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i to the teat, You are going 10 read an article about an English poet, William Wardsworth, For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A,B, C oF O) which you think fits bast sccaraing Mark your answers an the separate answer sheet Daffodils Everywhere gy oe hundred years ogo the finish poet Willian Wordsworth wrote T wanderd lonely as 8 owt poem that expeeees susie spit of ex English Romanticism. It was Thursday, 15° Ape 1802 William aod Dueothy Wordsworth, the poo's devoted, jauraal- ving sister, were walking home t» Dove Cottage inthe Lake District. The wind was fierce, but the Wordsworth siblings ete used to striding long distances in fot weather. They were in the woods clase to the waterside whea they fest elapped yes on a feld of daffodils Tutering and dancing in the breene What makes this poem an example of Romantic thinking? It {sn just that Wordsworth chooses to write about a natural roene: it the way he deseribes the seene as if it had! human emotions. For him, nature is not merely a neutral mixtare of seenery, colours plants, rocks, soil, waler and ale tis aliving {force that feels joy and sadness, shares human pain and even ‘tries to educate us human beings by showing us the Meaty of Me, ‘Woedsworth’s home, Dove Cottage, is now one of the mast ‘popular destinations in the Lake Distrtt, You ran gam a tue fof the garden which Wiliam planted with wild flowers and which survived in his backyard even after they disappeared from the avea, "He always said that if he bada’t been a poet, he ‘eaukd have been a terrific landscape gardener cays Allan King ‘ofthe Wordsworth ‘Trust, the organisation that looks after the cottage and gardeas. FOE Test 3 #) PAPER 1 Reading» Part + The Lake District in the north-west of England becomes particularly crowded during the summer months with tourists sind ramblers cages t-onjoy the region's majestic valleys, hills ‘and sparkling lakes: Wordsworth bimse was far from keen on tourists, which was quite apparent. He wanted outsiders to smire the local sights he enjaved sn muck, but was afraid the ilstset might be ‘damaged’ by too many visitors, He opposed the coming ofthe trains. and carapaigned in the 840s against 1 plan tolink the towns inthe anea ~ Kendal, Windermere and Keswick — by mil ‘The place near Ullswater, where Wordsworth san the dats, is at the southersmost end of the lake, The lake is ‘wide and enim at this turning point. There's a bay where the trees have hal thoir sil ecoed by lake water so that ther roots tare shockingly exposed. You walk along from tree to teee, ‘handly daring to breathe, because you are walking in. the footprints of William and Dorothy fromm two centuries ayo. The first clump of daffodils appear. but they aren‘ tal yellow ‘trumpets proudly swaying in the breese, They're tiny wikd slaffdils, most ot them sil green and unopened, in clumps of six or seven, Ther’re grouped around individ trees rather than collecting together. But as you look nacthy from beside a huge ancient oak, you realise this is what delighted the Wordsworths: clump ater ‘clamp of the things, spread out to left and right bet coming ‘together in your vision so that they form a beautiful, pa _yellow carpet. What you'reseeing at Lat is nature transformed by huinan sight sad imagination. Fos a secand, you share that revelation of Dorothy and Wiliam Wordsworth’ the glimpse of pantheisin, the central myitery af English Romanticism. 1 According to the article, Wardswarth's poem started the Romantic movernent, ‘was based on actual experience, was written while he was visiting his sister, ‘was written after ha had been lonely, coar 2 What was Wordsworth’s attitude to nature? ‘A. He believed nature had a charactar of its own, B He felt nature was human, He thought nature could talk ta people, He believed that we could influence nature. '3 We ate told that Dove Cottage has gardens designed by a landscape gardener. hhas very old plants in the garden. gets a lot of visitors. has a large backyard poe hat does ‘which’ in line 82 reler to? the number of tourists who come ta the Lake District Wordsworth’s desire for outsiders to admire the local sights ‘the fact that Wardsworth was keen on-tourists fram far away Wordsworth’s dislike of taurists pons z hat does the writer suggest by the words ‘hardly daving to breather line 432 You have to walk carefully here, ‘You can't breathe because the atmosphere is suffacating. You feel excited to be in this place, ‘You must concentrate to stay an the footpath, veer 6 In what way is the scone different from what Wordsworth described? A All the daffodils are green and small, 1B Thare are no dafiodils by the take. © The daffodits are fewer and smatier D Thara are na daffodits around trees. 