Crop Prospects And: Food Situation

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JULY 2022

ISSN 2707-2223
CROP PROSPECTS and Quarterly Global Report

FAO assesses that globally 46 countries,
including 33 in Africa, 10 in Asia, two in
Latin America and the Caribbean, and
one in Europe, are in need of external
assistance for food. This list now includes
Ukraine and Sri Lanka. Serious concerns
also relate to East Africa due to multiple
Countries in need of seasons of drought conditions, with a
external assistance looming risk of famine in some areas.
Across the globe, the rising food prices
for food and overall inflation are worsening
food security conditions, particularly in

low-income food-deficit countries, while
the use of agricultural inputs could be
limited by their elevated prices, possibly
lowering yields and harvests in 2022.

Asia +0.5 AFRICA Adverse weather events
in North Africa and Southern Africa
Africa -4.0
resulted in reduced 2022 cereal
Central America and the Caribbean -1.2 outputs in most countries. In East
Africa, persisting rainfall deficits are
South America +9.7 sharply curbing production prospects
North America +0.3 World cereal production and have already caused extensive
animal deaths in 2022, with
Europe -5.6 2022 over 2021 severe food insecurity implications,
Oceania -14.1 (yearly percentage change) particularly for pastoralists. In
West Africa, production prospects

- 0.6%
World -0.6 are uncertain for the 2022 crop,
reflecting worsening conflicts and an
uneven start of the rainy season.
ASIA Area expansions are driving
(million tonnes) up production prospects in Far East
Asia and the aggregate 2022 cereal
output is forecast above the five-year
average. Dry weather conditions
ASIA 198
curbed yields of 2022 crops in the
Near East, while mixed weather
Cereal production 196
196 conditions are tempering production
194 expectations in CIS Asian countries.
forecast 2017 (%)
CARIBBEAN In South America, a

LIFDCs cereal production 190
bumper maize output is forecast
2022 over 2021 188
in 2022 underpinned by large
plantings, while there are some

+ 1.2%
186 concerns for the 2022 wheat crop
due to drier‑than‑normal weather
184 conditions. In Central America,
unfavourable weather conditions and
high costs of agricultural inputs had
a negative impact on the 2022 cereal
2020 2021 2022 forecast production outlook.

GIEWS - Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture
Required citation:
FAO. 2022. Crop Prospects and Food Situation – Quarterly Global Report No. 2, July 2022. Rome.

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ISSN 2707-2223 [Print]

ISSN 2707-2231 [Online]

ISBN 978-92-5-136596-0
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JULY 2022




AFRICA - Overview12
ASIA - Overview21
Table A1. Global cereal supply and demand indicators 38
Table A2. World cereal stocks 39
Table A3. Selected international prices of wheat and coarse grains 40
Table A4a. Estimated cereal import requirements of low-income food deficit countries in 2021/2022 or 2022 41
Table A4b. Estimated cereal import requirements of low-income food deficit countries in 2021/2022 or 2022 42

JULY 2022


Note: Situation as of June 2022

AFRICA (33 countries)

- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Cameroon
- Central African Republic
- Chad
- Congo
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Djibouti
- Eritrea
- Eswatini
- Ethiopia
- Guinea
- Kenya ** See Terminology (page 6)
- Lesotho
Source: GIEWS, 2022. Crop Prospects and Food Situation #2 [online]. [Cited 7 July 2022], modified to comply with the United Nations map
- Liberia No. 4170 Rev. 19, 2020.
- Libya
- Madagascar The war in Ukraine has amplified pre-existing rising trends of global prices of food, energy and agricultural
- Malawi inputs and disrupted trade, with negative repercussions on food insecurity conditions in all countries
- Mali listed below, although it might not be mentioned specifically.
- Mauritania
- Mozambique
- Namibia AFRICA (33 COUNTRIES) Niger
- Niger EXCEPTIONAL SHORTFALL IN Conflict, shortfall in cereal production
- Nigeria AGGREGATE FOOD PRODUCTION/ • According to the latest Cadre Harmonisé (CH)
- Senegal SUPPLIES analysis, about 4.4 million people are estimated
- Sierra Leone to need humanitarian food assistance
- Somalia Central African Republic between June and August 2022, reflecting
- South Sudan Conflict, population displacement, high food prices worsening conflicts and security conditions,
- Sudan • According to the latest Integrated Food Security and unfavourable weather that resulted in
- Uganda a sharp fall in cereal production in 2021.
Phase Classification (IPC) projection update, issued
- United Republic of Tanzania Additionally, higher year-on-year prices of
in April 2022, the number of severely food insecure
- Zambia food continue to constrain access to food,
people in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) and above is estimated
- Zimbabwe aggravating conditions.
at 2.2 million between April and August 2022,
ASIA (10 countries) mainly due to high levels of civil insecurity, • As of May 2022, an estimated 265 000
- Afghanistan people have been displaced in Diffa, Tahoua
population displacements and high food prices.
- Bangladesh
• As of 31 April 2022, about 658 300 people were and Tillabery regions due to the civil conflict.
- Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea internally displaced in the country and almost Furthermore, the country hosts about 290 000
- Iraq 738 000 refugees were hosted in neighbouring refugees, mainly from Nigeria and Mali.
- Lebanon countries (mostly Cameroon, the Democratic
- Myanmar Republic of the Congo and Chad). Somalia
- Pakistan Drought conditions, civil insecurity
- Sri Lanka + Kenya • About 5.2 million people were estimated
- Syrian Arab Republic Drought conditions to face severe food insecurity in May 2022,
- Yemen
• About 4.1 million people were estimated including 38 200 people facing IPC Phase 5
LATIN AMERICA AND THE to be severely food insecure between March (Catastrophe) levels of food insecurity
CARIBBEAN (2 countries)
and June 2022, reflecting consecutive poor in Bay and Bakool regions as a result of
- Haiti
rainy seasons since late 2020 that affected crop consecutive poor rainy seasons since late
- Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
and livestock production, mainly in northern 2020, which severely affected crop and
EUROPE (1 country) and eastern pastoral, agropastoral and marginal livestock production, and due to worsening
- Ukraine + agricultural areas. conflict since early 2021.
+ New Entry
JULY 2022

• If humanitarian assistance is not staple food prices, both domestically conflicts in northern states, localized
adequately scaled up, the number of and globally, pose a further risk to food shortfalls in staple food production, high
food insecure is projected to increase insecurity. food prices and reduced incomes. As of
to 7.11 million (45 percent of the • According to the first IPC Acute October 2021, about 3.14 million people
total population) between June and Malnutrition analysis conducted in the were estimated to be internally displaced
September 2022. This figure includes country, 857 000 children under the in northern states.
213 180 people projected to face age of five and 470 000 pregnant or
IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe) levels of food lactating women are estimated to suffer South Sudan
insecurity in central Nugal, Mudug, from acute malnutrition in 2022 in Economic downturn, floods, civil insecurity
Galgaduud and Hiran regions, and 70 out of 519 “health zones”. • Despite sustained humanitarian
southern Lower Shabelle, Bakool, Bay assistance, food insecurity still affects
and Banadir regions. Djibouti large segments of the population, driven
Unfavourable weather, high food prices by macroeconomic challenges that have
WIDESPREAD LACK OF ACCESS • About 132 000 people were estimated resulted in rampant food and non-food
to be severely food insecure between inflation, insufficient food supplies due
March and June 2022 mainly due to to a stagnant agricultural production,
Burundi livelihood losses owing to consecutive
insufficient rains in 2021 and 2022,
Weather extremes, high food prices years with widespread floods and the
which affected rangelands and pastoral
• About 646 000 people are estimated to escalation of organized violence at
livelihoods, and high food prices.
be severely food insecure between June subnational level since 2020. About
and September 2022. The main drivers 7.74 million people, approximately
are poor rains in May in some central 63 percent of the total population, are
Macroeconomic challenges have increased
and southern eastern areas that affected estimated to be severely food insecure
the population's vulnerability to food
pulses production, the socio-economic during the lean season between April
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and and July 2022.
high food prices due to elevated fuel
Ethiopia • Particular concern exists for households
prices inflating transport costs.
Conflict in Tigray Region, drought in Jonglei, Lakes and Unity states, where
conditions in southeastern areas, high food 60 to 80 percent of the population are
Chad prices estimated to be severely food insecure,
Civil insecurity, shortfall in cereal production • Approximately 18 million people were with a total of 87 000 people facing
• According to the latest CH analysis, officially estimated, in late 2021, to be IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe) levels of
about 2.1 million people were projected food insecure. According to the 2021 food insecurity.
to be in CH Phase 3 (Crisis) and above, Humanitarian Response Plan Mid‑Year
between June and August 2022 due to Review, without considering the Zimbabwe
persisting insecurity in Lac and Tibesti conflict affected Tigray Region, about High food prices, cereal production downturn
regions that disrupted livelihood activities 12.8 million people were estimated to • An estimated 3 million people were
and caused population displacements, be in need of food assistance. In Tigray projected to be in need of humanitarian
as well as a below-average cereal Region, according to the Revision of the assistance between January and
production in 2021. 2021 Northern Ethiopia Response Plan, March 2022, largely on account of poor
• About 380 000 people were displaced about 5.2 million people were facing food access due to prevailing high food
due to insecurity in Lake Chad Region severe food insecurity due to the impact prices and reduced incomes owing to the
as of May 2022. Furthermore, 578 000 of the conflict. effects of an economic downturn.
refugees mostly from the Central African • More recent estimates are available • A drop in cereal production in 2022 and
Republic, Nigeria and the Sudan, reside for the drought-affected southern and an uptick in the food inflation rate is
in the country due to conflicts and southeastern SNNP Region, southern foreseen to result in an increase in the
require humanitarian assistance. Borena Zone of Oromia Region and number of food insecure by the end
Somali Region, where 7.2 million people of 2022.
Democratic Republic of the Congo are estimated to be severely food
Civil insecurity in eastern areas, economic insecure between March and May 2022. SEVERE LOCALIZED FOOD
downturn, high food prices INSECURITY
• According to the November 2021 Nigeria
IPC analysis, 26 million people were Conflict in northern areas, localized shortfalls Burkina Faso
projected to be severely food insecure, in cereal production, high food prices Civil insecurity in the north, shortfall in
IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) and above, between • According to the latest CH analysis, cereal production, high food prices
January and June 2022. This is due to about 19.45 million people were • According to the latest CH analysis,
persisting conflict in eastern provinces projected to be in need of humanitarian 3.45 million people were projected
of North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri, food assistance between June and to be food insecure and in need of
which continues to cause displacements, August 2022, including 1.18 million in humanitarian assistance between June
coupled with the economic repercussions CH Phase 4 (Emergency), owing to the and August 2022, of which 628 000
of the COVID-19 pandemic. The elevated deterioration of security conditions and are in CH Phase 4 (Emergency). In

JULY 2022

Centre-Nord and Sahel regions, account of the economic effects of the Malawi
insecurity continues to cause population COVID-19 pandemic. Economic downturn, decline in cereal
displacements and, as of March 2022, • In addition, about 5 300 refugees, mostly production
about 1.85 million people had been from Côte d'Ivoire and Sierra Leone, are • An estimated 1.65 million people
displaced and required assistance. In residing in the country. were facing IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) levels
addition, about 25 000 refugees, mostly of food insecurity between January
from Mali, are residing in Sahel Region. Lesotho and March 2022, underpinned
• Domestic cereal production in 2021 was Economic downturn by localized shortfalls in cereal
estimated at a below-average level due • The number of people facing IPC Phase production and the lingering impact
to effects of adverse weather and civil 3 (Crisis) levels of food insecurity of an economic downturn due to the
conflict, further aggravating conditions. between January and March 2022 was COVID-19 pandemic.
Abnormally high prices of food are estimated at 338 000, reflecting the • A moderate decline in cereal production
also a contributory factor that have effects of a slow economic recovery in 2022, particularly in southern districts,
constrained access to food. The coup that has impinged on households’ and increasing food prices are expected
d’étatthat occurred in January 2022 is economic capacity to access food. to lead to an increased prevalence of food
an additional factor that could increase insecurity in the last quarter of 2022.
civil insecurity and further stress food Liberia
insecurity conditions. High food prices, economic downturn Mali
• According to the latest CH analysis, Civil insecurity, high food prices
Cameroon about 940 000 people were estimated • According to the latest CH analysis,
Civil insecurity, high food prices to be in CH Phase 3 (Crisis) and above about 1.84 million people were
• According to the March 2022 between June and August 2021 due estimated to be in CH Phase 3 (Crisis)
CH analysis, about 2.4 million people to high food inflation rates and the and above between June and August
were projected to be severely food negative effects of the COVID-19 2022, including 156 000 in CH Phase 4
insecure, CH Phase 3 (Crisis) and above pandemic on the economy. Production (Emergency), as a result of worsening
between June and August 2022. This is of rice, a main food staple, was conflicts, weather shocks, reduced cereal
mainly the result of conflict, sociopolitical estimated at a below-average level production in 2021 and high food prices.
unrest and high food prices. in 2021, a factor that is expected
• As of May 2022, about 370 000 people
to further aggravate food insecurity
were internally displaced, mostly in central
Congo in 2022.
and northern parts of the country. In
Refugee influx • As of May 2022, the country is also addition, the country hosts approximately
• As of 30 April 2022, about 29 100 hosting approximately 3 600 refugees 53 000 refugees, mostly from the Niger,
refugees from the Central African that require assistance. Mauritania and Burkina Faso.
Republic and 22 100 from the
Democratic Republic of the Congo Libya
were residing in the country, mostly in Civil insecurity, economic and political
Shortfall in agricultural production,
Likouala and Plateaux departments. instability, high food prices
economic downturn
Host communities face food shortages • The 2022 Humanitarian Needs
• According to the latest CH analysis,
and limited livelihood opportunities, Overview states that 0.8 million people
about 878 000 people were assessed to
and refugees’ food security is (10 percent of the population) need
be in need of humanitarian assistance
essentially dependent on continued humanitarian assistance, of which
between June and August 2022 as a
humanitarian assistance. 0.5 million require food assistance,
result of shortfalls in cereal and livestock
including internally displaced or
production in 2021 and reduced incomes
Eswatini migrants that are residing in, or
owing to the negative effects of the
Economic downturn transiting through, the country.
COVID-19 pandemic on the economy.
• Nearly 336 000 people were assessed
to be food insecure at least until Madagascar • About 87 000 refugees, mostly
March 2022, prior to the main harvest Extreme weather events, slow economic from Mali, also require humanitarian
period, primarily due to food access recovery assistance, as of May 2022.
constraints, underpinned by the negative • Between April and August 2022, an
effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on estimated 1.68 million people are IPC Phase Mozambique
the economy. 3 (Crisis) and above levels of food insecurity Insecurity in northern areas, extreme
in southern and southeastern areas, and weather events
Guinea require urgent humanitarian assistance due • Cyclones and tropical storms in 2022
Reduced incomes to successive years of droughts and the have affected a large number of people,
• About 1.22 million people were impact of cyclones in 2022. particularly in central provinces, while
projected to be in need of food • A slow economic recovery is constraining insecurity in the northern province of
assistance between June and livelihood opportunities and, along with Cabo Delgado continues to impact
August 2022, of which 20 000 in rising food prices, is impinging livelihoods and underpins the severest
CH Phase 4 (Emergency), primarily on vulnerable populations’ economic levels of acute food insecurity;
due to food access constraints on access to food. approximately 24 000 people are

JULY 2022

facing IPC Phase 4 (Emergency) in the • About 934 000 refugees from South • Persisting economic constraints,
conflict‑affected Cabo Delgado Province. Sudan and about 429 000 from the exacerbated by restrictive measures to
Democratic Republic of the Congo control the spread of the COVID-19
Namibia are hosted in camps and rely on pandemic, have significantly reduced
Localized shortfalls in staple food humanitarian assistance. imports, including critical agricultural
production, economic downturn inputs and humanitarian goods,
• An estimated 750 000 people were United Republic of Tanzania increasing the population’s vulnerability
projected to face IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) Localized shortfalls in staple food production, to food insecurity.
levels of food insecurity between high food prices
December 2021 and March 2022. • About 592 000 people are estimated to Lebanon
• Cereal production increased in 2022 and be in need of humanitarian assistance Economic crisis
this is expected to have a positive impact between May and September 2022, mainly • In September 2021, the United Nations
on food security, however, rising prices located in northeastern Mara, Arusha, Economic and Social Commission
of basic foods is likely to limit a more Kilimanjaro and Tanga regions, reflecting for Western Asia estimated that,
substantial improvement. crop losses during the October–December taking into account multiple factors
“Vuli” 2021 and March–May “Masika” other than income, such as access to
Senegal seasons due to poor rains. High food health, education and public utilities,
Localized shortfalls in cereal production, prices are also constraining households’ 82 percent of the population lives in
reduced incomes economic access to food. multidimensional poverty in 2021, up
• According to the latest CH analysis, about from 42 percent in 2019.
881 000 people are estimated to be in Zambia
need of humanitarian assistance between Reduced cereal production, high food prices Sri Lanka
June and August 2022, mostly on account • Cereal production declined to a Serious macroeconomic challenges,
of localized shortfalls in cereal production below‑average level in 2022 and along significant reduction in 2022 cereal output,
in 2021 and reduced incomes owing to the with the impact of rising food prices, high food prices
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. the number of food insecure is foreseen • Severe macroeconomic challenges have
to increase at the end of 2022 to levels had a negative impact on the country’s
• An estimated 14 500 refugees, mostly
above the 1.6 million people estimated capacity to import cereals, while the
from Mauritania, require humanitarian
in the first quarter of 2022. 2022 cereal production sharply declined
due to reduced application of chemical
Sierra Leone
ASIA (10 COUNTRIES) fertilizers.
High food prices, reduced incomes • Unprecedentedly high food prices are
• About 1.6 million people are estimated
EXCEPTIONAL SHORTFALL constraining economic access to food for
to be severely food insecure between
IN AGGREGATE FOOD large number of households.
June and August 2022 on account of
high food prices and low purchasing Yemen
Syrian Arab Republic Conflict, poverty, floods, high food and fuel
power, resulting in acute constraints on
Civil conflict, economic crisis prices
households’ economic access to food.
• The latest available nationwide food • The number of food insecure,
security assessment estimated that about IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) and above,
12 million people, 60 percent of the was projected to increase by over
Conflict, civil insecurity, high food prices,
overall population, were food insecure in 1 million people to 17.4 million between
tight supplies
2021, a slight decline from 12.4 million January and May 2022, increasing to
• The number of severely food insecure
in 2020, but 5 million more than at the 19 million starting from June until the
people is estimated at 11.7 million between
end of 2019, mostly due to constrained end of the year. Of greatest concern is
June and September 2022, mainly due to
livelihood opportunities and a rapidly the 31 000 people facing IPC Phase 5
tight supplies following a below-average
worsening economy. (Catastrophe); this number is projected
2021 harvest, high food prices and
insecurity due to intercommunal conflict. • Although some international food to rise to 161 000 from June onwards.
assistance is being provided, Syrian
Uganda refugees are also pressuring host SEVERE LOCALIZED FOOD
Weather extremes, civil insecurity, high food communities' resources in neighbouring INSECURITY
prices countries.
• In Karamoja Region, about 518 000 Afghanistan
people, 41 percent of the population, are WIDESPREAD LACK OF ACCESS Civil conflict, population displacement,
estimated to be severely food insecure economic slowdown
between March and July 2022, as a Democratic People’s Republic of Korea • The IPC latest analysis estimated the
result of consecutive poor rainy seasons Low food consumption levels, poor dietary number of people in IPC Phase 3
that adversely affected crop and livestock diversity, economic downturn (Crisis) and IPC Phase 4 (Emergency) at
production, frequent episodes of cattle • A large portion of the population suffers 19.6 million, including about 20 000
rustling leading to the loss of productive from low levels of food consumption and people in IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe) in
assets and high food prices. very poor dietary diversity. the province of Ghor.

