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Proponent: Elma G Bilawan

Topic: Affixes
Subject: English
Duration of the lesson: 1 hour session
Grade level: 5

This ASSURE lesson plan is for a group of 5th grade elementary pupils in San. Miguel Elementary
School is located in San Miguel area. The Instructions will be given in a relaxed setting with
approximately 20 pupils. The focus of the subject is English, and the major issue is affixes, of
which there are two types: prefix and suffix. The lesson will take 1 hour to complete. The first
job will concentrate on the actual process of teaching and learning. The remaining of the time
will be spent on student, teacher, and instructional media and materials evaluation and
feedback. The discussion is about printed materials as well as a combination of educational
technology such as laptops, Power Point, and Projector.

Analyze Learners

General Characteristics:
This lesson is designed for pupils in fifth grade . There are 20 students in this class. The
class consists of 12 girls and 8 boys. This class's students are frequently enthusiastic about
English. Auditory, visual, linguistics, logical, kinesthetic, interpersonal and interpersonal learning
styles are all present. During class, some pupils have difficulty concentrating. The class are
intended to help students who struggle to maintain their focus for an entire lesson. 

Entry Competencies:
During the first quarter, the students learnt the definitions of noun and pronoun.
Students are also taught the difference between a verb and an adverb. They will review these
themes for the first quarter of this school year in order to prepare them for the topic of affixes,
which they will tackle in the second quarter. These children had no prior experience with affixes
in primary school.

Learning Styles:
The majority of them learn best with visual aids. They memorize, engage in activities,
and occasionally ask questions. They are energetic and prefer a lively classroom with a variety
of hands-on activities.

State Learning Objectives

At the end of the 1 hour lesson, students will be able to:

• Identify if it is a prefix or suffix.

• Construct words by choosing appropriate affixes to derived to its new meaning.
• Correctly answer 4 out of 5 by selecting appropriate suffix or prefix.
• work collaboratively by helping each other to come up with a correct answer.
• create a five sentence using the prefix or suffix in the supplied word.

Select Method, Media and Materials


A. Discussion
This lecture will teach the teacher how to help students learn by giving visual aids and exercises
throughout the lesson. Because many of the kids have visual and kinesthetic learning styles, the
visual aids and activities will pique their attention and provide them to understand the lesson,
improving their learning. This will teach students to identify the affixes words which they
understand precisely what root words, roots, and affixes . These items make up the building
blocks of English words. Root words can be described as stand-alone words, whereas roots are
not. Affixes are added to roots and root words to change the meaning.
For example, if we look at the word ‘friendly,’ we will notice the root word ‘friend.’ The ‘ly’ on
the end is described as a suffix, as it changes the meaning of the word. The ‘re’ in ‘repurpose’ is
described as a prefix as it can be found at the beginning of another word.

B. Individual activity
This activity is to ensure that all students are really comprehend of the discussion. The teacher
asked 5 questions of the students about selecting whether it is prefix or suffix, or with both
suffix and prefix. The students write their answer on separate sheet of paper. Afterwards, the
teacher will pick at least 5 students to share their answers.

C. Group activity
This activity aims to provide a enjoy dynamic classroom. Students will be able to actively
participate in the Learning process as a result of these games.
•( Word Relay game)
The students will be divided into three groups and they will asked several questions in this
game, and they will have to identify the prefix and suffix, after which they will relay the word to
their next classmate, and so on, until they reach the last student. And the last student will be
the one to tell the teacher.

D. Assessment
At the end of class, students will be given an assessment in which they must create a five-
sentence essay utilizing the prefix or suffix of the given word. The teacher will review their
responses before providing feedback. The goal is for students to improve their higher-order
thinking skills while also providing feedback on the success of the teaching-learning process.


A. PowerPoint Presentation
It is used as a visual resource throughout the lesson to show students on how to identify the
affixes which is the prefix and suffix.
B. Printed
It is used to give students the opportunity to follow interactive lecture discussions, take notes,
answer practice questions.

A Paper, pens/ pentel pens to be used Word relay game.
B. Incentives or rewards will serve as students’ reinforcement.
C. Projector use to watch the sample of prefix and suffix
D. laptop for the PowerPoint presentation.
E Chalk and Whiteboard

Utilize Media and Materials

Preview materials:
Before the lesson, every equipment was tested to ensure that it was in good working order.
The PPT was previewed to ensure that it was appropriate for the audience.

Prepare materials:
Pictures were printed to ensure time management during this lesson.

Prepare environment:
The classroom is set up to allow for efficient teacher-student contact, with tables and chairs
arranged to allow for group work.

Prepare learner:
To play the video that is utilized as an attention grabber for all pupils, a laptop, projector, and
speakers are required. The teachings will be summarized after that. These resources also help
visual and auditory learners absorb topics.

Provide learning experience:

The teacher will utilize cues to encourage pupils to think critically and develop ideas for
contributions to the lesson. The teachers will discuss about an affix is a word that can be added
to a root word or base word to add a new meaning. The two main types of affixes are prefixes
and suffixes. For example, in the word conforming, con- is the prefix and -ing is the suffix, while
"form" is the root. For another example, let’s examine the root word cred. Thanks to affixes, it
can be transformed into incredible with the prefix in- and by the suffix -ible.

The students will answer in identifying appropriate affixes words which are the suffix and prefix.
Then, for the group activity the students will be divided into three groups and asked numerous
tasks, including identifying the prefix and suffix, after which they will relay the word to their
next classmate, and so on, until they reach the last student. The teacher will be informed by the
last pupil. This will encourage students to help individuals and work together.

Require Learner Participation

In this session, students will need to engage in a variety of learning activities. First, five
students are selected by the facilitator and respond individually to the identification of the
suffix or prefix. Students share their answers and explain the reasons for the suffixes and
prefixes so that their classmates can visualize them. The teacher can comment on the student's
answer, and the student can ask any questions or explanations about the teacher's feedback.

Second, the pupils will be divided into three groups, and then they will play the word relay
game. Each group of students will work together to come up with answer

Plan for Evaluation and Revision of the Flexible Learning Modality

Assessment of Learners’ Achievement

To assess the pupils' progress, the teacher assigns an assignment in which they must determine
if the word is a suffix or a prefix. Students must share their answers with the rest of the class.
They will also write a statement to demonstrate that they have fully grasped the topic. The
instructor will discuss the answers with the class after the test has been completed. This allows
students to receive quick feedback on their performance as well as a review of the teachings.

Evaluation and Revision of Instructional Materials

Each student will be given a survey or rubric at the end of the lesson to evaluate each of the
instructional materials utilized throughout the teaching-learning process.

This may allow us to make changes to some of the teaching resources we'll be using in the
following sections of our course. We'll repeat the process at the conclusion of the first session
and before the commencement of the second.

Evaluate instructor performance:

The teacher's performance was successful since the majority of students understood the idea
being taught. She also demonstrated good classroom management abilities, as she had
completed adequate preparations before to the lecture. She also accommodated all learning
styles in the class, allowing each student to grow throughout the learning process.


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