Method Statement For Navigation Aid C02 Edited

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Lekki Deep Water Port Project

Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 1 / 3334

Method Statement for Light Beacons and Buoys Navigation Aid

Document No : LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-01
Revision: C02C03
Date of Issue : AprilMay. 130. 2022


Name Title Date Signature

Prepared By Tang Zhongyu Civil Engineer 1027.0405.2

Checked By

Lan Jinping Chief Engineer 1128.0405.2

Reviewed By

Approved By Tang Minggang Project Manager 1229.0405.2

Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 2 / 3334

1. General............................................................................................................................... 4
2. Terms................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Definition............................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Abbreviation........................................................................................................7
3. Scope of Works................................................................................................................. 7
4. Standards & References...................................................................................................7
5. Organization & Responsibility.........................................................................................8
5.1 Organization........................................................................................................8
5.2 Responsibility......................................................................................................8
5.2.1 Project Manager...............................................................................................9
5.2.2 Deputy Project Manager..................................................................................9
5.2.3 Construction Manager......................................................................................9
5.2.4 QA/QC Manager..............................................................................................9
5.2.5 HSE Manager................................................................................................10
5.2.6 Site Engineer.................................................................................................10
5.2.7 Quality Control Engineer................................................................................11
5.2.8 HSE Officer....................................................................................................11
6. Materials & Equipment...................................................................................................11
7. Manpower........................................................................................................................ 12
8. Work Schedule................................................................................................................12
9. Work Methodology.......................................................................................................... 13
9.1 General Introduction..........................................................................................13
9.2 Construction Flow Chart....................................................................................15
9.3 Construction Method of Tower Foundation......................................................16
9.3.1 Preparation....................................................................................................16
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 3 / 3334

9.3.2 Tower Installation...........................................................................................22

9.3.3 Buoy Installation.............................................................................................25
9.3.4 Sinker Block Precast......................................................................................26
10. Quality Control.............................................................................................................. 29
10.1 Overall Quality Control Measures...................................................................29
10.2 Quality Control Measures for Key Sub-items...................................................30
10.2.1 Formwork.....................................................................................................30
10.2.2 Concrete Casting.........................................................................................30
11. Health, Safety, Security and Environment..................................................................30
11.1 HSE Measures................................................................................................30
11.2 Risk Assessment.............................................................................................31
11.3 Protective & Safety Equipment........................................................................31
11.4 Emergency Procedures...................................................................................31
12. Appendix........................................................................................................................ 32
13. Issue and Reply............................................................................................................. 33
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 4 / 3334

1. General
The purpose of this method statement is to provide construction method and resource
deployment for construction of navigation jetty and installation of navigation aids as
mentioned in the MS below.
The embedded parts for the navigation aid tower will be installed before the casting of the its
foundation in accordance to the drawings provided by supplier. The MS covers the general
construction approach for the installation of navigation aid tower.
Drawing legend
LB – Light Beacon
L – Leading lines
B - Buoy

Locations and Numbering of

Light Beach

East Breakwater LB1

X1= 198977.604
Y1= 50568.709

Main Breakwater LB2

X2= 198467.845
Y2= 50524.748
Figure 1-1a: Location and arrangement of Navigation Aid Tower

East Breakwater LB3

X3= 199181.395
Y3= 50329.615
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 5 / 3334
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 6 / 3334

Figure 1-1b: Location and arrangement of Navigation Aid Buoys

Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 7 / 3334

For details, please refer to IFC drawings.

2. Terms
2.1 Definition
Project Lekki Deep Water Port Project NIGERIA
Works Navigation Aid Buoys &Towers
Contractor CHEC

2.2 Abbreviation
In this document, the following expressions have the meanings hereby respectively assigned
to them except where the context otherwise requires.
BS British Standard
MW Marine Works
ER Employer’s Representative
SOW Scope of Works
FEED Front End Engineering Design
QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Health Safety and Environment PlanHealth Safety and
Environment Plan
PPE Personnel Protective Equipment
PCQP Project Construction Quality Plan
GPS Global Position System

3. Scope of Works
This method statement is applicable to the construction of Navigation Aid Buoys and Towers,
its transportation, embedded parts installation (if any), construction/casting of its foundation
and installation.

