Coral Genera of WIO-2015

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Reef coral genera of the

Western Indian Ocean

David Obura

With thanks to:

Rose Machuku
Terney Kumara
Laurence DeFrise

This guide to the genera of the Western Indian Ocean gives ID

photos for typical species and growth forms found in the region.
Corals are arranged by family then genus, alphabetically. September 2015
This guide is continuously updated – apologies for any incomplete
genera in the current version!
Produced by:
CORDIO East Africa, P.O.BOX 10135-80101, Mombasa, Kenya);
Click on the family name to jump directly to it

Family Genus Family Genus Family Genus Family Genus

Acroporidae Acropora Faviidae Baraba*oia Agariciidae Coeloseris Coscinaraeidae Anomastrea
Alveopora Caulastrea Gardineroseris Coscinaraea
Anacropora Cyphastrea Leptoseris Craterastera
Astreopora Diploastrea Pachyseris Horastrea
Isopora Echinopora Pavona
Mon@pora Favia Siderastreidae Psammocora
Favites Merulinidae Hydnophora Pseudosiderastrea
Pocilloporidae Madracis Goniastrea Merulina Siderastrea
Pocillopora Leptastrea
Seriatopora Leptoria Pori7dae Goniopora Euphyllidae Ctenella
Stylophora Montastrea Porites Euphyllia
Moseleya Pori@pora Gyrosmilia
Astrocoeniidae Stylocoeniella Oulophyllia Stylaraea Physogyra
Parasimplastrea Plerogyra
Fungiidae Cantharellus Platygyra Oculinidae Galaxea
Ctenac@s Plesiastrea Trachyphylliidae Trachyphyllia
Cycloseris Pec7niidae Echinophyllia
Diaseris Mussidae Acanthastrea Mycedium Caryophylliidae Heterocyathus
Fungia Blastomussa Oxypora
Halomitra Cynarina Pec@nia Dendrophylliidae Heteropsammia
Heliofungia Lobophyllia Tubastrea
Herpolitha Micromussa Turbinaria
Podabacia Scolymia
Polyphillia Symphyllia Hydrozoa Heliopora
Sandalolitha Millepora
Fam: Acroporidae
Family Acroporidae; flower, staghorn coral


1) humilis; 2)retusa; 3) secale, 4) gemmifera;
5) clathrata; 6) muricata; 7) cytherea

Colony type Usually branching, bushy or plate like, encrusting, sub massive
Corallite typerounded raised, protruding above the coenostium 1-3 mm in diameter. Two types: axial corallites at the tips of
branches/growing edges & radial corallites around the branches/main body.
Description Distinctive branching growth forms, mostly brown but many other colours but with white/pale growing tips.
Septa-costae Septa in two cycles
Other remarks Tentacles are extended usually at night, corallite wall and the coenostium are porous, axial corallites are larger
Family Acroporidae; star flower coral

1) myriophthalma; 2) listeri; 3) randalli, 5

4) expansa; 5) ocellata; 6) suggesta
3 4

Colony type Massive, plating, encrusting

Corallite type Mostly conical but can be immersed
Description Coenostium has granular appearance, from teeth on septo-costae. Depending on their size it appears smooth,
spinous or flaky
Septa-costae Short numerous neatly spaced septa
Other remarks Columella is conspicuous and compact
Similar species Turbinaria - coenostium plain, no elaborations
Montipora 6
Family Acroporidae; pore, velvet coral

1) aequituberculata; 2) floweri?; 3) tuberculosa,

3 4) foveolata; 5) nodosa; 6) spongodes

Colony type Submassive, laminar, encrusting or branching

Corallite type Corallites are small, less than 1mm, pore like, sometimes not visible underwater
General Columella absent, corallite walls & coenostium are porous & may be highly elaborate with projections (papillae,
tuberculae, ridges), or depressions in which the corallites sit. One species may have multiple growth forms.
Septa-costae Septa in 2 cycles with inward projecting teeth
Other remarks Calice is pore-like immersed; tentacles are usually extended at night
Similar species Porites - corallite filled with internal structures, coenostium without elaborated structures
Fam: Pocilloporidae
5 6
Family Pocilloporidae; cauliflower coral


2 3

1) damicornis; 2) elegans; 3)
meandrina, 4) verrucosa; 5)
eydouxi; 6) indiania; 7) ligulata;
8) verrucosa in high energy
environment; 9) Pocillopora-
dominated habitat

