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‘State Pedagogical University named after Ion Creangs, Chisinau, Moldova ‘Uppsala Center for Russain and Eurasian Studies / UCRS Uppsala University, Sweden CONFERENCE BOOK CULEGERE DE ARTICOLE 23-25 octombrie 2014 ‘Swedish Research Council / Vetenskapsridet “The project: «Human resources in poverty and disability: family perspective (in Moldova and Ukraine); 348-201 1-7346 [2012-2014]» R. Moldova / Sweden 2015 State Pedagogical University named after Lon Creanga, Chisinau, Moldova Uppsala Center for Russain and Eurasian Studies / UCRS Uppsala University, Sweden CONFERENCE BOOK »FENOMENUL SARACIEI iN CONDITULE SOCIETATII iN TRANZITIE”/ “HAPPATHB BEJHOCTH B YCOBHAX TEMHOM TPAHC@OPMANHH OBIECTBA “PICTURES OF POVERTY OCIETIES UNDER TRANSFORMATION” October, 23-25, 2014 ‘Sate Pedagogical University named afer 1. Creanga Research Council / Vetenskapsridet luman resources in poverty and disability: fam: ly perspective (in Moldova and Ukraine u ET lon Creangi” (Center for Russian and Earasian State Pedagogical University, studies, R. Moldova Uppsala University, Sweden R. Moldova / Sweden 2015 ISBN 978.9975-115-74-2. CZU 376+364,2(082)=135,1=111=161.1 P36 ‘Swedish Research Council Vetenskapsridet, The project: «Human resources in poverty and disability: family perspective (im Moldova and Ukraine); 348-2011-7346 2012-2014)» ‘CONFERENCE BOOK ,FENOMENUL SARACIELiN CONDITILE SOCIETATIE IN TRANZITIE"/ “HAPPATHB BEAHOCTHCB YCIOBIX CHCTEMHOH /CDOPMAMIIN OBILECTIA”/ “PICTURES OF POVERTY IN SOCIETIES UNDER TRANSFORMATION", October, 23~28, 20/4, Stare Pedagogical University named after 1 Creanga Scientific editors: Chapter I: Liya Kalinnikova Magnusson, reseaccher of the Uppsala Center for Russian and Eurasian studies, Uppsala University, Sweden; PAD & senior lecturer in special education at the University of Gavle, ‘Sweden: associate professor (in psychology) of the chair of social work and social safty at the Norther Arctic Federal University, Archangelsk, Russa, Chapter Mt: Silvia Belibova, PRD student, \ccturer of the chair of special psychopedagogy, SPU named after I.Creanga, Chisinau; psychologist of Theoretical Lyceum Varitsa, district Anenii Noi, Republic of Moldova. “Fonomenu siren cone soit nani", conerance internation (201s; engin). Coreence Book eran sre n cone socein tana’ = ‘Teorava oqvoctbyeroone crema? oerogopuagi coupcree = "Pues never sooetes ine ransrmaton, Odooe 22-25, 20" Cig (Languages & be cenence’ Romanan, Russa, Engst) | se ed: Kalnkore Mapnsson Ua Beitova Siva ~(Chgnad Sn; Sneden 2015 (Tp. “Groen Sud). ~ 319. | ‘Anltit: Stale Ped. Uni. “ion. Creenge’, Chisriau, Modova, Uppsala Center for fusson and Evesin Stges / UCRS Upp Un, Sweden, Nat Pod. Uni" Sragsanor, Ustare [al] = Tk paral: rom. en = gr. a gl ot. — Bex isan s78.0075-115742 376 +364.2082)-135. re nA = e UPPSALA ons UNIVERSITET ati ston Creangi™ State Cepier for Russian Pedagosical University mamed after Pedagogical Universi R- Eurasian studies, Uprsalt M.Dragomanov, Ukraine aie University, Sweden Al VITA_ (9) NGO Children and Youth Federal Agency of Health Perkins School for the |, Boston, USA a) Serghiew Possad Home for Blind and Deaf Children Care ral Department of Edueation, Youth and Sports of isinaw musicipal Council CONFERENCE BOOK of the International Conference: ;FENOMENUL SARACIEI IN CONDITHLE SOCIETATH IN TRANZITIE/ “HAPPATHB BEAHOCTH B YCJIOBHSX CHCTEMHOM TPAHC@OPMALH OBLLECTBA” “PICTURES OF POVERTY IN SOCIETIES. UNDER TRANSFORMATION”/ October, 23 — 25, 2014 ‘State Pedagogical University named after I. Creanga, . English) (Languages of the conference: Roumanian, Russi Cuprins: [Romén — Pynomexuit- Romanian] Programul conferinjei Roman’ Rust Englezi . Prefaa Sectia I. Dezvoltarea teoriel resurselor umane in tavit{dmintul special: Kalinnikova Magnusson L. : Struetura sArdciei tn famille cu copii cu dereglari tn deavoltare(pre-nelegora suai in Republica Moldova i Ucuina) Belibova S. Resurse sociale in deptsirea sirdciei in familile copiilor eu dizabilitati de inteleet (prin prisma situaiei din Republica Moldova) Bodorin C. Resurse de abilitare ale famililor copiitor cu deficente de auz din Republica Moldova Hanzeruk L. Resurse educajionale ale mamelor singure cu copii cu dizabiltai (prin prisma situaiei din Ucraina) Ometianovici I Problema angajirii in cimpul muncii a tinerilor cu dizabilitati de intelect din Ucraina Chiperi N. Experienfe practice ale tineritor din familii incomplete tn situaia sBraciei extreme (prin prisma sitajei din Republica Moldova) Maximciuc V., Kalinnikova Magnusson L. Discriminarea’socio-profesionali a tinerilor cu dizabilitai de intelect din Republica Moldova Bazima N. Impactul siréciei asupra educ (prin prisma situate’ din Ucraina) jei copiilor cu dizabilitayi 4 4 7 21 28 70 94 105 112 123 136 —— Sectia a Hi: Educatia incluzivd in contextul resurselor umane: psihopedagogice crearea conditiilor pentru. copi dicabiltt si famille acestora Racu F., Racu Iu. Mediul