4. Standards & References

Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 8 / 3334

 Employer’s Requirements & EPC contract

 15S156-DC-AN-SPC-0001 Specification for Aids to Navigation
 HSE Plan (LDSPP-CHELE-LB-03.02-0003)
 IFC drawings

15S156-D9-AN-DRW-0001-C03 General Layout Of Aids To Navigation

15S156-D9-AN-DRW-0002-C03 Aids To Navigation layout (sheet 1 of 3)
15S156-D9-AN-DRW-0003-C03 Aids To Navigation layout (sheet 2 of 3)
15S156-D9-AN-DRW-0002-C04 Aids To Navigation layout (sheet 3 of 3)
15S156-D9-AN-DRW-0005-C03 Details of Light Beacon
15S156-D9-AN-DRW-0006-C03 Details of Buoy Sinker

5. Organization & Responsibility

5.1 Organization
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Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 9 / 3334

Figure 1: Organization Chart of Project

5.2 Responsibility
The responsibilities of the key personnel are outlined as follows:
5.2.1 Project Manager
a) To manage overall execution of the work.
b) To ensure project can fulfill the Employer’s Requirement.
c) To coordinate with Engineer or Employer.
d) To conduct a project evaluation review to assess how well the project was managed.
e) To manage project administration.
f) To monitoring and report the work progress to the Employer.

5.2.2 Deputy Project Manager

a) To assist Project Manager to manage HSE and Quality issues
b) To ensure that all personnel involved in construction are fully aware of safety,
environmental and emergency procedures.
c) To ensure that all personnel involved in construction are fully aware of their HSE
responsibilities and HSE plan for the Project.
d) To Schedule all the construction works.
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 10 / 3334

e) To ensure that all construction works are carried out in compliance with specification and
f) To ensure deadlines are met.
g) To monitor and report the work progress to the Project Manager.

5.2.3 Construction Manager

a) To manage overall execution of the Navigation aid handling works.
b) To ensure that all works are planned, performed and completed in accordance with the
approved method statement and employer’s requirements.
c) To ensure that sufficient qualified and trained personnel are deployed at site.
d) To ensure that construction team will conduct the works in the safest manner complying
with HSE requirements.
e) To arrange and maintain construction equipment and manpower to meet with the
construction schedule.
f) To review the work progress on daily basis.
g) To coordinate personnel and equipment for work.

g5.2.4 QA/QC Manager

a) To establish the quality management system in accordance with Project Construction
Quality Plan (PCQP)
b) To ensure that all project activities are performed in compliance with the PCQP, Quality
Procedures and Technical Specifications, and Standard (BS).
c) To carry out quality inspection and check of all site works.
d) To ensure activity at site are based on approved method statement and inspection test
e) To prepare related QA/QC documents and also responsible for closure of Non-
conformance reports.
f) To coordinate with the consultant’s representative and Site in-charge for inspection and
meeting about quality problems including closure of Non-Compliance Report.
g) To carry out Internal Audit as scheduled in the Project Quality Plan, PQP.

5.2.5 HSE Manager

a) To arrange HSE officer to provide appropriate safety and health training and accident
prevention training to all staff members and supervisors.
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 11 / 3334

b) To prepare appropriate notices for management for any identified risks and hazards.
c) To ensure that suitable Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) are being organized.
d) To provide promotional materials and to develop and manage effective systems to
promote safe and healthful work performance.
e) To assure that claims for injuries and illnesses posted in SMIS are posted in the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration log.
f) To conduct periodic reviews of the procedures and updates as required, to ensure that the
HSE Plan is kept updating.

5.2.6 Site Engineer

a) To ensure construction progress comply with schedule.
b) To coordinate and direct construction workers and subcontractors.
c) To check construction materials regularly and work to ensure they comply with the
Employer’s Requirement.
d) To follow safety requirements.
e) To resolve technical issues with employer’s representatives, suppliers, subcontractors and
statutory authorities.
f) To perform quality control in accordance with GSB/procedures, method statements, quality
plans and ITP.
g) To liaise with company or project purchasing department to ensure that purchase orders
adequately comply with the requirements.
h) To supervise and counsel subordinate staff.
i) To be in charge of quantity measurement and valuation, in accordance with project
j) To provide data with respect to variation orders and site instructions
k) To prepare drawings, technical reports and site construction records.

