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Q1: Given that totient(337) is 336, what is 69^673 (mod 337)?

Q2: You agreed to use a Ceasar cipher with a key of k =7 with a friend. While
sitting in a group, the friend hands over you a message that says “AOBYKHF” .
Decrypt the message?
Answer: We shift the symbol in the message as the following:
A -> T; O -> H; B -> U; Y -> R; K -> D; H -> A; Y -> F
So, the message “AOBYKHF” is “THURDAY”

Q3: Suppose you actually forgot the key. How many decryption computations of
the cipher text “QNGWFWD” do you need to perform to reach to the plain text?

Q4: Using the Permutation Cipher with the same key [4 2 1 3], what is the cipher
text for the plain text SEEYOUATTHELIBRARY? (Leave the unfilled matrix as blank).

Q5: Euler totient function of n (we use the Greek symbol phi to denote Euler
totient function) is the number of positive integers that are between 1 and n-1,
inclusive, and are relatively prime to n. What is the Euler totient function of 108?

Q6: Using the same notations as in the lecture, e.g., p and q are the two primes
and e and d are the public key and private key, respectively, p = 5, q = 13 and e =
5. What is the value of phi(n) where phi(n) is the Euler Totient function of n and n
is the modulus of RSA cipher?
Q7: Using the same notations as in the lecture, e.g., p and q are the two primes
and e and d are the public key and private key, respectively, p = 5, q = 13 and e =
5. Using the phi(n) that you found in question 6 and the Extended Euclidean
algorithm yields d = 29. What is the cipher text C when encrypting M = 17?

Q8: Using the same notations as in the lecture, e.g., p and q are the two primes
and e and d are the public key and private key, respectively, p = 5, q = 13 and e =
5. The attacker performs a chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA). It has a known
ciphertext 19 and want to retrieve the corresponding plaintext. It compute c’ =
c*r^e mod n and chooses the ciphertext 19*243 mod 65 = 2 and retrieve the
corresponding plaintext, 32. What is the plaintext corresponding to the ciphertext

Q9: Alice and Bob uses Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange to share a key with a
common prime p =13 and a primitive root a =2. If Alice has a public key Y_A =3 ,
what is her private key X_A?

Q10: There are 8 computers (hardware). Each computer hosts 4 virtual machines
(VMs) with different addresses, and each 10 VM hosts 10 applications. How many
key exchange sessions (in one session, two logical parties share a key) are needed
if the decentralized key distribution is used so that all VM’s share a pair-wise

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