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Phrasal Verbs
Fixed Prepositions
Idioms & Phrases

Useful for
Entrance Exams
Spoken English
IELTS, etc
By Ankush Insan
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Note:- If you find it difficult to learn and memorize these phrasal verbs, fixed prepositions and
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will help you on in learning all of these through my recorded videos. This way you can save your
precious time. (1 to 151 - Phrasal Verbs, 152 to 300 - Fixed Prepositions, Next 200 - Idioms)

Phrasal Verb using “Act”

1. Act as - भूमिका मिभािा

He acted as an arbitrator to solve the dispute.

He acts as a senior manager, whenever the boss is on holiday.

I acted as an interpreter at the meeting.

2. Act out - मिचारों या भाििाओं का हिारे किम िें िज़र आिा या व्यक्त होिा

Children’s negative thinking often acts out in their bad behaviour.

He doesn’t act out his words.

Having read the story, the children acted out the story on the stage.

3. Act for - ककसी के बदले उसके स्थाि पर काि करिा

If you don’t have a lawyer, the state will appoint one to act for you.

I have authorized him to act for me while I am away.

As the principal is ill, I am asking the vice principal to act for him today.

4. Act on - असर करिा, प्रभाि डालिा, कायमिाही करिा

Undoubtedly, this medicine is acing on me.

The medicine acted on the patient.

The police are acting on the information given by an unknown person.

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5. Act upon - िाििा, चलिा (ककसी की सलाह पर)

He doesn’t act upon my advice.

You should act upon your elder’s advice.

I always acted upon his words.

6. Act up - सही से काि ि करिा (To behave badly, To over act)

My computer has been acting up since morning. So, I’ll have to get it repaired.

If you act up, you will be punished.

My bike is acting up again. Therefore, I will have to take it to the mechanic.

7. Act like - ककसी की तरह हरकत करिा

Why are you acting like an idiot?

The mind acts like an enemy for those who don’t control it.

He acted like he owned the place.

Phrasal Verbs using “Bring”

8. Bring up - पालि पोषण करिा, लालि पालि करिा, िुद्दा उठािा

I was born and brought up in Chandigarh.

She is alone to bring up her family. Or She is alone to bring her family up.

I didn’t want to bring up that matter. Or I didn’t want to bring that matter up.

9. Bring off - ककसी िुमककल काि को करिे िें सफल होिा

The army brought the mission off bravely.

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No one thought that he would crack the SSC CGL entrance examination, but he brought it

10. Bring on - पैदा करिा, ककसी चीज़ के घटित होिे का कारण बििा (Something bad)

The loud music brings my headache on.

He always brings disgrace and shame on the whole family.

Vitamin deficiency brings on many ailments.

11. Bring back - आते सिय कु छ लेकर आिा, याद कदलािा, िामपस लािा

You always bring me back something nice whenever you go abroad.

This place brought my old memories back.

Can you bring his life back?

12. Bring out - प्रकि करिा, बाहर मिकालिा, कोई िई चीज़ मिकालिा

Nokia is going to bring out the new modal soon.

You will have to wait until they bring out the new modal.

You have the ability to bring out the best version of yourself.

13. Bring about - उत्पन्न करिा, बिािा, घटित करिा

You can bring about a change in the society with your small acts of kindness.

Your little efforts can bring about a drastic change in yourself.

Your bad habit of smoking may bring about cancer.

14. Bring under - काबू िें लािा, काबू पािा, ककसी चीज़ िें शामिल करिा

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The fire has been brought under control.

The rebels were quickly brought under control.

Sharad Yadav suggested the centre to bring petrol and diesel under the ambit of goods and
services tax (GST) to provide relief to the common people.

15. Bring forward - प्रस्ताि रखिा, ककसी कायम को पहले करिा

Your proposal that you brought forward is totally impractical.

Let’s bring her wedding forward to July because it rains heavily in August.

16. Bring in - शामिल करिा, बुलािा, मबक्री से किािा, इक्कठा करिा

Five experts were brought in to judge this matter.

The police brought in two men for questioning.

How much does your weekly sale bring in?

He brings in Rs 15,000 a month.

Phrasal Verbs using “Break”

17. Break in - मसखािा (घोड़े को), जबरदस्ती खोलिा

How much time will you take to break in my horse?

Daya has to break in the door when there is no response from inside.

18. Break into - ककसी ईिारत िें चोरी के इरादे से जबरदस्ती घुसिा

The thief broke into our house last night.

The burglar (or thief) broke into the building and stole the precious jewellery.

The dacoits broke into the bank last night and stole all the cash.

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19. Break out - बच मिकलिा, फरार होिा, फ़ै ल जािा, अचािक से शुरू हो जािा

The prisoners broke out the prison. (To escape from a place or situation)

The Third World War can break out any time. (To start suddenly)

Ebola Virus had broken out in many cities of India. (To spread quickly)

The fire broke out in the forest at midnight.

20. Break off - मित्रता तोड़िा या िूििा, अचािक रुकिा

Rohan and Karan were bosom friends, but they seem to have broken off now.

She was saying something about Rahul, but broke off as she saw him.

21. Break up - खत्ि करिा, मबखेर देिा, खदेड़ देिा

Don’t let a little dispute break up a good relationship.

Why did you break up with her?

The police had to use tear gas to break up the crowd.

22. Break down - खराब हो जािा, असफल हो जािा, अचािक रोिा शुरू कर देिा

My car broke down on the highway.

She broke down at the funeral.

His health is breaking down under the pressure of work.

The talk between the two countries broke down.

23. Break loose - खुल जािा

My cow broke loose and ran away.

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My small boat broke loose from its anchor during the storm.

24. Break away - अपिे आप को बंधि से छु ड़ाकर भाग जािा

Four people tried to hold the buffalo by the bridle, but the buffalo broke away.

Phrasal Verbs using “Go”

25. Go away - चले जािा, दूर चले जािा, मिकल जािा

Go away from here and leave me alone.

The dog sniffed at the bone and went away.

26. Go against - के मखलाफ जािा

You are going against the laws of nature.

This case might go against you if you don’t do something now.

27. Go ahead - आगे बढ़िा, शुरू करिा (To start or continue to do something)

Go ahead and get over your negative thinking.

Unless you try, you can’t say whether you succeed or not. So, go ahead and try your best.

Go ahead and bring the mission off.

28. Go on - कु छ घटित होिा, जारी रखिा, चलते रहिा

What’s going on?

Just remember life always goes on.

Go on speaking the truth.

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29. Go down - कीित घििा, िीचे जािा Go up - कीित बढ़िा, ऊपर जािा

Prices of petrol and diesel are not going down (or coming down).

The Indian rupee is likely to go up against US dollar.

30. Go after - पीछा करिा, पीछे जािा (To follow)

He picked up the bundle of logs and went after the old man.

The cat went after the bird, but it flew away.

If you don’t go after what you want, you will never have it.

31. Go through - पढ़िा, ककसी चीज़ से गुजरिा, साििा करिा, झेलिा, सहिा

If you don’t understand then just go through this lesson once again.

Parents have to go through many ups and downs in life in order to bring up their children.

I had to go through many difficulties while writing this book.

32. Go off - भिक जािा, बंद हो जािा (जैसे लाइि आकद), धिाके से फििा

Humanity is going off the track.

You are going off the topic. Please, come to the point.

No sooner did I enter my room than the light went off.

The bomb went off with a loud bang in a crowded place.

33. Go under - असफल होिा, कदिामलया हो जािा (To become bankrupt)

The Kingfisher Airline was in debt from the start and it finally went under.

The firm will go under unless business improves in a few days.

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I tried many businesses but I always went under.

34. Go into - छािबीि करिा (To investigate), कोई िौकरी करिा शुरू करिा

The police have been going into the matter for many days.

She wants to go into journalism.

After earning Master’s degree in Mathematics, she went into banking.

35. Go out - बुझािा, बुझ जािा (or To put out/To extinguish), पुरािा हो जािा

Who went out the fire?

The candle went out because of the gust of wind.

Yellow pants went out after a short season of popularity.

36. Go about - भ्रिण करिा, लगे रहिा

It is dangerous to go about such acts.

How should I go about reducing weight?

How should I go about my business?

37. Go back on - िुकर जािा, पीछे हििा (or To back out of)

Don’t go back on your promise. Or Don’t back out of your promise.

He always goes back on his words.

My boss has gone back on his promise and decided to fire me from this job.

38. Go along - साथ देिा, सहयोग देिा (With an agreement), ककसी के साथ जािा

Will you go along with me on this issue?

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Why do I go along with you on this issue?

He refused to go along with me on this matter.

She went to the railway station along with her husband.

39. Go at - हिला करिा (To attack someone with energy)

The two boys were going at each other like mad dogs in public.

They went at each other furiously.

40. Go without - के मबिा काि चलािा

Can you go without water for many days?

No one can go without water.

41. Go with - िेल खािा

I think this tie will go with that blue shirt.

I think this black shirt will not go with your yellow tie.

42. Go wrong - खराब हो जािा, कु छ गड़बड़ होिा

What has gone wrong with your motorcycle?

What has gone wrong with your new car?

43. Go around - फै लिा, पयामप्त होिा, ककसी के साथ चक्कर होिा

Be careful! The flu is going around these days.

I am afraid we don’t have enough cakes to go around.

These chairs are enough to go around.

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I think she is going around with someone in her office.

44. Go over - जााँचिा, िज़र िारिा, चेक करिा

Go over your assignment before you hand in.

Go over your report carefully for grammar and spelling mistakes.

45. Go by - पास से मिकल जािा (To pass by)

Five years went by.

Time goes by like a dream.

Phrasal Verbs using “Get”

46. Get away with - भाग जािा, बच मिकलिा (To escape)

The dacoits got away with all the cash and precious jewellery.

He often cheats in the examination but always gets away with the punishment.

The thief got away with the punishment.

47. Get along with - अच्छे संबंध होिा, घुल मिलकर रहिा

I don’t get along with my sister.

He gets along with his colleague.

They get along with each other very well.

48. Get on - ककसी िाहि पर चढ़िा (Bus, train, airplane)

Hurry up! Get on the bus.

Every time, I get on a plane, I feel very nervous.

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My brother saw her get on (to) the bus at the last stop.

49. Get off - ककसी िाहि से उतरिा

He was getting off the bus when I saw him the first time.

We will get off at the next stop.

He got off the bed and opened the door.

50. Get about - घूििा, इधर उधर जािा (To visit many places)

I got about a lot with my last job.

These days, people love getting about a lot.

51. Get to - पहाँचिा

Gopalpur is a remote area in Bengal and difficult to get to.

We have to get to the airport by 10 A.M.

How can we get to that remote area?

52. Get over - उभर पािा, ककसी िुसीबत या परेशािी से बाहर मिकलिा

I used to have a fear of spiders, but now I have got over it.

It took him years to get over the shock of his wife’s death.

It can take months to get over this deadly disease.

53. Get out of - बाहर मिकलिा

Get out of my room.

Is there any way to get out of this problem?

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Get out of your laziness and do something big.

54. Get through - सफल होिा, पूरा करिा

I tried to call her but couldn’t get through.

I burnt the midnight oil but I couldn’t get through the examination.

When will you get through with your project?

55. Get together - इक्कठा होिा, एक दूसरे से मिलिा, इक्कठा करिा

We got together in college after a long period of 4 years.

Let’s get together this weekend.

I am trying to get together enough money to buy a new house.

56. Get rid of - छु िकारा पािा, पीछा छु ड़ािा

I could somehow get rid of them.

I want to get rid of this boring life.