Colony type Branching, becoming submassive in high energy environments

Corallite typesmall, flush, immersed, pore like
Description Branches fine to robust and flattened, covered with distinctive verrucae, immersed corallites, coenostium covered
with granules
Septa-costae Two unequal cycles of septa
Colour Cream, brown, pink & purple
Other remarks Tentacles are extended during the day and night
Family Pocilloporidae; bush/bird’s nest coral

1) hystrix; 2) guttatus; 3)
dendritica, 4) caliendrum; 5)
galls, made by symbiotic crab

Colony type Compact bushes

Corallite typeArranged in neat rows along the branches
Description Bushy, thin and tapering branches with pointed or rounded tips, corallites-neat rows along the branches, a rim of
tall spines around the calice
Septa-costae 1-2 cycles of septa (six) fused to the columella
Colour Light yellow, tan or green
Other remarks Coenostium-covered with fine spines. Easily confused with fine Stylophora
Family Pocilloporidae; hood/finger coral


3 8

1) pistillata; 2) corallite hoods;

3) pistillata, alternate forms,
4) subseriata; 5) madagaskariensis;
6) mamilata; 7) wellsi; 8) kuehlmani

Colony type Branching or encursting

Corallite type Vary in structure according to the position, with a prominent hood
Description Branches thin except for pistillata, with rounded or blunt tips, corallites-hooded on distal part of branches
Septa-costae 1st cycle meet the collumela
Colour pale colours - yellow, green or tan
Other remarks Tentacles usually extended at night
Fam: Faviidae
Family Faviidae

1) serailia, 2) chalcidium,
3) microphthalma

Colony type Massive or encrusting

Corallite typePlocoid
Description Rounded calices, less than 3mm diameter in diameter, small cone shaped corallites, coenostium granulated,
small space between corallites
Septa-costae Costae, restricted to corallite wall
Colour Tan, brown with white highlights
Other remarks Tentacles are extended at night
Family Faviidae; double star coral

Monospecific - D. heliopora

Colony type Dome shaped, can be very large

Corallite type Plocoid/conical ,10-20mm diameter
Description Dense colony & corallites, large cones with small opening, strongly lined costae, tentacles are extended at night
Septa-costae Septa-equal, costae-very prominent, walls pores
Colour Brown
Similar species Monospecific
Echinopora 5
Family Faviidae

1) hirsutissima; 2) lamellosa; 3)
gemmifera, 4) robusta; 5)
forskaliana; 6) tiranensis

1 6

Colony type Encrusting, sub massive or plating

Corallite type Plocoid, up to 10mm and elevated, though differs among species
Description Coenosteum with short spines, corallites uniform shape, height and scattering
Septa-costae Irregular, costae restricted to the corallite wall, with spines
Colour Brown, with white growing edges
Other remarks Usually prominent columella, tentacles extend at night,
Similar species Echinophyllia - corallites larger with spines in rows on coenosteum.
Favia 2
Family Faviidae; knob/moonstone coral

1) favus/danai; 2 speciosa, 3)
lizardensis; 4) ) helianthoides;
5) vietnamensis; 6) mathai; 7)

7 6

Colony type Massive, flat or dome shaped

Corallite type Plocoid corallites, mostly monocentric, inratentacular budding
Description Corallites approximately equal in size, and vary from highly plocoid to almost-cerioid and from circular to
Septa-costae Extend to the coenosteum
Colour Variable, multicoloured openings with different stomodium
Other remarks Tentacles are extended at night and have pigmented tips,
Similar species Montastrea – extratentacular budding, corallites are squeezed into irregular shapes
5 6
Favites 4

Family Faviidae

2 1) pentagona; 2) flexuosa; 3) abdita, 4)

complanata; 5) rus; 6) acuticolis; 7) stylifera; 8)
halicora; 9) vasta; 10) paraflexuosa

8 9

Colony type Massive, submassive, flat, dome shaped and some with pillars/columns
Corallite type Cerioid, monocentric; calices oblong or polygonal
Description Paliform lobes absent, septa straight or rounded into center forming funnel shape; corallites in different sizes
Colour Variable
Other remarks Tentacles are extended at night, paliform lobes absent or seldom developed
Similar species Goniastrea - with exsert paliform lobes and regular pattern of calices and septa with fine teeth, neat appearance
Platygyra - more ragged septa, meandroid
2 3
Family Faviidae; lesser star coral