JULY 2022

Bangladesh • Domestic prices of Emata rice, the most located in Colombia (1.84 million),
Economic constraints, refugee influx, floods consumed variety in the country, were Peru (1.29 million), Ecuador (513 900),
• Food insecurity as well as poverty at high levels in May 2022, constraining Chile (448 100) and Brazil (345 000).
levels have increased due to income access to a key staple food. Humanitarian needs for refugees and
losses caused by the effects of the • Income losses due to the impact of the migrants are significant. According
COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 pandemic have also affected to the Inter-Agency Coordination
• About 1 million Rohingya refugees from the food security situation of vulnerable Platform for Refugees and Migrants
Myanmar reside in the country, mainly in households. from Venezuela (R4V), the number of
Cox’s Bazar District and on the island of Venezuelan refugees and migrants (in
Bhasan Char. destination) in need of food assistance is
forecast at 3.5 million in 2022.
• Floods in May affected approximately Population displacements, economic
2 million people, causing death, injuries, constraints, high prices of the main food
as well as losses of livestock and food
• The country hosts close to 1.4 million
registered Afghan refugees (as of
Iraq June 2021, UNHCR). Most of the refugees
Reduced agricultural production,
Elevated food prices, shortfall in domestic are in need of humanitarian assistance
sociopolitical turmoil, natural disasters
staple production and have added pressure on host
• About 4.56 million people were
• The 2022 Humanitarian Needs Overview communities’ limited resources. Following
estimated to be facing severe acute food
identified 730 000 IDPs and returnees the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan,
insecurity and in need of urgent food
in need of food security related this number reportedly increased by an
assistance between March and June
humanitarian interventions. additional 120 000 people.
2022. The high levels of food insecurity
• According to the latest IPC analysis, are the result of consecutive reduced
Myanmar about 4.7 million people, 25 percent cereal harvests between 2018 and 2021,
Conflict, political instability, economic of the population, are estimated to be and elevated food prices, exacerbated
constraints, high prices of main food staple facing high levels of acute food insecurity, by socio-political turmoil and worsening
• The political crisis, following the IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) and above, between insecurity. The lack of income-earning
military takeover on 1 February 2021, April and June 2022 in 25 districts opportunities, amid worsening insecurity
caused increased tensions and unrest analyzed in Balochistan, Sindh and Khyber and difficult macroeconomic conditions,
throughout the country that resulted in Pakhtunkhwa provinces. is likely to heighten food insecurity
population displacement. According to • Prices of wheat flour, the country’s in 2022.
the latest figures (January 2022) from main staple, were at high levels in most
the United Nations High Commissioner markets in May, constraining access to a NORTH AMERICA, EUROPE
for Refugees (UNHCR) following key staple food. AND OCEANIA (1 COUNTRY)
the military takeover, the number of
additional displaced people is estimated LATIN AMERICA AND THE WIDESPREAD LACK OF ACCESS
at 440 000, adding to the existing CARIBBEAN (2 COUNTRIES)
370 000 internally displaced persons Ukraine
(IDPs), as of December 2020. Most of WIDESPREAD LACK OF ACCESS Conflict
the IDPs reside in Rakhine, Chin, Kachin, • According to the April update of the
Kayin and Shan states. The current Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Ukraine Flash Appeal 2022, about
uncertain political situation may further Severe economic crisis 24 million people are estimated to be in
compromise the fragile conditions of • The total number of refugees and urgent need of humanitarian assistance
vulnerable households and the Rohingya migrants from the country is estimated at and protection due to the war, including
IDPs residing in the country. 6.1 million, with the largest populations up to 7.7 million internally displaced.

JULY 2022

Terminology distribution, excessive post-harvest losses, of the area planted and/or yields due to
or other supply bottlenecks. adverse weather conditions, plant pests
Countries requiring external assistance • Countries with widespread lack of and diseases, conflicts and other negative
for food are expected to lack the resources access, where a majority of the population factors. This list does not include countries
to deal with reported critical problems is considered to be unable to procure where production declines are mainly
of food insecurity. Food crises are nearly food from local markets, due to very low driven by deliberate/predetermined economic
always due to a combination of factors but incomes, exceptionally high food prices, or and/or policy decisions (see Regional Reviews):
for the purpose of response planning, it is the inability to circulate within the country. page 12 (Africa)
important to establish whether the nature page 21 (Asia)
• Countries with severe localized food
of food crises is predominantly related page 34 (Europe)
insecurity due to the influx of refugees,
to lack of food availability, limited access a concentration of internally displaced ** The boundaries and names shown and
to food, or severe but localized problems. persons, or areas with combinations of the designations used on the maps do
Accordingly, the list of countries requiring crop failure and deep poverty. not imply the expression of any opinion
external assistance is organized into three
whatsoever on the part of FAO concerning
broad, not mutually exclusive, categories: * Unfavourable Production Prospects the legal status of any country, territory, city
Countries facing unfavourable crop or area or of its authorities, or concerning
• Countries facing an exceptional shortfall production prospects are countries where the delimitation of its frontiers and
in aggregate food production/supplies current conditions indicate a high likelihood boundaries. Dashed lines on maps represent
as a result of crop failure, natural disasters, that cereal production would fall below the approximate border lines for which there
interruption of imports, disruption of five‑year average, as a result of a reduction may not yet be full agreement.

JULY 2022


encouraging area expansions. Additionally, The forecast for world cereal utilization
Cereal supply and demand continued beneficial weather in the Russian in 2022/23 has also been lifted, up
overview Federation has lifted yield prospects of 9.2 million tonnes to 2 797 million tonnes,
the winter crop and further reinforced but is still 1.7 million tonnes (0.1 percent)
Global cereal production, the country’s good production prospects below the 2021/22 level, mostly reflecting
utilization, stocks and trade in 2022. As for rice, FAO has raised its lower feed use. Following an upward
revised up but still forecast to 2022 production forecast for India based revision of 6.1 million tonnes since the
decline from 2021/22 on a higher officially reported outcome previous forecast in June, utilization of
FAO’s forecast for global cereal production of the 2021 Kharif harvest in the country. coarse grains is anticipated to remain
in 2022 has been raised by 7 million tonnes This revision more than compensates near the 2021/22 level of 1 504 million
compared to the figure reported in June for a yield‑based reduction made for tonnes in 2022/23, with a rise in food
and is now pegged at 2 792 million tonnes, Viet Nam, alongside some other more consumption balancing reduced feed
however, still 0.6 percent short of the world minor downgrades. As a result, world use, especially in North America and the
output in 2021.1 rice production in 2022 is now seen in European Union. Despite a 2-million‑tonne
the order of 520.5 million tonnes (milled upward revision this month, the forecast
The month-on-month increase basis), down just 0.4 percent from the 2021 for the 2022/23 global wheat utilization
predominantly rests on a 6.4-million-tonne record harvest. is still pointing to a slight (0.3 percent)
upward revision made to the coarse grain
production forecast, with the world output Table 1. World cereal production
seen reaching 1 501 million tonnes in 2022,
(million tonnes)
only 0.5 percent below the 2021 outturn.
Prospects were bolstered by reports 2021 2022 Change: 2022
indicating large maize plantings in China 2020 estimate forecast over 2021 (%)
(mainland) and India. Furthermore, although Asia 1 231.9 1 236.5 1 242.0 +0.5
still pointing to a likely 30-percent decline Far East 1 117.5 1 145.1 1 142.1 -0.3
from the past five‑year average, Ukraine’s Near East 79.1 61.1 66.9 +9.4
maize production prospects were also lifted CIS in Asia 35.3 30.2 33.0 +9.4
with official data indicating larger‑than- Africa 200.6 202.8 194.7 -4.0
previously anticipated maize sowings. These
North Africa 31.4 37.6 31.4 -16.4
increases more than outweigh moderate
West Africa 66.9 63.9 65.9 +3.1
cutbacks to maize production forecasts
Central Africa 6.7 6.8 6.8 +0.5
for Mexico and several Far East Asian
East Africa 59.1 54.2 54.9 +1.2
countries, as well as a more sizeable cut
Southern Africa 36.4 40.2 35.6 -11.4
to the forecast for the European Union,
where plantings are lower than originally Central America and the Caribbean 42.6 42.7 42.2 -1.2
predicted and drier-than-normal weather South America 232.5 227.2 249.3 +9.7
has dampened yield prospects. The forecast
North America 495.1 495.9 497.4 +0.3
for world wheat production in 2022 has
been lowered only fractionally since the Europe 525.5 549.4 518.6 -5.6
previous forecast in June to 770.3 million European Union
285.6 297.5 291.9 -1.9
tonnes, remaining 1 percent lower year on CIS in Europe 204.1 214.3 190.0 -11.4
year. The marginally diminished outlook Oceania 50.1 55.2 47.4 -14.1
results from cuts to production forecasts
World 2 778.2 2 809.7 2 791.5 -0.6
for the European Union, where persisting
dryness has impaired yield prospects, and - wheat 776.5 778.3 770.3 -1.0
to a lesser degree for Argentina and Iraq. - coarse grains 1 484.7 1 508.8 1 500.7 -0.5
These downgrades more than outweigh - rice (milled) 517.0 522.5 520.5 -0.4
improved harvest expectations in Canada Notes: Includes rice in milled term. Totals and percentage change computed from unrounded data.
and Australia, where conducive weather at 1
Data for the European Union from the year 2020 (including the 2020/21 marketing year) excludes the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
planting time and remunerative prices are Northern Ireland.

For further information on global food markets please see FAO World Food Situation.

JULY 2022

decline from 2021/22, largely on an since last month, up to 299 million war-related disruptions of maize and barley
anticipated fall in feed use, especially tonnes, now near opening levels. Expected exports from Ukraine. Although larger
in China (mainland) and the European year‑on‑year expansions of wheat expected maize shipments from Brazil and
Union, as well as in industrial use in India. inventories especially in China (mainland) higher demand from the European Union
While China (mainland) is seen using more and the Russian Federation, but also in have boosted global maize trade prospects
coarse grains for animal feed in place of Canada and Ukraine, are foreseen to since the previous report, FAO’s forecast
wheat, feed use of wheat in the European offset likely drawdowns in the European for global maize trade in 2022/23 stands
Union is expected to decline in line with Union and India, in particular, as well as in 3 percent lower than the 2021/22 level.
the overall expected drop in overall feed Australia and Morocco. World rice stocks Increased exports from Brazil in 2022/23
demand in the bloc. In India, a tighter at the close of the 2022/23 marketing are seen falling short of compensating for
supply, due to lower production and higher year are forecast at 191.7 million tonnes, smaller shipments expected from the other
exports, is seen diminishing the country’s essentially unchanged from June’s major maize exporters, including Ukraine, as
industrial use of wheat in 2022/23. Largely expectations and just 1.0 million tonnes its main ports remain blocked by the ongoing
mirroring an upward revision to India’s below the 2021/22 all-time high. Much war, and Argentina and the United States
use expectations, FAO has also upgraded of the forecast year‑to‑year reduction is of America, on account of smaller harvests.
its forecast for global rice utilization in anticipated to take place in the Americas, At 191 million tonnes, world wheat trade
2022/23 by 1.1 million tonnes to a record with stocks in other regions, in particular in 2022/23 is also forecast to contract by
level of 523.1 million tonnes. Asia, little changed owing to build-ups 1.3 percent from 2021/22, largely resulting
expected in China (mainland) and India. from a fall in exports from Ukraine and
At 854 million tonnes, FAO’s forecast of anticipated smaller purchases by several
world cereal stocks at the close of seasons FAO’s latest forecast for world trade in countries in Asia. Ukraine’s reduced export
in 2023 is up 7.6 million tonnes from cereals in 2022/23 stands at 468 million prospects, combined with smaller sales
the previous figure reported in June but tonnes, up 4.8 million tonnes from the level forecasts for Australia and Argentina based
still points to a year-on-year contraction forecast in June but representing the lowest on reduced export availabilities, are seen
of 0.6 percent (5 million tonnes). At this level in three seasons and a decrease of outweighing expected increases in exports
level, the global cereal stock-to-use ratio 11.4 million tonnes (2.4 percent) from the from Canada, the European Union and the
would fall from 30.7 percent in 2021/22 2021/22 volume. Accounting for the bulk of Russian Federation. International trade in rice
to 29.8 percent in 2022/23. The forecast the decline, trade in coarse grains is forecast in 2022 (January–December) is pegged at
for global coarse grain inventories has to contract by 4.1 percent (9.5 million 53.4 million tonnes, up 3.7 percent from the
been raised by 6 million tonnes from tonnes) in 2022/23 (July/June) from the 2021 peak and 0.4 million tonnes more than
the previous report on higher maize 2021/22 estimated level, largely driven by previously anticipated in early June.
stock expectations, but are still seen
heading for a 1 percent (3.6 million
tonnes) decline below their opening Table 2. Basic facts of world cereal situation
levels, led by a fall in barley stocks. The (million tonnes)
bulk of the anticipated contraction in
barley inventories is concentrated in 2021/22 2022/23 Change: 2021/22
China (mainland), due to higher feed 2020/21 estimate forecast over 2020/21 (%)
use, and in Australia, stemming from
Production1 2 778.2 2 809.7 2 791.5 -0.6
lower production prospects. Following
a 7.7-million‑tonne upward revision this Trade2 479.5 479.0 467.6 -2.4
month, global maize stocks are forecast Utilization 2 761.8 2 799.1 2 797.4 -0.1
to remain near their opening levels in Per caput cereal food use (kg per year) 149.6 149.8 149.8 0.0
2022/23, with foreseen drawdowns in 3
Stocks 834.1 859.2 854.2 -0.6
China (mainland) and the United States of
America, countering build‑ups expected World stock-to-use ratio (%) 29.8 30.7 29.8 -3.1
in Brazil, following a record production,
Note: Totals and percentage change computed from unrounded data.
and Ukraine, where stocks are forecast to
reach more than six‑times their pre‑war Data refer to calendar year of the first year shown and includes rice in milled terms.
level (2020/21 stocks), as a result of For wheat and coarse grains, trade refers to exports based on July/June marketing season. For rice, trade refers to exports based on the
war‑disrupted exports. The forecast for calendar year of the second year shown.
the 2022/23 global wheat inventories 3
Data are based on an aggregate of carryovers level at the end of national crop years and, therefore, do not represent world stock levels at any
has also been lifted by 1.5 million tonnes point in time.

JULY 2022


production declines in Mozambique and have also led to a significant shortage of
Small increase in aggregate Zimbabwe, where cereal harvests in 2022 pasture and water resources, resulting
low‑income food-deficit countries are forecast just short of the five-year in widespread animal deaths. Elsewhere
cereal production in 2022 averages. Despite less-than‑favourable in East Africa, harvests are forecast at
FAO’s forecast for aggregate cereal weather conditions in Lesotho and near-average levels. In West Africa, where
production of the low-income food-deficit Malawi, as well as Madagascar, which harvesting of the main season crop has
countries (LIFDCs)2 in 2022 is pegged at also suffered from multiple extreme already begun, early production forecasts
187.8 million tonnes, a marginal increase weather events, national outputs are put the aggregate cereal output at a
compared to the five-year average and the still foreseen at above-average levels, as slightly above-average level in 2022. A
previous year. broadly conducive weather conditions mixed rainfall performance at the start
benefited crops in the main cereal of the season, limited access to fertilizers
Among Far East Asian countries, a well producing areas. In East Africa, consecutive and worsening conflicts are anticipated to
above-average cereal harvest is expected failed rainfall seasons, including the recent prevent large production gains in 2022.
in Bangladesh in 2022, underpinned by March–May 2022 rainy season, have
a large sown area. By contrast, production intensified drought conditions that were In Central America and the Caribbean,
downturns are foreseen in Nepal and the present since 2020 in parts of Ethiopia, cereal production in Haiti is forecast at
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Kenya and Somalia. The impact of severe a below-average level, largely owing to
owing to below-average rainfall amounts rainfall deficits in early 2022 are expected reduced plantings that reflect the high
and shortages of agricultural inputs that to result in a fifth and a fourth consecutive cost and low supply of agricultural inputs.
are expected to curtail yields. In the Near season of a reduced cereal harvest In Nicaragua, production is forecast
East subregion, an irregular distribution of in Somalia and southeastern Kenya, slightly below the five-year average, owing
rainfall prevented production recoveries respectively, with production in Somalia to an expected dip in the area planted,
in Afghanistan and the Syrian Arab expected at a substantially below-average partly in response to elevated prices of
Republic following the impact of drought level. Unfavourable weather conditions agricultural inputs.
conditions in 2021, while difficult economic
conditions continued to curb farmers’ Table 3. Basic facts of low-income food-deficit countries (LIFDCs)
access to agricultural inputs. Consequently,
cereal situation
the 2022 cereal harvests are estimated (million tonnes, rice in milled basis)
at well below-average levels in these two
countries. Production of cereals in CIS Asian 2021/22 2022/23 Change: 2022/23
countries is forecast at an average level 2020/21 estimate forecast over 2021/22 (%)
in 2022, reflecting generally conducive Cereal production1 196.1 185.5 187.8 +1.2
weather conditions.
Utilization 249.8 249.2 255.0 +2.3
Food use 184.3 187.2 193.8 +3.5
In Africa, the aggregate cereal production
of the LIFDCs is pegged at a slightly Per caput cereal food use (kg per year) 156.0 154.9 155.5 +0.4
above‑average level in 2022, although Feed 29.3 27.8 27.5 -1.0
mixed results are anticipated across the End of season stocks 59.3 55.7 50.0 -10.2
continent. In Southern African countries, 1
Data refer to calendar year of the first year shown.
low seasonal rainfall amounts and 2
M ay not equal the difference between supply and utilization because of differences in individual country marketing years.
the effects of cyclones contributed to

The inclusion of a country in the low-income food-deficit countries (LIFDCs) group is based on three criteria: 1) the level of the annual per capita Gross
National Income (GNI); 2) the net food trade position; and 3) self-exclusion (when countries that meet the first two criteria request to be excluded from the
category). For full details see:

JULY 2022

Import needs of LIFDCs grow in Table 4. Cereal production of LIFDCs

2022/23, amidst high international (million tonnes)
cereal prices
The war in Ukraine has driven up already 5-year 2021 2022 Change: 2022
elevated global prices of key food average estimate forecast over 2021 (%)
commodities and placed additional risks on Africa (36 countries) 112.6 112.9 113.9 +0.9
importing countries regarding their food East Africa 55.4 54.2 55.7 +2.7
insecurity. Set against this context, the Southern Africa 11.6 14.2 12.0 -15.3
aggregate cereal import requirement for West Africa 38.8 37.8 39.4 +4.4
LIFDCs in the 2022/23 marketing year is
Central Africa 6.9 6.8 6.8 +0.5
forecast to increase to 65.2 million tonnes,
Asia (9 countries) 72.4 71.6 72.9 +1.8
8.3 percent above the five-year average.
Elevated international prices are a particularly CIS in Asia 10.0 9.2 10.0 +8.4
pronounced threat to food insecurity in Far East 54.0 56.1 56.6 +0.9
LIFDCs, given the high import dependency Near East 8.5 6.3 6.3 -0.3
and the high vulnerability of households to Central America and the
1.1 1.0 1.0 -1.5
price upswings as they spend a substantial Caribbean (2 countries)
share of income on food. Furthermore, LIFDCs (47 countries) 186.1 185.5 187.8 +1.2
although import needs have increased in
2022/23, the disruptions to global food Notes: Includes rice in milled terms. Totals and percentage change computed from unrounded data. The five-year average refers to the
2017-2021 period.
markets and the heightened cost of importing
also raises the risk of unmet import demand.