I am not able to get rid of my bad habits.

57. Get down - ककसी सिारी से उतरिा, मिराश करिा, ककसी मिष्कषम पर पहाँचिा, काि पर ध्याि देिा

Get down from the horse and let me hold it by the bridle or it will break away.

You always get me down.

After a long research, I have got down to these results.

Let’s get down to studies as the exams are approaching near.

It’s time I get down to business seriously.

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Phrasal Verbs using “Come”

58. Come at - िहत्ि सिझ िें आिा

Finally, he came at the value of time and money.

People are coming at the value of this life.

59. Come by - हाथ लगिा, मिलिा, प्राप्त करिा

How did you come by your stolen mobile?

How did you come by these scars on your face?

Government jobs are hard to come by these days.

60. Come along with - ककसी के साथ चलिा, ककसी के साथ आिा

He came along with his parents.

Are you coming along with us?

What happened to him? Why is he not coming along with us?

61. Come to know - पता चलिा

If he didn’t tell me, I would not come to know.

If I come to know, I will definitely tell you.

I came/got to know about this matter through a friend of mine.

62. Come out - स्पष्ट होिा, साििे आिा

The truth has come out that she has stolen the money.

The truth has come out at last.

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When will this book come out?

63. Come across - संयोग से मिलिा, अचािक से िुलाकात होिा

I came across an old friend of mine yesterday.

If you come across my mobile, please inform me.

In a day, If you don’t come across any problems - you can be sure that you are travelling in
a wrong path. (By Swami Vivekananda)

64. Come over - ककसी के घर आिा

Why did you not come over for lunch on Saturday?

When did you first come over to India?

He is coming over for dinner today.

65. Come off - अलग होिा, बाहर आिा, जीतिा, घटित होिा

Don’t pull so hard or the handle will come off.

I have come off all my problems.

She came off well in the debate competition.

My brother’s marriage will come off next month.

66. Come of - ितीजा मिकालिा

Nothing will come of it.

Good things come of good deeds.

67. Come up - अचािक से आिा, अचािक प्रकि होिा, आ पहाँचिा

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A stranger came up to our house and then turned away.

He came up with a great idea.

A brilliant idea came up in my mind.

68. Come to - होश िें आिा, कु ल मिलाकर कीित होिा

Hearing the bad news, she fainted. When she came to, she started crying.

She came to an hour after the operation.

Your charges for all these items come to Rs. 800.

69. Come down with - कोई बीिारी हो जािा

He came down with flu and will not be able to go to work for a few days.

I came down with a bad cold last night.

Phrasal Verbs using “Put”

70. Put on - पहििा, िजि बढ़िा

Take off this shirt and Put on the red one. Also, put on your new shoes.

He has put on a lot of weight.

In spite of the fact that I eat a lot, I am not able to put on my weight.

71. Put off - स्थमगत करिा, रद्द करिा, िालिा

He had to put off the meeting owing to heavy rain.

Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

I kept on asking him about the matter, but he was putting me off.

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72. Put up - ऊपर िााँगिा, ऊपर लगािा, रहिे के मलए जगह देिा

The peon put up a notice on the notice board.

Please help me in putting up the pictures on the wall.

You don’t need to rent a room. We will be happy to put you up.

73. Put back - सही जगह पर िामपस रखिा (put something back where it belongs)

Put the books back on the shelves.

No one can put back the clock.

74. Put down - िीचे करिा, दबािा, शांत करिा

Now, you can put your hands down.

The government put down the revolt by force.

The military was called out to put down the riots.

75. Put up with - बदामस्त करिा, सहिा (To bear or To tolerate)

I can’t put up with your anger.

I will not put up with your oppression any longer.

He can’t put up with your behavior.

76. Put away - रखिा, ककसी दूसरी जगह रखिा, एक जगह से हिािा

Can you put your books away for a while?

I am cleaning the table. Can you put your mobile away?

Your shoes are so dirty. Please put them away from here.

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77. Put forward - साििे रखिा, प्रस्ताि रखिा

I put forward some proposals to reform the Indian Education system.

You can put forward your suggestions at the meeting.

I have put forward your name for the nomination.

78. Put out - बुझािा (To extinguish)

Don’t put out the fire.

The fire-fighters struggled a lot to put out the fire in the market.

You can’t smoke inside, please put the cigarette out.

Phrasal Verbs using “Turn”

79. Turn on - चालू करिा (light, TV, radio, fan, heater etc)

Please turn on the tap after turning on the radio.

Turn on the shower.

80. Turn off - बंद करिा, बोर कर देिा

Please turn off the alarm. Or Please turn the alarm off.

Oh! I forgot to turn the light off.

Such music always turns me off.

81. Turn up - आिाज़ बढ़ािा, हामज़र होिा (To appear)

Please turn the volume up.

Only a few students turned up due to heavy rain.

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If you don’t turn up tomorrow, you will be expelled from the school.

82. Turn down - आिाज़ घिािा, ठु करा देिा (To refuse)

Would you please turn the volume down?

He turned down my proposal.

Why did you turn down her invitation?

83. Turn around - पूरी तरह से घूि जािा, पलििा, बढ़िा

The moment I called out her name, she turned around.

Turn around and come straight.

Please, help me in turning the sofa around.

If we work together, I am sure our sales will turn around next month.

84. Turn about - उलिी कदशा िें िुहाँ कर लेिा

The moment he saw his father coming towards him, he turned about.

No sooner did I see him with a girl than he turned about.

85. Turn away - िोड़ देिा, ककसी को िोड़ देिा या िामपस कर देिा

He turned me away from the entrance of the hall.

He rebuked him and turned him away.

How can a doctor turn away a dying man?

86. Turn out (of) - बुझा देिा, ककसी जगह से बाहर मिकाल देिा

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He turned the students out of the class for not completing the homework.

When you go to sleep, turn out the light.

This road turned me out of the town.

87. Turn in - सौंपिा या जिा करिािा (जैसे assignment, report), सोिे जािा

Turn in your homework, please.

Have you turned in your report?

Would you like some milk before you turn in?

88. Turn over - पलििा या पेज पलििा, आगे करिा

You may now turn over your paper.

Turn over the page and see what is written there.

Whenever I don’t like any programme on television, I just turn it over.

89. Turn upside down - पलिकर पूरी तरह उल्िा करिा (जैसे मगलास)

Turn the glass upside down.

The painting is hung upside down. Please turn it upside down.

You are holding the book upside down.

90. Turn inside out - अंदर िाले महस्से को बाहर करिा (जैसे किीज़, पेंि)

It was so windy that my umbrella turned inside out.

Turn your shirt inside out.

You have put on your shirt inside out. (तुििे अपिी किीज़ उलिी पहिी है)

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91. Turn aside - िागम से मिचमलत होिा

People often turn aside from the path of truth.

Don’t turn aside from the path of truth.

Phrasal Verbs using “Look”

92. Look for - ढू ाँढिा, खोजिा

What are you looking for under the table?

I am looking for a new job.

Don’t look for happiness, create it.

93. Look up - खोजिा (कोई जािकारी जैसे Dictionary, Books etc िें)

What are you looking up in this book?

Look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary.

I tried to look it up on the internet but I couldn’t get through.

94. Look up to - ककसी की इज्जत करिा, ककसी की प्रशंसा करिा

I look up to all those who help others.

He looks up to his elder brother as a real life hero.

I look up to Saint MSG as my spiritual leader.

95. Look at - देखिा (एक कदशा से दूसरी कदशा िें)

Look at the whiteboard.

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Look at that man who is standing there.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

96. Look ahead - आगे देखिा (जैसे भमिष्य िें)

We must look ahead before we make any decision.

As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.

He, who doesn’t look ahead, remains behind.

97. Look back - पीछे देखिा (जैसे अपिे भूतकाल िें)

It is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret.

Don’t waste your time looking back at what you have lost.

Every moment wasted looking back, keeps us away from moving forward.

98. Look forward to - ककसी चीज़ की उत्सुकता से उम्िीद करिा

I am looking forward to going to Paris next month.

She is looking forward to seeing her grandchildren again.

We are really looking forward to your reply.

99. Look out - तलाश िें रहिा, सािधाि रहिा

I am on the look out for a good job.

The scientists are on the look out for life on other planets.

Look out! There is a bus coming.

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100. Look through - दोहरािा, ध्याि से सिझिा (to read something quickly)

Hurry up! Look through the chapter.

Just look through the files before you proceed further.

I have looked through all the files.

101. Look after - देखभाल करिा

Who looks after these plants?

Who looked after you in the hospital?

When I go to college, my mother looks after my dog.

102. Look into - जााँच-पड़ताल करिा (to investigate)

The police are looking into the matter.

You should look into the accounts thoroughly.

We will have to look into the problem to get together more information.

103. Look down on - ककसी को तुच्छ सिझिा, कि सिझिा

He looks down on her because she does nothing.

We should never look down on the poor.

You should never look down on your opponent.

104. Look down upon - िफ़रत करिा, ककसी पर शासि करिा

No one should look down upon the poor.

Don’t look down upon any human, for even the most inferior believer is great in the eyes
of God.

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Don’t look down upon others, for we all are the children of God.

105. Look over - िज़र िारिा, दोबारा से देखिा (review, check, examine)

It will take 5 more days to me to look over this book.

If I were you, I would look over this answer again.

Let me look over my schedule first.

106. Look on - बहत ही ध्याि से देखिा (to observe carefully without involvement)

Everybody was looking on the fight.

Everybody looked on as they fought.

The crowd looked on as the procession passed.

107. Look around - सभी जगह देखिा, इधर उधर देखिा

I am just looking around for a plot here.

There are many old cars here. Let’s look around.

What are you looking around here in the shopping mall?

Phrasal Verbs using “Pass”

108. Pass by - बगल से गुजरिा

She just passed by me.

He always passes by our home.

109. Pass away - देहांत हो जािा, गुजर जािा, िर जािा

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My grandfather passed away after a long illness.

He passed away owing to drowning.

His father passed away in a fatal road accident yesterday.

110. Pass out - सुद्ध बुद्ध खो देिा, बााँििा (faint, lose consciousness, distribute)

After hearing the news, she was so shocked that she passed out.

Oh no! I forgot to pass out the question papers to the students.

Phrasal Verbs using “Call”

111. Call on (person), at (thing) - कु छ देर के मलए मिलिे जािा, िदद िााँगिा

I will call on you in the evening tomorrow.

Why did you not call at my home when you were here?

The government called on the volunteers for food and shelter for the victims.

Boss called on his people to carry forward their struggle for India’s freedom.

112. Call off - रद्द कर देिा (To cancel, To end)

We had to call off the program because of the curfew.

The match had to be called off because of the bad weather.

The mission had to be called off because the soldiers went down with flu.

113. Call up - इक्कठा करिा, याद कदलािा, फ़ोि करिा

These pictures called up my childhood memories.

Don’t call up the past events of your life that you can’t put up with.

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Your wife had been calling you up since morning?

114. Call for - ज़रूरत होिा (Requirement or need), िााँगिा (Demand)

He has call for your help.

Your study will call for a lot of money.

The BJP has called for the minister’s resignation after he was exposed.

115. Call for - लेिे के मलए आिा (Come to take something)

The landlord has called for rent.

I will call for you tomorrow and we will go to the cinema together.

116. Call at - मिलिे के मलए आिा (to come to visit)

In a letter he was asked to call at the bus stop.

She called at my home when I was not there.

I called at his office yesterday, but he was on leave.

117. Call out - अचािक से बुलािा

He turned around the moment I called out his name.

They had to call out an urgent meeting.

