Department of Education: Enclosure 1. Opcr For Ius

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Enclosure 1.

OPCR for IUs

Department of Education
La Trinidad, Benguet


School Year 2021 - 2022

I, (name of personnel), (position and school), commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the folowing targets in accordance with the indicated measures for the period October 2021 to June 2022.
MFOs Key Result Areas OBJECTIVES TIMELINE Weight per KRA PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Results Rating Score
(KRAs) Quality Efficiency Timeliness (Possible MOVs) Q E T Average
1. Leading Ensured engagement of school community in October 2021 to 5% 5 Implemented 85-100% of PPAS within the Engaged with the community and implemented school plans that resulted to the 1. Accomplishment Reports for
Strategically (20%) the implementation of school plans aligned with June 2022 rating period attainment of SBM level 2 and recommendation for SBM level 3 within the rating PAPs implemented
DepED vision, mission, core values, and period 2. SMEA Reports
instructional goals and policies 3. Certification of SBM level
4 Implemented 80-84% of PPAS within the Engaged with the community and implemented school plans that resulted to the
rating period attainment of SBM level 2 and provision of assistance for SBM level 3 within the
rating period
3 Implemented 75-79% of PPAS within the Engaged with the community and implemented school plans that resulted to the
rating period attainment of SBM level 2 within the rating period

2 Implemented 70-74% of PPAS within the Engaged with the community and implemented school plans that resulted to the
rating period attainment of SBM level 1 and recommendation for SBM level 2 within the rating
1 Implemented 69 % and below of PPAS Engaged with the community and implemented school plans that resulted to the
within the rating period attainment of SBM level 1 within the rating period

Managed collaboration with school personnel October 2021 to 5% 5 School/cluster conducted one research Collaborated with school personnel in the conduct of research and implementation 1. Approved Research Proposal
in the conduct of research and utilization of June 2022 and implemented an innovative project of innovative project within the rating period 2. Completion Report
findings in facilitating data-driven and from the research, with approved 3. Approved Innovation Project
evidence-based innovations to improve school proposal and completion reports during Proposal and Completion Report, if
performance the rating period implemented

4 School/cluster conducted one research Collaborated with school personnel in the conduct of research and proposal of
and used results for the preparation of an innovative project within the rating period
innovatve project from the research, with
approved proposal during the rating

3 School/cluster conducted one research Collaborated with school personnel in the conduct of research within the rating
within the rating period period

2 School/cluster had one research proposal Collaborated with school personnel in preparing research proposal within the rating
be approved by the SDO within the rating period

1 School/cluster prepared one research There was no sign of collaboration in the preparation of research proposal within
proposal within the rating period the rating period
Managed the design and application of October 2021 to 5% 5 Learners' voices were utilized as 91 to 100% of the identified learner- participants were involved in any of the 1. Attendance during school and
effective strategies in utilizing learner's voice, June 2022 evidenced by application of ALL of the strategies within the rating period community activities/ programs/
such as feelings, views, and/or opinions to following strategies: meetings
inform policy development and decision- a. involvement of learners in programs or 2. Sample feedback/ insights/
making towards school improvement activities that focus on community welfare suggestions/ opinions of learners
or support; regarding school and community
b. active involvement of learners in issues
meetings and planning sessions that 3. Report on School-initiated
require decision-making, such as but not programs/projects/activities geared
limited to SIP Planning; towards listening to learners' voices
c. opportunity for a courteous 4. Composition and
expressionof their opinion/s about school accomplishment report of student
and/or community issues using any of organizations
tyhe folowing; school publications, fora,
school bulletin board, opinion box, other
related platforms for expression of
d. opportunity to participate in surveys,
interviews or polls that concern their well-
e. organization of a functional school
student or pupil government

4 Utilization of learners' voice was evident 81 to 90% of the identified learner-participants were involved in any of the
3 through theofapplication
Utilization of 4 out
learners' voice wasofevident
the 5 strategies
71 to 80% within
of the the rating learner-participants
identified period learners were involved in any of the
2 strategies
through theidentified
Utilization above
learners' of 3 out
voice wasofevident
the 5 strategies
61 to 70% within
of the the rating learner-participants
identified period were involved in any of the
1 strategies
through theidentified
Utilization ofapplication of 2 out
learners' voice wasofevident
the 5 strategies
51 to 60% within
of the the rating learner-participants
identified period learners were involved in any of the
Managed the design of supplemental October 2021 to 5% 5 strategies
Responses theidentified
from of 1 out of the
the school-based M&E5 strategies within the
Standard process rating
was periodin the design of supplemental monitoring and
followed 1. Designation of school M&E team
monitoring and evaluation tools following June 2022 strategies
Tool were identified
analyzed to make instructional evaluation tool/s: 2. Attendance and minutes of
standard processes to promote learner and administrative decisions leading to a. Objectives were clearly expressed; monitoring and evaluation
achievement learners' progress b. Directions for use were comprehensively explained; 3. Accomplished monitoring and
c. Persons involved and their specific roles or terms of reference were laid out; evaluation tools
d. Timetable for its utilization was organized; 4. Catch-up plan/ ways forward
e. Strategy for analysis and utilization of responses were logically defined

4 The school-based M&E Tool was learner- Four of the standards were evident in the design of the supplemental monitoring
centered, i. e it highlights on continuous and evaluation tool/s
analysis of data involving their academic
progress and looks into learner profiles to
describe their non-academic needs

3 The school-based M&E Tool was utilized Three of the standards were evident in the design of the supplemental monitoring
for SMEA following the SMEA process and evaluation tool/s

2 The school-based M&E Tool was Two of the standards were evident in the design of the supplemental monitoring
conceptualized by an M&E Team that and evaluation tool/s
includes external stakeholders

1 The school-based M&E Tool was Only one of the standards was evident in the design of the supplemental
conceptualized by an M&E Team monitoring and evaluation tool/s
2. Managing School Capacitated school personnel in managing October 2021 to 3% 5 All the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate: MOVs were uploaded/ submitted at 1. Designation of School LIS
Operations and school data and information using technology, June 2022 1. Designation of School LIS Coordinator least 2 working days before the Coordinator
Resources (35%) including ICT, to ensure effective and efficient 2. School Memo on LIS concerns deadline. 2. School Memo on LIS concerns
school operations 3. Certification from SDO planning office re EBEIS / LIS completion 3. Certification from SDO planning
4. Action Plan on school data management (collection, analysis, presentation and office re EBEIS / LIS completion,
utilization of the data) students' records, SF 4, SF 5, SF 6
5. Accomplishment report of the action plan 4. Action Plan on school data
6. For Secondary Schools, Ceritification from HRMO that GMIS (PSIPOP) has been management (collection, analysis,
updated presentation and utilization of the
5. Accomplishment report of the
action plan
4 Four (4) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate. MOVs were uploaded/ submitted 1 6. For Secondary Schools,
working day before the due date. Ceritification from HRMO that GMIS
(PSIPOP) has been updated
3 Three (3) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate. MOVs were uploaded/ submitted on the
due date.
2 Two (2) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate. MOVs were uploaded/ submitted 1
working day after the due date.

1 One (1) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate. MOVs were uploaded/ submitted at
least 2 working days after the due date.

Exhibited efficient and effective practices in the October 2021 to 7% 5 FOR IUs (as of Dec. 2021): All liquidation report/s were submitted at 1. SPMR
management of finances consistently adhering June 2022 At least 100% of the MOOE and other support funds were utilized and liquidated in least 2 working days before the due 2. BFAR1
to policies, guidelines, and issuances in adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. date. 3. FAR4 as of December 2021
allocation, procurement, disbursement, and
liquidation aligned to school plans.=

4 91-99% of the MOOE and other support funds were utilized and liquidated in All liquidation report/s were submitted 1
adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. working day before the due date.

3 81-90% of the MOOE and other support funds were utilized and liquidated in All liquidation report/s were submitted on
adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. the due date.

2 71-80% of the MOOE and other support funds were utilized and liquidated in All liquidation report/s were submitted 1
adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. working day after the due date.

1 70% and below of the MOOE and other support funds were utilized and liquidated in All liquidation report/s were submitted at
adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. least 2 working days after the due date.