7 The writer implies that the poem describes ‘exactly what Wordsworth saw in deta the effect the daffodils had on Wordsworth ‘vehat Wordsworth saw around an ancient oak, clumps of daffodils on the left and on the right voor ‘8 What does the writer think of Wordsworth asa poet? A He belioves Wordsworth was an important figur B Hei critical of Wordsworth. © Hebelieves Wordsworth was a sentimental person. D. He disagrees with Wordswarth’s opinion about nature in English culture FOE Test >) PAPER Reacing }+ Patt 4% a4 THE GREY GAMERS its ne form of social prejudice agalnst older people is the bie that they cannat comprehend or use modern technology. Activities like computer gars, surfing the Net and dbwnloading M3: are a prvilage of the youngster, Isn't it unfair that older people enjoying # computer game should be frowned upoa by their children and randichildsen? Besides, the population profile has changed. & In Britain, for instance, these are mare peorks over sty than there are under ssten, Nowadays elder people have more contol over their ives and they play afl pat in society, Moreover, better health care has left more people in their sixties and seventies feeling fit and active after retirement. FEL__] Paying computer games isa very etective vey of barcng the bri, When persanal computers were first introduced, most older pope ft ita by information technology and ait believe they would ever familiarise themselves with it, ‘Computers have been around for a few generations naw and retired people have gradually become tore eared about using them for ecestion. Games oes 6 prt playing pure ges and cid gan ha ‘Mahjong. Solitaire and Gin Rummy, Kate Stevens, aged 72, ‘says: 'T find it very relaxing. It's not very demanding, but ‘you still need to concentrate.’ Another development hat has Favouret “grey gamers as colder people who are keen on computer games are kn 5 FCE Test S Fr PAPER 4 Roading > Port 2 You are-qoing to read a newspaper article about okler people playing computer ‘games, Seven sentences have been removed from the amticie, Choose fram the sentences A-H the one which ffts each ga: 19-18). Thero is one extra sontonee ‘which you donot need to use, [Mark your answors on the separate answer sheet a change inthe type of videogames available on the market. Internet Chess and Tain Sipulator ave among the most popular ofthese. Train Simulator ts based on real-world ail activities, Players can choose from Soe en | despite unforeseen obstacles and using helper engines during a winter storm, @ ‘This coulde’t be further from the truth. Most Computer games require the kind of analytical thiking that impraves with practice, which means that the ‘grey gamers* may well be far better than opponents haf a century yaunger than them, Tn games where speed Is the main consideration, older people would be at a disadvantage because they may have slower reaction times. [il] Peter Brown, aged 76, says When we visit our grandehildren, we play games on the Internet like chess and Scrabble, If [try to make things easier for them, they realise itand get annoyed. They don't hhave a problem losing. But when we play their games, they just have to win: ‘The type of advertising uied by videogame manufacturers suggests that they are stil alming almost exclusively at teenagers. Game industries haven't yet woken wp to the fact that @ vast potential market exists aut there. [RS] I's time someone let the manufacturers into the secret. Because of thelr greater spending ability, “grey gamers" are better consumers than toenagers, and targeting them would be comparatively more profitable for the business. On the other hand, ‘grey gamers have @ preference for slawer paced, mind challenging gamas and would not mind being beaten by theit grardchitdran in a fast action game witty space invaders and extraterrestrial creatures, Mental activity, as well as physical exercise, can contribute to barter health, Some people argue that ‘grey gamers’ simply don't have the skills