Republic of The Philippines Department of Education Region VII-Central Visayas Division of Bais City Bais City National Science High School

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII- Central Visayas
Division of Bais City
Bais City National Science High School

Garlic (Allium Sativum) Extract and Cucumber (Cucumus Sativus) Extract mixed
with Lemon (Citrus) Zest as Mosquito repellent Spray

A Science Investigatory Project

Lance V. Aguiwas
Glenn Paul G. Catacutan
Gem Kyla Mae C. Samillano


Research Adviser


People nowadays suffer from dengue caused by mosquitoes. Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral
infection causing a severe flu-like illness and sometimes causing a potentially lethal
complication. The goal of this study is to formulate an affordable and environment friendly
repellent spray that repels mosquitoes. To test the effectiveness, the researchers cultured
mosquitoes and placed the mosquitoes in a box. For the preparation of the lemon zest it will be
grated. For the extraction of garlic, the garlic will be peeled, grated, will be placed on a cheese
cloth, and will be squeezed. Lastly for the extraction of cucumber juice, the garlic will be peeled,
grated, will be placed on a cheese cloth and will be squeezed. All the formulations has the same
volume with its constant variables, but for the independent variable, it has different volumes. For
the first formulation it as 20 ml garlic extract, the second has 25 ml garlic extract and the third
has 30 ml garlic extract. Results showed that formulation 3 which had 3 trials had the most
mosquitoes killed. Therefore we can conclude it is effective.


Title Page …………………………………………………………………………………..…….1

Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………..............2

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………...………...3

Introduction …………………………………………………………………….………..………5


A.1 Rationale……………………………………………………………………...………5

A.2 Goals/Expected Outcomes/Hypothesis……………………………………….............6


B.1 Research Design………………………………………………………………...........6

B.2 Flowchart of the General Procedure…………………………………..……………...7

B.3 General Procedure

B.3.I Gathering of Materials and Equipment……………………………..………9

B.3.II Preparation of Materials and Equipment……………………….………....10

B.3.IIIExtracting the Garlic………………………………………….…...…..….10

B.3.IV Extracting the cucumber ……………………………………………..….10

B.3.V Culturing the Mosquitoes……………………………………...………….11

B.3.VI Testing the effectiveness of garlic and cucmber extract mixed with lemon

B.3.VII Risk Assessment and Proper Disposal……………………………........12

B.3.VIII Statistical Analysis


C. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION…………………………………………………...…..........13

D. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………......…….14

E. RECOMMENDATION………………………………………………………..…...…...…..15

F. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………………..….………...15

G. BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………..………..…..15



Mosquito repellent spray is a substance intended to keep mosquitoes away, thereby restrain them
from biting humans and feeding human. Mosquito repellent sprays are the exact opposite of the
insecticides, since insecticides are used to kill insects. The organic mosquito repellent spray is
cost-effective and not harmful to humans. Most of the people are not aware that commercialized
mosquito spray has many harmful chemicals, like carbaryl, it is moderately to very toxic, it can
produce adverse effects in humans by skin contact, imitation or ingestion.

Bais City is prone to Dengue Fever and it is also included in the list of top 10 local government
units with high number of dengue cases with a percentage of 8.2, researchers realized that we
must invent a product that is not only to prevent mosquitoes that causes dengue but also doesn’t
have any hazardous chemicals which is not only good for us but also good for the environment.
This study has not yet been discovered. There are many commercialized mosquito spray but our
invention differs from their product because our invention is less expensive, organic, and eco-

Using garlic extract and cucumber extract mixed with lemon zest promotes an organic product
that repels mosquitoes. Mosquitoes avoid the scent of garlic. According to Patrick Parker, Garlic
can be used to repel a variety of crawling and flying insects, including mosquitoes. Garlic bulbs
contain an amino acid that converts to a substance called allicin when crushed, blended or
chopped. The characteristics odor released as a result this process has powerful properties. When
garlic extract is absorbed by a plant, biochemical changes take place in its foliage which cause it
to actively repel insects. For cucumber, it is made up to 95% water and it also has a natural
insecticidal property. Flies or mosquitoes famously hate the smell of cucumbers. Cucumbers
have botanical pesticides which are derived from plants and minerals, that have naturally
occurring defensive properties. There’s a reason why most insects repellants have a lemon scent
and that’s because for some reason mosquitoes don’t like it. Lemon contains the compound D-
limonene. This compound has been discovered to be effective at chasing away mosquitoes and
some other insects. It is often found in citrus essential oils and is surprisingly easy to make.