October 2021 to 5 FOR IUs (as of June 30, 2022): All liquidation report/s were submitted at 1. SPMR
June 2022 At least 50% of the MOOE and other support funds were utilized and 100% were least 2 working days before the due 2. BFAR 1
liquidated in adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. date. 3. FAR 4 as of June 2022

4 45-49% of the MOOE and other support funds were utilized and 100% were All liquidation report/s were submitted 1
liquidated in adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. working day before the due date.

3 40-44% of the MOOE and other support funds were utilized and 100% were All liquidation report/s were submitted on
liquidated in adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. the due date.

2 35-39% of the MOOE and other support funds were utilized and 100% were All liquidation report/s were submitted 1
liquidated in adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. working day after the due date.

1 34% and below of the MOOE and other support funds were utilized and 100% were All liquidation report/s were submitted at
liquidated in adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. least 2 working days after the due date.

October 2021 to 7% 5 FOR IUs: All report/s were submitted 1 working AAPSI
June 2022 At least 100% compliance to audit observation memorandum/ notice of suspension/ day before the due date.
notice of disallowance received from the commission on audit.
October 2021 to 7% AAPSI
June 2022

4 91-99% compliance to audit observation memorandum/ notice of suspension/ notice All report/s were submitted 1 working
of disallowance received from the commission on audit. day before the due date.

3 81-90% compliance to audit observation memorandum/ notice of suspension/ notice All report/s were submitted on the due
of disallowance received from the commission on audit. date.

2 71-80% compliance to audit observation memorandum/ notice of suspension/ notice All report/s were submitted 1 working
of disallowance received from the commission on audit. day after the due date.

1 70% and below compliance to audit observation memorandum/ notice of All report/s were submitted at least 2
suspension/ notice of disallowance received from the commission on audit. working days after the due date.

October 2021 to 5% 5 FOR IUs: All financial report/s were submitted 1 Transmittal Letter
June 2022 100% submission of financial reports with complete supporting documents to COA, working day before the due date.
DBM, RO and DO.
4 91-99% submission of financial reports with complete supporting documents to All financial report/s were submitted 1
COA, DBM, RO and DO. working day before the due date.

3 81-90% submission of financial reports with complete supporting documents to All financial report/s were submitted on
COA, DBM, RO and DO. the due date.
2 71-80% submission of financial reports with complete supporting documents to All financial report/s were submitted 1
COA, DBM, RO and DO. working day after the due date.

1 70% and below submission of financial reports with complete supporting documents All financial report/s were submitted at
to COA, DBM, RO and DO. least 2 working days after the due date.

Ensured establishment of shared accountability October 2021 to 5% 5 Five (5) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate to ensure shared All report/s were submitted at least 2 1. Inventory Report of Movable
in managing school facilities and equipment in June 2022 accountability: working days before the due date. Property;
adherence to policies, guidelines and a. Designation of supply officer/ property custodian, physical facilities coordinator, 2. PPEI (Property, Plant and
issuances on acquisition, recording, utilization, ICT coordinator, school librarian, BAC members/ inspection team and laboratory in- Equipment Inventory);
repair and maintenance, storage, and disposal charge 3. PAR (Property Acknowledgement
b. School memo on managing school facilities and equipment Receipt);
c. Updated school inventory submitted to the SDO Supply Office; 4. NSBI (National School Building
d. Report on repair and maintenance of school facilities and other ancillary facilities Inventory);
(Toilets, MRFs, Library etc.); 5. Deed of donations received;
e. List of donations received; 6. Waste Materials' Reports;
f. Acknowledgement receipts on issuance of supplies and equipment; 7. Approved request Letter for
g. Report on disposal of unserviceable equipment Condemnation (if applicable);
8. ICS (Inventory Custodian Slip)

4 Four (4) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate to ensure shared All report/s were submitted 1 working
accountability. day before the due date.

3 Three (3) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate to ensure shared All report/s were submitted on the due
accountability. date.
2 Two (2) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate to ensure shared All report/s were submitted 1 working
accountability. day after the due date.

1 One (1) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate to ensure shared All report/s were submitted at least 2
accountability. working days after the due date.

Ensured engagement of school personnel in October 2021 to 3% 5 Management of school staff was evident Engagement was ensured among 91 to 100% of the school personnel within the 1. Consolidated teachers'
managing staff such as teaching load June 2022 as shown by the following mechanisms: rating period schedule/assignment/classroom
distribution and grade level and subject a. program;
assignment in adherence to laws, policies, Consolidated teachers' 2. School Form 7;
guidelines and issuances based on the needs schedule/assignment/classroom program; 3. School Memo on school
of the school b. activities;
School Form 7; 4. Designation Memo (Ancillary
c. School assignment of teachers);
Memo on school activities 5. Minutes of Faculty meetings

d. Designation Memo (Ancillary

assignment of teachers);
e. Minutes of Faculty
4. Designation Memo (Ancillary
assignment of teachers);
5. Minutes of Faculty meetings

4 Four of the mechanisms were evident Engagement was ensured among 81 to 90% of the school personnel within the
rating period
3 Three of the mechanisms were evident Engagement was ensured among 71 to 80% of the school personnel within the
rating period
2 Two of the mechanisms were evident Engagement was ensured among 61 to 70% of the school personnel within the
rating period
1 Only one of the mechanisms was evident Engagement was ensured among 51 to 60% of the school personnel within the
rating period
Managed school safety for disaster October 2021 to 5% 5 School safety to maintain continuous delivery of instruction was managed as evidenced by obtaining at least 630 of the 638 SSAT result with supporting photo
preparedness, mitigation and resiliency to June 2022 indicators in the School Safety Assessment Tool documents
maintain continuous delivery of instruction in
4 School safety to maintain continuous delivery of instruction was managed as evidenced by obtaining at least 615 of the 638
collaboration with the wider school community
indicators in the School Safety Assessment Tool
3 School safety to maintain continuous delivery of instruction was managed as evidenced by obtaining at least 600 of the 638
indicators in the School Safety Assessment Tool
2 School safety to maintain continuous delivery of instruction was managed as evidenced by obtaining at least 530 of the 638
indicators in the School Safety Assessment Tool
1 School safety to maintain continuous delivery of instruction was managed as evidenced by obtaining at least 500 of the 638
indicators in the School Safety Assessment Tool
3. Focusing on Managed teamwork in the conduct of review, October 2021 to 5% 5 The School Academic Review Board was All QA LRs were utilized in the delivery of learning within the rating period through 1. Composition and Designation of
Teaching and contextualization, and implementation of June 2022 organized that facilitated the review, blended learning modality or the use of 3 or more learning delivery modalities the School Academic Review
Learning (25%) learning standards to make the curriculum contextualization and implementation of 8 Board;
relevant for learners or more QA LRs in the school 2. List of Quality Assured LRs
validated by the ARB
3. Data of learners involved in
various learning delivery modalities
4 The School Academic Review Board was All QA LRs were utilized in learning delivery within the rating period using two
certified by the School Head and
organized that facilitated the review, modalities
photo documentation of utilization of
contextualization, and implementation of 6
learning resources in various
to 7 QA LRs in the school
learning delivery modalities

3 The School Academic Review Board was All QA LRs were utilized in learning delivery within the rating period using only one
organized that facilitated the review, modality
contextualization, and implementation of 5
QA LRs in the school

2 The School Academic Review Board was Some of the QA LRs were utilized in learning delivery within the rating period using
organized that facilitated the review, only one modality
contextualization, and implementation of 3
to 4 QA LRs in the school

1 The School Academic Review Board was None of the QA LRs were utilized in learning delivery within the rating period
organized that facilitated the review,
contextualization, and implementation of 2
QA LRs in the school

Ensured engagement of school personnel such October 2021 to 5% 5 Targets were achieved based on MISP Conducted 2 classroom observations per teacher using the RPMS-COT and 2 1. MISP;
as master teachers, head teachers and June 2022 with LAC/SLAC session on best practices additional classroom observations using other observation tools within the rating 2. Performance Monitoring and
department heads in providing Technical period with technical assistance Coaching Form;
Assistance to teachers on teaching standards 3. Observation Notes/
and pedagogies within and across learning Accomplished COT
areas to improve their teaching practice 4 Targets were achieved based on MISP Conducted 2 classroom observations per teacher using the RPMS-COT and 1
with Technical Assistance/ Mentoring/ additional classroom observation using other observation tools within the rating
Coaching period with technical assistance

