commissioning test of water supply system for
portable and industrial purpose of the construction use following the approved drawings. The items
in the Bill of Quantities cover operation and maintenance of the whole water supply system
including its demolition after the completion.

The costs for construction, installation, operation, maintenance and subsequent removal of the
temporary water supply system(s) to the respective locations shall be included in the lump sum
price stated in the Bill of Quantities. The cost for operation and maintenance will be treated as
time-related items and will be measured for payment accordingly. Payment to the Contractor will
be made in the following manner:

i. Eighty (80) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the Engineer certifies that the
major parts of the water supply system(s) have been acceptably constructed and have become

ii. The remaining twenty (20) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the facilities
have been removed at the satisfaction of the Engineer.

iii. Payment for maintenance for the water supply system(s) shall be made at the unit price
per month bid in the Bill of Quantities. Provided that if, in the opinion of the Engineer, proper
maintenance and services of the system are not being provided then the Engineer may withhold
payment until a satisfactory level of maintenance and services are provided by the Contractor.

Payment for water supply system for construction of the Works at each work site shall not be
made separately. Any expenses for water supply facilities for construction of the Works shall be
included in the unit prices for relevant Bill of Quantities.

17.2.10 Telecommunication

The Contractor shall carry out design, installation, commissioning test of the Contractor’s
telecommunication network applied to the Site following the approved drawings. The items in the
Bill of Quantities cover operation and maintenance of the whole telecommunications system
including its demolition after the completion. The cost for operation and maintenance will be
treated as time-related items and will be measured for payment accordingly

Payment to the Contractor will be made in the following manner:

i. Eighty (80) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the Engineer certifies that the
major parts of the telecommunications system(s) have been acceptably constructed and have
become serviceable.
ii. The remaining twenty (20) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the systems
have been removed at the satisfaction of the Engineer.

iii. Payment for maintenance for the telecommunications system(s) shall be made at the unit
price per month bid in the Bill of Quantities. Provided that if, in the opinion of the Engineer, proper
maintenance and services of the system are not being provided then the Engineer may withhold
payment until a satisfactory level of maintenance and services are provided by the Contractor.

17.2.11 Sewerage and Sewage Treatment

The Contractor shall carry out design, installation, commissioning test of the Contractor’s
sewerage system at various working sites following the approved drawings. The items in the Bill of
Quantities cover operation and maintenance of the whole sewerage system including its
demolition after the completion. The cost for operation and maintenance will be treated as time-
related items and will be measured for payment accordingly

Payment to the Contractor will be made in the following manner:

i. Eighty (80) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the Engineer certifies that the
major parts of the sewerage and sewage treatment system(s) have been acceptably constructed
and have become serviceable.

ii. The remaining twenty (20) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the facilities
have been removed at the satisfaction of the Engineer.

iii. Payment for maintenance for the sewerage and sewage treatment system(s) shall be
made at the unit price per month bid in the Bill of Quantities. Provided that if, in the opinion of the
Engineer, proper maintenance and services of the system are not being provided then the
Engineer may withhold payment until a satisfactory level of maintenance and services are
provided by the Contractor.

17.2.12 Name Boards

The Contractor shall install and maintain name boards and direction signs were agreed with
Engineer. Payment to the Contractor will be made in the following manner:

i. Eighty (80) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the Engineer certifies that the
installation of name boards has been acceptably constructed.

ii. The remaining twenty (20) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the name
boards have been removed at the satisfaction of the Engineer.

The Contractor is reminded that these name boards shall be maintained neatly and visibly, and
should be replaced with a new one when damaged.

17.2.13 Fire Control Services

The Contractor shall provide and maintain at the Site fire extinguishers and a firefighting service
as described in Sub-Clause 11.2 of this Chapter 0110.

Payment for fire control service shall be made at the unit price per month bid in the Bill of
Quantities and the first payment will be made when major fire control equipment is ready to be
serviceable. Provided that if, in the opinion of the Engineer, proper maintenance and services of
this service is not being provided then the Engineer may withhold payment until a satisfactory
level of maintenance and services are provided by the Contractor.
17.2.14 Security Fence and Deployment of Watchmen

The Contractor shall provide the security fence comprising each working site and deploy the
watchmen at each entrance on a 24 h/day basis.