1) retiformis; 2) peresi;
3) pectinata; 4) ) favulus;
5) edwardsi; 6) deformis

6 5

Colony type Massive, sub-massive, plates, encrusting

Corallite type Cerioid, monocentric to short meandroid (one species is fully meandroid), mouths very distinct
Description Paliform lobes prominent, angular and regular tightly packed corallites, calices are 4-8 mm diameter
Septa-costae Septa smooth and very regularly/neatly arranged, drop abruptly into the calice
Colour Variable
Other remarks Tentacles extended at night, columella is spongy, well developed and form clear centres in meandroid colonies
Similar species Platygyra - weakly developed paliform lobes, columella centres are seldom distinguishable, septa less regular
Favites - almost never meandroid, septa less regular
Family Faviidae; crust coral

3 4

1) purpurea; 2) pruinosa;
3) bottae; 4) transversa

Colony type Massive, flat or dome shaped

Corallite type Ceroid to subplocoid or clustered plocoid
Description Corallites raised unevenly from the coenostium, shallow grove between corallites and septa do not extend across
the grove, extratentacular budding, tentacles are extended at night
Septa-costae Costae - poorly developed or absent septa-do not cross the grove and have inward projecting teeth
Colour Variable, blue or tan, often green stomodeums
Similar species Cyphastrea - plocoid, spread corallites, granulated coenostium
Platygyra 2
Family Faviidae; brain coral

1) daedelea; 2) ryukyusensis;
3) lamellina; 4) sinensis;
5) acuta; 6) pini; 7) verweyi

6 5

Colony type Massive, dome shaped or flat

Corallite type Meandroid or cerioid, calices 3-6mm in diameter
Description Spongy, poorly defined & meandroid columella, paliform lobes are not developed, valleys can be straight, angular
or contorted,,
Colour Brown or variable, often green mouths
Other remarks Tentacles are extended at night,
Similar species Goniastrea - well-developed paliform lobes and columella centers
Favites - always monocentric, corallites angular
Leptoria - much finer, neater, more meandroid, wall/valleys more uniform/y spaced septa
Plesiastrea 2
Family Faviidae; small knob coral

1) devantieri;
2) versipora

Colony type Massive rounded or flattened

Corallite type Plocoid (small rounded), crowded but evenly rounded
Description Neat, small regular packed rounded corallites, well developed even septa and paliform lobes
Septa-costae Costae prominent, non continuous
Colour Tan or green in colour
Other remarks Calices less than 3mm, tentacles extended day and night in different species
Similar species most like Montastrea which are larger.
Cyphastrea - plocoid, spreaded corallites, granulated coenostium,
Fam: Agariciidae
Family Agariciidae; elephant skin coral

G. planulata; monospecific genus

Colony type Massive,sometimes encrusting with laminar margins

Corallite type Corallites immersed with indistinct walls in deep excavations with very acute ridges
Description Corallites or group of corallites immersed with indistinct walls in deep excavations with very acute ridges
Septa-costae Very fine and even
Other remarks Extratentacular budding in calice corners, columella present, tentacles are extended at night.
5 6
Family Agariciidae; porcelain, lettuce coral


4 8

1)  hawaiiensis; 2) exaplanata;

3) mycetoseroides, 4) incrustans;
5) foliosa; 6) solida; 7) scabra; 8) yabei

Colony type Laminar or encrusting sheets and unifacial, delicate, contorted and subdivided fronds,
Corallite type Small (6mm) shallow depressions, poorly defined walls
Description Often with whitish edges, frequently have central corallite, septo-costae thin, curved and longer than 1cm
Septa-costae Thin, in clear alternating series, granulated/rougher than Pavona
Columella Central, usually separated by ridges, interconnected by septo-costae
Other remarks Circum-oral budding followed by marginal budding, tentacles estended at night. Most common on deeper slopes
7 8
Family Agariciidae; leaf, cactus coral 9


4 6
3 10
1) cactus; 2) decussata; 3) frondifera,
4) danai; 5) clavus; 6) duerdeni; 7)
explanulata; 8) varians; 9) venosa;
10) minuta; 11) maldivensis

Colony type Massive, columnar, fronds, laminar or encrusting. May be contorted.