3 Targets were achieved based on MISP Conducted 2 classroom observations per teacher within the rating period using the
RPMS-COT with technical assistance
2 Teacher were observed based on MISP Conducted 1 classroom observation per teacher within the rating period using the
RPMS-COT with technical assistance
1 MISP was prepared but no proof of Conducted 1 classroom observation per teacher within the rating period using the
implementation RPMS-COT without evidence of technical assistance

Managed engagement with the wider school October 2021 to 5% 5 In collaboration with the school and 90% of the learners obtained a General Weighted Average of at least 80% within
1. Data on quarterly assessment
community in developing data-based June 2022 community stakeholders, analyzed data the rating period results for the SY certified by the
interventions to sustain learner-achievement were used to design interventions to School Head
and attain other performance indicators address learner-achievement gaps 2. Minutes of Meetings with School
Stakeholders to prove that
assessment results were discussed
4 Data on learner-achievement and other 85% to 89% of the learners obtained a General Weighted Average of at least 80% and interventions for achievement
performance indicators were analyzed within the rating period gaps were planned and
with the school stakeholders implemented;
3. Sample Integrative Performance
Tasks and Rubrics
3 Data on learner-achievement and other 80% to 84% of the learners obtained a General Weighted Average of at least 80%
performance indicators were analyzed by within the rating period
the School Head
2 Data on learner-achievement and other 75% to 79% of the learners obtained a General Weighted Average of at least 80%
performance indicators were gathered within the rating period
and consolidated for analysis

1 Data on learner-achievement and other 74% and less of the learners obtained a General Weighted Average of at least
performance indicators were gathered 80% within the rating period

Engaged the wider school community in October 2021 to 5% 5 The school garnered a score of 35 and above in the validated Child Friendly School System survey form within the rating 1. Accomplished Child friendly
maintaining a learner-friendly, inclusive and June 2022 period School Survey validated by School
healthy learning environment CFSS Validating Team (PTA
4 The school garnered a score of 30-34 in the validated Child Friendly School System survey form within the rating period President, SPG/SSG President,
School Nurse, Faculty President,
3 The school garnered a score of 25 - 29 in the validated Child Friendly School System survey form within the rating period Guidance Designate/ Guidance
2. Minutes of Meetings by the
2 The school garnered a score of 21- 24 in the validated Child Friendly School System survey form within the rating period
Validation team to prove evaluation
was done
1 The school garnered a score of 20 and below in the validated Child Friendly School System survey form within the rating
Ensured that learner discipline policies October 2021 to 5% 5 91% - 100% of the learner discipline policies developed with stakeholders were integrated into various school processes and 1. Student Handbook/ CPC Intake
developed with stakeholders are integrated into June 2022 applied by all school personnel at all times forms
various school processes and are applied 2. Proofs of the integration of
consistently at all times, by all school personnel 4 81%-90% of the learner discipline policies developed with stakeholders were integrated into various school processes and learner discipline policies in school
at all levels applied by all school personnel at all times processes like: sample lesson
3 71%-80% of the learner discipline policies developed with stakeholders were integrated into various school processes and plans or WHLP; accomplishment
applied by all school personnel at all times report of PAPs
2 61%- 70% of the learner discipline policies developed with stakeholders were integrated into various school processes and
applied by all school personnel at all times
1 51%-60% of the learner discipline policies developed with stakeholders were integrated into various school processes and
applied by all school personnel at all times
4. Developing Self Managed the conduct of monitoring and October 2021 to 5% 5 50% of the total number of teachers Implemented the 4 phases of the RPMS as scheduled, with ALL of the following 1. SAT with development plan
and Others (10%) evaluation with school personnel on the June 2022 attained a performance rating of 4.5 to 5.0 documents as evidence: (Phase 1);
implementation of performance management (Outstanding) a. IPDP with SAT/e-SAT (Phase 1), 2. Filled-out coaching/mentoring
system to ensure career advancement for b. Filled-out coaching / mentoring forms - 1 per quarter (Phase 2) Coaching Forms, forms- 1 per quarter; Minutes of
individual school personnel and to improve c. Minutes of Mid-Year Review (Phase 2), Mid-year Review (Phase 2)
office performance d. 3. Minutes of Year-End
Minutes of Year-End Review/ Evaluation (Phase 3), Review/Evaluation; IPCRF with final
e. IPCRF with final rating signed by the Ratee and Rater (Phase 3), rating signed by Ratee and Rater
f. IPDP/Any document of awarding done (Phase 4). (Phase 3);
4. Development plan and any
document of awarding done (Phase
4 50% of the total number of teachers Implemented the 4 phases of the RPMS as scheduled, with 5 of the above listed 4)
attained a performance rating of 3.5 to documents as evidence
4.499 (Very Satisfactory)

3 Implemented the 4 phases of the RPMS as scheduled, with 4 of the above listed
50% of the total number of teachers documents as evidence
attained an average rating of 2.5 to 3.499
2 Implemented the 4 phases of the RPMS as scheduled, with 3 of the above listed
50% of the total number of teachers documents as evidence
attained a performance rating of 1.5 to
2.499 (Unsatisfactory)
1 50% of the total number of teachers Implemented the 4 phases of the RPMS as scheduled, with 2 of the above listed
attained a performance rating below documents as evidence
1.499 (Poor)
Managed fair and equal distribution of October 2021 to 3% Capacity building or professional development opportunities were provided to both teaching and non-teaching personnel in 1. Sample Certificate as resource
capacity-building or professional development June 2022 the school within the rating period as evidenced by the following indicators: speaker/ facilitator/ demostration
opportunities for individuals and teams to a. School personnel served as resource speaker/facilitator/demostration teacher at the school/district/division/regional level teacher at the school/ district/
effectively perform leadership roles and trainings or INSETs; division/ regional level trainings;
responsibilities in fostering shared governance b. Recommended school personnel to serve as resource speaker or facilitator at the district /division/regional level trainings; 2. Recommendation letter;
and accountability c. Designation of school personnel as school/district coordinator of program committees; 3. Designation through district/
d. School personnel were sent to higher level trainings (District, Division, Regional, National, or International levels); division memo;
e. Personnel attended scholarship programs (under Magna Carta, SIRIB, SEAMEO, DAP, other DepEd-authorized 4. Certificate of trainings;
scholarships) ; 5. Certificate of participation to
f. Personnel enrolled/completed post-graduate courses; scholarship programs (under Magna
g. Personnel were assigned as school OIC in the absence of the school Head; Carta, SIRIB, Excels, others);
h. All personnel were given opportunities to serve as committee chair or vice chair persons of technical working or planning 6. Permit to study;
committees 7. Designation as OIC;
8. Designation as committee chair
or vice-chair