The bulk of the growth in import needs

among LIFDCs in 2022/23 originates in
Table 5. Cereal imports of LIFDCs
East African and West African countries,
where drought conditions and the effects of (thousand tonnes)
conflicts have lowered domestic production 2020/21 or 2021 2021/22 or 2022 2022/23 or 2023
prospects in 2022. Supply conditions are 1
Actual imports Import estimate Import requirement
foreseen to be particularly tight in East African
countries, where stocks are likely to have
Africa (36 countries) 31 852 33 123 34 650
been drawdown in 2021/22 following the
East Africa 12 320 14 200 14 886
below‑average aggregate production obtained
Southern Africa 3 930 2 950 3 167
in 2021. By contrast, import requirements
West Africa 12 938 13 142 13 755
in Southern African countries are forecast at
Central Africa 2 664 2 830 2 842
a level moderately higher than the five-year
average, as stocks had been built up after the Asia (9 countries) 28 823 28 658 29 004
record harvest in 2021 that partly cushioned CIS in Asia 5 718 5 481 5 222
the impact of reduced outputs in 2022. Far East 12 642 12 581 12 774
Near East 10 464 10 596 11 009
In Asian countries, the aggregate import Central America and
1 575 1 557 1 592
requirement in 2022/23 is forecast at a the Caribbean (2 countries)
level that exceeds the five-year average. LIFDC (47 countries) 62 250 63 338 65 246
Imports are foreseen to increase particularly 56 044 62 255 61 805
in Afghanistan, the Democratic People’s Note: Totals computed from unrounded data.
Republic of Korea and Nepal, reflecting 1
The import requirement is the difference between utilization (food, feed, other uses, exports plus closing stocks) and domestic availability
likely production downturns in 2022. (production plus opening stocks).

JULY 2022

Rice: Planting Note: Situation as of June 2022
Small grains: Harvesting
Subregional borders

Coastal countries Belg grains (minor): Maturing
Coarse grains: Reproductive Meher grains (main season):
Rice (main season): Planting
Reproductive South Sudan, the Sudan
Sahel Coarse grains: Planting
Coarse grains: Planting Uganda, United Republic of
Rice (main season): Tanzania
Planting Cereals (main season):
Northern parts Cereals (main season):
Maize (main season): Harvesting Reproductive to maturing
Millet: Planting Burundi, Rwanda
Rice: Planting Second season: Harvesting
Sorghum: Planting
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Maize (main season): Planting
Millet: Reproductive
Sorghum: Reproductive

Summer cereals (main season):
Countries with unfavourable cereal production prospects in 2022* Harvesting
Winter cereals (secondary season):
Somalia: Adverse weather conditions Planting
Uganda: Adverse weather conditions

*/** See Terminology (page 7).

Final boundary between the Republic of the Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan has not yet been determined.
Source: GIEWS, 2022. Crop Prospects and Food Situation #2 [online]. [Cited 7 July 2022], modified to comply with the United Nations map No. 4045 Rev. 8, 2018.

Production Overview Cereal production

Total cereal production in Africa is forecast at 209.5 million tonnes in (million tonnes)
2022, 1 percent lower than the five-year average. Low outputs in North 80
Africa, reflecting damage caused by drought conditions, underpin most
of this year’s reduction at the continental level. Although remaining above 70
average, cereal production in Southern Africa fell on a yearly basis, with EAST
several countries registering below-average outputs on account of adverse 60
weather conditions. In East Africa, with the main season crops yet to be
harvested, persisting and severe rainfall deficits are curbing production 50
prospects in 2022. In West Africa, production expectations are uncertain,
reflecting a mixed rainfall performance at the start of the season, limited
access to fertilizers and worsening conflicts. In Central Africa, agricultural 30
production in 2022 continues to be constrained by conflicts, population
displacements and high inputs prices. 20

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

JULY 2022

expected at a slightly below‑average level of to limit price transmission from the

NORTH AFRICA 3 million tonnes. In Tunisia, crop conditions global markets to the country level, the
were generally favourable due to timely rains year‑on‑year food inflation rates generally
and wheat production is likely to be close increased or remained stable in the first
average. In Egypt, most cereal crops are four to five months of 2022. The food
irrigated and preliminary production estimates price inflation in the subregion is driven by
point to an above‑average cereal output price increases of non-subsidized staples
of 23.8 million tonnes. Of this total, wheat (fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy), the
production is estimated at 9.5 million tonnes spill-over effect of higher oil and energy
in 2022, an increase of about 6 percent above prices, and supply chain bottlenecks.
Below-average 2022 cereal the average output of 2021 on the account
harvest increases import of expanded plantings and slightly improved In Morocco, in April, the annual food
requirement yields, supported by government programmes inflation rate was estimated at 9.4 percent,
In Egypt, Libya and Morocco, the winter that strive to improve the self‑sufficiency up from about 5 percent in the previous
wheat crop was harvested between ratio. Environmental conditions in Libya limit months. Although relatively contained
mid‑May and mid-June. In Tunisia, the bulk agricultural production and production of compared to other countries, it is the
of the wheat crop was harvested in June, cereals in 2022 is estimated at an average level highest level recorded since the beginning
while the harvest is ongoing in Algeria and of 209 000 tonnes. of the series in 2010. In Tunisia, the
is expected to conclude by August. In all annual food inflation rate fluctuated
countries, the minor winter barley crop has Although in several countries of the subregion between 12 and 14 percent between
already been harvested. governments subsidize some agricultural September 2021 and March 2022 (latest
inputs to support domestic production, information available), up from about
In Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, where the sharp increase of international prices 5 percent in the first half of 2021, the
cereal cultivation is mostly rainfed, following of fertilizers do not appear to have led to a increase is partly attributable to a large
a good start of the season, cumulative rainfall significant reduction of application rates and fiscal deficit contributing to a decrease in
amounts between November 2021 and major decreases in crop yields are essentially the value of the currency. In Egypt, the
February 2022 were about half the average attributed to rainfall deficits. food inflation rate is quite volatile due to a
in Morocco, parts of Algeria and central large share of unsubsidized products, such
Tunisia, resulting in widespread drought The subregion’s aggregate cereal production as vegetables in the inflation index, and it
conditions. In March and April, abundant in 2022 is estimated at 33.3 million tonnes, gradually increased from about 1 percent
rainfall amounts, up to 40 percent above including 16.4 million tonnes of wheat in the first quarter of 2021 to almost
the average in some areas benefited crops in and 2.4 million tonnes of barley. The total 25 percent in May 2022. In Algeria, the
Tunisia, as well as central and eastern Algeria, output in 2022 is almost 11 percent below annual food price inflation rate has been in
but were too late to instigate a recovery in crop the average and 16 percent below the double-digit territory since August 2021,
conditions in Morocco, where the cereal crops outturn of the previous year. The subregion’s and was estimated at 13.5 percent in
had already reached the grain filling stage. aggregate cereal import requirement in March 2022. In Libya, the annual food
the 2022/23 marketing year (July/June) is price inflation in March 2022 was recorded
As a result of the prolonged drought estimated at 55.2 million tonnes (wheat at 5.5 percent, relatively stable since
conditions, wheat production in Morocco is accounts for 60 percent of this quantity), September 2021.
estimated at about 2.5 million tonnes, over about 10 percent more than the five‑year
55 percent below the five-year average and average as countries need to compensate for According to the 2022 Libya Humanitarian
over 65 percent less than the exceptional decreased domestic production. Needs Overview, about 0.9 million
production in 2021. Crop conditions in people (10 percent of the population and
Algeria varied regionally, from near-average Food inflation rates generally down from 1.3 million people one year
yields in central and eastern areas to decimated increased earlier) are estimated to be in need of
production in western parts of the country. Although many countries in the subregion humanitarian assistance, including 500 000
At the national level, wheat production is subsidize several basic commodities people who require food assistance.

Table 6. North Africa cereal production

(million tonnes)
Wheat Coarse grains Rice (paddy) Total cereals
5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 Change:
Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast 2022/2021 (%)
North Africa 18.9 20.4 16.4 12.4 12.9 11.0 6.0 6.3 5.9 37.3 39.5 33.3 -15.9
Algeria 3.2 2.5 3.0 1.4 1.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.6 3.5 4.1 +17.1
Egypt 8.8 9.0 9.5 8.2 8.5 8.5 5.9 6.2 5.8 22.9 23.7 23.8 +0.7
Morocco 5.7 7.5 2.5 2.1 2.9 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 7.9 10.5 3.3 -68.4
Tunisia 1.2 1.2 1.3 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 1.7 1.8 +9.3

Notes: Totals and percentage change computed from unrounded data. The five-year average refers to the 2017-2021 period.

JULY 2022

and maintained upward pressure on countries. Reduced amounts and an uneven

WEST AFRICA prices. In addition, the intensification of distribution of rainfall between April and
conflicts and insecurity has had an extensive June in parts of Guinea-Bissau, northern
disruptive impact on agricultural livelihoods Guinea, northcentral and northeastern
and markets across the subregion. The Nigeria, and southern Mali, led to
widespread upsurge of violent incidents below‑average vegetation conditions in
has also caused large-scale displacements, many cropped areas. By contrast, average
forcing many rural households to abandon to above-average and well-distributed rains
their crops in the fields. According to the during the same period were estimated in
United Nations Office for the Coordination southeastern Senegal, western Guinea,
of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), as of Sierra Leone, Ghana, Benin, Togo,
Food insecurity at unprecedented May 2022, about 6 million people were southern Nigeria, eastern Burkina Faso,
levels in most coastal and internally displaced in Burkina Faso, Chad, southern Niger and southern Chad.
Sahelian countries Mali, the Niger and Nigeria, compared to According to the latest Forum of the
Food insecurity has reached an 5.15 million estimated in early 2021, while Agro-Hydro-Climatic Seasonal Forecast in
unprecedented level in the subregion in 1.18 million people have sought shelter as Sudano-Sahelian Africa (PRESASS), average
2022. The number of food insecure people refugees in neighbouring countries. to above-average rainfall amounts are
has been on an upward trend since 2014 and forecast for the July−October 2022 period
almost quadrupled between 2019 and 2022. In the second half of 2022, the prevalence across the Sahel and in northern parts of
Based on the latest Cadre Harmonisé (CH) of food insecurity could increase above coastal countries, which could benefit crop
analysis from March 2022, about current projections, which were produced development but also increases the risk of
38.3 million people were projected to face prior to the start of the war in Ukraine. flooding, particularly between August and
acute food insecurity between June and Food access and availability is likely to September. In southern and central parts
August 2022, if humanitarian measures worsen due to the unfolding effects of the of coastal countries, below-average and
and responses are not adequately scaled war on international trade and commodity erratic rainfall is forecast, raising concerns
up. This is the highest level on record since prices, particularly in countries that heavily about yields.
the first CH analysis in 2014 and about rely on food imports, such as Cabo Verde
40 percent higher compared to the same and Mauritania The high international prices of fertilizers,
period in 2021. The projected figure includes exacerbated by trade disruptions due to
about 2.7 million people facing CH Phase Unfavourable weather conditions, the war in Ukraine, could have a negative
4 (Emergency). The countries with the limited access to fertilizers and impact on cereal production in 2022,
highest projected numbers of food insecurity conflicts expected to affect as most countries in the subregion rely
are: Nigeria (19.45 million), the Niger agricultural production heavily on fertilizer imports. In Ghana,
(4.4 million), Burkina Faso (3.45 million), Production prospects of the 2022 cereal Mali, Mauritania, the Niger and Togo,
Chad (2.1 million) and Mali (1.84 million). crops remain uncertain due to a mixed governments implement large-scale fertilizer
A significant deterioration of food insecurity rainfall performance at the start of the subsidy schemes and the rising prices
in 2022 is also projected in Sierra Leone, season, limited access to fertilizers and could place additional fiscal burdens on
Guinea and Benin. worsening conflicts. Planting of the main governments if these programmes maintain
season rice and coarse grain crops, to be the same number of beneficiaries and
A key factor underpinning the current levels harvested from July, began in April in the subsidy levels. Coupled with elevated fuel
of food insecurity is the shortfall in cereal westernmost coastal countries along the prices, the high prices of fertilizers and a
production in 2021, mostly concentrated Gulf of Guinea, while it started in May potential drop in application rates could
in the Sahel, which reduced food supplies in southern and central areas of Sahelian negatively impact yields of the 2022 crop.

Table 7. West Africa cereal production

(million tonnes)
Coarse grains Rice (paddy) Total cereals
5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 Change:
Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast 2022/2021 (%)
West Africa 51.6 50.5 51.9 21.0 21.2 22.1 72.7 71.8 74.1 +3.3
Chad 2.6 2.5 2.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 2.8 2.7 2.7 +0.6
Ghana 3.3 4.2 3.8 0.9 1.0 0.9 4.1 5.2 4.6 -10.8
Niger 5.2 3.4 5.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 5.3 3.5 5.4 +53.2
Nigeria 21.2 21.1 21.1 8.2 8.3 8.8 29.5 29.5 30.0 +1.6
Notes: This production data is from early November and does not include figures from the latest CILSS meeting. Totals and percentage change computed from unrounded data.
The five-year average refers to the 2017-2021 period.
Total cereals includes wheat, coarse grains and rice (paddy).

JULY 2022

Worsening security conditions due to support pasture conditions and forage 15 percent higher on a yearly basis,
conflicts continue to disrupt agricultural production in 2022, inferring a likely reflecting below‑average cereal supplies
activities and localized production shortfalls improvement in livestock body conditions. and persistent conflict‑related disruptions
in the areas affected by conflicts are likely However, livestock production is expected to markets in Diffa, Maradi, Tahoua and
to occur in 2022. Countries in the central to remain at below-average levels in several Tillaberi regions. Similarly, prices of coarse
Sahel and the Lake Chad Basin (Burkina countries as herd sizes have been reduced, grains increased in Chad and Senegal
Faso, Chad, Mali, the Niger and Nigeria), due to an increase in insecurity- and in early 2022 and by May 2022 were up
but also in northern parts of coastal drought-related emergency sales in 2021. to 25 and 50 percent, respectively, above
countries, particularly Benin, Togo and their year-earlier levels. In Mauritania,
Côte d’Ivoire, have been most impacted Prices of cereals increased prices of imported rice were mostly stable,
by conflicts. steadily in the first half of 2022 while prices of imported wheat flour
In Sahelian countries, prices of coarse were over 50 percent higher year on year
Access to pastoral resources and availability grains increased between March and in April, reflecting increasing trends in
of fodder across the Sahel have also been May 2022 and were well above their international markets. In Cabo Verde,
affected by insecurity and poor weather year-earlier levels. The high levels reflect prices of local maize, imported rice and
conditions, resulting in reduced livestock multiple factors. Recently, the abrupt wheat were up to 35 percent above their
production and an early start of the pastoral increase in international prices of fuel year earlier levels as of May 2022.
lean season in 2022. This has caused and grains, partially driven by the war
abnormal transhumance movements, with in Ukraine, has been a key contributor, In coastal countries along the Gulf of
consequent overexploitation of accessible while buoyant domestic and export Guinea, prices were generally above their
grazing areas and increasing tensions demand, particularly during Ramadan, year-earlier levels, underpinned by strong
between farmers and herders. The seasonal added upward pressure to prices in March export demand of neighboring Sahelian
weather outlook for the July–October and April. Prior to this period, reduced countries and high international prices
period is favourable and it is expected to cereal production in 2021 and low of fuel and cereals, particularly maize.
cross-border trade flows Currency depreciation outside of the
Millet prices in selected West African markets due to COVID-19‑related Communauté Financière Africaine (CFA)
(CFA franc BCEAO/100 kg) logistical bottlenecks, as continued to add inflationary pressure on
well as the introduction domestic food prices. In Ghana, prices of
40 000 of cereal export bans in maize and sorghum reached record highs
some key trading countries in May 2022, following sustained gains in
Bamako for Sahelian countries, 2021, with seasonal pressure intensified
35 000 were the main factors by strong export demand and sustained
underpinning food price depreciation of the national currency that
BURKINA FASO exacerbates the spillover effect of high
NIGER Ouagadougou
increases. The ECOWAS
Niamey sanctions on Mali and poor international prices. In Togo, prices of
30 000 security conditions in the maize were overall stable in early 2022 and
Liptako-Gourma and Lake close to their previous-year levels, while
Chad Basin areas further prices of sorghum increased in April and
25 000 contributed to a tight cereal May 2022. In Benin, prices of maize and
supply situation. In Mali sorghum eased in previous months and
and Burkina Faso, prices were near or below their year-earlier levels
of coarse grains spiked in in May, reflecting adequate market supplies.
20 000
early 2022 and by May were In Nigeria, prices of coarse grains have
at new record highs, mostly been stable or declined in 2022, mainly
due to below‑average cereal due to the release of stocks by farmers and
15 000 outputs and conflict‑related traders ahead of the off-season harvests in
disruptions to marketing the first quarter of 2022. Prices, however,
activities. Prices of millet were up to 30 percent above their year
10 000 and sorghum in the Niger earlier levels in April 2022. Poor security
MJ J ASOND J FMAMJ J ASOND J FMAM increased moderately conditions in the north and macroeconomic
2020 2021 2022 from January to May 2022 challenges continued to support the high
Source: Afrique Verte. and were on average price levels.

