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sleep deprivation can lead to health problems

and negative impact our quality of life.

deprivation Inability
[your ownto
moodiness concentrate
By having fewer sleeping hours/ not getting enough sleep/ irregular
sleeping pattern
1. lose their ability to relax and energize their body and mind, leading
to mental problems such as anxiety and extreme stress.
2. Lack energy → Getting grumpy/ cranky with the people around you

Memory loss
1.Have trouble with short-term memory
Ex: Students who get less 8 hours of sleep a night → more forgetful,
have trouble learning new lessons, paying attention or a harder time
absorbing and recalling new information.
Inability to concentrate
- staying awake for long periods affect people's mental
→ easily distract + find it hard to focus on work/ tasks (struggle to
→ be more likely to have accident + perform badly in all situations
Ex: traffic accident: driver can fall asleep while driving
→ dangerous to not only themselves but also to other
members in society
What are some possible reasons for sleep deprivation?
What are some possible reasons for sleep deprivation?

Sleeping pattern change

Medical Condition
Sleeping pattern change
People have tendency to have a busy
lifestyle and lots of demands on their
time so they don’t make sleep priority
- Perhaps you tend to stay up late and wake up early to catch up on everything you
have to do → your sleeping pattern may change
- While it can affect anyone, parents of babies and young children, college students,
and employees working long hours or multiple jobs are often sleep-deprived.
- People older than 65 have trouble sleeping because of aging,
medicine they’re taking, or health problems they’re having.


Medical Condition
- For example, pregnancy, a stomachache, or depression
can make it very difficult to sleep.
- Caffeine, tea, energy drinks, certain foods (like spicy foods)
→ keep you alert/ increase your alertness
- you cannot avoid the sounds of street traffic at night,
noisy neighborhood …
Sleep deprivation among teenagers is a more
serious problem than it was in the past.
What should we do to avoid sleep deprivation?
What should we do to avoid sleep deprivation?

Make sleep a priority

Take naps
Try relaxing activities
Turn off electronics
Make sleep a priority
- make sleep a priority and keep a regular schedule
to get a 7-9 hours sleep time.
Take naps
- try to make up for a bad night’s sleep by
taking a short nap in the noon.

Try relaxing activities
- Try relaxing activities like reading, listening to soothing music, a
warm shower before bed-time, stretching exercises and
meditation can also improve the quality of sleep
Turn off electronics
- must turn off all electronics before going to bed
to avoid any temptations or disturbance.
What should we do to avoid sleep deprivation?
- make sleep a priority and keep a regular schedule to get a 7-
9 hours sleep time.
- try to make up for a bad night’s sleep by taking a short nap
in the noon.
- Try relaxing activities like reading, a warm shower before
bed-time, stretching exercises and meditation can also
improve the quality of snooze
- Must turn off all electronics before going to bed to avoid
any temptations or disturbance.

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