5 91% to 100% of the school personnel experienced any of the listed opportunities
6 of the indicators were met
within the rating period
4 81% to 90% of the school personnel experienced any of the listed opportunities
5 of the indicators were met within the rating period
3 71% to 80% of the school personnel experienced any of the listed opportunities
4 of the indicators were met
within the rating period
2 61% to 70% of the school personnel experienced any of the listed opportunities
3 of the indicators were met within the rating period
1 51% to 60% of the school personnel experienced any of the listed opportunities
2 of the indicators were met within the rating period
Worked with school personnel to encourage October 2021 to 2% 5 Implemented 6 of the following indicators: 1. Composition of School PRAISE
stakeholders to support the implementation of June 2022 a. Organized school PRAISE committee; Committee;
the school rewards system in recognizing and b. Conducted school level search for best performing personnel; 2. School/ District memo
motivating learners, school personnel and c. Awarded deserving personnel; recommending school personnel for
other stakeholders to sustain exemplary d. Recommended school personnel for district/division/regional level search and other searches; district/ division/ regional level
performance and/or continued support e. Recognized school stakeholders for support; search and other searches;
f. Participated in the district/division level search for best performing school head/ best performing school; 3. Sample Certificate of recognition
g. Teacher/s received school/ district/ division/ regional/ national/ international awards; of learner/s in the school/ district/
h. Non-teaching personnel received school/ district/ division/ regional/ national/ international awards; division/ regional/ national level
i. Learner/s received school/ district/ division/ regional/ national/ international awards competition;
4. Sample certificate of participation
in the district/ division level search
4 Implemented 5 of the above-listed 91% to 100% of the school personnel and stakeholders participated in any of the or other searches for best
3 indicators 4 of the above-listed
Implemented listedtoopportunities
81% within the
90% of the school rating period
personnel and stakeholders participated in any of the performing school/ school head,
2 indicators
Implemented 3 of the above-listed listed
71% toopportunities within the
80% of the school rating period
personnel and stakehollders participated in any of the 5. Sample certificate of recognition
indicators listedtoopportunities within the rating period given to stakeholders with photo
1 Implemented 2 of the above-listed 61% 70% of the school personnel and stakeholders participated in any of the
indicators listed opportunities within the rating period
5. Building Engaged the wider school community in October 2021 to 5% 5 Involved different stakeholders and Engaged at least 5 different stakeholders and/or partners in planning, 1. Action Plan per program/ project
Connections (10%) promoting inclusive practices, such as gender June 2022 partners in the conduct of atleast five (5) implementation and evaluation of any 3 programs /projectsas enumerated engaging different stakeholders;
sensitivity, physical and mental health of the following programs/activities with 2. Accomplishment reports of the
awareness and culture responsiveness, to complete MOVs: implementation of programs that
strengthen awareness, acceptance and 1. GAD seminar/activity promote inclusive practices;
respect 2. IPEd actvity 3. Evaluation reports of the
3. Psychosocial Support program/ project;
4. Home Visitation 4. Attendance of Stakeholders
5. Homeroom Guidance Program during the conduct of
6. Galaw Pilipinas activities/program.
7. Others (Please specify)
awareness and culture responsiveness, to implementation of programs that
strengthen awareness, acceptance and promote inclusive practices;
respect 3. Evaluation reports of the
program/ project;
4. Attendance of Stakeholders
during the conduct of

4 Involved different stakeholders and Engaged at most 4 different stakeholders and/or partners in planning,
partners in the conduct of four (4) of the implementation and evaluation of any 3 of the enumerated programs /projects
following programs/activities with
complete MOVs

3 Involved different stakeholders and Engaged at most 3 different stakeholders and/or partners in planning,
partners in the conduct of three (3) of the implementation and evaluation of any 3 of the enumerated Programs/ Projects.
following programs/activities with
complete MOVs
2 Involved different stakeholders and Engaged at most 2 different stakeholders and/or partners in planning,
partners in the conduct of two (2) of the implementation and evaluation of the enumerated Programs/ Projects.
following programs/activities with
complete MOVs
1 Involved different stakeholders and Engaged at most 1 stakeholder and/or partner in planning, implementation and
partners in the conduct of one (1) of the evaluation of the enumerated Programs/ Projects.
following programs/activities with
complete MOVs

Empowered the community, such as parents, October 2021 to 5% 5 All the following were provided as proofs Generated 80,000 pesos or more (in Submitted accomplishment report one 1. Sample copy of accomplished
alumni, authorities, industries, and other June 2022 that empowered stakeholders participated cash or kind) or 4 specific week after the implementation of the MOA,
stakeholders, to participate in addressing in addressing identified school needs: Learners/school/community needs were activity 2. Sample of signed Deed of
concerns on learner development, as well as a. Proof of stakeholders' meeting (e.g., addressed through the involvement or donations/ acknowledgement
school and community improvement minutes of meetings with attendance participation of internal and external receipt,
sheet; proof of leadership in the partners. 3. List of officers - PTA, SGC,
learners’/parents’ orientation, etc.) (NOTED: Funds/ assistance received but SSG/SPG, Alumni Association,
b. Any form of communication to not requested must not be included) 4. List of donations,
stakeholders (e.g., notice of meeting, 5. Attendance and pictorials during
request letters, resolution, ) marked ASPUAN de PARENTES/IYAMAN
received. documentation
c. Proof of implementation of an activity to
address school needs.
d. Proof of program/project Partnership of
LGU or Industry Partners that supports
the learners’ performance

4 3 of the above proofs were provided Generated 41,000- 79,999 pesos ( in Submitted accomplishment report two
3 2 of the above proofs were provided cash or kind)
Generated or 3 specific
20,000 - 40,999 pesos ( in weeks
the implementation of three
report the
2 1 of the above proofs were provided Learners/school/community
cash or kind)less
Generated or 2than 20,000 ( in cash or activity
specific needs were weeks afteraccomplishment
Submitted the implementation of four
report the
kind) through the involvement
or 1 specific needs or weeks
were activity afteraccomplishment
the implementation of more
1 None of the enumerated proofs was No amount
of generated
internal and nor specific
external Submitted report
provided addressed throught the involvement
Learners/school/community needs or than
needs were
were activity
one month after the implementation
100% Over-all
partners. Rating
participation of
addressed through
through the
or external
the involvement
involvement oror of the activity
*To get the score, the rating is multiplied by the weight assigned. Adjectival
participation Rating
participation of
of internal and
internal and external

RATER: RATEE: Approving Authority:

CARMEL F. MERIS ___________________________ GLORIA B. BUYA-AO

CES, OIC - Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent School Principal Schools Division Superintendent
Enclosure 2. OPCR for Elementary and Non-IUs

Department of Education
La Trinidad, Benguet


School Year 2021 - 2022

I, MILDRED V. SEPULCHRE, School Principal of Sablan National High School - main, commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the folowing targets in accordance with the indicated measures for the period October 2021 to June 2022.
MFOs Key Result Areas OBJECTIVES TIMELINE Weight per KRA PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Results Rating Score
(KRAs) Quality Efficiency Timeliness (Possible MOVs) Q E T Average
1. Leading Ensur ed engagement of school community in O ctober 2021 to 5% 5 Implemented 85-100% of PPAS within the Engaged with the community and implemented school plans that r esulted to the 1. Accomplishment Repor ts for
Strategically (20%) the implementation of school plans aligned with June 2022 r ating period attainment of SBM level 2 and r ecommendation for SBM level 3 within the r ating PAPs implemented
DepED vision, mission, core values, and period 2. SMEA Repor ts
instr uctional goals and policies 4 Implemented 80-84% of PPAS within the Engaged with the community and implemented school plans that r esulted to the 3. Certification of SBM level
r ating period attainment of SBM level 2 and provision of assistance for SBM level 3 within the
r ating period
3 Implemented 75-79% of PPAS within the Engaged with the community and implemented school plans that r esulted to the
r ating period attainment of SBM level 2 within the rating period

2 Implemented 70-74% of PPAS within the Engaged with the community and implemented school plans that r esulted to the
r ating period attainment of SBM level 1 and r ecommendation for SBM level 2 within the r ating
1 Implemented 69 % and below of PPAS Engaged with the community and implemented school plans that r esulted to the
within the r ating period attainment of SBM level 1 within the rating period

Managed collaboration with school personnel O ctober 2021 to 5% 5 School/cluster conducted one research Collaborated with school personnel in the conduct of research and implementation 1. Approved Research Proposal
in the conduct of resear ch and utilization of June 2022 and implemented an innovative project of innovative project within the rating per iod 2. Completion Report
findings in facilitating data- driven and fr om the research, with approved 3. Approved Innovation Project
evidence-based innovations to improve school proposal and completion r eports dur ing Pr oposal and Completion Repor t, if
per for mance the rating period implemented

4 School/cluster conducted one research Collaborated with school personnel in the conduct of research and proposal of
and used results for the preparation of an innovative project within the rating period
innovatve project from the research, with
approved proposal during the rating

3 School/cluster conducted one research Collaborated with school personnel in the conduct of research within the rating
within the r ating period period

2 School/cluster had one r esearch proposal Collaborated with school personnel in prepar ing research pr oposal within the rating
be appr oved by the SDO within the rating period

1 School/cluster pr epared one r esearch T her e was no sign of collaboration in the preparation of r esearch proposal within
proposal within the rating period the rating period