JULY 2022

average in most cropping areas. In the in May 2022 due to limited supplies in the
CENTRAL AFRICA central provinces of the Democratic local markets. The export ban placed on
Republic of the Congo, harvests of the wheat flour, rice and other food products
2022 secondary season maize crops are from Cameroon also contributed to the
estimated to be generally favourable, upward pressure on food prices in the
except in parts of Maniema, North Central African Republic, as it resulted in a
Kivu and South Kivu provinces, where drop in market availabilities.
heavy rains in mid-April caused localized
flooding, damaging standing crops. Over 30 million people severely
Increased violence in the eastern provinces food insecure in mid-2022
caused new population displacements, During the second quarter of 2022, about
resulting in localized disruption of 30.6 million people are estimated to be
Agricultural production in agricultural operations, including severely food insecure in the Democratic
2022 constrained by conflicts, harvesting of the 2022 secondary season Republic of the Congo, Cameroon and
displacements and high maize crops and land preparation for the the Central African Republic, about
input prices 2022 main season maize crops. Planting one-quarter of the aggregate population.
In the unimodal rainfall northern areas of the latter began in July and favourable Ongoing conflicts continued to cause
of Cameroon and the Central African weather conditions are forecast during the population displacements and widespread
Republic, planting of the 2022 millet growing period between September and disruption of agricultural and marketing
and sorghum crops finalized in June November. In the southernmost unimodal activities. There is a high risk that prices
and harvesting is expected to begin in rainfall areas of the Democratic Republic of staple foods may increase further as a
late September. In these areas, latest of the Congo, harvesting of the 2022 consequence of rising international prices
weather forecasts point to above-average maize crops finalized in June. Adequate of fuel and fertilizers, substantially reducing
precipitation amounts between July and cumulative rainfall amounts were the households’ purchasing power.
September 2022, generally auguring well conducive for crop development and maize
for crop yields and production prospects, yields are estimated at near-average levels. In the Central African Republic,
however, the increased probability of 2.2 million people (about 45 percent
abundant rains raises the risk of flooding Ongoing conflicts and displacements of the total population) were projected
that could lead to crop losses. In bimodal continue to affect agricultural activities and to be in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) and above
central and southern areas of the limit farmers’ access to crop-growing areas between April and August 2022. In
aforementioned countries, sowing of the and inputs, with a negative impact on the Cameroon, according to the March 2022
2022 main maize crops, to be harvested in 2022 crop production. In addition, elevated CH analysis, about 2.4 million people
August and September, took place in March international fuel and fertilizer prices could (9 percent of the total population) were
and April. Ongoing conflicts in the Central lead to a lower use of agricultural inputs forecast to be severely food insecure
African Republic and in the Northwest and and potentially reduced yields in 2022. (CH Phase 3 [Crisis] and above) between
Southwest regions of Cameroon triggered June and August 2022. In the Democratic
new population displacements and Prices of imported foods increase Republic of the Congo, according
hampered access to crop growing areas, in 2022 to the latest IPC analysis, released in
resulting in a reduction of plantings. In Cameroon and the Central African September 2021, 26 million people (about
Republic, prices of imported wheat 25 percent of the total population) were
Harvesting of the 2022 secondary maize flour increased sharply in the second projected to be severely food insecure
crop is underway in the Republic of quarter of 2022, reflecting high between January and June 2022. In
the Congo, Gabon and in the northern international quotations of wheat and addition, in 70 out of the 519 “health
provinces of the Democratic Republic elevated transportation costs. Similarly, in zones”, 857 000 children under the age
of the Congo. The production outlook the Democratic Republic of the Congo, of five and 470 000 pregnant or lactating
is generally favourable as precipitation prices of imported foods, including maize women are estimated to suffer from acute
amounts during the season were near flour and vegetable oil, were at high levels malnutrition in 2022.

Table 8. Central Africa cereal production

(million tonnes)
Coarse grains Rice (paddy) Total cereals

5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 Change:
Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast 2022/2021 (%)
Central Africa 5.9 5.8 5.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 7.6 7.4 7.5 +0.6
Cameroon 3.5 3.4 3.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 3.8 3.7 3.7 +0.8
Central African
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 -5.6
Democratic Republic
2.2 2.2 2.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 3.5 3.5 3.5 +0.6
of the Congo

Notes: Totals and percentage change computed from unrounded data. The five-year average refers to the 2017-2021 period.
Total cereals includes wheat, coarse grains and rice (paddy).

JULY 2022

7.2 million people were estimated to be Unfavourable rains severely affect

EAST AFRICA severely food insecure between March and 2022 main season harvests and
May 2022. National figures are not yet livestock in Somalia, Kenya and
available for 2022, but based on current Ethiopia
conditions the number of people in need The March–May seasonal rains have been
of food assistance is likely to be above poor across the subregion, especially in
the 18 million people estimated in 2021, Somalia, northern and eastern Kenya
in luding 5.2 million in the conflict‑affected and southern Ethiopia. In the key
Tigray Region. Looking ahead, with the growing areas of southern Somalia and
recently started June–September dry in southeastern, and coastal marginal
season and forecasts pointing to a poor agriculture areas of Kenya, dry conditions
October–December rainy season, food prevailed during most of the season,
insecurity conditions are expected to resulting in widespread germination failures
deteriorate further in the aforementioned and crop wilting. Average to above‑average
Threat of starvation in parts of drought‑affected areas, and food and rains received in the second half of April
Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia due livelihood assistance needs to be urgently and in the first half of May were insufficient
to unprecedented multi-season scaled up to avert a total collapse of to instigate a significant recovery in crop
drought rural livelihoods. conditions and production prospects for
In parts of Kenya, Somalia and the “Gu” and “long-rains” harvests,
southern Ethiopia, the failure of the 2022 Elsewhere in the subregion, 7.74 million recently started in Somalia and Kenya, are
March–May rains exacerbated drought people in South Sudan (two‑thirds of the highly unfavourable. In particular, cereal
conditions that have prevailed since total population) are estimated to face production in Somalia is expected to be
late 2020 and resulted in a significant severe food insecurity between April and 40 to 60 percent below the average.
deterioration of an already difficult food July, 7 percent more on a yearly basis. The This would lead to a fifth and a fourth
security situation. The total number of highest prevalence of food insecurity was consecutive season with a reduced cereal
food insecure people in Kenya, Somalia reported in Jonglei, Lakes and Unity states, production in Somalia and southeastern
and southern Ethiopia is estimated at where 60 to 80 percent of the population is Kenya, respectively.
16.5 million as of mid-2022, almost estimated to be severely food insecure, with
80 percent higher on a yearly basis. In about 87 000 people facing IPC Phase 5 In pastoral and agropastoral areas of
Kenya, the number of food insecure (Catastrophe) levels of food insecurity. southern Ethiopia, central and northern
people was estimated at 4.1 million The main drivers are macroeconomic Somalia and northern and eastern Kenya,
(27 percent of the population) between challenges resulting in rampant inflation, dry weather conditions hampered the
March and June 2022. They are mainly insufficient food supplies, livelihood losses regeneration of rangeland resources and the
located in northern and eastern pastoral due to consecutive years of widespread recharge of water sources. Severe shortages
areas, and in southeastern and coastal floods and the escalation of organized of pasture and water have severely affected
marginal agriculture areas. In Somalia, violence at the subnational level since 2020. herds, resulting in widespread animal
5.2 million people were estimated to In the Sudan, 11.7 million are estimated to deaths, estimated at 2.5 million in Ethiopia,
face severe food insecurity in May 2022, be severely food insecure between June and 3 million in Somalia and more than
including 38 200 people facing IPC Phase 5 September 2022, about 20 percent more 1.5 million in Kenya. Additional livestock
(Catastrophe) levels of food insecurity. If on a yearly basis. The high prevalence of losses are expected in the coming months
humanitarian assistance is not scaled up, food insecurity is caused by a difficult and as range land conditions have entered the
the number of food insecure is projected persistent macroeconomic situation, with current June–September dry season at record
to increase to 7.11 million (45 percent high general and food inflation rates, tight low levels and the October–December rains
of the total population) by September food supplies due to the below‑average are forecast to be poor.
2022, including 213 180 people in 2021 harvest and the escalation of
face IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe) levels of intercommunal violence, mainly in Greater Seasonal rains were poor elsewhere, but
food insecurity. In southern regions of Darfur and Greater Kordofan regions and in rainfall deficits were less substantial. In
Ethiopia (SNNP, Oromia and Somali), Kassala State. bimodal rainfall areas covering most of

Table 9. East Africa cereal production

(million tonnes)
Wheat Coarse grains Total cereals1
5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 Change:
Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast 2022/2021 (%)
East Africa 6.3 6.5 6.6 46.2 44.5 45.9 56.9 56.0 57.4 +2.5
Ethiopia 5.2 5.5 5.5 23.2 23.0 23.7 28.6 28.7 29.5 +2.7
Kenya 0.3 0.3 0.3 4.0 3.7 3.7 4.4 4.1 4.2 +2.7
Sudan 0.6 0.6 0.7 6.2 4.5 6.2 6.9 5.1 6.9 +35.1
Uganda 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.4 3.6 +3.7
United Republic of
0.1 0.1 0.1 7.5 8.1 7.0 11.1 12.2 10.9 -11.1

Notes: Totals and percentage change computed from unrounded data. The five-year average refers to the 2017-2021 period.
Total cereals includes wheat, coarse grains and rice (paddy).

JULY 2022

Uganda, seasonal rains were characterized Valley and Western), production prospects regions. In the Sudan, planted area and
by a delayed onset and below-average of “long-rains” crops, to be harvested from yields are likely to be adversely affected
amounts, especially over northern areas, September, are generally good despite by soaring prices of agricultural inputs,
negatively impacting yields. The first some dry spells in March and early April. In due to sustained inflation and dwindling
season harvest started in early June, southern Tigray, eastern Amhara, eastern foreign currency reserves that have
30 to 50 days later than normal and Oromiya and northeastern SNNP regions of impaired the national capacity to import.
production is expected at a below‑average Ethiopia, harvesting of the 2022 secondary In South Sudan, although at the national
level. Similarly, in the unimodal rainfall “Belg” season crops started in early July, a level the scale of the conflict has diminished
Karamoja Region, the ongoing rainy delay of one month, and cereal production significantly, increased incidences of
season has been characterized by a delayed is expected to be well below average organized violence at the subnational level
onset and prolonged dry spells, and the owing to erratic and low rainfall amounts continue to disrupt agricultural operations.
harvest is forecast to be below‑average between February and May. In Southern In addition, shortfalls in production
and delayed by one to two months Zone of Tigray Region, agricultural activities are expected in Ethiopia, Kenya and
to September/October. In the United have been affected by insecurity and input the Sudan due to soaring prices of
Republic of Tanzania, harvesting shortages caused by the conflict. imported fuel and fertilizers.
of “Masika” and “Msimu” crops is
underway and production is estimated Planting of the 2022 main season crops, Cereal prices increase to
at below‑average levels due inadequate for harvest from October, is well underway unprecedented levels
amounts of rainfall. In southern bimodal in key producing areas of western Oromia, In the Sudan, prices of sorghum and
rainfall areas of the Greater Equatoria western Amhara and Benishangul Gumuz millet doubled in about half of the
Region of South Sudan, seasonal rains regions of Ethiopia (“Meher” crops), in monitored markets between January and
have been below average until mid‑June. the Sudan and in central and northern May 2022, due to a faster-than-normal
Subsequently, rainfall improved in the unimodal rainfall areas of South Sudan. stock depletion after the below-average
second half of June and helped to instigate According to the latest weather forecast by 2021 harvest. Prices in May were at
a small recovery in crop conditions, with the Greater Horn of Africa Climate Outlook record levels and more than twice their
crops to be harvested from August. By Forum (GHACOF), the June−September year-earlier values, further pressured by
contrast, in Rwanda and Burundi, the rains are expected at above-average levels the depreciation of the national currency
“2022B” season rains have been generally across these countries, boosting yield and the increasing cost of agricultural
adequate and cereal production prospects expectations. At the same time, flooding production. In Ethiopia, prices of locally
are favourable, with the harvest underway. is likely in low-lying and riverine areas of produced maize increased seasonally by
South Sudan and the Sudan. In Ethiopia, 5 to 10 percent between January and
In Ethiopia, central and northern South despite the ceasefire declared in late May 2022, and reached levels 70 percent
Sudan, the Sudan and southwestern March 2022, the lingering impact of the higher year on year, mainly due to the
Kenya, cereal crops are at varying conflict and a volatile security situation depreciation of the national currency.
stages of development. In Kenya’s major continues to disrupt agricultural operations In both countries, prices of wheat were
cereal‑growing provinces (Central, Rift in Tigray and neighbouring Amhara at near-record to record levels due to

Wholesale prices of selected cereals in the Sudan Retail prices of maize and sorghum in South Sudan
(Sudanese Pound/tonne) (South Sudanese pound/kg)

480 000 500

Sorghum feterita
430 000
380 000 Millet

330 000

280 000

230 000 300 White maize

180 000
130 000

80 000
Sorghum (feterita)
30 000 150
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
Source: Food Security information for Action (SIFSIA). Source :  Crop and Livestock Market Information System (CLIMIS).

JULY 2022

high international prices. Both countries conditions in the main producing central
import substantial quantities of wheat, SOUTHERN AFRICA regions, the extreme weather events have
especially from Ukraine and the Russian reduced outputs in eastern regions and
Federation. With imports from Ukraine caused significant damage to agriculture
hindered by the war and imports from the infrastructure. Moreover, the highly food
Russian Federation impaired by financial
insecure southern regions suffered a sixth
difficulties, it is highly likely that both
consecutive poor agricultural season due
countries will need to import wheat from
costlier sources, putting additional upward to drought conditions in 2022 and harvests
pressure on domestic prices. In South of major food crops are expected at low
Sudan’s capital, Juba, prices of sorghum levels. In Mozambique, two cyclones and
and maize remained stable at near-record one tropical depression over a three‑month
levels between January and May 2022. period in early 2022 had also a severe
The protracted difficult macroeconomic Despite poor weather conditions, impact on crops. Post-disaster assessments
situation, low domestic supplies and high aggregate cereal production indicate high crop losses in inundated
insecurity disrupting trade flows underlie remained near average in 2022 areas and the national cereal production is
the high food prices. In Somalia, despite Harvesting of the 2022 summer cereal foreseen to fall to a slightly below-average
the commercialization of the 2021 “Deyr”
crops is mostly complete, while the minor level in 2022. By contrast, in Malawi,
harvest, prices of maize increased by
winter season wheat crop is expected to despite a poor start of the season that
about 15 percent between January and
April 2022 in the key producing Lower be harvested between September and necessitated replanting in multiple districts,
Shabelle Region and sorghum prices rose October. Despite some erratic rainfall and broadly consistent and conducive rainfall
by up to 25 percent in the “sorghum belt” the impact of tropical cyclones, the 2022 since January 2022 helped keep national
of Bay Region. In the capital, Mogadishu, aggregate cereal production is forecast at a cereal production above average in 2022.
prices of maize and sorghum increased by near‑average level of 37.3 million tonnes. An above-average harvest is also estimated
40 to 50 percent over the same period. in Namibia for analogous reasons and
Due to low availabilities, following four In Zambia and Zimbabwe, cereal near-average cereal outturns are foreseen
consecutive below-average harvests, prices production in 2022 is estimated at in Eswatini and Lesotho. In South
of sorghum were at record levels in April in below‑average levels of 3 million and Africa, the leading grain producer in the
some markets, above the peaks reached in
2 million tonnes, respectively. The driving subregion, the 2022 cereal production
2011 when famine was declared. In
factor in both countries were low crop is forecast at 18.2 million tonnes, above
Uganda, prices of maize surged by 45 to
60 percent between January and May 2022 yields, underpinned by an uneven average but below the record high in 2021.
as seasonal patterns were compounded by temporal distribution of rainfall and overall The large output reflects an ample maize
unfavourable prospects for the upcoming below‑average cumulative amounts. harvest, despite a cutback in the area
first season harvest. Prices in May were A small drop in the area harvested was a planted, and expectations of a large winter
more than twice their year‑earlier levels, secondary factor, while tropical storms in wheat outturn, as farmers have responded
also due to a reduced cereal production early 2022 resulted in submerged cropland positively to the prevailing high prices and
in 2021 and high fuel prices. Similarly, and caused localized crop losses that further hence expanded plantings.
in Kenya, prices of maize increased contributed to the reduced harvests. Crops
seasonally by 5 to 10 percent between in Madagascar and Mozambique were also The war in Ukraine that further drove
February and April 2022 in Nakuru and
affected by tropical cyclones and storms, up the price of agricultural inputs had
Eldoret markets, located in southwestern
but on a larger scale. In Madagascar, a negligible influence on agricultural
key‑growing areas of Rift Valley Province.
Prices in April were 25 to 40 percent above although total paddy production in 2022, production in 2022, as the season was
their year-earlier levels due to reduced pending official estimates, is expected to already nearing its end at the start of
domestic availabilities following the remain above the five-year average on the conflict. However, there are serious
below‑average cereal production in 2021. account of generally conducive weather concerns for the subsequent season as

Table 10. Southern Africa cereal production

(million tonnes)
Wheat Coarse grains Rice (paddy) Total cereals
5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 Change:
Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast 2022/2021 (%)
Southern Africa 2.3 2.9 2.7 29.9 34.0 29.5 4.3 4.9 5.1 36.5 41.8 37.3 -10.9
excl. South Africa 0.4 0.6 0.5 14.2 16.5 13.6 4.3 4.9 5.1 19.0 22.0 19.1 -13.0
Madagascar 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 3.8 4.3 4.5 4.0 4.6 4.7 +3.6
Malawi 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 4.7 4.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 3.9 4.9 4.2 -14.1
Mozambique 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 2.4 2.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 3.0 2.8 2.6 -4.5
South Africa 1.9 2.3 2.2 15.7 17.6 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.6 19.9 18.2 -8.5
Zambia 0.2 0.2 0.2 3.1 3.7 2.8 0.0 0.1 0.1 3.3 4.0 3.0 -22.9
Zimbabwe 0.2 0.3 0.2 1.9 3.1 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 3.4 2.0 -42.3
Notes: Totals and percentage change computed from unrounded data. The five-year average refers to the 2017-2021 period.