scolar —sursa de anxietate in preadolescenta Racu A., Belibova S., Ceboraru N. ‘Analiza sumativa "a rezultatelor sondajului_privind informarea si percept incluziuni educationale si sociale Globanu A. Directile principale ale interventici _psihologice a prescolarilor cu reinere in dezvoltarea psi Virlan M., Frunze 0. Problematica famililor sSrace in cadrul sistemului de asistenl socials Losii El Aspecte psihologice ale agresivititii seolare Ia varsta preadolescenta Chirev L. Determinantele sociale ale motivului dezvoltari personale Inadolescenti Pereverceva M. Diagnosticul pedagogic al copiilor cu dizabilitji profunde {mn utilizarea metodei observariisistemice pentru evaluarea abilitflor de autodeservire Povorozniue M., Cuzminchina N. Metode gi tehnici de formare a abilitifilor de comunicare si relationare la copii cu autism Lebedeva V. Dezvoltarea invafimintului special pentru copii cu izabilitafi multiple in Republica Moldova. Tezele comunicati. Simac A. Aplicarea art-e specte ca mijloc de recuperare si integrare a copiilor cu deficiente ComeaS. Efectele siriciei in mediul rural al Republicii Moldova Clobanu A., Barbuceanu Iu. Tulburarile” de limbaj i impactul acestora_asupra afectvitatii la copii 143 149 157 182 191 197 205 208 219 230 ‘Stempovschi E., Haraz S., Saveiuc A. ‘Asistenfa social acordatd familillor care au in component’ ‘copii cu dizabititagi Cibotaru N. Impactul tulburarilor de limbaj asupra reusitei scolare Plamadeata } fintegrarea - 0 problema de relatie, nu numai una de participare Danilenco 8. Educajia incluziva a copiilor cu dizabilitati de intelect in sisternul culturiifizice adaptative Danelciue F., Betiuc D., Danelciuc El. M. Rolul jocurilor dinamice in modelarea personalitiii elevilor cu CES Cogiurca P. Studiu asupra psihomotricitaii la copiii cu CES Ignat El Repere teoretice privind formarea imaginii de sine la copii cu refinere in dezvoltarea psihic& Focsa T. Prestajii binesti — mecanism de combatere a séraciei in ume si Republica Moldova Sanduteac S. Relatia sAraicie — violénja in Republica Moldova Rusnac L. Educatia incluziva — oportunitayi egale ‘Conepaanne: [Pyccuit - Russian - Rusii] Tiporpaxma xorpeperim Ha pysuiicKom sa1ixe Ha pycoxon sanixe Hg altrtickow s361Ke Tipenncstonne Yacms I. Paxeumue meopuu venoseveckux pecypcoe cneyuarsnom ofpasoeanuu: Karunnuxoea Maznyceon CCrpyxrypa Gemmocrit p ceMbax ¢seTbMH € HapyUTesaNtt ABBE (oe nose cyausn» Vague w PssrySanee Monaoia) Benuboea C. ‘Coumannusie pecypest mpeostoneni GexHOcTH » ceMBAK € lero ¢ ywerBenxofi orcratocTsio [Ha MpHMEpe PeenyGauxu Mona0sa] Bodopun K. ‘AGunaunommust —pecype — Mavowmyuu —_cemeit, Bocrmmuinaionu sere © NapyieHMANi cHyxa 8 Pecny6mixe Mona0sa Xanepye Te Bocnurrarenbisil pecype OnAHOXIEX Marepeft, HMEIONNK revel ¢ Hapyiesant pasnrrua [Ha npuseepe Yxpasts] Omeesnoeus H. TipoGnewa Tpyzoycrpoiicrsa Monoawx stonelt ¢ yymerseniiofl orcranocrs1o # Yxpanne Kuneps H. Tlonceatiennii onsir ereil-noapocrkos 1 enomHof evo» cxryausns axcrpeMambHolt Geanocris [a MpHMepe PeenySnuxt Moaio8a} Maxcusayk B., Kaxunnuxooa Macnyccon J Conmaxswo-nporbeccnonamsiax kp MHLW ono morell ¢ yMCTReNHOR OTCTAHOCTHO PecnrySanxe Mosio%a Baswina H. Binnie Geaocri a pocmurranine seve ¢ MapymeniAMt pasoiria [ua mprmepe Yxparni] Yacms Hi: Huxuosuenoe ob pasosanue uu —npobnema ueaoseueckux pecypcos: ncuxonoz0- nedazozuueckue nodxodm K pacuupenuo npac u eo2monenocmelt Paxy H., Pany 10. Llkonbuaa cpena Kak MCTORHHK TPeBOKHOCTH B TepHO sropore aeveTsa Paxy A., Beauboea C., ebomapy H. OSuuti —asiaws—pesyzbTaros = onpoca— no naopiponawinio =H BOcHpHsTING nesaroruYecKOH i couiaTsHO WnEHOSH Yobany A. Ochoone anpaarenns ewxoaorueckoro pMewarenseTea y —AOUIKOMEMMIKOB ¢ —9AepAKOT ncuxieckoro passurrin Boipran M., Opynse 0. TIpoGaema "Geaux cemel s cucTeme commiansott nomouue ocsiit E. Tlewxonormieckve acexrat mIKORBHOl arpeccuBHocTH » hepwioa sroporo nereTBa Kupes Jt Counansimte acreKrt MoTHBa JHHOCTHOTO passiTTHA y RonpocTKos Tepesepseca M. Tleaaroruveckas awarnocraxa evel, HMeIOILNX THDKEABIE MHoxecrseHible HapyleHlia, © HCHOIESOBAHHEM MeTOIA cucTemaTinposanioro HaGmoneHUs JLI8 OWCHKH YPOBES chopantposaHiocTi aBbiKos caMooGcHTyAHBAHIA Tosoposwox M., Kyssmunxuna H. Meronus # mputubi o6yuenns aeveH ayTHcToR wasasibHEIM Hanbikan OOUIeHUS # KONMYHIMKaTIN Mebedeea B. PaspitTue cricressh eneusanaHoro oOpasowaxiia 1x seTel © MHOmecTHEHIIMM Hapymienuau 8 PeenyGmaKe Monona, Teswcbt x sticTyTuTeHH0 Cuma A. TIpuvetenne apr-repanum Kak MeToa peaGvunrrauit 1 iTerpaui 2eTelic orpaHitdenisMd BOIMO:xHOCTAME Kopus C. Sdipextax GeaslocTa w cembcnoll MecrHocru PecnyGmixHt Momosa Yobany A., Bap6yuany 10. Peseasie MapyuleHA HX BAMAHWe Wa pasBHTvE adiperumuocta y nereit Cmennoecku E., Xapas C, Casuyk A. ConmibHas noMoute ceMBAM, BOCMHTHIBAIONUNX seTet ¢ ‘ocoGkiMh o6paxoRaTenbMBIN Ty AIaMH Yubomapy H. Brvanne peveabix wapyienufi a KOH vyeneBaemocTs. Tiaanadana M. Hiurerpauia - npo6nema ssamooTHomeHl H He TOKO ‘Kak mpocro ywacrue Tanurenxo C. axmosutioe ocnraue evel c Hapyenuew