A.2 Goals/Expected Outcomes/Hypothesis


 To produce an organic mosquito repellent spray made from garlic, cucumber and lemon.

 The goal of this study is to make an organic mosquito repellent that does not have any

harmful chemicals that can cause bad effect in our health

Expected Outcomes

 At the end of the study, it is expected that the repellent spray will not kill but repel



There is no significant difference between formulation 1 and formulation 2 in its effectiveness to

repel mosquitoes.


A. Research Procedure

Location and Duration of the Study

This study was conducted at the researcher’s residence located at Sitio San Jose,

Bais City. This study was conducted from November 19 to February 25,2020.

B.1 Research Design

Two group design will be used in this study. The researchers will determine and compare the 3

formulations in terms of its effectiveness and its scent . This study will have 3 formulations with

3 trials each. In determining the quality of the product, the researchers will evaluate the scent and

the effectiveness.

B.3 General Procedure

B.3.I Gathering of Materials and Equipment

The following are the materials that are used in this study: 3 pieces of lemons, ¼ kilos

of garlic and 3 pieces of cucumber. The following are the equipment that are used in this study:

grater, knife, spoon, container, cheese cloth, blender strainer and a bowl are found at the

researcher’s residence.

B.3.II Preparation of Materials and Equipment

Preparation of Lemon (Citrus) Zest

The 3 pieces of lemons that was purchased at Bais City Satellite Market will be

washed, then the lemons was be peeled, then afterwards the lemon peel was grated and was put

in the bowl.

B.3.III.Extracting the Garlic (Allium Sativum)

The ¼ kilos of garlic that was purchased at, then the garlic will be grated, then will be

placed on the cheese cloth, then will be squeezed to extract the garlic.

B.3.IV. Extracting the Cucumber (Cucumus Sativus)

The 3 pieces of cucumbers was purchased at Satellite Market Bais City, the cucumbers

were peeled , grated, and placed it on a cheese cloth and squeezed it to get the extract.

B.3.V Culturing the mosquitoes


The researchers found a place that has numerous amount of mosquito larvae and they

collect the larvae and placed it on a 1.5 bottle and leave it for several days to produce a fully

grown mosquitoes, and the mosquitoes are intended for testing the product.

B.3.VI. Testing the Effectiveness of Garlic Extract and Cucumber Extract mixed with

Lemon Zest

The researchers gathered all the fully grown mosquitoes and placed it on different boxes to

test the effectiveness o the product..

B.3.VII. Risk Assessment and Proper Disposal

After testing all the formulations, the researchers properly cleaned all the materials used in

the study. The researchers make sure that they disposed the materials that are used in conducting

the experiment.

B.3.VIII Statistical Analysis Tool

The data of the study was recorded and analyzed using the following statistical tools:

 Two way Anova



C.1 Testing the Repelling Property of the Formulated Mosquito Repellent Spray

within 5 Minutes

The table shows that the formulation 3 has the most numbers of repelled mosquitoes

with the number of 6 , that is why this formulation is effective to use compared to the other


Table 1.

F1 F2 F3
Trial 1 0 2 3
Trial 2 0 1 1
Trial 3 1 2 2

C.2 Testing the Repelling Property of the Formulated Mosquito Repellent Spray within 10


Table 2 shows that the 2nd formulation was also effective since it has 5 total number of

repelled mosquitoes and if you compare it to the 3rd formulation it still has a high number of

mosquitoes killed and it is also effective.

Table 2.

F1 F2 F3
Trial 1 1 1 2
Trial 2 0 3 3
Trial 3 1 1 2

C.2 Testing the Repelling Property of the Formulated Mosquito Repellent Spray within 15


Table 3 shows that the 1st formulation is not that effective, since it has a very small amount of

killed mosquitoes, it also had a very small total number of killed mosquitoes which was 4. So

the researchers conclude that this formulation is not that effective but still can repel.

Table 3.

F1 F2 F3
Trial 1 1 2 3
Trial 2 2 1 2
Trial 3 1 3 3





The researcher would like to express their gratitude toward their parents for their
cooperation and encouragement which helped the researchers to accomplish their task. The

researchers are thankful for their classmates and schoolmates who had helped them in terms of
the research needs. The researchers would also thank their research adviser, Sir Carmelo A.
Jamito Jr., for giving advice and guidance to the researcher while making his project, for giving a
never ending support, for helping us to strive hard and work hard. The researchers would like to
say thanks to our God for giving the research strength, determination, eagerness, and desire to
make and finish their study.


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