JULY 2022

the elevated prices may constrain farmers’ economic access to a key staple food. only moderately with the harvest in May,
access to inputs, reducing the application of following some increases that occurred in
fertilizers with consequent negative impacts The subregion is a net importer of wheat preceding months. In both countries, prices
on production in 2023. and import requirements are estimated were higher on a yearly basis reflecting the
at 1.6 million tonnes in 2022/23, slightly low 2022 outputs and the upward pressure
Large existing stocks limit import above the previous five-year average. from international prices. In Zimbabwe,
needs in 2022/23 Unlike maize, wheat and wheat products the official monthly food inflation rate
In the 2022/23 marketing year (generally account only for a small proportion of was estimated at 26 percent in May, up
April/March), the total cereal import the calorie intake in Southern Africa, and, 50 percent from the level in April and
requirement is forecast at a moderately therefore the impact of the prevailing high prices of food were more than 150 percent
above-average level of 8.7 million tonnes. international prices and reduced availability higher on a yearly basis. This recent uptick
Most of this volume is maize, followed of imports due to the war in Ukraine is in price growth has been driven by both
by wheat and rice. In consideration of foreseen to have a limited impact on local the sustained depreciation of the national
the large domestic harvests in 2020 and food security. currency and the continued increases of
2021, most countries are estimated to international food prices. Although the
hold above-average opening maize stocks, Cereal prices reach record highs removal of import duties on several basic
which have helped to limit import needs In South Africa, following three months food commodities in May, implemented to
in 2022/23. The bulk of maize imports are of increases, nominal wholesale prices contain the price growth, is expected to
likely to be sourced from South Africa, of yellow maize hit new records in May, provide some relief for consumers, strong
given the substantial maize output in 2022 while white maize prices moved closer to upward pressure from the aforementioned
and overall plentiful supplies. Small volumes their all-time highs of early 2016. These causes is expected to keep prices elevated.
will be potentially exported from Malawi increases were underpinned by rising The reduction in cereal production in 2022
to Zimbabwe and informally to bordering international benchmark quotations is likely to add further pressure on prices.
countries, while exports from Zambia caused mainly by the trade disruptions
are anticipated to decline due to tight due to the war in Ukraine and prospects Food insecurity seen to rise in
domestic supplies in 2022/23. Although the of overall tight global availabilities in 2022 due to reduced harvests and
subregional availability of maize supplies 2022/23. Some dampening pressure came high food prices
for importation is foreseen to be adequate from the good domestic cereal outturn The number of food insecure people in
in 2022/23, the rising international prices in 2022 and a moderate appreciation of the subregion was estimated at 22 million
are being transmitted to domestic markets, the national currency. Wholesale prices between January and March 2022, the
with a negative impact on households’ of wheat have increased at a steeper rate peak of the lean period. Up-to-date food
since February and reached insecure estimates for the remainder of
new record highs, similarly, 2022 and early 2023 are not yet available
Maize prices in selected Southern African markets
owing to the effects of for all countries. However, in consideration
(Zambia kwacha/kg) (Malawi kwacha/kg)
the elevated global prices. of the reduced 2022 cereal harvests and
Wholesale price trends rising prices of foods, with sharp currency
5.0 350
have filtered down to the depreciations (notably in Malawi and
retail level and prices of Zimbabwe) further amplifying inflationary
White maize bread were at all-time pressure, the overall prevalence of food
national average highs in April. Reflecting insecurity is expected to increase across
4.0 (left axis) 300
the import dependence of the subregion. A further risk to food
Botswana, Eswatini and security in 2022/23 is the slowdown in
Namibia for wheat and global economic growth, and countries in
the elevated international Southern Africa are likely to be affected
3.0 250
prices, domestic prices of through a deceleration in export demand
MALAWI wheat flour were close for agricultural goods, which could cause
national average to or at all‑time highs income reductions in the agriculture sector.
(right axis) Governments are also expected to face
2.0 200 in April. Nominal prices
of maize meal were also fiscal challenges and increasing expenditure
at elevated levels, but needs for social protection programmes
price rises in 2022 have to respond to the high inflation rates. In
1.0 150 been more subdued as this context, agricultural input subsidy
these countries are less programmes may need to be adjusted to
dependent on imports of account for the effects of high fertilizer
maize in consideration that prices, which could mean a reduction in the
0.0 100 their domestic harvests number of beneficiaries to retain subsidy
MJ J ASOND J FMAMJ J ASOND J FMAM cover a larger proportion levels or increased payments by farmers to
2020 2021 2022
of national supplies. In maintain the number of beneficiaries. In
Sources: Central Statistical Office, Zambia; Ministry of Agriculture and Food Malawi and Zambia, prices either case, fertilizer use would be expected
Security, Malawi. of maize grain declined to decrease.

JULY 2022


CIS IN ASIA Note: Situation as of June 2022

Subregional borders
Maize: Reproductive
Small grains: Harvesting Territories/boundaries**
Wheat (north): Maturing to harvesting
Wheat (south): Harvesting


China (mainland)
Early rice: Harvesting
Late rice: Planting
NEAR EAST ASIA Maize (north): Vegetative to
Winter cereals: reproductive
Harvesting Maize (south): Harvesting
Wheat (spring): Vegetative to
Wheat (winter): Harvesting
Southeastern Far East Asia
Maize: Planting to vegetative
Rice (main): Planting to vegetative


Southern Far East Asia
Rice (main): Planting
Coarse grains: Planting
Coarse grains (Kharif): Planting
Rice (Kharif): Planting

Countries with unfavourable cereal production prospects in 2022*

Sri Lanka: Shortages of agrochemicals and high prices of fuel

*/** See Terminology (page 7).

Dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed
upon by the parties.
Source: GIEWS, 2022. Crop Prospects and Food Situation #2 [online]. [Cited 7 July 2022], modified to comply with the United Nations map No. 4140 Rev. 4, 2011.

Production Overview Cereal production

(million tonnes)
Aggregate cereal production is forecast at 1 478 million tonnes in
2022, 2.8 percent above the five-year average. The increase principally
1 500 120
reflects favourable production prospects in the Far East subregion, FAR EAST (left axis)
where the leading cereal producers, China (mainland) and India, are
1 400
forecast to register large outputs underpinned by area expansions. In 100
the Near East subregion, an irregular distribution of rainfall prevented
1 300
production recoveries following the drought-stricken harvests of 2021. 80
Consequently, most countries are expected to register average or
1 200
below-average harvests, except in Türkiye, owing to broadly conducive
weather conditions. In CIS Asia, mixed weather conditions have
1 100 NEAR EAST (right axis)
tempered production prospects and most countries are foreseen to
harvest average crops in 2022. 40
1 000

CIS IN ASIA (right axis)

800 0
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

JULY 2022

prices and above-average yields, resulting the Republic of Korea are forecast close to
FAR EAST from favourable weather conditions and the five-year averages. In China (mainland),
adequate supplies of agricultural inputs. 2022 production is forecast to remain close
Average to above-average wheat outputs to the 2021 above-average level. The 2022
are also expected in Bangladesh, Japan paddy output is forecast significantly below
and Mongolia. By contrast, wheat harvests the five-year average in Sri Lanka, and
are estimated at below-average levels in production downturns are also anticipated
Nepal and Myanmar, reflecting limited in Myanmar and Nepal, due to reduced
availability and high prices of agricultural access to fertilizers, fuel and electricity.
inputs such as fertilizers, energy and fuel, In the Democratic People’s Republic
which had a negative impact on the area of Korea, below-average precipitation
planted and yields. amounts in April and May hampered
planting activities for the 2022 main cereal
In the Northern Hemisphere, plantings of crops, while shortages of agricultural inputs
Bumper aggregate cereal the 2022 main rainfed crops, mostly rice raise concerns about yields. Although
production expected in 2022 and coarse grains has begun. In countries precipitation improved in June, allowing
Harvesting of the 2022, mostly irrigated, of the Southern Hemisphere and along some late planting, the area planted is still
wheat crop, planted last October and the Equator, harvesting of the main paddy likely to be below average.
November, is nearing completion and and coarse grain crop just finalized and
the subregion’s aggregate production planting of the 2022 secondary crops is Production of coarse grains in 2022,
is forecast at an above-average level of underway. The subregion’s aggregate 2022 mostly maize, is forecast close to the
274.1 million tonnes, slightly below the paddy production is preliminarily forecast 2021 above‑average level, reflecting large
record level of 2021. The total wheat area at 699 million tonnes, close to last year’s plantings that were supported by high
is estimated at a near-record level, driven bumper level. Although in some countries domestic prices and strong demand by the
by high domestic prices and optimal soil production may be negatively affected feed industry. In China (mainland), the
moisture conditions at planting time. Mostly by the high prices of agricultural inputs, area planted is forecast to increase for the
favourable weather conditions prevailed the total area under paddy is still forecast third consecutive year in 2022, maintaining
throughout the season, although a severe above the five-year average, reflecting an above-average level. Similarly, large
heatwave in March affected crops just the continuation of government support planted areas may lead to above-average
before the harvest in parts of India and programmes. In India, the government’s outputs in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia,
Pakistan. Notwithstanding this impact, large-scale purchases, as well as the Pakistan, the Philippines and Thailand.
wheat outputs in both countries are adequate availability of fertilizers, are By contrast, maize production is forecast
estimated at above‑average levels in 2022, expected to keep the area planted close to below the five‑year average in Myanmar
mainly due to near-record plantings. In last year’s high level. Expected above‑average and Nepal, due to the limited access to and
China (mainland), the subregion’s leading sowings may also lead to bumper outputs high prices of agricultural inputs, and in the
producer, 2022 wheat output is estimated in Bangladesh, the Philippines and Lao Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,
at an above‑average level, reflecting People’s Democratic Republic, while where the area planted is expected to
area expansions, owing to high domestic paddy harvests in Malaysia, Viet Nam and decline due to poor rains in April and May.

Table 11. Far East cereal production

(million tonnes)
Wheat Coarse grains Rice (paddy) Total cereals
5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 Change:
Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast 2022/2021 (%)
Far East 268.4 278.9 274.1 382.5 400.6 402.6 682.1 699.2 698.9 1 333.0 1 378.7 1 375.6 -0.2
Bangladesh 1.1 1.1 1.2 3.7 4.7 4.9 54.9 56.8 57.5 59.7 62.6 63.6 +1.7
Cambodia 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 11.1 11.7 11.5 12.1 12.4 12.2 -1.9
China (mainland) 134.1 136.9 136.9 271.6 283.1 285.3 211.8 212.8 213.3 617.5 632.8 635.4 +0.4
India 103.9 109.6 106.4 48.0 50.8 51.1 180.1 191.9 193.4 332.0 352.3 350.9 -0.4
Japan 1.0 1.1 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.2 10.6 10.5 10.3 11.8 11.9 11.5 -3.6
Myanmar 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.7 3.2 3.0 25.9 25.0 24.2 28.7 28.3 27.3 -3.6
Nepal 2.0 2.1 2.0 3.1 3.1 3.0 5.4 5.1 5.2 10.5 10.3 10.2 -0.7
Pakistan 25.7 27.3 26.1 8.3 10.0 9.4 11.8 13.3 13.1 45.8 50.6 48.7 -3.7
Philippines 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 8.2 8.3 19.3 20.0 20.1 27.3 28.2 28.4 +0.8
Republic of Korea 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 5.1 5.2 5.1 5.3 5.4 5.3 -2.0
Sri Lanka 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.3 4.2 5.1 4.2 4.6 5.7 4.5 -21.2
Thailand 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9 5.0 5.4 31.8 33.2 32.8 36.7 38.2 38.2 +0.1
Viet Nam 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.7 4.4 4.4 43.4 43.9 43.0 48.1 48.3 47.3 -2.0
Notes: Totals and percentage change computed from unrounded data. The five-year average refers to the 2017-2021 period.

JULY 2022

Cereal trade forecast well above increases were particularly strong in May, government purchases and an uptick in
the average in 2022/23 following the introduction of export export demand. In China (mainland),
At subregional level, cereal import restrictions in India. In Sri Lanka, domestic domestic prices of wheat and wheat flour
requirements in the 2022/23 marketing prices of wheat flour have been increasing increased or remained stable since March
year are forecast well above the five‑year since September 2021, and in May 2022 and were close to their year‑earlier levels. By
average at 169 million tonnes (rice in were almost triple their year‑earlier levels. contrast, domestic prices of rice generally
milled terms), mostly reflecting strong The sharp price increases are associated increased since March in Thailand and
demand for feed crops, especially in with extremely tight market availabilities, Viet Nam, mostly driven by demand for
China (mainland), Thailand and the after severe macroeconomic challenges exports. In Myanmar, domestic prices of
Republic of Korea driven by the steady had a negative impact on
growth of pig meat, poultry, dairy and the country’s capacity to
Rice retail prices in selected Far East countries
starch sectors. The subregion’s wheat import, while fuel shortages
(Philippine peso/kg) (Indian rupee/kg)
imports are forecast at 57.3 million tonnes, disrupted the distribution
5 percent above the five-year average, of supplies within the 41 41
underpinned by large import forecasts for country. Wheat flour prices PHILIPPINES
Regular milled rice,
China (mainland), Bangladesh, Malaysia also increased sharply and
Metro Manila
and the Philippines. At least 2 million were at record levels in (left axis)
39 39
tonnes of wheat are expected to be Bangladesh, supported
imported in Pakistan, traditionally a wheat by high international
exporting country, as the government and prices and a slowdown
traders aim to bolster domestic supplies in imports. In Pakistan, 37 37
amid the reduced 2022 harvest and record prices of wheat flour,
domestic prices. In the 2022 calendar year, the country’s main staple
imports of rice are forecast at 16.2 million food, were at record levels 35 35
tonnes, 10.6 percent below the 2021 level. in May due to concerns
Aggregate rice exports are forecast at a on production prospects INDIA
record level of 46.9 million tonnes. following a heatwave in New Delhi
early 2022, while additional 33 (right axis) 33

Domestic prices of wheat and upward pressure came

wheat flour at record highs in May from high production and
Prices of wheat and wheat flour have transportation costs. In 31 31
increased between March and May, and India, domestic wheat
reached record or near-record levels in grain and wheat flour
most importing countries reflecting a series prices continued to
29 29
of factors, including surging international increase moderately on M J J A SOND J FMAM J J A SOND J FMAM
prices, depreciation of national currencies account of a combination 2020 2021 2022
against the United States dollar and of a lower-than-expected Sources: Ministry of Consumer Affairs, India; Bureau of Agriculture
increased transportation costs. Price output in 2022, ongoing Statistics, the Philippines.

Table 12. Far East cereal production and anticipated trade in 2022/23
(thousand tonnes)

5-yr Avg (2017/18 Change: 2022/23 Change: 2021/22

to 2021/22) 2021/22 2022/23 over 2021/22 (%) over 5-yr avg (%)
Coarse grains
Exports 4 795 7 083 6 565 -7.3 +36.9
Imports 82 527 100 045 97 396 -2.6 +18.0
Production 382 486 400 605 402 571 +0.5 +5.3
Rice (millled)
Exports 40 804 45 868 46 858 +2.2 +14.8
Imports 14 771 15 745 14 273 -9.3 -3.4
Production 453 996 465 645 465 437 -0.0 +2.5
Exports 4 003 9 274 7 225 -22.1 +80.5
Imports 54 485 60 185 57 267 -4.8 +5.1
Production 268 437 278 884 274 130 -1.7 +2.1

Notes: M arketing year July/June for most countries. Rice trade figures are for the second year shown.

JULY 2022

“Emata” rice, the most consumed quality food. In addition, the depreciation of the floods that occurred in mid-May in the
in the country, increased for the fourth national currencies in many importing northeastern parts of the country affected
consecutive month in May, reflecting tight countries, including Sri Lanka, Mongolia, approximately 2 million people, particularly
availabilities, international demand and Pakistan and Lao People’s Democratic in Sylhet and Sunamganj districts, causing
increased transportation and production Republic, has made imports costlier, further deaths and injuries, loss of livestock and
costs. In India and China (mainland), increasing food price inflation. food stocks, as well as damages to housing
domestic prices of rice were generally stable and infrastructure. In Myanmar, the
or decreased, amid adequate domestic In Sri Lanka, a sharp decline in foreign political crisis following the military takeover
supplies. Prices were stable or increased exchange reserves due to a loss of export in February 2021 has further compromised
only slightly in Bangladesh, amid adequate revenue contributed to pushing up inflation the already fragile food security situation
market availabilities. rates in early 2021, as the currency lost its of Rohingya’s internally displaced persons.
value and caused import costs to surge. In Pakistan, according to the latest
High food prices affect food From February onwards, the situation IPC analysis, about 4.7 million people
security deteriorated further as the war in Ukraine (25 percent of the population analysed) are
In 2021, the food security situation engendered a spike in international prices estimated to face high levels of acute food
deteriorated for a large number of people of energy and food items that spilled insecurity, IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) or above,
due to the negative impacts of the COVID-19 over into domestic markets and led to an during April–June 2022 period in 25 districts
pandemic, primarily reflecting income losses. abrupt increase in the inflation rate. As a analysed in Balochistan, Sindh and Khyber
The number of severely food insecure people result, access to food for a large number of Pakhtunkhwa provinces. This population
could increase further in 2022, particularly households has been severely constrained. has been affected by multiple shocks,
in countries that have a higher dependence A joint FAO and WFP team is conducting including high food prices, drought and
on imports in consideration of the elevated a Crop and Food Security Assessment livestock diseases, which were exacerbated
international prices of staple food items, Mission (CFSAM) in June and July to by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
such as wheat, vegetable oils and maize. ascertain the impact of these shocks on In the Democratic People’s Republic of
High domestic prices of fertilizers, fuel and agricultural production and the population’s Korea, the persisting economic constraints,
electricity have driven up production costs, food security situation. In Bangladesh, exacerbated by the impact of the COVID-19
contributing to upward pressure on the food security remains a concern for about pandemic, have contributed to worsening
already elevated grain prices. Should prices 1 million Rohingya refugees from Myanmar, the food insecurity situation, with large
remain high over the next months, the residing mostly in the Cox’s Bazar District numbers of people suffering from low
purchasing power of vulnerable households and on the island of Bhasan Char, who rely levels of food consumption and very poor
could be eroded, limiting their access to entirely on humanitarian aid. In addition, dietary diversity.