The military were called out to put down the riots.

118. Call in - ककसी को ककसी उद्देकय के मलए बुलािा

We need to call in an electrician because the power has been off for two days.

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I had to call in the police to sort out the matter.

The CBI has been called in for the further investigation.

Phrasal Verbs using “Hold”

119. Hold on - चालू रखिा, चलते रहिा (जैसे फ़ोि)

Please, hold on for a minute. I am getting you through to the manager.

Could you please hold on for a few more seconds?

120. Hold in - रोके रखिा (खुद को)

He wanted to laugh and hardly could hold in.

She held in her anger somehow.

121. Hold up - ऊपर करके पकड़िा, रोकिा या देर करिा (To delay/stop)

He is standing there holding up a sign board with our names on it.

The construction work was held up for want of money.

Sorry! I could not make it on time because the traffic held me up.

122. Hold up - ककसी को जाि से िारिे की धिकी देकर उसका सािाि हड़पिा

The robbers held up all the cash from a lady at gunpoint.

Two bikers held a man up and took all the cash.

123. Hold up to - ककसी चीज़ िें ककतिी चीज़ आ सकती है (To contain)

This airplane can hold up to 400 passengers.

This Cricket stadium can hold up to 40, 000 spectators.

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124. Hold forth - लगातार ककसी मिषय पर बोलते जािा (मजससे दूसरे ऊब जाएाँ)

He held forth all afternoon about government conspiracy theories.

He will hold forth about this matter unless he is stopped.

Phrasal Verbs using “Hand”

125. Hand in - दे देिा

Please hand in your answer sheet before you leave the examination hall.

Please hand in the documents to me.

Time is up, please hand in the answer sheets.

126. Hand out - बााँििा (To distribute)

The teacher handed out the question papers to the students.

The examiner asked me to hand out the worksheets.

127. Hand over - सौंपिा (To give power or control to someone else)

Hand over your gun and kneel down on the ground.

The king handed over his kingdom in favor of his son.

128. Hand down - एक पीढ़ी से दूसरी पीढ़ी को देिा (जैसे Knowledge or skills)

The art of making bangles has been handing down in her family for years.

The spiritual masters have been handing down their secret methods of enlightenment to
the masses for generations.

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The court handed down the guilty verdict. (फैं सला सुिािा)

129. Hand around - ककसी सिूह के सभी लोगों िें बााँििा

Why did you not hand the cookies around?

Children don’t like to hand their things around.

130. Hand back - िामपस करिा (to return)

This is my book. Hand it back to me.

Mam, when will you hand back all of the tests?

Phrasal Verbs using “Bear”

131. Bear off - हमथयािा, लेकर चले जािा

He bore off all the property and went away.

She bore off the first prize in the painting competition.

132. Bear with - बदामस्त करिा, सहिा

I can’t bear with your bad habits anymore.

It is difficult for today’s generation to bear with criticism.

133. Bear out - प्रिामणत करिा, सच साििे लािा (To support the truth)

I hope the other witnesses will bear me out.

The few pieces of evidence couldn’t bear out the charges on him.

If the evidence bears out the charge, he will be sent to jail.

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134. Bear on - सही होिा, संबंमधत होिा

Your remarks do not bear on the matter in hand.

This book bears on the same subject as that.

135. Bear down - दबा देिा, कु चल देिा, जबरदस्ती उखाड़ फें किा

He has been successful in bearing down all opposition.

The dictator bore down all opposition in no time.

Phrasal Verbs using “Run”

136. Run out of - खत्ि होिा, सिाप्त होिा

The battery of my mobile is running out of charging.

The Earth is running out of fresh water.

I can’t put up with your anger anymore. My patience has run out now.

137. Run after - पीछे भागिा

Don’t run after money.

Stop running after the worldly pleasure and search for peace within you.

138. Run down - किजोरी िहसूस होिा, खत्ि होिा, िीचा कदखािा

Are you run down in health today?

My father is terribly run down and is unfit for work today.

The fresh water is running down on the Earth.

Ignorant people will always run down even the best book ever written.

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139. Run over - जल्दी जल्दी सिझािा या पढ़िा, ऊपर से मिकल जािा

Don’t run over the lesson or you will forget it in a day or so.

Could you please run over that point again?

A bus ran over a scooterist and killed her.

140. Run away - भाग जािा, चम्पत हो जािा, डर कर भाग जािा

The moment he saw the police, he ran away from there.

He ran away from home with all the cash, when he was just ten.

Phrasal Verbs using “Knock”

141. Knock down - ध्िस्त कर देिा, िक्कर िारकर मगरा देिा, हरा देिा

The high wind gusts knocked down dozens of trees and power lines in Delhi.

If you drove the car properly, you would not knock the cyclist down.

Mohammad Ali knocked down his opponent in the very first round.

142. Knock off - काि करिा बंद करिा (to stop working)

When do you knock off your work?

I usually knock off work at 5 in the evening.

143. Knock out - ककसी को प्रभामित करिा, बेसुध करिा

Please tell me how I can knock everyone out with my English.

She knocked everyone out with her presentation at the meeting.

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144. Knock over - बैंक, दुकाि आकद लूििा

The robber knocked over two banks in a day.

The gang knocked over a jewellery shop yesterday.

Phrasal Verbs using “Let”

145. Let down - मिराश करिा (to disappoint someone)

I don’t want to let you down. But I can’t support you in this matter.

I didn’t intend to let you down by not completing the work on time.

146. Let in - अंदर आिे देिा (to allow someone to enter)

She didn’t let me in.

My mother opened the door and let us in.

Open the curtains and let the sunshine in.

147. Let out - ककराये पर देिा, बाहर मिकालिा, आिाज़ मिकालिा

You can make some extra money by letting out your old house.

Recently, all the rooms are already occupied so I can’t let out any room to you.

Who let the secret out? (to reveal)

The lion let out a great roar. (to make a particular sound)

She let out a scream of pain.

148. Let on - मबिा आज्ञा के भेद बतािा, बता देिा

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Will you let on this talk to my sister?

Please don’t let on that you know me.

149. Let in on - अपिी इच्छा से ककसी को भेद बतािा

She let me in on her secret that she was getting married to Ramesh.

He let me in on what he was planning.

150. Let off - छोड़ देिा, थोड़ी सजा देकर छोड़ देिा, चलािा

I was let off with a warning.

The jury let him off with a fine rather than putting him behind the bars as it was his first

Don’t let off the firework in the class.

Two militants let off their guns at the villagers.

151. Let up - कि होिा, प्रभाि कि होिा, थोड़ा ठं डा होिा

When will the rain let up?

It is raining cats and dogs here, so we will have to wait until it lets up.

Other Important and Useful Phrasal Verbs + Fixed Prepositions

152. Entitled to – अमधकार होिा (Officially)

He was not entitled to treat that boy.

You are not entitled to use this system.

153. Carry out - आज्ञा का पालि करिा (Mainly order)

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A good player must carry out the orders of his coach.

I will do my best to carry out your orders.

154. Wait for - ककसी का इं तज़ार करिा

What are you waiting for?

Time doesn’t wait for anybody.

155. Stand by - साथ देिा, साथ खड़े होिा

Always stand by the truth.

I will not stand by you at any cost.

156. Make out - सिझिा, ितलब मिकालिा या ितलब सिझिा

I couldn’t make out what he wrote.

Your hand-writing is too small to make out.

157. Carry on - लगे रहिा, जारी रखिा, आगे बढ़िा

I couldn’t carry on my project due to lack of money.

I will carry on my studies until I get a good job.

158. Take away - लेकर भाग जािा, छीि लेिा, दूर करिा

The dacoits took away with all the cash from the bank.

Nobody can take away your freedom but you.

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159. Peel off - मछलका उतारिा

I am peeling off the potatoes.

Are you peeling off the potatoes?

160. Rip off - लूििा

The shopkeeper was trying to rip me off.

Don’t even think of buying anything from him. He will rip you off.

161. See off - अलमिदा कहिा, छोड़िे जािा

I am going at the bus stop to see my uncle off.

I have seen my friend off.

162. Count on - भरोसा करिा

Don’t count on him, he plays fast and loose.

Nobody can count on his loyalty.

163. Fill in/out - भरिा (to fill a form)

Fill out the form and give it to me.

Who filled out your form?

164. Fill up - भरिा (glass, jar, bucket, bottle, car, tank etc )

Hearing the news of her friend’s death, her eyes filled up with tears.

The bucket is already filled up.

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165. Answer for - मजम्िेदारी लेिा, मजम्िेदार होिा (ककसी गलत बात का)

Remember you will have to answer for your own bad deeds to God.

The Prime Minister will have to answer for all the bad decisions that he has made.

166. Answer back - पलिकर जिाब देिा

Her mother was shocked when she started answering her back.

He always used to answer his parents back.

167. Roll out - चालू करिा, लागू करिा, प्रस्तुत करिा

(To introduce or to launch a new product officially)

GST rolled out from 1 July 2018.

The prototype of the new jet airplane is to be rolled out soon.

Whatsapp is going to roll out a new service to make it better soon.

168. Blow out - हिा से बुझिा या फूाँ क िारकर कोई चीज़ बुझािा, साफ़ करिा

The wind blew the candle out.

We don’t need a candle. You can blow it out.

Blow out your nose.

169. Back out (of) - िचि तोड़िा, अपिे िादे से िुकरिा, कदि पीछे हिािा

She was considered a strong candidate to win the election, but she backed out at the last

They backed out of the deal at the last moment.

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Don’t back out of your promise now.

170. Hinder from - रोकिा, बाधा डालिा (Hinder from + doing something)

He hindered her from doing this work.

You can’t hinder me from doing what I want.

Don’t hinder me in my business. (Hinder in + something)

171. Abstain from - परहेज करिा (Abstain from + doing something/something)

I abstain from smoking and gambling.

I abstain from meat and eating spicy foods.

172. Heir to - उत्तरामधकारी होिा

She is the sole heir to a large property.

Who is the true heir to the throne?

173. Hanker after (someone or something) - ककसी चीज़ के पीछे लालामयत होिा

Most of the people hanker after money.

Don’t hanker after wealth all your life.

174. Part with + something - अलग होिा

I can’t part with spiritual stories and spirituality.

The miser doesn’t like to part with his money.

175. Part from + person - मबछु ड़िा, अलग होिा

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He parted from her on a trifle.

We parted from each other because that was the last day of our college.

176. Refer to - सहायता लेिा, से सम्बंमधत होिा, संकेत करिा

If you don’t know the meaning of this word, then refer to the dictionary.

The word “man” refers to all humans irrespective of their sex.

What does the word “he” refers to in the passage?

177. Succumb to - झुक जािा, घुििे िेक देिा

He succumbed to the truth at last.

He succumbed to illness.

I had to succumb to his obstinacy.

178. Agree with (person) - सहित होिा

Do you agree with me in this matter?

I agree with you but to some extent.

179. Agree to (proposal) - सहित होिा

I agree to your proposal.

Finally, she agreed to my proposal.

180. Angry with (person) - गुस्सा होिा

The teacher is angry with you.

Why are you so angry with me? What wrong have I done to you?

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181. Angry at (something) - ककसी चीज़ या बात पर गुस्सा होिा

I am angry at his bad conduct.

My teacher is angry at my way of questioning.

182. Believe in - मिशिास करिा

I believe in God.

Do you believe in ghosts?

183. Rely on - भरोसा करिा (or count on)

I can’t rely on unauthorized content.

You can rely on me for help.

184. Trust in (person), to (thing) - मिश्वास करिा

I don’t trust in him because he is a big liar.

