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1. Why does Roo Reynolds spend a lot of time in online 3D universes? *

a. Because he’s a software engineer who creates virtual worlds.
b. Because he’s working on a joint project with IBM and Second Life.
c. Because his job is to provide his employer with information about them.
d. Because he’s addicted to online games.
2. Which company has a news reporter in Second Life? *

a. Reuters b.Liden Lab c. Mindark d. IBM

3. The planet Calypso is _____. *
a. part of an online game called Mindark
b. a place invented by the company Mindark
c. a real planet scientists have recently discovered
d. a place you can only visit in Second Life

4. Advertisers are particularly interested in Second Life because _____. *

a. most of the users are young men
b. the users spend a lot of money online
c. the creators have marketed it so well
d. there are equal numbers of young men and women

5. Reuters now have a full-time reporter who _____. *

a. reports on music events in Second Life
b. only reports on stories connected with Second Life
c. tests out new hotels in Second Life
d. only exists in the virtual world of Second Life

6. In Second Life, you can _____. *

a. buy virtual goods from companies such as Reebok and Nissan
b. try out new hotels
c. become a reporter for Reuters
d. order real goods from real companies

7. Roo Reynolds believes that he will eventually lose his job because _____. *
a. he won’t be able to persuade people that it’s worth visiting virtual worlds
b. people will realize that virtual worlds can never be the same as real experiences
c. people won’t be able to afford to join virtual worlds
d. everybody will already know about these virtual worlds
8. The word “proceeded” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____. *

a. continued b. began c. marched d. hurried

9. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
highlighted sentence in paragraph 3 of the passage? *
a. However, the effort to make a new Globe Theater was expensive.
b. Consequently, the new theater project was never completed.
c. This effort, consequently, was too difficult to accomplish.
d. This project, however, was not easily accomplished.

10. Based on the information in paragraph 4, what can be inferred about the
Puritans? *
a. They loved Shakespeare. . c. They did not like plays.
b. They lived in America d. They wore black clothes.
11. In which year was the original Globe damaged by fire? *

a. 1609 b. 1613 c. 1643 d.1997

12. According to the passage, what is true of the original Globe Theater? *
a.It was not popular at first. b. It had three levels.
c. It was in downtown London. d. The tickets were not very expensive.
13. What is the purpose of this passage? *
a. To inform people about Shakespeare
b. To tell people about the history of the Globe Theater
c. To talk about the theater in England
d. To describe acting in the 17th century

14. The word “its” in paragraph 5 refers to _____. *

a. the season b. the program c. the theater d.the play

15. What does the word “their” in paragraph 6 refer to? *

a. stairs b. seats c. actors d.audience member

Questions 16-20. YES NO NOT GIVEN
16. The world of charities is very similar to the world of supermarkets. *

17. The gap between the rich and poor charities should be reduced. *

18. Charities with millions of pounds have fewer social responsibilities. *

19. Charities are receiving more money from businesses. *

20. Charities think that more money from the government is both good and bad. *

Questions 21-25. Now complete the summary with the best word(s).

The charity world is a multi-billion-pound sector with organisations competing with

each other to create (21) ____________. There are (22) ____________ between the
largest and smallest charities. Smaller charities are often founded for a (23)
____________. Large charities receive the biggest amount of money from (24)
____________ as they provide services to society. However, money from the political
system could affect (25) ____________ of charities when they do not agree with
government policy.

21. a. brand loyalty b. diversity c. effects d. profits

22. a. similar things b. huge differences c. gaps d. distance

23.a. place b. nation c. specific purpose

24. a. rich people b.government c. foreign donators d.scientists

25. a. independence b. ranking c. organization d. philosophy

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