required for computer games, and that teenagers are infinitely better. ‘This is how the myth of the alder, computer-iitarate parson was created. weed and there are naw ns ago. In many western countries, life expectancy has incr far mare older people than there were a few generat Thece's a greater variety of choose from, including more intellectual and sophisticated strategy and simulation games. ‘Many experts were surprised when this study was published several years ago. PCE Test3 >) PAPER 1 Reading Py pax 2 45 Use of Endlich PAPER a Listening [Pettey ware seg favourite rooms. For questions may be chosen more than once. Mark your answars on the separate answer sheet. Which of the people decorated the room himself or hersel!? thas tats of pictures in this room? uses the room to practise a hobby? has memories connected with this room? has simple furniture in this room? dowsnt rearet investing money in this room? has pale colours in this room? dows nat havea carpet inthis raom? lives in the countryside? can s8@ a long way from the windows in this rao? lets a pet sloop in this room? has no curtains inthis room? fools depressed if the room is dark? was afraid this room would be the wrong size? has a musical instrument in this room? 16-30, choose from the people (A-D). The people ial MY FAVOURITE ROOM ‘A Bill Richman ‘The room | like best in our house is the kitchen, wich is big and spacious. This bs the place where we ail eongregate and I like to keep it clean and uncluttered, with just the basic hitchen table and chairs, really. We have people over for dinner quite often, and usually the evening ends with me ‘aking the guitar dewn from the hack above the table snc singing folk songs. There's something old-ashioned about peaple getting together inthe kitchen of abouse, and | really Tike that sociable atmosphere. We have bare floorboards for purely practical reasons — everyone tramps in and out with ‘muddy boots, 50 i's the only way to keep things clean! And Benny, our lush selter who has his bed in the back carner of ‘the room, makes quite a mess It is nice to feel the room fived in, 1 thin B Penny Holtwith (My bedroom is my favaurite room in our house. fen not 4 Sociable kind of person, and | enjoy being by mse. [ice to retreat t9 my room and paint. fm not really ant ‘ots, just ant arnateur, but i's very relaxing to do something creative | find. The view from my windwe ust cries out to-be painted, I can see right across the valley to the Welsh mountains inthe far distance. What ike mest about sy bedroom is the ight blue colour ‘of the walls, which gives it a nice, sity Feeling, F have Diinds a¢ the windows: to make the most of the ight ‘coming in. Light is such an important thing for me. | could never wake up in a room that's gloomy: My ‘mood is affected by how much Bght i coming in ‘through the blinds. Cloudy momings make me fee! miserable nee ci it Joyce Francis ‘Actually, 'd ay tho kving roorn in aur place is my fawourie room. I's got bright colour. and irs quito certored. The walls are covered with all sorts of portraits, posters ond landscapes because | do lore @ cheerful atmosphere. ‘Thats why I have lols of patted plants, some af which are ‘always lowering. This makes the room fee! clive. The house was a farmhouse originally, and we're sill surrounded by miles of open felds, When we converte i, wo knocked tho two small downstairs rooms together to create the living room. Actually, that wos quite a job because me hod te make sure ther remaving the wal inthe ‘mididle wouldn't weaken the strechre of the hovie, | was worried that our ving room might be 100 big 1a be cosy, ‘but now I'm convinced that we got it ight in the end. ideal for entertaining. and our friends love i. My husband ‘and! | fe in the local choir ond we have singing practice hore avery Manday evening. Fred Tyford | kaw it Sounds teriisly posh, but | have a study. and that's ofnitaly my favourite place. | remember miy grandfather ‘spending endiess haurs in his library, engrossed in his books. Ever since | mas a child, | wantedt0 have my own study (twas the dream of a lifetime, It took me hours ef hard work and a lat af money to convert the old storage 1ooin bite 8 study. | hhave hundreds af books, and the fist problem was getting bookshelves made and fitted, The custom-made bookshelves casta fortune, but | didn't mind at all, The study Is the place Where | feel ‘at home’, 1 sit there ¢very night from about ten a'clock for an hour, until i's time for bed. | Feel lucky because my wife and children respect my need to have some time to myself The only ther luxury tallow myself is. falriy good CO player, because | ike listening to classical music when I'm tuying to relax. | have to keep the volume turned down oF my teenage daughter complains she can’t hear her heavy metal masic property! HeemwieD bi moan maine sens a] ‘You must answer this question. 