I don’t trust to your words.

185. Born of - से जन्ि लेिा (Parents)

He was born of poor parents.

Swami was born of an orthodox mother.

186. Born in - िें जन्ि लेिा (Family)

I am born in a rich family.

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She was born in a poor family.

187. Born in/at - िें जन्ि लेिा (place)

Her baby was born at home.

I was born in Chandigarh.

188. Born to - जन्ि देिा

A sweet boy was born to her after 20 years of long time.

A sweet girl was born to her after a long period of time.

189. Accuse of - ककसी चीज़ का दोष लगािा

He was accused of rape.

She was accused of killing her husband.

190. Accused by - ककसी के द्वारा दोष लगािा

He was accused by his wife.

He was accused by his wife of killing the servant.

191. Indebted to (person) - कजमदार होिा, ऋणी होिा, बहत धन्यिादी होिा

I am greatly indebted to you and your family.

192. Indebted for (thing) - कजमदार होिा, ऋणी होिा, बहत धन्यिादी होिा

We are deeply indebted for your help.

I am highly indebted to Ravi and his family for every possible help.

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193. Lean against - सहारा लेिा

Don’t lean against the wall.

Don’t lean against the door.

194. Useful to (person), for (thing) - ककसी के मलए लाभदायक होिा

This book is very useful to us.

A morning walk is useful to you.

Your health tips are very useful to me for my health.

195. Obliged to (person), at (thing) - आभारी होिा

I am obliged to you.

He is obliged to her at her timely help and hospitality.

196. Disgusted with (person or life), at (thing) - तंग होिा

I am disgusted with this life and want to renounce the world for peace.

I am totally disgusted with him at his nonsense talks.

197. Break with - झगड़ा करिा (to quarrel), दोस्ती तोड़िा

She broke with her boyfriend.

Why are you breaking with me?

198. Cook up a story - ििगढ़ंत कहािी बिािा

He always cooks up a story for being late.

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He cooked up a story for his being late as always.

199. Annoyed with (person), at (thing) - िाराज़ होिा

I don’t know why she is annoyed with me.

She is annoyed with you at your behavior.

200. Cut in - बीच िें बोल पड़िा

Don’t cut in my words.

It is no good cutting in when two persons are talking.

201. Complain of (thing), to (to person), against (person) - मशकायत करिा

He is always complaining of stomachache to his mother.

He complained against you of beating him to the teacher.

202. Exempt from - िाफ़ करिा, िुक्त करिा

My teacher exempted me from paying fine.

He was exempted from paying tax.

203. Expert in (doing), at (thing) - उस्ताद होिा, मिपुण होिा, दक्ष होिा

He is expert in solving puzzles.

He is expert at English language.

204. Deal in - व्यापार करिा, सौदा करिा

My cousin deals in sugar.

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I deal in computer software and hardware.

205. Deal with - चचाम करिा, हल करिा, बतामि करिा, पेश आिा

How did you deal with the problem so easily?

It is difficult for me to deal with him.

206. Compare with - तुलिा करिा (एक जैसी चीजों िें तुलिा)

Compare your marks with the previous years.

He always compares me with my brother.

207. Compare to - तुलिा करिा (दो अलग अलग चीजों िें तुलिा)

Life can be compared to a drama.

How can you compare a lion to a cat?

208. Count in - सम्िीमलत करिा या होिा

If you are going to the cinema, please count me in.

Should we count him in for the trip?

209. Drop in - अचािक से आ जािा, होते हए जािा, िपक पड़िा, मिलिे जािा

No sooner did I lock the door, a few guests dropped in.

Please drop in here tomorrow.

210. Flare up - अचािक क्रोमधत होिा, भड़किा, शुरू होिा

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You should not flare up on trifles.

Why did he not flare up over the SC/ST Act controversy?

211. Beg off - ििा कर देिा (to decline an invitation), िुकरिा

He promised me to drive me to the bus stop, yet he begged off.

She begged my invitation off.

212. Take after - हिशक्ल होिा, सदृश होिा

She takes after her mother.

He doesn’t take after his father at all.

213. Figure out - सिझिा, आाँकड़े लगािा, पता लगािा

Please figure out the total cost.

Could you please help me figure out this problem?

214. Attend to - ध्याि से सुििा, ध्याि देिा

He tried to attend to what his teacher said.

Doctors try to attend to the worst injured patients first.

215. Let loose - खुला छोड़ देिा

The lion was let loose on the slave.

The dog was let loose on the running thief.

216. Live on - ककसी चीज़ पर मििामह करिा (feed on)

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Squirrels live on nuts.

Many wild animals live on flesh.

217. Wear out - मघस जािा, बहत थक जािा

My slippers have worn out.

The stress of my job has worn me out.

The shopkeeper had said that these shoes would last for 2 years but they wore out in just
2 months.

218. Deprive of - िंमचत करिा, अमधकारों से दूर रखिा

He was deprived of his property.

Children should not be deprived of education.

Who is responsible for depriving the children trapped in child labour of their childhood,
education and health?

219. Zest for - जोश, उत्साह (gusto, passion, zeal)

He has no zest for music.

The one who has zest for learning succeeds.

220. Stare at - घूरिा

I stared first at my cousin and then at the horse.

Why was he staring at you?

221. Off head - कदिाग खराब होिा

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You are off your head.

Are you off your head?

222. Detrimental to - हामिकारक

Alcohol and smoking are detrimental to health.

28% GST may be detrimental to tourism industry.

223. Set apart - सुरमक्षत रखिा, अलग रखिा

Communication skill can set you apart from the crowd.

Your thinking and attitude towards life set you apart from others.

224. Hang up - काि देिा

As soon as he heard my voice, he hung up my call.

He always hangs up my call.

225. Hang on - लिकिा, लिके रहिा, इं तज़ार करिा

Would you please hang on for a minute?

Hang on to the rope lest you should fall down.

226. Make sure - सुमिमित करिा, देखिा

Please make sure that you have got the keys.

Please make sure that you have locked the doors.

227. Dispose of - फें क देिा, बेचिा

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I have disposed of my old bike.

I want to dispose of my scooter.

Gujarat HC has disposed of 7,367 applications in 99 days.

228. Make sense - स्पष्ट अथम मिकलिा, सही ितलब मिकलिा

It does not make any sense.

Your idea does not make any sense.

229. Boast of - डींगे हााँकिा, इतरािा, शेमखबाजी करिा

Don’t boast of your learning.

Why do you always boast of your accomplishments?

230. Remember to - प्रणाि कहिा, ििस्कार कहिा

Remember me to your father.

Remember me to you parents.

231. Send for - बुलािा भेजिा

Hurry up! Send for the doctor.

In the end, we had to send for the ambulance.

232. Ask for - िााँगिा, पूछिा

What reward did he ask for?

He is asking for your contact number.

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233. Abide by (decision) - पालि करिा, पूरा करिा

You must abide by the rules.

Always abide by your promise.

234. Abide at (place) - ककसी जगह पर रहिा

I will abide at the bus stop till the bus arrives.

235. Abide in (house) - ककसी जगह िें रहिा

We have been abiding in this house for the last 5 years.

236. Abide with (person) - ककसी व्यमक्त के साथ रहिा

She doesn’t abide with me in my difficult times.

She has never abided with me in need.

237. Relapse into - लौििा, पुरािी अिस्था िें कफर से आ जािा

Physical pain is a key factor in alcohol consumption relapse into his bad habit.

Why do we relapse into bad habits?

238. Merge into - मिलय होिा, मिल जािा

Eventually, all things merge into one.

Various offices merged into one building.

239. Ignorant of - अिजाि होिा

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He was ignorant of this fact.

Many people are ignorant of the bad consequences of excessive use of mobile.

240. Aware of - जागरूक होिा

I was not aware of Black fungus.

More publicity is needed to make people aware of schemes.

241. Prepare for - ककसी चीज़ की तैयारी करिा

Prepare for your examination.

He is preparing for his tomorrow’s examination.

242. Prepare against - ककसी आपदा के मलए तैयारी करिा

Prepare against odds.

Taiwan should prepare against possible Chinese invasion.

243. Retaliate against - प्रमतशोध लेिा

The soldiers retaliate against the terrorists.

Russian threatened to retaliate against US.

244. Exonerate from - बरी करिा

The jury exonerated the guilty from the accusation of rape.

Florida man was exonerated from the charges of rape and murder after 37 years.

245. Occur to - अचािक से आिा

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It never occurred to me that he was telling a white lie.

An idea occurred to my mind.

246. Warn of - चेताििी देिा (risk, danger or disaster)

Drivers must be warned of the risk of texting while driving.

Scientists warned the world of the worsening global warning.

247. Warn against - चेताििी देिा (fault)

Doctors in India are warning against the practice of using cow dung in the belief it would
ward off covid-19, saying there is no scientific evidence for its effectiveness and that it risks
spreading other diseases.

US health experts warned against taking ivermectin to treat Covid-19.

248. Blind in - अाँधा होिा (eyes)

He is blind in one eye.

My granny is blind in left eye.

249. Blind to - अिदेखा करिा (faults, mistakes, defects)

His mother is blind to his faults.

He is blind to his own faults.

250. Consist of - से बिा होिा

A cricket team is consists of 11 players.

This army division consists of 550 troops.

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251. Consist in - िें मिमहत होिा, िें शामिल होिा

Beauty consists in the eyes of the beholder.

Beauty consists in the character of a man.

Happiness consists in giving and serving others.

252. Approve of - स्िीकार करिा, पसंद करिा,

I approve of my decisions.

I don’t approve of the way you behave with others.

253. Acquit of - दोष िुक्त करिा

He was acquitted of all the charges against him.

The jury acquitted him of rape.

254. Acquainted with - पटरमचत होिा (familiar with)

I am not acquainted with him.

The lawyer was not acquainted with the facts.

255. Abound in - से भरपूर होिा

This pond abounds in fish.

India abounds in minerals.

256. Abound with - से भरे होिा

This stream abounds with crabs.

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This park abounds with wild animals.

257. Of no avail - ककसी काि का ि होिा, कोई फायदा ि होिा

That opportunity was of no avail.

So long as you do not achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by the law is of
no avail to you.

258. Avail of - का फायदा उठािा

He availed himself of this opportunity and got immense growth in his business.

Kin of Covid-19 victims were asked to avail of ex-gratia scheme.

259. Adhere to - िजबूती से मचपके रहिा, जुड़े रहिा

Market bodies in Kolkata got orders to adhere to the safety guidelines.

No matter what, adhere to the truth.

260. Accustomed to - आकद होिा

I am accustomed to driving in traffic.

He is accustomed to this weather.

261. Differ with - असहित होिा (with a person on a topic)

He differs with my teacher on this topic.

I differ with you on this quotation “Everything is fair in war and love”.

262. Differ from - असहित होिा, से अलग होिा (anything)

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This mobile differs from that one in many ways.

How will Paris 2024 Olympics differ from Tokyo 2020?

Petrol, diesel prices differ from state to state.

263. Endowed with - से सुसमज्जत होिा, से संपन्न होिा

Only a few are endowed with brain and beauty.

He is endowed with mellifluous voice.

264. Addicted to - लत होिा

He is addicted to gambling.

Most of the people are leading a sedentary lifestyle and addicted to mobile phone.

265. Fond of - शौंक होिा, शौक़ीि होिा

He is fond of watching horror movies.

He is fond of dancing.

266. Affection for - के प्रमत प्रेि होिा

She has deep affection for her husband.

He has no affection for his children.

267. Comply with - पालि करिा, का अिुपालि करिा

PayU launched PayU token hub to help businesses comply with RBI norms.