Wheat flour retail prices in selected Far East countries Wheat flour retail prices in selected Far East countries
(Sri Lanka rupee/kg) (Indian rupee/kg) (Pakistan rupee/kg) (Taka/kg)

290 36 68 50

Colombo 64
260 34 46
(left axis)

230 32 60 PAKISTAN 42
(left axis)
200 30 56 38

170 28 52 34

140 26 48 30

110 24 44 BANGLADESH 26
New Delhi (right axis)
80 (right axis) 22 40 22

50 20 36 18
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
Sources: Ministry of Consumer Affairs, India; Department of Census and Sources: Bureau of Statistics, Pakistan; Management Information System
Statistics, Sri Lanka. and Monitoring, Bangladesh.

JULY 2022

the near-average harvest in 2021. Cereal normally sources large quantities of cereals
NEAR EAST output in the Syrian Arab Republic and from Ukraine and the Russian Federation,
Afghanistan, are expected to remain there are concerns about the impact of
close to the below-average levels of 2021 the war on domestic food availability. As
due to drought and difficult economic of late June, cereals were being exported
conditions that constrained farmers’ ability close to the seasonal pace from the
to purchase inputs. Difficult socioeconomic Russian Federation to main importers in
circumstances due to conflicts or economic the subregion.
crises prevailed in Yemen and Lebanon,
where farmers’ access to inputs remains Large number of people remain
constrained by lack of liquidity. food insecure
Below-average cereal output in Lingering conflicts, high international
2022 due to drought conditions Although crops in centresouthern regions commodity prices, economic downturns
Harvesting of the 2022 winter cereal of Iran (the Islamic Republic of) suffered and reduced livelihood opportunities
crops began in May and is expected to from drier-than-average conditions, rainfall continue to worsen food insecurity
conclude in July in most countries. Spring in the rest of the country was generally conditions in many countries.
cereals, planted between March and May, favourable and total cereal production is
will be harvested from August. Although estimated at 20.3 million tonnes, about In Afghanistan, according to the latest
above‑average precipitation amounts in 3 percent below the average. Cereal IPC analysis, the number of people in
late December 2021 and January 2022 production reportedly recovered in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) or above between
helped replenish moisture deficits that Türkiye, owing to favourable weather March and May was estimated at
had accumulated since October, the start conditions. First official forecasts by national 19.6 million, including about 20 000
of the cropping season, unfavourable authorities put the 2022 cereal production people in IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe) in
rainfall amounts and irregular distribution at 36.9 million tonnes, up 15 percent the province of Ghor. This is the first time
during the rest of the season prevented compared to 2021 and almost 6 percent since the introduction of IPC in the country
a production recovery in eastern parts above the five-year average. that IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe) levels
compared to the drought-stricken harvest have been identified. Overall, 18.9 million
in 2021. In the Syrian Arab Republic, The total subregional cereal production in people are projected to face IPC Phase
Iraq, Afghanistan and parts of Iran (the 2022 is estimated at 68.5 million tonnes, 3 (Crisis) or above between June and
Islamic Republic of), abundant rainfall in about 3 percent below the average but November. Compared to the peak food
March 2022 arrived too late to support crop about 9 percent above the previous insecurity period between November 2021
revival. year’s level, reflecting partial production and March 2022, the population facing
recoveries in Türkiye and Iran (the IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) or above has declined
In Iraq, cereal production in 2022 in the Islamic Republic of), major regional minimally, mainly due to the efforts in
northern part of the country (including producers, which offset a substantial scaling up humanitarian assistance to an
the main wheat-producing Ninewah decline in Iraq. estimated 40 percent of the population.
Governorate) declined compared to last
year’s average level. In addition to the Subregional cereal import requirements In Yemen, the acute food insecurity and
negative impact of drought conditions, in the 2022/23 (July/June) marketing malnutrition situation has deteriorated
the government decided to halve the year are forecast at 76.79 million tonnes, in 2022, with 17.4 million people in
area planted with irrigated crops in an about 3 percent above the average. The IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) and above in need
effort to reduce water demand amidst wheat import requirement is forecast at of assistance between January and May,
increasing water scarcity. Consequently, 36.14 million tonnes, about 13 percent projected to increase to 19 million people
the 2022 cereal harvest in Iraq is expected above the average, reflecting rising demand until the end of the year. Of greatest
at 3.4 million tonnes (including 2.7 million due to population growth and declining concern are the 31 000 people facing
tonnes of wheat), almost 35 percent below domestic production. As the subregion IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe), that were

Table 13. Near East cereal production

(million tonnes)
Wheat Coarse grains Rice (paddy) Total cereals
5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 Change:
Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast 2022/2021 (%)
Near East 44.0 38.2 41.1 21.6 19.7 22.9 5.4 5.0 4.5 71.0 63.0 68.5 +8.8
Afghanistan 4.4 3.9 3.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.5 5.2 4.7 4.6 -2.8
Iran (Islamic
13.5 10.4 13.0 3.9 4.3 4.3 3.5 3.1 3.0 21.0 17.9 20.3 +13.5
Republic of)
Iraq 4.0 4.2 2.7 1.1 0.6 0.7 0.0 0.4 0.0 5.5 5.2 3.4 -34.6
Türkiye 19.7 17.7 19.5 14.1 13.3 16.4 1.0 1.0 1.0 34.8 32.0 36.9 +15.3

Notes: Totals and percentage change computed from unrounded data. The five-year average refers to the 2017-2021 period.

JULY 2022

expected to rise to 161 000 by June. effects of an economic crisis, ongoing

The severity of both food insecurity and conflict and population displacements. CIS IN ASIA
acute malnutrition is expected to increase
dramatically in the projection period, with In Lebanon, the United Nations Economic
86 districts moving to higher IPC phases, and Social Commission for Western Asia
82 of which are anticipated to move from has estimated that over 80 percent of the
Phase 3 (Crisis) to Phase 4 (Emergency). population was in a multi‑dimensional poverty
Conflict and economic crisis remain the condition in 2021, up from 42 percent in
main drivers of acute food insecurity and 2019. Although no systematic IPC‑type
malnutrition, further exacerbated by the assessments have been conducted in the
instability of humanitarian assistance. country, according to World Food Programme
surveys conducted in September and Wheat production forecast near
In the Syrian Arab Republic, according December 2021, almost 1.8 million Lebanese average in 2022
to WFP’s CARI (Consolidated Approach citizens (46 percent of the total population) Harvesting of the 2022 winter cereal
for Reporting Indicators of Food Security) and 735 000 Syrian refugees (49 percent crops started in June and it is expected
methodology, about 12 million people were of the total Syrian refugee population) are to conclude by August in eastern
facing acute food insecurity in June 2021, estimated to be food insecure in 2021. countries of the subregion, while it
with a slight decline compared to 2020. Of usually takes place between July and
these, 2.5 million people were severely food Elsewhere in the region, although food September in Caucasian countries.3 In
insecure, including 1.8 million people living security outcomes remain more favourable, some eastern parts, scarce precipitation
in IDP camps. Additionally, 1.9 million people poor households that spend a large share of amounts affected crops and according
are classified as at risk of sliding into food their income on food are likely be affected to satellite‑based imagery, vegetation
insecurity. The main drivers are the combined by the increasing food prices. conditions were below-average in May,

Table 14. CIS in Asia cereal production

(million tonnes)
Wheat Coarse grains Total cereals

5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 Change:
Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast 2022/2021 (%)
CIS in Asia 23.8 21.4 23.7 8.9 8.0 8.6 33.9 30.6 33.4 +9.3
Armenia 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 +64.7
Azerbaijan 2.0 1.9 2.0 1.3 1.5 1.3 3.3 3.4 3.3 -1.4
Georgia 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 -13.4
Kazakhstan 13.3 11.8 13.2 4.8 3.8 4.3 18.5 16.2 18.0 +11.6
Kyrgyzstan 0.6 0.4 0.6 1.1 0.8 1.1 1.7 1.3 1.7 +38.6
Tajikistan 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.3 1.4 1.3 -8.1
Turkmenistan 1.1 0.9 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.3 1.1 1.3 +17.9
Uzbekistan 5.8 5.4 5.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.1 6.7 7.1 +6.0
Note: Totals and percentage change computed from unrounded data. The five-year average refers to the 2017-2021 period.
Total cereals includes wheat, coarse grains and rice (paddy).

Georgia is no longer a member of CIS but its inclusion in this group is maintained for the time being.

JULY 2022

just before the harvest. The impact The 2022 subregional cereal output, Total cereal exports from Kazakhstan
of irregular rainfall was particularly comprising of about 70 percent of wheat, is are forecast at 8.7 million tonnes, slightly
pronounced in the main producing forecast at a near-average level of 33.4 million below the average level. Wheat exports
southwestern Khatlon Region of Tajikistan tonnes. Total wheat production is expected at are anticipated at a near-average level of
and eastern Mary and Chardzhou regions a near-average level of 23.7 million tonnes, 8 million tonnes, supported by favourable
of Turkmenistan. By contrast, in Caucasian reflecting reduced outputs in Tajikistan production prospects for the 2022 crop and
countries, weather conditions have been and Turkmenistan, following unfavourable stable demand from importing countries.
overall favourable and the state of crops weather conditions, as well as in Armenia, The Government of Kazakhstan extended a
in early June was reported to be good in due to a below-average planted area. By policy that caps the quantity of wheat and
most cropped areas. contrast, near-average wheat outputs are wheat flour exports until September 2022; the
forecast in Kazakhstan, the leading wheat export quotas currently amount to 1.55 million
Planting of the 2022 spring cereals is producing country in the subregion, as well tonnes of wheat and 670 000 tonnes of
virtually complete and harvesting is as in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan wheat flour. This policy will only affect the first
expected to take place between August and Uzbekistan. The 2022 aggregate three months of the 2022/23 marketing year.
and September. In Kazakhstan, the barley output is forecast at 5 million tonnes,
spring wheat crop, which accounts for 7 percent below the five-year average mainly Domestic prices of wheat flour
about 95 percent of the annual domestic due to reduced plantings in Kazakhstan, increase
wheat output, was sown in May on about while production of maize is forecast at a In importing countries of the subregion,
12.5 million hectares, 5 percent above near-average level of 2.8 million tonnes. prices increased in the second quarter
the average area. Weather conditions of 2022, mostly supported by high
were drier than average at the beginning Near-average cereal import international prices and an uptick in
of the season, but they improved in requirements forecast in 2022/23 demand, amid fears of supply shortages.
June, and latest weather forecasts point The subregional aggregate cereal import Domestic retail prices of wheat flour
to a higher-than-normal likelihood of requirement is forecast at a near-average increased sharply from February to
average precipitation amounts during level of about 9 million tonnes in the May 2022 in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and
the remainder of the season. The 2022 2022/23 marketing year (July/June), Tajikistan, and until April in Armenia,
total domestic wheat output (including reflecting an upturn in import demand in where they declined slightly in May. In all
the minor winter crop) is forecast at a Armenia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, countries, prices were well above their
near-average level of 13.2 million tonnes, where wheat domestic harvests dipped to values in May a year-earlier. In Armenia
amid adequate availability of fertilizers, below‑average levels in 2022, countered and Kyrgyzstan, reduced 2021 wheat
prices of which are largely subsidized by by below-average import requirements outputs also contributed to the yearly
government programmes. in Uzbekistan. price increases.

Retail wheat flour prices in selected CIS in Asia countries Retail wheat flour prices in selected CIS in Asia countries
(Som/kg) (Somoni/kg) (Georgian lari/kg) (Armenian dram/kg)

55 8 4.50 525
national average
Kurgonteppa (high grade wheat flour - right axis)
(right axis) 4.00 500
50 7

3.50 475
45 6

3.00 450

40 5

2.50 425

35 national average 4 GEORGIA
(left axis) 2.00 national average 400
(left axis)

30 3 1.50 375
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022

Sources: National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic; Statistical Sources: National Statistics Office of Georgia; National Statistical Service of
Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. the Republic of Armenia.

JULY 2022


Note: Situation as of June 2022

Subregional borders


Coarse grains (summer): Planting
Paddy (summer): Planting
Central America
Maize (main season): Planting

Maize (main season): Harvesting
Centresouthern states
Wheat (winter): Planting
Barley: Planting
Wheat (winter): Planting
Wheat (winter): Planting

** See Terminology (page 6).

A dispute exists between the governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).
Source: GIEWS, 2022. Crop Prospects and Food Situation #2 [online]. [Cited 7 July 2022], modified to comply with the United Nations map No. 4170 Rev. 19, 2020.

Production Overview Cereal production

(million tonnes)
Cereal production in 2022 is estimated at 300 million tonnes, a record
high and 10 percent higher than the five-year average. These prospects 300
reflect significant production upturns forecast in South America,
particularly Brazil, where maize production is expected to reach record 250
high driven by large plantings. Production prospects of wheat in South
America are, however, uncertain due to soil moisture deficits that
restrained an expansion of plantings, while weather forecasts point to a SOUTH AMERICA
continuation of drier-than-normal conditions curtailing yield prospects.
In Central America, a slightly below-average cereal output is anticipated
due to an expected contraction in the overall maize plantings, on
account of unfavourable weather conditions and high costs of 100
agricultural inputs.

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

JULY 2022

reflecting a decrease in maize plantings, In Haiti, harvesting of the 2022

CENTRAL AMERICA AND officially estimated to be 10 percent below main season maize and bean crops is
THE CARIBBEAN the five-year average. The reduced sown ongoing and production is forecast at
area is mainly due to dry weather conditions a below‑average level, largely owing
at planting time, particularly in the key to reduced plantings that reflect the
producing Sinaloa state. Planting operations high cost and low supply of agricultural
of the main season crops started in April inputs. Following favourable seasonal
and official surveys indicate near‑average rains in March and April, precipitation
sowing intentions, as incentives from amounts declined to below-average levels
high crop prices are being tempered by between May and June, coinciding with
the elevated production costs. Weather the critical grain-filling stage, and this
Wheat production forecast at an forecasts point to average rainfall amounts consequently curtailed yield prospects.
above-average level in 2022 due in the July–September period over the main In the July–September period, weather
to an expansion in plantings  producing central areas, auguring well for forecasts indicate above-average rainfall
In Mexico, virtually the only wheat yields of the mostly rainfed main season amounts in the main producing central
producer in the subregion, harvesting of crops. In aggregate, Mexico’s maize output region and average precipitation elsewhere,
the 2022 main winter crop, which accounts is forecast at a below-average level of which are expected to replenish soil
for 95 percent of the annual national 26.6 million tonnes in 2022, underpinned moisture deficits and provide conducive
output, is nearing completion. Production by the expected decrease in the minor conditions for the 2022 second season
is anticipated at an above-average level, season harvest. maize crops that will be planted in July
mainly due to large sowings as farmers   and August. In the Dominican Republic,
were incentivized by remunerative Elsewhere in the subregion, the 2022 the main season harvest was completed in
grain prices, while an extension of the main season maize crop is currently at May and production is estimated slightly
government’s guaranteed minimum germination and early development stages, above the average level, on account of large
price programme to include smallholder and aggregate production is preliminarily plantings. For the minor season crop, to be
farmers encouraged an area expansion forecast at a slightly below-average harvested from September, below‑average
from this sector. Yields of harvested level in 2022. The foreseen decline is rainfall amounts between May and June
crops as of end-May were also reported underpinned by a contraction in plantings may curb a further expansion of the
to be above average. As a result, wheat reflecting prohibitively high production planted area.
production in 2022, including the minor costs. To counter the negative impact of  
season crop planting of which is ongoing, the high input prices, the governments Cereal imports forecast at slightly
is forecast at an above-average level of of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras above-average levels in 2022/23 
3.5 million tonnes.  and Nicaragua, distributed free seeds During the last decade, cereal imports
  and fertilizers to smallholder farmers. An have been steadily rising in the subregion,
Maize output in 2022 forecast at a increase in use of organic fertilizers was also supported by the growing demand for
slightly below-average level  reported, as farmers looked for alternatives yellow maize by the feed industry and
The subregional maize output is to the high-cost inorganic fertilizers. for wheat for human consumption.
preliminarily forecast at 31.1 million Weather forecasts point to above‑average In the 2022/23 marketing year
tonnes in 2022, slightly below the precipitation amounts in the third quarter (September/August), high international
five‑year average. of 2022, with an active hurricane season prices of cereals could limit the increase
between June and November. If this in cereal imports, which are preliminarily
In Mexico, harvesting of the minor season forecast materializes, excessive moisture forecast at a slightly above-average level
maize crop is underway and production is during the crop maturity stage or harvesting of 37.2 million tonnes, similar to the
expected at a below-average level, primarily operations could constrain yield potential. volume of 2021/22.

Table 15. Central America and the Caribbean cereal production

(million tonnes)
Wheat Coarse grains Rice (paddy) Total cereals
5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 Change:
Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast 2022/2021 (%)
Central America and
3.2 3.3 3.5 37.9 37.7 37.0 2.9 2.8 2.8 43.9 43.8 43.2 -1.2
the Caribbean
El Salvador 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -3.3
Guatemala 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 +0.1
Honduras 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 +2.9
Mexico 3.2 3.3 3.5 33.0 32.9 32.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 36.5 36.4 35.9 -1.4
Nicaragua 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.9 0.8 -1.2

Notes: Totals and percentage change computed from unrounded data. The five-year average refers to the 2017-2021 period.