5.2.7 Quality Control Engineer

a) To inspect the quality of material according to the specifications.
b) To monitor construction quality and NCR measures.
c) To take care of QA/QC documents of the entire project including certificates, calibration,
test results, inspection requests, non-compliance reports, site instruction/observations etc.
d) To perform daily inspection to achieve the quality of construction required as per the
drawings and specifications for all works mentioned under the employers’ requirements.
e) To report to the Quality Manager daily.
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 12 / 3334

5.2.8 HSE Officer

a) To perform daily check on site.
b) To organize safety educations and trainings for all staffs working on site.
c) To carry out emergency measures as necessary.
d) To ensure that all measures to be taken for Navigation Aid handling are in accordance
with the HSE requirements.
e) To ensuring that suitable Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) are provided to all
personnel working on site.
f) To assist management in the annual inspection of workplaces and to assure safe and
healthful conditions for workers.
g) To ensure that all new personnel are trained.
h) To ensure that tool box talks are performed daily prior to work commencement.

6. Materials & Equipment

Table 1: List of Main Equipment
No. Equipment Description Quantity

1 Batching Plant Existing/120m3/h 1

2 Loader ZL50G 1

3 Trailer 80t 1

4 Excavator CAT336/CAT 330 1

5 Crawler Crane 150t 1

6 GPS V60 2

7 Total Station Leica TS-11 1

8 Optical Level - 1

9 Concrete Mixer Truck - 1

10 Mobile Crane 50t 1

11 Vibrator Casting concrete 6

12 Formwork & Scaffolding Casting concrete Some Sets

13 Miscellaneous Lab Equipment’s For tests 1 set

7. Manpower
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Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 13 / 3334

The manpower required for the execution of the works includes the following personnel:
Table 2: List of Manpower
No. Position Number

1 Site Engineer 1

2 Supervisor 2

3 HSE Officer 2

4 Surveyor 2

5 Labor 6

6 Excavator operator 1

7 Driver 2

8 Mobile Crane operator 1

98 Crawler Crane Operator 2

109 Ship/Barge crew 4

1110 Rigger 2

1211 Quality Control Engineer/Lab Engineer 4

1312 Formwork Worker 4

1413 Rebar Worker Steel Fixer 4

8. Work Schedule
Bar chart please refer to Main Schedule for works of Leading Lines Tower

9. Work Methodology
9.1 General Introduction
The Navigation aid tower is built on the breakwater, as shown in the below figure. Also,
Navigation Aid buoys are to be installed on the navigation channel which is included in the
figure above.
The list to Aids of Navigation buoys is shown below.

Table 3: Aids to navigation List

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Beacons and Buoys
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Figure 9-1: Location of Navigation Light Tower LB2 on Main Breakwater

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Beacons and Buoys
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Contract No. Page 17 / 3334

Figure 9-2: Location of Navigation Light Tower LB1 and LB3 on Eastern Breakwater
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Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 18 / 3334

9.2 Construction Flow Chart

Construction sequence for Navigation Jetty is shown as follows:


Tower fabrication on ground

Excavation & Formwork for


Install Embedded parts before casting

Rebar Installation &

Foundation casting

Tower Concrete Pre-Pour and

Post Inspection to be carried out

Backfilling and compaction of the soil

Tower transportation

Tower Installation

Site Clearance
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Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 19 / 3334

Figure 9-3: Construction flow chart for Installation of Navigation Aid Tower

9.3 Construction Method of Tower Foundation

9.3.1 Preparation
Manpower, materials and construction equipment should be deployed, prepared and ordered
before commencement of works. Survey & Setting Out

Total station, optical level, survey post on vessel will be used for survey & setting out for
construction works. Only the approved benchmarks can be used for survey.

The survey and setting out coordinates shall be seen from the approved IFC drawings.

First Excavation shall be then done to construct the foundation for the Navigation Aid tower.