Managed the design and application of O ctober 2021 to 5% 5 Learners' voices were utilized as 91 to 100% of the identified learner- participants wer e involved in any of the 1. Attendance during school and
effective str ategies in utilizing learner's voice, June 2022 evidenced by application of ALL of the strategies within the rating period community activities/ programs/
such as feelings, views, and/or opinions to following str ategies: meetings
inform policy development and decision- a. involvement of learner s in programs or 2. Sample feedback/ insights/
making towar ds school improvement activities that focus on community welfar e suggestions/ opinions of learners
or support; regar ding school and community
b. active involvement of lear ner s in issues
meetings and planning sessions that 3. Report on School-initiated
r equire decision-making, such as but not pr ogr ams/projects/activities gear ed
limited to SIP Planning; towards listening to learners' voices
c. opportunity for a cour teous 4. Composition and
expr essionof their opinion/s about school accomplishment r eport of student
and/or community issues using any of or ganizations
tyhe folowing; school publications, fora,
school bulletin boar d, opinion box, other
r elated platforms for expression of
d. oppor tunity to par ticipate in surveys,
inter views or polls that concern their well-
e. organization of a functional school
student or pupil gover nment

4 Utilization of learners' voice was evident 81 to 90% of the identified learner- par ticipants were involved in any of the
through theofapplication
3 Utilization of 4 out
learners' voice wasofevident
the 5 strategies
71 to 80% within
of the the rating learner-
identified period par ticipants learners wer e involved in any of the
through identified
theof above
application of 3 out
2 Utilization learners' voice wasofevident
the 5 61
to 70% within
of the the rating learner-
identified period par ticipants were involved in any of the
through identified
theofapplication of 2 out
1 Utilization learners' voice wasofevident
the 5 51
to 60% within
of the the rating learner-
identified period par ticipants learners wer e involved in any of the
5% strategies
5 Responses theidentified
application of 1 out of the 5 Standar
strategies within the rating periodin the design of supplemental monitoring and
Managed the design of supplemental O ctober 2021 to from the school-based M&E d process was followed 1. Designation of school M&E team
monitor ing and evaluation tools following June 2022 Tstrategies
ool wer e identified
analyzed to make instructional evaluation tool/s: 2. Attendance and minutes of
standar d processes to promote learner and administr ative decisions leading to a. Objectives were clear ly expressed; monitor ing and evaluation
achievement learner s' pr ogr ess b. Directions for use wer e comprehensively explained; 3. Accomplished monitoring and
c. Persons involved and their specific r oles or terms of reference were laid out; evaluation tools
d. Timetable for its utilization was or ganized; 4. Catch- up plan/ ways for ward
e. Strategy for analysis and utilization of responses wer e logically defined

4 T he school-based M&E Tool was learner- F our of the standar ds were evident in the design of the supplemental monitoring
centered, i. e it highlights on continuous and evaluation tool/s
analysis of data involving their academic
progress and looks into learner profiles to
describe their non-academic needs

3 T he school-based M&E Tool was utilized T hr ee of the standards wer e evident in the design of the supplemental monitor ing
for SMEA following the SMEA pr ocess and evaluation tool/s

2 T he school-based M&E Tool was T wo of the standards wer e evident in the design of the supplemental monitor ing
conceptualized by an M&E Team that and evaluation tool/s
includes exter nal stakeholders

1 T he school-based M&E Tool was O nly one of the standards was evident in the design of the supplemental
conceptualized by an M&E Team monitoring and evaluation tool/s

2. Managing School Capacitated school personnel in managing O ctober 2021 to 4% 5 All the MO Vs wer e submitted complete and accurate: MOVs wer e uploaded/ submitted at 1. Designation of School LIS
Operations and school data and infor mation using technology, June 2022 1. Designation of School LIS Coordinator least 2 wor king days before the Coor dinator
Resour ces ( 35%) including ICT, to ensur e effective and efficient 2. School Memo on LIS concer ns deadline. 2. School Memo on LIS concerns
school operations 3. Certification from SDO planning office re EBEIS / LIS completion 3. Certification fr om SDO planning
4. Action Plan on school data management (collection, analysis, presentation and office re EBEIS / LIS completion,
utilization of the data) students' recor ds, SF 4, SF 5, SF 6
5. Accomplishment r epor t of the action plan 4. Action Plan on school data
6. For Secondary Schools, Cer itification from HRMO that G MIS (PSIPOP) has been management (collection, analysis,
updated pr esentation and utilization of the
5. Accomplishment report of the
action plan
4 Four (4) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate. MOVs wer e uploaded/ submitted 1 6. F or Secondary Schools,
working day befor e the due date. Cer itification fr om HRMO that G MIS
(PSIPOP) has been updated
3 Three (3) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate. MOVs wer e uploaded/ submitted on the
due date.
2 Two (2) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate. MOVs wer e uploaded/ submitted 1
working day after the due date.

1 One (1) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate. MOVs wer e uploaded/ submitted at
least 2 wor king days after the due date.

Exhibited efficient and effective pr actices in the O ctober 2021 to 9% 5 ( as of Dec 2021): All liquidation report/s were submitted at 1. Receiving Copy or T ransmittal of
management of finances consistently adher ing June 2022 At least 100% of the MOOE and other support funds were utilized and liquidated in least 2 wor king days before the due SIP, AIP, BE-LCP, W FP, PPMP;
to policies, guidelines, and issuances in adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. date. 2. Certification fr om the accounting
allocation, pr ocurement, disbur sement, and and budget office r egar ding
liquidation aligned to school plans. utilization and liquidation;
3. F inancial reports posted on the
4 91-99% of the MOO E and other support funds were utilized and liquidated in All liquidation report/s were submitted 1 transparency board (picture) as of
adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. working day befor e the due date. December 2021

3 81-90% of the MOO E and other support funds were utilized and liquidated in All liquidation report/s were submitted on
adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. the due date.

2 71-80% of the MOO E and other support funds were utilized and liquidated in All liquidation report/s were submitted 1
adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. working day after the due date.

1 70% and below of the MO OE and other suppor t funds were utilized and liquidated in All liquidation report/s were submitted at
adherence to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. least 2 wor king days after the due date.

O ctober 2021 to 5 ( as of June 30, 2022) : All liquidation report/s were submitted at 1. Receiving Copy or T ransmittal of
June 2022 At least 50% of the MOO E and other support funds were utilized and 100% were least 2 wor king days before the due SIP, AIP, BE-LCP, W FP, PPMP;
liquidated in adher ence to the accounting and auditing r ules and regulations. date. 2. Certification fr om the accounting
and budget office r egar ding
4 45-49% of the MOO E and other support funds were utilized and 100% were All liquidation report/s were submitted 1 utilization and liquidation;
3. F inancial reports posted on the
liquidated in adher ence to the accounting and auditing r ules and regulations. working day befor e the due date.
transparency board (picture) as of
June 2022
3 40-44% of the MOO E and other support funds were utilized and 100% were All liquidation report/s were submitted on
liquidated in adher ence to the accounting and auditing r ules and regulations. the due date.

2 35-39% of the MOO E and other support funds were utilized and 100% were All liquidation report/s were submitted 1
liquidated in adher ence to the accounting and auditing r ules and regulations. working day after the due date.

1 34% and below of the MO OE and other suppor t funds were utilized and 100% wer e All liquidation report/s were submitted at
liquidated in adher ence to the accounting and auditing r ules and regulations. least 2 wor king days after the due date.

O ctober 2021 to 9% 5 All report/s were submitted at least 2 Pre Auditing Tool
June 2022 At least 100% compliance to the auditing tool working days before the due date.

4 91-99% compliance to the auditing tool All report/s were submitted 1 wor king
day before the due date.

3 81-90% compliance to the auditing tool All report/s were submitted on the due

2 71-80% compliance to the auditing tool All report/s were submitted 1 wor king
day after the due date.

1 70% and below compliance to the auditing tool All report/s were submitted at least 2
working days after the due date.

Ensur ed establishment of shar ed accountability O ctober 2021 to 5% 5 F ive ( 5) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accur ate to ensure shared All report/s were submitted at least 2 1. Inventory Report of Movable
in managing school facilities and equipment in June 2022 accountability: working days before the due date. Pr operty;
adherence to policies, guidelines and a. Designation of supply officer/ property custodian, physical facilities coordinator, 2. PPEI (Property, Plant and
issuances on acquisition, recor ding, utilization, ICT coor dinator, school libr ar ian, BAC members/ inspection team and laboratory in- Equipment Inventory);
repair and maintenance, storage, and disposal char ge 3. PAR ( Pr operty Acknowledgement
b. School memo on managing school facilities and equipment Receipt);
c. Updated school inventory submitted to the SDO Supply Office; 4. NSBI ( National School Building
d. Report on r epair and maintenance of school facilities and other ancillary facilities Inventor y);
( Toilets, MRF s, Library etc.); 5. Deed of donations received;
e. List of donations received; 6. W aste Materials' Repor ts;
f. Acknowledgement r eceipts on issuance of supplies and equipment; 7. Approved request Letter for
g. Report on disposal of unserviceable equipment Condemnation ( if applicable);
8. ICS (Inventory Custodian Slip)

4 F our ( 4) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accurate to ensure shared All report/s were submitted 1 wor king
accountability. day before the due date.