MnTenaekra 8 evicrese aanrrustioro cnopTa Hanervyk ®,, Bemvox J, Tanerwuyx EM. Pons suiaMtveckhX urp B MOmeAMpoBarM AMSHOCTH ‘yseHuKoR ¢ oco6HIMH oOpasonarembiBIMH riorpeGHOCT=MH ‘Kowypxa I. TIpoGnema scenenonanus micuxoMoropuKn y ere © ‘ocobbinn o6pasonaresbabiMl TlorpeGHOCTAMHL Henam E. Teoperinteckuie acuextst GopMuposarua mpetcranneniit o cobe y mereti ¢ saepackoll neuxuveckoro pasBirri Poxua T. Conmansette ssrorsi Kak MexaHiaM Gop.6i ¢ GesIHOCTHIO Muposoii mpaxrixe m PecnyGauuxe Moa.ioxa Candyaax C. Bsauwocnast Geanocra M Hacuaux 8 Pecry6mke Monona Pyenax I. Vinxmosipioe o6pasonantie - panibte BOsMOXNOCTH 305 310-319 Content: [English- Anzauiicxuit- Englezi] The program of the conference Romanian Russian English Preface Chapter 1. Development of the theory of human resources in special education. Kalinnikova Magnusson L. Structure of poverty in’ families with children wth developmental disabilities (pre-understanding the situation inthe Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) Belibova S. Overcoming poverty: social resources in families with children with developmental disabilities (based on data from the Republic of Moldova) Bodorin C. Recourse of habitation in low income families with children of hearing problems in the Republic of Moldova Hanzeruk L: Single mothers’s upbringing resources of children with disabilities (based on the data from Ukraine) Omelianovych 1. ‘The problem of employment of young people with mental retardation in Ukraine Chiperi N. Everyday experience of teens from a single parent extremly poor family [study from the Republic of Moldova] Maximeiuc V. & Kalinntkova Magnusson L. Social professional discrimination of young people with ‘mental retardation in the Republic of Moldova Bazima N. Poverty effect on the upbringing of children with disabilities (based on the data from Ukraine) Chapter It: Inclusive education and problem of human recources: psycho-pedagogical tools of empowering children and families. Racu 1. & Rac lu. School environment as a reason of anxiety during the period of the second childhood Racu A., Belibova S., Cebotaru N. The general analysis of the results of the survey how teachers are informed about and percept educational and social inclusion Clobanu A. The main directions of psychological intervention for preschool children with mental retardation Virlan M., Frunze 0. The problem of poor famities in the social support system Losti E Psychological aspects of school aggression during the period of the second childhood Chirev L. Social aspects of the motive of personal development in adolescents Pereverzeva M. Educational diagnosis of children with severe multiple disabilities, using the method of systematic observation for assessing the level of formation of self-service skills Povoroznuk M., Kuziminkina N. Methods and techniques for teaching children with autism communicative skills Lebedeva ¥. ‘The development of special education for children with multiple disabilities in the Republic the Moldova, Simac A. Application of art therapy as a means of reabilitation and integration of children with disabilities Cornea S. The effects of poverty in rural areas of the Republic of Moldova Clobanu A., Barbuceanu Iu. Speech disorders and their influence on the development of children affectivity u Stempovschi E., Haraz S.,Savciuc A. Social assistance to families with children with special educational needs Cibotaru N. Influence of speech disorders on school performance Plamadeala M. Integration - the problem of the relationships through participation . Danilenko S. Inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities into adaptive sports by education Danelciuc F., Betiue D., Danelciue ELM. The role of dynamic games in modeling individuality of pupils with special educational needs Cociurea P. The problem of studying psychomotor development of children with special educational needs Ignat El Theoretical Aspects of self image of children with learning disabilities Focsa T. Social benefits as a mechanism to overcome poverty from fan international and the perspective of the Republic of Moldova Sanduteac S. ‘The relationships between poverty and violence in the Republic of Moldova Rusnac L. Inclusive education - equal opportunities PROGRAMUL CONFERINTEI (Roumanian) DESFASURAREA EVENIMENTELOR 23 OCTOMBRIE, 2014, Joi UPSC ,, on Creanga”, str. Ion Creanga, 1, blocul I, aud. 101 SEDINTA IN PLEN ‘MODERATORI: gor Racu, Prof, dr. habiltat, prorector pentru stint, rela interayionale $i integrare europeand, UPS “ion Creanga. Comelia Bodorin, contr. se cated Psihopedagogie Special, UPS “Ion Creangi ‘Nicolae Andronache, cont, dt, catedra Psihopedagogie Special, UPS “lon Creanga” 09.30 10.00 fnregistrarea participantilor 10.00 11.00 Deschiderea tucrdrilor Conferinget ‘Mesaj de salut 10. 