The cost for establishment and maintenance of security fence and deployment of watchmen will
be paid on lump sum price bid with the following manner:

i. Eighty (80) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the security plan is approved
and the camp and dam area have been acceptably encompassed by these security fence and
deployment of watchmen,

ii. The remaining twenty (20) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the security
fences have been removed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

17.2.15 Weather Station and River Level Recording

The Contractor shall establish and maintain at the Site a weather station as well as the staff gauge
for river level measurement as described in Sub-Clause 11.4 of this Specification 0110. Payment
for weather station and river level recording shall be made at the unit price per month bid in the Bill
of Quantities and the first payment will be made when the weather station and river level staff
gauge are installed and ready to be measured. Provided that if, in the opinion of the Engineer,
proper maintenance and services of this service is not being provided then the Engineer may
withhold payment until a satisfactory level of maintenance and services are provided by the

17.2.16 Quality Management Plan

Measurement for payment for quality management plan pursuant to Clause 12.4 of this Chapter
0110 shall be made of the times accepted by the Engineer.

Payment for submission of the quality management plan will be made at the Lump Sum rate stated
in the Bill of Quantities after approval of the plan as stated in Clause 12.4.2 of this Chapter 0110.

17.2.17 Contractor’s Returns including Photographs

The Contractor shall prepare and submit various reports, returns and progress documents at the
times accepted by the Engineer following Sub-clause 12.6, including inter-alia,

- Daily reports
- Weekly progress report
- Monthly progress report, including photographs

Payment for recording, programming, preparation, and submission of the programs, schedules,
reports, photographs, and others as specified will be made at the unit rate per month stated in the
Bill of Quantities.

17.2.18 Health and Safety

The requirements in relation to the Contractor's obligations for Health and Safety are stated in the
General Conditions of Contract Clause 6.7 and in Clause 14 of this Chapter 0110, while some
works shall be measured and paid separately as detailed below, the rest are deemed to be
included in the rates and prices for other main items or distributed among all the pay items listed in
the Bill of Quantities.
(1) Assignment of Occupational Health and Safety Officer (OHSO), preparation and execution of
safety management plan

The cost for the provision of a dedicated OHSO shall be paid on man-month basis for the period
when he/she is actually working at the site for the fulfilment of tasks specified in Sub- clause 14.4.
The Contractor shall provide evidence of his attendance at site to be approved by the Engineer.

Pursuant to Clause 6.7 of the Conditions of Contract the Contractor shall prepare and implement
a Health and Safety Management Plan covering establishment of a Health and Safety committee.
Payment for the assignment of OHSO and development, implementation and operation of this
management plan shall be as follows

i. The first monthly payment for assignment of Safety Officer shall be due after the Health
and Safety Management Plan is approved and the said committee is established,

ii. Each payment for maintenance for the Management Plan shall be made at the unit price
per month bid in the Bill of Quantities. Provided that if, in the opinion of the Engineer, the monthly
monitoring report is not submitted and/or proper implementation of the Management is not being
provided then the Engineer may withhold payment until a satisfactory level of implementation is
provided by the Contractor.

(2) Provision and maintaining of first aid station

The first payment will be made when the first aid station is ready to provide the medical service
and subsequent payment for operation and maintenance of the first aid station shall be made at
the unit price per month bid in the Bill of Quantities. This unit price shall include necessary
replenishment of medicines, appliances, etc. to maintain the medical service.

Provided that if, in the opinion of the Engineer, proper maintenance of medical service is not being
provided then the Engineer may withhold payment until a satisfactory level of
implementation is provided by the Contractor.

(3) Provision of safety tools and protective goods for personnel use

The payment will be made when those major safety tools and personnel protective goods are
provided and serviceable:

- Safety tools: road signs and markers such as speed limits, curve mirrors, etc.

- Protective goods: helmet, safety belt, footwear, gloves, ear protector, etc.

i. One hundred (100) per cent of the lump sum amount bid for provision of safety tools,
protective goods and services shall become due when the overall construction program is
approved by the Engineer,

ii. Payment for maintenance and replacement of protective goods, tools and signage shall
be made at the unit price per month bid in the Bill of Quantities. Provided that if, in the opinion of
the Engineer, proper safety management and provision of adequate tools, protective wear and
signage is not being provided then the Engineer may withhold payment until a satisfactory level of
implementation is provided by the Contractor.

17.2.19 Services Provided by the Contractor

The items in the Bill of Quantities allow the Contractor to recover the cost of providing and
maintaining and removing the fire control services (Clause 11.2 above), weather station and river
level gauge (Clause 11.4 above). The items will be treated as time-related items and will be
measured for payment accordingly.

Payment for provision, maintenance and operation of these facilities or services shall be made at
the unit price per month bid in the Bill of Quantities. Provided that if, in the opinion of the Engineer,
proper maintenance and the services are not being provided then the Engineer may withhold
payment until a satisfactory level of maintenance and services are provided by the Contractor.