JULY 2022

Prices of maize surged between levels. Between March and May, prices of the 2022 lean season (June–August) is
March and May  black and red beans across the subregion estimated at 2.6 million in Honduras
Prices of white maize rose sharply in the were broadly higher compared to the same and a record high of 4.6 million in
March-May period, as seasonal trends period in 2021. In Haiti, prices of locally Guatemala. Although the number
were exacerbated by rising production produced maize meal and black beans in Honduras is estimated to be lower
and transportation costs. As of May, prices generally rose in the February–April period, year on year, the actual food security
were between 70 and 80 percent higher following historical seasonal trends and situation could be worse due to the
year on year in Honduras and Nicaragua, were higher year on year. In the capital, impact of high international food and
where localized crop losses in 2021 exerted Port-au-Prince, heightened violence has energy prices. In Haiti, about 4.5 million
additional upward pressure. In El Salvador often hampered access to markets. The people, representing 45 percent of
and Mexico, maize prices also increased weak national currency led to sustained the total population, were estimated
during the same period and remained up increases in prices of imported food items, to be food insecure in the March-June
on a yearly basis. In Mexico, despite the such as rice, wheat flour and cooking oil. 2022 period. Worsening insecurity,
dampening effect from the ongoing minor Rice price gains are also due to rising export persistent political instability and severe
season harvest, prices remained under prices in the United States of America, the macroeconomic difficulties aggravated
stronger upward pressure as a result of high country’s main rice supplier. food insecurity. Throughout the subregion,
costs of agricultural inputs and expectations   high prices of food and fuel are the
of a decline in the minor season output. In High food and energy prices main driver of food insecurity, with many
Guatemala, after rising in March, prices heighten food insecurity households still recovering from the
were stable between April and May due According to the latest IPC analysis, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and
to adequate supplies, but they remained number of food insecure people requiring its containment measures, which caused
nearly 40 percent above their year-earlier urgent humanitarian assistance during income reductions. 

Wholesale white maize prices in selected Central America Wholesale white maize prices in selected Central America
countries countries
(Córdoba/tonne) (Honduran lempira/tonne) (Quetzal/tonne) (US dollar/tonne)

20 000 20 000 6 000 600

NICARAGUA San Salvador
Managua oriental (right axis)
18 000 18 000 5 500 550
(left axis)

16 000 16 000 5 000 500

14 000 14 000 4 500 GUATEMALA 450

Guatemala City
(left axis)

12 000 12 000 4 000 400

10 000 10 000 3 500 350

8 000 HONDURAS 8 000 3 000 300

(right axis)

6 000 6 000 2 500 250

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022

Sources: Secretaria de agricultura y ganaderia, Honduras; Ministerio Sources: Ministerio de agricultura, ganadería y alimentación, Guatemala;
agropecuario y forestal, Nicaragua. Dirección general de economía agropecuaria, El Salvador.

JULY 2022

Colombia, Peru and Uruguay, maize is estimated, reflecting above-average

SOUTH AMERICA outputs are forecast at above-average levels, plantings and high yields. In Colombia and
resting on an expansion of plantings and Peru, where the 2022 first season harvest
favourable weather conditions that pushed was recently completed, a below-average
up yields to average levels. In Paraguay, outturn is foreseen on account of a reduced
harvesting is about to start in July, a month area, owing to low prices in 2021. 
later than normal due to severe moisture  
deficits earlier in the season that delayed Forecasts of below-average rains
planting operations. Although abundant dampen yield prospects for 2022
rains between March and May supported wheat crop 
the development of the main season crops, Planting of the 2022 wheat crop
yields are forecast at average levels as cold is ongoing in most of countries. In
snaps in the first half of June affected Argentina, the leading producer of
grain maturation. Overall, aggregate maize the subregion, below‑average rainfall
Large planted area underpins an production, including the weather-affected amounts between May and mid-June
above-average maize production minor season crop, is preliminarily forecast delayed planting operations and curbed
in 2022  to be near average in 2022. An average an expansion of the planted area,
In South America, harvesting of the 2022 outturn is also expected in Ecuador, while officially forecast at a near-average level
main season maize crop is underway in maize production in Bolivia (Plurinational of 6.45 million hectares. Expectations
most countries and the subregional maize State of) is anticipated to be below on persistent dry weather conditions in
output is forecast at 185 million tonnes average, reflecting reduced yields owing the coming months raise concerns about
in 2022, 15 percent above the five-year to unfavourable weather conditions. crop germination and development. Large
average, primarily due to large plantings. Maize production in Chile is expected at plantings were also initially anticipated
In Brazil, where maize sowings have been a record‑low level as prolonged dryness in Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, due
increasing sharply since 2019, underpinned between October 2021 and March 2022 to high crop prices. However, production
by high prices and strong demand, the resulted in a sharp contraction of both the prospects are uncertain as weather
upward trend continued in 2022 and an planted area and yields. forecasts point to below-average rainfall
all‑time high area was estimated in 2022.   amounts in the July–October period over
As a result, and with yields foreseen to Harvesting of the 2022 paddy crop key producing areas in centraleastern
slightly exceed the five-year average, total concluded in southern parts of the Argentina, southern Brazil, southeastern
maize production is forecast at a record-high subregion. In Brazil, production is officially Paraguay and western Uruguay, which are
level of 115 million tonnes in 2022. Despite estimated at 10.6 million tonnes, 8 percent likely to contain yield potentials.
below-average yields of the early-planted below the average. The decline reflects the  
crops, maize production in Argentina is impact of earlier dry weather conditions in Cereal exports forecast at
officially anticipated at an above-average the key producing states, which reduced near‑record levels in 2022/23 
level of 57 million tonnes, mainly due the sown area and adversely affected yields. Aggregate cereal exports in the 2022/23
to record-high plantings. Similarly, in By contrast, in Uruguay, a bumper harvest marketing year (March/February)

Table 16. South America cereal production

(million tonnes)
Wheat Coarse grains Rice (paddy) Total cereals
5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 Change:
Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast 2022/2021 (%)
South America 28.8 33.1 31.5 174.6 176.9 202.1 24.9 25.4 23.1 228.3 235.4 256.7 +9.1
Argentina 19.5 22.1 19.5 61.2 69.9 66.1 1.3 1.5 1.2 82.0 93.5 86.7 -7.2
Brazil 5.8 7.7 8.4 97.1 90.8 119.9 11.6 11.8 10.6 114.4 110.2 138.8 +26.0
Colombia 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 1.5 1.5 2.8 2.9 2.7 4.2 4.4 4.2 -4.8
Paraguay 1.0 0.7 1.0 5.3 4.2 5.3 1.1 1.2 0.9 7.4 6.1 7.2 +16.9
Peru 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.8 1.9 1.9 3.3 3.5 3.0 5.3 5.5 5.0 -9.1
Notes: Totals and percentage change computed from unrounded data. The five-year average refers to the 2017-2021 period.

JULY 2022

are forecast at a near-record level of March, prices remained Wholesale rice prices in selected countries in South America
104 million tonnes, reflecting expectations stable but more than (Brazilian real/tonne) (Colombian peso/tonne)
of bumper 2022 maize outputs, in 45 percent higher year
combination with strong export demand. on year on account of 5 500 3 500 000
Subregional exports of maize, the major large exports between
exportable grain, are forecast at a well January and April 2022. COLOMBIA
above-average level of 78 million tonnes In the importing 5 000 3 250 000
(right Axis)
in 2022/23. Exports of wheat in 2021/22 countries of Bolivia
(December/November) are also expected (Plurinational State
at high levels. In Argentina, exports of of), Colombia, Ecuador 4 500 3 000 000
wheat reached historic highs in the first and Peru, prices of
quarter of 2022, with sales to African wheat flour rose sharply
countries nearly tripling compared to in the March–May 4 000 2 750 000
the same period in 2021, amid reduced period, underpinned
exports from Ukraine.  by international
  price trends. 3 500 2 500 000
Wheat prices rose sharply  
Domestic prices of wheat increased Despite the ongoing
between March and May following trends harvests, prices of 3 000 2 250 000
in the international market. Price gains were yellow maize increased
exacerbated by record high exports during between March and BRAZIL
the first four months of 2022 in Argentina May in Argentina and Rio Grande do Sul
2 500 (left axis) 2 000 000
and by lower year-on-year import levels Uruguay. As of May,
during the same period in Chile. In both Argentinian yellow maize
countries, prices were at least 90 percent up prices were 50 percent
2 000 1 750 000
on a yearly basis as of May. Prices also rose higher compared to a M J J A SOND J FMAM J J A SOND J FMAM
in Brazil, due to increases in export prices year earlier, reflecting the 2020 2021 2022
of Argentina, the country’s main wheat impact of strong export Sources: Departamento administrativo nacional de estadística (DANE),
supplier. In Uruguay, after an uptick in demand, and in Uruguay, Colombia; Instituto de economia agrícola, Brazil.

Wholesale maize prices in selected countries in South America Wholesale wheat prices in selected countries in South America
(Brazilian real/tonne) (Argentine peso/tonne) (Brazilian real/tonne) (Argentine peso/tonne)

1 800 36 000 2 200 44 000

Buenos Aires
2 000 (right axis) 40 000
1 600 32 000
Mato Grosso
1 800 36 000
1 400 (left axis) 28 000 BRAZIL
(left axis)
1 600 32 000
1 200 24 000

1 400 28 000
1 000 20 000
1 200 24 000

800 ARGENTINA 16 000

1 000 20 000
(right axis)

600 12 000
800 16 000

400 8 000 600 12 000

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
Sources: Instituto de economia agrícola, Brazil; Bolsa de cereales, Sources: Instituto de economia agrícola, Brazil; Bolsa de cereales,
Argentina. Argentina.

JULY 2022

Wholesale wheat prices in selected countries in South America prices were 10 percent Large number of Venezuelan
(Nuevo sol/tonne) (Chilean peso/tonne) higher year on year, with refugees and migrants in need of
elevated production costs food assistance 
4 100 410 000 contributing to these The number of refugees and migrants
higher levels. Prices also from Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
CHILE increased in Colombia, as was estimated at 6.1 million as of
national average
3 700 (right axis) 370 000 lower imports during the June 2022, as a result of the severe and
first quarter of 2022 and prolonged macroeconomic crisis. The
high international prices largest populations are in neighbouring
exerted upward pressure. countries of Colombia (1.8 million), Peru
3 300 330 000
By contrast, in Brazil, prices (1.3 million), Ecuador (0.5 million), Chile
declined seasonally in the (0.4 million) and Brazil (0.3 million). The
March–May period and were remaining 0.8 million people are spread
2 900 290 000 near year-earlier values. In across other countries in Latin America
PERU Chile, maize prices were and the Caribbean, with about 1 million
Lima - wheat flour
stable in April and May as people located outside of the subregion.
(left axis)
2 500 250 000 the downward pressure According to the Regional Interagency
from the 2022 harvest was Coordination Platform for Refugees and
limited by high import costs Migrants of Venezuela (R4V), the number
and expectations of a well of Venezuelans (with intention to remain
2 100 210 000
below-average output. in the host countries) in need of food
  assistance is forecast at 3.5 million in 2022
With regard to rice, prices and over 80 percent of them is located in
1 700 170 000 increased in the March–May Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. The rising
2020 2021 2022 period in most countries, food inflation in host countries is likely to
Sources: Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego, Peru; Cotrisa, Chile.
despite the arrival of the exacerbate households’ vulnerability and
2022 harvests. limit their access to food.

JULY 2022


Note: Situation as of June 2022


Northern Europe
NORTH AMERICA Small grains: Reproductive OCEANIA
Canada Southern Europe
Maize: Planting Australia
Maize: Vegetative to reproductive Cereals (summer): Vegetative
Small grains: Vegetative Small grains: Maturing to harvesting Cereals (winter): Planting
United States of America CIS in Europe:
Maize: Vegetative Maize: Reproductive
Small grains: Maturing to harvesting Small grains: Maturing to harvesting
Wheat: Maturing to harvesting

Countries with unfavourable cereal production prospects in 2022*

Ukraine: Impact of war on access to inputs and crop growing areas
** See Terminology (page 7)

Source: GIEWS, 2022. Crop Prospects and Food Situation #2 [online]. [Cited 7 July 2022], modified to comply with the United Nations map No. 4170 Rev. 19, 2020.

Cereal production ** See Terminology (page 5)

Production Overview
(million tonnes)
In the United States of America, total wheat production is forecast to remain
below the five-year average, as prolonged drought conditions in 2022 are 600 EUROPE
containing yield prospects and offsetting the positive impact of an increase
in plantings. Maize production in 2022 is also foreseen at a below-average
level, as farmers are planting alternative less input-intensive crops, such as 500
soybeans, amid high production costs. In Canada, total wheat production is
forecast at an above-average level in 2022, reflecting large plantings. 400 NORTH AMERICA

In the European Union, persisting rainfall deficits have dragged down yield
prospects and total cereal production is foreseen to fall year on year, further 300
underpinned by a drop in maize plantings. In CIS Europe, the subregional
cereal production is forecast at a below-average level, driven by the impact
of the war in Ukraine on domestic production, despite a bumper wheat
output expected in the Russian Federation. OCEANIA
In Oceania, a third consecutive above-average wheat harvest is forecast
in Australia in 2022, owing to a high level of plantings, underpinned by
remunerative prices and conducive weather at planting time. 0
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

JULY 2022

production is pegged at 367.3 million harvested from September, was completed

NORTH AMERICA tonnes, just above the five‑year average. in May. Production of maize is forecast
at 73.8 million tonnes, slightly below the
In Canada, the main wheat spring crop is outturn of 2021. The moderate decline
being sown and the total acreage is forecast reflects a cutback in the area planted as
to increase compared to the average as profit prospects for competing crops, such
farmers are expected to capitalize on the as soybeans, were higher than maize.
prevailing high wheat prices. Factoring in Maize yields in 2022 are forecast to be
a likely return to average yields after the near average, although the prevailing
drought-reduced levels in 2021, total wheat drier‑than‑normal weather conditions in
Drought conditions curtail cereal
production is forecast at an above-average southern and eastern areas are forecast
production prospects in the
level of 33.1 million tonnes. to continue in July and this could curtail
United States of America
yield potentials.
In the United States of America, the
aggregate 2022 production of winter
and spring wheat crops is forecast to
EUROPE Following a sharp rebound in 2021, wheat
production in the United Kingdom of
increase to 47.3 million tonnes, remaining
Great Britain and Northern Ireland is
nearly 2 million tonnes below the
forecast at about 13.53 million tonnes in
five‑year average. Despite a small upturn
2022, almost unchanged on a yearly basis.
in the area planted, prolonged drought
conditions in 2022 are expected to push
up the abandonment rate and keep yields CIS IN EUROPE
of the main winter wheat crop, currently EUROPEAN UNION
being harvested, at below‑average levels. Sharply lower 2022 cereal output
Planting of the 2022 spring wheat crop Hot and dry weather conditions in Ukraine
was virtually complete by the end of June, curb wheat production Harvesting of the 2022 winter cereal
later than normal due to the impact of expectations crops, which account on average for
adverse weather conditions. In the European Union, harvesting of about 60 percent of the total subregional
the 2022 winter wheat crop is underway output, started in July, while planting of
Planting of the maize crop is underway and total wheat production is forecast spring crops is almost complete. The early
and the total acreage in 2022 is expected at 133 million tonnes in 2022, 4 percent forecast of the 2022 aggregate cereal
to contract by 1 percent compared to the less than the good output of 2021. The output stands at 190 million tonnes,
five-year average as pressure from high expected decrease rests on lower yield 6 percent below the five-year average. The
input costs, despite the elevated maize prospects due to prolonged periods of unfavourable production prospects for the
prices, have encouraged farmers to plant rainfall deficits in southern and eastern subregion mostly rest on the expectation
alternative, less input-intensive crops, areas, aggravated by recent high of a reduced maize output, forecast at
such as soybeans. With yields expected temperatures. Planting of the 2022 summer 42.2 million tonnes, reflecting the war in
to slightly exceed average levels, the cereal crops, mostly maize that will be Ukraine and the consequential expectation

Table 17. North America, Europe and Oceania cereal production

(million tonnes)
Wheat Coarse grains Rice (paddy) Total cereals
5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 5-yr 2021 2022 Change:
Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast Avg. estim. f'cast 2022/2021 (%)
North America 79.6 66.4 80.4 406.1 423.4 411.2 9.1 8.7 8.3 494.9 498.5 499.9 +0.3
Canada 30.4 21.7 33.1 27.1 24.3 28.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.5 45.9 61.8 +34.6
United States
49.2 44.8 47.3 379.0 399.1 382.5 9.1 8.7 8.3 437.3 452.6 438.0 -3.2
of America
Europe 261.1 270.3 259.6 264.0 276.7 256.8 4.0 3.8 3.6 529.1 550.8 519.9 -5.6
Belarus 2.4 2.5 2.5 4.8 4.8 4.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.2 7.3 7.4 +0.2
European Union 142.3 139.0 133.0 158.2 156.9 157.4 2.8 2.6 2.6 303.3 298.6 292.9 -1.9
Russian Federation 78.9 76.1 85.0 41.3 40.4 42.6 1.1 1.1 1.0 121.3 117.6 128.6 +9.4
Serbia 2.8 3.4 2.8 7.1 6.8 7.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.9 10.2 10.0 -2.2
Ukraine 27.2 32.2 20.0 43.8 53.4 31.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 71.0 85.6 51.1 -40.4
Oceania 25.0 36.8 30.8 14.6 18.1 16.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 40.0 55.3 47.6 -14.0
Australia 24.5 36.3 30.3 14.0 17.5 15.6 0.4 0.5 0.6 39.0 54.3 46.5 -14.3
Notes: Totals and percentage change computed from unrounded data. The five-year average refers to the 2017-2021 period.
Data for the European Union from the year 2020 (including the 2020/21 marketing year) excludes the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