11 You recently mad a fong journey by coach, and you were not satisfied with the service. Rest! the advertisement, together with the notes you have made, and PAPERS. So@dking: ‘write a letter of complaint to the Regionat Manager of the company. You must use all your notes, PAPER'S Listening Coacu SERVICES Ifyou nett te travel om business or far pleasure, why aot take advontoge af our new express intercity servicer ‘coech old and dirty Fast, modem conches Friondly, helpful staff rude driver = Coach left 30 Ressonsble prices hedelp with minutes late! heavy Roliable, punctual service sultense! To Irtrduce our service, we are orig a. 25% reduction In faes wen you book enn! Simpptumn up at our Cy Centre Coach Station wth your esaralen umber and eta 25% ciscount ‘Kein ‘only of book Intercity Coaches: 4, Central Parade, Fel: 66 789 ene month ‘evince am in advance Write afettor of between 120 and 150 words in an appropriate style, Do not write any addresses. [t® PeeTeets ry Papen 2 werng >» mrt PAPER A Ustening PAPERS Speaking “Write an answer fo one of the questions 2-6 in this part, Write your answer in 120-180 words in an appropriate style. 2 You have saan this announcemant in. a magazine called Sports World Monthly. SPORTS WORLD MONTHLY What is your favourite sport? What kind of clothes and equipment do you need for this sport? Does this sport require any special qualities? We will publish the best article. Woite your article. 2 An auntand uncle of yours emigrated to America ton years ago and have not bboon back to your area since then. Write a latter to them describing the changes that have taken place in the neighbourhood, giving your opinion abaut these: changes. Write your letter, Oo not write any addresses. 4 The local drama society recently put on a play based on a popular children's book. You were in the frst night audience. The piay wes enthusiastically received by both adults and children. Write a review of the play for yaur class magazine. Compare the play to the book and say what made the play s0 successful and why it appealed to all age groups. Write your review. 5S Answer one of the follawing two questions based on your reading of one of the ot books. Either ta “A good book always conveys an important message’ Your teacher has aaked you to write an essay, giving your opinions cn thi statement with reference ta the book or one of the shart stories you have read Or (b) Your teacher has asked you to write an essay om the book which you have read in relation to this question: “A true work ef literature does not have characters that are simply collections of good or bad qualities ~ the characters are as complex and difficult to understand as real people.” See HH MARR ERG HSE Reaain wetting For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide wrhich answer (A, B, € or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). ‘Mark your answers om the separate answer sheet. Example: o A awaited B waited ‘Ceexpected D predicted PAPER 5 Speating VINYL ATTRACTION Nobody ever realty (0) ... my Unele Peter to make a tot of money. When he (1) . school, he dida"t have any plans for a future career, and he gat a job in Second-hand record shop that was supposed to be temporary, Peter's mothe | couldn't 2)... i. Her other two children had both (3) .... 10 get places at university, land she was quite (4) ... that a young person needed @ good educatian to get on in life, Ta (5) ..