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The Unofficial Runescape Guide to Making Millions!

Learn the Secrets that Jagex does not want you to know!

2003 2008 ver.11.08


Table of Contents
Introduction Chapter 1 ----------- Getting Started with Mad Cow Chapter 2 ----------- Turning 34,000gp to 1,000,000gp Chapter 3 ----------- Behind Steel Bars Chapter 4 ----------- Running Newts Chapter 5 ----------- Running Fly Fishing Rods Chapter 6 ----------- Wine of Zamorak Chapter 7 ----------- Running Raw Chickens F2P Chapter 8 ----------- Running Raw Chickens *Members Only* Chapter 9 ----------- Boom! Cannonballs can make you rich! *Members Only* Chapter 10 --------- Snape Grass *Members Only* Chapter 11 ---------- Bow Strings and Flax *Members Only* Chapter 12 ---------- Skills that can Make you Rich.

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2003 2008 ver.11.08


Chapter 1 Getting started with Mad Cow

You begin the game in Lumbridge, so that is where we will start. Step 1. First thing to do is go to the bank and deposit all your items except your gold. (The bank in Lumbridge is on the top floor of Lumbridge castle.) Step 2. Head to the cow field. (It is north-east of the city. Leave the castle and cross the bridge. Head north and you will see a field to the east where there are cows.) There should be several people there building up their experience by attacking the cows. Thats okay for them, but you just want the hides. (Dont worry the cows will not attack you unless you attack them.) Pick up as many hides as you can. If no hides are around because everyone is picking them up before you do, simply world-hop to a another world. Step 3. Once you have a full inventory of cow-hides (and your gps), go to the toll gate south of the cow-field and pay the 10 gp toll to pass. Travel south toward the bank in Al-Khalid. Just north of the bank is the tanner named Ellis. Talk to him and turn your cowhides into leather. Now continue on to the bank and deposit all of your leather. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 eight times and you should have 27x8=216 leather. Step 4. Withdraw your leather in note form and take it to the Grand Exchange. Sell your leather for 160 gps each. 216x160= 34,560 gps Note. If you do not know where the places are that we talk about in this guide, you can find a world map in the game.

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Chapter 2 -Turning 34,000gp to 1,000,000gp

Now that you have some starting cash and are at the Grand Exchange you are ready to start making money quickly. Most of your time getting your starting cash was spent collecting the cow hides. But we want to make money much faster. Step 1. Place a buy order for cow hides on the Grand Exchange. They sell for about 100gp ea. If you do not want to wait place your order for 1gp more than the average. You should be able to buy about 340 cow hides with your starting cash. Step 2. Head back to al Kharid. Note that you do not have to wait until your order is filled to leave the exchange so start back on your way to al Kahrid and by the time you get there you should have had some of your order filled so go to the bank and collect your hides and start taking them to Ellis and turning them into leather. It will take 13 trips from the bank to Ellis to make all the leather. (One round trip takes less than 1 minute.) Step 3. Once you have turned all of your cow hides into leather, go back to the exchange and repeat the selling of the leather and buying of the cow hides. Example Math: 340 hides bought at Grand Exchange turned into leather. Cost 34,000 gp Sold 340 leather at Grand Exchange 340X160=54,400 Profit of 20,000 gps for 13 trips from bank to Ellis 20,000 gps profit in less than 15 minutes Step 4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 until you have 1,000,000 gps A few more tips. What you want to do with this method is to minimize your trips to the Grand Exchange as they take the most time. So keep buying the maximum amount of cow hides that you can so you do not have to go back and forth to the Grand Exchange as much. It is also faster if you can use the Varrock teleport to go to the Grand Exchange but that requires mage skill level and runes. You can use the home teleport go get back to Al Kharid from the Grand Exchange at any level with out runes though.