17.2.20 Assistance for the Engineer

Payment for the assistance for the Engineer (Sub-Clause 11.6 above) will be made on the basis
of the number of people provided by the Contractor for the Engineer at the Daywork rates bid.

17.2.21 Mobilization and Demobilization of Equipment

The costs for purchase or present value of the following equipment or a set of plant system shall
be treated as each lump sum item on CIP basis and will be measured for payment accordingly.

1) A set of crushing plant to be used for production of concrete aggregates for RCC and CVC

2) A set of transportation system of aggregates from the quarry site to the batching plant

3) A set of concrete mixing plant for RCC and CVC

Payment to the Contractor will be made in the following manner, but only one time for each
equipment above:

i. Sixty (60) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the Engineer certifies that these
plant and equipment including spare parts were proved to be the same as specified in the
document submitted by the Contractor and then are ready to start operation.

ii. The remaining forty (40) per cent of the lump sum price will be paid when the facilities have
been removed at the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Cost for operation and maintenance for these equipment above and provision of spare parts shall
be made separately at the unit price for relevant Bill of Quantities.

17.3 Insurance For Works & Contractor's Equipment

17.3.1 Scope

The Contractor shall insure in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor against all loss
or damage from whatever cause arising, in accordance with Sub-Clause 18.2 of Conditions of
Contract and in such manner that the Employer and the Contractor are covered for the period
stipulated in particular conditions and also covered during Defect Notification Period for loss or
damage arising from a cause, occurring prior to commencement of Defect Notification Period.

The Contractor shall be obliged to place all Insurances relating to the contract from insurance
companies having a minimum “AA” rating acceptable to the Employer. Any re-insurance of the
policy shall be notified to the Engineer and defined in the policy. The re-insurer shall be approved
by the Engineer.

In case that a foreign insurance company is prohibited from executing direct insurance business
in the Country, the Contractor shall apply a Claim Cooperation Clause into the Reinsurance Policy
to be concluded with local insurance company(s) that lets the re-insurer be involved in the
insurance claim application.
The Claim Cooperation Clause shall include terms that require the following
1. the re-insured is obliged to notify reinsurers of any losses which may give rise to a claim and
to furnish reinsurers with all information available regarding the losses;
2. the re-insured may not settle and/or compromise any aspect of the claim and no liability can
be admitted without the prior approval of re-insurers.

17.3.2 Payment

For fulfilling his obligation under Sub-Clause 18.2, insurance of works and contractor’s Equipment,
of the Conditions of Contract, the Contactor shall be paid on the basis of Lump Sum amount
entered against the respective item in the Bill of Quantities after the insurance policies are
provided to and accepted by the Employer this amount shall be deemed to include all of the
Contractor’s costs incidental to providing and maintaining the specified insurance.

The Contractor may claim an insurance premium payment made by him in his monthly progress
payment statements and providing a receipt for payment of this premium, provided that the total
sum paid shall not exceed the Contract lump sum price.

17.4 Insurance Against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property

17.5 Scope

The Contractor shall insure against injury to persons and damage to property (Third Party Liability)
including that of Employer arising out of execution of works or in carrying out the contract in
accordance with Sub-Clause 18.3 of Conditions of Contract.

The Contractor shall be obliged to place all Insurances relating to the contract from insurance
companies having a minimum “AA” rating acceptable to the Employer. Any re-insurance of the
policy shall be notified to the Engineer and defined in the policy. The re-insurer shall be approved
by the Engineer.

In case that a foreign insurance company is prohibited from executing direct insurance business
in the Country, the Contractor shall apply a Claim Copoeration Clause into the Reinsurance Policy
to be concluded with local insurance company(s) that lets the re-insurer be involved in the
insurance claim application.

The Claim Copopration Clause shall include terms that require the following

1. the re-insured is obliged to notify reinsurers of any losses which may give rise to a claim and to
furnish reinsurers with all information available regarding the losses;

2. the re-insured may not settle and/or compromise any aspect of the claim and no liability can
be admitted without the prior approval of re-insurers.

17.5.1 Payment

For fulfilling his obligation under Sub-Clause 18.3, insurance against injury to persons and damage
to property (Third Party), of the Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall be paid on the basis
of Lump Sum amount entered against the respective item in the Bill of Quantities this amount shall
be deemed to include all of the Contractor’s costs incidental to providing and maintaining the
specified insurance.
The Contractor may claim an insurance premium payment made by him in his monthly progress
payment statements and providing a receipt for payment of this premium, provided that the total
sum paid shall not exceed the Contract lump sum price.