3 T hr ee ( 3) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accur ate to ensure shared All report/s were submitted on the due
accountability. date.
2 T wo ( 2) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accur ate to ensure shared All report/s were submitted 1 wor king
accountability. day after the due date.

1 O ne ( 1) of the MOVs were submitted complete and accur ate to ensure shared All report/s were submitted at least 2
accountability. working days after the due date.

Ensur ed engagement of school personnel in O ctober 2021 to 3% 5 Management of school staff was evident Engagement was ensured among 91 to 100% of the school personnel within the 1. Consolidated teachers'
managing staff such as teaching load June 2022 as shown by the following mechanisms: r ating period schedule/assignment/classroom
distr ibution and grade level and subject a. pr ogr am;
assignment in adher ence to laws, policies, Consolidated teachers' 2. School F or m 7;
guidelines and issuances based on the needs schedule/assignment/classroom program; 3. School Memo on school
of the school b. activities;
School F or m 7; 4. Designation Memo (Ancillary
c. School assignment of teachers);
Memo on school activities 5. Minutes of Faculty meetings

d. Designation Memo ( Ancillary

assignment of teachers);
4 Four of the mechanisms were
e. Minutes of evident
Faculty Engagement was ensured among 81 to 90% of the school personnel within the
meetings r ating period
3 Three of the mechanisms were evident Engagement was ensured among 71 to 80% of the school personnel within the
r ating period
2 Two of the mechanisms were evident Engagement was ensured among 61 to 70% of the school personnel within the
r ating period
1 Only one of the mechanisms was evident Engagement was ensured among 51 to 60% of the school personnel within the
r ating period
Managed school safety for disaster O ctober 2021 to 5% 5 School safety to maintain continuous deliver y of instr uction was managed as evidenced by obtaining at least 630 of the 638 SSAT result with suppor ting photo
pr epar edness, mitigation and r esiliency to June 2022 indicators in the School Safety Assessment T ool documents
maintain continuous delivery of instruction in
4 School safety to maintain continuous deliver y of instr uction was managed as evidenced by obtaining at least 615 of the 638
collabor ation with the wider school community
indicators in the School Safety Assessment T ool
3 School safety to maintain continuous deliver y of instr uction was managed as evidenced by obtaining at least 600 of the 638
indicators in the School Safety Assessment T ool
2 School safety to maintain continuous deliver y of instr uction was managed as evidenced by obtaining at least 530 of the 638
indicators in the School Safety Assessment T ool
1 School safety to maintain continuous deliver y of instr uction was managed as evidenced by obtaining at least 500 of the 638
indicators in the School Safety Assessment T ool
3. Focusing on Managed teamwork in the conduct of review, O ctober 2021 to 5% 5 T he School Academic Review Board was All QA LRs were utilized in the delivery of lear ning within the rating per iod thr ough 1. Composition and Designation of
Teaching and contextualization, and implementation of June 2022 organized that facilitated the r eview, blended learning modality or the use of 3 or mor e learning delivery modalities the School Academic Review
Learning ( 25%) learning standards to make the cur riculum contextualization and implementation of 8 Board;
relevant for learners or more QA LRs in the school 2. List of Quality Assured LRs
validated by the ARB
3. Data of learners involved in
various learning delivery modalities
certified by the School Head and
photo documentation of utilization of
learning resour ces in various
learning delivery modalities
3. Focusing on Managed teamwork in the conduct of review, O ctober 2021 to 5% 1. Composition and Designation of
Teaching and contextualization, and implementation of June 2022 the School Academic Review
Learning ( 25%) learning standards to make the cur riculum Board;
relevant for learners 2. List of Quality Assured LRs
validated by the ARB
3. Data of learners involved in
various learning delivery modalities
4 T he School Academic Review Board was All QA LRs were utilized in learning delivery within the r ating period using two
certified by the School Head and
organized that facilitated the r eview, modalities
photo documentation of utilization of
contextualization, and implementation of 6
learning resour ces in various
to 7 QA LRs in the school
learning delivery modalities

3 T he School Academic Review Board was All QA LRs were utilized in learning delivery within the r ating period using only one
organized that facilitated the r eview, modality
contextualization, and implementation of 5
Q A LRs in the school

2 T he School Academic Review Board was Some of the QA LRs wer e utilized in learning deliver y within the rating period using
organized that facilitated the r eview, only one modality
contextualization, and implementation of 3
to 4 QA LRs in the school

1 T he School Academic Review Board was None of the QA LRs were utilized in learning delivery within the rating period
organized that facilitated the r eview,
contextualization, and implementation of 2
Q A LRs in the school

Ensur ed engagement of school personnel such O ctober 2021 to 5% 5 T ar gets wer e achieved based on MISP Conducted 2 classroom observations per teacher using the RPMS-CO T and 2 1. MISP;
as master teacher s, head teachers and June 2022 with LAC/SLAC session on best pr actices additional classr oom observations using other observation tools within the rating 2. Performance Monitor ing and
department heads in pr oviding Technical period with technical assistance Coaching Form;
Assistance to teachers on teaching standards 3. O bservation Notes/
and pedagogies within and across learning Accomplished CO T
4 T ar gets wer e achieved based on MISP Conducted 2 classroom observations per teacher using the RPMS-CO T and 1
ar eas to improve their teaching practice
with Technical Assistance/ Mentoring/ additional classr oom observation using other obser vation tools within the r ating
Coaching period with technical assistance

3 Targets were achieved based on MISP Conducted 2 classroom observations per teacher within the r ating period using the
RPMS- COT with technical assistance

2 Teacher were observed based on MISP Conducted 1 classroom observation per teacher within the rating period using the
RPMS- COT with technical assistance

1 MISP was prepared but no proof of Conducted 1 classroom observation per teacher within the rating period using the
implementation RPMS- COT without evidence of technical assistance

Managed engagement with the wider school O ctober 2021 to 5% 5 In collaboration with the school and 90% of the lear ner s obtained a G eneral Weighted Aver age of at least 80% within
1. Data on quarterly assessment
community in developing data-based June 2022 community stakeholders, analyzed data the rating period results for the SY certified by the
interventions to sustain learner- achievement were used to design interventions to School Head
and attain other performance indicators address learner-achievement gaps 2. Minutes of Meetings with School
Stakeholders to pr ove that
assessment r esults wer e discussed
4 Data on learner-achievement and other 85% to 89% of the learners obtained a Gener al Weighted Average of at least 80% and interventions for achievement
performance indicators were analyzed within the r ating period gaps wer e planned and
with the school stakeholders implemented;
3. Sample Integrative Performance
Tasks and Rubrics
3 Data on learner-achievement and other 80% to 84% of the learners obtained a Gener al Weighted Average of at least 80%
performance indicators were analyzed by within the r ating period
the School Head
2 Data on learner-achievement and other 75% to 79% of the learners obtained a Gener al Weighted Average of at least 80%
performance indicators were gather ed within the r ating period
and consolidated for analysis

1 Data on learner-achievement and other 74% and less of the learners obtained a General W eighted Average of at least
performance indicators were gather ed 80% within the rating period

Engaged the wider school community in O ctober 2021 to 5% 5 The school garnered a score of 35 and above in the validated Child Friendly School System survey form within the rating period 1. Accomplished Child friendly
maintaining a learner-friendly, inclusive and June 2022 School Survey validated by School
healthy learning environment CFSS Validating Team (PTA
4 The school garnered a score of 30-34 in the validated Child Friendly School System survey form within the rating period
Pr esident, SPG/SSG President,
School Nur se, Faculty President,
3 The school garnered a score of 25 - 29 in the validated Child Friendly School System survey form within the rating period Guidance Designate/ Guidance
2. Minutes of Meetings by the
2 The school garnered a score of 21- 24 in the validated Child Friendly School System survey form within the rating period
Validation team to prove evaluation
was done
1 The school garnered a score of 20 and below in the validated Child Friendly School System survey form within the rating period