« things even worse, this was the time when records made of vinyl were | being phased out, and everyone wanted to buy CDs, It locked as though Uncle Peter would soon be lacking far (6)... somewhore else. And then, all of a 17)... , Uncle Peter's luck changed. He snnounced he was going to stan collecting records and set (8)... @ mail order business selling rare records. | have to admit that nobody really (8) .... him soriously at first. We just couldn't believe that old records would ever have any 110) .... again, Who would be interested in technology that's out of (11) .... ? Vinyl records have since became collectors’ (721 on a0 Unele Peter is naw a very rich man. 1 Acompleted ——_B cancluded Clett Dended 2 Reomeover take over C get over Dpass aver 3 Machiovos B succosdad accomplished — D:manage 4 Aconvinced ——B persuaded determined —D convicted S Aget B make bring Darive © Awork B job C career Dprotession T Ronce B moment © sudden D minute @ Aup Bout Cott D 9 Atook Bbolioved mnougnt Dewe 1 Aworth B price cost D valve 11 Atime B period C date Depoch 12 Aobjocts B items Cimings D possessions 50 FCETest 3 >> PAPERS Use of English ++ Pare 4 PapEs istening Speaking For questions 13-24, reat the taxt below and think oF the word which best fits each 8p. Use only one word in each gap. Thara is an example at the beginning (0) Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet Example: [0] WHO AGRICULTURE IN ANCIENT BRITAIN Professor Emma Thomas is an archasologist (0) sama. Specialises in the study of t Nealithic and Mesolithic periods. The Mesolithic poriod extended from 9,000 (9) se, 5,200 yewrs aga, and the Neolithic period came after that, lasting until about 2,500 BC. Human beings were living in Britain during ¢14) of these periods. Profassor Thomas and her colleegues have: bean involved (15) ..... the analysis of stone age skeletons to discover mara about (16) ........ Way Anéient Britons lived, ‘Studying bones can tell us (17)... grBat desl about aur ancestors,’ says Professor ‘Thomas. ‘We know for a fact that Mesolithic people ate a seafoad dist, while Neolithic People hed @ preference {48} ...... plants and animals. We are what we eat, and the ‘change from fish ta meat is recorded in the bones, ‘tis still mystery why people just gave (19) .....eating fish, One explanation might bbe the influence of migrants from Europe, (20) .. Britain. ‘Ancient Britons changed their dist afer the Europeans arrived,’ says Professor Thomas. “was a time of big changes, (21) wmmurm ancestors stopped hunting and started grawing crops. Farming methods (22) ..... Imported from Europe, People would no longer rety (23) ...... wild foods; they could contral what they ate and what they grew.’ This marked the beginning of agriculture (24) Britain eres FOR TeSt3>-PAPER Use of English» -Pat 2 54 For questions 25-34, read the text bolo. Use the word given ie capitals at the and! of each line to form a word that fits in the-gap in the same line, There is an example at the beginning (0). Write yaur answers IN GAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet, Example: [OT _ ANNOUNCEMENT Sailing away ‘One Sunday morning Aunt Emily made an (0) .. told us (25} that she was going ta take us an a cruise! | was surprised, knoveing hove (26) ou.» a holiday like that could be. We weren't a 27) ....... family, but we had put some 50 in the end we used some of our + She money aside over the yi (28) far the halla, When the day af our (29) ....... finally came, we were delighted and thrilled to see how huge and (30) ...... the ship looked, ‘Our eruise liner sailed elegantly out to $04 and our holiday began. But it was SUCH 8 (81) soon f There was so little to da on board. The (32) eu... almost drove us mad. We visited several ports, but we didn’t have the (33)... to-do what we wanted. We had to follow avery tight schedule of Quided tours and visits to museums, IN was a (34) holiday! FCE Test 3 ¥) PAPER 3. Use of English ¥» Parcs ANNOUNCE HAPPY EXPENSE WEALTH SAVE DEPART Luxury DISAPPOINT BORE FREE For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence go that it has a similar meaning to the first sontancs, using the word given. Bo not change the word given. You ‘must uso between two and five yrords, including the word given, Hara is an example (0) Example: 0 Ill be very happy when #99 on holiday. FORWARD tam. on halla, The gap can be filled by the words ‘looking forward to geing' so you wit LOOKING FORWARD TO GOING Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. 35° 'm sorry I'm late again,’ he said, APOLOGISED He a 36 She Icoks like my cousin Mary. REMINDS She 37 Ifyou have enough money for the tare, why not travel first class? AFFORD. you cesinaiee WHY MOE travel first Class? 38 Someone is going to redecorate the kitchen for us next month, HAVE We are going next month, 38. Could you speak up because | can't hesr you properly? MIND Would .... ip because fean't hear you properly? 