00- 10.10 Nicolae Chicus, Rector, UPS “Ion Creangs” 10.10 ~ 1020 Mihai Steaktichit, Coosilieral Presedintelui Republicit ‘Moldova in domeniul culturi, invapiminului si tinget 10.25 ~ 10.30 Denis Lolly, ,Scoala Perkins. pentru Nevazatori” SUA, ‘coordonator regional in Europa si Asia 41030 10.40 Tatiana Nagnibeda-Tverdohleb, Director General, DGETS, Chisinau {040 ~ 1050 Ruslan Lopariuc, Preyedintele Asociatiei Surilor din Moldova 10.50 ~ 10.55 Larisa Celan, Vicepresedinte, Societatea Orbitor din Moldova (SOM) 10.55-11.00 Epifanova Galina, lector, Serghiev Posad, Russia, ‘11.00 - 11.30 Pauza de cafea 1130 ~ 1200 Kalinnikova Magnusson Liya, ceretitorstinific, UCRS, Universitatea din Uppsala, Suedia, Desfsurarea si rezultatele projectlut de cercetare: Resurse unane, sirdcie si dizabilitate: atitudinea fat de familile care educi copii cu abatere n dezvoliare. 72.00 ~ 12.30 Denis Lolly, Scoala Perkins pentru Nevizitori” SUA, coordonator regional in Europa si Asia, Socieeatea ~ Familia ~ Copii cu * deficiente asociate /endinge, perspective! 1230 - 13.00 Rusnac Verginia, dr. in psihologie, Presedintele Centrului Republican de Asistensa Psihologic’. Educatia inclziva tn contetul politicilor educationale. 13.00 ~ 14.30 Prinz 14.30 — 15.00 Epifanova Galina , lector, Serghiev Posad, Russia. Crearea conditllor pentru organizarea si desfésurarea educatiei de calitate a copiilor cu deficiente asociate. 15.00 ~ 15.30 Melinteanu Larisa, intitutia prescolaré ne. 167 pentru copii cu deficiente auditive, Chisinau, Moldova, 15.30 ~ 16.00 Romanova Margareta, scoala euxiliard nr. 6, Chisinau, Moldova. Educatia copiilor cu deficiente asociate in conditlle instivupied de inviqdmaint prescolar / preuniversitar. 16.00 — 16.15 Racu Aurelia, dr. hab., prof. univ. catedra Psihopedagogie special. Sdrdcia extrema gi drepturile omului 16.15 ~ 16.30 Feedback-ul zilei 16, 30 — 18.00 Vieite: scoala auxiliard nr.6, Chisindu, Moldova; institutia prescolard nr. 167, Chisindu, Moldova. 24 OCTOMBRIE, 2014, Vineri SECTIA I. Dezvoltarea teoriei resurselor umane in Invatamantul special UPS “Ion Creanga’”, str. lon Creangi 1, blocul Il, aula 19 Moderatori: Kalinnikova Magnusson Liya, doctor in pedagogic special’, ‘cercetatorstintfic,UCRS, Universitatea din Uppsala, Suedi 09.00 ~ 09.20 Kalinnikova Magnusson Lia, cercetitor stinttie, UCRS, Universitatea din Uppsala, Suedia, Problema injelegerii i masuriri siriciei in invalidita 09.30 09.50 Bodorin Cornelia. Resurse de abilitare ale famililor copiilor cu deficienje de auz-din Republica Moldova. 10.00 ~ 10.20 Maximeiue Victoria. Discriminarea socio-profesional’ a tinerilor cu dizabilitati de intelect din Republica Moldova, 10.30 ~ 10.50 Belibova Silvia. Resurse sociale in depisirea siriciei familile copiilor cu dizabilitati de intelect. 11.00 ~ 11.30 Pauza de cafea 11.30 ~ 11.50 Chiperi Nadejda, Experiente practice ale tinerilor din familii -omplete in situatia sArdiciei extreme (prin prisma situatiei din Republica Moldova). 12.00 — 12.20 Hanzeruc Lilia. Resurse educationale ale mamelor singure eu copii cu dizabilitati (prin prisma situatiei din Ueraina), 12.30 — 12.50 Omelianovici Irina. Problema angi tinerilor cu dizabititati de intelect din Ucraina, 13.00 ~ 14.30 Prinz 14.30 — 14.50 Bazima Natalia, Impactal stra’ cu dizabilitagi (prin prisma situatiei din Ucraina). in cimpul muneii a supra educatiei copiilor 4 14.50 ~ 15.00 Racu Aurelia. Incluziunea sociala ~ calea eitre depasirea sire m 15.00~ 16.30 Feedback-ul zilel SHIH 1 Asien psiopetenc cola cu dais alien conditile ‘educapiel inclusive UPS “lon Creanga’ st on Creangi I blo: aud. 101 stooenaTot Porein Mae Spi sta Geel a Vessiay ne caeranre re Mahan, ee ie: 0 oa a Prema“ ebndon (geod) ~Covnl de pena irs te, Sp PR Tne md fe es i FoR eta coi 1 gee saponin ror or Hiei, peace 1s" ee sui Fe ann ime a sie 2 acc fear 1 rene Manet Hi a a cia eli Rl Oia Me et ene ata cen npr Mo i eect cee al 1 pon ap ve aie Ch rector, Serghiev Post, Rusia. Copit cx delete vematicd copia eu defciente i ative, Cigna, laren deficiote Serghiev Posad, Rusia, Socalizarea copilor eu 25 OCTOBRIE, 2014, Simbata UPS “Ton Creanga Ton Creangit I, aud 101 sonersronr Mara Coralia ~ cont, Crea chins f ikova Magnusson Lin, in psi, get cadet Prihopedaogie Specials, UPS “Ton colaborator sting, UCRS, Universtates din Uppsal, ., Presedinsle Asocatiel Copiilor si Tinerlor cu Dizabilititi Asocits AEA Chi cot WH00 11.00 Tovaturite Prtenerite educational (Republica Moldova ~ Rus Jfamnare diplomcor ent articiparea la Conferina Sint Intema Hew 1600 Fxcurs a sia ~ SUA - Suodia) ya 15 TIPOrPAMMA KOH@EPEHUHH (Pycexuit) 23 oxnabpn 2014, Yemeepe TILY «Hon Kpanzo», ya. H. Kpaues 1, Gxox 1, ayo. 101 Tiaesapnoe sacezanne MOMEPATOPbI: PAKY Hops - pod, nouer, xavia., mpopextop no Hayenott Pabore u woxaxysapoamuzw oroutenny, KITIY «Hox Kpatity, Monaooas BOMOPHH Kopnenua - sowexs, aua., sevexyronunt xaibempon Cneunanssa Teixonenarornxa, KITTY «lion Kpauron, Mosaones AWAPOHARE Huxoxai ~ " nowcr, Kaun. kageapa, Chepianunag Tlewxoneaarorma, KTTIY «Hon Kpmiran; Monona, * 09.00 10.00 Pecucmpayun yuacmnusos 10.00- 11.00 Omupsumue xonepenyuu Mpusememaue 1000 10.10 Huxonaii Kuxyut, pexrop, KTTIY «How Kpsu>», Monona; 10.10 — 10.20 Muxaur laaxmuyxuit, coseriux npesntenra no Bompocaw Kyabrypsi, OOpazonanita H HayKH; 1025~ 10.30 Henue Team, pervonansiesh koopaiarop CUA, Eapomss Asm, Heth 1040 Tamenna Hachubeda-Teepoaxned, renepansisi anpexrop, DGETS, Kune; A040 — 10.50 Pycaan Aonamor, npesunewr O6aecroa no rayxux Moaaoze; 70.50 — JOSS Mlapuea Yeran, sume-npesurent OSmectsa Caensix Moaaoass; 10.55 ~ 11.00 Enupanoea Tanna, aupestop Jerexoro Jona 21a enenorayxix aereit,r. Ceprien Moca (Poccrs), 11.00~ 11.30 Kosbe-bpeux 12-30 ~ 12.00 Kasunnuxoea Mazuyccon Jun, vaysssiit pyxonoantens, jayaiuatl corpyannx Haysnoro Meutpa Poccutickx m Expasutiexin: Hecaenosanni, Yaunepcuret Ynncans, Ileewus. Passumue pexysmamts nayawoco npoexma: Yeroaeveckue pecypees, Gednocme u “unoamudnocme: @3zn80 na ceMeu, eocnumseaioujue deme e hapyuienvau pareumus, 12.00 ~ 12.30 Hemuc Hoan, “Illxona Wepaite 20 Caemsx", PernonansHi Koopannarop CUA, Esponi w Asm. O6wyecmeo— Cowen 16 * = emu ¢ smeocecmeennenu napyuenusn € passumin /mendevnrs 130 130 "HT, KaN., mpencenarenb 1230 — 1300 Pyenan Beprcanun, noun, sant, mpesesaen PecuyGamrancxoro Iemmpa Tlemonorwecxom Towowt (Mon Hnxsnosuenoe socrumanue ¢ konmexcme o6pazosamenbivs nanumur 13.00~ 14.30 O6¢0 : . 1450 1800 Erubnoea Fane peronre Capes Ts Bose, Cosme yo av psn xeccneno ofp 1 sccmimanian demei, neous wrarccemacne nape mi 15.0 — 1530 MeaunmanyJapnce ent-ere can Ne 167 mm zr egexyromint waccouupoainn pena Koss, Mona: 1530 ~ 1600 Powanoea Mapeapuma, nenoweraremsas aor Xe 6 Kamm, Momena. Bocnmanue deme, uve soreconsonnae napyuenn paséumus, @ yeroausx — yypencdenil dour twxcaxenoeo obpasoeanast (us onsima pabome) vs cnemarunan 16.00— 1615 Pary Aypen, spo. zoe, xa, xp Caran Tlewxonenaroruxa, KITTY «Hon Kpauray, Mosizosa. xomp. Seovocm unpae sesoens 1615 16.30 Hodeedenue umozoe ous wkummen 1630 18.00 Pabowit eum: senoworarenuis sons Ye 6, Kuen Moauona; scan-aetexuii can Xe 167 a1 acrelt co cayxosunn accoworposariini Hapyiiesms, Kuuues, Mosi0sa, 24 oxmabpa, 2014, Hamnuya CEKIHA 1. Paxcumue meopuu veroeewecrux pecypcos ¢ enexuasibnom o6paxosanun TITY «Hon Kpauza», yn. H. Kpanzo 1, 60x 2, ayo. 19 oxen 0p mma Mang hw, mye rp re ee SE” ie na ng, Ym aa ee 7 10,30- 10.50 Beauboea Cunseus, KITIY Hou Kpauro», Monona. Coyuarnne pecypest @ mpeodorenuu Gednocmu @ cewear, ocrumeeaiouzex Demeit c ycmaennoit omcmanocmeo. 11.00 - 11.30 Korpe-6peix 1130 ~ 11.50 Kuneps Hadexda, KUTIY «Hox Kpsnro», Monzosa. Toecedneenesi omam demeit-nodpocmnoe wz Henomoil cenbu 6 cumyayua oKempemarenoii Gednocmu [ua npunepe PecnyGmuxu Moxdosa]. 12.00 ~ 12.20 Xanrepyk Juan, nouent katpeapis oanrogpenoritaaroruc, WIKI HITY ws, M. IparoNatiova,Yepauna. Bocnumamensnoit pecype oduNoKoii Mamepu, unewowel peGoura c napywenuen passumur 1230-1250 Omeasanoeun —HMpuna, —oueut—_xacbeapst ‘onnroppenonezaroruxn, HKIT HITY se. M. [[parowanosa, Kuen, Yepanna. Mpobirema mpyOoyempoitcmsa anodes model c yacmeennoit ‘omemarocmen 6 Yxpaune, 13:00 ~ 14.30 O6€0 14.30 - 14,50 Bana Hamanes, WK HITY ws. M. [parowarosa, Kes, Yepanua, Brusue Gednocmu na socnumanue demeit ¢ napywenrewu nowxorpusuvecko20 pascumus. 14.50 ~ 15.00 Paxy Aypenus, mpos., KITIY «Mon Kpaurs», Monzosa. Coyuanyuax wnevosua — nym» x npeodorenu Gedocmu. 15.00 — 16.30 Ob6cy2denue Onn CERUHA Il, Hnxvoaueuoe o6pasosanue u npobnema wexoseveckux ‘pecypcoe: ncuxonoz0-nedacozuueckwe NodXoOM K PaclUlupeNuNO ‘pas u eosmomcnocmeit TITY «Hon Kpanea», ya. H. Kpanes 1, 620K 1, ay. 101 MOJEPATOPBI: TOBOPO3HIOK Mapua, ‘xaswih cneusanuet Jenapramerra no oGpaxoBaHMo MoxOaexu H enopra, myHt KHMER; JEBENEBA Baxeumuna, npesusest OOmectnenno Accounanvm nereit M Mosioneat ¢ HHBamMAHOCTHIO «VITA; 09.00 — 09.45 Darija Udevicie Mahmuljin, xoucyswrasr no nporpaniwant, Mexxaynapoznas Ulkona Tlepxuuica avin cxerix. Tpesenmayot “Mali- dom’ acpes, Xopsaman) «neon yoump don peatunumas deme u (09.45- 10.30 Hepesepseea Mapuna, ceprudyuuponaxmi cnexwanucr 10 nosrovoaKe Nlezaroros, pa6oraoutiK co CHENOTKYXHMH HM HespaTIMTE evi co cHOxHINE HapyuleHHaMH, JleveKui Jom ax cneriornyxix, mendenyun ——pasoumnt Ceprues Tlocan, Pocena. Cospenennese opperyuonnoil nedacocuxu 6 Poceut, "AsO 11.00 Snudanosa Fauna, xmpexrop Jlerexoro Tlowa 218 Gnonorayxonentix ere, Cepriten Thora, Poceuts. Mpodnews Keogmunayin deme c xownrexciont vapywenu w epedeniee ‘secon, oocmyminie crenoeyrie, KAX eae dbaxmop wx yonewnort coywarusayu 11.00 11.30 Kope-6peitx 1130 — 12.30 Hepesepsesa Mapuna, ysurrea-nedpextonor, Jlevexstt Low yar enenorayxnx, Cepruen Toca, Pocens. Jemu ¢ nuoncecmeenitiy apyuennasr panumi. ‘Henanesoeanue memoda a menamusupoeauncen nagnooena rz dudenocmuxu demeli © ponocenasn MHOoCeCMaeHIe NOPYIUEHUANM PaSSUMID. 1230 13.00 Pyecy Huma, cnesransiaa wkona Ne 12° 38 cabocmmmax H rosaoorTOxtINK Aerelt, Kunuunés. Post napmueporss Srmrowenui: cents — pebenox - ywumers @ coyuanicayun demelt ¢ Smosecemeennunu napywenu 6 pascumun Dopwsr w Memon feocmumanus demeit/ ws ontima paGome. 