The city police will issue NOCs to firecracker stalls only after the latter comply with the
safety and security norms related to crackers and Covid-19-appropriate behaviour.

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268. Sure to - पक्का होिा

He is sure to win this game.

He is sure to fail this year.

269. Confident of - ककसी चीज़ पर पूरा भरोसा होिा

I am confident of my success.

She was confident of her success.

270. Confidence in - ककसी पर मिश्वास होिा

I have confidence in you.

I have full confidence in him to get us out of this trouble.

271. Inquire of + person - ककसी से पूछिा

I inquired of him his contact number.

I inquired of her the name of her mother.

272. Inquire after + welfare - ककसी के बारे िें पूछिा

I inquired after his grandfather’s health.

He inquired after my granny’s health.

273. Inquire for/about + a thing - जािकारी लेिा (asking information)

He inquired about the horses.

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I inquired about the train timings.

274. Inquire into - पूछताछ करिा (investigate, examine)

The committee inquired into the matter.

The matter can be inquired into by the committee of independent domain experts and the
report can be filed before the top court.

275. Jealous of + something - ईष्याम होिा

He is jealous of my success.

My friends are jealous of my name and fame.

276. Known to + person - ककसी के द्वारा जािा जािा

A scholar is known to the world.

Gandhi Ji is known to everyone.

This trick is known to all.

277. Known for + a quality - ककसी चीज़ के मलए जािा जािा

He is known for his honesty.

I am known for my simplicity.

Rajpal Yadav is known for doing comedy in films.

278. Known by + recognize - ककसी चीज़ के द्वारा पहचािा जािा

A man is known by the company he keeps.

He is known by his good conduct.

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279. Known of - ककसी के बारे िें जािा जािा

Very less is known of the birthplace of Sai Baba.

Very less is known of/about William Shakespeare.

280. Grateful to + person - आभारी होिा

I will be grateful to you.

I am grateful to you for your timely help.

281. Thankful to + person - धन्यिादी होिा

I will be thankful to you.

He is thankful to your family.

282. Apparent to - स्पष्ट होिा

It was apparent to everyone present that if the patient did not receive medical attention
fast, he would die.

It is apparent to me.

283. Free from - िुक्त होिा

She was free from all blames.

You are free from all the liabilities.

284. Limit to - हद होिा

There is a limit to everything.

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There is always a limit in friendship.

285. Marry + person - शादी करिा

She will marry him.

Will you marry me?

286. Get married to + person - शादी होिा

She got married to Raj.

He is getting married to Ritu Next month.

287. Fit for - योग्य होिा, उपयुक्त होिा

He is fit for this job.

90% of the Indian engineers are not fit for technical jobs.

288. Irrelevant to + topic - मिसंगत होिा, अिुपयुक्त होिा

Your statement is irrelevant to the topic.

This question is irrelevant to the chapter.

289. Long for - काििा करिा, अमभलाषा करिा

Farmers are longing for rain.

He is longing for a new dress

290. Reputation of + doing something, for + something - छिी, पहचाि

He has the reputation of being a miser.

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He has the reputation for honesty.

He made a reputation for himself.

291. Match for + person - जोड़ी होिा

She is no match to him.

He is no match to her.

292. Refer to - हिाले करिा, सौंपिा

The police have referred the case to the CBI for the further investigation.

They are thinking of referring the case to the police.

The patient has been referred to the PGI.

293. Partial to + person, in + something - पक्षपात करिे िाला

The umpire was partial in his decision.

The judge is partial to his clerk.

294. Resort to - सहारा लेिा

He had to resort to alcohol.

We will have to resort to canon.

295. Suffer from - पीमड़त होिा

He is suffering from fever.

He is suffering from jaundice.

296. Sympathy for - सहािुभूमत रखिा

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He has no sympathy for the poor.

We should have sympathy for the poor.

297. Guilty of - दोषी होिा

He is guilty of theft.

He is not guilty of murder.

298. Competent for - योग्य, योग्य

You are not competent for this exam.

He is not competent for this team.

299. Worthy of - योग्य, लायक

He is not worthy of praise.

You are not worthy of this job.

300. Yield to - आत्िसिपमण करिा, हार िाििा

He yielded to his enemy.

Don’t yield to difficulties.

She yielded to her husband’s will.

Next page – 200 Idioms and Phrases

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Idioms & Phrases

1. At sixes and sevens – अव्यिमस्थत होिा, मबखरा होिा, उथला पुथला होिा

जब िैं अपिे किरे िें घुसा, िुझे अपिा सारा सािाि मबखरा हआ मिला I

When I entered my room, I found all my things at sixes and sevens.

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2. To play Fast and loose – कहिा कु छ करिा कु छ, मखलिाड़ करिा

उसपर मिश्वास ित करो क्योंकक िो कहता कु छ है और करता कु छ है I

Don’t believe him because he always plays fast and loose.

उसकी भाििाओं के साथ मखलिाड़ करिा बंद करो I

Stop playing fast and loose with her feelings.

3. Bag and baggage - बोटरये-मबस्तरे सिेत, सारे सािाि के साथ

अपिे बोटरये-मबस्तरे सिेत यहााँ से दफा हो जाओ I

Get lost from here bag and baggage.

उसिे बोटरये मबस्तरे के साथ भारत छोड़ कदया I

He left India bag and baggage.

4. Red-handed – रंगे हाथों

पुमलस िे उसे चोरी करते हए रंगे हाथों पकड़ा I

The police caught him stealing red-handed.

5. Then and there – उसी सिय, तुरंत

जब िो चोरी कर रहा था तो तुम्हें उसे उसी सिय पकड़िा चामहए था I

When he was stealing, you should have caught him then and there.

6. Hue and cry – शोरगुल, शोर शराबा, हंगािा

िो शोर शराबा कै सा है?

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What is that hue and cry?

7. Hard and fast – पक्का, मिमित, िपा तुला, कठोर, कड़ा

हिारी कं पिी के धूम्रपाि के मखलाफ कड़े मियि हैं I

Our company has hard and fast rules against smoking.

8. Ins and outs – सबकु छ, सारा ब्यौरा, हर छोिी जािकारी (Full details)

आपको जागरूक िहीं है लेककि िुझे इस िािले का सारा ब्यौरा पता है I

You are not aware but I know the ins and outs of this matter.

9. An axe to grind – ितलब होिा, स्िाथम होिा, अपिा उल्लू सीधा करिा

िो हिेशा अपिे बॉस की चापलूसी करता रहता है क्योंकक उसका कोई स्िाथम है I

He is always flattering his boss because he has an axe to grind with him.

10. At finger tips – िुज्बािी याद होिा, उस्ताद होिा

सभी मियि िेरी उं गमलयों पर हैं I

All the rules are at my finger tips.

11. An apple of discord - झगड़े की जड़ (Or bone of contention)

पूिमजों की संपमत्त दोिों भाइयो के बीच झगड़े की जड़ बि गई I

The ancestral property became an apple of discord between the two brothers.

12. An apple of one’s eyes – ककसी की आाँखों का तारा, बहत प्यारा

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राजा दशरथ के चार पुत्र थे लेककि राि उसकी आाँखों का तारा था I

The king Dashrath had four sons but Ram was an apple of his eyes.

13. By fits and starts – अमियमित ढंग से (irregularly)

अगर तुि अमियमित ढंग से काि करोगे तो तुि असफल हो जाओगे I

You will fail if you work by fits and starts.

14. Achilles’ heel – किजोरी (Weakness or weak point)

शराब का िाि लेते ही िो भागा चला आता है I (शराब उसकी किजोरी है)

Alcohol is his Achilles’ heel.

15. Slow and sure – मिमित रूप से, पक्का

तुि मिमित रूप से बेअिक अंग्रेजी बोलोगे I

You will speak fluent English slow and sure.

16. By leaps and bounds – कदि दुगिी रात चौगिी

जहााँ तक मशक्षा का सम्बन्ध है हि कदि दुगिी रात चौगिी तरक्की कर रहे हैं I

With regard to education, we have been progressing by leaps and bounds.

17. To leap in the dark – मबिा सोचे सिझे कदि उठािा

तुि मबिा सोचे सिझे कदि कै से उठा सकते हो?

How can you leap in the dark?

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18. To bury a hatchet - झगड़ा खत्ि करिा, झगड़ा भुला कर दोस्ती करिा

भारत और पाककस्ताि को अपिी तरक्की के मलए दुकििी भुला देिी चामहए I

India and Pakistan should bury the hatchet for their own progress.

19. To break the ice – चुप्पी तोड़िा, िौि तोड़िा (To start a conversation)

काफी देर चुप रहिे के बाद, उसे चुप्पी तोड़िी पड़ी I

After a long silence, he had to break the ice.

20. To kick a dead dog – बेफालतू िें िेहित करिा, व्यथम कोमशश

राजिेता इस िुद्दे पर बेिजह बहस कर रहे है I

The politicians are just kicking a dead dog. Or

The politicians are just beating (or flogging) a dead horse.

21. To burn the mid-night oil – कदि रात एक करिा, बहत िेहित करिा

उसिे परीक्षा िें सफल होिे के मलए कदि रात एक कर दी I

He burnt the mid-night oil to get through the examination.

22. To beat black and blue – िार-िार कर िील डालिा

अध्यापक िे बच्चों को िार-िार कर िील डाल कदया I

The teacher beat the children black and blue.

23. To beat to a pulp – िार-िार कर कचुम्बर मिकालिा

एक दुबले पतले लड़के िे एक हट्टे कट्टे लड़के का िार-िार कर कचुम्बर मिकाल कदया I

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A skinny boy beat the brawny boy to a pulp.

24. By hook or by crook – जैसे तैसे, जैसे भी, ककसी भी तरह, जैसे िजी

रोहि जैसे तैसे करके बहत पैसा किािा चाहता है I

Rohan wants to coin money by hook or by crook.

25. Ups and downs – उतार चढ़ाि

िैंिे अपिे जीिि िें बहत उतार चढ़ाि देखें हैं I

I have seen many ups and downs in my life.

26. To add fuel to the fire – आग िें घी डालिा, जले पर ििक मछड़किा

उसकी बकिास बातों िे आग िें घी डालिे का काि ककया I

His nonsense talks added fuel to the fire.

27. To dance to one’s tune or At one’s beck and call – ककसी के इशारों पर िाचिा

िह अपिी पत्नी के इशारों पर िाचता है I

He dances to his wife’s tune. Or

He is at his wife’s beck and call.

28. To die like a dog – कु त्ते की िौत िरिा, बहत बुरी िौत िरिा

तुि एक ि एक कदि कु त्ते की िौत िरोगे I

You will die like a dog one day or other.

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29. White elephant – बहत खचीला काि या कोई िस्तु

यह कार िेरे मलए बहत खचीली है I

This car is a white elephant for me.

30. To create a fuss – बात का बतंगड़ बिािा

तुि तो हिेशा बात का बतंगड़ बिाते हो I

You always create a fuss.

31. Damocles’ sword – बड़ा खतरा, बड़ी िुसीबत, खतरा िंडरािा

11 दलबदलूओं पर संकि िंडरा रहा है कक उन्हें चुिाि के मलए टिके ि मिलेगा भी या िहीं I

A sword of Damocles is hanging over 11 defectors whether they will be given the tickets
for the election or not.

(A sword of Damocles = Damocles’ sword)

32. A man of letters – मिद्वाि, सामहत्यकार

रमबन्रिाथ िैगोर एक मिद्वाि व्यमक्त थे I

Rabindranath Tagore was a man of letters.