40 My grandmother became deaf when she was about 60. SINCE My grandmother . she was about 60, 41 We advise customers to buy their ticksts ADVISED Customers... thoir tickete in advanes, 42 It's such 2 pity #didin't see that film on television tast night. ' that film on television fast night. FCE Test 5 +» PAPERS Uso oF English +» Para 53 ‘You will hear people talking in eight different situations. Far questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C), 1 You hear.a man talking about some seeds he has planted, When does he expect them to-grow? A June B May © April 2 You hear two friends reenembering the last time they met. What was the occasion? A abirthday party B aweaging © Christmas pany 2 You hear @ women talking about her favourite book, What kind of book is it? A alove story Ba fairy tale © a detective story 4 You hear two friends discussing t Which sport is it? A basketball B tennis © vollaybat! 5 You hear a shap assistant advising @ customs What is the customer lacking for? a B © apullaver 6 You hear a westher forecast om the radio. Where are violent storms expected? A. the south coast 1B the wost const © the east coast 7 You hear a boy talking about schoal, Which subject doss he like best? A Maths: Ban © History 8 You hear a travel agent tatking about a journey. What is the customer's final destination? A Houston B Naw Yark © Los Angeles FOE Test »> PAPER 4 Listening » Parc? an Eo You will hear part of a conversation betwoan the headmaster of a school and his secretary abaut the sehaol Open Day. For questions 8-18, complete the sentances. 8.30 am, 9.30, am 1030.a.m, 1230 pm, 1.30 p.m, 2.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m 4.09 pm. 4.30 p.m, “The Headmaster address statin the [ common room. Zac Challenger will arrive atthe [| 10) entrance Thore will be a guided tour of the | This will bo followed by the official opening efmenew [Sd [ET] block. Lunch will be servad in the canteen onthe a Challenger will moet renresentatives of the Parents’ Association in the sehool | | He will have a meeting with the in the staff room. There rill be speeches and an addrass by 16) The scheal choir will perform [ (5) [songs CT Bs You will hear fis different peopte talking about their favourite films. For questions, 18-23, choose from the fist (A-F} the reason each speaker gives far his or her praferencs, Use the letters only ence, There is one extra letter which you do nat eed to use, A itis very exciting, Spaaker 1 B itis very amusing, Spoakor 2 © It has high degree of realism. Speaker 3 D The special aftaets have s particular function. ‘Speaker 4 E The aeting is outstanding. Speskor 5 F Iris extremely romantic. For Test 5 a | a PAPER A UsenINGY Pa? 558] PAPER 1 Reading PAPER 2 Writing ‘You will hear part of a radio interview with a woman called Alice wha has a ra bility. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B ar C). PAPER 3. Use of Engtish 24 PAPER 5 Speaking 30 Alien deteribes her ability A cannecting emotions and words. Blinking colours and emations. © cannecting colours with words. We are told that Alice developed this cangition A because itis in her family. B when sho was a child, © whan che had children, When she was younger, alice and her brother A used ta think they ware gaing mad. B would argue about the colours connected with words. © saw the came colours for certain words Alice says that this ability A is directly associated with hor moods, B can make her feel depressed, © makes her feelings more intense, ‘What is the affect af her condition on Alice's reading? A itmakas har read more descriptians of eolours. B itcam encourage her to reread a sentence. C Itmakas har avoid sentences with bright descriptions, Ann foots that having this condition A. is very unpleasant at times. Bis generally not 8 problem. © 4s not pleasant at all, on the whole. Doctors used to believe that this condition A. made people insane. B only affected the insane, ‘C indicated the person was going mad. [B8Poe Tests PAPE stoning» part Part + (3 minutes) ‘The examiner tinte/locitor) will ask each of you to speak briefly in turn and to give personal information about yoursolvas. You ean expats variety of questions, such as When did you start learning English? In avhat ways do you think English is going to be usetut for