13.00 14.30 Obed 1430 ~ 15.30 Tlepenepseea Mapuna, ceprudpmsposaniiitt enewuaniey tre nojroroaKe newaroros, paBOTaIOUlHK CO CTeTOTAYXAMIE H.C HEPAT even co cHOxHMH wapymicmnanst, [etext Tost ans exenOFTyxMs, Ceprnes Tlocax, Poceus. Coyuarenax adanmayua deme, unerues Teoeeme smoxcecmsennese wapywent pagum: goaworcvocmu epenexmusts. Men panunenno Coemxans, sonoworarenan wore 396 Kunmiés, Mosutona, Pare Cneyuaronol Onnuades Mosdoow tanenosuenoxs eocrumanui Gemel ¢ NpobReMaNtu 6 Pa3éum 16.00~ 16.30 Obeyandenue dus 1630 1730 Pabowit eusum: cnewnarias uiwona Ne 12 218 ‘cnaGocasimamx # nosaHoorvoxmix zeTel, KHITHHE PROGRAM OF THE CONFERENCE (English) October, 23 - 2014, ‘State Pedagogical University named after I. Creanga, Place of the conference: .Creanga street, 1, Conference hall, 101 PLENARY SESSION Moderators: MICO TGOR Professor, vice rector of intematonal afas, Sate Padagogs Unversity named afte. Creaga, Chisingu, Moldova BODORIN CORNELIA aoe ie head fh, ca fi so rnonedagny, State Pedagogical Univeriy named afer I, Crea ‘Chisinau, Moldova; " i 7 ANDRONAKE NIKOLAJ docent, the chair of special " ir of special paychopedagoy, ‘State Pedagogical University named after I. Creanga, Chisinau, Moldova 0800-1000 Regsration ofthe prdelpants 11200 11.00 Opening ceremony Greetings ofthe partpant ofthe conference Coe 0.10 Neolae Kikush, Vice chancellor, State Petagopca nvesiy amed afer. Creanga, Chisina, Moldova 1010". 1020, Michel Sleahite, Presidential Adviser on Cute Esucaton nd Science, Moldova 1g ~ 1830 Deas Ll Rea Coda Un Ste, Ear and Asi, 7.30 12.40 Tatiana Nagnibede-Trerdohleb, DGETS,Kishinevs jo.40 = 1080 Ruslan Loputia, president ofthe Society forthe Dea in Moldova Isa ari Chetan vie eset var vos in 1038 = 1.00 Yepfenova Gana, director of Chile's Home or the bin tnd deat ein Srgiv Posad (Russi) 1100-1130 Cotes Break 1150 ~ 1200 Ratova Magnusson Live -Seetiic project leader, tesearhe ofthe UCRS, Uppeaa Universi, Sweden. Development and TESS ofthe project Taman resources in povery and dsabity: family perspective”” . P00 7230 Denuls Lolly "Perkins School forthe Blind”, Re , ool forthe Blind”, Regional Ceontiator United Sates, Europe and Asia Society ~ Family - Cilren Sra utp disables in the development / wens, prospects, 20 12.30 ~ 13.00 Rusnok Vergine, PhD, Center for psychological help Republican President. Inclusive education in the context of educational ley. 13,00 - 14.00 Lunch tie 18.00 Eplfanova Galina, director forthe home for children wih rape. disabilities, Sergiev Pasad, Russi, Developing conditions for (qualitative education and upbringing of children with muftiPle disabilities. B10. 13.30 Melinianu Larisa, special teacher of the kindergatcn WY. reeMfor children with hearing problems, Chsinau, Moldova. Upbringine Thien with multiple disabilities in kindergarten and schools: ovt of practical experience Me50 1600 Romanova Margarita, special school Xe 6, Chistat Tegova. Upbringing children with multiple disabilities in Kindergarten and ‘schools: out of practical experience. Sea ow gLs Raku Aurelia, professor of the chair of | speral poychopedagogy, SPU named after I-Creanga. Extreme poverty ‘and human rights 16.15-16.30 Conclusions of the day 16 5018.00 Working visits. Special school N 6, Chisinau, Motdovt Kigterwarten N1O7 for children with hearing and related problems, Chisinau, Moldova. October, 24 - 2014 Working session I. Development of the theory of Human resources in special education ‘Place: SPU named after .Creanga 1Creanga street, sblock 2-19 Moderator: Kaltnnikova Magnusson Liya ~ scientific leader of the poles aooiener at Uppsala Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies (URS), rear lecturer of special education at University of Gavle, Sweden: docent of psychology, PhD in special education. So pa 09-20 Kalinnikova Magnusson Liya, The problem of understanding and mesuring of poverty in disability. aan eae gy Bodorin Comella, docent, the head of the chair of speci peychopedagogy, SPU named after 1.Creanga. Habilitation rspures in low race P familie of children with hearing problems in Moldova Republic, sare 10.20 Maksimeluc Victoria, senior Tecturer, the chair of specs) paychopedagogy, SPU named after [.Creanga, Social professional pevchopation of young people with mental retardation in Moldova Republic. 2 10.30-10.50 Belibova Silvia, senior lecturer, the chair of special psychopedagogy, SPU named after I.Creanga. Overcoming poverty: social resources in families upbringing teens with mental retardation. 11.00~ 11.30 Coffee Break 11.30-11.50 Chiperi Nadechda, senior lecturer of the chair of special psychopedagogy, SPU named after L.Creanga. Everyday experience of teens from the one parent family: a case of extreme poverty (Moldova Republic). 12.00-12.20 Liliya Hanzeruk, docent of the Institute of Correctional ‘and Psychology at NPU named after M.Dragomanov, Ukraine. Upbringing resource of a single mother of a child with disabilities. 