17.6 Insurance For Contractor’s Personnel

17.6.1 Scope

The Contractor shall insure for his personnel under Sub-Clause 18.4 of Conditions of Contract,
insurance for Contractor’s personnel, against Liability for claims, damages, losses and expenses
arising from injury, sickness, disease or death of Contractor’s personnel and also cover the
Employer and the Engineer against such Liability of the Contractor.

The Contractor shall be obliged to place all Insurances relating to the contract from Insurance
companies having a minimum “AA” rating acceptable to the Employer. Any re-insurance of the
policy shall be notified to the Engineer and defined in the policy. The re-insurer shall be approved
by the Engineer.

In case that a foreign insurance company is prohibited from executing direct insurance business
in the Country, the Contractor shall apply a Claim Cooperation Clause into the Reinsurance Policy
to be concluded with local insurance company(s) that lets the re-insurer be involved in the
insurance claim application.

The Claim Cooperation Clause shall include terms that require the following

1. the re-insured is obliged to notify reinsurers of any losses which may give rise to a claim and
to furnish reinsurers with all information available regarding the losses;
2. the re-insured may not settle and/or compromise any aspect of the claim and no liability can
be admitted without the prior approval of re-insurers.

17.6.2 Payment

For fulfilling his obligation under Sub-Clause 18.4, insurance for Contractor’s personnel, of the
condition of contract, the Contractor shall be paid on the basis of Lump Sum amount entered
against the respective item in the Bill of Quantities this amount shall be deemed to include all of
the Contractor’s costs incidental to providing and maintaining the specified insurance.

The Contractor may claim an insurance premium payment made by him in his monthly progress
payment statements and providing a receipt for payment of this premium, provided that the total
sum paid shall not exceed the Contract lump sum price.

17.7 Adjustment For Changes in Legislation and Cost

17.7.1 Adjustment for Changes in Legislation

The Contract Price shall be adjusted to take account of any increase or decrease of cost resulting
from a change in Laws of the Country as per Sub-Clause 13.7 (Adjustment for Changes in
Legislation) of the Conditions of Contract.
17.7.2 Adjustment for Changes in Cost

The Contract Price shall be adjusted to account for rises or falls in the cost of labor, goods and
other inputs to the works by addition or deduction of the amounts determined by the procedure
given in Sub-Clause 13.8 (Adjustment for Changes in Cost) of the conditions of contract.

17.7.3 Payment

A provisional sum has been included in the Bills of Quantities. Payment for the adjustment in cost
as per Sub-Clauses 13.7 and 13.8 Conditions of Contract as described in sub-clause 20.6.1 and
20.6.2 above shall be made against the sum.

17.8 Pakistani Trainee Engineers

17.8.1 Scope

The Contractor shall provide training to Pakistan Engineers on all aspects of work as per Clause
19 above.

17.8.2 Payment

For fulfilling his obligation under Clause 19 above, Pakistani Trainee Engineers, payment shall be
made against the provisional sum included in the Bill of Quantities for the actual payments made
by the Contractor to trainee engineers in respect of wages and allowances.

17.9 Disputes Board

17.9.1 Scope

A Disputes Board (DB) shall be established pursuant to Clause 20.2 and the Appendix to the
Conditions of Contract.

17.9.2 Payment

The Provisional Sum for the cost of the DB shall be used for payments to the Contractor of the
Employer’s share (one-half) of the invoices of the DB for its fees and expenses, in accordance with
Clause 20.2 of the General Conditions of Contract. No prior instruction of the Engineer shall be
required with respect to the work of the DB. The Contractor shall produce the DB invoices and
satisfactory evidence of having paid 100% of such invoices as part of the substantiation of those
Statements submitted under Sub-Clause 14.3 of the General Conditions of Contract, which contain
requests for payment under the Provisional Sum toward the cost of the DB. The Engineer’s
certification of such Statements shall be based upon such invoices and such evidence of payment
by the Contractor. Contractor’s overhead, profit, etc., shall not be included in the provisional sums
for the cost of the DB.
17.10 Facilities For Police and Security Forces

17.10.1 Scope

The Contractor shall provide accommodation and living facilities for Police and Security Forces as
per Clause 10.2.2 (C) above.

17.10.2 Payment

For fulfilling his obligation under Clause 10.2.2. (C) above, Facilities for Police and Security
Forces, payment shall be made against the provisional sum included in the Bill of Quantities for
the actual payments made by the Contractor for construction of these facilities.

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