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Chapter 3 Behind Steel Bars

This Business can bring great wealth to you. It does require that you have a smithing skill high enough to smelt steel bars. Step 1. Head to the Grand Exchange and buy 9 Iron and 18 Coal ore. Iron ore is about 100 and coal is about 160. This will cost about 3,780gp. Steel bar production requires 2 coal and 1 iron ore. So always buy 2 times as much coal as iron. Step 2. Head to the Falador east bank with your ore. Your ore will be in note form so you will need to take it to the bank and deposit it and then withdraw it as ore. Step 3. Take the ore to the furnace and smelt it into 9 steel bars. Step 4. Take your steel bars to the Grand Exchange and sell them. Steel bars sell for 600+ gps Example Math: Cost of ore = 3,780 gps Sold 9 bars at 620 gps 9X620 = 5,580 5,400-3,780=1,800 profit It takes about a minute to travel from the bank to the furnace and smelt your ores into steel bars and then back to the bank again. So in about a minute you make 1,800 gps A few more tips. What you want to do with this method is to minimize your trips to the Grand Exchange as they take the most time. So keep buying the maximum amount of ores that you can so you do not have to go back and forth to the Grand Exchange as much.

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Chapter 4 Running Newts

Step 1. First thing to do is go to the bank and deposit all your items except your gold. Step 2. Go to Betties Shop at Port Sarim and buy 27 eye of newts. They are 3 gp each Step 3. Now head to the bank. You can go to the east bank in Falador or the Draynor Bank. They are about the same distance from Port Sarim. Once at the bank deposit all the eye of newts and go back to Betties shop. Step 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 eight times and you should have 27x8=216 eye of newt. Step 5. Withdraw your eye of newt in note form and take it to the Grand Exchange. Sell your eye of newts for 60 gps each. 216x60= 12,960 gps

Math: Buy 216 eye of newts at 3gp each = 648 gp Sell 216 eye of newts at 60gp each = 12,960 gp Profit 12,312 gps

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Chapter 5 Running Fly Fishing Rods

Step 1. First thing to do is go to the bank and deposit all your items except your gold. Step 2. Go to Fishing Shop in Port Sarim and buy fly fishing rods. They are 5 gp each Step 3. Now head to the bank. You can go to the east bank in Falador or the Draynor Bank. They are about the same distance from Port Sarim. Once at the bank deposit all the fly fishing rods and go back to the fishing shop. Step 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 eight times and you should have 27x8=216 fishing rods. Step 5. Withdraw your fly fishing rods in note form and take it to the Grand Exchange. Sell your fly fishing rods for 74 gps each. 216x74= 15,984 gp

Math: Buy 216 fly fishing rods at 5gp each = 1080 gp Sell 216 fly fishing rods at 74gp each = 15,984 gp Profit 14,904 gps

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Chapter 6 Wine of Zamorak

You will need a high enough magic level (33) to be able to use tele grab. Step 1. First thing to do is go to the grand exchange and buy 27 law runes and one air staff. Then deposit all your money in the bank. Equip the air staff. You should now have an empty inventory except the law runes. Step 2. Go to the monks building in the far north west right above the goblin village. Step 3. Inside the building a jug of wine spawns. Do not, I repeat do not pick it up. The monks will attack you and you will die. Use the tele grab on the wine and they will not attack you.

Step 4. After you have 27 jugs of wine go to the grand exchange and sell them. They sell for about 800 gps each and buy 27 more law runes. Step 5. Repeat steps 2 through 4.