िो अपिी जुबाि का पक्का है I (जुबाि का पक्का, भरोसेिंद व्यमक्त)

He is a man of words.

33. Off hand – मबिा तैयारी के

क्या तुि मबिा तैयारी के भाषण दे सकते हो?

Can you deliver a speech off hand?

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34. To beat around the bush – इधर उधर की बातें करिा

इधर उधर की बातें करिा बंद करो और िुद्दे पर आओ I

Stop beating around the bush and come to the point.

35. Part and parcel – अमभन्न अंग, िहत्िपूणम अंग

पढ़ािा िेरे जीिि का एक अमभन्न अंग है I

Teaching is a part and parcel of my life.

36. Through and through – पूरी तरह से, पूणम रूप से (Totally)

हि बरसात िें पूरी तरह से भीग गए I

We got drenched in the rain through and through.

37. Again and again – बार-बार

गोताखोरों को डु बकी लगाते सिय बार-बार अपिी सााँस रोकिी पड़ती है I

The divers have to hold their breath again and again while diving.

38. Off and on – कभी-कभी (or Now and then)

िह कभी-कभी िुझसे बात करिे के मलए मिलिे आ जाती है I

She drops in off and on for a chat with me.

39. Man in a thousand – हज़ारों िें एक

तुम्हारे जैसा दोस्त हज़ारों िें एक होता है I

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A friend like you is a man in a thousand.

40. One by one – एक एक करके

िुझे एक-एक करके बताओ कक तुि अपिे जीिि िें क्या बििा चाहते हो I

Tell me one by one what you want to become in your life.

41. To bell the cat – िुसीबत उठािा, खतरा िोल लेिा (to face the risk)

ककसी को तो खतरा उठाकर पुमलस को इस बारे िें बतािा होगा I

Someone will have to bell the cat and tell the police about this matter.

42. A hard nut to crack – िुमककल काि (very difficult task)

अंग्रेजी सीखिा कोई िुमककल काि िहीं है पर इसिें मिरंतर अभ्यास लगता है I

Learning English is not a hard not to crack but it requires consistent efforts.

43. In full swing – पूरे जोर शोर पर, पूरे जोरों पर

पािी पूरे जोर शोर पर है I

The party is in full swing.

44. To die in harness – काि करते-करते िर जािा

स्िेफेि हाककं ग काि करते-करते िर गया I

Stephen Hawking died in harness.

45. To die in bed – बीिारी से िरिा, बुढ़ापे से िरिा

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उसके दादा जी 90 की उम्र िें बुढ़ापे के कारण िर गए I

His grandfather died in bed at the age of 90.

46. Kith and kin – सगे सम्बंधी

उसिे अपिे सगे संबंमधयों को दाित पर बुलाया I

He invited his kith and kin to the feast.

47. To rain cats and dogs – िूसलाधार िषाम होिा, बहत तेज िषाम होिा

बहत तेज बाटरश हो रही थी इसमलए सभी उड़ािे रद्द कर दी गई I

It was raining cats and dogs so all flights were cancelled.

48. A dog in the manger – कबाब िें हड्डी, अड़चि

कबाब िें हड्डी ित बिो और अपिी बहि को अपिी साइककल चलािे दो I

Don’t become a dog in the manger and let your sister ride your bicycle.

49. To break the news – बुरी खबर सुिािा

उसिे ककसी तरह से उसके मपता की िौत की बुरी खबर उसे बता दी I

He broke the news of his father’s death to him somehow.

50. Out of the box – कु छ हि कर, कु छ अलग

हिें अपिे सपिों को साकार करिे के मलए कु छ हि कर सोचिा होगा I

We will have to think out of the box so as to actualize our dreams.

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51. At sea – उलझि िें, परेशाि (Puzzled, confused)

उसकी बात सुििे के बाद िैं उलझि िें हाँ I

I am at sea after listening to her.

52. For good – हिेशा के मलए

उसिे हिेशा के मलए सट्टा लगािा छोड़ कदया है I

He has stopped (or quit) speculating for good.

53. At large – पकड़ से बाहर होिा, आज़ाद कफरिा

अपराधी अभी भी पकड़ से बाहर है I

The Criminal is still at large.

54. Out and Out – पूरी तरह से (Totally)

िह पूरी तरह से एक मिद्वाि आदिी है I

He is out and out a wise man.

55. Blessing in disguise – बुरे िें कु छ भला छु पा होिा, दुुःख के भेस िें सुख होिा

िेरी बीिारी िें कु छ भला छु पा था क्योंकक इससे िुझे एहसास हआ कक सेहत ही सबसे बड़ा धि है I

My illness was a blessing in disguise because it made me realize that health is wealth.

56. Black sheep – बुरा आदिी, बदिाि व्यमक्त, खोिा व्यमक्त

िो हि िें से सबसे बुरा आदिी है I

He is the black sheep among all of us.

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57. Like wildfire – बहत तेजी से, जंगल िें आग की तरह

िो अफिाह जंगल िें आग की तरह पूरे भारत िें फे ल गई I

That rumor spread all over India like wildfire.

58. Like anything – बुरी तरह से, बहत तेजी से, धड़ाधड़, अंधाधुंध

आजकल कपड़े धड़ाधड़ मबक रहे हैं I

The clothes are selling like anything these days.

59. A big gun – िहत्िपूणम व्यमक्त, बहत बड़ी तौफ

िो चलता तो ऐसे है िािो कक कोई बहत बड़ी तौफ(व्यमक्त) हो I

He walks as if he were a big gun.

60. Over head and ears – पूरी तरह डू बा होिा, कदलो जाि से

िो उलझि िें है क्योंकक िो पूरी तरह से कजम िें डू बा हआ है I

He is at sea because he is in debt over head and ears.

61. Safe and sound – पूरी तरह सुरमक्षत, सही सलाित

चचंता करिे की ज़रूरत िहीं है क्योंकक िो सही सलाित घर पहाँच गई है I

There is no need to worry because she has reached home safe and sound.

62. World of difference – ज़िीि आसिाि का अंतर, बहत बड़ा अंतर

तुम्हारी सोच और िेरी सोच िें ज़िीि आसिाि का अंतर है I

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There is a world of difference between your thinking and my thinking.

63. An armchair job – आसाि और अच्छी आय िाली िौकरी

उसके पास एक आसाि और अच्छी आय िाली िौकरी है I

He has an armchair job.

64. Without rhyme or reason – अकारण, मबिा ककसी कारण के

तुि िुझपर अकारण ही क्यों मचल्ला रहे हो?

Why are you shouting at me without rhyme or reason?

65. Under a cloud – शक के घेरे िें (Under suspicion)

अपिे कािों की िजह से तुि शक के घेरे िें हो I

You are under a cloud because of your acts (or doings).

66. Child’s play – बच्चों का खेल (a very easy task)

सच के रास्ते पर चलिा कोई बच्चों का खेल िहीं है I

Walking on the path of truth is not a child’s play.

67. The long and short of – संक्षेप िें

संक्षेप िें कहािी ये है कक भगिाि के घर देर है अंधेर िहीं I

The long and short of the story is that God’s mill grinds slow but sure.

68. Dark horse – छु पा रुस्ति, अप्रत्यामशत मिजेता (Unexpected Winner)

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एक साधारण आदिी मपछले साल के मिजेता को हरािे के बाद एक अप्रत्यामशत मिजेता के रूप िें साििे
आया I

An ordinary man came out into view as a dark horse after defeating the defending

69. To take a dig at someone – ककसी िें कमियााँ मिकालिा (To insult)

लोगों िें कमियााँ मिकालिा उसकी आदत है I

It is his habit to take a dig at people.

70. Herculean task – िुमककल एिं जोमखि भरा काि (A difficult task)

फायर फाइिरस के मलए जंगल की आग को बुझािा एक जोमखि भरा काि था I

It was a herculean task for the firefighters to put out the wild fire.

71. Midas touch – एक तरह की जादुई शमक्त (Extraordinary power or skills)

उसके पास जादुई शमक्त है जो हर चीज़ को सोिे िें बदल सकती है I

He has a Midas touch that can turn anything into gold.

72. Feather in the cap – बड़ी उपलमब्ध (a great achievement)

उसिे खेलो िें इमतहास रचकर एक बड़ी उपलमब्ध हामसल की I

He added a feather in his cap by creating the history in sports.

73. To hit the nail on the head – तीर मिशािे पर िारिा, मबलकु ल सही काि करिा

िह हिेशा काि को मबलकु ल सही तरीके से करता है I

He always hits the nail on the head.

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74. Wolf in the sheep’s clothing – कदखिा कु छ और होिा कु छ (Something Negative)

िो बहत बुरा व्यमक्त है जो एक कदि तुम्हारी मज़न्दगी बबामद कर देगा I

He is a wolf in the sheep’s clothing that will ruin your life one day.

75. hands down – आसािी से (easily)

यहााँ तक की एक िूखम भी आसािी से मिरं तर अभ्यास से िहाि बि सकता है I

Even a fool can become great hands down through consistent learning.

76. To Beggar description – अिणमिीय होिा, िणमि से बाहर होिा

ताज िहल की सुंदरता अिणमिीय है I

The beauty of the Taj Mahal beggars description.

77. To end in smoke – मिष्फल होिा

सबूतों की किी के कारण िेरे सारे प्रयास मिष्फल रहे I

All my efforts ended in smoke because of the lack of evidence.

78. To lose heart – कदल छोिा करिा, महम्ित हारिा

जो िुसीबत िें महम्ित िहीं हारता है अंत िें हिेशा जीतता है I

The one who doesn’t lose heart in difficulties always wins in the long run.

79. Crocodile tears – कदखाििी आाँसू बहािा, बिाििी रोिा

उसिे अपिे पमत की िौत पर झूठे आाँसू बहाए I

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She shed crocodile tears over her husband’s death.

80. To roll out the red carpet – भव्य स्िागत करिा, तह कदल से स्िागत करिा

उसिे हिारा बहत अच्छे ढंग से स्िागत ककया I

He rolled out the red carpet for us.

81. To poison one’s ears – काि भरिा, गलत पट्टी पढ़ािा

तुि िेरे मखलाफ िेरे दोस्त के काि क्यों भरते हो?

Why do you poison my friend’s ears against me?

82. To make up one’s mind – फ़ै सला ले लेिा, मिणमय कर लेिा, िि बिा लेिा

िैंिे यह ककताब पूरी करिे का िि बिा मलया है I

I have made up my mind to complete this book.

83. Good Samaritan – जरूरतिंद की मिस्िाथम भाि से िदद करिे िाला

एक िेक आदिी िे ठं ड से कांपते हए मभखारी को कम्बल कदया I

A good Samaritan gave a blanket to the beggar who was shivering with cold.

84. To pick holes in something – ककसी चीज़ िें दोष मिकालिा

िो हिेशा हर चीज़ िें दोष मिकालता है I

He always picks holes in everything.

85. To judge a book by its cover – बाहर से देखकर अंदाज़ा लगािा (Nature, Value)

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हिें ककसी को बाहर से देखकर उसके बारे िें अंदाजा िहीं लगािा चामहए I

We should not judge a book by its cover.

86. To build castles in the air – कदि िें सपिे देखिा, हिाई ककले बिािा

कदि िें सपिे देखिा बंद करो I

Stop building castles in the air.

87. Once in a blue moon – दुलमभ, बहत ही कि (very rare)

ऐसा िौका बहत ही कि आता है I

Such a chance comes once in a blue moon.

88. On cloud nine – सातिें आसिाि पर होिा, बहत ज्यादा खुश होिा

मपछले िषम के मिजेता को हरािे के बाद िो सातिें आसिाि पर था I

He was on cloud nine after defeating the defending champion.