Corallite type Walls poorly developed or absent, centers in small shallow depression, small (<3mm)
Septa-costae Corallites connectd by uninterrupted septo-costae giving distinct star-patternin absence of walls.
Other remarks Weak central columella, tentacles extended only at night except for P. explanulata
Similar species Leptoseris has finer septo-costae in two distinct cycles, more laminar, colonies are unifacial
Family Agariciidae; elephant skin coral

1/2) speciosa;
3/4) rugosa;
5) turbid habitat 4

Colony type Laminar & unifacial to branched & bifacial, and encrusting
Corallite type Centres are not discernible, <1mm, aligned in valleys,
Description Surface is a concentric ridges parallel to the margins, from highly ordered/parallel to contorted.
Septa-costae Fine, even and tightly compacted
Other remarks Very distinctive, most abundant in deeper, turbid sheltered locations.
Similar species Pavona - septo-costae are thicker, shorter and straighter
Fam: Merulinidae
2 3
Family Merulinidae; Exclamation coral

1) exesa; 2)
microconos; 3)
pilosa, 4) rigida

Colony type Massive, encrusting or branching

Corallite typeWall absent
Description Monticules or hydnophores present, between the corallites, with short tentacles around the base of
each monticule
Other remarks Tentacles extended during the day and night
Family Merulinidae; cabbage, crust coral

M. ampliata

Colony type Laminar, with short vertical projections

Corallite type Corallites are in a row, down valleys
Description Valleys are short and straight spreading in a fan and then dividing, valleys are pink/pale; walls are pale yellow or
vice-versa, bifacial fronds
Other remarks Columella is trabecular, fused into a continuous mass.
Similar species Scapophyllia - parallel valleys, not extending
Fungia 5
Family Fungiidae; mushroom coral

6 8


1) concinna; 2) granulosa; 3)
fungites, 4) repanda; 5) fungites
(detail); 6) danai (detail); 7)
seychellensis; 8) paumotensis;
9) habitat

Colony type Free living, discoid or elongate

Corallite type Solitary, (free living except for juveniles)
Description Large-sized adults
Septa-costae Septa-teeth, not lobed, costae-rows of spines
Colour Tan, brown, with purple or green highlights
Other remarks Tentacles are extended during the day, short, tapering & spaced tentacles
Similar species Cycloseris - aboral side smooth, smaller
Heliofungia - septa with lobed teeth, longer tentacles
Family Fungiidae; mushroom corals

1) xx; 2) xx; 3) explanulata; 4)


Colony type Colonial, elongate, free living

Description Elongate, often bent, prominent axial furrow. Mouths occur inside the furrow. In limax, secondary mouthsparallel
to the axis,
Septa-costae Septa-lack prominent teeth, radiate from axial furrow, large
Colour Tan
Other remarks Tentacles are extended during the night
Similar species Ctenactis - single individual sometimes with several mouths, prominent teeth
Herpolitha 1

Family Fungiidae; mushroom corals

1) limax; 2) weberi

Colony type Colonial, elongate, free living

Description Elongate, often bent, prominent axial furrow. Mouths occur inside the furrow. In limax, secondary mouthsparallel
to the axis,
Septa-costae Septa-lack prominent teeth, radiate from axial furrow, large
Colour Tan
Other remarks Tentacles are extended during the night
Similar species Ctenactis - single individual sometimes with several mouths, prominent teeth
Fam: Coscinaraeidae
Family Coscinaraeidae; false pillow coral

Distribution: Western Indian Ocean

endemic. Known only from East African
mainland and Madagascar

Monospecific - Anomastrea irregularis

Colony type submassive in small golf-balls, to encrusting

Corallite type Submeandroid to cerioid
Description Walls are thin and septa have irregularly fused margins. Septa are widely spaced and uniform, giving the
colony surface a neat appearance. Tentacles are usually at least partly extended during the day
Septa-costae Widely spaced and uniform,
Colour cream to brown, may be bluish-grey.
Habitat shallow reef flats
Similar species Coeloseris mayeri
Family Coscinaraeidae; wrinkle coral

