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According to study, there are 5 essentials of human relations.

Namely, human beings,

emotion, situation, people and you. All of those important components of human relations take
part in a school administration. School administration as we all know, it’s all about
planning,directing, and organizing and controlling human or material resources in educational
setting. The skills needed as a school administrator are technical, human relation, and
conceptual skills. Those skills can be successfully manifested if it is comprised with the 5
essentials of human relations. Take for example, human beings play an important role in school
administration. It could be a principal, master teacher, teacher or a parent. In case of a
principal,leadership is his primary role. It’s all about relationship, there is a good leader
behind every successful task, and tool of every successful leader is good human relationship. A
leader inspires other with his character and earned the trust with whom he interact. He gives
respect to his staff members and treats them like a family. He knows the problems of staff
members and helps them at the time of crisis. Apart from that, Teacher and parent relationship
has its significant role in a schools’ administration. It’s vital to achieve better academic
results and enhance the performance of students. Because the students spend more time at home
then at school, so it is important for a teacher to guide the parents about the strengths and
weaknesses of their child. So it is the responsibility of a leader to organize teacher-parent
meetings on regular basis to develop better relationship between them. Generally, human
relations or school administrator are the integration of people into work situation in a way
that motivates them to work together productively, cooperatively and attain economic,
psychological, and social satisfaction.

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