JULY 2022

of a steep decline in production from last total cereal output is foreseen to be at a reached levels about 20 percent higher on a
year’s high level. The subregional wheat near-average level of 7.4 million tonnes. yearly basis, driven in part by a depreciation
outturn, combining winter and spring of the national currency, which lost over
crops, is forecast at a near‑average level Low cereal exports forecast in 30 percent of its value against the United
of 108.6 million tonnes as low production 2022/23 States dollar compared to May 2021.
in Ukraine is expected to be offset by a Total subregional cereal exports in the
bumper output in the Russian Federation. 2022/23 marketing year (July/June) About 24 million people in need of
are forecast at 74 million tonnes, over humanitarian assistance in Ukraine
In Ukraine, 2022 wheat production is 20 percent below the five-year average According to the April Update of the
forecast at 20 million tonnes, 27 percent due to reduced shipments from Ukraine. Ukraine Flash Appeal 2022 issued by the
below the five-year average. It is estimated Closures of ports and damages to transport United Nations, given the scale of the war,
that about 20 percent of the planted and storage infrastructure on account of the about 24 million people are estimated
area may not be harvested as a result of impact of the war, are expected to continue to be in urgent need of humanitarian
direct destruction, constrained access to limit the export of grain from Ukraine. assistance and protection, including up to
to fields, labour shortages and lack of Currently, grain is mostly transported by rail, 7.7 million internally displaced. Although
economic resources due to the ongoing which has a much lower capacity compared some people have already returned to their
war. The maize output, to be harvested to sea freight and consequently total cereal homes, reports still indicate large numbers
from September, is tentatively forecast at exports in 2022/23 are forecast to be about of IDPs in western parts of the country.
24 million tonnes, almost 30 percent below 40 percent below the five‑year average;
the average, due to a significant reduction exports of maize and wheat from Ukraine While the evolving situation remains
in the area planted. In addition, yields are forecast at 15 million and 10 million very uncertain and unpredictable, the
may fall below the average levels due to tonnes, respectively, the lowest levels in the prevalence and severity of domestic
delayed or missed application of fertilizers. last eight years. In the Russian Federation, food insecurity will depend on the
As a result, the total 2022 domestic cereal total cereal exports in 2022/23 are forecast length and scale of the active fighting.
output, including winter and spring crops, at a near-average level of 46 million tonnes, Sieged areas report shortages of food
is currently expected at about 51 million including 36.5 million tonnes of wheat. and medicine, with humanitarian
tonnes, a well below-average level. corridors facing difficulties in reaching
However, the real level of production Russian export prices of wheat those in need. Urban areas are likely
will be determined by the availability of surged since February 2022 to be more affected, as rural dwellers
fuel for harvesting and storage capacity, In the Russian Federation, export typically cultivate at least some land to
with actual harvest possibly lower. In prices of milling wheat increased by supplement household diets.
the Russian Federation, favourable over 20 percent between
weather conditions during the season in February and May 2022. In Wheat export prices in the Russian Federation
the main producing southern and north particular, they surged in (US dollar/tonne)
Caucasian federal districts are expected March, in line with trends of
to result in higher‑than‑average yields other origins, as the war in
of winter wheat crops. As the total area Ukraine reduced exportable
planted with winter and spring wheat crops global supplies and caused
is estimated at an above-average level of a rise in demand. Although
28.9 million hectares, if weather conditions prices declined slightly
remain conducive for the remainder of the in April, amid favourable
season, the aggregate 2022 wheat output domestic wheat production
is expected to reach 85 million tonnes, prospects and a strong
8 percent above the five-year average. appreciation of the Russian
Maize and barley outputs are also forecast rouble, prices increased
at above‑average levels in 2022. As a again in May and reached
result, total cereal production in the Russian levels over 40 percent higher
Federation is pegged at about 128 million year on year.
tonnes in 2022, 6 percent above the
five-year average. In the Republic of In Belarus, after being
Moldova, the preliminary forecast for generally stable between
the 2022 aggregate cereal production is a May 2019 and March 2022, 250
near-average 3.3 million tonnes. Although the national average
weather conditions have been mixed during retail price of wheat flour
the growing season, as of early June, increased steeply in April
satellite images show good vegetation and May, amid the partial 200
conditions in wheat growing areas and the relaxation of price controls M J J A SOND J FMAM J J A SOND J FMAM
output is expected at a near-average level that had been in place 2020 2021 2022
of 1.1 million tonnes. In Belarus, the 2022 since February 2021. Prices Source: International Grains Council.

JULY 2022

is ongoing. Initial forecasts put this

OCEANIA year’s wheat production at 30.4 million
tonnes, 24 percent more than the
five‑year average and the fourth largest
output on record, following the all-time
high in 2021. The good production
prospects reflect an increase in the area
planted, owing to favourable weather
conditions and further underpinned by
Early prospects point to an remunerative prices. Although yields are
above‑average wheat harvest foreseen at well above‑average levels in
in 2022 2022, expectations of possible fertilizer
In Australia, planting of the 2022 rationing due to their high prices may
wheat crop, the main winter cereal, curb yields.

JULY 2022


Table A1. Global cereal supply and demand indicators

Average 2017/18
- 2021/22 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
Ratio of world stocks to utilization (%)
Wheat 37.8 36.7 37.1 37.8 38.9 38.0
Coarse grains 24.9 25.4 23.9 23.3 24.4 23.3
Rice 36.5 37.2 36.5 36.7 36.8 36.3
Total cereals 30.6 30.7 29.9 29.8 30.7 29.8

Ratio of major cereal exporters' supplies

118.6 118.9 119.6 115.5 114.9 114.5
to market requirements (%)1

Ratio of major exporters' stocks

to their total disappearance (%)2
Wheat 17.5 18.1 15.5 15.6 17.5 18.0
Coarse grains 14.1 15.6 14.2 11.6 13.6 14.1
Rice 24.7 22.8 26.4 28.2 28.2 28.1
Total cereals 18.8 18.8 18.7 18.5 19.8 20.1

growth rate
2012-2021 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Annual growth in world cereal production (%) 2.0 -1.8 2.6 2.4 1.1 -0.6

Annual growth in cereal production in the LIFDCs (%) 3.2 1.6 4.3 2.9 4.0 -2.4

Change 2022*
2019 2020 2021 2022* over 2021*

Selected cereal price indices3

Wheat 95.3 100.7 132.1 174.8 46.0%
Maize 94.6 100.8 144.8 177.1 21.7%
Rice 101.5 110.2 105.8 105.4 -6.1%

Source: FAO.
Notes: Utilization is defined as the sum of food use, feed and other uses. Cereals refer to wheat, coarse grains and rice; grains refer to wheat and coarse grains (barley, maize, millet, sorghum and cereals NES).
M ajor wheat exporters are: Argentina, Australia, Canada, the European Union, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the United States of America. M ajor coarse grains exporters are: Argentina, Australia,
Brazil, Canada, the European Union, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the United States of America. M ajor rice exporters are: India, Pakistan, Thailand, the United States of America and Viet Nam.
Disappearance is defined as domestic utilization plus exports for any given season.
Price indices: The wheat price index is constructed based on the IGC wheat price index, rebased to 2014-2016 = 100; The coarse grains price index is constructed based on the IGC price indices for maize and barley
and one sorghum export quotation, rebased to 2014-2016 = 100. For rice, data refers to the FAO All Rice Price Index, 2014-2016 = 100, which is based on 21 rice export quotations.
*January-June average.

JULY 2022

Table A2. World cereal stocks

(million tonnes)
2022 2023
2018 2019 2020 2021 estimate forecast
TOTAL CEREALS 856.7 832.2 825.9 834.1 859.2 854.2
Wheat 289.6 274.2 283.1 291.9 299.6 299.3
held by:
- main exporters 84.5 71.2 63.2 61.5 67.8 69.7
- others 205.1 203.0 219.9 230.4 231.8 229.6
Coarse grains 390.4 371.7 356.4 350.5 366.9 363.3
held by:
- main exporters1 127.3 128.2 122.1 101.1 117.8 121.2
- others 263.1 243.5 234.3 249.4 249.1 242.1
Rice (milled basis) 176.7 186.3 186.4 191.6 192.7 191.7
held by:
- main exporters1 32.2 39.9 46.2 52.1 54.8 55.0
- others 144.5 146.4 140.2 139.5 137.9 136.7
Developed countries
Australia 7.3 6.9 5.7 7.1 10.6 8.6
Canada 11.1 9.4 9.5 9.4 6.4 8.2
European Union2 41.3 41.0 41.6 36.1 45.2 39.9
Japan 6.7 6.5 6.9 7.5 6.9 7.1
Russian Federation 23.7 15.3 13.6 17.5 18.1 22.9
South Africa 5.1 3.6 2.6 3.9 4.6 4.8
Ukraine 8.3 7.7 5.6 5.9 23.8 28.2
United States of America 88.8 91.3 80.7 58.4 59.3 56.6
Developing countries
China (mainland) 401.0 385.6 382.7 392.7 400.1 402.3
India 44.0 52.0 64.3 68.9 65.3 61.1
Indonesia 10.2 11.5 9.1 7.7 8.3 8.4
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 10.6 9.1 9.8 11.5 12.8 12.5
Korea, Republic of 4.1 2.6 2.6 3.0 3.2 3.5
Pakistan 5.4 3.5 2.0 4.2 5.7 5.5
Philippines 4.1 5.5 4.5 4.4 4.6 4.4
Syrian Arab Republic 2.1 2.2 3.2 4.1 2.5 0.9
Türkiye 7.1 6.6 10.1 10.5 8.6 9.0
Algeria 5.3 6.6 6.7 6.3 5.2 5.3
Egypt 6.9 5.1 5.2 4.5 4.2 4.7
Ethiopia 5.5 6.2 7.1 7.3 6.4 6.3
Morocco 6.7 7.3 5.8 3.6 5.7 4.5
Nigeria 3.1 2.9 1.5 1.8 1.9 1.8
Tunisia 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.1
Central America and the Caribbean
Mexico 7.7 7.6 7.4 6.9 6.7 5.7
South America
Argentina 12.3 12.6 12.7 11.0 8.4 8.6
Brazil 20.2 16.9 15.9 16.8 14.1 18.0

Source: FAO.
Notes: Based on official and unofficial estimates. Totals computed from unrounded data. Stocks data are based on an aggregate of carryovers at the end of national crop years and do not represent world stock levels at
any point in time.
M ajor wheat exporters are: Argentina, Australia, Canada, the European Union, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the United States of America; major coarse grains exporters are: Argentina, Australia,
Brazil, Canada, the European Union, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the United States of America; major rice exporters are: India, Pakistan, Thailand, the United States of America and Viet Nam.
Data for the European Union from the year 2020 (including the 2020/21 marketing year) excludes the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

JULY 2022

Table A3. Selected international prices of wheat and coarse grains


Wheat Maize Sorghum

US No.2 Hard Red US Soft Red Argentina US No.2 3

US No.2
1 2 3 2 Argentina 2
Winter Ord. Protein Winter No.2 Trigo Pan Yellow Yellow

Annual (July/June)
2008/09 270 201 234 188 180 170
2009/10 209 185 224 160 168 165
2010/11 316 289 311 254 260 248
2011/12 300 256 264 281 269 264
2012/13 348 310 336 311 278 281
2013/14 318 265 335 217 219 218
2014/15 266 221 246 173 177 210
2015/16 211 194 208 166 170 174
2016/17 197 170 190 156 172 151
2017/18 230 188 203 159 165 174
2018/19 232 210 233 166 166 163
2019/20 220 219 231 163 163 163
2020/21 269 254 263 220 225 264
2021/22 399 343 348 288 275 279

2020 - June 216 200 241 149 149 173
2020 - July 220 210 244 151 153 180
2020 - August 221 207 240 148 163 195
2020 - September 246 220 246 166 185 217
2020 - October 273 245 257 187 217 236
2020 - November 275 250 259 193 226 247
2020 - December 267 249 269 199 232 253
2021 - January 291 280 282 233 257 286
2021 - February 291 278 272 246 248 300
2021 - March 274 274 267 246 236 314
2021 - April 281 278 267 266 253 310
2021 - May 298 294 280 304 272 323
2021 - June 285 263 274 295 251 309
2021 - July 291 251 276 279 235 293
2021 - August 324 272 285 254 237 282
2021 - September 337 270 291 235 240 262
2021 - October 353 302 302 238 246
2021 - November 378 330 314 249 252
2021 - December 379 329 318 266 260
2022 - January 374 324 304 277 272
2022 - February 390 339 312 293 288
2022 - March 486 447 412 336 336
2022 - April 495 427 420 348 316
2022 - May 521 441 467 346 315
2022 - June 460 380 480 336 299

Sources: International Grains Council and USDA.

Delivered United States of America f.o.b. Gulf.
Delivered United States of America Gulf.
Up River f.o.b.

JULY 2022

Table A4a. Estimated cereal import requirements of low-income food-deficit countries in 2021/2022 or 2022
(thousand tonnes)

2020/21 or 2021 2021/22 or 2022

Total imports Total imports

Marketing year Commercial purchases Food aid (commercial and aid) (excl. re-exports)
AFRICA 30 661.9 1 189.6 31 851.5 33 123.0

East Africa 11 482.2 837.5 12 319.7 14 200.3

Burundi Jan/Dec 169.0 15.0 184.0 178.0
Comoros Jan/Dec 67.6 0.0 67.6 67.0
Eritrea Jan/Dec 459.0 0.0 459.0 459.7
Ethiopia Jan/Dec 1 950.0 65.0 2 015.0 2 050.0
Kenya Oct/Sept 3 549.0 90.0 3 639.0 4 368.6
Rwanda Jan/Dec 225.0 0.0 225.0 210.0
Somalia Aug/Jul 795.0 210.0 1 005.0 1 050.0
South Sudan Nov/Oct 620.5 94.5 715.0 720.0
Sudan Nov/Oct 2 048.0 330.0 2 378.0 3 599.0
Uganda Jan/Dec 644.1 23.0 667.1 603.0
United Republic of Tanzania Jun/May 955.0 10.0 965.0 895.0
Southern Africa 3 907.9 21.7 3 929.6 2 950.2
Lesotho Apr/Mar 226.7 5.1 231.8 174.1
Madagascar Apr/Mar 729.4 8.0 737.4 915.5
Malawi Apr/Mar 213.0 1.5 214.5 157.5
Mozambique Apr/Mar 1 804.1 1.0 1 805.1 1 476.0
Zimbabwe Apr/Mar 934.7 6.1 940.8 227.1
West Africa 12 763.9 174.4 12 938.3 13 142.3
Coastal Countries 7 487.7 55.5 7 543.2 7 550.5
Benin Jan/Dec 513.9 11.0 524.9 561.2
Côte d'Ivoire Jan/Dec 2 480.8 5.5 2 486.3 2 442.5
Ghana Jan/Dec 1 886.1 5.0 1 891.1 1 932.2
Guinea Jan/Dec 1 295.0 5.5 1 300.5 1 040.5
Liberia Jan/Dec 432.2 7.0 439.2 526.7
Sierra Leone Jan/Dec 449.1 21.0 470.1 579.3
Togo Jan/Dec 430.6 0.5 431.1 468.1
Sahelian Countries 5 276.2 118.9 5 395.1 5 591.8
Burkina Faso Nov/Oct 812.4 9.0 821.4 822.9
Chad Nov/Oct 103.1 34.6 137.7 172.6
Gambia Nov/Oct 263.8 3.0 266.8 330.0
Guinea-Bissau Nov/Oct 145.3 6.3 151.6 167.3
Mali Nov/Oct 577.6 5.0 582.6 631.0
Mauritania Nov/Oct 509.8 14.0 523.8 522.0
Niger Nov/Oct 562.2 45.0 607.2 735.0
Senegal Nov/Oct 2 302.0 2.0 2 304.0 2 211.0
Central Africa 2 507.9 156.0 2 663.9 2 830.2
Cameroon Jan/Dec 1 471.0 10.0 1 481.0 1 612.0
Congo Jan/Dec 343.5 2.0 345.5 260.7
Central African Republic Jan/Dec 73.0 23.0 96.0 97.0
Democratic Republic of the Congo Jan/Dec 599.0 120.0 719.0 838.5
Sao Tome and Principe Jan/Dec 21.4 1.0 22.4 22.0

Source: FAO.
Notes: The Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries (LIFDCs) group includes net food deficit countries with annual per caput income below the level used by the World Bank to determine eligibility for IDA assistance
(i.e. USD 1 945 in 2019); for full details see

JULY 2022

Table A4b. Estimated cereal import requirements of low-income food-deficit countries in 2021/2022 or 2022
(thousand tonnes)
2020/21 or 2021 2021/22 or 2022

Total imports Total imports

Marketing year Commercial purchases Food aid (commercial and aid) (excl. re-exports)

ASIA 28 024.1 799.1 28 823.2 28 658.3

Cis in Asia 5 706.6 11.1 5 717.7 5 480.9

Kyrgyzstan Jul/Jun 622.5 11.1 633.6 794.9
Tajikistan Jul/Jun 1 129.8 0.0 1 129.8 1 049.0
Uzbekistan Jul/Jun 3 954.3 0.0 3 954.3 3 637.0
Far East 12 639.5 2.0 12 641.5 12 581.4
Bangladesh Jul/Jun 10 533.7 0.0 10 533.7 10 450.6
Democratric People's Republic of Korea Nov/Oct _* _* _* _*
Nepal Jul/Jun 2 105.8 2.0 2 107.8 2 130.8
Near East 9 678.0 786.0 10 464.0 10 596.0
Afghanistan Jul/Jun 2 653.0 101.0 2 754.0 3 174.0
Syrian Arab Republic Jul/Jun 2 225.0 245.0 2 470.0 2 782.0
Yemen Jan/Dec 4 800.0 440.0 5 240.0 4 640.0
CENTRAL AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN 1 559.8 15.1 1 574.9 1 557.1
Haiti Jul/Jun 657.6 15.1 672.7 677.1
Nicaragua Jul/Jun 902.2 0.0 902.2 880.0
TOTAL 60 245.8 2 003.8 62 249.6 63 338.4

Source: FAO.
Notes: The Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries (LIFDCs) group includes net food deficit countries with annual per caput income below the level used by the World Bank to determine eligibility for IDA assistance
(i.e. USD 1 945 in 2019); for full details see
* Estimates not available.

JULY 2022

GIEWS - Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture

GIEWS continuously monitors crop prospects and food security situation at global, regional, national and
sub‑national levels and warns of impending food difficulties and emergencies. Established in the wake of the
world food crisis of the early 1970’s, GIEWS maintains a unique database on all aspects of food supply and demand
for every country of the world. GIEWS regularly provides policy makers and the international community with
up‑to‑date information so that timely interventions can be planned and suffering avoided.

Crop Prospects and Food Situation is published by the Markets and Trade Division of FAO under the Global Information
and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS). It is published four times a year and focuses on developments
affecting the food situation of developing countries and the low-income food deficit countries (LIFDCs) in particular. The report
provides a review of the food situation by geographic region, a section dedicated to the LIFDCs and a list of countries requiring
external assistance for food. It also includes a global Cereal supply and demand overview to complement the biannual analysis
in the Food Outlook publication. Crop Prospects and Food Situation is available in English, French and Spanish in electronic

This report is based on information available as of June 2022.

Enquiries may be directed to:

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ISBN 978-92-5-136596-0 ISSN 2707-2223

9 789251 365960

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