Ensur ed that learner discipline policies O ctober 2021 to 5% 5 91% - 100% of the lear ner discipline policies developed with stakeholder s were integrated into various school pr ocesses and 1. Student Handbook/ CPC Intake
developed with stakeholders ar e integr ated into June 2022 applied by all school personnel at all times for ms
various school pr ocesses and are applied 2. Proofs of the integr ation of
consistently at all times, by all school personnel 4 81%-90% of the lear ner discipline policies developed with stakeholders were integrated into various school pr ocesses and learner discipline policies in school
at all levels applied by all school personnel at all times pr ocesses like: sample lesson
3 71%-80% of the lear ner discipline policies developed with stakeholders were integrated into various school pr ocesses and plans or W HLP; accomplishment
applied by all school personnel at all times repor t of PAPs
2 61%- 70% of the lear ner discipline policies developed with stakeholders were integrated into various school pr ocesses and
applied by all school personnel at all times
1 51%-60% of the lear ner discipline policies developed with stakeholders were integrated into various school pr ocesses and
applied by all school personnel at all times
4. Developing Self Managed the conduct of monitor ing and O ctober 2021 to 5% 5 50% of the total number of teachers Implemented the 4 phases of the RPMS as scheduled, with ALL of the following 1. SAT with development plan
and Others (10% ) evaluation with school personnel on the June 2022 attained a per for mance rating of 4.5 to 5.0 documents as evidence: (Phase 1) ;
implementation of performance management ( Outstanding) a. IPDP with SAT/e- SAT (Phase 1), 2. F illed-out coaching/mentoring
system to ensure car eer advancement for b. Filled- out coaching / mentoring forms - 1 per quarter (Phase 2) Coaching Forms, for ms- 1 per quarter ; Minutes of
individual school personnel and to impr ove c. Minutes of Mid- Year Review (Phase 2) , Mid-year Review (Phase 2)
office performance d. 3. Minutes of Year -End
Minutes of Year -End Review/ Evaluation (Phase 3) , Review/Evaluation; IPCRF with final
e. IPCRF with final r ating signed by the Ratee and Rater (Phase 3), rating signed by Ratee and Rater
f. IPDP/Any document of awarding done (Phase 4). (Phase 3) ;
4. Development plan and any
document of awarding done (Phase
4 50% of the total number of teachers Implemented the 4 phases of the RPMS as scheduled, with 5 of the above listed 4)
attained a per for mance rating of 3.5 to documents as evidence
4.499 (Ver y Satisfactory)

3 Implemented the 4 phases of the RPMS as scheduled, with 4 of the above listed
50% of the total number of teachers documents as evidence
attained an average r ating of 2.5 to 3.499
( Satisfactory)

2 Implemented the 4 phases of the RPMS as scheduled, with 3 of the above listed
50% of the total number of teachers
documents as evidence
attained a per for mance rating of 1.5 to
2.499 (Unsatisfactory)

1 50% of the total number of teachers Implemented the 4 phases of the RPMS as scheduled, with 2 of the above listed
attained a per for mance rating below documents as evidence
1.499 (Poor)
Managed fair and equal distribution of O ctober 2021 to 3% Capacity building or professional development oppor tunities wer e provided to both teaching and non-teaching per sonnel in 1. Sample Cer tificate as resource
capacity-building or professional development June 2022 the school within the rating period as evidenced by the following indicator s: speaker/ facilitator/ demostration
opportunities for individuals and teams to a. School personnel ser ved as resource speaker/facilitator/demostration teacher at the school/district/division/regional level teacher at the school/ district/
effectively perform leadership r oles and tr ainings or INSET s; division/ r egional level trainings;
responsibilities in fostering shared governance b. Recommended school personnel to serve as r esource speaker or facilitator at the district /division/r egional level trainings; 2. Recommendation letter ;
and accountability c. Designation of school personnel as school/district coor dinator of program committees; 3. Designation thr ough district/
d. School personnel were sent to higher level trainings (District, Division, Regional, National, or International levels); division memo;
e. Personnel attended scholarship pr ogr ams ( under Magna Carta, SIRIB, SEAMEO , DAP, other DepEd-authorized 4. Certificate of trainings;
scholar ships) ; 5. Certificate of participation to
f. Personnel enrolled/completed post-gr aduate courses; scholarship programs ( under Magna
g. Personnel were assigned as school O IC in the absence of the school Head; Car ta, SIRIB, Excels, others) ;
h. All per sonnel were given oppor tunities to ser ve as committee chair or vice chair persons of technical wor king or planning 6. Permit to study;
committees 7. Designation as OIC;
8. Designation as committee chair
or vice-chair

5 91% to 100% of the school personnel exper ienced any of the listed oppor tunities
6 of the indicators were met
within the r ating period
4 81% to 90% of the school personnel experienced any of the listed opportunities
5 of the indicators were met within the r ating period
3 71% to 80% of the school personnel experienced any of the listed opportunities
4 of the indicators were met
within the r ating period
2 61% to 70% of the school personnel experienced any of the listed opportunities
3 of the indicators were met
within the r ating period
1 51% to 60% of the school personnel experienced any of the listed opportunities
2 of the indicators were met within the r ating period

Worked with school personnel to encourage O ctober 2021 to 2% 5 Implemented 6 of the following indicators: 1. Composition of School PRAISE
stakeholders to support the implementation of June 2022 a. Or ganized school PRAISE committee; Committee;
the school rewards system in r ecognizing and b. Conducted school level search for best per for ming personnel; 2. School/ District memo
motivating learners, school personnel and c. Awarded deserving personnel; recommending school personnel for
other stakeholders to sustain exemplary d. Recommended school personnel for distr ict/division/regional level search and other sear ches; distr ict/ division/ regional level
per for mance and/or continued suppor t e. Recognized school stakeholder s for support; search and other sear ches;
f. Participated in the district/division level search for best performing school head/ best performing school; 3. Sample Cer tificate of recognition
g. Teacher/s received school/ district/ division/ r egional/ national/ international awards; of lear ner /s in the school/ district/
h. Non-teaching personnel received school/ distr ict/ division/ regional/ national/ inter national awar ds; division/ r egional/ national level
i. Learner/s received school/ district/ division/ regional/ national/ international awards competition;
4. Sample certificate of par ticipation
in the district/ division level search
4 Implemented 5 of the above-listed 91% to 100% of the school personnel and stakeholders participated in any of the or other sear ches for best
3 indicators
Implemented 4 of the above-listed listed
81% toopportunities within the
90% of the school rating per
personnel andiodstakeholder s participated in any of the per for ming school/ school head,
2 Implemented 3 of the above-listed listedtoopportunities
71% within the
80% of the school rating per
personnel andiodstakehollders participated in any of the 5. Sample certificate of recognition
indicators listedtoopportunities within the rating per given to stakeholders with photo
1 Implemented 2 of the above-listed 61% 70% of the school personnel andiodstakeholder s participated in any of the
indicators listed opportunities within the rating per iod
5. Building Engaged the wider school community in O ctober 2021 to 5% 5 Involved different stakeholders and Engaged at least 5 different stakeholders and/or partners in planning, 1. Action Plan per program/ pr oject
Connections (10%) pr omoting inclusive pr actices, such as gender June 2022 partners in the conduct of atleast five (5) implementation and evaluation of any 3 programs /projectsas enumerated engaging different stakeholders;
sensitivity, physical and mental health of the following programs/activities with 2. Accomplishment reports of the
awar eness and culture responsiveness, to complete MOVs: implementation of programs that
strengthen awareness, acceptance and 1. GAD seminar/activity pr omote inclusive practices;
respect 2. IPEd actvity 3. Evaluation r eports of the
3. Psychosocial Support pr ogr am/ project;
4. Home Visitation 4. Attendance of Stakeholder s
5. Homer oom Guidance Program dur ing the conduct of
6. Galaw Pilipinas activities/program.
7. Others (Please specify)