Figure 9.4a: Foundation excavation for Navigation Aid tower to be done on breakwater
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Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
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Figure 9.4b: Foundation excavation to be done using excavators

Figure 9.3: Foundation and Cast in situ details for the foundation for Light Beacon Navigation
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 21 / 3334

1) Construction Sequence for Foundation Casting

Preparation→ Bottom formwork of blinding concrete → Side Formwork→ Fixing of Rebar and Embedded Parts → Concrete Casting→ Stripping of formwork and


2) Construction Method
a. Preparation
The preparation work includes:
Mobilization and delivery of all equipment and materials.
b. Bottom Formwork
Lean concrete or concrete Blinding with 100mm thickness and dimension and concrete
strength shall be casted in accordance to approved IFC drawings, which will be used as
bottom formwork.
c. Lateral Formwork
After casting the lean concrete base, the lateral or side formwork can be installed. The
formwork for will be processed in the precast yard and transported to site.
d. Rebar fixing (if any or if required)
The bar cutting will be done accordingly to the indications and dimensions showed on
the drawings and Project specifications.
The rebar bending will be done with the appropriate equipment.
The reinforcement steel shall be prepared as per indication on drawings or any other
applicable document.
The binding of the reinforcement steel will be done using a steel wire to maintain the
rebar’s in place with required over laps, avoiding them to move during concrete pouring.
The minimum concrete cover shall be followed as indicated in the approved drawings.
The specified cover to the reinforcement shall be maintained by the use of suitable
concrete spacers of the same material and the precast spacer blocks shall be equal in
strength of the concrete block in which they will be placed. At any place where there’s
need for steel frame shift, check damage on the block or cleaning; the use of “windows”
rebar cage shall be considered when any of the below conditions arise:
Reinforcement steel too narrow.
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Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 22 / 3334

In case of damage embedded elements in the block

Formwork cleaning
Concrete compaction.
concrete spacers of same material of block and precast spacer blocks shall be at least
equal in strength of the concrete block in which they are being placed. At some places
steel frame or supports may also be used to secure the fixed rebar, these frames will not
be removed if it will not affect the structure. The use of “Windows” of rebar cage can be
considered when any of the following conditions arise:
Reinforcement steel too narrow.
In case of embedded elements in the blocks.
Formwork cleaning
Concrete compaction.

Where ever embedded parts are required, the embedded components should be
installed as per the drawing and secured with rebars and formwork to avoid movement
during concreting.

e. Embedded Parts fixing

Wherever required, embedded parts for foundation like anchor bolts installed as per the
drawing and secured to avoid movement during concreting.
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Contract No. Page 24 / 3334

Figure 9.4c: Embedded parts details for Navigation Aid Tower Foundation

f. Concrete Casting
The procedure of casting foundation is outlined as follows:
1) Clean the pouring surface, i.e. inside of the formwork.
2) Check the position of the formworks and the reinforcement (if has).
3) Prepare vibrators for concrete pouring.
4) Concrete is delivered by concrete mixer from the concrete batching plants to the
precast yard.
5) During the casting process, a team shall be assigned for concrete vibration and
another team will be responsible for handling hose from concrete truck. Concrete will be
casted into the formwork using concrete pump, and the maximum free fall of concrete
shall not exceed 2m. The concrete shall be poured into the formwork by layers of
approximately 300~400mm thickness.
6) The vibration starts from the corner of the formwork to the center of formwork. The
vibrators shall be inserted and withdrawn at points with space of approximately 500mm
for each layer. It will be kept 50mm to 100mm away from the edge of the formwork, to
avoid striking the reinforcement. The vibrator is placed vertically into the concrete. It will
be dropped quickly into concrete and withdrawn slowly to allow for compaction and to
remove the bubbles. The vibrators shall penetrate a minimum of 150 mm into the
preceding layers to ensure a proper and uniform connection between the upper and
lower layers.
7) Surface finish
Top surfaces shall be brought to proper level using wooden or metal screed. After
surface finishing, the top surface shall be covered with plastic sheeting or geotextile to
reduce heat loss by evaporation.
g. Formwork removal
Formwork supporting cast in-situ concrete in flexure may be struck when the strength
of the concrete in the element is 10 N/mm2 or twice the stress to which it will be
subjected, whichever is the greater, provided that striking at this time will not result in
unacceptable deflection Formwork supporting cast in situ concrete in flexure may be
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 25 / 3334

struck when the strength of the concrete in the element is 10N/mm2 or twice the stress
to which it will be subjected, whichever is the greater, we shall ensure that the striking at
this time will be monitored and corrected to avoid unacceptable deflection. As Cube test
will be performed to determine the formwork striking time. Remove all the tie rods,
including all the connecting bolts from the formworks.
Lift the side formwork slowly and transport to the next position for proper cleaning.
h. Curing
Curing duration will depend upon 7 days concrete curing will determine the quality of
concrete. Blocks must be cured after being removed from the forms. water or curing
compound will be used to cure the blocks. Curing compound must being before used to
cure the blocks. Manufacturer’s instruction will be followed for the application of curing
compound. Backfill & Site Clearance

