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Unilever has decided to sell their products (shampoo, soap, laundry detergents…) to poor
people who live in remote areas in the countryside. Can you explain why they chose that
2. Is a localization strategy better suited to a Product divisional structure or a Geographical
structure? Please give examples and elaborate your answer.
3. Why is international HRM important to the success of the firm?
4. List at least three drivers and three barriers to globalization.

5. What is a global market opportunity? What types of opportunities do firm seek abroad?

6. What are opportunities and challenges of targeting emerging markets?

7. Explain why MNEs look for growth and global expansion in other nations?

8. How does an understanding of Culture | History help an International business Managers?

Give some examples in your life?

9. Use the PESTL/ Culture framework to find the main reasons of failure of Walmart in
Germany, South Korea? Mc Donald’s failure, Starbucks’ challenges in Vietnam…

10. Explain the framework of Global Integration vs Local Responsiveness! What are the
benefits and advantages? Give some examples.

11. Discuss and analyze the 4 different strategies: Global Strategy – International Strategy –
Multidomestic Strategy - Transnational Strategy

12. What are the benefits and advantages of these strategies? Give some examples.

13. What international strategy should firms pursue?

14. Explain the popularity of Export/ Franchisisng/ Licensing/ joint ventures. What are the
Advantages and Disadvantages of These mode of entry strategies. Give some examples.

15. What are the benefits of Export/ franchising/ FDI/ Joint- Venture/ Merger- Acquisition as
a market entry strategy?

16. What are key questions to ask when to enter foreign markets?

17. What Influences the Choice of Entry Mode?

18. Can you think of activities carried by International HRM? Why International HRM
policies are important for Global expansion success?

19. Why is international HRM important to the success of the firm?

20. Explain why Internaltional HRM is more complex than domestic HR function.
21. What are the benefits of franchising as a market entry strategy? Discuss the following
idea: “Franchising is a cornerstone of growth in the fast-food industry; McDonald’s
reliance on franchising to expand globally is a case in point.” What are the main factors
one company should consider when they use Franchise as the main strategy expanding
22. Describe the most appropriate market entry mode for car industry? Explain your answer?
23. Why are joint ventures preferred by host countries as an entry strategy for foreign firms?
24. Why are strategic alliances used in new product development?
25. Under what circumstances should franchising be considered? How do these circum
stances vary from those leading to licensing?
26. Do you believe that licensing in represents a feasible long-term product development
strategy for a company? Discuss in relation to in-house product development.
27. In recent years, there are many M&A in the form of acquisition in Vietnam, you present
some interesting case studies: Modelez acquired the Kinh Do Bakery division, others
foreign groups buy Nguyen Kim, Big C, Metro, Sabeco, Cau Tre... You discuss the
benefits and challenges in these M&A. Explain their motivations and strategies when
choosing M&A as a mode of entry.

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