4 Involved different stakeholders and Engaged at most 4 differ ent stakeholder s and/or partners in planning,
partners in the conduct of four (4) of the implementation and evaluation of any 3 of the enumerated programs /projects
following programs/activities with
complete MOVs

3 Involved different stakeholders and Engaged at most 3 differ ent stakeholder s and/or partners in planning,
partners in the conduct of three (3) of the implementation and evaluation of any 3 of the enumerated Programs/ Projects.
following programs/activities with
complete MOVs
2 Involved different stakeholders and Engaged at most 2 differ ent stakeholder s and/or partners in planning,
partners in the conduct of two (2) of the implementation and evaluation of the enumerated Pr ogr ams/ Projects.
following programs/activities with
complete MOVs
1 Involved different stakeholders and Engaged at most 1 stakeholder and/or partner in planning, implementation and
partners in the conduct of one ( 1) of the evaluation of the enumerated Pr ograms/ Projects.
following programs/activities with
complete MOVs

Empower ed the community, such as par ents, O ctober 2021 to 5% 5 All the following were provided as pr oofs G ener ated 80,000 pesos or more (in Submitted accomplishment report one 1. Sample copy of accomplished
alumni, authorities, industries, and other June 2022 that empowered stakeholders par ticipated cash or kind) or 4 specific week after the implementation of the MO A,
stakeholders, to participate in addressing in addressing identified school needs: Learners/school/community needs were activity 2. Sample of signed Deed of
concerns on lear ner development, as well as a. Proof of stakeholder s' meeting (e.g., addressed through the involvement or donations/ acknowledgement
school and community improvement minutes of meetings with attendance participation of internal and external receipt,
sheet; proof of leader ship in the partners. 3. List of officers - PT A, SGC,
learner s’/par ents’ orientation, etc.) ( NOTED: Funds/ assistance received but SSG/SPG , Alumni Association,
b. Any form of communication to not requested must not be included) 4. List of donations,
stakeholders ( e.g., notice of meeting, 5. Attendance and pictorials dur ing
r equest letter s, resolution, ) mar ked ASPUAN de PARENT ES/IYAMAN
r eceived. documentation
c. Pr oof of implementation of an activity to
address school needs.
d. Proof of program/project Partnership of
LG U or Industr y Par tners that supports
the learners’ performance
( MO A)

4 3 of the above proofs were provided G ener ated 41,000- 79,999 pesos ( in Submitted accomplishment report two
3 2 of the above proofs were provided cash
G enerorated
kind) or 3 specific
20,000 - 40,999 pesos ( in weeks afteraccomplishment
Submitted the implementation of the
report three
2 1 of the above proofs were provided Learners/school/community
G enerorated
or 2than 20,000 needs
specific were
( in cash activity afteraccomplishment
or Submitted the implementation of the
report four
addressed through the involvement
learner/school/community needs wereor activity
1 None of the enumerated proofs was kind)
No or 1 specific
amount was generated nor weeks afteraccomplishment
specific Submitted the implementation of the
report more
addressed of internal
throught theand external
involvement or activity
provided Learners/school/community
Learners/school/community needs were
needs were than one month after the implementation
100% Over-all
partners. Rating
of internal
the or external or
addressed through the involvement or of the activity
*To get the score, the rating is multiplied by the weight assigned. partners. ofRating
participation internal and
and external
participation of internal

RATER: RATEE: Approving Authority:

CARMEL F. MERIS ___________________________ GLORIA B. BUYA-AO

CES, OIC - Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent School Principal Schools Division Superintendent
Enclosure 4. Part 3, Summary of Rating for Discussion


Final Performance Results Rating Adjectival Rating
Accomplishments of KRAs and Objectives

Rater - Ratee Agreement

The signatures below confirm that the employee and his/her superior have agreed on content of this appraisal form and the performance rating.

Name of Employee: Name of Superior:

(School Head) (OIC-ASDS)

_____________________________________ __________________________________
Signature Signature
Date: ____________________ Date: _____________________
NAME: : Rating Period: _______________________
Position, Division (Sample only)



Uses basic persuasion techniques in a discussion or presentation
Self-Management Teamwork e.g., staff mobilization, appeals to reason and/or emotions, uses
4 Sets personal goals and direction, needs, and development 4 Willingly does one’s responsibility 4 data and examples,
Persuades, convincesvisual aids
or influences others, in order to have a
4 Undertakes personal actions and behaviors that are clear and purposive and takes i 4 Promotes collaboration and removes barriers to teamwork and goal accomp 4 specific
“Sets impact
a good or a credible and respected leader; and
4 Displays emotional maturity and enthusiasm for and is challenged by higher goals 4 3 Applies negotiation principles in arriving at win-win agreements 3.8 4 Assumes a pivotal
demonstrates role behavior.
desired in promoting the development of an 4
Forwards personal, professional
inspiring, relevant vision and work unitand
for the organization needs and
4 Prioritize work tasks and schedules (through Gantt charts, checklists, etc.) to achie 4 Drives consensus and team ownership of decisions 4 interests
others to in an issue.
share ownership of DepEd goals, in order to create an
4 Sets high quality, challenging, realistic goals for self and others 4 Works constructively and collaboratively with others across organizations t 4 Makes specific changes
effective work environment in the performance management system
or in own work methods to improve performance (e.g. does
Professionalism and Ethics Service Orientation People Performance Management
something better, faster, at lower cost, more efficiently;
4 Demonstrates the values and behavior enshrined in the Norms of Conduct and Ethica 4 Can explain and articulate organizational directions, issues, and problems 4 improves
Sets quality, customer
performance standardssatisfaction, morale,
and measures revenues).
progress of
4 Practices ethical and professional behavior and conduct taking into account the impa 4 Takes personal responsibility for dealing with and/or correcting customer s 4 employees based on office and department targets.
4 Maintains a professional image: being trustworthy regularity of attendance and pu 4 4 Initiates activities that promote advocacy for men and women empowermen 4 4 Provides feedback and technical assistance such as coaching for performan 4
4 Makes personal sacrifices to meet the organization’s needs 4 Participates in updating of office vision, mission, mandates, and strategie 4 States performance expectations clearly and checks understanding and com
4 Acts with a sense of urgency and responsibility to meet the organization’s needs, i 4 Develops and adopts service improvement programs through simplified proce 4 Performs all the stages of result-based performance management system su
Result Focus Innovation People Development
Facilitatesthe skills and
workforce effectiveness
effectiveness of individuals
through coachingthrough
4 Achieve results with optimal use of time and resources most of the time 4 Examines the root cause of problems and suggests effective solutions. Fost 4 employing a range of development
motivating/developing people withinstrategies.
a work environment
4 Avoids rework, mistakes and wastage through effective work methods by placing or 4 Demonstrates an ability to think “beyond the box”. Continuously focuses on 4 Does
that long-termmutual
promotes coaching orand
trust training by arranging
appropriate andand implements
helpful learning
assignments, interventions
formal training, orto
4 Delivers error-free outputs most of the time by conforming to standard operating pro 4 4 Promotes a creative climate and inspires co-workers to develop original ide 4 4 meet identified
other trainingthe
experiences needs. 4
Cultivates a learningforenvironment
purposeby of structuring
supporting interactive
a person’s
4 Expresses a desire to do better and may express frustration at waste or inefficien 4 Translates creative thinking into tangible changes and solutions that improv 4 learning and such
experiences development.
as looking for future opportunities that
4 Makes specific changes in the system or in own work methods to improve performance. 4 Uses ingenious methods to accomplish responsibilities. Demonstrates resou 4 are in support of achieving individual career goals.


Core Behavioral Competencies 3.967

Core Skills 4

Overall Rating: 3.9835

Enclosure 5. Part 4, Development Plan


Action Plan (Recommended
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resource Needed
Self-Management Developmental Intervention)
Implementing efficiently existing and new
Teamwork Making specific changes in the
work systems to prioritize client
Service Orientation system or in own work methods to January to December 2022 Human, Material, Financial resources
Innovation satisfaction while adhering to existing
improve performance
Ensure standards and guidelines
that all phases of the RPMS
cycle are conducted within the time
Performing all stages of result- Planning
frame – January – Feb to June and
based performance management January to December 2022 Human, Material, Financial resources
August to October
Review – July (midyear); Nov (year-end)
Rewards/Recognition - December


Rater Ratee Approving Authority

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