EDUC 6 - Professionalization

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Course, Year & Section: BEEd 1-3

Answer the following:

1.What do we mean by profession?
A profession is a disciplined group of individuals who, in accordance with the highest
ethical standards, present themselves as, and are accepted by the public as,
possessing special knowledge and skills in a widely recognized body of learning derived
from high-level research, education, and training, and who are willing to apply this
knowledge and exercise these skills in the interests of others. A profession is defined as
having gone through appropriate training in the specified field of study. A teacher or a
lawyer are examples of professions.

2. Can we say teaching is a profession?

Yes, teaching is a paid profession, so I believe it should be classified as such. A
profession is a paid activity that requires extensive training and formal certification,
according to the Oxford English Dictionary (2012). This definition gives the impression
that teaching is in fact a profession, because you must be relevantly and formally
qualified, as well as have finished the requisite teacher training, to graduate with a
teaching degree. Teaching is a job that demands a specialization in a certain topic as
well as teaching abilities, didactics, and some personal attributes.

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