After casting of foundation, the backfill of breakwater approved material from QA/QC shall be
filled inside the excavated ground and levelled only after complete installation of Navigation
Aid tower. Site shall be well cleaned for inspection after all the work finished.

9.3.2 Tower Installation

1. The navigation aid tower shall be installed/assembled piece by piece. In case if the
manufacturer has given the assembly instruction, it shall be followed.
Note: - Manufacturer must supply the assembly or installation instruction for the navigation
aid tower. The below method for installation of navigation aid tower is an example for
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 26 / 3334

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 till

6th piece is installed

Step 2: Place this piece

here with crane first and
then man will climb up the
ladder to tighten the bolts.

Step 1: Install this piece

first using crane

Figure 9.4d: Navigation Light Beacon Tower

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Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
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Alternative 1:
There are total 6 pcs of navigation tower in the above figure, each pcs is less than 200kg.
First on ground the full piece of navigation tower will be installed on the ground (yard) and
than transported by flat top barge or flat bed truck on breakwater.
After assemble of tower as one full piece it shall be lifted by crane and loaded on flat bed
truck for transporting to installation location.
Tower shall be lifted up by crane from its lifting rings from the top side of the tower and then
installed on the foundation bolt.

Figure 9.4e: Navigation Aid Tower Installation on breakwater using crane on barge
Refer to Appendix C for the production related information of navigation aids.
Refer to Appendix D for details of navigation aids manufacturers.
Refer to Appendix E for calculation of leading lines tower..

Alternative 2:
Crane will be then used to install each piece as shown in the above figure.
First all the 6 pcs will be transported using crane on barge or flat bed truck on breakwater.
First piece will be installed first on the foundation bolt and bolt shall be tight ended.
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Beacons and Buoys
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Contract No. Page 28 / 3334

Remaining pieces shall be lifted up by the crane one by one and then assembled as
described in the figure 9.4d above.
The man will climb up on the inner ladder of the beacon tower, to tighten the bolts.


Figure 9.4f: Install Navigation Tower piece by piece


9.3.3 Buoy Installation

Navigation Aids Buoys will be shipped pre-installed from the factory.
On the site we will just connect the mooring chains on navigation aid and sinker block using
shackle and place it in sea with the help of crane. Ladder and reflector will be just bolted on
the navigation aid before placing in the sea.
After installation of all the accessories of the buoys on the yard, it shall be lifted up by the
crane and loaded on the flat top barge with crane. The crane on the flat top barge will then lift
the buoys and place them in the sea at the design location as per the IFC drawings.
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Contract No. Page 29 / 3334

According to the estimated work efficiency, we can install 2 buoys per day, and it will take 12
days for all buoys to be installed
After installation of the buoys the surveyor shall check the co-ordinates of the center of the
buoy for QA/QC control of installation location. Built coordinates and distance will be
indicated on drawings and be submitted as part of handover document.
Note: All the battery and light of Navigation Aids shall be checked and tested before and after
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
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Beacons and Buoys
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Contract No. Page 30 / 3334

Crane will be
used to lift
from lifting
eye and place
in the water
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Beacons and Buoys
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Contract No. Page 31 / 3334

Figure 9.4g: Navigation Buoy InstalaltionInstallation

9.3.4 Sinker Block Precast

1. General

Sinker block pre-casting method is mentioned below.