Math: Buy 27 law runes 300gp each = 8100 gp Sell 27 wine of zamorak fly fishing rods at 800gp each = 21,600 gp Profit 13,500 gps

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Chapter 7 Running Raw Chickens F2P

Step 1. First thing to do is go to the bank and deposit all your items except your gold. Step 2. Go to Food Store in Port Sarim and buy 27 raw chickens. They are 9 gp each Step 3. Now head to the bank. You can go to the east bank in Falador or the Draynor Bank. They are about the same distance from Port Sarim. Once at the bank deposit all the raw chickens and go back to the food shop. Step 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 eight times and you should have 27x8=216 raw chickens. Step 5. Withdraw your raw chickens in note form and take it to the Grand Exchange. Sell your raw chickens for 70 gps each. 216x70= 15,120 gp

Math: Buy 216 raw chickens at 9gp each = 1,944 gp Sell 216 raw chickens at 70gp each = 15,120 gp Profit 13,176 gps

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Chapter 8 Running Raw Chickens Members

This method is much faster than the F2P because the bank is so close to the store. Step 1. First thing to do is go to the bank and deposit all your items except your gold. Step 2. Go to Rufus' Meat Emporium in Canifis and buy 27 raw chickens. They are 9 gp each Step 3. Now head to the bank. The bank is just around the corner. Once at the bank deposit all the raw chickens and go back to the food shop. Step 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 eight times and you should have 27x8=216 raw chickens. Step 5. Withdraw your raw chickens in note form and take it to the Grand Exchange. Sell your raw chickens for 70 gps each. 216x70= 15,120 gp

Math: Buy 216 raw chickens at 9gp each = 1,944 gp Sell 216 raw chickens at 70gp each = 15,120 gp Profit 13,176 gps

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Chapter 9 Cannon Balls Members

This method goes along with the steel bar method for the F2P If you are using that method then you will not need to buy your bars but rather make your own. This also requires a level 35 in smithing and the dwarf cannon quest. Step 1. Either make 27 steel bars or buy them from the grand exchange. You will make a lot more money if you make your own bars. Take 27 steel bars and smith them into cannon balls. 1 bar will make 4 balls Step 2. Take your 108 cannon balls and sell them at the grand exchange for 200 gp each. If you buy your bars for 600gp each then you will profit 200 gp for every bar you buy. Example math: Buy 27 steel bars at 600gp each = 16,200 gp Sell 108 cannon balls at 200 each = 21,600 gp Profit = 5400

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Chapter 10 Snape Grass Members

Step 1. First thing to do is go to the bank and deposit all your items except your gold. Step 2. Head to waterbirth Island. There are six snape grass spawns, and collecting an inventory can take a very short time. Step 3. Once you have a full inventory, head back to Rellekka, board the boat to Miscellania, and bank the snape grass at Etceteria. Step 4. Sell your snape grass at the Grand Exchange. Each snape grass sells for around 350 gps so each load will bring you. 350X27= 9,450 gps. You can make many trips in one hour making this a very easy method to make gold. It has no upfront cost except your boat rides back and forth.

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Chapter 11 Bow Strings and Flax Members

Step 1. First thing to do is go to the bank and deposit all your items. Step 2. Head to Seers. Just south of the bank there is a field of flax. Pick a full load of flax and take it to the bank. Step 3. Take your flax to the grand exchange and sell it for 70 gp each. Each load will make you 70X28=1,960 You can make many trips in one hour making this a very easy method to make gold. It has no upfront cost. Optional steps. (requires crafting level 10) Step 4. Take your flax to the spinning wheel that is between the flax field and the bank. You can use the spinning wheel to turn the flax into bow strings. Step 5. Take your bow strings to the grand exchange and sell it for 170 gp each. Each load of bow strings will make you 170X28=4,760 As you can see this method makes a lot more than simply selling the flax. It does take a little while longer to turn the flax into bowstrings but it is well worth it.