you? Do you have any plans for a future carver? ‘Will you be abie 10 use foreign languages in the career you chooss? Part 2 1a minutes ‘You will each be asked to talk for & minute without interruption, You will each be ivan two different photographs in turn to talk about, Alter your partner has finished speaking, you will be asked a brief question connected with your partner's photographs, Meals (compare, contrast and speculate) Turn to pictures 1 and 2 on page 144. which show people having different sarts of meats. Candidate A, compare and cantrast these phatagraphs, and say how you think the people feal in these two situations. You havea minute to-do this, ‘Candidate B, whieh of those meals would you esioy most? Cars (compare, contrast and speculate) ‘Turn to pictures 1 and 2.0n page 145 -which show different cars. ‘Candidate 8, compare and contrast these photographs, and say how you think it ‘would feel t0 travel in each of thesa vehicles. You have a minute to dat Candidate A, do you enjoy travelling by car? Part 3 (5 minutes) ‘You will be asked to discuss something tagether without interruption by the examiner. You will hava a shoot of pictures with questions to help you. ‘Outdoor activities (discuss and evaluated ‘Turn to tho pictures on page 146 which show diffarent types of outdoor activities, ‘You are in charge of a group of teenagers on holiday, and you have to chaose two setivites for ther. Talk to each ather about the advantages and disadvantages of each of these etivities in this situation, Then decide which two activities should be chosen. Part 4 14 minutes) ‘The examinor will encourage you to develop the topic of your discussion in Part 3 by asking questions such Do you prefer team sports or individual sports? Why? ‘Wnt skills de team sports require? Why? Why sa you think some people are good at sports and others aren't? FCE Test 3 >» PAPERS Speaking 57 fis >) PART 2 Candidate A Language bank The firm picture shows.» man in a Ault and tie sitting In a restaurant. The restaurant looks Quite expensive. There's frutt Juice, jam and coffee on the Table, 40 he must be having browkfont How do the people feel in these situations? In the second photograph tome poopie are having 1 pienic. They fre sitting on @ rug or blanket Of the grans. think I's ‘mother and father and their two. children, a boy and a girl aged about $, 'd say: My impression Is that they're having lunen, {think the man in the first picture looks relaxed, while the People in the bottom picture are really having fun, Porsonally, | wouldn't like to'be posh restaurant because twouldn't fee! relaxed. enjoy being in the countryside. 20 I'd rather have a meal oudoors like the people in the second photograph, ‘24 Pee re maar ePaper is PART 2 Candictate ® How would it feel to travel in these vehicles? In the first picture a man i Oriving a convertible sports cay, land there's 4 woman to the paxsunger soat. The car seme ta ba coming towards the camera at high speed. Mt fooks ke very axpenaive car The car inthe second picture ts ‘tad and could be a vintage car. ‘As loth frst pictur ‘driving and a woman i in the passenger seat, The car appears to be in excellent condition. | think it would be exciting to drive bath of thase cars. 1 gat the foeiing both cars can-go very fast. | aften fool nervous if Fomaone drives fast, but | like travelling by ear. Ie like to learn to drive as soon as possible, Having & driving licence gives you a feeling of freedom and independence Matin aici reper® 45) ies by PART 3 Candidates A and B Language bank What do you think are the advantages of this sport? Do ‘you think this activity would be ‘young trenagers? port have any isadvantages in this situation? Vd nay go-karting in exciting, but would take a Tana tithe to earn, On the one hand, climbing can be vary satislying. but some of the toonagers might find it terribly borin, | think teenagers would love ing. which és very good fun and less dangerous than climbing, wre have to-choose two of these activities, od suggest sailing and cycling. Would you agree with me on that? Don’t vou think the children would learn a iot from these activities? | think they would, too. 1 seems that we don't agree on this, because you believe climbing would be a suitable choice here, and | don't share thot view, 406 FCE Teste nateriate tor Paper S

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