Lekki Deep Water Port Project
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Beacons and Buoys
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Contract No. Page 32 / 3334

Figure 9-4h: Sinker Block Details

2. Construction Sequence for Blocks Casting

Preparation→ Bottom formwork→ Formwork→ Fixing of Embedded Parts→ Concrete Casting→ Stripping of formwork and Curing

3. Construction Method
i. Preparation
The preparation work includes:
Mobilization and delivery of all equipment and materials.
j. Bottom Formwork
Lean concrete with 100mm thickness will be used as bottom formwork for the sinker
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 33 / 3334

k. Lateral Formwork
After the approval of design drawing, the formwork will be fabricated. Formwork should
be fabricated as per formwork drawings.
The formwork may be installed by means of cranes or any lifting equipment available
(forklift) on site.
l. Embedded Parts fixing
Wherever required, embedded parts should be installed as per the drawing and secured
to avoid movement during concreting. For details on embedded parts please follow the
approved IFC drawings.
m. Concrete casting
The procedure of casting concrete blocks is outlined as follows:
1) Clean the pouring surface, i.e. inside of the formwork.
2) Check the position of the formworks and the reinforcement (if has).
3) Prepare vibrators for concrete pouring.
4) Concrete is delivered by concrete mixer from the concrete batching plants to the
precast yard.
5) During the casting process, a team shall be assigned for concrete vibration and
another team will be responsible for handling hose from concrete truck. Concrete will be
casted into the formwork using concrete pump, and the maximum free fall of concrete
shall not exceed 2m. The concrete shall be poured into the formwork by layers of
approximately 300~400mm thickness.
6) The vibration starts from the corner of the formwork to the center of formwork. The
vibrators shall be inserted and withdrawn at points with space of approximately 500mm
for each layer. It will be kept 50mm to 100mm away from the edge of the formwork, to
avoid striking the reinforcement. The vibrator is placed vertically into the concrete. It will
be dropped quickly into concrete and withdrawn slowly to allow for compaction and to
remove the bubbles. The vibrators shall penetrate a minimum of 150 mm into the
preceding layers to ensure a proper and uniform connection between the upper and
lower layers.
7) Surface finish
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Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
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Contract No. Page 34 / 3334

Top surfaces shall be brought to proper level using wooden or metal screed. After
surface finishing, the top surface shall be covered with plastic sheeting or geotextile to
reduce heat loss by evaporation.
n. Formwork removal
Formwork supporting cast in-situ concrete in flexure may be struck when the strength
of the concrete in the element is 10 N/mm2 or twice the stress to which it will be
subjected, whichever is the greater, provided that striking at this time will not result in
unacceptable deflection. Cube test will be performed to determine the formwork striking
time. Remove all the tie rods, including all the connecting bolts from the formworks.
Lift the side formwork slowly and transport to the next position for proper cleaning.
o. Curing
7 days concrete curing will determine Curing duration will depend upon the quality of
concrete. Blocks must be cured after being removed from the forms. pure water will be
used to cure the precasting blocks.

10. Quality Control

10.1 Overall Quality Control Measures
1) Instruments or equipment should be verified by surveyor before usage.
2) QC personnel track checking records to ensure that the instruments are under normal
3) Technical supervisor should hold a technical clarification meeting before construction
works entrance to site and supply them skill guidance.
4) Construction works should comply with the shop drawings.

10.2 Quality Control Measures for Key Sub-items

10.2.1 Formwork
1) Make sure the formwork has enough strength, stiffness and stability and it is easy to be
assembled and disassembled;
2) It should be cleaned before the formwork are fixed;
3) During the concrete casting, formwork team should be pre-arranged for installation on the
4) Minimum striking time for formwork shall be derived from cube test samples.
10.2.2 Concrete Casting
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
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Contract No. Page 35 / 3334

1) Before the concrete casting, the formwork should be inspected.

2) The wet concrete should be distributed equally with a thickness of 30 to 40cm, and height
of free falling should be never over 2m. The vibration points should be set up uniformly
and vibrating densely.
3) Over vibration of the concrete shall be avoided to avoid any segregation of the concrete
4) Handling of concrete blocks shall be done when it reached minimum 80% of its strength
and shall be installed after achieving 100% of its strength.
5) Cube test shall be performed for determining time for handling and installation.
6) Frequency of cube test shall be 6 cubes every 200m3 of concrete casting.