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Chapter 12 Skills That Can Make You Rich

I know that I have stated that you do not need any trained skills to be a millionaire and if you have read the first part of this guide you know that you do not. However, I decided to add this chapter just to help anyone out that wanted to train some skills to get rich. Here are the best skills to train and you can see the following chapters on the best way to train these skills. Mining a player who can go into the mining guild earns money fast. Sell Iron ores for 50 to 100 each, Coal for 200 each, Silver for 200 each, Gold for 150 to 300 each, Mithril ores for 250 to 300 each, Adamantine ores for 900 to 1k each and Runite ores for at least 10k each. Smithing When you've got a decent amount of money; you can buy ores/bars. Smith them to get your level up. It takes a long time, but you earn a lot after you can smith rune items. Having 85 mining can help because of the ability to mine runite. Runite ores can sell for up to 12k each. If you have 85 smithing, you can smelt runite bars, which sell for even more than runite ores (requires 8 coal to smelt). Fishing/Cooking Train fishing up to level 40 so that you can fish lobsters. Before that, fishing doesn't really earn much money for you. Fish lobsters and sell them. Cooked lobsters sell for more and are easier to sell so I'll recommend cooking them. You need a cooking level of 40 to cook lobsters. Sell cooked lobsters for 150 to 200 each. Woodcutting A skill that earns a lot of money, but you need a lot of patience. Keep training your woodcutting level by cutting trees until you can cut oaks. Then, keep cutting oaks. Even though willow trees give more exp, I've noticed that cutting oaks give better overall exp. Cutting oaks give more exp per hour because you miss less often, as compared to cutting willows. Once you've got woodcutting level 60, go cut yews. I would strongly recommend you use a rune axe before cutting yews, because it takes a long time. Sell yew logs for 250 to 350 each. Herblore (Members)- A great skill to have, but takes a lot of work and determination. A great way to make money off Herblore is to make Prayer Potions. Prayer potions are high in demand because they restore 33% of your total prayer level, which helps a lot of pkers. They go for around 7k each and only requires a level of 38 to make them. Runecrafting (Members)- Runecrafting is good because you can buy your rune ess instead of mining it and still make a very good profit. Natures can sell eaisly for 300 each, Law runes can sometimes be worth even more. You can also run Natures or Laws, just bring rune ess to a crafter and he'll give you rune in return for free. All you have to do is deposit them in the bank and repeat to get free runes.

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Crafting Not recommended for non-members but it is still a way to earn money. Craft gold bars into necklaces/amulets/rings and sell them to the general stores. The only good way of earning money from crafting is by making diamond amulets (requires crafting level 70), enchanting them into amulets of power (requires magic level 57) and selling them for about 10k each. A good way of leveling up crafting is by making holy symbols, as they give 50 exp each. Thieving Go steal stuff, ( My Dirty Little secret, You can also get rich from silk, have 5 of your good buddies steal silk for you and have them trade you their silk. Once they trade you, sell your silk to the silk merchant for 60 gold coins each. Once you sell them your friends will have another load ready, keep repeating this and you can easily make a mil in 4-6 hours. You get around 1620 gold coins per each load of silk you sell to the merchant. With 5 friends they will get you around 2 loads per minute. You're friends will get the thieving xp and you will get the cash. I guess this is why I only have lvl 16 thieving, and they are up to 70 already. So you will get 3240 gc per minute, and around 194,400 Gold coins per hour. So at this pace for 5 hours you will get 972,000 gold coins.) You will have to be a member to do this. The silk stall is located in Ardougne. A lvl 3 noob that's a member can do this. Fletching You can make addy arrows and sell them for 150 each, you also can make yew shorts and longs and Hi Alch them for cash. You can make an easy 1-2 mil a day with this skill. You can also make arrow shafts and sell them for 10-15 gold coins each.

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I have made all the money that I will ever need in Runescape by using the techniques in this guide. notes. As you have learned you do not have to have a high level miner or fisher or crafter or anything. Any newbie can follow these techniques and make millions!!!!! I know that if you follow the techniques in this guide you will be a successful millionaire in runescape. Thats it what are you waiting for go and start making your millions right now!!!!!!!!!!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for purchasing my guide. I wish you the very best Runescape playing experience. If you have any trouble please feel free to email us at:

Thanks again and Have Fun Making Millions!!! Joe RSN: store22

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