Colony type Massive, columnar, encrusting or laminar,

Corallite typeCerioid to meandroid, corallites in short valleys or irregularly scattered,
Septa-costae Septo-costae fused in a distinctive manner, finely serrated to 1) monile; 2) exesa; 3) crassa,
heavily granulated margins 4) sp. nov.; 5) columna
Other remarks Group of pinnules, intratentacular, septa perforated and granulated, mostly
fusing towards the papillose columella
Family Coscinaraeidae

Monospecific – Craterastrea levis

Colony type
Corallite type
Similar species

Distribution: Western Indian Ocean endemic. Known only from East African mainland and Madagascar
Family Coscinaraeidae

Monospecific - Horastrea indica

Colony type Massive/hemispherical

Corallite type Large and plocoid to meandroid with several centres
Septa-costae Septa in three orders, costae well developed
Colour Pale brown with blue-grey oral discs
Habitat high-sediment environments, often in sand/rubble at base of reefs
Similar species General appearance is Favia like but too messy, skeletal structures are closest to Siderastrea
Distribution: Western Indian Ocean endemic. Known only from East African mainland and Madagascar
Fam: Siderastreidae
Family Siderastreidae; Exclamation coral 6

2 4

1) haimeana; 2) profundacella;
3) obtusangula, 4); 5) stellulata;
6) nierstrazi (detail); 7) niestrazi
Colony type Mostly encrusting; also submassive, columnar, laminar
Corallite type Corallites small, shallow, sometimes forming short valleys
Septa-costae Complex granulated septo-costae - primary septo-costae embedded in secondary ones, forming
intricate patterns.
Colour Light brown
Other remarks Columella consists of a group of pinnules, intra-tentacular marginal budding, tentacles are extended during the
day and night
Similar genera Coscinaraea –large corallites with large calices
Family Siderastreidae; false pillow coral

Monospecific - Pseudosiderastrea tayami

Colony type Encrusting to dome shaped, up to 160mm

Corallite type Cerioid, polygonal, 3-6mm, walls variable from thick to fine
Septa-costae Septa evenly spaced & fused towards the center, in fanlike groups,
fine saw like teeth
Columella 1-4 pinnules
Calice 3-6mm across
Siderastrea 7
Family ; common name

1 6


1) haimeana; 2) profundacella;
3) obtusangula, 4) explanulata;
5) stellulata; 6) nierstrazi
Colony type Mostly encrusting; also submassive, columnar, laminar
(detail); 7) niestrazi
Corallite type Corallites small, shallow, sometimes forming short valleys
Septa-costae Complex granulated septo-costae - primary septo-costae embedded in secondary ones, forming
intricate patterns.
Colour Light brown
Other remarks Columella consists of a group of pinnules, intra-tentacular marginal budding, tentacles are extended during the
day and night
Similar genera Coscinaraea –large corallites with large calices
Fam: Mussidae
Family Mussidae; starry cup coral

3 5

1) echinata; 2) hemprichii;
3) brevis, 4) ishigakiensis; 5)
faviaformis; 6) regularis; 7)
rotundata; 8) subechinata

Colony type Massive encrusting or usually flat

Corallite type Cerioid to subplocoid, monocentric
Description Massive, encrusting, usually flat, cerioid or subplocoid, tall teeth,
monocentric, thicky fleshy blistery tissue over the skeleton
Septa-costae Septa thickened at the corallite wall, tall teeth
Other remarks Tentacles extended at night
Lobophyllia 3
Family Mussidae; hood/finger coral


1) corymbosa; 2) hataii;
3) hemprichii; 4) robusta

Colony type Flat topped or dome shaped

Corallite type Phaceloid to flabello meandroid
Description Phaceloid to flabello meandroid, fleshy meandering ridges make lobes, calices 3-5 cm wide, septa large with long
teeth & thickened near the wall, corallites bumpy appearance large and deep
Septa-costae Septa thickened near the wall, large with long septa
Other Tentacles may beextended during the night and usually have white tips
Similar species Symphyllia - coarse skeletal structure, meandroid appearance
Fam: Oculinidae
Family Oculinidae; octopus/galaxy coral

1)  astreata;
2)  fascicularis

Colony type Massive, encrusting, cushion shaped or irregular

Corallite type Plocoid, highly exsert and cylindrical,
Description Plocoid, walls have pointed septa, corallites are highly exsert and cylindrical, linked together by smooth solid
blistery coenostium
Septa-costae Septa exsert, tall sharp points to 1cm above wall
Colour Green or brown
Other remarks Tentacles are extended during the day,
Fam: Pectiniidae
Family Pectiniidae; porous lettuce coral