12,30-12,50 Omeljanovich Trina, docent of the Irstitute of Correctional ‘and Psychology at NPU named after M.Dragomanov, Ukraine. The problem of employment of young people with mental retard Ukraine 13.00 ~ 14.30 Lunch 1430 — 14,50 Bazima Natalja, senior lecturer of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology at _NPU named after M.Dragomanov, Ukraine, Poverty affeetion of the development of children with disabilities. 14.50-15.00 Raku Aurelia, professor of tke chair of special psychopedagogy, SPU named after .Creanga. Social inclusion: overcoming poverty! 15.00-16.30 Round table Working session 2: Inclusive education and problem of human recources: ipsycho-pedagogical tools of empowering children and families. Placement of the session: I.Creanga street, I~ 101 Moderators: Lebedeva Valentina — president of the Association of children and youth with disabilities «VITA»; Povoroznuk Maria ~ the ‘main specialist of the Department of education and sport for youth of the Chisinau municipality, Moldova. 09.00 ~ 0945 Darija Udovicic Mahmuljin, consultant, International Perkin’s school for blind. “Mali-dom” Zagreb, Croatia) - Day Center for Rehabilitation of Children and Youth, (09,45-10.30 Pereverseva Marina, a certified specialist in training of teachers, working with deafblind/blind children with complex disorders, Children’s Home for the Deaf and Blind, Sergiev Posad, Russia Contemporary tendencies in special education in Russia 10.30-11.00 Epifanova Galina, Director, Children's Home for deaf-blind children, Sergiev Posed, Russia. Communicative problems of children with 2 complex disorders and communicative tools available for deafblind children as an important factor in their successful socialization 11.00 11.30 Coffee Break 1130 — 1230 Pereverseva Marina, Children’s Home for the Deaf and Blind, ‘Sergiev Posad, Russia. Children with multiple disabilities: 9 Systematic diagnostic. monitoring of children with severe multiple disabilities. $230 — 13.00 Rusu Nina, special school number 12 for the hearing impaired and late children, Kishinev. The role of partner relationships: the fanily = child = teacher in the socialization of children with multiple developmental disorders. Forms and methods of upbrinning children from the work experience. 13,00 ~ 14.30 Lunch 1430-15.30 Pereverseva Marina, Children's Home for the Deaf and Blind Serviev Posad, Russia, Social adaptation of ‘children with multiply developmental disabilittes: possibilities and perspectives, ; 15.30.16. 00 Danilenko Svetlana, special school X¢6, Chisinau, Moldova, “The role of special Olympic games in inclusive upbrining of children with disabilities. 16,.00-16,30 Discussions 16.30 - 17.30 Working visit: special school N12 for chilren with hearing problems, Chisinau, Moldova October 25-2014 ‘State Pedagogical University named after I. Creanga, Placement of the conference: lCreanga street, I.conference hall, 101 — Menderes sein doce, te head of the chair of special Baden Coe ye Pedagopil Unive aed fer 1. Crean, Chin, Molva Chim Moe sy Liga researcher t Uppsala Cntr for Rusan CCS), scion lee of special elation and rs eden dove of pjcoloy. PHD st spect easton «at tenina president oth Asciatn of hie ad yout wi ainiies eVITAD (09.00 — 11.00 Outputs of the conference: ‘Research and educational partnership 11,00 - 16.00 Excursion 23 JIPEHCIIOBHE H CIIOBA IIPH3HATEJIBHOCTH K KHHTE MATEPHAJIOB KOH®EPEHUHH Haywwse ——_pedakmoper —_—aeipasxcaiom —cnoea npusname:onocmu ecem yacmuuxam dannozo nayunozo npoexma, a make" yuacmuucam — 3aKmouumesnonoit xondepenuu - samemnozo nayxnozo cobwimus 3015 coda, Koubepenuna “HAPPATHB BEJIHOCTH B YCJIOBHAX CHCTEMHOM = TPAHC@OPMALIMM OBLILECTBA” snnaetes SAKMOMNTEABHBIM COGHITHEM MpoeKra «edoneyecKHe pecypchl B ceMbax 8 CHTYAUMH GeanocTH H mMHBanHHOcTH. Dror mpoext BLINOAHEH B PaMKAX Hay"HOTO TpaHTa, NpeTOCTABACHHOTO BHICLIHM yagutint conetow [nent ~ Vetenskapsrédet: 348-201 1-7346 [2012- 2014]. B pamxax xanHoro npoekra ocymecraasoce coTpysHMecTBO -MexCIY TPeMa HaYSHBINH CTPYKTypaAMH: + Haysutim Lestpom Pocciickx at Expanuticxix ucesenosannti [UCRS] yunepcutera Yonica, Usewis, Jlax KanmmxosaMarnyecon + Haysbit pyxouosTests npoekra, UCRS, Leeuw}; * — Hucriryrow Koppexuslonsio nevarorux Haumowanssioro Hlenarormeckoro Yunsepcurera wm.M.JIparowanoza [Buxtop Cunée - aysiu xoopannarop mpoexra, Kies, Vxpaital; + Kaipeapoit_ cneuuatsiolt nenxoneszroruxn Tocyaapernenioro Henaroriueckoro Yiusepesrera we. H.Kpsuro [Kopwesnts Boxopin 11 Cumons BeanGona - Haysibie Koopaniaropst npoexta, Kinee, PeenyGnmka Mona08a) Heccaeaosaremekas rpynna npoekra oGwenusna 11 yuequx xa sew, Yxpanust # PecnyGznks Moxos Buxropa Cuésa, akaewuka, npospeccopa, ampexropa MIKI, HITY x. M.Jiparostanona, Vxpauia; ‘Aunpes IMlestiosa, mpoeccopa KI, HITY uw. M.Jiparostanosa, Yepanna; ‘MlecTepirx ZOKTOPOB Hay, NoMEHTOR: Jiito KasninitxosyMarnyccon, HaysHoro pyxonoaureas. npocka, aysiworo corpyanutka uewrpa UCRS, yammeperreta Years, Une Kopnenito Boxoput Buixropio Maxemmyx, —xafpeapa cnennansnolt newxoneaaroruki, TTIY um. «H.Kpsuron, PecnyGmnxa Moaosa; 24 JIuamo