89. To dig one’s own grave – आ बैल िुझे िार, अपिे मलए िुसीबत बुलािा

अपिे बॉस से बहस करिा अपिे मलए िुसीबत खड़े करिे िाली बात है I

Arguing with your boss is just like digging your own grave.

90. To rack one’s brain – अकल के घोड़े दौड़ािा, कु छ ज्यादा ही सोचिा

तुि ज्यादा अकल के घोड़े ित दौड़ाओ I

Don’t rack your brain.

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91. From horse’s mouth – ककसी मिश्वसिीय व्यमक्त से प्राप्त सुचिा

िैंिे यह खबर ककसी मिश्वसिीय व्यमक्त से सुिी I

I heard this news straight from horse’s mouth.

92. To lead a cat and a dog life – लड़ते झगड़ते जीिि मबतािा

भारत और पककस्ताि शुरुआत से ही लड़ते झगड़ते जी रहे हैं I

India and Pakistan have been leading a cat and a dog life since beginning.

93. A red letter day – िहत्िपूणम कदि (an important day)

26 जििरी हिारे देश के मलए एक िहत्िपूणम कदि है I

26 January is a red letter day for our country.

94. Baker's dozen – तेरह, थोड़ा ज्यादा, एक ज्यादा

िेरी जेब िें एक दो िॉफी ज्यादा ही होती है I

I always carry baker’s dozen toffees in my pocket.

95. At a pinch – बुरी पटरमस्तमथ िें

जो बुरी पटरमस्तमथ िें आपकी िदद करे िही आपका सच्चा दोस्त है I

One who helps you at a pinch is your true friend.

96. In the air – चारों और फै ला होिा

आक्रिण का डर चारो और फै ला हआ था I

The fear of attack was in the air.

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97. To leave no stone unturned – कोई कसर ि छोड़िा, हर प्रयास करिा

उसिे एक सफल व्यापारी बििे के मलए कोई कसर िही छोड़ी I

He left no stone unturned to become a successful businessman.

98. Far and wide – दूर दूर तक

यह खबर दूर दूर तक फ़ै ल गई है I

This news has spread far and wide.

99. To take to heart – कदल पर ले लेिा

उसिे अपिी असफलता को कदल पे ले मलया है I

He has taken his failure to heart.

100. By the way – िैसे, अचािक से कोई बात कहिा

िैसे, यहााँ कै से आिा हआ?

By the way, what brings you here?

101. Cold comfort – झूठी तसल्ली (poor and inadequate consolation)

उसिे िुझसे कहा कक सिय सब घाि भर देता है लेककि िेरे मलए यह एक झूठी तस्सली थी I

He told me that time heals all wounds but it was cold comfort to me.

अथमव्यिस्था िें मिकास की अच्छी खबर उि लोगों के मलए एक झूठी तस्सली ही है जो अपिी िौकटरयााँ
खो चुके हैं I

The good news about the growth in economy is a cold comfort to people who have lost
their jobs.

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102. To end in smoke – मिष्फल होिा

िेरे सारे प्रयास मिष्फल हो गए I

All my efforts ended in smoke.

103. To feather one’s nest – बेईिािी करके अिीर होिा (To earn a lot of money by cheating)

िह बहत से लोगों को ब्लैकिेल करके बेईिािी से अिीर बि गया I

He feathered his own nest by blackmailing many people.

बॉस एक एक करके किमचाटरयों को मिकाल रहा है जबकक िह बेईिािी से पैसा किा रहा है I

The boss is firing employees one by one while he is feathering his own nest.

104. To take the bull by the horns – िुसीबत का सहास के साथ साििा करिा

िुसीबत का महम्ित के साथ साििा करिे का सिय आ गया है I

It’s time to take the bull by the horns.

िुसीबत का सहास से साििा करके ही हि सफलता के मशखर पर पहाँच सकते हैं I

We can reach the acme of success by taking the bull by horns.

105. Cold feet – डर जािा, घबरा जािा, मझझकिा

जब भी कभी िई दोस्तों के साििे अंग्रेजी बोलिे को कोमशश करता हाँ, िैं डर जाता हाँ I

Whenever I try to speak English before my friends, I get cold feet.

106. Laugh in one’s sleeve – िि ही िि ककसी की हाँसी उड़ािा

जब िैं अंग्रेजी बोलिे की कोमशश की तो िे िि ही िि हाँसिे लगे I

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When I tried to speak English, they laughed in their sleeves.

107. Cock and bull story – ििगढ़ंत कहािी, बेमसर पैर की कहािी

िैं रोज बहत सी ििगढ़ंत कहामियााँ सुिता हाँ I

I hear a lot of cock and bull stories on daily basis.

108. Down to earth – जिीि से जुड़ा हआ, व्यािहाटरक, मििम्र

िह जिीि से जुड़ा व्यमक्त है I

He is a down to earth person.

109. A bed of roses – सरल और आराि की मस्तमथ (easy, comfortable)

जीिि आसाि िहीं है I

Life is not a bed of roses.

110. At daggers drawn – जािी दुकिि (sworn enemy)

भारत और पाककस्ताि जािी दुकिि है I

India and Pakistan are at daggers drawn.

111. A drop in the ocean – थोड़ा सा

यह ज्ञाि तो थोड़ा सा है I

This knowledge is just a drop in the ocean.

112. To be in good books of – कृ पापात्र होिा, ककसी की िज़रों िें अच्छा होिा

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िैं अपिे अध्यापक की िज़रों िें अच्छा हाँ I

I am in good books of my teacher.

113. At the eleventh hour – ऐि िौके पर, मबलकु ल आमखरी सिय िें

डॉक्िर को ऐि िौके पर बुलाया गया I

The doctor was called in at the eleventh hour.

िुझे ऐि िौके पर बस मिल गई िहीं तो िुझे पैदल आिा पड़ता I

I got the bus at the eleventh hour or else I had to come on foot.

114. To blow one’s own trumpet – अपिा गुणगाि करिा, शेखी िारिा, डींगे हाकिा

जब लोगों के पास कु छ करिे के मलए िहीं होता तो िो डींगे हाकिे लगते हैं

When people do not have anything to do, they start blowing their own trumpet.

115. To come true – सच हो जािा

आमखरकार, िेरा इं स्पेक्िर बििे का सपिा सच हो गया I

Ultimately, my dream of becoming an inspector came true.

116. To take a jibe at – मखल्ली उड़ािा, िज़ाक उड़ािा

िह दूसरों की मखल्ली उड़ाता है I

He takes a jibe at others.

117. Chicken-hearted fellow – डरपोक व्यमक्त, कायर आदिी

तुम्हारे जैसा डरपोक आदिी कभी सैमिक िहीं बि सकता है I

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A chicken-hearted fellow like you can never become a soldier.

एक डरपोक आदिी अाँधेरे िें जािे से डरता है I

A chicken-hearted fellow fears going in the dark.

118. Iron will – दृढ़ संकल्प, िजबूत इरादे

आदतें बदलिे के मलए िजबूत इरादे की जरुरत होती है I

Iron will is needed to change the habits.

अगर तुम्हारे इरादे िजबूत है, तो ककस्ित तुम्हारा साथ देगी I

If you have iron will, fortune will smile on you.

119. To sail in the same boat – एक जैसी हालत िें होिा

िैं स्िस्थ हाँ और उम्िीद करता हाँ कक आप भी स्िस्थ ही होंगे I

I am hale and hearty and hope you to be sailing in the same boat.

120. Keep track of – िोि करके रखिा

अपिे सभी खचों को िोि करके रखो I

Keep track of all your expenses.

121. In vain – व्यथम

उसिे सिय पर स्िेशि पहाँचिे की बहत कोमशश की लेककि सब व्यथम I

He tried a lot to get to the station on time but in vain.

122. To eat the humble pie – िुह की खािा

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अंत िें, अहंकारी को िुह की खािी पड़ती है I

In the end, the haughty eat the humble pie.

123. No hope of – कोई आशा ि होिा

उसके बचिे की कोई आशा िहीं है I

There is no hope of his survival.

अब, भारत के इस िैच जीतिे की कोई उम्िीद िहीं है I

Now, there is no hope of India’s winning this match.

124. To make no bones – कोई मझझक िहसूस ि करिा

तािाशाह अलग मिचार रखिे िालों को तंग करिे िें कोई मझझक िहसूस िहीं करते I

The dictator makes no bones about persecuting the dissenters. (अलग मिचार रखिे िाले).

125. Bread and butter – रोजी रोिी, जीमिका

रोजी रोिी ही जीिि का एकिात्र लक्ष्य िहीं है I

Bread and butter is not the sole aim of life.

126. Dutch courage – शराब के िशे िें पैदा हआ साहस

His dutch courage will soon pass off.

उसिे शराब के िशे िें बड़ी िीरता कदखाई लेककि िशा उतरते ही िह घबरा गया

He showed a lot of dutch courage, but got frightened as the drink wore off.

127. At times – कभी कभी

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कभी कभी उसे थोड़ा बेहतर लगता है लेककि कफर दोबारा से िह अपिी पुरािी अिस्था िें चली जाती है

At times, she feels a little better, but then she relapses into her old condition.

128. By and by – धीरे धीरे, आमहस्ता आमहस्ता

धीरे-धीरे, लोगों िें लेक्चर हॉल िें आिा शुरू कर कदया I

By and by, people began to come in the lecture hall.

धीर-धीरे, आप अंग्रेजी बोलिा सीख जाएाँगे I

By and by, you will learn speaking English.

129. In no time – पल िें, तुरंत, एकदि से

बस एकदि से सड़क से उतर गई और खाई िें जा मगरी I

In no time, the bus went off the road and fell into the ditch.

130. Goody-goody – ऊपर से अच्छे कदखिे िाले

ऊपर से अच्छे कदखिे िाले लोगों को अंत िें िुह की खािी पड़ती है I

The goody-goody people have to eat the humble pie in the end.

संसार ऊपर से अच्छे कदखिे िाले लोगों से भरा पड़ा है I

The world is full of goody-goody people.

131. Bad blood – शत्रुता, दुकििी

दोिों भाइयों िें शत्रुता है I

There is a bad blood between the two brothers.

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132. Blue blood – शाही खूि, उच्च घरािे का होिा (belong to an aristocratic family, royal family)

किी रमबन्रिाथ िैगोर उच्च घरािे से थे I

The poet, Rabindranath Tagore was of a blue blood.

133. Bolt from the blue – अचािक से आया हआ संकि (out of the blue)

उसके भाई की िृत्यु की खबर अचािक से एक संकि की तरह थी I

The news of his brother’s demise was like a bolt from the blue.

134. To feel blue – उदास होिा (feel sad)

तुि उदास क्यों हो?

Why are you feeling blue?

135. To be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth – सिृद्ध पटरिार िें जन्ि लेिा

रमबन्रिाथ िैगोर िे एक सिृद्ध पटरिार िें जन्ि मलया I

Rabindranath Tagore was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

136. A close shave – बाल बाल बचिा (A narrow escape)

हि एक घातक सड़क हादसे िें बाल बाल बचे I

We had a close shave in a fatal road accident.

137. To call names – गाली देिा

गाली देिा एक बुरी आदत है I

Calling names is a bad habit.

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138. Enough and to spare – आिकयकता से अमधक

िेरे पास प्रचुर धि है I

I have money enough and to spare.

139. Far and away – सुदरू , बहत दूर

लोग सुदरू राज्यों से उसका सेमििार लगािे आए I

People from far and away states came to attend his seminar.

