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A 4-input neuron has weights 1, 2, 3 and 4. The transfer function is linear with
the constant of proportionality being equal to 2. The inputs are 4, 10, 5 and 20
respectively. Calculate the output.

(b) Is ((P=>Q) V (Q=>P) = (P=Q) a tautology? Explain the full step.

(a) What is an associative network. Describe the term Epoch.
(b) Explain the output of the following network used for pattern recognition.


3. a) Draw graph and state whether the following functions are separable by a single

a) AND b) OR c) NAND d) NOR

b) Define Rosenblatt’s Perceptron.


4. a) If two fuzzy sets A and B are defined as A={(x1,0.2), (x2,0.8), (x3,0.4)};

B={(x1,0.4),(x2,0),(x3,0.1)}, Calculate product A.B and Cartesian product AxB
c) Let X={1,2,3}, Y={a,b}, R={(1,a),(1,b),(2,a),(3,b)} be a relation from X and Y then
draw relation matrix.

5. a) What is soft computing? How is it different from conventional hard computing?

b) Define ADLINE & MADLINE network.


6. What are Genetic Algorithms? Draw the general flow diagram of genetic algorithm.
Explain how the Genetic Algorithm process is different from finding solution of
optimization problem.


7. (a) Explain Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) in detail.

(b) List all the steps that are used in Back-Propagation Neural Network.
(C ) For what purpose genetic algorithms can be applied in telecommunication routing?


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