1) lacera;
2) glabra

Colony type Thin lamellae, always has free foliose margins

Corallite type Round or oval, irregular, shallow not strongly inclined on the colony surface
Description Thin lamellae, always have free foliaceous margins, calices oval, round, immersed, not strongly inclined, septo-
costae run from the calice centres to the perimeter and are almost paralled, coenostium is pitted, surface warty
appearance, tentacles are extended at night, calices are 3-8mm in diameter, columella is poorly developed
Septa-costae Septo-costae run from the calice centers to the perimeter and are almost parallel
Similar species Echinophyllia - has thickened septal structures, fleshier tissue; Echinopora - corallites are compacted/plocoid,
septa exert; Mycedium - coenostium without pits, nose shaped corallites
Echinophyllia 3

Family Pectiniidae;

1 2

1) aspera, 2) patula,
3) orpheensis,
4) echinoporoides,
5) echinata

Colony type Encrusting or laminar, slightly submassive

Corallite type Round or oval, immersed or protuberant, not strongly inclined on the colony surface
Description Encrusting or laminar, calices irregular, not strongly inclined on the colony surface, densely packed with
spines, coenostium is pitted, some corallites in lines, well developed columella
Septa-costae Numerous, with teeth
Other remarks Coenostium is pitted at the commencement of septo-costae
Similar species Oxypora and Mycedium
Fam: Euphyllidae
Family Euphyllidae;

1) chagius

Colony type Flabello-meandroid, phaceloid or flabellate

Corallite type With large vesicles
Description Flabello meandroid, phaceloid or flabellate, septa large, solid, smooth edged, very exsert, widely spaced
Septa-costae Septa large, solid, smooth edged, very exsert, widely spaced, costae-poorly developed
Calice Solid walls
Other remarks Septal series united laterally by cellular light coenostium; Physogyra is meandroid, small vesicles which
readily retract.
Family Euphyllidae;

1) interrupta

Colony type Flabello-meandroid, phaceloid or flabellate

Corallite type With large vesicles
Description Flabello meandroid, phaceloid or flabellate, septa large, solid, smooth edged, very exsert, widely spaced
Septa-costae Septa large, solid, smooth edged, very exsert, widely spaced, costae-poorly developed
Calice Solid walls
Other remarks Septal series united laterally by cellular light coenostium; Physogyra is meandroid, small vesicles which
readily retract.
Family Euphyllidae; bubble coral

1) sinuosa

Colony type Flabello-meandroid, phaceloid or flabellate

Corallite type With large vesicles
Description Flabello meandroid, phaceloid or flabellate, septa large, solid, smooth edged, very exsert, widely spaced
Septa-costae Septa large, solid, smooth edged, very exsert, widely spaced, costae-poorly developed
Calice Solid walls
Other remarks Septal series united laterally by cellular light coenostium; Physogyra is meandroid, small vesicles which
readily retract.
Fam: Poritidae
Family Poritidae; hump coral

Various species.
Massive/encrusting and
branching growth forms

Colony type Massive, spherical or hemisphere when small, helmet or dome shaped when large
Corallite type Cerioid
Description Flat, laminar, encrusting, massive or branching, small corallites filled with septa, 4-12 small pillars form paliform
lobes, appear as small eyes in live coral, smooth appearance
Septa-costae Colour Other remarks Calices are smaller than 2 mm, tentacles are extended at night Similar species Montipora -
different in growth forms, in completed smaller corallites,
elaborated papillae & tubercles on surface, lack of radiating septa.
Family Dendrophyllidae; disk/cup coral

1) reniformis; 2) stellulata;
3) frondens; 4) mesenterina;
5) peltata; 6) irregularis

Colony type laminae, frequently contorted, submassive/columnar

Corallite type Plocoid with extensive coenosteum
Description Submassive, columnar or usually laminar, laminae frequently contorted, corallites round, immersed to tubular;
corallites have pores walls with the same structure as the surrounding coenostium, septa short and neat, regular
Septa-costae Septa short and neat, regular
Other remarks Broad compact and spongy columella, tentacles are extended during the night (except for T. peltata)

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