140. Fair weather friend – ितलबी दोस्त

ितलबी दोस्त िुमककलों िें साथ छोड़ जाते हैं I

Fair weather friends abandon in adversities.

141. Tooth and nail – पूरी ताकत से

हिारे बहादुर सैमिक पूरी ताकत से लड़े I

Our brave soldiers fought tooth and nail.

142. Heart and soul – पूरे कदल से

उसिे डॉक्िर बििे के मलए पूरे कदल से िेहित की I

He worked hard to become doctor heart and soul.

143. Null and void – रद्द, अिान्य (not valid in law)

कोिम िे िह मियि अिान्य कर कदया है I

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The court has decided that rule null and void.

144. Over head and ears – पूरी तरह से (excessively, completely)

हि पूरी तरह से कजम िें हैं I

We are in debt over head and ears.

145. Might and main – पूरी शमक्त के साथ

ककसाि पूरी शमक्त के साथ मबल का मिरोध कर रहे हैं I

Farmers are protesting against the bill might and main.

146. To pay back with the same coin – उसी भाषा िें जिाब देिा

भारत पाककस्ताि को उसकी ही भाषा िें जिाब देिे के मलए तैयार है I

India is ready to pay Pakistan back with the same coin.

147. Fair and square – खरा, साफ़

तुम्हें अपिे लेि-देि िें खरा होिा चामहए I

You should be fair and square in your dealings.

148. Now or never – अभी या कभी िहीं

इसे अभी करो या कभी िहीं I

Do it now or never.

149. To be in the same boat – एक सी हालत िें होिा

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िैं बेरोजगार हाँ और तुििे िौकरी छोड़ दी है, हि एक से ही हालात िें हैं I

I am unemployed and you have left the job, we are in the same boat.

150. Spick and span – साफ़ सुथरा

गमलयााँ कदिाली के अिसर पर साफ़ सुथरी होती हैं I

Streets are spick and span on the occasion of Diwali.

151. At a low ebb – धीिा होिा, उतार पर होिा

िेरे काि धंधे की िृमद्ध धीिी है I

My business growth is at a low ebb.

152. The tug of war – रस्सा कस्सी

भारत और पाककस्ताि के बीच ककिीर को लेकर रस्सा कस्सी अभी भी चल रही है I

The tug of war between India and Pakistan over Kashmir is still going on.

153. To hold water – ठोस होिा, मिश्वसिीय होिा, मसद्ध होिा

तुम्हारी बात िें ज्यादा दि िहीं है I

Your words do not hold much water.

तुम्हारा तकम इस के स िें मसद्ध िहीं होता है I

Your argument does not hold much water in this case.

154. To find fault with – ककसी िें कमियााँ मिकालिा (To pick holes in)

िह हर चीज़ िें कमियााँ मिकालता है I

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He finds fault with everything.

155. Man of iron – दृढ व्यमक्त, दिदार व्यमक्त

सरदार िल्लभभाई पिेल एक दिदार व्यमक्त थे I

Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel was a man of iron.

156. In black and white – मलमखत िें

िुझे यह राजीिािा मलमखत िें चामहए I

I want this agreement in black and white.

157. A snake in the grass – अज्ञात शत्रु

िैंिे कभी िहीं सोचा था कक िह एक अज्ञात शत्रु सामबत होगी I

I had never thought that she would prove a snake in the grass.

158. To go to the dogs – बबामद हो जािा, भाड़ िें जािा

अथमव्यिस्था िोदी की देखरेख िें बबामद हो रही है I

Economy is going to the dogs under the supervision of Modi.

159. To take a task – बुरी तरह फिकारिा

उसको काि पूरा ि करिे पर बुरी तरह फिकार पड़ी I

He was taken to task for not completing the work.

160. To drive someone up the wall – बहत ज्यादा परेशाि करिा (trouble greatly)

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िेरा भतीजा इतिा शरारती है कक िह अक्सर अपिी िााँ को बहत ज्यादा परेशाि करता है I

My nephew is so mischievous that he often drives his mother up the wall.

161. To nip in the bud – प्रारम्भ िें ही कु चल देिा (deal with a problem when it is small)

तुम्हें अपिी बुरी आदतों को शुरू िें ही कु चल देिा चामहए I

You should nip your bad habits in the bud.

162. At a stone’s throw – मबलकु ल सिीप

िेरा घर बस पास िें ही है I

My home is just at a stone’s throw.

163. To split hair – बाल की खाल मिकालिा

तुि हिेशा बाल की खाल क्यों मिकालते हो?

Why do you always split hair?

164. At arm’s length – दूर रखिा

उस लड़की को दूर ही रखो I

Keep that girl at arm’s length.

165. From hand to mouth – गुजर बसर करिा

भारत के ज्यादातर लोग के िल गुजर बसर ही कर पाते हैं I

Most of the people of India live from hand to mouth.

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166. To have butterflies in stomach – कु छ करिे से पहले घबराहि होिा (nervous)

गमणत की परीक्षा से पहले िैं बहत बेचैि था I

I had butterflies in my stomach before my Maths exam.

167. To go over one’s head – सिझ ि आिा, ऊपर से जािा

गमणत का पाठ उसके सर के ऊपर से गया I

The Maths lesson went over his head.

168. On good terms – अच्छे संबंध होिा, मित्रता होिा

उसके अपिे सहपाटठयों से अच्छे संबंध िहीं है I

He was not on good terms with his classmates.

169. In a dilemma – दुमिधा िें होिा

िैं दुमिधा िें था I

I was in a dilemma.

170. Right away – मबलकु ल अभी, तुरंत

तुरंत बतमि धो दो I

Do the dishes right away.

171. To come to light – साििे आिा, पता चलिा, खोजिा

लेबोरेिरी िें एक्सपेटरिेंि करिे के बाद, िए तथ्य साििे आए I

New facts came to light after the experiment was conducted in the laboratory.

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172. To crack down on – िूि पड़िा (to take serious measures against)

सरकार काले धि रखिे िालो पर िूि पड़ी I

The government cracked down on black money holders.

पुमलस अपरामधयों पर पड़ी I

The police cracked down on the criminals.

173. In hot water – परेशािी िें (in trouble)

िह परेशािी िें थी क्योंकक िह परीक्षा िें िक़ल करते हए पकड़ी गई I

She was in hot water because she was caught using unfair means in the examination.

174. Above board – मिष्कपि, मिकछल (open, honest, legal)

िह लेि-देि िें हिेशा मिष्कपि रहा है I

He has always been above aboard in dealings.

175. A sacred cow – सीधा साधा, शरीफ

िह सीधा साधा सा है I

He is a sacred cow.

176. At a loss for words – मिरुम त्तर होिा

िह िंच पर मिरुम त्तर हो गई I

She was at a loss for words on the stage.

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177. In a nutshell – संक्षेप िें, छोिे िें

संक्षेप िें, आदतें अपिे िि का रव्या बदल कर बदली जा सकती हैं I

In a nutshell, habits can be altered by altering our mindset.

178. Broad daylight – कदिदहाड़े

एक दूकािदार को कदिदहाड़े गोली िार कर िार कदया गया I

The shopkeeper was shot to death in broad daylight.

179. To be no more – िर जािा

उसका पमत िर गया I

Her husband is no more.

180. To be all ears – बहत ध्याि से सुििा (listen attentively)

िैं सुि रहा हाँ , बताओ क्या कहिा है I

I am all ears; tell what you have to say.

181. Done to death – िार डालिा

एक आदिी को िार डाला गया और सड़क पर फें क कदया गया I

A man was done to death and thrown on the road.

182. To get by heart – जबािी याद करिा, कं ठस्थ कर लेिा

क्या आपिे यह शब्द जबािी याद कर मलए हैं?

Have you got these words by heart?

“Become English Champion” Course 4-Ebook Set by Ankush Insan

183. A bird’s eye view – ऊपर से देखिा, मिहंगािलोकि

िैंिे हेलीकाप्िर से चंडीगढ़ को ऊपर से देखा I

I had a bird’s eye view of the Chandigarh from helicopter.

184. To blow one’s top – बहत गुस्से िें होिा

बॉस बहत गुस्सा हो गया जब उसे किमचारी की बड़ी गलती का पता चला I

The boss blew his top when he learnt of the worker’s blunder.

185. Blind alley – एक तरफ से बंद गली

हिें िामपस िुड़िा पड़ा क्योंकक हि एक तरफ से बंद गली िें घुस गए थे I

We had to turn back as we had entered a blind alley.

186. Day in, Day out – रोज-रोज, प्रमतकदि

िैंिे यह सभी ककताबे मलखिे के मलए प्रमतकदि िेहित की I

I worked day in, day out to write all these books.

187. Fair sex – िारी जामत

सभा िें िारी जामत का िेतृत्ि करिे िाली के िल िही थी I

She was the one representative of the fair sex at the meeting.

188. A sea change – िहत्िपूणम बदलाि (A profound or notable transformation)

उसके व्यिहार िें िहत्िपूणम बदलाि था I

“Become English Champion” Course 4-Ebook Set by Ankush Insan

There was a sea change in his attitude.

189. Hallmark – उत्कृ ष्टता की मिशािी

ििोरंजि के साथ मशक्षा प्रदाि करिा उसकी उत्कृ ष्टता की मिशािी है I

Imparting knowledge with entertainment is his hallmark.

190. To go without saying – स्पष्ट होिा

यह मबलकु ल स्पष्ट है कक पटरपूणमता दोहरािे से आती है I

It goes without saying that Perfection comes with repetition.

191. To have a brush with – थोड़ी सी अिबि होिा

उसकी कल िीटिंग िें एक छोिी से बात पर उससे अिबि हो गई थी I

He had a brush with her on a trifle in the meeting yesterday.

192. Hand in hand – साथ साथ चलिा

आतंकिाद और बातचीत साथ साथ िहीं चल सकते हैं

Terrorism and Talks cannot go hand in hand.

193. To get on one’s nerves – िाक िें दि करिा, तंग करिा

उसिे िेरे िाक िें दि कर कदया है I

He has got on my nerves.

194. To get the sack – िौकरी से हिाया जािा

“Become English Champion” Course 4-Ebook Set by Ankush Insan

िह इस िौकरी के मलए योग्य िहीं है और िुझे लगता है कक उसे िौकरी से हिा कदया जाएगा I

He is not competent for this job and I think he will get the sack.

195. To have in hand – कोई काि हाथ िें होिा, मिला होिा

कफलहाल तुि कौिसी िौकरी करते हो?

What job do you have in hand at present?

196. High time – सही सिय होिा

यह अंग्रेजी सीखिे का सही सिय है I

It is high time to learn English.

197. Hush money – टरश्वत का पैसा

िैं टरश्वत िहीं लेता हाँ I

I don’t take hush money.

198. In the long run – अंत िें

िेहित अंत िें फल देती है I

Hardwork pays in the long run.

199. Jack of all trades – सब काि कर सकिे िाला व्यमक्त

िह सब काि कर लेता है पर अच्छा ककसी िें भी िहीं है I

He is a jack of all trades but master of none.

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200. Jump to a conclusion – पूरा मिचार ि करते हए मिष्कषम मिकालिा

यह मिष्कषम ित मिकालो कक यह ककताब पढ़िे के बाद तुि अंग्रेजी बोल पाओगे क्योंककं बोलिे और मलखिे
िें जिीि आसिाि का अंतर होता है I

Don’t jump to the conclusion that having read this book, you will be able to speak English
because there is a world of difference between speaking and writing.

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Thank you


Ankush Insan

(Become English Champion – YouTube Channel)

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