Xawepyk, Upimy Oensanonis, Oxcany Kawyposcnyio, HIT, HITY un. M.JIparowanosa, Y «panna; ‘apy acninpatrron: Cwisamo BennGoay 4 Hanexay Kuneps, kaexpa creumannoit newxonenarornga, PTY un. «H4.Kpsursy, Pecny6amxa Monona, Tlepsan wacrs cSopunka Kouepenmumn Pasewmue meopuu ueioseueckux pecypcoe @ cneyuatonon o6pasoaanuu HarucaHa npeyicrasiresam —MecstenovaTembeKol rpyrimst oTpaxkaer NpoMexkyTOwHBle Pesy.ISTATHI MpoBeTENMNEIX UNH HecaIeOBANUI 8 ‘enonx crpaviax. Bee 97H HecmexoBannT aktHiBHO OGey»xaIHC B pawkax paGounx rpyrin n cecil Koncepentutm, Bropaa yacrs cGopxuka Huxnosusnoe o6pasosanue npoGiema weaoseveckux pecypcos: ncurorozo-nedaeoeureckue nodxode x codanwo eoxmaxcnocmei Axx demeii u ux ceMeil peactassena paGotamn cesenosateneli, KOTOpsie npoaBHH unrepee K AHHOH mpoGreMe jocTaTONHO caMocTOsTe:IbHO, esaBitcnmo oT mpoekra. Bce 3T0 roxopHT 0 TOM, 470 HaysHan Tea, PASBHRAeMAN B PAMKAX HaSBAHHOTO MpOeKTa AB:CTCR AKTYATDIIO! H pesnuivalitio RocrpeSonanoi Hacrommmnn oGctoavesbeTBaMH ‘rpavicopMupyiouuixer OGutecTB, KaKHAM swamIoveR YkpauHia W PeenyGauka Moao,tsa. Mul viexpene nateewes, To oGcyxaaeMbili_B mpoeKte oxox GyseT passuparbes H Hay'4HOE CooGuLecTHO, paGoTaIoMtee # Aawsiom — Manpasnennn, — Gysler_—pupacrarb——-HopbiNu. ncesetoBaTEnaNt Pykosoauten mpoekra mM Hay4ubiii peaaxrop cOopanKa konepenuumt, Haysnbsit corpyaHuK ueHTpa UCRS, yaupepenrer Ynneatts, news un Karunnuxoea Macnyccon. Hays penaxtop cGoprnka, acnupastr, npenosasaress xabeapst creunanbroi ncuxonenarorncn TITY us. H.Kpaura, Kuumnée, PecnyGanka Moazo8a Curbeun Bexuboea, PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TO THE CONFERENCE BOOK: The scientific editors express their gratitude to all the Participants of the research project, as well as participants of the final conference - a significant scientific event in 2015. The conference “A PICTURES OF POVERTY IN SOCIETIES UNDER TRANSFORMATION? is the final event of the project "Human resources in poverty and disability: a family perspective”. This project was carried out within the scientific grant from the Swedish Highest Academic Council - Vetenskapsriidet: 348-201 1-7346 [2012-2014], ‘There was cooperation undertaken between three universities within the frame of this project: ‘The Research Center of Russian and Eurasian Studies [UCRS] University of Uppsala, Sweden, (Liya Kalinnikova Magnusson - scientific leader of the project, UCRS, Sweden} The Institute of Special Pedagogy of the National Pedagogical University named after M.Dragomanova [Viclor Sinev - scientific ‘coordinator of the project, Academician, Professor, Kiev, Ukraine} he Chair of special psycho-pedagogy at the State Pedagogical University named after L.Creanga [Comelia Bodorn and Silvia Belibova the scientific coordinators of the project, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova}, ‘The research team of the project brought together 11 senior scientists from Sweden, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova Victor Sinev, Academician, professor, ICP, NPU named after M.Dragomanov, Ukraine, Professor Andrij Shevtsov, ICP, NPU named after M.Dragomanov, Ukraine; six doctors and associate professors: Liya Kalinnikova Magnusson, Researcher of the UCRS, University ‘of Uppsala, Sweden; Comelia Bodorin and Victoria Maximeiue, SPU named after | Creanga, Republic of Moldova: Lilliya Hanzeruk, Irina Omelyanovich, Oxana Kachurovska, ICP, [PU named after M.Dragomanov, Ukraine; two PhD students: Silvia Belibova and Nadezhda Chiperi, named after [.Creanga, Republic of Moldova. ‘The first part of the Conference Book “Development of the theory of human resources in special education” written by the members of the project research team, presents the intermediate results of the undertaken research in their countries. All of these studies were actively discussed in the working groups and sessions of the conference. ‘The second part of the book Inclusive education and problem of human resources: psycho-pedagogical tools of empowering children and families is represented by the texts of researchers who have shown interest in this issue by their own, regardless of the project. All these outputs are showing that the scientific theme developed by the project. is relevant and further investigations extremely asked for because of the actual circumstances in transforming societies such as Ukraine and Republic of Moldova. We sincerely hope that the scientific approach of the discussed project will be further developed and that the scientific community focusing on the studying of this problem will grow. Leader of the project and scientific editor of this Conference Book, Researcher of the center Russian and Eurasian studies at the University of Uppsala, Sweden Liya KalinnikovaMagnusson Scientific editor of the Conference Book, PhD student, lecturer of the chair of special psycho-pedagogy SPU, named after I.Crean Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Silvia Belibova

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