11. Health, Safety, Security and Environment

11.1 HSE Measures
HSE HSSESP plan will be followed for construction activities. All personal will be trained for
safety rules and regulation including pre task briefing as per Employers requirement and
HSE plan, to be followed during construction works or before commencement of any work.
All operations and equipment to be used for lifting will be certified by internationally
recognized third party.
Lifting plans of any plant or equipment will be submitted to Engineer for approval before
commencement of work. Provisional Lifting plan is shown in the MS above and data for lifting
plan is included in the block installation sequence. (Note: Lifting plan is not the part of this
document. It will be submitted separately for approval). Lifting operation or any other critical
work shall follow the Wind Matrix. Lifting operation shall be suspended if wind reaches a
speed of 11m/s.
In case of emergency all personnel shall follow the on-site sign boards to emergency
assembly area. Appropriate warning or hazard signs will be installed wherever necessary.

CHEC commits to ensure the following:

1) All site works shall be conducted in line with CHEC HSSESP HSE Plan and all other
project related standards and documentation.
2) To prevent, control and eliminate occupational disease and protect the health of the
workers, the laws and regulations related to the employees’ right must be put into effect.
3) All personnel will be site inducted, given Pre-task Briefings, and given continual training
and awareness programs.
4) All Plant and Equipment including operators will be qualified.
5) To build up a completed management system for environment protection, train the
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 36 / 3334

employees with environmental protection knowledge to raise awareness of the

importance of environmental protection.

11.2 Risk Assessment

Refer to Appendix A for Risk Assessment.

11.3 Protective & Safety Equipment

The following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the minimum mandatory compliance
standard for the works and will be handed to all related personnel during their site induction:
a) Hard Hat
b) Safety Shoes
c) Safety glasses
d) Work Gloves
e) High Visibility Vest
*Note – Task specific PPE will be issued when required. For example – Life Jackets for
Marine Works etc.

11.4 Emergency Procedures

In case of an emergency situation, the Contractor should follow the followed reference
1. General Operational Procedures
2. Specific Emergency Response Plans.

12. Appendix
Appendix A - Risk Assessment for Navigation Aid
Appendix B - Installation guidelines for GRP Tower (From Manufacturer)
Appendix C - The Certificates of Navigation Aid
Appendix D - The Supplier of Navigation Aid
Appendix E - Calculation for Leading Lines Tower(L1,L2,L3)
Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
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Contract No. Page 37 / 3334

r13. Issue and Reply

No. Page of C02 Issue Reply

Refer to page1 of

1 1 Clarity of Documents titles


Refer to page 4 of
2 4 Locations and numbering of light beacons

Refer to page 4 of
3 4 Drawing legend

4 7 Expression of HSSESP Refer to page7 of C03

Mechanical Manager position not the Refer to page 8 of

5 8
organization chart of project C03

Refer to page 10 of
6 10 Omission of standard (BS)

Refer to page 12 of
7 11 List of Main Equipment

Refer to page 12 of
8 12 List of Manpower

Provide locations for the light beacons Refer to page 14, 15

9 13
(Main or Eastern Breakwater) of C03

Delete and foundation pre-inspection and

Refer to page 16 of
10 15 addition of backfilling and compaction of
the soil

Figure 9.3: Foundation n and Cast in situ

Refer to page 18 of
11 17 details for the foundation for Navigation

12 18 This statement is not clear please re-write Refer to page 19 of

Lekki Deep Water Port Project
Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
Doc No. LDSPP-CHELE-LB-01.08-0018-0203
Contract No. Page 38 / 3334

and explain C03

What are the basis for this statement? Is Refer to page 22 of

13 21
not true…. C03

Refer to page 22 of
14 21 Concrete curing period to be specified

Refer to page24 of
15 22 Figure 9.4d: Navigation Tower
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Method statement for Navigation Aid for Light
Beacons and Buoys
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Contract No. Page 39 / 3334

No. Page of C01 Issue Reply

Where is this document or documents Refer to Appendix B

1 21

What type of material exactly is the tower

2 23 Refer to Appendix C
fabricated with?? Where is this being done??

When? Where? How can ER have a look at

3 23 Refer to Appendix D
fab site operations??

Please attached relevant calculations to

support grade of material for the fabrication of
4 23 the tower also grade of steel elements, total Refer to Appendix E
height of the tower, wind study at maximum

Pre + post installation inspection and testing Refer to page 26 of

5 24
of light and power source. C02.

Refer to page 25 of
6 24 At what intervals will the buoys be placed.

As built coordinates and distances will be

Refer to page 25 of
7 24 indicated on drawings to be submitted as
part of handover documents.

13. Issue and Reply

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